

  • What is polecat? polecat is wine manager

  • Why? I'm not satified with the quality of lutris and how its maintained. It feels like almost every week there is a regression or other problem caused by not enough testing and sanity checking being done. A week before I made polecat I fed up with Lutris constantly breaking on me and having to wait for a fix to land on the master branch I looked up how lutris fetched wine and DXVK versions and implemented them in C with libcurl to download stuff, json-c to parse the API (and later a config file) and libarchive to unpack the downloaded archives for wine and DXVK.

  • Why should I use polecat instead of XYZ? You probably shouldn't. Polecat is intended to be used by power-users that know how to deal with wine willing to troubleshoot when shit goes down.

  • What about installers/other lutris features lutris support is planned to be added but there is a lot to deal with that is easier to do in a higher level language like Python.


polecat depends on:

  • libcurl
  • json-c
  • libarchive
  • cmake


polecat is licensed under MIT so feel free to do what you want with it