path: root/bobthebob.testing/scripts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bobthebob.testing/scripts')
11 files changed, 0 insertions, 2240 deletions
diff --git a/bobthebob.testing/scripts/vscripts/_bobtestingfunctions_mp.gnut b/bobthebob.testing/scripts/vscripts/_bobtestingfunctions_mp.gnut
deleted file mode 100644
index b782243a4..000000000
--- a/bobthebob.testing/scripts/vscripts/_bobtestingfunctions_mp.gnut
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-void function SvTestingMPInit()
- Bleedout_Init()
- AddCallback_EntitiesDidLoad( CreateSpawns )
-void function CreateSpawns()
- //thread CreateSpawns_Threaded()
-void function CreateSpawns_Threaded()
- WaitEndFrame() // wait for spawns to get cleared, game ctds if we don't do this
- entity validSpawn = GetEntArrayByClass_Expensive( "info_spawnpoint_human" )[ 0 ]
- for ( int i = 0; i < 50; i++ )
- {
- entity newSpawn = CreateEntity( "info_spawnpoint_human" )
- newSpawn.SetOrigin( validSpawn.GetOrigin() )
- DispatchSpawn( newSpawn )
- }
-void function TestSpawnpoints( bool titan = false )
- entity player = GetPlayerArray()[0]
- array<entity> spawnpoints
- if ( !titan )
- spawnpoints = SpawnPoints_GetPilotStart( player.GetTeam() )
- else
- spawnpoints = SpawnPoints_GetTitanStart( player.GetTeam() )
- SpawnPoints_InitRatings( player, player.GetTeam() )
- foreach ( entity spawnpoint in spawnpoints )
- spawnpoint.CalculateRating( titan ? TD_TITAN : TD_PILOT, player.GetTeam(), RandomFloat( 7.0 ) - 3.5, RandomFloat( 7.0 ) - 3.5 )
- if ( !titan )
- {
- SpawnPoints_SortPilotStart()
- spawnpoints = SpawnPoints_GetPilotStart( player.GetTeam() )
- }
- else
- {
- SpawnPoints_SortTitanStart()
- spawnpoints = SpawnPoints_GetTitanStart( player.GetTeam() )
- }
- entity chosenPoint
- foreach ( entity spawnpoint in spawnpoints )
- if ( IsSpawnpointValid( spawnpoint, player.GetTeam() ) )
- {
- chosenPoint = spawnpoint
- break
- }
- player.SetOrigin( chosenPoint.GetOrigin() )
- player.SetAngles( chosenPoint.GetAngles() )
- //SpawnPoints_DiscardRatings() // somehow the game seems to call this automatically so unneeded
-bool function IsSpawnpointValid( entity spawnpoint, int team )
- if ( GameModeRemove( spawnpoint ) )
- return false
- // ultra temp
- print( spawnpoint.GetTeam() )
- if ( spawnpoint.GetTeam() == 0 )
- return false
- if ( spawnpoint.GetTeam() > 0 && spawnpoint.GetTeam() != team )
- return false
- return true
-void function TestScoreEvent( entity player, int id )
- ScoreEvent event = ScoreEvent_FromId( id )
- Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( player, "ServerCallback_ScoreEvent", id, event.pointValue, event.displayType, player.GetEncodedEHandle(), event.earnMeterOwnValue, event.earnMeterEarnValue )
-void function TestDrop( entity player )
- thread CreateTitanForPlayerAndHotdrop( player, GetTitanReplacementPoint( player, false ) )
-void function WarpThroughSpawnpoints( string modeOverride = "" )
- if ( !modeOverride.len() )
- modeOverride = GAMETYPE
- entity player = GetPlayerArray()[0]
- array<entity> spawnpoints = GetEntArrayByClass_Expensive( "info_hardpoint" ) //SpawnPoints_GetPilot()
- foreach ( entity spawnpoint in spawnpoints )
- {
- //string gamemodeKey = "gamemode_" + modeOverride
- //if ( spawnpoint.HasKey( gamemodeKey ) && ( spawnpoint.kv[ gamemodeKey ] == "0" || spawnpoint.kv[ gamemodeKey ] == "" ) )
- // continue
- //
- //if ( !spawnpoint.HasKey( gamemodeKey ) )
- // continue
- if ( spawnpoint.HasKey( "hardpointGroup" ) )
- print( spawnpoint.kv.hardpointGroup )
- player.SetOrigin( spawnpoint.GetOrigin() )
- player.SetAngles( spawnpoint.GetAngles() )
- wait 0.5
- }
-void function AttemptSpawnBuddyTitan()
- PrecacheModel( $"models/titans/buddy/titan_buddy.mdl" )
- PrecacheModel( $"models/weapons/arms/buddypov.mdl" )
- entity player = GetPlayerArray()[0]
- entity titan = CreateNPCTitan( "titan_buddy", player.GetTeam(), player.GetOrigin(), <0, 0, 0> )
- SetSpawnOption_AISettings( titan, "npc_titan_buddy" )
- SetSpawnOption_Weapon( titan, "mp_titanweapon_xo16_vanguard", [ ] )
- DispatchSpawn( titan )
- player.SetPetTitan( titan )
- titan.SetOwner( player )
- titan.SetUsable()
-void function SetPlayerCameraToHead()
- entity viewControl = CreateEntity( "point_viewcontrol" )
- viewControl.kv.spawnflags = 56
- DispatchSpawn( viewControl )
- viewControl.SetParent( GetPlayerArray()[0], "headshot" )
- viewControl.SetOrigin( < 4, 0, 1 > )
- viewControl.SetAngles( < 0, 0, 0 > )
- GetPlayerArray()[0].SetViewEntity( viewControl, true )
-void function CreateTestControlPanel()
- entity player = GetPlayerArray()[0]
- entity panel = CreateEntity( "prop_control_panel" )
- panel.SetValueForModelKey( $"models/communication/terminal_usable_imc_01.mdl" )
- panel.SetOrigin( player.GetOrigin() )
- panel.SetAngles( player.GetAngles() )
- panel.kv.solid = SOLID_VPHYSICS
- SetTargetName( panel, "cpanel" )
- DispatchSpawn( panel )
- panel.SetModel( $"models/communication/terminal_usable_imc_01.mdl" )
- panel.s.onPlayerFinishesUsing_func = TestOnPanelHacked
-function TestOnPanelHacked( panel, player, success )
- expect entity( panel )
- expect entity( player )
- expect bool( success )
- if ( !success )
- return
- print( panel + " was hacked by " + player )
- PanelFlipsToPlayerTeamAndUsableByEnemies( panel, player )
-void function TestFastball()
- PrecacheModel( $"models/titans/buddy/titan_buddy.mdl" )
- RegisterSignal( "fastball_start_throw" )
- RegisterSignal( "fastball_release" )
- PrecacheParticleSystem( $"P_BT_eye_SM" )
- entity player = GetPlayerArray()[0]
- entity prop = CreatePropDynamic( $"models/titans/buddy/titan_buddy.mdl", player.GetOrigin(), player.GetAngles() )
- thread PlayAnim( prop, "bt_beacon_fastball_throw_end" )
- player.ContextAction_SetFastball()
- FirstPersonSequenceStruct throwSequence
- throwSequence.attachment = "REF"
- throwSequence.useAnimatedRefAttachment = true
- throwSequence.hideProxy = true
- throwSequence.firstPersonAnim = "ptpov_beacon_fastball_throw_end"
- //throwSequence.thirdPersonAnim = "pt_beacon_fastball_throw_end"
- throwSequence.firstPersonBlendOutTime = 0.0
- thread FirstPersonSequence( throwSequence, player, prop )
- player.HolsterWeapon()
- EmitSoundOnEntityOnlyToPlayer( player, player, "Music_Beacon_14_BTThrowThruFirstCrane" )
- prop.WaitSignal( "fastball_start_throw" )
- float duration = EmitSoundOnEntity( prop, "diag_sp_spoke1_BE117_04_01_mcor_bt" ) // trust me
- vector eyeAngles = player.EyeAngles()
- // particle effect
- StartParticleEffectOnEntity( prop, GetParticleSystemIndex( $"P_BT_eye_SM" ), FX_PATTACH_POINT_FOLLOW, prop.LookupAttachment( "EYEGLOW" ) )
- wait duration
- prop.WaitSignal( "fastball_release" )
- player.ContextAction_ClearFastball()
- player.ClearParent()
- ClearPlayerAnimViewEntity( player )
- player.SetVelocity( AnglesToForward( eyeAngles ) * 1250 )
- player.DeployWeapon()
- wait 0.5
- prop.Destroy()
-void function TestPlanetExplosion() // won't look good until we can load textures from rpak for these models
- PrecacheModel( $"models/vistas/planet_ex_static.mdl" )
- PrecacheModel( $"models/vistas/planet_explosion_animated.mdl" )
- entity cam = GetEnt( "skybox_cam_level" )
- cam.SetOrigin( < 7000, 7000, 7000 > ) // arbitrary point
- CreatePropDynamic( $"models/vistas/planet_ex_static.mdl", cam.GetOrigin(), cam.GetAngles() )
- entity explosion = CreatePropDynamic( $"models/vistas/planet_explosion_animated.mdl", cam.GetOrigin(), cam.GetAngles() )
- thread PlayAnim( explosion, "planet_ex_ending" )
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bobthebob.testing/scripts/vscripts/_bobtestingfunctions_sp.gnut b/bobthebob.testing/scripts/vscripts/_bobtestingfunctions_sp.gnut
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ad814fe2..000000000
--- a/bobthebob.testing/scripts/vscripts/_bobtestingfunctions_sp.gnut
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-void function TestPlanetExplosion()
- PrecacheModel( $"models/vistas/planet_ex_static.mdl" )
- PrecacheModel( $"models/vistas/planet_explosion_animated.mdl" )
- entity cam = GetEnt( "skybox_cam_level" )
- cam.SetOrigin( < 7000, 7000, 7000 > ) // arbitrary point
- CreatePropDynamic( $"models/vistas/planet_ex_static.mdl", cam.GetOrigin(), cam.GetAngles() )
- entity explosion = CreatePropDynamic( $"models/vistas/planet_explosion_animated.mdl", cam.GetOrigin(), cam.GetAngles() )
- thread PlayAnim( explosion, "planet_ex_ending" )
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bobthebob.testing/scripts/vscripts/mp/levels/mp_box.nut b/bobthebob.testing/scripts/vscripts/mp/levels/mp_box.nut
deleted file mode 100644
index aa94be52f..000000000
--- a/bobthebob.testing/scripts/vscripts/mp/levels/mp_box.nut
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-/*global function CodeCallback_MapInit
-global function SpawnGamemodeObjects
-void function CodeCallback_MapInit()
- AddCallback_EntitiesDidLoad( SpawnGamemodeObjects )
-void function SpawnGamemodeObjects()
- thread SpawnGamemodeObjects_Threaded()
-void function SpawnGamemodeObjects_Threaded()
- WaitEndFrame()
- entity liveFireFlagSpawn = CreateEntity( "script_ref" )
- liveFireFlagSpawn.kv.editorclass = "info_speedball_flag"
- liveFireFlagSpawn.kv.origin = < 0.0, -382.0, 60.0 >
- liveFireFlagSpawn.kv.angles = < 0, 0, 0 >
- DispatchSpawn( liveFireFlagSpawn )
- liveFireFlagSpawn.kv.editorclass = "info_speedball_flag"
-}*/ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bobthebob.testing/scripts/vscripts/mp/sh_revive.gnut b/bobthebob.testing/scripts/vscripts/mp/sh_revive.gnut
deleted file mode 100644
index 8caa2a821..000000000
--- a/bobthebob.testing/scripts/vscripts/mp/sh_revive.gnut
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-global const REVIVE_ENABLED = true // currently not used anywhere
-global function ReviveEnabled
-bool function ReviveEnabled()
- return GetCurrentPlaylistVarInt( "player_revive_enabled", 0 ) == 1
-#elseif true
-global const REVIVE_ENABLED = false // currently not used anywhere
-global function ReviveEnabled
-bool function ReviveEnabled()
- // client version of this doesn't work lol
- return false
- //return GetCurrentPlaylistVarInt( "player_revive_enabled", 0 ) == 1
-#endif \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bobthebob.testing/scripts/vscripts/sh_bleedout_test.gnut b/bobthebob.testing/scripts/vscripts/sh_bleedout_test.gnut
deleted file mode 100644
index 42727adc4..000000000
--- a/bobthebob.testing/scripts/vscripts/sh_bleedout_test.gnut
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-global function BleedoutTest_Init
-void function BleedoutTest_Init()
- return // not in use rn
- AddCallback_OnRegisteringCustomNetworkVars( RegisterBleedoutVars )
- BleedoutShared_Init( 30.0, 3.0, -1.0, 1.0, 0.0, false, false )
- #if SERVER
- Bleedout_Init()
- if ( ReviveEnabled() )
- AddCallback_OnPlayerKilled( StartRevive )
- #elseif CLIENT
- BleedoutClient_Init()
- #endif
-void function StartRevive( entity victim, entity attacker, var damageInfo )
- DeathPackage_PlayerRevive( victim )
- thread PlayerRevivesOrBleedsOut( victim )
-void function RegisterBleedoutVars()
- Remote_RegisterFunction( "ServerCallback_BLEEDOUT_StartFirstAidProgressBar" )
- Remote_RegisterFunction( "ServerCallback_BLEEDOUT_StopFirstAidProgressBar" )
- Remote_RegisterFunction( "ServerCallback_BLEEDOUT_ShowWoundedMarker" )
- Remote_RegisterFunction( "ServerCallback_BLEEDOUT_HideWoundedMarker" )
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bobthebob.testing/scripts/vscripts/sh_bobtestingfunctions_mp.gnut b/bobthebob.testing/scripts/vscripts/sh_bobtestingfunctions_mp.gnut
deleted file mode 100644
index 852fbfe17..000000000
--- a/bobthebob.testing/scripts/vscripts/sh_bobtestingfunctions_mp.gnut
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-void function DumpPdefEnum( string pdefEnum )
- for ( int i = 0; i < PersistenceGetEnumCount( pdefEnum ); i++ )
- print( PersistenceGetEnumItemNameForIndex( pdefEnum, i ) )
-void function ListPlayers()
- foreach ( entity player in GetPlayerArray() )
- {
- if ( player == null )
- continue
- print( "player " + player.GetPlayerName() + ": G" + player.GetGen() + "." + player.GetLevel() )
- }
-void function DumpPdefTable()
- foreach ( key0, value0 in shGlobalMP.playerStatVars )
- {
- foreach ( key1, value1 in value0 )
- {
- foreach ( key2, statData in value1 )
- {
- print ( statData.statVar )
- }
- }
- }
-void function DumpModels()
- for ( int i = 0; i < 2048; i++ )
- if ( GetEntByIndex( i ) != null && GetEntByIndex( i ).GetModelName() != $"?" )
- print( i + ": " + GetEntByIndex( i ).GetModelName() )
-void function DumpScoreEvents()
- int i = 0;
- while ( true )
- {
- ScoreEvent event
- try event = ScoreEvent_FromId( i ) catch ( exception ) break
- print( "event " + i + ":" )
- print( "name: " + event.name )
- print( "splashText: " + event.splashText )
- // get string representation of displaytype
- // if squirrel has a better way to do this i don't know it
- string displayType
- if ( event.displayType & eEventDisplayType.HIDDEN )
- displayType += "HIDDEN, "
- if ( event.displayType & eEventDisplayType.CENTER )
- displayType += "CENTER, "
- if ( event.displayType & eEventDisplayType.MEDAL )
- displayType += "MEDAL, "
- if ( event.displayType & eEventDisplayType.CALLINGCARD )
- displayType += "CALLINGCARD, "
- if ( event.displayType & eEventDisplayType.ATTRITION )
- displayType += "ATTRITION, "
- if ( event.displayType & eEventDisplayType.BIG )
- displayType += "BIG, "
- if ( event.displayType & eEventDisplayType.GAMEMODE )
- displayType += "GAMEMODE, "
- if ( event.displayType & eEventDisplayType.CHALLENGE )
- displayType += "CHALLENGE, "
- if ( event.displayType & eEventDisplayType.MEDAL_FORCED )
- displayType += "MEDAL_FORCED, "
- if ( event.displayType & eEventDisplayType.SHOW_SCORE )
- displayType += "SHOW_SCORE, "
- print( "displayType: " + displayType )
- print( " " ) // newline
- i++
- }
- print( "got " + i + " events!" )
-void function DumpConversations()
- foreach ( string k, v in GetConversationToIndexTable() )
- print( k )
-void function TestMarkRUI()
- var rui = CreateCockpitRui( $"ui/speedball_flag_marker.rpak", 200 )
- RuiSetBool( rui, "isVisible", true )
- RuiSetFloat3( rui, "pos", GetLocalViewPlayer().GetOrigin() )
- RuiSetBool( rui, "playerIsCarrying", false )
- RuiSetInt( rui, "teamRelation", TEAM_IMC )
- RuiSetBool( rui, "isCarried", false )
-void function TestObjectiveRUIHunted()
- var rui = CreateCockpitRui( $"ui/hunted_objective.rpak", 200 )
- RuiSetGameTime( rui, "startTime", Time() )
- RuiSetGameTime( rui, "endTime", Time() + 20.0 )
- RuiSetString( rui, "objectiveTitleText", "#HUNTED_OBJECTIVE_TITLE" )
- RuiSetFloat( rui, "blingDuration", 5.0 )
- RuiSetBool( rui, "showAll", true )
-void function TestObjectiveRUIFW()
- var rui = CreateCockpitRui( $"ui/fw_objective_text.rpak" )
- RuiSetString( rui, "objective", "deez nuts" )
- float time = Time() + 10.0
- while ( time > Time() )
- {
- RuiSetString( rui, "objective", "deez nuts " + ( time - Time() ) )
- WaitFrame()
- }
- RuiDestroy( rui )
-void function RespawnWhy()
- for ( int i = 0; i < 500; i++ ) // this only works in lobby, luckily
- GetLocalViewPlayer().ClientCommand( "test_clientsetplaylistvaroverride " + i + " whyyyyy" )
-#endif \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bobthebob.testing/scripts/vscripts/sh_northstar_utils.gnut b/bobthebob.testing/scripts/vscripts/sh_northstar_utils.gnut
deleted file mode 100644
index 15eed9b21..000000000
--- a/bobthebob.testing/scripts/vscripts/sh_northstar_utils.gnut
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-enum eNorthstarLobbyType
- PrivateMatchLobby, // normal vanilla private lobby
- IntermissionLobby, // similar to tf1's intermission lobby, chooses next map automatically
- CompetitiveLobby // similar to vanilla privates, but with ready up system
-// whether the server is a modded, northstar server
-bool function IsNorthstarServer()
- bool isModded = true // TEMP for testing
- try
- {
- // need this in a trycatch because the var might not exist atm
- isModded = GetConVarInt( "northstar_is_modded_server" ) == 1
- } catch ( ex ) {}
- return isModded
-// whether the game should return to the lobby on GameRules_EndMatch()
-bool function ShouldReturnToLobby()
- bool shouldReturnToLobby = false
- try
- {
- // need this in a trycatch because the var might not exist atm
- shouldReturnToLobby = GetConVarInt( "northstar_should_return_to_lobby" ) == 1
- } catch ( ex ) {}
- return shouldReturnToLobby
-int function GetNorthstarLobbyType()
- if ( !IsNorthstarServer() )
- return eNorthstarLobbyType.PrivateMatchLobby
- int lobbyType = eNorthstarLobbyType.PrivateMatchLobby
- try
- {
- // need this in a trycatch because the var might not exist atm
- lobbyType = GetConVarInt( "northstar_lobby_type" )
- } catch ( ex ) {}
- return lobbyType
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bobthebob.testing/scripts/vscripts/ui/menu_dev.nut b/bobthebob.testing/scripts/vscripts/ui/menu_dev.nut
deleted file mode 100644
index d9b9234b4..000000000
--- a/bobthebob.testing/scripts/vscripts/ui/menu_dev.nut
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,707 +0,0 @@
-global function InitDevMenu
-global function GetActionBlocks
-global function SetDevMenu_SinglePlayer
-global function SetupDevCommand // for dev
-global function SetupDevFunc // for dev
-global function SetDevMenu_SpawnNPCWithWeapon
-global function RepeatLastDevCommand
-global function SetDevMenu_ArmedNPC
-global function UpdatePrecachedSPWeapons
-struct DevCommand
- string label
- string command
- var opParm
- void functionref( var ) func
- bool storeAsLastCommand = true
- void functionref() devMenuFunc
- void functionref( var ) devMenuFuncWithOpParm
- var devMenuOpParm
- array<var> buttons
- array actionBlocks
- array<DevCommand> devCommands
- DevCommand& lastDevCommand
- bool lastDevCommandAssigned
- bool precachedWeapons
-} file
-void function OnOpenDevMenu()
- file.devMenuFunc = null
- file.devMenuFuncWithOpParm = null
- file.devMenuOpParm = null
- if ( IsMultiplayer() )
- SetDevMenu_MP()
- else
- SetDevMenu_Default()
-void function InitDevMenu()
- var menu = GetMenu( "DevMenu" )
- AddMenuEventHandler( menu, eUIEvent.MENU_OPEN, OnOpenDevMenu )
- AddMenuFooterOption( menu, BUTTON_A, "#A_BUTTON_SELECT" )
- AddMenuFooterOption( menu, BUTTON_B, "#B_BUTTON_BACK", "#BACK" )
- OnOpenDevMenu()
- file.buttons = GetElementsByClassname( menu, "DevButtonClass" )
- foreach ( button in file.buttons )
- {
- Hud_AddEventHandler( button, UIE_CLICK, OnDevButton_Activate )
- RuiSetString( Hud_GetRui( button ), "buttonText", "" )
- Hud_SetEnabled( button, false )
- }
-function UpdateDevMenuButtons()
- file.devCommands.clear()
- if ( developer() == 0 )
- return
- if ( file.devMenuOpParm != null )
- file.devMenuFuncWithOpParm( file.devMenuOpParm )
- else
- file.devMenuFunc()
- foreach ( index, button in file.buttons )
- {
- int buttonID = int( Hud_GetScriptID( button ) )
- if ( buttonID < file.devCommands.len() )
- {
- RuiSetString( Hud_GetRui( button ), "buttonText", file.devCommands[buttonID].label )
- Hud_SetEnabled( button, true )
- }
- else
- {
- RuiSetString( Hud_GetRui( button ), "buttonText", "" )
- Hud_SetEnabled( button, false )
- }
- }
-void function SetDevMenu_Default()
- file.devMenuFunc = SetupDefaultDevCommands
- UpdateDevMenuButtons()
-void function SetDevMenu_MP()
- file.devMenuFunc = SetupDefaultDevCommandsMP
- UpdateDevMenuButtons()
-void function ChangeToThisMenu( void functionref() menuFunc )
- file.devMenuFunc = menuFunc
- file.devMenuFuncWithOpParm = null
- file.devMenuOpParm = null
- UpdateDevMenuButtons()
-void function ChangeToThisMenu_WithOpParm( void functionref( var ) menuFuncWithOpParm, opParm = null )
- file.devMenuFunc = null
- file.devMenuFuncWithOpParm = menuFuncWithOpParm
- file.devMenuOpParm = opParm
- UpdateDevMenuButtons()
-void function SetDevMenu_SinglePlayer( var _ )
- CloseAllInGameMenus()
- AdvanceMenu( GetMenu( "SinglePlayerDevMenu" ), true )
-void function SetupDefaultDevCommands()
- SetupDevFunc( "Frontier Defense", SetDevMenu_FrontierDefense )
- // SetupDevFunc( "Difficulty", SetDevMenu_Difficulty )
- SetupDevFunc( "Single Player", SetDevMenu_SinglePlayer )
- if ( GetStartPointsForMap( GetActiveLevel() ).len() )
- {
- SetupDevFunc( "Start Points", SetDevMenu_StartPoints )
- }
- SetupDevFunc( "Level Commands", SetDevMenu_LevelCommands )
- SetupRepeatLastDevCommand()
- SetupDevFunc( "Spawn IMC NPC", SetDevMenu_AISpawn, 2 )
- SetupDevFunc( "Spawn IMC Boss Titan", SetDevMenu_BossTitans )
- SetupDevFunc( "Spawn Militia NPC", SetDevMenu_AISpawn, 3 )
- SetupDevFunc( "Spawn Team 4 NPC", SetDevMenu_AISpawn, 4 )
- if ( IsSingleplayer() )
- {
- SetupDevCommand( "Spawn BT", "script thread DEV_SpawnBTAtCrosshair( false )" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Hotdrop BT", "script thread DEV_SpawnBTAtCrosshair( true )" )
- }
- SetupDevFunc( "Spawn Titan Weapon", SetDevMenu_TitanWeapons )
- SetupDevFunc( "Spawn Pilot Weapons", SetDevMenu_PilotWeapons )
- SetupDevFunc( "Spawn Pilot Offhands", SetDevMenu_PilotOffhands )
- SetupDevFunc( "AI Commands", SetDevMenu_AICommands )
- SetupDevCommand( "Toggle Model Viewer", "script thread ToggleModelViewer()" )
- SetupDevCommand( "AI Titan Duel", "script DEV_AITitanDuel()" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Free Titans for everybody", "script GiveAllTitans()" )
- if ( IsSingleplayer() )
- {
- SetupDevCommand( "Checkpoint", "script CheckPoint_Forced()" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Test Next Checkpoint Spawnpoint", "script TestDevSpawnPoint()" )
- }
- SetupDevCommand( "Disable NPCs", "script disable_npcs()" )
- // SetupDevCommand( "Disable New NPCs", "script disable_new_npcs()" )
- if ( IsMultiplayer() )
- {
- SetupDevCommand( "Swap the teams", "script teamswap()" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Force time limit", "script ForceTimeLimitDone()" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Force My Team Win", "script_client GetLocalClientPlayer().ClientCommand(\"ForceMyTeamWin\")" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Force My Team Lose", "script_client GetLocalClientPlayer().ClientCommand(\"ForceMyTeamLose\")" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Force Match End", "script ForceMatchEnd()" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Force Draw", "script ForceDraw()" )
- }
- SetupDevCommand( "Toggle Friendly Highlights", "script DEV_ToggleFriendlyHighlight()" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Export precache script", "script_ui Dev_CommandLineAddParm( \"-autoprecache\", \"\" ); script_ui Dev_CommandLineRemoveParm( \"" + STARTPOINT_DEV_STRING + "\" ); reload" )
- // SetupDevCommand( "Toggle Blood Spray Decals", "script_client BloodSprayDecals_Toggle()" )
- //SetupDevCommand( "PlaySpyglassVDU", "script ForcePlayConversationToAll(\"SpyglassVDU\")" )
- //SetupDevCommand( "PlayGravesVDU", "script ForcePlayConversationToAll(\"GravesVDU\")" )
- //SetupDevCommand( "PlayBliskVDU", "script ForcePlayConversationToAll(\"BliskVDU\")" )
- //SetupDevCommand( "PlaySarahVDU", "script ForcePlayConversationToAll(\"SarahVDU\")" )
- //SetupDevCommand( "PlayMacVDU", "script ForcePlayConversationToAll(\"MacVDU\")" )
- //SetupDevCommand( "PlayBishVDU", "script ForcePlayConversationToAll(\"BishVDU\")" )
- //SetupDevCommand( "PlayMCORGruntBattleRifleVDU", "script ForcePlayConversationToAll(\"MCORGruntBattleRifleVDU\")" )
- //SetupDevCommand( "PlayMCORGruntAntiTitanVDU", "script ForcePlayConversationToAll(\"MCORGruntAntiTitanVDU\")" )
- //SetupDevCommand( "PlayIMCSoldierBattleRifleVDU", "script ForcePlayConversationToAll(\"IMCSoldierBattleRifleVDU\")" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Doom my titan", "script_client GetLocalViewPlayer().ClientCommand( \"DoomTitan\" )" )
- SetupDevCommand( "DoF debug (ads)", "script_client ToggleDofDebug()" )
- SetupDevCommand( "ToggleTitanCallInEffects", "script FlagToggle( \"EnableIncomingTitanDropEffects\" )" )
- //SetupDevCommand( "TrailerTitanDrop", "script_client GetLocalViewPlayer().ClientCommand( \"TrailerTitanDrop\" )" )
- //SetupDevCommand( "AI Chatter: aichat_callout_pilot_dev", "script playconvtest(\"aichat_callout_pilot_dev\")" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Spawn IMC grunt", "SpawnViewGrunt " + TEAM_IMC )
- SetupDevCommand( "Spawn Militia grunt", "SpawnViewGrunt " + TEAM_MILITIA )
- SetupDevCommand( "Enable titan-always-executes-titan", "script FlagSet( \"ForceSyncedMelee\" )" )
- //SetupDevCommand( "Display Embark times", "script DebugEmbarkTimes()" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Kill All Titans", "script killtitans()" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Kill All Minions", "script killminions()" )
- if ( IsSingleplayer() )
- SetupDevCommand( "Kill All Enemies", "script KillAllBadguys()" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Export leveled_weapons.def / r2_weapons.fgd", "script thread LeveledWeaponDump()" )
- if ( IsMultiplayer() )
- {
- SetupDevCommand( "Summon Players to player 0", "script summonplayers()" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Display Titanfall spots", "script thread ShowAllTitanFallSpots()" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Toggle check inside Titanfall Blocker", "script thread DevCheckInTitanfallBlocker()" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Simulate Game Scoring", "script thread SimulateGameScore()" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Test Dropship Intro Spawns with Bots", "script thread DebugTestDropshipStartSpawnsForAll()" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Preview Dropship Spawn at this location", "script SetCustomPlayerDropshipSpawn()" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Test Dropship Spawn at this location", "script thread DebugTestCustomDropshipSpawn()" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Max Activity (Pilots)", "script SetMaxActivityMode(1)" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Max Activity (Titans)", "script SetMaxActivityMode(2)" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Max Activity (Conger Mode)", "script SetMaxActivityMode(4)" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Max Activity (Disabled)", "script SetMaxActivityMode(0)" )
- }
- else
- {
- SetupDevCommand( "Reset Collectibles Progress (level)", "script Dev_ResetCollectiblesProgress_Level()" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Reset Collectibles Progress (all)", "script ResetCollectiblesProgress_All()" )
- SetupDevCommand( "BT Loadouts - Reset", "script SetBTLoadoutsUnlockedBitfield( 1 )" )
- SetupDevCommand( "BT Loadouts - Unlock All", "script SetBTLoadoutsUnlockedBitfield( 65535 )" )
- SetupDevCommand( "BT Loadouts - Spawn Unlock Pickup", "script SPTitanLoadout_SpawnAtCrosshairDEV( -1 )" )
- }
- SetupDevCommand( "Toggle Skybox View", "script thread ToggleSkyboxView()" )
- //SetupDevCommand( "Toggle Bubble Shield", "ToggleBubbleShield" )
- //SetupDevCommand( "Toggle Grenade Indicators", "script_client ToggleGrenadeIndicators()" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Toggle HUD", "ToggleHUD" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Toggle Offhand Low Recharge", "ToggleOffhandLowRecharge" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Map Metrics Toggle", "script_client GetLocalClientPlayer().ClientCommand( \"toggle map_metrics 0 1 2 3\" )" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Toggle Pain Death sound debug", "script TogglePainDeathDebug()" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Jump Randomly Forever", "script_client thread JumpRandomlyForever()" )
-void function SetupDefaultDevCommandsMP()
- SetupRepeatLastDevCommand()
- SetupDevFunc( "Frontier Defense", SetDevMenu_FrontierDefense )
- SetupDevFunc( "Spawn IMC NPC", SetDevMenu_AISpawn, 2 )
- SetupDevFunc( "Spawn IMC Boss Titan", SetDevMenu_BossTitans )
- SetupDevFunc( "Spawn Militia NPC", SetDevMenu_AISpawn, 3 )
- SetupDevFunc( "Spawn Team 4 NPC", SetDevMenu_AISpawn, 4 )
- SetupDevFunc( "Spawn Titan Weapon", SetDevMenu_TitanWeapons )
- SetupDevFunc( "Spawn Pilot Weapons", SetDevMenu_PilotWeapons )
- SetupDevFunc( "Spawn Pilot Offhands", SetDevMenu_PilotOffhands )
- SetupDevFunc( "AI Commands", SetDevMenu_AICommands )
- SetupDevCommand( "Toggle Model Viewer", "script thread ToggleModelViewer()" )
- SetupDevCommand( "AI Titan Duel", "script DEV_AITitanDuel()" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Free Titans for everybody", "script GiveAllTitans()" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Disable NPCs", "script disable_npcs()" )
- // SetupDevCommand( "Disable New NPCs", "script disable_new_npcs()" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Swap the teams", "script teamswap()" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Force time limit", "script ForceTimeLimitDone()" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Force My Team Win", "script_client GetLocalClientPlayer().ClientCommand(\"ForceMyTeamWin\")" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Force My Team Lose", "script_client GetLocalClientPlayer().ClientCommand(\"ForceMyTeamLose\")" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Force Match End", "script ForceMatchEnd()" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Force Draw", "script ForceDraw()" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Toggle Friendly Highlights", "script DEV_ToggleFriendlyHighlight()" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Export precache script", "script_ui Dev_CommandLineAddParm( \"-autoprecache\", \"\" ); script_ui Dev_CommandLineRemoveParm( \"" + STARTPOINT_DEV_STRING + "\" ); reload" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Doom my titan", "script_client GetLocalViewPlayer().ClientCommand( \"DoomTitan\" )" )
- SetupDevCommand( "DoF debug (ads)", "script_client ToggleDofDebug()" )
- SetupDevCommand( "ToggleTitanCallInEffects", "script FlagToggle( \"EnableIncomingTitanDropEffects\" )" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Spawn IMC grunt", "SpawnViewGrunt " + TEAM_IMC )
- SetupDevCommand( "Spawn Militia grunt", "SpawnViewGrunt " + TEAM_MILITIA )
- SetupDevCommand( "Enable titan-always-executes-titan", "script FlagSet( \"ForceSyncedMelee\" )" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Kill All Titans", "script killtitans()" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Kill All Minions", "script killminions()" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Export leveled_weapons.def / r2_weapons.fgd", "script thread LeveledWeaponDump()" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Summon Players to player 0", "script summonplayers()" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Display Titanfall spots", "script thread ShowAllTitanFallSpots()" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Toggle check inside Titanfall Blocker", "script thread DevCheckInTitanfallBlocker()" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Simulate Game Scoring", "script thread SimulateGameScore()" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Test Dropship Intro Spawns with Bots", "script thread DebugTestDropshipStartSpawnsForAll()" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Preview Dropship Spawn at this location", "script SetCustomPlayerDropshipSpawn()" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Test Dropship Spawn at this location", "script thread DebugTestCustomDropshipSpawn()" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Max Activity (Pilots)", "script SetMaxActivityMode(1)" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Max Activity (Titans)", "script SetMaxActivityMode(2)" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Max Activity (Conger Mode)", "script SetMaxActivityMode(4)" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Max Activity (Disabled)", "script SetMaxActivityMode(0)" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Toggle Skybox View", "script thread ToggleSkyboxView()" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Toggle HUD", "ToggleHUD" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Toggle Offhand Low Recharge", "ToggleOffhandLowRecharge" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Map Metrics Toggle", "script_client GetLocalClientPlayer().ClientCommand( \"toggle map_metrics 0 1 2 3\" )" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Toggle Pain Death sound debug", "script TogglePainDeathDebug()" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Jump Randomly Forever", "script_client thread JumpRandomlyForever()" )
-void function SetupRepeatLastDevCommand()
- DevCommand cmd
- cmd.label = "Repeat Last Dev Command"
- cmd.func = RepeatLastDevCommand
- cmd.storeAsLastCommand = false
- file.devCommands.append( cmd )
-void function SetDevMenu_LevelCommands( var _ )
- ChangeToThisMenu( SetupLevelDevCommands )
-void function SetupLevelDevCommands()
- string activeLevel = GetActiveLevel()
- if ( activeLevel == "" )
- return
- switch ( activeLevel )
- {
- case "mp_titan_rodeo":
- SetupDevCommand( "Atlas titans", "script thread TitanTypes( \"titan_atlas_stickybomb\")" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Ogre titans", "script thread TitanTypes( \"titan_ogre_meteor\")" )
- SetupDevCommand( "Stryder titans", "script thread TitanTypes( \"titan_stryder_leadwall\")" )
- break
- case "model_viewer":
- SetupDevCommand( "Toggle Rebreather Masks", "script ToggleRebreatherMasks()" )
- break
- case "sp_grunt_arena":
- SetupDevCommand( "Toggle health pickups", "script ToggleHealthRegen(); reload" )
- break
- }
-void function SetDevMenu_SpawnNPCWithWeapon( var parms )
- ChangeToThisMenu_WithOpParm( SetupMenu_SpawnNPCWithWeapons, parms )
-void function SetDevMenu_StartPoints( var _ )
- string currentMap = GetActiveLevel()
- array<StartPointCSV> foundStartPoints = GetStartPointsForMap( currentMap )
-// foreach ( index, startPointEnum in foundStartPoints )
-// {
-// table parms = { currentMap = currentMap, startPointEnum = startPointEnum }
-// SetupDevCommand( "#" + startPointEnum, SetDevMenu_SelectStartPointDifficulty, parms )
-// //SetupDevCommand( "#" + startPointEnum, "script PickStartPoint( \"" + currentMap + "\", \"" + startPointEnum + "\" )" )
-// }
- CloseAllInGameMenus()
- AdvanceMenu( GetMenu( "SinglePlayerDevMenu" ), true )
- DisplayStartPointButtons( currentMap, foundStartPoints )
-void function SetDevMenu_ActionBlocks()
- ChangeToThisMenu( SetupActionBlocks )
-function DefineActionBlocks()
- file.actionBlocks = []
- /* [Menu name] [action block name] [owner] [description] [load commands] */
- AddActionBlock( "Week 1", "Timed Switch Panel Run", "Sean", "Test your wallrunning abilities by jumping on timed platforms", "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_platform_test01" )
- AddActionBlock( "Week 1", "Energon Room", "Mackey", "Combat test arena. Collect all Energon Spheres to win", "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_abmac1" )
- AddActionBlock( "Week 1", "Titan Buddy + Turret Columns", "Carlos", null, "playlist Load a map on the command line; map carlos_test" )
- AddActionBlock( "Week 1", "Titan Maze", "Soupy", null, "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_act-block_maze" )
- AddActionBlock( "Week 1", "Catch me if you Can", "Chin", "Catch up to a moving pilot and kill him to win", "launchplaylist catchmeifyoucan" )
- AddActionBlock( "Week 1", "Jumping Puzzles", "ChadG", "Various pilot jumping puzzles with moving platforms", "playlist Load a map on the command line; mp_gamemode at; map mp_chad" )
- AddActionBlock( "Week 1", "FLANKER BOOST loadout basics", "Brent", "Non-wallrunning pilot jumping basics", "playlist Load a map on the command line; mp_gamemode at; map mp_ab_test" )
- AddActionBlock( "Week 1", "Flee Titan Attack by wallrunning", "Roger", null, "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_ab_flee" )
- AddActionBlock( "Week 1", "Protect Grunt squad from Mortar fire", "Roger", null, "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_ab_vortex" )
- AddActionBlock( "Week 1", "Catch me if you Can Part 2", "Soupy", null, "playlist catchmeifyoucan;mp_gamemode ps; map mp_catchme" )
- AddActionBlock( "Week 2", "Environment Puzzles", "ChadG", "Get your titan to the exit by solving some puzzles", "playlist Load a map on the command line; mp_gamemode at; map mp_chad2" )
-// AddActionBlock( "Week 2", "Fun House - survive to the end", "Mo", null, "playlist Load a map on the command line; map mp_ab_funhouse" )
- AddActionBlock( "Week 2", "Assassin Arena - boss fight with the Assassin", "Mo", null, "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_ab_assassin" )
- AddActionBlock( "Week 2", "Creature Ship", "LumberJake", "Explore a crashed ship with mysterious cargo", "playlist Load a map on the command line; mp_gamemode at; map mp_actionblockjake01" )
- AddActionBlock( "Week 2", "Titan/Pilot Puzzles", "RyanR", "Get your titan to the green room", "playlist Load a map on the command line; mp_gamemode at; map mp_ryanr_actionblock_01" )
- AddActionBlock( "Week 2", "Titan/Pilot Core Combat", "Carlos", null, "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_ammo_pickup" )
- AddActionBlock( "Week 2", "Titan Overwatch", "Roger", "Your sniping titan will cover you as you advance to the bunker", "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_ab_titanbuddy" )
- AddActionBlock( "Week 2", "Rodeo Express", "Chin", "Use your titan to get you through a pilot hazard area", "playlist lava; mp_gamemode at; map mp_chin_rodeo_express" )
- AddActionBlock( "Week 2", "Wallrun Gauntlet", "McCord", "Wallrun through the geo and don't fall to your death", "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_zipline_action_block01" )
- AddActionBlock( "Week 2", "Titan Mortar Targeting Test", "Soupy", null, "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_mortar_targeting_test" )
- AddActionBlock( "Week 2", "Tremors", "David", null, "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_tremors" )
- AddActionBlock( "Week 2", "Titan Combat Blok", "Mackey", "Combat arena. Kill all enemies.", "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_abmac3" )
- AddActionBlock( "Week 2", "Smart Targeted Switch Panels", "Sean", "Wallrun from wall to wall while activating switches", "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_platform_test02" )
- AddActionBlock( "Week 3", "Combat Canyon", "Mo", "Kill enemies in the canyon and extract", "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_ab_ski" )
- AddActionBlock( "Week 3", "Titan v Titan", "Roger", "Test Titan vs Titan combat against various titan AI", "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_ab_tvt" )
- AddActionBlock( "Week 3", "Train Raid", "ChadG", "Board a speeding train and hack the explosives on board", "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_ab_trainride01" )
- AddActionBlock( "Week 3", "Super Spectre Bros", "David", "Survive 6 waves against super spectres", "playlist Load a map on the command line; map mp_ab_super_spectre_bros" )
- AddActionBlock( "Week 4", "Nightshot", "David", "Help your titan buddy hunt in the dark.", "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_ab_nightshot" )
- //AddActionBlock( "Week 4", "Space Battle", "Mo", "Pilot a ship in space. \n -Play with Always run OFF. \n -Use low sensitivity. \n -Use bug_reproNum 1 to invert flight controls.\n -Use bug_reproNum 2 for PRO flight controls. (free look) \n -Use bug_reproNum 3 for inverted PRO flight controls.", "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_ab_week4" )
- AddActionBlock( "Week 4", "Buddy Fight", "Mackey", "Arena fight with buddy Titan", "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_buddy_fight" )
- AddActionBlock( "Week 4", "Fastball Special", "Slayback/McCord", "Use a new Titan ability to hurl yourself to new heights.", "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_fastball" )
- AddActionBlock( "Week 4", "Time Travel Mechanic", "LumberJake", "Travel back and forth through time to complete your mission.", "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_actionblockjake02" )
- AddActionBlock( "Week 5", "Titan Ability: Death Blossom", "Mo", "Use Up on D-Pad to use Death Blossom\n\nUse your new ability to defeat the enemies", "playlist Load a map on the command line; bug_reproNum 0; map sp_ab_blossom" )
- AddActionBlock( "Week 5", "Titan Ability: Arc Blast", "Mo", "Use Down on D-Pad to use Arc Blast\n\nUse your new ability to defeat the enemies", "playlist Load a map on the command line; bug_reproNum 1; map sp_ab_blossom" )
- AddActionBlock( "Week 5", "Titan Abilities: Death Blossom + Arc Blast", "Mo", "D-Pad Up = Death Blossom\nD-Pad Down = Arc Blast\n\nUse your new abilities to defeat the enemies", "playlist Load a map on the command line; bug_reproNum 2; map sp_ab_blossom" )
- AddActionBlock( "Week 5", "Time Stasis Gun", "LumberJake", "Titan freezes enemies allowing the Pilot \nto do a one-shot kill", "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_actionblockjake03" )
- AddActionBlock( "Week 5", "Fastball Mortar Battle", "McCord/Slayback", "Freeform Buddy Titan arena battle. \n - Fastball Special \n - Mortar Crews \n - Buddy Hibernation \n - Harvester Defense", "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_ab_mortar_battle01" )
- AddActionBlock( "Week 5", "Zipline Gun", "ChadG", "Create permanent ziplines in the map", "playlist Load a map on the command line; mp_gamemode tdm; bug_reproNum 1234; map mp_angel_city" )
- AddActionBlock( "Week 6", "Titan Hulk", "David", "Buddy Titan hulks out and throws things.", "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_ab_titan_thrower" )
- AddActionBlock( "Week 6", "Player & Titan vs Enemy Titan", "Roger", "Bare bones Pilot & Auto Titan vs Enemy Titan", "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_ab_ptvt" )
- AddActionBlock( "Week 6", "Pilot Stasis Gun", "Soupy", "Pilot has a Stasis gun to help a friendly Titan out", "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_ab_synergy" )
- AddActionBlock( "Week 6", "Acid Rain", "LumberJake", "- Destroy 3 harvesters in a poison rain storm\n- Avoid poison rain by staying in your Titan or indoors\n- Collect powerups to get rain immunity", "map sp_actionblockjake04" )
- AddActionBlock( "Week 6", "Freeform Hallway Fight", "McCord/Slayback", "Move through the tight hallways with your Titan Buddy.", "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_ab_hallway_fight01" )
- AddActionBlock( "Week 6", "Stealth Town", "Carlos", "Stealth through a group of enemy titans", "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_titan_stealth" )
- AddActionBlock( "Week 6", "Titan Attack Command", "Mo", "Command your buddy titan to attack a position.", "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_ab_break" )
- AddActionBlock( "Week 7", "SP Shell", "Chad/McCord", "", "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_shell1" )
- AddActionBlock( "Week 7", "Smart Pistol Progression", "Soupy", "Try different smart pistol mods in different combat situations", "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_ab_smart_pistol_ramp" )
-function AddActionBlock( subMenu, actionBlockName, owner, description, command )
- local subMenuIndex = null
- foreach( i, Table in file.actionBlocks )
- {
- if ( Table.name == subMenu )
- subMenuIndex = i
- }
- if ( subMenuIndex == null )
- {
- file.actionBlocks.append( { name = subMenu, actionBlocks = [] } )
- subMenuIndex = file.actionBlocks.len() - 1
- }
- local Table = {}
- Table.name <- actionBlockName
- Table.owner <- owner
- Table.description <- description
- Table.command <- command
- file.actionBlocks[ subMenuIndex ].actionBlocks.append( Table )
-function GetActionBlocks()
- DefineActionBlocks()
- return file.actionBlocks
-void function SetupActionBlocks()
- DefineActionBlocks()
- // For the in-game dev menu we only add the current week of action blocks
- foreach ( week, actionBlock in file.actionBlocks )
- {
- SetupDevFunc( "Week " + ( week + 1 ), SetDevMenu_Week, week )
- }
-void function SetDevMenu_Week( var week )
- ChangeToThisMenu_WithOpParm( SetupActionBlocksByWeek, week )
-void function SetupActionBlocksByWeek( var week )
- foreach ( actionBlock in file.actionBlocks[ week ].actionBlocks )
- {
- SetupDevCommand( actionBlock.name + " - " + actionBlock.owner, expect string( actionBlock.command ) )
- }
-void function SetDevMenu_AICommands( var _ )
- ChangeToThisMenu( SetupAIDevCommands )
-void function SetDevMenu_AISpawn( var enemy )
-#if DEV
- InitNpcSettingsFileNamesForDevMenu()
- ChangeToThisMenu_WithOpParm( SetupSpawnAIButtons, enemy )
-void function SetDevMenu_BossTitans( var _ )
-#if DEV
- InitNpcSettingsFileNamesForDevMenu()
- ChangeToThisMenu( SetupSpawnBossTitans )
-void function SetDevMenu_FrontierDefense( var _ )
- #if DEV
- thread ChangeToThisMenu( SetupFrontierDefense )
- #endif
-void function SetDevMenu_TitanWeapons( var _ )
-#if DEV
- thread ChangeToThisMenu_PrecacheWeapons( SetupTitanWeapon )
-void function SetDevMenu_ArmedNPC( var data )
-#if DEV
- thread ChangeToThisMenu_PrecacheWeapons_WithOpParm( SetupSpawnArmedNPC, data )
-void function SetDevMenu_PilotWeapons( var _ )
-#if DEV
- thread ChangeToThisMenu_PrecacheWeapons_WithOpParm( SetupPilotWeaponsFromFields, "not_set" )
-void function SetDevMenu_PilotOffhands( var _ )
-#if DEV
- thread ChangeToThisMenu_PrecacheWeapons_WithOpParm( SetupPilotWeaponsFromFields, "offhand" )
-void function ChangeToThisMenu_PrecacheWeapons( void functionref() menuFunc )
- waitthread PrecacheWeaponsIfNecessary()
- file.devMenuFunc = menuFunc
- file.devMenuFuncWithOpParm = null
- file.devMenuOpParm = null
- UpdateDevMenuButtons()
-void function ChangeToThisMenu_PrecacheWeapons_WithOpParm( void functionref( var ) menuFuncWithOpParm, opParm = null )
- waitthread PrecacheWeaponsIfNecessary()
- file.devMenuFunc = null
- file.devMenuFuncWithOpParm = menuFuncWithOpParm
- file.devMenuOpParm = opParm
- UpdateDevMenuButtons()
-void function PrecacheWeaponsIfNecessary()
- if ( file.precachedWeapons )
- return
- file.precachedWeapons = true
- CloseAllInGameMenus()
- DisablePrecacheErrors()
- wait 0.1
- ClientCommand( "script PrecacheSPWeapons()" )
- wait 0.1
- ClientCommand( "script_client PrecacheSPWeapons()" )
- wait 0.1
- RestorePrecacheErrors()
- AdvanceMenu( GetMenu( "DevMenu" ) )
-void function UpdatePrecachedSPWeapons()
- file.precachedWeapons = IsMultiplayer()
-void function SetupMenu_SpawnNPCWithWeapons( parms )
- string weaponCapacity = expect string( parms.weaponCapacity )
- string baseClass = expect string( parms.baseClass )
- string aiSettings = expect string( parms.aiSettings )
- int team = expect int( parms.team )
- array<int> itemTypes
- switch ( weaponCapacity )
- {
- case "PilotMainWeapons":
- itemTypes = [ eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY, eItemTypes.PILOT_SECONDARY ]
- break
- case "TitanMainWeapons":
- itemTypes = [ eItemTypes.TITAN_PRIMARY ]
- break
- default:
- Assert( 0, "Unknown weapon capacity " + weaponCapacity )
- break
- }
- array<string> itemNames
- foreach ( itemType in itemTypes )
- {
- array<string> items = GetAllItemRefsOfType( itemType )
- foreach ( item in items )
- {
- itemNames.append( item )
- }
- }
- foreach ( ref in itemNames )
- {
- string weaponName = expect string( GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField_GlobalNotNull( ref, "printname" ) )
- string cmd = "thread DEV_SpawnNPCWithWeaponAtCrosshair( \"" + baseClass + "\", \"" + aiSettings + "\", " + team + ", \"" + ref + "\" )"
- SetupDevCommand( weaponName, "script " + cmd )
- }
-void function SetupAIDevCommands()
-void function SetDevMenu_titanSelection( var _ )
- ChangeToThisMenu( SetupTitanSelection )
-void function SetupTitanSelection()
-void function SetupDevCommand( string label, string command )
- DevCommand cmd
- cmd.label = label
- cmd.command = command
- file.devCommands.append( cmd )
-void function SetupDevFunc( string label, void functionref( var ) func, var opParm = null )
- DevCommand cmd
- cmd.label = label
- cmd.func = func
- cmd.opParm = opParm
- file.devCommands.append( cmd )
-function OnDevButton_Activate( button )
- //if ( level.ui.disableDev )
- //{
- // CodeWarning( "Dev commands disabled on matchmaking servers." )
- // return
- //}
- int buttonID = int( Hud_GetScriptID( button ) )
- DevCommand cmd = file.devCommands[buttonID]
- RunDevCommand( cmd )
-void function RunDevCommand( DevCommand cmd )
- if ( cmd.storeAsLastCommand )
- {
- file.lastDevCommand = cmd
- file.lastDevCommandAssigned = true
- }
- if ( cmd.command != "" )
- {
- ClientCommand( cmd.command )
- CloseAllInGameMenus()
- }
- else
- {
- cmd.func( cmd.opParm )
- }
-void function RepeatLastDevCommand( var _ )
- if ( !file.lastDevCommandAssigned )
- return
- RunDevCommand( file.lastDevCommand )
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bobthebob.testing/scripts/vscripts/ui/menu_map_select.nut b/bobthebob.testing/scripts/vscripts/ui/menu_map_select.nut
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ed0d1773..000000000
--- a/bobthebob.testing/scripts/vscripts/ui/menu_map_select.nut
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-global function MenuMapSelect_Init
-global function InitMapsMenu
-struct {
- int mapsPerPage = 21
- int currentMapPage
-} file
-// note: this does have a scrolling system in vanilla, but it's honestly really weird and jank and i don't like it
-// so for parity with menu_mode_select i'm removing it in favour of a page system
-function MenuMapSelect_Init()
- RegisterSignal( "OnCloseMapsMenu" )
-void function InitMapsMenu()
- var menu = GetMenu( "MapsMenu" )
- AddMenuEventHandler( menu, eUIEvent.MENU_OPEN, OnOpenMapsMenu )
- AddMenuEventHandler( menu, eUIEvent.MENU_CLOSE, OnCloseMapsMenu )
- AddEventHandlerToButtonClass( menu, "MapButtonClass", UIE_GET_FOCUS, MapButton_Focused )
- AddEventHandlerToButtonClass( menu, "MapButtonClass", UIE_LOSE_FOCUS, MapButton_LostFocus )
- AddEventHandlerToButtonClass( menu, "MapButtonClass", UIE_CLICK, MapButton_Activate )
- AddMenuFooterOption( menu, BUTTON_A, "#A_BUTTON_SELECT" )
- AddMenuFooterOption( menu, BUTTON_B, "#B_BUTTON_BACK", "#BACK" )
- AddMenuFooterOption( menu, BUTTON_SHOULDER_LEFT, "#PRIVATE_MATCH_PAGE_PREV", "#PRIVATE_MATCH_PAGE_PREV", CycleModesBack, IsNorthstarServer )
- AddMenuFooterOption( menu, BUTTON_SHOULDER_RIGHT, "#PRIVATE_MATCH_PAGE_NEXT", "#PRIVATE_MATCH_PAGE_NEXT", CycleModesForward, IsNorthstarServer )
-void function OnOpenMapsMenu()
- if ( IsNorthstarServer() )
- file.mapsPerPage = 15
- else
- file.mapsPerPage = 21
- UpdateVisibleMaps()
-void function UpdateVisibleMaps()
- array<var> buttons = GetElementsByClassname( GetMenu( "MapsMenu" ), "MapButtonClass" )
- array<string> mapsArray = GetPrivateMatchMaps()
- foreach ( button in buttons )
- {
- int buttonID = int( Hud_GetScriptID( button ) )
- int mapID = buttonID + ( file.currentMapPage * file.mapsPerPage )
- if ( buttonID < file.mapsPerPage && mapID < GetPrivateMatchMaps().len() )
- {
- string name = mapsArray[ mapID ]
- SetButtonRuiText( button, GetMapDisplayName( name ) )
- Hud_SetEnabled( button, true )
- if ( IsItemInEntitlementUnlock( name ) && IsValid( GetUIPlayer() ) )
- {
- if ( IsItemLocked( GetUIPlayer(), name ) && GetCurrentPlaylistVarInt( name + "_available" , 0 ) == 0 )
- {
- SetButtonRuiText( button, Localize( "#MAP_LOCKED", Localize( GetMapDisplayName( name ) ) ) )
- }
- }
- bool mapSupportsMode = PrivateMatch_IsValidMapModeCombo( name, PrivateMatch_GetSelectedMode() )
- Hud_SetLocked( button, !mapSupportsMode )
- if ( !mapSupportsMode )
- SetButtonRuiText( button, Localize( "#PRIVATE_MATCH_UNAVAILABLE", Localize( GetMapDisplayName( name ) ) ) )
- }
- else
- {
- SetButtonRuiText( button, "" )
- Hud_SetEnabled( button, false )
- }
- if ( mapID == level.ui.privatematch_map )
- {
- printt( buttonID, mapsArray[buttonID] )
- Hud_SetFocused( button )
- }
- }
-void function OnCloseMapsMenu()
- Signal( uiGlobal.signalDummy, "OnCloseMapsMenu" )
-void function MapButton_Focused( var button )
- int mapID = int( Hud_GetScriptID( button ) ) + ( file.currentMapPage * file.mapsPerPage )
- var menu = GetMenu( "MapsMenu" )
- var nextMapImage = Hud_GetChild( menu, "NextMapImage" )
- var nextMapName = Hud_GetChild( menu, "NextMapName" )
- var nextMapDesc = Hud_GetChild( menu, "NextMapDesc" )
- array<string> mapsArray = GetPrivateMatchMaps()
- string mapName = mapsArray[ mapID ]
- asset mapImage = GetMapImageForMapName( mapName )
- RuiSetImage( Hud_GetRui( nextMapImage ), "basicImage", mapImage )
- Hud_SetText( nextMapName, GetMapDisplayName( mapName ) )
- string modeName = PrivateMatch_GetSelectedMode()
- bool mapSupportsMode = PrivateMatch_IsValidMapModeCombo( mapName, modeName )
- if ( !mapSupportsMode )
- Hud_SetText( nextMapDesc, Localize( "#PRIVATE_MATCH_MAP_NO_MODE_SUPPORT", Localize( GetMapDisplayName( mapName ) ), Localize( GetGameModeDisplayName( modeName ) ) ) )
- else
- Hud_SetText( nextMapDesc, GetMapDisplayDesc( mapName ) )
-void function MapButton_LostFocus( var button )
- HandleLockedCustomMenuItem( GetMenu( "MapsMenu" ), button, [], true )
-void function MapButton_Activate( var button )
- if ( Hud_IsLocked( button ) )
- return
- if ( !AmIPartyLeader() && GetPartySize() > 1 )
- return
- array<string> mapsArray = GetPrivateMatchMaps()
- int mapID = int( Hud_GetScriptID( button ) )
- string mapName = mapsArray[ mapID + ( file.currentMapPage * file.mapsPerPage ) ]
- printt( mapName, mapID )
- ClientCommand( "SetCustomMap " + mapName )
- CloseActiveMenu()
-void function CycleModesBack( var button )
- if ( file.currentMapPage == 0 )
- return
- file.currentMapPage--
- UpdateVisibleMaps()
-void function CycleModesForward( var button )
- if ( ( file.currentMapPage + 1 ) * file.mapsPerPage >= GetPrivateMatchMaps().len() )
- return
- file.currentMapPage++
- UpdateVisibleMaps()
diff --git a/bobthebob.testing/scripts/vscripts/ui/menu_mode_select.nut b/bobthebob.testing/scripts/vscripts/ui/menu_mode_select.nut
deleted file mode 100644
index 233767816..000000000
--- a/bobthebob.testing/scripts/vscripts/ui/menu_mode_select.nut
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-global function InitModesMenu
-struct {
- int currentModePage
-} file
-const int MODES_PER_PAGE = 15
-void function InitModesMenu()
- var menu = GetMenu( "ModesMenu" )
- AddMenuEventHandler( menu, eUIEvent.MENU_OPEN, OnOpenModesMenu )
- AddEventHandlerToButtonClass( menu, "ModeButton", UIE_GET_FOCUS, ModeButton_GetFocus )
- AddEventHandlerToButtonClass( menu, "ModeButton", UIE_CLICK, ModeButton_Click )
- AddMenuFooterOption( menu, BUTTON_A, "#A_BUTTON_SELECT" )
- AddMenuFooterOption( menu, BUTTON_B, "#B_BUTTON_BACK", "#BACK" )
- AddMenuFooterOption( menu, BUTTON_SHOULDER_LEFT, "#PRIVATE_MATCH_PAGE_PREV", "#PRIVATE_MATCH_PAGE_PREV", CycleModesBack, IsNorthstarServer )
- AddMenuFooterOption( menu, BUTTON_SHOULDER_RIGHT, "#PRIVATE_MATCH_PAGE_NEXT", "#PRIVATE_MATCH_PAGE_NEXT", CycleModesForward, IsNorthstarServer )
-void function OnOpenModesMenu()
- UpdateVisibleModes()
- if ( level.ui.privatematch_mode == 0 ) // set to the first mode if there's no mode focused
- Hud_SetFocused( GetElementsByClassname( GetMenu( "ModesMenu" ), "ModeButton" )[ 0 ] )
-void function UpdateVisibleModes()
- // ensures that we only ever show enough buttons for the number of modes we have
- array<var> buttons = GetElementsByClassname( GetMenu( "ModesMenu" ), "ModeButton" )
- foreach ( var button in buttons )
- {
- Hud_SetEnabled( button, false )
- Hud_SetVisible( button, false )
- }
- array<string> modesArray = GetPrivateMatchModes()
- for ( int i = 0; i < MODES_PER_PAGE; i++ )
- {
- if ( i + ( file.currentModePage * MODES_PER_PAGE ) >= modesArray.len() )
- break
- int modeIndex = i + ( file.currentModePage * MODES_PER_PAGE )
- SetButtonRuiText( buttons[ i ], GetGameModeDisplayName( modesArray[ modeIndex ] ) )
- Hud_SetEnabled( buttons[ i ], true )
- Hud_SetVisible( buttons[ i ], true )
- Hud_SetLocked( buttons[ i ], false )
- if ( !PrivateMatch_IsValidMapModeCombo( PrivateMatch_GetSelectedMap(), modesArray[ modeIndex ] ) && !IsNorthstarServer() )
- {
- Hud_SetLocked( buttons[ i ], true )
- SetButtonRuiText( buttons[ i ], Localize( "#PRIVATE_MATCH_UNAVAILABLE", Localize( GetGameModeDisplayName( modesArray[ modeIndex ] ) ) ) )
- }
- }
-void function ModeButton_GetFocus( var button )
- int modeId = int( Hud_GetScriptID( button ) ) + ( file.currentModePage * MODES_PER_PAGE )
- var menu = GetMenu( "ModesMenu" )
- var nextModeImage = Hud_GetChild( menu, "NextModeImage" )
- var nextModeIcon = Hud_GetChild( menu, "ModeIconImage" )
- var nextModeName = Hud_GetChild( menu, "NextModeName" )
- var nextModeDesc = Hud_GetChild( menu, "NextModeDesc" )
- array<string> modesArray = GetPrivateMatchModes()
- if ( modeId > modesArray.len() )
- return
- string modeName = modesArray[modeId]
- asset playlistImage = GetPlaylistImage( modeName )
- RuiSetImage( Hud_GetRui( nextModeImage ), "basicImage", playlistImage )
- RuiSetImage( Hud_GetRui( nextModeIcon ), "basicImage", GetPlaylistThumbnailImage( modeName ) )
- Hud_SetText( nextModeName, GetGameModeDisplayName( modeName ) )
- string mapName = PrivateMatch_GetSelectedMap()
- bool mapSupportsMode = PrivateMatch_IsValidMapModeCombo( mapName, modeName )
- if ( !mapSupportsMode && !IsNorthstarServer() )
- Hud_SetText( nextModeDesc, Localize( "#PRIVATE_MATCH_MODE_NO_MAP_SUPPORT", Localize( GetGameModeDisplayName( modeName ) ), Localize( GetMapDisplayName( mapName ) ) ) )
- else if ( IsFDMode( modeName ) ) // HACK!
- Hud_SetText( nextModeDesc, Localize( "#FD_PLAYERS_DESC", Localize( GetGameModeDisplayHint( modeName ) ) ) )
- else
- Hud_SetText( nextModeDesc, GetGameModeDisplayHint( modeName ) )
-void function ModeButton_Click( var button )
- // this never activates on custom servers, but keeping it for parity with official
- if ( !AmIPartyLeader() && GetPartySize() > 1 )
- return
- if ( Hud_IsLocked( button ) )
- return
- int modeID = int( Hud_GetScriptID( button ) ) + ( file.currentModePage * MODES_PER_PAGE )
- array<string> modesArray = GetPrivateMatchModes()
- string modeName = modesArray[ modeID ]
- // on modded servers set us to the first map for that mode automatically
- // need this for coliseum mainly which is literally impossible to select without this
- if ( IsNorthstarServer() && !PrivateMatch_IsValidMapModeCombo( PrivateMatch_GetSelectedMap(), modesArray[ modeID ] ) )
- ClientCommand( "SetCustomMap " + GetPrivateMatchMapsForMode( modeName )[ 0 ] )
- // set it
- ClientCommand( "PrivateMatchSetMode " + modeName )
- CloseActiveMenu()
-void function CycleModesBack( var button )
- if ( file.currentModePage == 0 )
- return
- file.currentModePage--
- UpdateVisibleModes()
-void function CycleModesForward( var button )
- if ( ( file.currentModePage + 1 ) * MODES_PER_PAGE >= GetPrivateMatchModes().len() )
- return
- file.currentModePage++
- UpdateVisibleModes()
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bobthebob.testing/scripts/vscripts/ui/menu_team_titan_select.nut b/bobthebob.testing/scripts/vscripts/ui/menu_team_titan_select.nut
deleted file mode 100644
index d0ee5f0f6..000000000
--- a/bobthebob.testing/scripts/vscripts/ui/menu_team_titan_select.nut
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,723 +0,0 @@
-global function InitTeamTitanSelectMenu
-global function TeamTitanSelectMenuIsOpen
-global function ServerCallback_OpenTeamTitanMenu
-global function ServerCallback_CloseTeamTitanMenu
-global function ServerCallback_UpdateTeamTitanMenuTime
-global function ServerCallback_RegisterTeamTitanMenuButtons
-global function TTSUpdateDoubleXP
-global function TTSUpdateDoubleXPStatus
-global function TTSMenuModeFD
-global function TTSMenuModeDefault
-global function TTSMenu_UpdateGameMode
-global function EnableDoubleXP
-const float SELECT_DELAY = 0.2
-enum eTTSMenuMode
- FD
- var menu
- bool allowManualClose = false
- bool isReady = false
- bool menuOpened = false
- bool allowSelection = false
- array<var> titanButtons
- array<var> titanUpgradeButtons
- var editButton
- var readyPanel
- var cover
- var doubleXPButton
- var chatBox
- bool buttonsRegistered = false
- int menuMode
- float nextAllowSoundTime = 0.0
-} file
-void function InitTeamTitanSelectMenu()
- file.menu = GetMenu( "TeamTitanSelectMenu" )
- AddMenuEventHandler( file.menu, eUIEvent.MENU_NAVIGATE_BACK, OnTeamTitanSelectMenu_NavigateBack )
- AddMenuEventHandler( file.menu, eUIEvent.MENU_OPEN, OnTeamTitanSelectMenu_Open )
- AddMenuEventHandler( file.menu, eUIEvent.MENU_SHOW, OnTeamTitanSelectMenu_Open )
- AddMenuEventHandler( file.menu, eUIEvent.MENU_HIDE, OnTeamTitanSelectMenu_Hide )
- AddMenuEventHandler( file.menu, eUIEvent.MENU_CLOSE, OnTeamTitanSelectMenu_Close )
- RegisterSignal( "TTSMenuClosed" )
- RegisterSignal( "Delayed_RequestTitanLoadout" )
- float margin = 10.0
- float totalWidth = 0.0
- for ( int i=0; i<NUM_PERSISTENT_TITAN_LOADOUTS; i++ )
- {
- var button = Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "TitanButton" + i )
- file.titanButtons.append( button )
- float xPos = totalWidth * -1
- totalWidth += Hud_GetWidth( button ) + margin
- Hud_SetPos( button, xPos, Hud_GetY( button ) )
- }
- var bg = Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "BG" )
- totalWidth -= margin
- float bgWidth = float( Hud_GetWidth( bg ) )
- float startPos = (bgWidth*0.5 - totalWidth*0.5) * -1
- for ( int i=0; i<NUM_PERSISTENT_TITAN_LOADOUTS; i++ )
- {
- var button = file.titanButtons[i]
- Hud_SetPos( button, startPos + Hud_GetX( button ), Hud_GetY( button ) )
- Hud_AddEventHandler( button, UIE_CLICK, TitanButton_OnClick )
- Hud_AddEventHandler( button, UIE_GET_FOCUS, TitanButton_OnFocused )
- }
- for ( int i=0; i<7; i++ )
- {
- var button = Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "BtnSub" + i )
- Hud_AddEventHandler( button, UIE_LOSE_FOCUS, TitanUpgradeButton_OnLoseFocus )
- Hud_AddEventHandler( button, UIE_GET_FOCUS, TitanUpgradeButton_OnFocused )
- }
- SetNavLeftRight( file.titanButtons, true )
- //file.editButton = Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "EditTitanButton" )
- //Hud_AddEventHandler( file.editButton, UIE_CLICK, EditTitanButton_OnClick )
- file.readyPanel = Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "ReadyRui" )
- file.cover = Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "Cover" )
- #if PC_PROG
- file.chatBox = Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "LobbyChatBox" )
- #endif // PC_PROG
- file.doubleXPButton = Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "DoubleXP" )
- AddMenuFooterOption( file.menu, BUTTON_A, "#A_BUTTON_SELECT", "", null, TeamTitanSelect_IsNotReady )
- AddMenuFooterOption( file.menu, BUTTON_B, "#B_BUTTON_BACK", "#BACK" )
- AddMenuFooterOption( file.menu, BUTTON_X, "#MENU_X_BUTTON_EDIT_TITAN", "#MENU_EDIT_TITAN", EditTitanButton_OnClick, TeamTitanSelect_IsReady )
- AddMenuFooterOption( file.menu, BUTTON_Y, "#MENU_Y_BUTTON_EDIT_PILOT", "#MENU_EDIT_PILOT", EditPilotButton_OnClick, CoverIsOff )
-void function TTSUpdateDoubleXP( int count, bool avialable, float status )
- var rui = Hud_GetRui( file.doubleXPButton )
- RuiSetInt( rui, "doubleXPCount", count )
- RuiSetBool( rui, "doubleXPAvailable", avialable )
- RuiSetFloat( rui, "doubleXPStatus", status )
-void function TTSUpdateDoubleXPStatus( int status )
- var rui = Hud_GetRui( file.doubleXPButton )
- RuiSetFloat( rui, "doubleXPStatus", float( status ) )
-void function ServerCallback_UpdateTeamTitanMenuTime( float endTime )
- Signal( uiGlobal.signalDummy, "TTSMenuClosed" )
- file.allowSelection = true
- if ( file.nextAllowSoundTime < Time() )
- {
- EmitUISound( "ui_ctf_1p_playerscore" )
- file.nextAllowSoundTime = Time() + 5.0
- }
- Hud_SetEnabled( file.cover, false )
- Hud_Hide( file.cover )
- Hud_SetAlpha( file.cover, 0 )
- if ( endTime > 5 )
- file.allowSelection = true
- thread UpdateSubText( Time() + endTime )
-void function ServerCallback_OpenTeamTitanMenu( float endTime )
- if ( TeamTitanSelectMenuIsOpen() )
- return
- if ( uiGlobal.activeMenu != null )
- CloseAllMenus()
- RunClientScript( "PlayTTSMusic" )
- file.allowManualClose = false
- file.allowSelection = true
- file.isReady = true // set to true so selection mode kicks in
- thread MenuFadeIn()
- BeginSelectionMode()
- AdvanceMenu( file.menu )
- thread UpdateSubText( Time() + endTime )
-void function MenuFadeIn()
- Hud_SetEnabled( file.cover, true )
- Hud_SetAlpha( file.cover, 255 )
- Hud_Show( file.cover )
- wait 1.0
- Hud_FadeOverTime( file.cover, 0, 1.0 )
- wait 1.0
- Hud_Hide( file.cover )
- Hud_SetEnabled( file.cover, false )
-void function UpdateSubText( float endTime )
- EndSignal( uiGlobal.signalDummy, "TTSMenuClosed" )
- var subText = Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "MenuSubTitle" )
- var rui = Hud_GetRui( file.readyPanel )
- RuiSetBool( rui, "isReady", true )
- thread Countdown( endTime )
- while ( Time() < endTime )
- {
- int countdownTime = int( ceil( endTime - Time() ) )
- Hud_SetText( subText, Localize( "#MENU_STARTS_IN", countdownTime ) )
- RuiSetInt( rui, "timer", countdownTime )
- WaitFrame()
- }
- Hud_SetText( subText, Localize( "#MENU_STARTS_IN", 0 ) )
- RuiSetInt( rui, "timer", 0 )
-void function Countdown( float endTime )
- EndSignal( uiGlobal.signalDummy, "TTSMenuClosed" )
- float countdownTime = 5.0
- float startCountdownTime = endTime - countdownTime
- if ( Time() > startCountdownTime )
- return
- wait startCountdownTime - Time()
- while ( Time() < endTime )
- {
- EmitUISound( "UI_InGame_MarkedForDeath_CountdownToMarked" )
- wait 1.0
- }
- file.allowSelection = false
- BeginEditMode(null)
- Hud_SetAlpha( file.cover, 0 )
- Hud_SetEnabled( file.cover, true )
- Hud_Show( file.cover )
- Hud_FadeOverTime( file.cover, 255, 1.0 )
- float soundTime = DoPrematchWarpSound() ? PICK_LOADOUT_SOUND_TIME : 1.5
- wait soundTime
- thread ServerCallback_CloseTeamTitanMenu()
-void function ServerCallback_CloseTeamTitanMenu()
- if ( TeamTitanSelectMenuIsOpen() )
- {
- file.allowManualClose = true
- UI_SetPresentationType( ePresentationType.INACTIVE )
- CloseAllMenus()
- OnTeamTitanSelectMenu_Close()
- }
-void function OnTeamTitanSelectMenu_NavigateBack()
- if ( file.allowManualClose )
- {
- CloseActiveMenu()
- return
- }
- if ( file.isReady && file.allowSelection )
- {
- BeginSelectionMode()
- return
- }
- LeaveDialog()
- return
-void function TTSMenu_UpdateGameMode( string modeName )
- var title = Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "MenuTitle" )
- Hud_SetText( title, Localize( modeName ) )
-void function ServerCallback_RegisterTeamTitanMenuButtons()
- RegisterButtonCallbacks()
-void function RegisterButtonCallbacks()
- if ( file.buttonsRegistered )
- return
- file.buttonsRegistered = true
- RegisterButtonPressedCallback( BUTTON_BACK, EnableDoubleXP )
- RegisterButtonPressedCallback( KEY_RSHIFT, EnableDoubleXP )
-void function OnTeamTitanSelectMenu_Open()
- file.menuOpened = true
- var dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/titan_properties.rpak" )
- int loadoutIconCol = GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "loadoutIconFD" )
- int titanCol = GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "titanRef" )
- entity player = GetUIPlayer()
- var nextMapImage = Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "NextMapImage" )
- string mapName = GetActiveLevel()
- asset mapImage = GetMapImageForMapName( mapName )
- RefreshCreditsAvailable()
- RuiSetImage( Hud_GetRui( nextMapImage ), "basicImage", mapImage )
- Hud_Show( nextMapImage )
- Hud_SetText( Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "NextMapName" ), GetMapDisplayName( mapName ) )
- Hud_Show( Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "NextMapName" ) )
- var buttonToFocus
- for ( int i=0; i<NUM_PERSISTENT_TITAN_LOADOUTS; i++ )
- {
- var button = file.titanButtons[i]
- TitanLoadoutDef loadout = GetCachedTitanLoadout( i )
- int row = GetDataTableRowMatchingStringValue( dataTable, titanCol, loadout.titanClass )
- asset icon = GetDataTableAsset( dataTable, row, loadoutIconCol )
- var rui = Hud_GetRui( button )
- RuiSetImage( rui, "buttonImage", icon )
- Hud_SetLocked( button, true )
- if ( !IsTitanLoadoutAvailable( player, loadout.titanClass ) )
- {
- Hud_SetLocked( button, true )
- if ( !IsItemLocked( player, loadout.titanClass ) )
- RefreshButtonCost( button, loadout.titanClass, "", 0, 0 )
- }
- else
- {
- Hud_SetLocked( button, IsItemLocked( player, loadout.titanClass ) )
- RefreshButtonCost( button, loadout.titanClass )
- if ( uiGlobal.titanSpawnLoadoutIndex == i )
- {
- buttonToFocus = button
- }
- }
- }
- if ( buttonToFocus == null )
- buttonToFocus = FindValidTitanButton()
- thread HACK_DelayedSetFocus_BecauseWhy( buttonToFocus )
- TitanLoadoutDef loadout = GetCachedTitanLoadout( uiGlobal.titanSpawnLoadoutIndex )
- for ( int i=0; i<7; i++ )
- {
- var button = Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "BtnSub"+i )
- file.titanUpgradeButtons.append( button )
- if ( file.menuMode == eTTSMenuMode.FD )
- {
- Hud_Show( button )
- }
- else
- {
- Hud_Hide( button )
- }
- }
- SetNavLeftRight( file.titanUpgradeButtons, true )
- SetBlurEnabled( false )
- var title = Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "MenuTitle" )
- string name = expect string( GetCurrentPlaylistVar( "name" ) )
- Hud_SetText( title, Localize( name ) )
- RunMenuClientFunction( "ShowTTSPanel" )
- if ( file.isReady )
- UI_SetPresentationType( ePresentationType.STORE_CAMO_PACKS )
- else
- UI_SetPresentationType( ePresentationType.STORE_CAMO_PACKS )
- RunClientScript( "TTS_UpdateLocalPlayerTitan", loadout.setFile, loadout.primary, loadout.passive1, loadout.passive2 )
-void function EnableDoubleXP( var button )
- #if PC_PROG
- if ( Hud_IsFocused( file.chatBox ) )
- return
- #endif // PC_PROG
- if ( CanRunClientScript() )
- {
- EmitUISound( "Menu_Email_Sent" )
- RunClientScript( "UseDoubleXP" )
- }
-void function OnTeamTitanSelectMenu_Hide()
- RunMenuClientFunction( "HideTTSPanel" )
- DeregisterButtonCallbacks()
-void function DeregisterButtonCallbacks()
- if ( !file.buttonsRegistered )
- return
- file.buttonsRegistered = false
- DeregisterButtonPressedCallback( BUTTON_BACK, EnableDoubleXP )
- DeregisterButtonPressedCallback( KEY_RSHIFT, EnableDoubleXP )
-void function OnTeamTitanSelectMenu_Close()
- RunMenuClientFunction( "ClearAllPilotPreview" )
- Signal( uiGlobal.signalDummy, "TTSMenuClosed" )
- file.menuOpened = false
- UI_SetPresentationType( ePresentationType.INACTIVE )
- DeregisterButtonCallbacks()
-void function TitanButton_OnClick( var button )
- int scriptID = int( Hud_GetScriptID( button ) )
- if ( Hud_IsLocked( button ) )
- {
- TitanLoadoutDef loadout = GetCachedTitanLoadout( scriptID )
- if ( !IsTitanLoadoutAvailable( GetUIPlayer(), loadout.titanClass ) )
- return
- OpenBuyItemDialog( file.titanButtons, button, GetItemName( loadout.titanClass ), loadout.titanClass )
- return
- }
- if ( file.isReady )
- {
- BeginSelectionMode()
- return
- }
- uiGlobal.titanSpawnLoadoutIndex = scriptID
- Signal( uiGlobal.signalDummy, "Delayed_RequestTitanLoadout" )
- ClientCommand( "RequestTitanLoadout " + uiGlobal.titanSpawnLoadoutIndex )
- BeginEditMode( button )
-void function TitanButton_OnFocused( var button )
- int scriptID = int( Hud_GetScriptID( button ) )
- var rui = Hud_GetRui( Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "TitanName" ) )
- TitanLoadoutDef loadout = GetCachedTitanLoadout( scriptID )
- RuiSetString( rui, "titanName", GetTitanLoadoutName( loadout ) )
- RuiSetString( rui, "titanLevelString", "" )
- RuiSetString( rui, "titanRole", "" )
- entity player = GetUIPlayer()
- var dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/titan_properties.rpak" )
- int row = GetDataTableRowMatchingStringValue( dataTable, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "titanRef" ), loadout.titanClass )
- string role = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "fdRole" ) )
- int titanLevel = FD_TitanGetLevelForXP( loadout.titanClass, FD_TitanGetXP( GetUIPlayer(), loadout.titanClass ) )
- array<ItemDisplayData> titanUpgrades = FD_GetUpgradesForTitanClass( loadout.titanClass )
- if ( file.menuMode == eTTSMenuMode.FD )
- {
- RuiSetString( rui, "titanLevelString", Localize( "#FD_TITAN_LEVEL", titanLevel ) )
- RuiSetString( rui, "titanRole", Localize( "#FD_ROLE", Localize(role) ) )
- foreach ( index, item in titanUpgrades )
- {
- var button = file.titanUpgradeButtons[index]
- var upgradeRui = Hud_GetRui( button )
- bool locked = IsSubItemLocked( GetUIPlayer(), item.ref, item.parentRef )
- if ( locked )
- RuiSetImage( upgradeRui, "buttonImage", expect asset( item.i.lockedImage ) )
- else
- RuiSetImage( upgradeRui, "buttonImage", item.image )
- Hud_SetLocked( button, locked )
- }
- }
- if ( !Hud_IsLocked( button ) )
- {
- uiGlobal.titanSpawnLoadoutIndex = scriptID
- thread Delayed_RequestTitanLoadout( uiGlobal.titanSpawnLoadoutIndex )
- SetLabelRuiText( Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "TitanSelectTitle" ), "#MENU_TITAN_SELECT" )
- }
- else
- {
- RuiSetString( rui, "titanLevelString", GetItemUnlockReqText( loadout.titanClass ) )
- }
- SetLabelRuiText( Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "TitanSelectTitle" ), GetTitanAvailableText( player, loadout.titanClass) )
- RunMenuClientFunction( "UpdateTitanModel", scriptID )
- RunClientScript( "TTS_UpdateLocalPlayerTitan", loadout.setFile, loadout.primary, loadout.passive1, loadout.passive2 )
-string function GetTitanAvailableText( entity player, string titanClass )
- int titanAvailableState = GetTitanLoadAvailableState( player, titanClass )
- if ( titanAvailableState == TITAN_CLASS_LOCK_STATE_AVAILABLE )
- {
- int difficultyLevel = GetCurrentPlaylistVarInt( "fd_difficulty", 0 )
- int requiredTitanLevel = 0
- switch ( difficultyLevel )
- {
- case eFDDifficultyLevel.EASY:
- if ( GetItemUnlockType( "fd_easy" ) == eUnlockType.STAT )
- requiredTitanLevel = int( GetStatUnlockStatVal( "fd_easy" ) )
- break
- case eFDDifficultyLevel.NORMAL:
- if ( GetItemUnlockType( "fd_normal" ) == eUnlockType.STAT )
- requiredTitanLevel = int( GetStatUnlockStatVal( "fd_normal" ) )
- break
- case eFDDifficultyLevel.HARD:
- if ( GetItemUnlockType( "fd_hard" ) == eUnlockType.STAT )
- requiredTitanLevel = int( GetStatUnlockStatVal( "fd_hard" ) )
- break
- case eFDDifficultyLevel.MASTER:
- if ( GetItemUnlockType( "fd_master" ) == eUnlockType.STAT )
- requiredTitanLevel = int( GetStatUnlockStatVal( "fd_master" ) )
- break
- case eFDDifficultyLevel.INSANE:
- if ( GetItemUnlockType( "fd_insane" ) == eUnlockType.STAT )
- requiredTitanLevel = int( GetStatUnlockStatVal( "fd_insane" ) )
- break
- }
- if ( titanAvailableState == TITAN_CLASS_LOCK_STATE_LEVELREQUIRED )
- return Localize( "#MENU_TITAN_SELECT_LEVELREQUIRED", requiredTitanLevel )
- else
- return Localize( "#MENU_TITAN_SELECT_LEVELRECOMMENDED", requiredTitanLevel )
- }
- if ( titanAvailableState == TITAN_CLASS_LOCK_STATE_INUSE )
- if ( titanAvailableState == TITAN_CLASS_LOCK_STATE_LOCKED )
-void function Delayed_RequestTitanLoadout( int index )
- Signal( uiGlobal.signalDummy, "Delayed_RequestTitanLoadout" )
- EndSignal( uiGlobal.signalDummy, "Delayed_RequestTitanLoadout" )
- wait 0.5
- ClientCommand( "RequestTitanLoadout " + uiGlobal.titanSpawnLoadoutIndex )
-void function TitanUpgradeButton_OnFocused( var button )
- if ( file.menuMode == eTTSMenuMode.DEFAULT )
- return
- int scriptID = int( Hud_GetScriptID( button ) )
- TitanLoadoutDef loadout = GetCachedTitanLoadout( uiGlobal.titanSpawnLoadoutIndex )
- array<ItemDisplayData> titanUpgrades = FD_GetUpgradesForTitanClass( loadout.titanClass )
- ItemDisplayData item = titanUpgrades[ scriptID ]
- var panel = Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "UpgradeName" )
- Hud_Show( panel )
- var rui = Hud_GetRui( panel )
- RuiSetString( rui, "upgradeName", item.name )
- RuiSetString( rui, "upgradeDesc", item.desc )
- RuiSetBool( rui, "isLocked", IsSubItemLocked( GetUIPlayer(), item.ref, item.parentRef ) )
-void function TitanUpgradeButton_OnLoseFocus( var button )
- Hud_Hide( Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "UpgradeName" ) )
-void function BeginEditMode( var button )
- if ( file.isReady )
- return
- file.isReady = true
- EmitUISound( "UI_InGame_FD_TitanSelected" )
- SetLabelRuiText( Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "TitanSelectTitle" ), "#MENU_TITAN_SELECTED" )
- Hud_Hide( Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "TitanSelectTitle" ) )
- Hud_Show( file.readyPanel )
- var rui = Hud_GetRui( file.readyPanel )
- RuiSetBool( rui, "isReady", true )
- foreach ( b in file.titanButtons )
- {
- Hud_Hide( b )
- }
- //Hud_Show( file.editButton )
- //Hud_SetFocused( file.editButton )
- Hud_SetFocused( file.titanUpgradeButtons[0] )
- TitanLoadoutDef loadout = GetCachedTitanLoadout( uiGlobal.titanSpawnLoadoutIndex )
- string primeTitanString = ""
- if ( loadout.isPrime == "titan_is_prime" )
- primeTitanString = "_prime"
- string modifiedAlias = "diag_gs_titan" + loadout.titanClass + primeTitanString + "_embark"
- EmitUISound( modifiedAlias )
- if ( uiGlobal.activeMenu == file.menu )
- UI_SetPresentationType( ePresentationType.TITAN_CENTER_SELECTED )
- Signal( uiGlobal.signalDummy, "Delayed_RequestTitanLoadout" )
- ClientCommand( "RequestTitanLoadout " + uiGlobal.titanSpawnLoadoutIndex )
- RunMenuClientFunction( "UpdateTitanModel", uiGlobal.titanSpawnLoadoutIndex )
- var subText = Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "MenuSubTitle" )
- // Hud_Hide( subText )
-void function BeginSelectionMode()
- if ( !file.isReady )
- return
- file.isReady = false
- //Hud_Hide( file.editButton )
- SetLabelRuiText( Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "TitanSelectTitle" ), "#MENU_TITAN_SELECT_HINT" )
- Hud_Show( Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "TitanSelectTitle" ) )
- Hud_Hide( file.readyPanel )
- var rui = Hud_GetRui( file.readyPanel )
- RuiSetBool( rui, "isReady", false )
- Hud_SetFocused( FindValidTitanButton() )
- for ( int i=0; i<file.titanButtons.len(); i++ )
- {
- var b = file.titanButtons[i]
- Hud_Show( b )
- if ( i == uiGlobal.titanSpawnLoadoutIndex && !Hud_IsLocked( b ) )
- {
- Hud_SetFocused( b )
- }
- }
- Hud_Hide( Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "UpgradeName" ) )
- UI_SetPresentationType( ePresentationType.TITAN_CENTER )
- RunMenuClientFunction( "UpdateTitanModel", uiGlobal.titanSpawnLoadoutIndex )
- var subText = Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "MenuSubTitle" )
- // Hud_Show( subText )
-void function EditPilotButton_OnClick( var button )
- // SetEditLoadout( "pilot", uiGlobal.pilotSpawnLoadoutIndex )
- // RunMenuClientFunction( "SetEditingPilotLoadoutIndex", uiGlobal.pilotSpawnLoadoutIndex )
- AdvanceMenu( GetMenu( "EditPilotLoadoutsMenu" ) )
- RunMenuClientFunction( "HideTTSPanel" )
-void function EditTitanButton_OnClick( var button )
- SetEditLoadout( "titan", uiGlobal.titanSpawnLoadoutIndex )
- RunMenuClientFunction( "SetEditingTitanLoadoutIndex", uiGlobal.titanSpawnLoadoutIndex )
- AdvanceMenu( GetMenu( "EditTitanLoadoutMenu" ) )
- RunMenuClientFunction( "HideTTSPanel" )
-bool function CoverIsOff()
- return !Hud_IsEnabled( file.cover )
-bool function TeamTitanSelectMenuIsOpen()
- return file.menuOpened
-bool function TeamTitanSelect_IsReady()
- return file.isReady
-bool function TeamTitanSelect_IsNotReady()
- return !file.isReady
-void function TTSMenuModeFD()
- file.menuMode = eTTSMenuMode.FD
- foreach ( button in file.titanUpgradeButtons )
- {
- Hud_Show( button )
- }
-void function TTSMenuModeDefault()
- file.menuMode = eTTSMenuMode.DEFAULT
- foreach ( button in file.titanUpgradeButtons )
- {
- Hud_Hide( button )
- }
- var panel = Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "UpgradeName" )
- Hud_Hide( panel )
-var function FindValidTitanButton()
- foreach ( button in file.titanButtons )
- {
- if ( Hud_IsLocked( button ) )
- continue
- return button
- }
- return file.titanButtons[0]
-} \ No newline at end of file