path: root/plugins
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins')
1 files changed, 72 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/language_tsx.lua b/plugins/language_tsx.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9dd93ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/language_tsx.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+-- mod-version:1 -- lite-xl 1.16
+-- Almost identical to JS, with the exception that / shouldn't denote a regex. Current JS syntax highlighter will highlight half the document due to closing tags.
+local syntax = require "core.syntax"
+syntax.add {
+ files = { "%.tsx$" },
+ comment = "//",
+ patterns = {
+ { pattern = "//.-\n", type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = { "/%*", "%*/" }, type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = { '"', '"', '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = { "'", "'", '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = { "`", "`", '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = "0x[%da-fA-F]+", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?%d+[%d%.eE]*", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?%.?%d+", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "[%+%-=/%*%^%%<>!~|&]", type = "operator" },
+ { pattern = "interface%s()[%a_][%w_]*", type = {"keyword", "keyword2"} },
+ { pattern = "type%s()[%a_][%w_]*", type = {"keyword", "keyword2"} },
+ { pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*%f[(]", type = "function" },
+ { pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*", type = "symbol" },
+ },
+ symbols = {
+ ["async"] = "keyword",
+ ["await"] = "keyword",
+ ["break"] = "keyword",
+ ["case"] = "keyword",
+ ["catch"] = "keyword",
+ ["class"] = "keyword",
+ ["const"] = "keyword",
+ ["continue"] = "keyword",
+ ["debugger"] = "keyword",
+ ["default"] = "keyword",
+ ["delete"] = "keyword",
+ ["do"] = "keyword",
+ ["else"] = "keyword",
+ ["export"] = "keyword",
+ ["extends"] = "keyword",
+ ["finally"] = "keyword",
+ ["for"] = "keyword",
+ ["function"] = "keyword",
+ ["get"] = "keyword",
+ ["if"] = "keyword",
+ ["import"] = "keyword",
+ ["implements"] = "keyword",
+ ["in"] = "keyword",
+ ["instanceof"] = "keyword",
+ ["let"] = "keyword",
+ ["new"] = "keyword",
+ ["return"] = "keyword",
+ ["set"] = "keyword",
+ ["static"] = "keyword",
+ ["super"] = "keyword",
+ ["switch"] = "keyword",
+ ["throw"] = "keyword",
+ ["try"] = "keyword",
+ ["typeof"] = "keyword",
+ ["var"] = "keyword",
+ ["void"] = "keyword",
+ ["while"] = "keyword",
+ ["with"] = "keyword",
+ ["yield"] = "keyword",
+ ["true"] = "literal",
+ ["false"] = "literal",
+ ["null"] = "literal",
+ ["undefined"] = "literal",
+ ["arguments"] = "keyword2",
+ ["Infinity"] = "keyword2",
+ ["NaN"] = "keyword2",
+ ["this"] = "keyword2",
+ },