path: root/plugins
diff options
authorGuldoman <giulio.lettieri@gmail.com>2022-06-09 12:39:08 +0200
committerGuldoman <giulio.lettieri@gmail.com>2022-06-09 13:29:38 +0200
commit9a391a88a3e7e7d85188dd6cd5ac64695df7ae06 (patch)
tree304d703efa7d7952ab92fb62c9cac8401cf1fe1e /plugins
parent6944dadb1041ee8323ccbf68c40770299f67ae35 (diff)
`minimap`: performance improvements (cache, merge, avoid splitting)
Add a cache for the rects. This greatly improves performance, but poses cache invalidation problems. For example changing color scheme doesn't invalidate the cache. Merge touching rects with the same color. Add option to specify minimum number of spaces needed to split a token.
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins')
1 files changed, 156 insertions, 68 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/minimap.lua b/plugins/minimap.lua
index 7c4ddab..6a89b4d 100644
--- a/plugins/minimap.lua
+++ b/plugins/minimap.lua
@@ -5,8 +5,23 @@ local common = require "core.common"
local config = require "core.config"
local style = require "core.style"
local DocView = require "core.docview"
+local Highlighter = require "core.doc.highlighter"
local Object = require "core.object"
+-- cache for the location of the rects for each Doc
+local highlighter_cache
+local function reset_cache()
+ highlighter_cache = setmetatable({}, { __mode = "k" })
+-- minimap status per DocView
+local per_docview
+local function reset_per_docview()
+ per_docview = setmetatable({}, { __mode = "k" })
-- Sample configurations:
-- full width:
-- config.plugins.minimap.highlight_width = 100
@@ -27,6 +42,8 @@ config.plugins.minimap = common.merge({
instant_scroll = false,
syntax_highlight = true,
scale = 1,
+ -- number of spaces needed to split a token
+ spaces_to_split = 2,
-- hide on small docs (can be true, false or min number of lines)
avoid_small_docs = false,
-- how many spaces one tab is equivalent to
@@ -71,7 +88,11 @@ config.plugins.minimap = common.merge({
description = "Disable to improve performance.",
path = "syntax_highlight",
type = "toggle",
- default = true
+ default = true,
+ on_apply = function(value)
+ config.plugins.minimap.syntax_highlight = value
+ reset_cache()
+ end
label = "Scale",
@@ -84,6 +105,18 @@ config.plugins.minimap = common.merge({
step = 0.1
+ label = "Spaces to split",
+ description = "Number of spaces needed to split a token.",
+ path = "spaces_to_split",
+ type = "number",
+ default = 2,
+ min = 1,
+ on_apply = function(value)
+ config.plugins.minimap.spaces_to_split = value
+ reset_cache()
+ end
+ },
+ {
label = "Hide for small Docs",
description = "Hide the minimap when a Doc is small enough.",
path = "avoid_small_docs",
@@ -182,6 +215,35 @@ local char_height = 1 * SCALE * config.plugins.minimap.scale
local char_spacing = 0.8 * SCALE * config.plugins.minimap.scale
local line_spacing = 2 * SCALE * config.plugins.minimap.scale
+-- Remove changed lines from the cache
+local prev_tokenize_line = Highlighter.tokenize_line
+function Highlighter:tokenize_line(idx, state, ...)
+ local res = prev_tokenize_line(self, idx, state, ...)
+ if not highlighter_cache[self] then
+ highlighter_cache[self] = {}
+ end
+ highlighter_cache[self][idx] = nil
+ return res
+-- Ask the Highlighter to retokenize the lines we have in cache
+local prev_invalidate = Highlighter.invalidate
+function Highlighter:invalidate(idx, ...)
+ local cache = highlighter_cache[self]
+ if cache then
+ self.max_wanted_line = math.max(self.max_wanted_line, #cache)
+ end
+ return prev_invalidate(self, idx, ...)
+-- Remove cache on Highlighter reset (for example on syntax change)
+local prev_soft_reset = Highlighter.soft_reset
+function Highlighter:soft_reset(...)
+ prev_soft_reset(self, ...)
+ highlighter_cache[self] = {}
local MiniMap = Object:extend()
function MiniMap:new()
@@ -192,7 +254,6 @@ function MiniMap:line_highlight_color(line_index)
local minimap = MiniMap()
-local per_docview = setmetatable({}, { __mode = "k" })
local function show_minimap(docview)
if not docview:is(DocView) then return false end
@@ -426,22 +487,46 @@ DocView.draw_scrollbar = function(self)
-- we try to "batch" characters so that they can be rendered as just one rectangle instead of one for each.
local batch_width = 0
local batch_start = x
+ local last_batch_end = -1
local minimap_cutoff_x = x + config.plugins.minimap.width * SCALE
local batch_syntax_type = nil
- local function flush_batch(type)
- local old_color = color
- color = style.syntax[batch_syntax_type]
- if config.plugins.minimap.syntax_highlight and color ~= nil then
- -- fetch and dim colors
- color = {color[1], color[2], color[3], color[4] * 0.5}
- else
- color = old_color
- end
+ local function flush_batch(type, cache)
if batch_width > 0 then
- renderer.draw_rect(batch_start, line_y, batch_width, char_height, color)
+ local lastidx = #cache
+ local old_color = color
+ color = style.syntax[type]
+ if config.plugins.minimap.syntax_highlight and color ~= nil then
+ -- fetch and dim colors
+ color = {color[1], color[2], color[3], color[4] * 0.5}
+ else
+ color = old_color
+ end
+ if #cache >= 3 then
+ local last_color = cache[lastidx]
+ if
+ last_batch_end == batch_start -- no space skipped
+ and (
+ batch_syntax_type == type -- and same syntax
+ or ( -- or same color
+ last_color[1] == color[1]
+ and last_color[2] == color[2]
+ and last_color[3] == color[3]
+ and last_color[4] == color[4]
+ )
+ )
+ then
+ batch_start = cache[lastidx - 2]
+ batch_width = cache[lastidx - 1] + batch_width
+ lastidx = lastidx - 3
+ end
+ end
+ cache[lastidx + 1] = batch_start
+ cache[lastidx + 2] = batch_width
+ cache[lastidx + 3] = color
batch_syntax_type = type
batch_start = batch_start + batch_width
+ last_batch_end = batch_start
batch_width = 0
@@ -460,73 +545,75 @@ DocView.draw_scrollbar = function(self)
local endidx = minimap_start_line + max_minmap_lines
endidx = math.min(endidx, line_count)
- -- render lines with syntax highlighting
- if config.plugins.minimap.syntax_highlight then
- -- keep track of the highlight type, since this needs to break batches as well
- batch_syntax_type = nil
- -- per line
- for idx = minimap_start_line, endidx do
- batch_syntax_type = nil
- batch_start = x + gutter_width
- batch_width = 0
+ if not highlighter_cache[self.doc.highlighter] then
+ highlighter_cache[self.doc.highlighter] = {}
+ end
- render_highlight(idx, line_y)
+ -- per line
+ for idx = minimap_start_line, endidx do
+ batch_syntax_type = nil
+ batch_start = 0
+ batch_width = 0
+ last_batch_end = -1
+ render_highlight(idx, line_y)
+ local cache = highlighter_cache[self.doc.highlighter][idx]
+ if not highlighter_cache[self.doc.highlighter][idx] then -- need to cache
+ highlighter_cache[self.doc.highlighter][idx] = {}
+ cache = highlighter_cache[self.doc.highlighter][idx]
-- per token
for _, type, text in self.doc.highlighter:each_token(idx) do
- -- flush prev batch
- if not batch_syntax_type then batch_syntax_type = type end
- if batch_syntax_type ~= type then flush_batch(type) end
- -- per character
- for char in common.utf8_chars(text) do
- if char == " " or char == "\n" then
- flush_batch(type)
- batch_start = batch_start + char_spacing
- elseif char == " " then
- flush_batch(type)
- batch_start = batch_start + (char_spacing * config.plugins.minimap.tab_width)
- elseif batch_start + batch_width > minimap_cutoff_x then
- flush_batch(type)
+ if not config.plugins.minimap.syntax_highlight then
+ type = nil
+ end
+ local start = 1
+ while true do
+ -- find text followed spaces followed by newline
+ local s, e, w, eol = string.ufind(text, "[^%s]*()[ \t]*()\n?", start)
+ if not s then break end
+ local nchars = w - s
+ start = e + 1
+ batch_width = batch_width + char_spacing * nchars
+ local nspaces = 0
+ for i=w,e do
+ local whitespace = string.sub(text, i, i)
+ if whitespace == "\t" then
+ nspaces = nspaces + config.plugins.minimap.tab_width
+ elseif whitespace == " " then
+ nspaces = nspaces + 1
+ end
+ end
+ -- not enough spaces; consider them part of the batch
+ if nspaces < config.plugins.minimap.spaces_to_split then
+ batch_width = batch_width + nspaces * char_spacing
+ end
+ -- line has ended or no more space in the minimap;
+ -- we can go to the next line
+ if eol <= w or batch_start + batch_width > minimap_cutoff_x then
+ if batch_width > 0 then
+ flush_batch(type, cache)
+ end
- else
- batch_width = batch_width + char_spacing
+ -- enough spaces to split the batch
+ if nspaces >= config.plugins.minimap.spaces_to_split then
+ flush_batch(type, cache)
+ batch_start = batch_start + nspaces * char_spacing
+ end
- flush_batch(nil)
- line_y = line_y + line_spacing
- else -- render lines without syntax highlighting
- for idx = minimap_start_line, endidx do
- batch_start = x + gutter_width
- batch_width = 0
- render_highlight(idx, line_y)
- for char in common.utf8_chars(self.doc.lines[idx]) do
- if char == " " or char == "\n" then
- flush_batch()
- batch_start = batch_start + char_spacing
- elseif char == " " then
- flush_batch()
- batch_start = batch_start + (char_spacing * config.plugins.minimap.tab_width)
- elseif batch_start + batch_width > minimap_cutoff_x then
- flush_batch()
- else
- batch_width = batch_width + char_spacing
- end
- end
- flush_batch()
- line_y = line_y + line_spacing
+ -- draw from cache
+ for i=1,#cache,3 do
+ local batch_start = cache[i ] + x + gutter_width
+ local batch_width = cache[i + 1]
+ local color = cache[i + 2]
+ renderer.draw_rect(batch_start, line_y, batch_width, char_height, color)
+ line_y = line_y + line_spacing
local prev_update = DocView.update
@@ -539,10 +626,11 @@ end
command.add(nil, {
["minimap:toggle-visibility"] = function()
config.plugins.minimap.enabled = not config.plugins.minimap.enabled
- setmetatable({}, { __mode = "k" })
+ reset_per_docview()
["minimap:toggle-syntax-highlighting"] = function()
config.plugins.minimap.syntax_highlight = not config.plugins.minimap.syntax_highlight
+ reset_cache()