path: root/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/mp/_sniper_spectres.nut
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/mp/_sniper_spectres.nut')
1 files changed, 485 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/mp/_sniper_spectres.nut b/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/mp/_sniper_spectres.nut
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ce513259b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/mp/_sniper_spectres.nut
@@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
+const MAX_SNIPERSPOTS = 30 // for speed of iterating through the array
+const SNIPERNODE_TOOCLOSE_SQR = 2500//50x50
+global function SniperSpectres_Init
+global function TowerDefense_AddSniperLocation
+global function Dev_AddSniperLocation
+global function DebugDrawSniperLocations
+global function Sniper_MoveToNewLocation
+global function Sniper_FreeSniperNodeOnDeath
+global function SniperCloak
+global function SniperDeCloak
+function SniperSpectres_Init()
+ FlagInit( "TD_SniperLocationsInit" )
+ level.TowerDefense_SniperNodes <- []
+ AddCallback_EntitiesDidLoad( EntitiesDidLoad )
+void function EntitiesDidLoad()
+ thread SniperLocationsInit()
+######## ####### ####### ## ######
+ ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
+ ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
+ ## ## ## ## ## ## ######
+ ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
+ ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
+ ## ####### ####### ######## ######
+function TowerDefense_AddSniperLocation( origin, yaw, heightCheck = SNIPERSPOT_HEIGHTCHECK )
+ Assert( !Flag( "TD_SniperLocationsInit" ), "sniper locations added too late" )
+ Assert( ( level.TowerDefense_SniperNodes.len() < MAX_SNIPERSPOTS ), "adding too many snper locations, max is " + MAX_SNIPERSPOTS )
+ local loc = CreateSniperLocation( origin, yaw, heightCheck )
+ level.TowerDefense_SniperNodes.append( loc )
+function Dev_AddSniperLocation( origin, yaw, heightCheck = SNIPERSPOT_HEIGHTCHECK )
+ thread __AddSniperLocationInternal( origin, yaw, heightCheck )
+function __AddSniperLocationInternal( origin, yaw, heightCheck )
+ local loc = CreateSniperLocation( origin, yaw, heightCheck )
+ SniperLocationSetup( loc )
+ DebugDrawSingleSniperLocation( loc, 4.0 )
+function DebugDrawSniperLocations()
+ foreach ( loc in level.TowerDefense_SniperNodes )
+ DebugDrawSingleSniperLocation( loc, 600.0 )
+function DebugDrawSingleSniperLocation( loc, float time )
+ if ( !loc.maxGuys )
+ {
+ DebugDrawSniperSpot( expect vector( loc.pos ), [ 32.0, 40.0, 48.0 ], 255, 0, 0, time, loc.yaw )
+ return
+ }
+ DebugDrawSniperSpot( expect vector( loc.pos ), [ 28.0 ], 20, 20, 20, time, loc.yaw )
+ foreach ( node in loc.coverNodes )
+ DebugDrawSniperSpot( expect vector( node.pos ), [ 16.0, 24.0, 32.0 ], 50, 50, 255, time, null, loc.pos )
+ foreach ( node in loc.extraNodes )
+ DebugDrawSniperSpot( expect vector( node.pos ), [ 14.0, 22.0, 30.0 ], 255, 0, 255, time, null, loc.pos )
+function DebugDrawSniperSpot( vector pos, array<float> radii, int r, int g, int b, float time, yaw = null, pos2 = null )
+ foreach ( radius in radii )
+ DebugDrawCircle( pos, Vector( 0, 0, 0 ), radius, r, g, b, true, time )
+ if ( yaw != null )
+ {
+ local angles = Vector( 0, yaw, 0 )
+ local forward = AnglesToForward( angles )
+ local right = AnglesToRight( angles )
+ local length = radii[ radii.len() - 1 ]
+ local endPos = pos + ( forward * ( length * 1.75 ) )
+ local rightPos = pos + ( right * length )
+ local leftPos = pos + ( right * -length )
+ DebugDrawLine( pos, endPos, r, g, b, true, time )
+ DebugDrawLine( rightPos, endPos, r, g, b, true, time )
+ DebugDrawLine( leftPos, endPos, r, g, b, true, time )
+ local ring = GetDesirableRing( pos, yaw )
+ DebugDrawCircle( expect vector( ring.pos ), Vector( 0, 0, 0 ), expect float( ring.radius ), r, g, b, true, time )
+ }
+ if ( pos2 != null )
+ DebugDrawLine( pos, pos2, r, g, b, true, time )
+######## ### ######## ## ## #### ## ## ######
+## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ## ## ##
+## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #### ## ##
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+## ######### ## ## ## ## ## #### ## ##
+## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ## ##
+## ## ## ## ## ## #### ## ## ######
+//HACK -> this should probably move into code
+function Sniper_MoveToNewLocation( entity sniper )
+ sniper.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ sniper.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ delaythread( 2 ) SniperCloak( sniper )
+ //go searching for nodes that are up somewhere
+ local sniperNode = GetRandomSniperNodeWithin( sniper, 3000 )
+ Sniper_FreeSniperNode( sniper )//free his current node
+ Sniper_TakeSniperNode( sniper, sniperNode )
+ Sniper_AssaultLocation( sniper, sniperNode )
+ WaitSignal( sniper, "OnFinishedAssault", "OnDeath", "OnDestroy", "AssaultTimeOut" )
+ SniperDeCloak( sniper )
+function Sniper_TakeSniperNode( sniper, sniperNode )
+ Assert( sniper.s.sniperNode == null ) // didn't free the last one
+ sniper.s.sniperNode = sniperNode
+ Assert( sniperNode.locked == false )// someone else already has it?
+ sniperNode.locked = true
+ local loc = sniperNode.loc
+ loc.numGuys++
+function Sniper_FreeSniperNode( sniper )
+ local sniperNode = sniper.s.sniperNode
+ if ( sniperNode == null )
+ return
+ sniper.s.sniperNode = null
+ local loc = sniperNode.loc
+ loc.numGuys--
+ sniperNode.locked = false
+function Sniper_FreeSniperNodeOnDeath( entity sniper )
+ sniper.WaitSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ Sniper_FreeSniperNode( sniper )
+void function SniperCloak( entity sniper )
+ if ( !IsAlive( sniper ) )
+ return
+ if ( !sniper.CanCloak() )
+ return
+ sniper.kv.allowshoot = 0
+ sniper.SetCloakDuration( 3.0, -1, 0 )
+ sniper.Minimap_Hide( TEAM_IMC, null )
+ sniper.Minimap_Hide( TEAM_MILITIA, null )
+void function SniperDeCloak( entity sniper )
+ if ( !IsAlive( sniper ) )
+ return
+ sniper.kv.allowshoot = 1
+ sniper.SetCloakDuration( 0, 0, 1.5 )
+ sniper.Minimap_AlwaysShow( TEAM_IMC, null )
+ sniper.Minimap_AlwaysShow( TEAM_MILITIA, null )
+function Sniper_AssaultLocation( sniper, sniperNode )
+ Assert( sniper.s.sniperNode == sniperNode ) // didn't get the right one
+ local origin = sniperNode.pos
+ local loc = sniperNode.loc
+ local angles = Vector( 0, loc.yaw, 0 )
+ Assert( "assaultPoint" in sniper.s )
+ sniper.AssaultPoint( origin )
+function GetRandomSniperNodeWithin( sniper, maxDist )
+ Assert( level.TowerDefense_SniperNodes.len() >= 2 )
+ local origin = sniper.GetOrigin()
+ local locations = SniperNodeWithin( level.TowerDefense_SniperNodes, origin, maxDist )
+ if ( locations.len() )
+ locations.randomize()
+ local goalNode = FindFreeSniperNode( locations )
+ if ( goalNode != null )
+ return goalNode
+ //if we get here it's because there are no free nodes within the maxDist
+ locations = SniperNodeClosest( level.TowerDefense_SniperNodes, origin )
+ goalNode = FindFreeSniperNode( locations )
+ Assert ( goalNode != null )
+ return goalNode
+function FindFreeSniperNode( locations )
+ foreach( loc in locations )
+ {
+ //is if filled up?
+ if ( loc.numGuys >= loc.maxGuys )
+ continue
+ //grab the first unlocked cover node
+ foreach ( node in loc.coverNodes )
+ {
+ if ( node.locked )
+ continue
+ return node
+ }
+ //ok then grab the first unlocked extra node
+ foreach ( node in loc.extraNodes )
+ {
+ if ( node.locked )
+ continue
+ return node
+ }
+ }
+ return null
+//ArrayWithin() copy
+function SniperNodeWithin( Array, origin, maxDist )
+ maxDist *= maxDist
+ local resultArray = []
+ foreach( loc in Array )
+ {
+ local testspot = null
+ testspot = loc.pos
+ local dist = DistanceSqr( origin, testspot )
+ if ( dist <= maxDist )
+ resultArray.append( loc )
+ }
+ return resultArray
+//ArrayClosest() copy
+function SniperNodeClosest( Array, origin )
+ Assert( type( Array ) == "array" )
+ local allResults = SniperArrayDistanceResults( Array, origin )
+ allResults.sort( SniperArrayDistanceCompare )
+ local returnEntities = []
+ foreach ( index, result in allResults )
+ {
+ returnEntities.insert( index, result.loc )
+ }
+ // the actual distances aren't returned
+ return returnEntities
+function SniperArrayDistanceResults( Array, origin )
+ Assert( type( Array ) == "array" )
+ local allResults = []
+ foreach ( loc in Array )
+ {
+ local results = {}
+ local testspot = null
+ testspot = loc.pos
+ results.distanceSqr <- LengthSqr( testspot - origin )
+ results.loc <- loc
+ allResults.append( results )
+ }
+ return allResults
+function SniperArrayDistanceCompare( a, b )
+ if ( a.distanceSqr > b.distanceSqr )
+ return 1
+ else if ( a.distanceSqr < b.distanceSqr )
+ return -1
+ return 0;
+######## ######## ######## ###### ### ## ######
+## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
+## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
+######## ######## ###### ####### ## ## ## ## ##
+## ## ## ## ## ######### ## ##
+## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
+## ## ## ######## ###### ## ## ######## ######
+function CreateSniperLocation( origin, yaw, heightCheck )
+ local loc = {}
+ loc.pos <- origin
+ loc.yaw <- yaw
+ loc.heightCheck <- heightCheck
+ loc.numGuys <- 0
+ loc.maxGuys <- 0
+ loc.coverNodes <- []
+ loc.extraNodes <- []
+ return loc
+function CreateSniperNode( location, origin )
+ local node = {}
+ node.locked <- false
+ node.loc <- location
+ node.pos <- origin
+ return node
+function SniperLocationsInit()
+ FlagSet( "TD_SniperLocationsInit" )
+ local time = Time()
+ foreach ( loc in level.TowerDefense_SniperNodes )
+ {
+ SniperLocationSetup( loc )
+ wait 0.1 //space out all the slow stuff so it doesn't happen on the same frame
+ }
+ printt( "<<<<<***********************************************************>>>>>" )
+ printt( "SniperLocationsInit() took ", Time() - time, " seconds to complete" )
+ printt( "<<<<<***********************************************************>>>>>" )
+function SniperLocationSetup( loc )
+ array<vector> extraPos = GetNeighborPositionsAroundSniperLocation( expect vector( loc.pos ), expect float( loc.yaw ), expect float( loc.heightCheck ), MAXNODES_PER_SNIPERSPOT )
+ foreach ( origin in extraPos )
+ {
+ local node = CreateSniperNode( loc, origin )
+ loc.extraNodes.append( node )
+ }
+ loc.maxGuys = loc.coverNodes.len() + loc.extraNodes.len()
+ if ( loc.maxGuys == 0 )
+ printt( "sniper spot at [ " + loc.pos + " ] has no nodes around it within " + SNIPERSPOT_RADIUSCHECK + " units." )
+ Assert( loc.maxGuys <= MAXNODES_PER_SNIPERSPOT )
+array<vector> function GetNeighborPositionsAroundSniperLocation( vector pos, float yaw, float heightCheck, int max )
+ local height = pos.z
+ local isSpectre = true
+ array<vector> goalPos = []
+ array<vector> neighborPos = NavMesh_GetNeighborPositions( pos, HULL_HUMAN, MAXNODES_PER_SNIPERSPOT )
+ neighborPos = SortPositionsByClosestToPos( neighborPos, pos, yaw )
+ foreach ( origin in neighborPos )
+ {
+ if ( fabs( origin.z - height ) > heightCheck )
+ continue
+ if ( !IsMostDesireablePos( origin, pos, yaw ) )
+ continue
+ if ( IsPosTooCloseToOtherPositions( origin, goalPos ) )
+ continue
+ goalPos.append( origin )
+ if ( goalPos.len() == max )
+ break
+ }
+ return goalPos
+array<vector> function SortPositionsByClosestToPos( array<vector> neighborPos, vector pos, float yaw )
+ table ring = GetDesirableRing( pos, yaw )
+ vector testPos = expect vector( ring.pos )
+ array<vector> returnOrigins = ArrayClosestVector( neighborPos, testPos )
+ return returnOrigins
+bool function IsPosTooCloseToOtherPositions( vector testPos, array<vector> positions )
+ foreach ( pos in positions )
+ {
+ if ( DistanceSqr( pos, testPos ) <= SNIPERNODE_TOOCLOSE_SQR )
+ return true
+ }
+ return false
+function IsMostDesireablePos( testPos, sniperPos, yaw )
+ /*
+ what this function does is actually draw a circle out infront of the position based on the yaw.
+ then it checks to see if the node is within that circle.
+ Since most sniper positions are on EDGES of buildings, windows, etc, this techinique helps grab more nodes along the edge
+ */
+ table ring = GetDesirableRing( sniperPos, yaw )
+ local radiusSqr = ring.radius * ring.radius
+ if ( Distance2DSqr( testPos, ring.pos ) <= radiusSqr )
+ return true
+ return false
+table function GetDesirableRing( pos, yaw )
+ local dist = 200
+ local radius = 300
+ local vec = AnglesToForward( Vector( 0, yaw, 0 ) ) * dist
+ local testPos = pos + vec
+ table ring = {}
+ ring.pos <- testPos
+ ring.radius <- radius
+ return ring