diff options
author프날 (Pnal) <contact@pnal.dev>2023-03-12 11:48:12 +0000
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2023-03-12 12:48:12 +0100
commita74ffae372fbb75ab321a42348a420b28d6ff7c1 (patch)
parent65be429e6f3fc7f8cd265eee3a489357da8a4582 (diff)
Update AutoHotkey language support (#223)
* Add langua_autohotkey.lua * Update README.md * Update README.md * Delete language_autohotkey.lua * Add files for support autohotkey v1 * Update plugins/language_autohotkey_v1.lua Co-authored-by: Guldoman <giulio.lettieri@gmail.com> * Update manifest.json --------- Co-authored-by: Guldoman <giulio.lettieri@gmail.com>
3 files changed, 159 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 9b635d3..705753c 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ but only with a `url` must provide a `checksum` that matches the existing plugin
| [`Kinc Projects`](https://github.com/Kode-Community/kinc_plugin)\* | Adds [Kinc](https://github.com/Kode/Kinc) Project generation with basic build commands(depends on [`console`](https://github.com/franko/console)) |
| [`language_angelscript`](plugins/language_angelscript.lua?raw=1) | Syntax for the [Angelscript](https://www.angelcode.com/angelscript/) programming language |
| [`language_assembly_x86`](plugins/language_assembly_x86.lua?raw=1) | Syntax for Intel x86 assembly |
-| [`language_autohotkey`](https://github.com/devPnal/lite-plugin-autohotkey)\* | Syntax for the [AutoHotkey](https://www.autohotkey.com) programming language |
+| [`language_autohotkey_v1`](plugins/language_autohotkey_v1.lua?raw=1) | Syntax for the [AutoHotkey](https://www.autohotkey.com) (v1) programming language |
| [`language_batch`](plugins/language_batch.lua?raw=1) | Syntax for Windows [Batch Files](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batch_file) |
| [`language_bib`](plugins/language_bib.lua?raw=1) | Syntax for [BibTex](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BibTeX) files |
| [`language_caddyfile`](plugins/language_caddyfile.lua?raw=1) | Syntax for the Caddyfile used on the [Caddy](https://caddyserver.com/) web server |
diff --git a/manifest.json b/manifest.json
index 80b26e9..6524a0f 100644
--- a/manifest.json
+++ b/manifest.json
@@ -361,11 +361,11 @@
"mod_version": "3"
- "description": "Syntax for the [AutoHotkey](https://www.autohotkey.com) programming language",
+ "description": "Syntax for the [AutoHotkey](https://www.autohotkey.com)(v1) programming language",
"version": "0.1",
- "remote": "https://github.com/devPnal/lite-plugin-autohotkey:e1597623163ab9e1d99ec1e8ee75cbe95b3e5d91",
+ "path": "plugins/langauge_autohotkey_v1.lua",
"mod_version": "3",
- "id": "language_autohotkey"
+ "id": "language_autohotkey_v1"
"description": "Syntax for Windows [Batch Files](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batch_file)",
diff --git a/plugins/language_autohotkey_v1.lua b/plugins/language_autohotkey_v1.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb41ddc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/language_autohotkey_v1.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+-- mod-version:3
+local syntax = require "core.syntax"
+-- AHK has case insensitive grammer
+local variables = {
+ "A_AhkPath", "A_AhkVersion", "A_AppData", "A_AppDataCommon", "A_AutoTrim",
+ "A_BatchLines", "A_CaretX", "A_CaretY", "A_Computername", "A_ControlDelay",
+ "A_Cursor", "A_DD", "A_DDD", "A_DDDD", "A_DefaultMouseSpeed",
+ "A_Desktop", "A_Desktopcommon", "A_Detecthiddentext", "A_Detecthiddenwindows", "A_Endchar",
+ "A_EventInfo", "A_ExitReason", "A_FileEncoding", "A_FormatFloat", "A_FormatInteger",
+ "A_Gui", "A_GuiControl", "A_GuiControlEvent", "A_GuiEvent", "A_GuiHeight",
+ "A_GuiWidth", "A_GuiX", "A_GuiY", "A_Hour", "A_IconFile",
+ "A_IconHidden", "A_IconNumber", "A_IconTip", "A_Index", "A_IpAddress1",
+ "A_IpAddress2", "A_IpAddress3", "A_IpAddress4", "A_Is64bitOS", "A_IsAdmin",
+ "A_IsCompiled", "A_IsCritical", "A_IsPaused", "A_IsSuspended", "A_IsUnicode",
+ "A_KeyDelay", "A_Language", "A_LastError", "A_LineFile", "A_LineNumber",
+ "A_LoopField", "A_LoopFileAttrib", "A_LoopFileDir", "A_LoopFileExt", "A_LoopFileFullPath",
+ "A_LoopFileLongPath", "A_LoopFileName", "A_LoopFileShortName", "A_LoopFileShortPath", "A_LoopFileSize",
+ "A_LoopFileSizeKB", "A_LoopFileSizeMB", "A_LoopFileTimeAccessed", "A_LoopFileTimeCreated", "A_LoopFileTimeModified",
+ "A_LoopReadLine", "A_LoopRegKey", "A_LoopRegName", "A_LoopRegSubKey", "A_LoopRegTimeModified",
+ "A_LoopRegType", "A_MDay", "A_Min", "A_MM", "A_MMM",
+ "A_MMMM", "A_Mon", "A_MouseDelay", "A_MSec", "A_MyDocuments",
+ "A_Now", "A_NowUTC", "A_NumBatchLines", "A_OSType", "A_OSVersion",
+ "A_PriorHotkey", "A_PriorKey", "A_ProgramFiles", "A_Programs", "A_ProgramsCommon",
+ "A_PtrSize", "A_RegView", "A_ScreenDpi", "A_ScreenHeight", "A_ScreenWidth",
+ "A_ScriptDir", "A_ScriptFullPath", "A_ScriptHwnd", "A_ScriptName", "A_Sec",
+ "A_Space", "A_StartMenu", "A_StartMenuCommon", "A_StartUp", "A_StartUpCommon",
+ "A_StringCaseSense", "A_Tab", "A_Temp", "A_ThisFunc", "A_ThisHotkey",
+ "A_ThisLabel", "A_ThisMenu", "A_ThisMenuItem", "A_ThisMenuItemPos", "A_TickCount",
+ "A_TimeIdle", "A_TimeIdlePhysical", "A_TimeSincePriorHotkey", "A_TimeSinceThisHotkey", "A_TitleMatchMode",
+ "A_TitleMatchModeSpeed", "A_UserName", "A_WDay", "A_WinDelay", "A_WinDir",
+ "A_WorkingDir", "A_YDay", "A_Year", "A_YWeek", "A_YYYY",
+ "CipboardAll", "Clipboard", "ComSpec", "ErrorLevel", "False",
+ "ProgramFiles", "True",
+local keywords = {
+ "Break", "ByRef", "Case", "Catch", "Class",
+ "Continue", "Else", "Else", "Exit", "ExitApp",
+ "Finally", "For", "Global", "Gosub", "Goto",
+ "If", "Local", "Loop", "OnExit", "Pause",
+ "Return", "Sleep", "static", "suspend", "Switch",
+ "Throw", "Try", "Until", "While",
+local functions = {
+ "_NewEnum", "Abs", "ACos", "Array", "Asc",
+ "ASin", "ATan", "Ceil", "Chr", "ComObjActive",
+ "ComObjArray", "ComObjConnect", "ComObjCreate", "ComObject", "ComObjError",
+ "ComObjFlags", "ComObjGet", "ComObjQuery", "ComObjType", "ComObjValue",
+ "Cos", "DllCall", "Exception", "Exp", "FileExist",
+ "FileOpen", "Floor", "Format", "Func", "GetKeyName",
+ "GetKeySC", "GetKeyState", "GetKeyVK", "IL_Add", "IL_Create",
+ "IL_Destroy", "InStr", "IsByRef", "IsFunc", "IsLabel",
+ "IsObject", "Ln", "Log", "LTrim", "LV_Add",
+ "LV_Delete", "LV_DeleteCol", "LV_GetCount", "LV_GetNext", "LV_GetText",
+ "LV_Insert", "LV_InsertCol", "LV_Modify", "LV_ModifyCol", "LV_SetImageList",
+ "Mod", "NumGet", "NumPut", "ObjAddRef", "ObjClone",
+ "Object", "ObjGetAddress", "ObjGetCapacity", "ObjHasKey", "ObjInsert",
+ "ObjMaxIndex", "ObjMinIndex", "ObjNewEnum", "ObjRelease", "ObjRemove",
+ "ObjSetCapacity", "OnMessage", "RegExMatch", "RegExReplace", "RegisterCallback",
+ "Round", "RTrim", "SB_SetIcon", "SB_SetParts", "SB_SetText",
+ "Sin", "Sqrt", "StrGet", "StrLen", "StrPut",
+ "StrReplace", "StrSplit", "SubStr", "Tan", "Trim",
+ "TV_Add", "TV_Delete", "TV_Get", "TV_GetChild", "TV_GetCount",
+ "TV_GetNext", "TV_GetParent", "TV_GetPrev", "TV_GetSelection", "TV_GetText",
+ "TV_Modify", "TV_SetImageList", "VarSetCapacity", "WinActive", "WinExist",
+local commands = {
+ "AutoTrim", "BlockInput", "Click", "ClipWait", "Control",
+ "ControlClick", "ControlFocus", "ControlGet", "ControlGetFocus", "ControlGetPos",
+ "ControlGetText", "ControlMove", "ControlSend", "ControlSendRaw", "ControlSetText",
+ "CoordMode", "Critical", "DetectHiddenText", "DetectHiddenWindows", "Drive",
+ "DriveGet", "DriveSpaceFree", "Edit", "EnvAdd", "EnvGet",
+ "EnvSet", "EnvSub", "EnvUpdate", "FileAppend", "FileCopy",
+ "FileCopyDir", "FileCreateDir", "FileCreateShortcut", "FileDelete", "FileEncoding",
+ "FileGetAttrib", "FileGetShortcut", "FileGetSize", "FileGetTime", "FileGetVersion",
+ "FileInstall", "FileMove", "FileMoveDir", "FileRead", "FileReadLine",
+ "FileRecycle", "FileRecycleEmpty", "FileRemoveDir", "FileSelectFile", "FileSelectFolder",
+ "FileSetAttrib", "FileSetTime", "FormatTime", "GroupActivate", "GroupAdd",
+ "GroupClose", "GroupDeactivate", "Gui", "GuiControl", "GuiControlGet",
+ "Hotkey", "ImageSearch", "IniDelete", "IniRead", "IniWrite",
+ "Input", "InputBox", "KeyHistory", "KeyWait", "ListHotkeys",
+ "ListLines", "ListVars", "Menu", "MouseClick", "MouseClickDrag",
+ "MouseGetPos", "MouseMove", "MsgBox", "OutputDebug", "PixelGetColor",
+ "PixelSearch", "PostMessage", "Process", "Random", "RegDelete",
+ "RegRead", "RegWrite", "Reload", "Run", "RunAs",
+ "RunWait", "Send", "SendEvent", "SendInput", "SendLevel",
+ "SendMessage", "SendMode", "SendPlay", "SendRaw", "SetBatchLines",
+ "SetCapsLockState", "SetControlDelay", "SetDefaultMouseSpeed", "SetEnv", "SetKeyDelay",
+ "SetMouseDelay", "SetNumLockState", "SetRegView", "SetScrollLockState", "SetStoreCapsLockMode",
+ "SetTimer", "SetTitleMatchMode", "SetWinDelay", "SetWorkingDir", "Shutdown",
+ "Sort", "SoundBeep", "SoundGet", "SoundGetWaveVolume", "SoundPlay",
+ "SoundSet", "SoundSetWaveVolume", "Splitpath", "StatusBarGetText", "StatusBarWait",
+ "StringCaseSense", "StringLower", "StringUpper", "SysGet", "Thread",
+ "ToolTip", "Transform", "TrayTip", "UrlDownloadToFile", "WinActivate",
+ "WinActivateBottom", "WinClose", "WinGet", "WinGetActiveStats", "WinGetActiveTitle",
+ "WinGetClass", "WinGetPos", "WinGetText", "WinGetTitle", "WinHide",
+ "WinKill", "WinMaximize", "WinMenuSelectItem", "WinMinimize", "WinMinimizeAll",
+ "WinMinimizeAllUndo", "WinMove", "WinRestore", "WinSet", "WinSetTitle",
+ "WinShow", "WinWait", "WinWaitActive", "WinWaitClose", "WinWaitNotActive",
+local symbols = {}
+for _, elementVar in ipairs(variables) do
+ symbols[string.lower(elementVar)] = "operator" --a_year
+ symbols[string.upper(elementVar)] = "operator" --A_YEAR
+ symbols[string.format("%s%s", string.sub(elementVar, 1, 1), string.lower(string.sub(elementVar, 2)))] = "operator" --A_year
+ symbols[elementVar] = "operator" --A_Year
+for _, elementKeyword in ipairs(keywords) do
+ symbols[string.lower(elementKeyword)] = "function" --byref
+ symbols[string.upper(elementKeyword)] = "function" --BYREF
+ symbols[string.format("%s%s", string.sub(elementKeyword, 1, 1), string.lower(string.sub(elementKeyword, 2)))] = "function" --Byref
+ symbols[elementKeyword] = "function" --ByRef
+for _, elementFunction in ipairs(functions) do
+ symbols[string.lower(elementFunction)] = "keyword2" --lv_modifycol()
+ symbols[string.upper(elementFunction)] = "keyword2" --LV_MODIFYCOL()
+ symbols[string.format("%s%s", string.sub(elementFunction, 1, 1), string.lower(string.sub(elementFunction, 2)))] = "keyword2" --Lv_modifycol()
+ symbols[elementFunction] = "keyword2" --LV_ModifyCol()
+for _, elementCommands in ipairs(commands) do
+ symbols[string.lower(elementCommands)] = "keyword" --fileencoding
+ symbols[string.upper(elementCommands)] = "keyword" --FILEENCODING
+ symbols[string.format("%s%s", string.sub(elementCommands, 1, 1), string.lower(string.sub(elementCommands, 2)))] = "keyword" --Fileencoding
+ symbols[elementCommands] = "keyword" --FileEncoding
+syntax.add {
+ name = "AutoHotkey",
+ files = { "%.ahk$"},
+ comment = ";",
+ patterns = {
+ { pattern = { ";", "\n" }, type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = { "/%*", "*%/" }, type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = { "[ruU]?%%", "[%% ]", '\\' }, type = "operator" },
+ { pattern = { "[ruU]?%%", "[ ,]", '\\' }, type = "normal" },
+ { pattern = { '[ruU]?"""', '"""'; '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = { '[ruU]?"', '"', '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = "0x[%da-fA-F]+", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?%d+[%d%.eE]*", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?%.?%d+", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "[%+%-=/%*%^<>!~|&]", type = "operator" },
+ { pattern = ":=", type = "operator" },
+ { pattern = ".=", type = "operator" },
+ { pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*%f[(]", type = "function" },
+ { pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*", type = "symbol" },
+ },
+ symbols = symbols,