
Color themes for the lite-xl text editor, originally forked from the lite colors repository.

Note: if you make a pull request, the relevant table should be updated and kept in alphabetical order. The make_preview_image.lua script should be used to create a preview image for your theme which should be embedded in the table.


Theme Preview
cold_lime cold_lime_preview
dracula dracula_preview
duorand duorand_preview
duotone duotone_preview
gruvbox_dark gruvbox_dark_preview
liqube liqube_preview
monodark monodark_preview
monokai monokai_preview
nord nord_preview
onedark onedark_preview
only_dark only_dark_preview
vscode-dark vscode-dark_preview
winter winter_preview
zenburn zenburn_preview


Theme Preview
github github_preview
moe moe_preview
solarized_light solarized_light_preview
solarobj solarobj_preview