path: root/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/weapons/_vortex.nut
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/weapons/_vortex.nut')
1 files changed, 1983 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/weapons/_vortex.nut b/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/weapons/_vortex.nut
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f1e46a531
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/weapons/_vortex.nut
@@ -0,0 +1,1983 @@
+global function Vortex_Init
+global function CreateVortexSphere
+global function DestroyVortexSphereFromVortexWeapon
+global function EnableVortexSphere
+global function ValidateVortexImpact
+global function TryVortexAbsorb
+global function SetVortexSphereBulletHitRules
+global function SetVortexSphereProjectileHitRules
+global function VortexDrainedByImpact
+global function VortexPrimaryAttack
+global function GetVortexSphereCurrentColor
+global function GetShieldTriLerpColor
+global function IsVortexing
+global function Vortex_HandleElectricDamage
+global function VortexSphereDrainHealthForDamage
+global function Vortex_CreateImpactEventData
+global function Vortex_SpawnHeatShieldPingFX
+global function Vortex_SetTagName
+global function Vortex_SetBulletCollectionOffset
+global function CodeCallback_OnVortexHitBullet
+global function CodeCallback_OnVortexHitProjectile
+const AMPED_WALL_IMPACT_FX = $"P_impact_xo_shield_cp"
+global const PROTO_AMPED_WALL = "proto_amped_wall"
+global const GUN_SHIELD_WALL = "gun_shield_wall"
+const PROX_MINE_MODEL = $"models/weapons/caber_shot/caber_shot_thrown.mdl"
+const VORTEX_SPHERE_COLOR_CHARGE_FULL = <115, 247, 255> // blue
+const VORTEX_SPHERE_COLOR_CHARGE_MED = <200, 128, 80> // orange
+const VORTEX_SPHERE_COLOR_CHARGE_EMPTY = <200, 80, 80> // red
+const VORTEX_SPHERE_COLOR_PAS_ION_VORTEX = <115, 174, 255> // blue
+const VORTEX_SPHERE_COLOR_CROSSOVERFRAC_FULL2MED = 0.75 // from zero to this fraction, fade between full and medium charge colors
+const VORTEX_SPHERE_COLOR_CROSSOVERFRAC_MED2EMPTY = 0.95 // from "full2med" to this fraction, fade between medium and empty charge colors
+const VORTEX_TIMED_EXPLOSIVE_FUSETIME = 2.75 // fuse time for absorbed projectiles
+const VORTEX_TIMED_EXPLOSIVE_FUSETIME_WARNINGFRAC = 0.75 // wait this fraction of the fuse time before warning the player it's about to explode
+const VORTEX_ELECTRIC_DAMAGE_CHARGE_DRAIN_MIN = 0.1 // fraction of charge time
+//The shotgun spams a lot of pellets that deal too much damage if they return full damage.
+const SHIELD_WALL_BULLET_FX = $"P_impact_xo_shield_cp"
+const SHIELD_WALL_EXPMED_FX = $"P_impact_exp_med_xo_shield_CP"
+const SIGNAL_ID_BULLET_HIT_THINK = "signal_id_bullet_hit_think"
+const VORTEX_EXPLOSIVE_WARNING_SFX_LOOP = "Weapon_Vortex_Gun.ExplosiveWarningBeep"
+// These match the strings in the WeaponEd dropdown box for vortex_refire_behavior
+global const VORTEX_REFIRE_NONE = ""
+global const VORTEX_REFIRE_ABSORB = "absorb"
+global const VORTEX_REFIRE_BULLET = "bullet"
+global const VORTEX_REFIRE_EXPLOSIVE_ROUND = "explosive_round"
+global const VORTEX_REFIRE_ROCKET = "rocket"
+global const VORTEX_REFIRE_GRENADE = "grenade"
+global const VORTEX_REFIRE_GRENADE_LONG_FUSE = "grenade_long_fuse"
+const VortexIgnoreClassnames = {
+ ["mp_titancore_flame_wave"] = true,
+ ["mp_ability_grapple"] = true,
+ ["mp_ability_shifter"] = true,
+table vortexImpactWeaponInfo
+const DEG_COS_60 = cos( 60 * DEG_TO_RAD )
+function Vortex_Init()
+ PrecacheParticleSystem( SHIELD_WALL_BULLET_FX )
+ GetParticleSystemIndex( SHIELD_WALL_BULLET_FX )
+ PrecacheParticleSystem( SHIELD_WALL_EXPMED_FX )
+ GetParticleSystemIndex( SHIELD_WALL_EXPMED_FX )
+ PrecacheParticleSystem( AMPED_WALL_IMPACT_FX )
+ GetParticleSystemIndex( AMPED_WALL_IMPACT_FX )
+ RegisterSignal( "VortexStopping" )
+ RegisterSignal( "VortexAbsorbed" )
+ RegisterSignal( "VortexFired" )
+ RegisterSignal( "Script_OnDamaged" )
+var function VortexBulletHitRules_Default( entity vortexSphere, var damageInfo )
+ return damageInfo
+bool function VortexProjectileHitRules_Default( entity vortexSphere, entity attacker, bool takesDamageByDefault )
+ return takesDamageByDefault
+void function SetVortexSphereBulletHitRules( entity vortexSphere, var functionref( entity, var ) customRules )
+ vortexSphere.e.BulletHitRules = customRules
+void function SetVortexSphereProjectileHitRules( entity vortexSphere, bool functionref( entity, entity, bool ) customRules )
+ vortexSphere.e.ProjectileHitRules = customRules
+function CreateVortexSphere( entity vortexWeapon, bool useCylinderCheck, bool blockOwnerWeapon, int sphereRadius = 40, int bulletFOV = 180 )
+ entity owner = vortexWeapon.GetWeaponOwner()
+ Assert( owner )
+ #if SERVER
+ //printt( "util ent:", vortexWeapon.GetWeaponUtilityEntity() )
+ Assert ( !vortexWeapon.GetWeaponUtilityEntity(), "Tried to create more than one vortex sphere on a vortex weapon!" )
+ entity vortexSphere = CreateEntity( "vortex_sphere" )
+ Assert( vortexSphere )
+ if ( useCylinderCheck )
+ {
+ spawnFlags = spawnFlags | SF_ABSORB_CYLINDER
+ vortexSphere.kv.height = sphereRadius * 2
+ }
+ if ( blockOwnerWeapon )
+ spawnFlags = spawnFlags | SF_BLOCK_OWNER_WEAPON
+ vortexSphere.kv.spawnflags = spawnFlags
+ vortexSphere.kv.enabled = 0
+ vortexSphere.kv.radius = sphereRadius
+ vortexSphere.kv.bullet_fov = bulletFOV
+ vortexSphere.kv.physics_pull_strength = 25
+ vortexSphere.kv.physics_side_dampening = 6
+ vortexSphere.kv.physics_fov = 360
+ vortexSphere.kv.physics_max_mass = 2
+ vortexSphere.kv.physics_max_size = 6
+ Assert( owner.IsNPC() || owner.IsPlayer(), "Vortex script expects the weapon owner to be a player or NPC." )
+ SetVortexSphereBulletHitRules( vortexSphere, VortexBulletHitRules_Default )
+ SetVortexSphereProjectileHitRules( vortexSphere, VortexProjectileHitRules_Default )
+ DispatchSpawn( vortexSphere )
+ vortexSphere.SetOwner( owner )
+ if ( owner.IsNPC() )
+ {
+ vortexSphere.SetParent( owner, "PROPGUN" )
+ vortexSphere.SetLocalOrigin( Vector( 0, 35, 0 ) )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ vortexSphere.SetParent( owner )
+ vortexSphere.SetLocalOrigin( Vector( 0, 10, -30 ) )
+ }
+ vortexSphere.SetAbsAngles( Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) ) //Setting local angles on a parented object is not supported
+ vortexSphere.SetOwnerWeapon( vortexWeapon )
+ vortexWeapon.SetWeaponUtilityEntity( vortexSphere )
+ #endif
+ SetVortexAmmo( vortexWeapon, 0 )
+function EnableVortexSphere( entity vortexWeapon )
+ string tagname = GetVortexTagName( vortexWeapon )
+ entity weaponOwner = vortexWeapon.GetWeaponOwner()
+ local hasBurnMod = vortexWeapon.GetWeaponSettingBool( eWeaponVar.is_burn_mod )
+ #if SERVER
+ entity vortexSphere = vortexWeapon.GetWeaponUtilityEntity()
+ Assert( vortexSphere )
+ vortexSphere.FireNow( "Enable" )
+ thread SetPlayerUsingVortex( weaponOwner, vortexWeapon )
+ Vortex_CreateAbsorbFX_ControlPoints( vortexWeapon )
+ // world (3P) version of the vortex sphere FX
+ vortexSphere.s.worldFX <- CreateEntity( "info_particle_system" )
+ if ( hasBurnMod )
+ {
+ if ( "fxChargingControlPointBurn" in vortexWeapon.s )
+ vortexSphere.s.worldFX.SetValueForEffectNameKey( expect asset( vortexWeapon.s.fxChargingControlPointBurn ) )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( "fxChargingControlPoint" in vortexWeapon.s )
+ vortexSphere.s.worldFX.SetValueForEffectNameKey( expect asset( vortexWeapon.s.fxChargingControlPoint ) )
+ }
+ vortexSphere.s.worldFX.kv.start_active = 1
+ vortexSphere.s.worldFX.SetOwner( weaponOwner )
+ vortexSphere.s.worldFX.SetParent( vortexWeapon, tagname )
+ vortexSphere.s.worldFX.kv.VisibilityFlags = (ENTITY_VISIBLE_TO_FRIENDLY | ENTITY_VISIBLE_TO_ENEMY) // not owner only
+ vortexSphere.s.worldFX.kv.cpoint1 = vortexWeapon.s.vortexSphereColorCP.GetTargetName()
+ vortexSphere.s.worldFX.SetStopType( "destroyImmediately" )
+ DispatchSpawn( vortexSphere.s.worldFX )
+ #endif
+ SetVortexAmmo( vortexWeapon, 0 )
+ #if CLIENT
+ if ( IsLocalViewPlayer( weaponOwner ) )
+ {
+ local fxAlias = null
+ if ( hasBurnMod )
+ {
+ if ( "fxChargingFPControlPointBurn" in vortexWeapon.s )
+ fxAlias = vortexWeapon.s.fxChargingFPControlPointBurn
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( "fxChargingFPControlPoint" in vortexWeapon.s )
+ fxAlias = vortexWeapon.s.fxChargingFPControlPoint
+ }
+ if ( fxAlias )
+ {
+ int sphereClientFXHandle = vortexWeapon.PlayWeaponEffectReturnViewEffectHandle( fxAlias, $"", tagname )
+ thread VortexSphereColorUpdate( vortexWeapon, sphereClientFXHandle )
+ }
+ }
+ #elseif SERVER
+ asset fxAlias = $""
+ if ( hasBurnMod )
+ {
+ if ( "fxChargingFPControlPointReplayBurn" in vortexWeapon.s )
+ fxAlias = expect asset( vortexWeapon.s.fxChargingFPControlPointReplayBurn )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( "fxChargingFPControlPointReplay" in vortexWeapon.s )
+ fxAlias = expect asset( vortexWeapon.s.fxChargingFPControlPointReplay )
+ }
+ if ( fxAlias != $"" )
+ vortexWeapon.PlayWeaponEffect( fxAlias, $"", tagname )
+ thread VortexSphereColorUpdate( vortexWeapon )
+ #endif
+function DestroyVortexSphereFromVortexWeapon( entity vortexWeapon )
+ DisableVortexSphereFromVortexWeapon( vortexWeapon )
+ #if SERVER
+ DestroyVortexSphere( vortexWeapon.GetWeaponUtilityEntity() )
+ vortexWeapon.SetWeaponUtilityEntity( null )
+ #endif
+void function DestroyVortexSphere( entity vortexSphere )
+ if ( IsValid( vortexSphere ) )
+ {
+ vortexSphere.s.worldFX.Destroy()
+ vortexSphere.Destroy()
+ }
+function DisableVortexSphereFromVortexWeapon( entity vortexWeapon )
+ vortexWeapon.Signal( "VortexStopping" )
+ // server cleanup
+ #if SERVER
+ DisableVortexSphere( vortexWeapon.GetWeaponUtilityEntity() )
+ Vortex_CleanupAllEffects( vortexWeapon )
+ Vortex_ClearImpactEventData( vortexWeapon )
+ #endif
+ // client & server cleanup
+ if ( vortexWeapon.GetWeaponSettingBool( eWeaponVar.is_burn_mod ) )
+ {
+ if ( "fxChargingFPControlPointBurn" in vortexWeapon.s )
+ vortexWeapon.StopWeaponEffect( expect asset( vortexWeapon.s.fxChargingFPControlPointBurn ), $"" )
+ if ( "fxChargingFPControlPointReplayBurn" in vortexWeapon.s )
+ vortexWeapon.StopWeaponEffect( expect asset( vortexWeapon.s.fxChargingFPControlPointReplayBurn ), $"" )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( "fxChargingFPControlPoint" in vortexWeapon.s )
+ vortexWeapon.StopWeaponEffect( expect asset( vortexWeapon.s.fxChargingFPControlPoint ), $"" )
+ if ( "fxChargingFPControlPointReplay" in vortexWeapon.s )
+ vortexWeapon.StopWeaponEffect( expect asset( vortexWeapon.s.fxChargingFPControlPointReplay ), $"" )
+ }
+void function DisableVortexSphere( entity vortexSphere )
+ if ( IsValid( vortexSphere ) )
+ {
+ vortexSphere.FireNow( "Disable" )
+ vortexSphere.Signal( SIGNAL_ID_BULLET_HIT_THINK )
+ }
+function Vortex_CreateAbsorbFX_ControlPoints( entity vortexWeapon )
+ entity player = vortexWeapon.GetWeaponOwner()
+ Assert( player )
+ // vortex swirling incoming rounds FX location control point
+ if ( !( "vortexBulletEffectCP" in vortexWeapon.s ) )
+ vortexWeapon.s.vortexBulletEffectCP <- null
+ vortexWeapon.s.vortexBulletEffectCP = CreateEntity( "info_placement_helper" )
+ SetTargetName( expect entity( vortexWeapon.s.vortexBulletEffectCP ), UniqueString( "vortexBulletEffectCP" ) )
+ vortexWeapon.s.vortexBulletEffectCP.kv.start_active = 1
+ DispatchSpawn( vortexWeapon.s.vortexBulletEffectCP )
+ vector offset = GetBulletCollectionOffset( vortexWeapon )
+ vector origin = player.OffsetPositionFromView( player.EyePosition(), offset )
+ vortexWeapon.s.vortexBulletEffectCP.SetOrigin( origin )
+ vortexWeapon.s.vortexBulletEffectCP.SetParent( player )
+ // vortex sphere color control point
+ if ( !( "vortexSphereColorCP" in vortexWeapon.s ) )
+ vortexWeapon.s.vortexSphereColorCP <- null
+ vortexWeapon.s.vortexSphereColorCP = CreateEntity( "info_placement_helper" )
+ SetTargetName( expect entity( vortexWeapon.s.vortexSphereColorCP ), UniqueString( "vortexSphereColorCP" ) )
+ vortexWeapon.s.vortexSphereColorCP.kv.start_active = 1
+ DispatchSpawn( vortexWeapon.s.vortexSphereColorCP )
+function Vortex_CleanupAllEffects( entity vortexWeapon )
+ Assert( IsServer() )
+ Vortex_CleanupImpactAbsorbFX( vortexWeapon )
+ if ( ( "vortexBulletEffectCP" in vortexWeapon.s ) && IsValid_ThisFrame( expect entity( vortexWeapon.s.vortexBulletEffectCP ) ) )
+ vortexWeapon.s.vortexBulletEffectCP.Destroy()
+ if ( ( "vortexSphereColorCP" in vortexWeapon.s ) && IsValid_ThisFrame( expect entity( vortexWeapon.s.vortexSphereColorCP ) ) )
+ vortexWeapon.s.vortexSphereColorCP.Destroy()
+#endif // SERVER
+function SetPlayerUsingVortex( entity weaponOwner, entity vortexWeapon )
+ weaponOwner.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ weaponOwner.s.isVortexing <- true
+ vortexWeapon.WaitSignal( "VortexStopping" )
+ OnThreadEnd
+ (
+ function() : ( weaponOwner )
+ {
+ if ( IsValid_ThisFrame( weaponOwner ) && "isVortexing" in weaponOwner.s )
+ {
+ delete weaponOwner.s.isVortexing
+ }
+ }
+ )
+function IsVortexing( entity ent )
+ Assert( IsServer() )
+ if ( "isVortexing" in ent.s )
+ return true
+function Vortex_HandleElectricDamage( entity ent, entity attacker, damage, entity weapon )
+ if ( !IsValid( ent ) )
+ return damage
+ if ( !ent.IsTitan() )
+ return damage
+ if ( !ent.IsPlayer() && !ent.IsNPC() )
+ return damage
+ if ( !IsVortexing( ent ) )
+ return damage
+ entity vortexWeapon = ent.GetActiveWeapon()
+ if ( !IsValid( vortexWeapon ) )
+ return damage
+ entity vortexSphere = vortexWeapon.GetWeaponUtilityEntity()
+ if ( !IsValid( vortexSphere ) )
+ return damage
+ if ( !IsValid( vortexWeapon ) || !IsValid( vortexSphere ) )
+ return damage
+ // vortex FOV check
+ //printt( "sphere FOV:", vortexSphere.kv.bullet_fov )
+ local sphereFOV = vortexSphere.kv.bullet_fov.tointeger()
+ entity attackerWeapon = attacker.GetActiveWeapon()
+ int attachIdx = attackerWeapon.LookupAttachment( "muzzle_flash" )
+ vector beamOrg = attackerWeapon.GetAttachmentOrigin( attachIdx )
+ vector firingDir = beamOrg - vortexSphere.GetOrigin()
+ firingDir = Normalize( firingDir )
+ vector vortexDir = AnglesToForward( vortexSphere.GetAngles() )
+ float dot = DotProduct( vortexDir, firingDir )
+ float degCos = DEG_COS_60
+ if ( sphereFOV != 120 )
+ deg_cos( sphereFOV * 0.5 )
+ // not in the vortex cone
+ if ( dot < degCos )
+ return damage
+ if ( "fxElectricalExplosion" in vortexWeapon.s )
+ {
+ entity fxRef = CreateEntity( "info_particle_system" )
+ fxRef.SetValueForEffectNameKey( expect asset( vortexWeapon.s.fxElectricalExplosion ) )
+ fxRef.kv.start_active = 1
+ fxRef.SetStopType( "destroyImmediately" )
+ //fxRef.kv.VisibilityFlags = ENTITY_VISIBLE_TO_OWNER // HACK this turns on owner only visibility. Uncomment when we hook up dedicated 3P effects
+ fxRef.SetOwner( ent )
+ fxRef.SetOrigin( vortexSphere.GetOrigin() )
+ fxRef.SetParent( ent )
+ DispatchSpawn( fxRef )
+ fxRef.Kill_Deprecated_UseDestroyInstead( 1 )
+ }
+ return 0
+// this function handles all incoming vortex impact events
+bool function TryVortexAbsorb( entity vortexSphere, entity attacker, vector origin, int damageSourceID, entity weapon, string weaponName, string impactType, entity projectile = null, damageType = null, reflect = false )
+ if ( weaponName in VortexIgnoreClassnames )
+ return false
+ entity vortexWeapon = vortexSphere.GetOwnerWeapon()
+ entity owner = vortexWeapon.GetWeaponOwner()
+ // keep cycling the oldest hitscan bullets out
+ if( !reflect )
+ {
+ if ( impactType == "hitscan" )
+ Vortex_ClampAbsorbedBulletCount( vortexWeapon )
+ else
+ Vortex_ClampAbsorbedProjectileCount( vortexWeapon )
+ }
+ // vortex spheres tag refired projectiles with info about the original projectile for accurate duplication when re-absorbed
+ if ( projectile )
+ {
+ // specifically for tether, since it gets moved to the vortex area and can get absorbed in the process, then destroyed
+ if ( !IsValid( projectile ) )
+ return false
+ entity projOwner = projectile.GetOwner()
+ if ( IsValid( projOwner ) && projOwner.GetTeam() == owner.GetTeam() )
+ return false
+ if ( projectile.proj.hasBouncedOffVortex )
+ return false
+ if ( projectile.ProjectileGetWeaponInfoFileKeyField( "projectile_ignores_vortex" ) == "fall_vortex" )
+ {
+ vector velocity = projectile.GetVelocity()
+ vector multiplier = < -0.25, -0.25, -0.25 >
+ velocity = < velocity.x * multiplier.x, velocity.y * multiplier.y, velocity.z * multiplier.z >
+ projectile.SetVelocity( velocity )
+ projectile.proj.hasBouncedOffVortex = true
+ return false
+ }
+ // if ( projectile.GetParent() == owner )
+ // return false
+ if ( "originalDamageSource" in projectile.s )
+ {
+ damageSourceID = expect int( projectile.s.originalDamageSource )
+ // Vortex Volley Achievement
+ if ( IsValid( owner ) && owner.IsPlayer() )
+ {
+ //if ( PlayerProgressionAllowed( owner ) )
+ // SetAchievement( owner, "ach_vortexVolley", true )
+ }
+ }
+ // Max projectile stat tracking
+ int projectilesInVortex = 1
+ projectilesInVortex += vortexWeapon.w.vortexImpactData.len()
+ if ( IsValid( owner ) && owner.IsPlayer() )
+ {
+ if ( PlayerProgressionAllowed( owner ) )
+ {
+ int record = owner.GetPersistentVarAsInt( "mostProjectilesCollectedInVortex" )
+ if ( projectilesInVortex > record )
+ owner.SetPersistentVar( "mostProjectilesCollectedInVortex", projectilesInVortex )
+ }
+ var impact_sound_1p = projectile.ProjectileGetWeaponInfoFileKeyField( "vortex_impact_sound_1p" )
+ if ( impact_sound_1p != null )
+ EmitSoundOnEntityOnlyToPlayer( vortexSphere, owner, impact_sound_1p )
+ }
+ var impact_sound_3p = projectile.ProjectileGetWeaponInfoFileKeyField( "vortex_impact_sound_3p" )
+ if ( impact_sound_3p != null )
+ EmitSoundAtPosition( TEAM_UNASSIGNED, origin, impact_sound_3p )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( IsValid( owner ) && owner.IsPlayer() )
+ {
+ var impact_sound_1p = GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField_Global( weaponName, "vortex_impact_sound_1p" )
+ if ( impact_sound_1p != null )
+ EmitSoundOnEntityOnlyToPlayer( vortexSphere, owner, impact_sound_1p )
+ }
+ var impact_sound_3p = GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField_Global( weaponName, "vortex_impact_sound_3p" )
+ if ( impact_sound_3p != null )
+ EmitSoundAtPosition( TEAM_UNASSIGNED, origin, impact_sound_3p )
+ }
+ local impactData = Vortex_CreateImpactEventData( vortexWeapon, attacker, origin, damageSourceID, weaponName, impactType )
+ VortexDrainedByImpact( vortexWeapon, weapon, projectile, damageType )
+ Vortex_NotifyAttackerDidDamage( expect entity( impactData.attacker ), owner, impactData.origin )
+ if ( impactData.refireBehavior == VORTEX_REFIRE_ABSORB )
+ return true
+ if ( vortexWeapon.GetWeaponClassName() == "mp_titanweapon_heat_shield" )
+ return true
+ if ( !Vortex_ScriptCanHandleImpactEvent( impactData ) )
+ return false
+ Vortex_StoreImpactEvent( vortexWeapon, impactData )
+ VortexImpact_PlayAbsorbedFX( vortexWeapon, impactData )
+ if ( impactType == "hitscan" )
+ vortexSphere.AddBulletToSphere();
+ else
+ vortexSphere.AddProjectileToSphere();
+ if ( IsPilotShotgunWeapon( weaponName ) && ( vortexWeapon.s.shotgunPelletsToIgnore + 1 ) < maxShotgunPelletsToIgnore )
+ vortexWeapon.s.shotgunPelletsToIgnore += ( 1 - VORTEX_SHOTGUN_DAMAGE_RATIO )
+ if ( reflect )
+ {
+ local attackParams = {}
+ attackParams.pos <- owner.EyePosition()
+ attackParams.dir <- owner.GetPlayerOrNPCViewVector()
+ int bulletsFired = VortexReflectAttack( vortexWeapon, attackParams, expect vector( impactData.origin ) )
+ Vortex_CleanupImpactAbsorbFX( vortexWeapon )
+ Vortex_ClearImpactEventData( vortexWeapon )
+ while ( vortexSphere.GetBulletAbsorbedCount() > 0 )
+ vortexSphere.RemoveBulletFromSphere();
+ while ( vortexSphere.GetProjectileAbsorbedCount() > 0 )
+ vortexSphere.RemoveProjectileFromSphere();
+ }
+ return true
+#endif // SERVER
+function VortexDrainedByImpact( entity vortexWeapon, entity weapon, entity projectile, damageType )
+ if ( vortexWeapon.HasMod( "unlimited_charge_time" ) )
+ return
+ if ( vortexWeapon.HasMod( "vortex_extended_effect_and_no_use_penalty" ) )
+ return
+ float amount
+ if ( projectile )
+ amount = projectile.GetProjectileWeaponSettingFloat( eWeaponVar.vortex_drain )
+ else
+ amount = weapon.GetWeaponSettingFloat( eWeaponVar.vortex_drain )
+ if ( amount <= 0.0 )
+ return
+ if ( vortexWeapon.GetWeaponClassName() == "mp_titanweapon_vortex_shield_ion" )
+ {
+ entity owner = vortexWeapon.GetWeaponOwner()
+ int totalEnergy = owner.GetSharedEnergyTotal()
+ owner.TakeSharedEnergy( int( float( totalEnergy ) * amount ) )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ float frac = min ( vortexWeapon.GetWeaponChargeFraction() + amount, 1.0 )
+ vortexWeapon.SetWeaponChargeFraction( frac )
+ }
+function VortexSlowOwnerFromAttacker( entity player, entity attacker, vector velocity, float multiplier )
+ vector damageForward = player.GetOrigin() - attacker.GetOrigin()
+ damageForward.z = 0
+ damageForward.Norm()
+ vector velForward = player.GetVelocity()
+ velForward.z = 0
+ velForward.Norm()
+ float dot = DotProduct( velForward, damageForward )
+ if ( dot >= -0.5 )
+ return
+ dot += 0.5
+ dot *= -2.0
+ vector negateVelocity = velocity * -multiplier
+ negateVelocity *= dot
+ velocity += negateVelocity
+ player.SetVelocity( velocity )
+function Vortex_ClampAbsorbedBulletCount( entity vortexWeapon )
+ if ( GetBulletsAbsorbedCount( vortexWeapon ) >= ( VORTEX_BULLET_ABSORB_COUNT_MAX - 1 ) )
+ Vortex_RemoveOldestAbsorbedBullet( vortexWeapon )
+function Vortex_ClampAbsorbedProjectileCount( entity vortexWeapon )
+ if ( GetProjectilesAbsorbedCount( vortexWeapon ) >= ( VORTEX_PROJECTILE_ABSORB_COUNT_MAX - 1 ) )
+ Vortex_RemoveOldestAbsorbedProjectile( vortexWeapon )
+function Vortex_RemoveOldestAbsorbedBullet( entity vortexWeapon )
+ entity vortexSphere = vortexWeapon.GetWeaponUtilityEntity()
+ local bulletImpacts = Vortex_GetHitscanBulletImpacts( vortexWeapon )
+ local impactDataToRemove = bulletImpacts[ 0 ] // since it's an array, the first one will be the oldest
+ Vortex_RemoveImpactEvent( vortexWeapon, impactDataToRemove )
+ vortexSphere.RemoveBulletFromSphere()
+function Vortex_RemoveOldestAbsorbedProjectile( entity vortexWeapon )
+ entity vortexSphere = vortexWeapon.GetWeaponUtilityEntity()
+ local projImpacts = Vortex_GetProjectileImpacts( vortexWeapon )
+ local impactDataToRemove = projImpacts[ 0 ] // since it's an array, the first one will be the oldest
+ Vortex_RemoveImpactEvent( vortexWeapon, impactDataToRemove )
+ vortexSphere.RemoveProjectileFromSphere()
+function Vortex_CreateImpactEventData( entity vortexWeapon, entity attacker, vector origin, int damageSourceID, string weaponName, string impactType )
+ entity player = vortexWeapon.GetWeaponOwner()
+ local impactData = {}
+ impactData.attacker <- attacker
+ impactData.origin <- origin
+ impactData.damageSourceID <- damageSourceID
+ impactData.weaponName <- weaponName
+ impactData.impactType <- impactType
+ impactData.refireBehavior <- VORTEX_REFIRE_NONE
+ impactData.absorbSFX <- "Vortex_Shield_AbsorbBulletSmall"
+ impactData.absorbSFX_1p_vs_3p <- null
+ impactData.team <- null
+ // sets a team even if the attacker disconnected
+ if ( IsValid_ThisFrame( attacker ) )
+ {
+ impactData.team = attacker.GetTeam()
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // default to opposite team
+ if ( player.GetTeam() == TEAM_IMC )
+ impactData.team = TEAM_MILITIA
+ else
+ impactData.team = TEAM_IMC
+ }
+ impactData.absorbFX <- null
+ impactData.absorbFX_3p <- null
+ impactData.fxEnt_absorb <- null
+ impactData.explosionradius <- null
+ impactData.explosion_damage <- null
+ impactData.impact_effect_table <- -1
+ // -- everything from here down relies on being able to read a megaweapon file
+ if ( !( impactData.weaponName in vortexImpactWeaponInfo ) )
+ {
+ vortexImpactWeaponInfo[ impactData.weaponName ] <- {}
+ vortexImpactWeaponInfo[ impactData.weaponName ].absorbFX <- GetWeaponInfoFileKeyFieldAsset_Global( impactData.weaponName, "vortex_absorb_effect" )
+ vortexImpactWeaponInfo[ impactData.weaponName ].absorbFX_3p <- GetWeaponInfoFileKeyFieldAsset_Global( impactData.weaponName, "vortex_absorb_effect_third_person" )
+ vortexImpactWeaponInfo[ impactData.weaponName ].refireBehavior <- GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField_Global( impactData.weaponName, "vortex_refire_behavior" )
+ vortexImpactWeaponInfo[ impactData.weaponName ].absorbSound <- GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField_Global( impactData.weaponName, "vortex_absorb_sound" )
+ vortexImpactWeaponInfo[ impactData.weaponName ].absorbSound_1p_vs_3p <- GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField_Global( impactData.weaponName, "vortex_absorb_sound_1p_vs_3p" )
+ vortexImpactWeaponInfo[ impactData.weaponName ].explosionradius <- GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField_Global( impactData.weaponName, "explosionradius" )
+ vortexImpactWeaponInfo[ impactData.weaponName ].explosion_damage_heavy_armor <- GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField_Global( impactData.weaponName, "explosion_damage_heavy_armor" )
+ vortexImpactWeaponInfo[ impactData.weaponName ].explosion_damage <- GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField_Global( impactData.weaponName, "explosion_damage" )
+ vortexImpactWeaponInfo[ impactData.weaponName ].impact_effect_table <- GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField_Global( impactData.weaponName, "impact_effect_table" )
+ vortexImpactWeaponInfo[ impactData.weaponName ].grenade_ignition_time <- GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField_Global( impactData.weaponName, "grenade_ignition_time" )
+ vortexImpactWeaponInfo[ impactData.weaponName ].grenade_fuse_time <- GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField_Global( impactData.weaponName, "grenade_fuse_time" )
+ }
+ impactData.absorbFX = vortexImpactWeaponInfo[ impactData.weaponName ].absorbFX
+ impactData.absorbFX_3p = vortexImpactWeaponInfo[ impactData.weaponName ].absorbFX_3p
+ if ( impactData.absorbFX )
+ Assert( impactData.absorbFX_3p, "Missing 3rd person absorb effect for " + impactData.weaponName )
+ impactData.refireBehavior = vortexImpactWeaponInfo[ impactData.weaponName ].refireBehavior
+ local absorbSound = vortexImpactWeaponInfo[ impactData.weaponName ].absorbSound
+ if ( absorbSound )
+ impactData.absorbSFX = absorbSound
+ local absorbSound_1p_vs_3p = vortexImpactWeaponInfo[ impactData.weaponName ].absorbSound_1p_vs_3p
+ if ( absorbSound_1p_vs_3p )
+ impactData.absorbSFX_1p_vs_3p = absorbSound_1p_vs_3p
+ // info we need for refiring (some types of) impacts
+ impactData.explosionradius = vortexImpactWeaponInfo[ impactData.weaponName ].explosionradius
+ impactData.explosion_damage = vortexImpactWeaponInfo[ impactData.weaponName ].explosion_damage_heavy_armor
+ if ( impactData.explosion_damage == null )
+ impactData.explosion_damage = vortexImpactWeaponInfo[ impactData.weaponName ].explosion_damage
+ impactData.impact_effect_table = vortexImpactWeaponInfo[ impactData.weaponName ].impact_effect_table
+ return impactData
+function Vortex_ScriptCanHandleImpactEvent( impactData )
+ if ( impactData.refireBehavior == VORTEX_REFIRE_NONE )
+ return false
+ if ( !impactData.absorbFX )
+ return false
+ if ( impactData.impactType == "projectile" && !impactData.impact_effect_table )
+ return false
+ return true
+function Vortex_StoreImpactEvent( entity vortexWeapon, impactData )
+ vortexWeapon.w.vortexImpactData.append( impactData )
+// safely removes data for a single impact event
+function Vortex_RemoveImpactEvent( entity vortexWeapon, impactData )
+ Vortex_ImpactData_KillAbsorbFX( impactData )
+ vortexWeapon.w.vortexImpactData.fastremovebyvalue( impactData )
+function Vortex_GetAllImpactEvents( entity vortexWeapon )
+ return vortexWeapon.w.vortexImpactData
+function Vortex_ClearImpactEventData( entity vortexWeapon )
+ vortexWeapon.w.vortexImpactData = []
+function VortexImpact_PlayAbsorbedFX( entity vortexWeapon, impactData )
+ // generic shield ping FX
+ Vortex_SpawnShieldPingFX( vortexWeapon, impactData )
+ // specific absorb FX
+ impactData.fxEnt_absorb = Vortex_SpawnImpactAbsorbFX( vortexWeapon, impactData )
+// FX played when something first enters the vortex sphere
+function Vortex_SpawnShieldPingFX( entity vortexWeapon, impactData )
+ entity player = vortexWeapon.GetWeaponOwner()
+ Assert( player )
+ local absorbSFX = impactData.absorbSFX
+ //printt( "SFX absorb sound:", absorbSFX )
+ if ( vortexWeapon.GetWeaponSettingBool( eWeaponVar.is_burn_mod ) )
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( vortexWeapon, "Vortex_Shield_Deflect_Amped" )
+ else
+ {
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( vortexWeapon, absorbSFX )
+ if ( impactData.absorbSFX_1p_vs_3p != null )
+ {
+ if ( IsValid( impactData.attacker ) && impactData.attacker.IsPlayer() )
+ {
+ EmitSoundOnEntityOnlyToPlayer( vortexWeapon, impactData.attacker, impactData.absorbSFX_1p_vs_3p )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ entity pingFX = CreateEntity( "info_particle_system" )
+ if ( vortexWeapon.GetWeaponSettingBool( eWeaponVar.is_burn_mod ) )
+ {
+ if ( "fxBulletHitBurn" in vortexWeapon.s )
+ pingFX.SetValueForEffectNameKey( expect asset( vortexWeapon.s.fxBulletHitBurn ) )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( "fxBulletHit" in vortexWeapon.s )
+ pingFX.SetValueForEffectNameKey( expect asset( vortexWeapon.s.fxBulletHit ) )
+ }
+ pingFX.kv.start_active = 1
+ DispatchSpawn( pingFX )
+ pingFX.SetOrigin( impactData.origin )
+ pingFX.SetParent( player )
+ pingFX.Kill_Deprecated_UseDestroyInstead( 0.25 )
+function Vortex_SpawnHeatShieldPingFX( entity vortexWeapon, impactData, bool impactTypeIsBullet )
+ entity player = vortexWeapon.GetWeaponOwner()
+ Assert( player )
+ if ( impactTypeIsBullet )
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( vortexWeapon, "heat_shield_stop_bullet" )
+ else
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( vortexWeapon, "heat_shield_stop_projectile" )
+ entity pingFX = CreateEntity( "info_particle_system" )
+ if ( "fxBulletHit" in vortexWeapon.s )
+ pingFX.SetValueForEffectNameKey( expect asset( vortexWeapon.s.fxBulletHit ) )
+ pingFX.kv.start_active = 1
+ DispatchSpawn( pingFX )
+ pingFX.SetOrigin( impactData.origin )
+ pingFX.SetParent( player )
+ pingFX.Kill_Deprecated_UseDestroyInstead( 0.25 )
+function Vortex_SpawnImpactAbsorbFX( entity vortexWeapon, impactData )
+ // in case we're in the middle of cleaning the weapon up
+ if ( !IsValid( vortexWeapon.s.vortexBulletEffectCP ) )
+ return
+ entity owner = vortexWeapon.GetWeaponOwner()
+ Assert( owner )
+ local fxRefs = []
+ // owner
+ {
+ entity fxRef = CreateEntity( "info_particle_system" )
+ fxRef.SetValueForEffectNameKey( expect asset( impactData.absorbFX ) )
+ fxRef.kv.start_active = 1
+ fxRef.SetStopType( "destroyImmediately" )
+ fxRef.kv.VisibilityFlags = ENTITY_VISIBLE_TO_OWNER
+ fxRef.kv.cpoint1 = vortexWeapon.s.vortexBulletEffectCP.GetTargetName()
+ DispatchSpawn( fxRef )
+ fxRef.SetOwner( owner )
+ fxRef.SetOrigin( impactData.origin )
+ fxRef.SetParent( owner )
+ fxRefs.append( fxRef )
+ }
+ // everyone else
+ {
+ entity fxRef = CreateEntity( "info_particle_system" )
+ fxRef.SetValueForEffectNameKey( expect asset( impactData.absorbFX_3p ) )
+ fxRef.kv.start_active = 1
+ fxRef.SetStopType( "destroyImmediately" )
+ fxRef.kv.VisibilityFlags = (ENTITY_VISIBLE_TO_FRIENDLY | ENTITY_VISIBLE_TO_ENEMY) // other only visibility
+ fxRef.kv.cpoint1 = vortexWeapon.s.vortexBulletEffectCP.GetTargetName()
+ DispatchSpawn( fxRef )
+ fxRef.SetOwner( owner )
+ fxRef.SetOrigin( impactData.origin )
+ fxRef.SetParent( owner )
+ fxRefs.append( fxRef )
+ }
+ return fxRefs
+function Vortex_CleanupImpactAbsorbFX( entity vortexWeapon )
+ foreach ( impactData in Vortex_GetAllImpactEvents( vortexWeapon ) )
+ {
+ Vortex_ImpactData_KillAbsorbFX( impactData )
+ }
+function Vortex_ImpactData_KillAbsorbFX( impactData )
+ foreach ( fxRef in impactData.fxEnt_absorb )
+ {
+ if ( !IsValid( fxRef ) )
+ continue
+ fxRef.Fire( "DestroyImmediately" )
+ fxRef.Kill_Deprecated_UseDestroyInstead()
+ }
+bool function PlayerDiedOrDisconnected( entity player )
+ if ( !IsValid( player ) )
+ return true
+ if ( !IsAlive( player ) )
+ return true
+ if ( IsDisconnected( player ) )
+ return true
+ return false
+#endif // SERVER
+int function VortexPrimaryAttack( entity vortexWeapon, WeaponPrimaryAttackParams attackParams )
+ entity vortexSphere = vortexWeapon.GetWeaponUtilityEntity()
+ if ( !vortexSphere )
+ return 0
+ #if SERVER
+ Assert( vortexSphere )
+ #endif
+ int totalfired = 0
+ int totalAttempts = 0
+ bool forceReleased = false
+ // in this case, it's also considered "force released" if the charge time runs out
+ if ( vortexWeapon.IsForceRelease() || vortexWeapon.GetWeaponChargeFraction() == 1 )
+ forceReleased = true
+ // bullet impact events don't individually fire back per event because we aggregate and then shotgun blast them
+ int bulletsFired = Vortex_FireBackBullets( vortexWeapon, attackParams )
+ totalfired += bulletsFired
+ #if SERVER
+ //printt( "server: force released?", forceReleased )
+ local unpredictedRefires = Vortex_GetProjectileImpacts( vortexWeapon )
+ // HACK we don't actually want to refire them with a spiral but
+ // this is to temporarily ensure compatibility with the Titan rocket launcher
+ if ( !( "spiralMissileIdx" in vortexWeapon.s ) )
+ vortexWeapon.s.spiralMissileIdx <- null
+ vortexWeapon.s.spiralMissileIdx = 0
+ foreach ( impactData in unpredictedRefires )
+ {
+ table fakeAttackParams = {pos = attackParams.pos, dir = attackParams.dir, firstTimePredicted = attackParams.firstTimePredicted, burstIndex = attackParams.burstIndex}
+ bool didFire = DoVortexAttackForImpactData( vortexWeapon, fakeAttackParams, impactData, totalAttempts )
+ if ( didFire )
+ totalfired++
+ totalAttempts++
+ }
+ //printt( "totalfired", totalfired )
+ #else
+ totalfired += GetProjectilesAbsorbedCount( vortexWeapon )
+ #endif
+ SetVortexAmmo( vortexWeapon, 0 )
+ vortexWeapon.Signal( "VortexFired" )
+ if ( forceReleased )
+ DestroyVortexSphereFromVortexWeapon( vortexWeapon )
+ else
+ DisableVortexSphereFromVortexWeapon( vortexWeapon )
+ return totalfired
+int function Vortex_FireBackBullets( entity vortexWeapon, WeaponPrimaryAttackParams attackParams )
+ int bulletCount = GetBulletsAbsorbedCount( vortexWeapon )
+ //Defensive Check - Couldn't repro error.
+ if ( "shotgunPelletsToIgnore" in vortexWeapon.s )
+ bulletCount = int( ceil( bulletCount - vortexWeapon.s.shotgunPelletsToIgnore ) )
+ if ( bulletCount )
+ {
+ bulletCount = minint( bulletCount, MAX_BULLET_PER_SHOT )
+ //if ( IsClient() && GetLocalViewPlayer() == vortexWeapon.GetWeaponOwner() )
+ // printt( "vortex firing", bulletCount, "bullets" )
+ vortexWeapon.EmitWeaponNpcSound( radius, 0.2 )
+ int damageType = damageTypes.shotgun | DF_VORTEX_REFIRE
+ if ( bulletCount == 1 )
+ vortexWeapon.FireWeaponBullet( attackParams.pos, attackParams.dir, bulletCount, damageType )
+ else
+ ShotgunBlast( vortexWeapon, attackParams.pos, attackParams.dir, bulletCount, damageType )
+ }
+ return bulletCount
+bool function Vortex_FireBackExplosiveRound( vortexWeapon, attackParams, impactData, sequenceID )
+ expect entity( vortexWeapon )
+ // common projectile data
+ float projSpeed = 8000.0
+ int damageType = damageTypes.explosive | DF_VORTEX_REFIRE
+ vortexWeapon.EmitWeaponSound( "Weapon.Explosion_Med" )
+ vector attackPos
+ //Requires code feature to properly fire tracers from offset positions.
+ //if ( vortexWeapon.GetWeaponSettingBool( eWeaponVar.is_burn_mod ) )
+ // attackPos = impactData.origin
+ //else
+ attackPos = Vortex_GenerateRandomRefireOrigin( vortexWeapon )
+ vector fireVec = Vortex_GenerateRandomRefireVector( vortexWeapon, VORTEX_EXP_ROUNDS_RETURN_SPREAD_XY, VORTEX_EXP_ROUNDS_RETURN_SPREAD_Z )
+ // fire off the bolt
+ entity bolt = vortexWeapon.FireWeaponBolt( attackPos, fireVec, projSpeed, damageType, damageType, PROJECTILE_NOT_PREDICTED, sequenceID )
+ if ( bolt )
+ {
+ bolt.kv.gravity = 0.3
+ Vortex_ProjectileCommonSetup( bolt, impactData )
+ }
+ return true
+bool function Vortex_FireBackProjectileBullet( vortexWeapon, attackParams, impactData, sequenceID )
+ expect entity( vortexWeapon )
+ // common projectile data
+ float projSpeed = 12000.0
+ int damageType = damageTypes.bullet | DF_VORTEX_REFIRE
+ vortexWeapon.EmitWeaponSound( "Weapon.Explosion_Med" )
+ vector attackPos
+ //Requires code feature to properly fire tracers from offset positions.
+ //if ( vortexWeapon.GetWeaponSettingBool( eWeaponVar.is_burn_mod ) )
+ // attackPos = impactData.origin
+ //else
+ attackPos = Vortex_GenerateRandomRefireOrigin( vortexWeapon )
+ vector fireVec = Vortex_GenerateRandomRefireVector( vortexWeapon, 0.15, 0.1 )
+ //printt( Time(), fireVec ) // print for bug with random
+ // fire off the bolt
+ entity bolt = vortexWeapon.FireWeaponBolt( attackPos, fireVec, projSpeed, damageType, damageType, PROJECTILE_NOT_PREDICTED, sequenceID )
+ if ( bolt )
+ {
+ bolt.kv.gravity = 0.0
+ Vortex_ProjectileCommonSetup( bolt, impactData )
+ }
+ return true
+vector function Vortex_GenerateRandomRefireOrigin( entity vortexWeapon, float distFromCenter = 3.0 )
+ float distFromCenter_neg = distFromCenter * -1
+ vector attackPos = expect vector( vortexWeapon.s.vortexBulletEffectCP.GetOrigin() )
+ float x = RandomFloatRange( distFromCenter_neg, distFromCenter )
+ float y = RandomFloatRange( distFromCenter_neg, distFromCenter )
+ float z = RandomFloatRange( distFromCenter_neg, distFromCenter )
+ attackPos = attackPos + Vector( x, y, z )
+ return attackPos
+vector function Vortex_GenerateRandomRefireVector( entity vortexWeapon, float vecSpread, float vecSpreadZ )
+ float x = RandomFloatRange( vecSpread * -1, vecSpread )
+ float y = RandomFloatRange( vecSpread * -1, vecSpread )
+ float z = RandomFloatRange( vecSpreadZ * -1, vecSpreadZ )
+ vector fireVec = vortexWeapon.GetWeaponOwner().GetPlayerOrNPCViewVector() + Vector( x, y, z )
+ return fireVec
+bool function Vortex_FireBackRocket( vortexWeapon, attackParams, impactData, sequenceID )
+ expect entity( vortexWeapon )
+ // TODO prediction for clients
+ Assert( IsServer() )
+ entity rocket = vortexWeapon.FireWeaponMissile( attackParams.pos, attackParams.dir, 1800.0, damageTypes.largeCaliberExp | DF_VORTEX_REFIRE, damageTypes.largeCaliberExp | DF_VORTEX_REFIRE, false, PROJECTILE_NOT_PREDICTED )
+ if ( rocket )
+ {
+ rocket.kv.lifetime = RandomFloatRange( 2.6, 3.5 )
+ InitMissileForRandomDriftForVortexLow( rocket, expect vector( attackParams.pos ), expect vector( attackParams.dir ) )
+ Vortex_ProjectileCommonSetup( rocket, impactData )
+ }
+ return true
+bool function Vortex_FireBackGrenade( entity vortexWeapon, attackParams, impactData, int attackSeedCount, float baseFuseTime )
+ float x = RandomFloatRange( -0.2, 0.2 )
+ float y = RandomFloatRange( -0.2, 0.2 )
+ float z = RandomFloatRange( -0.2, 0.2 )
+ vector velocity = ( expect vector( attackParams.dir ) + Vector( x, y, z ) ) * 1500
+ vector angularVelocity = Vector( RandomFloatRange( -1200, 1200 ), 100, 0 )
+ bool hasIgnitionTime = vortexImpactWeaponInfo[ impactData.weaponName ].grenade_ignition_time > 0
+ float fuseTime = hasIgnitionTime ? 0.0 : baseFuseTime
+ const int HARDCODED_DAMAGE_TYPE = (damageTypes.explosive | DF_VORTEX_REFIRE)
+ entity grenade = vortexWeapon.FireWeaponGrenade( attackParams.pos, velocity, angularVelocity, fuseTime, HARDCODED_DAMAGE_TYPE, HARDCODED_DAMAGE_TYPE, PROJECTILE_NOT_PREDICTED, true, true )
+ if ( grenade )
+ {
+ Grenade_Init( grenade, vortexWeapon )
+ Vortex_ProjectileCommonSetup( grenade, impactData )
+ if ( hasIgnitionTime )
+ grenade.SetGrenadeIgnitionDuration( vortexImpactWeaponInfo[ impactData.weaponName ].grenade_ignition_time )
+ }
+ return (grenade ? true : false)
+bool function DoVortexAttackForImpactData( entity vortexWeapon, attackParams, impactData, int attackSeedCount )
+ bool didFire = false
+ switch ( impactData.refireBehavior )
+ {
+ didFire = Vortex_FireBackExplosiveRound( vortexWeapon, attackParams, impactData, attackSeedCount )
+ break
+ didFire = Vortex_FireBackRocket( vortexWeapon, attackParams, impactData, attackSeedCount )
+ break
+ didFire = Vortex_FireBackGrenade( vortexWeapon, attackParams, impactData, attackSeedCount, 1.25 )
+ break
+ didFire = Vortex_FireBackGrenade( vortexWeapon, attackParams, impactData, attackSeedCount, 10.0 )
+ break
+ didFire = Vortex_FireBackProjectileBullet( vortexWeapon, attackParams, impactData, attackSeedCount )
+ break
+ break
+ }
+ return didFire
+function Vortex_ProjectileCommonSetup( entity projectile, impactData )
+ // custom tag it so it shows up correctly if it hits another vortex sphere
+ projectile.s.originalDamageSource <- impactData.damageSourceID
+ Vortex_SetImpactEffectTable_OnProjectile( projectile, impactData ) // set the correct impact effect table
+ projectile.SetVortexRefired( true ) // This tells code the projectile was refired from the vortex so that it uses "projectile_vortex_vscript"
+ projectile.SetModel( GetWeaponInfoFileKeyFieldAsset_Global( impactData.weaponName, "projectilemodel" ) )
+ projectile.SetWeaponClassName( impactData.weaponName ) // causes the projectile to use its normal trail FX
+ projectile.ProjectileSetDamageSourceID( impactData.damageSourceID ) // obit will show the owner weapon
+// gives a refired projectile the correct impact effect table
+function Vortex_SetImpactEffectTable_OnProjectile( projectile, impactData )
+ //Getting more info for bug 207595, don't check into Staging.
+ #if DEV
+ printt( "impactData.impact_effect_table ", impactData.impact_effect_table )
+ if ( impactData.impact_effect_table == "" )
+ PrintTable( impactData )
+ #endif
+ local fxTableHandle = GetImpactEffectTable( impactData.impact_effect_table )
+ projectile.SetImpactEffectTable( fxTableHandle )
+#endif // SERVER
+// absorbed bullets are tracked with a special networked kv variable because clients need to know how many bullets to fire as well, when they are doing the client version of FireWeaponBullet
+int function GetBulletsAbsorbedCount( entity vortexWeapon )
+ if ( !vortexWeapon )
+ return 0
+ entity vortexSphere = vortexWeapon.GetWeaponUtilityEntity()
+ if ( !vortexSphere )
+ return 0
+ return vortexSphere.GetBulletAbsorbedCount()
+int function GetProjectilesAbsorbedCount( entity vortexWeapon )
+ if ( !vortexWeapon )
+ return 0
+ entity vortexSphere = vortexWeapon.GetWeaponUtilityEntity()
+ if ( !vortexSphere )
+ return 0
+ return vortexSphere.GetProjectileAbsorbedCount()
+function Vortex_GetProjectileImpacts( entity vortexWeapon )
+ local impacts = []
+ foreach ( impactData in Vortex_GetAllImpactEvents( vortexWeapon ) )
+ {
+ if ( impactData.impactType == "projectile" )
+ impacts.append( impactData )
+ }
+ return impacts
+function Vortex_GetHitscanBulletImpacts( entity vortexWeapon )
+ local impacts = []
+ foreach ( impactData in Vortex_GetAllImpactEvents( vortexWeapon ) )
+ {
+ if ( impactData.impactType == "hitscan" )
+ impacts.append( impactData )
+ }
+ return impacts
+int function GetHitscanBulletImpactCount( entity vortexWeapon )
+ int count = 0
+ foreach ( impactData in Vortex_GetAllImpactEvents( vortexWeapon ) )
+ {
+ if ( impactData.impactType == "hitscan" )
+ count++
+ }
+ return count
+#endif // SERVER
+// // lets the damage callback communicate to the attacker that he hit a vortex shield
+function Vortex_NotifyAttackerDidDamage( entity attacker, entity vortexOwner, hitPos )
+ if ( !IsValid( attacker ) || !attacker.IsPlayer() )
+ return
+ if ( !IsValid( vortexOwner ) )
+ return
+ Assert( hitPos )
+ attacker.NotifyDidDamage( vortexOwner, 0, hitPos, 0, 0, DAMAGEFLAG_VICTIM_HAS_VORTEX, 0, null, 0 )
+function SetVortexAmmo( entity vortexWeapon, count )
+ entity owner = vortexWeapon.GetWeaponOwner()
+ if ( !IsValid_ThisFrame( owner ) )
+ return
+ #if CLIENT
+ if ( !IsLocalViewPlayer( owner ) )
+ return
+ #endif
+ vortexWeapon.SetWeaponPrimaryAmmoCount( count )
+// sets the RGB color value for the vortex sphere FX based on current charge fraction
+function VortexSphereColorUpdate( entity weapon, sphereClientFXHandle = null )
+ weapon.EndSignal( "VortexStopping" )
+ #if CLIENT
+ Assert( sphereClientFXHandle != null )
+ #endif
+ bool isIonVortex = weapon.GetWeaponClassName() == "mp_titanweapon_vortex_shield_ion"
+ entity weaponOwner = weapon.GetWeaponOwner()
+ float energyTotal = float ( weaponOwner.GetSharedEnergyTotal() )
+ while( IsValid( weapon ) && IsValid( weaponOwner ) )
+ {
+ vector colorVec
+ if ( isIonVortex )
+ {
+ float energyFrac = 1.0 - float( weaponOwner.GetSharedEnergyCount() ) / energyTotal
+ if ( weapon.HasMod( "pas_ion_vortex" ) )
+ colorVec = GetVortexSphereCurrentColor( energyFrac, VORTEX_SPHERE_COLOR_PAS_ION_VORTEX )
+ else
+ colorVec = GetVortexSphereCurrentColor( energyFrac )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ colorVec = GetVortexSphereCurrentColor( weapon.GetWeaponChargeFraction() )
+ }
+ // update the world entity that is linked to the world FX playing on the server
+ #if SERVER
+ weapon.s.vortexSphereColorCP.SetOrigin( colorVec )
+ #else
+ // handles the server killing the vortex sphere without the client knowing right away,
+ // for example if an explosive goes off and we short circuit the charge timer
+ if ( !EffectDoesExist( sphereClientFXHandle ) )
+ break
+ EffectSetControlPointVector( sphereClientFXHandle, 1, colorVec )
+ #endif
+ WaitFrame()
+ }
+vector function GetVortexSphereCurrentColor( float chargeFrac, vector fullHealthColor = VORTEX_SPHERE_COLOR_CHARGE_FULL )
+vector function GetShieldTriLerpColor( float frac )
+vector function GetTriLerpColor( float fraction, vector color1, vector color2, vector color3 )
+ float crossover1 = VORTEX_SPHERE_COLOR_CROSSOVERFRAC_FULL2MED // from zero to this fraction, fade between color1 and color2
+ float crossover2 = VORTEX_SPHERE_COLOR_CROSSOVERFRAC_MED2EMPTY // from crossover1 to this fraction, fade between color2 and color3
+ float r, g, b
+ // 0 = full charge, 1 = no charge remaining
+ if ( fraction < crossover1 )
+ {
+ r = Graph( fraction, 0, crossover1, color1.x, color2.x )
+ g = Graph( fraction, 0, crossover1, color1.y, color2.y )
+ b = Graph( fraction, 0, crossover1, color1.z, color2.z )
+ return <r, g, b>
+ }
+ else if ( fraction < crossover2 )
+ {
+ r = Graph( fraction, crossover1, crossover2, color2.x, color3.x )
+ g = Graph( fraction, crossover1, crossover2, color2.y, color3.y )
+ b = Graph( fraction, crossover1, crossover2, color2.z, color3.z )
+ return <r, g, b>
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // for the last bit of overload timer, keep it max danger color
+ r = color3.x
+ g = color3.y
+ b = color3.z
+ return <r, g, b>
+ }
+ unreachable
+// generic impact validation
+bool function ValidateVortexImpact( entity vortexSphere, entity projectile = null )
+ Assert( IsServer() )
+ if ( !IsValid( vortexSphere ) )
+ return false
+ if ( !vortexSphere.GetOwnerWeapon() )
+ return false
+ entity vortexWeapon = vortexSphere.GetOwnerWeapon()
+ if ( !IsValid( vortexWeapon ) )
+ return false
+ if ( projectile )
+ {
+ if ( !IsValid_ThisFrame( projectile ) )
+ return false
+ if ( projectile.ProjectileGetWeaponInfoFileKeyField( "projectile_ignores_vortex" ) == 1 )
+ return false
+ if ( projectile.ProjectileGetWeaponClassName() == "" )
+ return false
+ if ( projectile.ProjectileGetWeaponClassName() == "mp_weapon_tether" )
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
+/* Setting override functions */
+function Vortex_SetTagName( entity weapon, string tagName )
+ Vortex_SetWeaponSettingOverride( weapon, "vortexTagName", tagName )
+function Vortex_SetBulletCollectionOffset( entity weapon, vector offset )
+ Vortex_SetWeaponSettingOverride( weapon, "bulletCollectionOffset", offset )
+function Vortex_SetWeaponSettingOverride( entity weapon, string setting, value )
+ if ( !( setting in weapon.s ) )
+ weapon.s[ setting ] <- null
+ weapon.s[ setting ] = value
+string function GetVortexTagName( entity weapon )
+ if ( "vortexTagName" in weapon.s )
+ return expect string( weapon.s.vortexTagName )
+ return "vortex_center"
+vector function GetBulletCollectionOffset( entity weapon )
+ if ( "bulletCollectionOffset" in weapon.s )
+ return expect vector( weapon.s.bulletCollectionOffset )
+ entity owner = weapon.GetWeaponOwner()
+ if ( owner.IsTitan() )
+ return Vector( 300.0, -90.0, -70.0 )
+ else
+ return Vector( 80.0, 17.0, -11.0 )
+ unreachable
+function VortexSphereDrainHealthForDamage( entity vortexSphere, damage )
+ // don't drain the health of vortex_spheres that are set to be invulnerable. This is the case for the Particle Wall
+ if ( vortexSphere.IsInvulnerable() )
+ return
+ local result = {}
+ result.damage <- damage
+ vortexSphere.Signal( "Script_OnDamaged", result )
+ int currentHealth = vortexSphere.GetHealth()
+ Assert( damage >= 0 )
+ // JFS to fix phone home bug; we never hit the assert above locally...
+ damage = max( damage, 0 )
+ vortexSphere.SetHealth( currentHealth - damage )
+ entity vortexWeapon = vortexSphere.GetOwnerWeapon()
+ if ( IsValid( vortexWeapon ) && vortexWeapon.HasMod( "fd_gun_shield_redirect" ) )
+ {
+ entity owner = vortexWeapon.GetWeaponOwner()
+ if ( IsValid( owner ) && owner.IsTitan() )
+ {
+ entity soul = owner.GetTitanSoul()
+ if ( IsValid( soul ) )
+ {
+ int shieldRestoreAmount = int( damage ) //Might need tuning
+ soul.SetShieldHealth( min( soul.GetShieldHealth() + shieldRestoreAmount, soul.GetShieldHealthMax() ) )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ UpdateShieldWallColorForFrac( vortexSphere.e.shieldWallFX, GetHealthFrac( vortexSphere ) )
+bool function CodeCallback_OnVortexHitBullet( entity weapon, entity vortexSphere, var damageInfo )
+ bool isAmpedWall = vortexSphere.GetTargetName() == PROTO_AMPED_WALL
+ bool takesDamage = !isAmpedWall
+ bool adjustImpactAngles = !(vortexSphere.GetTargetName() == GUN_SHIELD_WALL)
+ #if SERVER
+ if ( vortexSphere.e.BulletHitRules != null )
+ {
+ vortexSphere.e.BulletHitRules( vortexSphere, damageInfo )
+ takesDamage = takesDamage && (DamageInfo_GetDamage( damageInfo ) > 0)
+ }
+ #endif
+ vector damageAngles = vortexSphere.GetAngles()
+ if ( adjustImpactAngles )
+ damageAngles = AnglesCompose( damageAngles, Vector( 90, 0, 0 ) )
+ int teamNum = vortexSphere.GetTeam()
+ #if CLIENT
+ vector damageOrigin = DamageInfo_GetDamagePosition( damageInfo )
+ if ( !isAmpedWall )
+ {
+ // TODO: slightly change angles to match radius rotation of vortex cylinder
+ int effectHandle = StartParticleEffectInWorldWithHandle( GetParticleSystemIndex( SHIELD_WALL_BULLET_FX ), damageOrigin, damageAngles )
+ //local color = GetShieldTriLerpColor( 1 - GetHealthFrac( vortexSphere ) )
+ vector color = GetShieldTriLerpColor( 0.0 )
+ EffectSetControlPointVector( effectHandle, 1, color )
+ }
+ if ( takesDamage )
+ {
+ float damage = ceil( DamageInfo_GetDamage( damageInfo ) )
+ int damageType = DamageInfo_GetCustomDamageType( damageInfo )
+ DamageFlyout( damage, damageOrigin, vortexSphere, false, false )
+ }
+ if ( DamageInfo_GetAttacker( damageInfo ) && DamageInfo_GetAttacker( damageInfo ).IsTitan() )
+ EmitSoundAtPosition( teamNum, DamageInfo_GetDamagePosition( damageInfo ), "TitanShieldWall.Heavy.BulletImpact_1P_vs_3P" )
+ else
+ EmitSoundAtPosition( teamNum, DamageInfo_GetDamagePosition( damageInfo ), "TitanShieldWall.Light.BulletImpact_1P_vs_3P" )
+ #else
+ if ( !isAmpedWall )
+ {
+ int fxId = GetParticleSystemIndex( SHIELD_WALL_BULLET_FX )
+ PlayEffectOnVortexSphere( fxId, DamageInfo_GetDamagePosition( damageInfo ), damageAngles, vortexSphere )
+ }
+ entity weapon = DamageInfo_GetWeapon( damageInfo )
+ float damage = ceil( DamageInfo_GetDamage( damageInfo ) )
+ Assert( damage >= 0, "Bug 159851 - Damage should be greater than or equal to 0.")
+ damage = max( 0.0, damage )
+ if ( IsValid( weapon ) )
+ damage = HandleWeakToPilotWeapons( vortexSphere, weapon.GetWeaponClassName(), damage )
+ if ( takesDamage )
+ {
+ //JFS - Arc Round bug fix for Monarch. Projectiles vortex callback doesn't even have damageInfo, so the shield modifier here doesn't exist in VortexSphereDrainHealthForDamage like it should.
+ ShieldDamageModifier damageModifier = GetShieldDamageModifier( damageInfo )
+ damage *= damageModifier.damageScale
+ VortexSphereDrainHealthForDamage( vortexSphere, damage )
+ }
+ if ( DamageInfo_GetAttacker( damageInfo ) && DamageInfo_GetAttacker( damageInfo ).IsTitan() )
+ EmitSoundAtPosition( teamNum, DamageInfo_GetDamagePosition( damageInfo ), "TitanShieldWall.Heavy.BulletImpact_3P_vs_3P" )
+ else
+ EmitSoundAtPosition( teamNum, DamageInfo_GetDamagePosition( damageInfo ), "TitanShieldWall.Light.BulletImpact_3P_vs_3P" )
+ #endif
+ if ( isAmpedWall )
+ {
+ #if SERVER
+ DamageInfo_ScaleDamage( damageInfo, AMPED_DAMAGE_SCALAR )
+ #endif
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
+bool function OnVortexHitBullet_BubbleShieldNPC( entity vortexSphere, var damageInfo )
+ vector vortexOrigin = vortexSphere.GetOrigin()
+ vector damageOrigin = DamageInfo_GetDamagePosition( damageInfo )
+ float distSq = DistanceSqr( vortexOrigin, damageOrigin )
+ return false//the damage is coming from INSIDE the sphere
+ vector damageVec = damageOrigin - vortexOrigin
+ vector damageAngles = VectorToAngles( damageVec )
+ damageAngles = AnglesCompose( damageAngles, Vector( 90, 0, 0 ) )
+ int teamNum = vortexSphere.GetTeam()
+ #if CLIENT
+ int effectHandle = StartParticleEffectInWorldWithHandle( GetParticleSystemIndex( SHIELD_WALL_BULLET_FX ), damageOrigin, damageAngles )
+ vector color = GetShieldTriLerpColor( 0.9 )
+ EffectSetControlPointVector( effectHandle, 1, color )
+ if ( DamageInfo_GetAttacker( damageInfo ) && DamageInfo_GetAttacker( damageInfo ).IsTitan() )
+ EmitSoundAtPosition( teamNum, DamageInfo_GetDamagePosition( damageInfo ), "TitanShieldWall.Heavy.BulletImpact_1P_vs_3P" )
+ else
+ EmitSoundAtPosition( teamNum, DamageInfo_GetDamagePosition( damageInfo ), "TitanShieldWall.Light.BulletImpact_1P_vs_3P" )
+ #else
+ int fxId = GetParticleSystemIndex( SHIELD_WALL_BULLET_FX )
+ PlayEffectOnVortexSphere( fxId, DamageInfo_GetDamagePosition( damageInfo ), damageAngles, vortexSphere )
+ //VortexSphereDrainHealthForDamage( vortexSphere, DamageInfo_GetWeapon( damageInfo ), null )
+ if ( DamageInfo_GetAttacker( damageInfo ) && DamageInfo_GetAttacker( damageInfo ).IsTitan() )
+ EmitSoundAtPosition( teamNum, DamageInfo_GetDamagePosition( damageInfo ), "TitanShieldWall.Heavy.BulletImpact_3P_vs_3P" )
+ else
+ EmitSoundAtPosition( teamNum, DamageInfo_GetDamagePosition( damageInfo ), "TitanShieldWall.Light.BulletImpact_3P_vs_3P" )
+ #endif
+ return true
+bool function CodeCallback_OnVortexHitProjectile( entity weapon, entity vortexSphere, entity attacker, entity projectile, vector contactPos )
+ // code shouldn't call this on an invalid vortexsphere!
+ if ( !IsValid( vortexSphere ) )
+ return false
+ var ignoreVortex = projectile.ProjectileGetWeaponInfoFileKeyField( "projectile_ignores_vortex" )
+ if ( ignoreVortex != null )
+ {
+ #if SERVER
+ if ( projectile.proj.hasBouncedOffVortex )
+ return false
+ vector velocity = projectile.GetVelocity()
+ vector multiplier
+ switch ( ignoreVortex )
+ {
+ case "drop":
+ multiplier = < -0.25, -0.25, 0.0 >
+ break
+ case "fall_vortex":
+ case "fall":
+ multiplier = < -0.25, -0.25, -0.25 >
+ break
+ case "mirror":
+ // bounce back, assume along xy axis
+ multiplier = < -1.0, -1.0, 1.0 >
+ break
+ default:
+ CodeWarning( "Unknown projectile_ignores_vortex " + ignoreVortex )
+ break
+ }
+ velocity = < velocity.x * multiplier.x, velocity.y * multiplier.y, velocity.z * multiplier.z >
+ projectile.proj.hasBouncedOffVortex = true
+ projectile.SetVelocity( velocity )
+ #endif
+ return false
+ }
+ bool adjustImpactAngles = !(vortexSphere.GetTargetName() == GUN_SHIELD_WALL)
+ vector damageAngles = vortexSphere.GetAngles()
+ if ( adjustImpactAngles )
+ damageAngles = AnglesCompose( damageAngles, Vector( 90, 0, 0 ) )
+ asset projectileSettingFX = projectile.GetProjectileWeaponSettingAsset( eWeaponVar.vortex_impact_effect )
+ asset impactFX = (projectileSettingFX != $"") ? projectileSettingFX : SHIELD_WALL_EXPMED_FX
+ bool isAmpedWall = vortexSphere.GetTargetName() == PROTO_AMPED_WALL
+ bool takesDamage = !isAmpedWall
+ #if SERVER
+ if ( vortexSphere.e.ProjectileHitRules != null )
+ takesDamage = vortexSphere.e.ProjectileHitRules( vortexSphere, attacker, takesDamage )
+ #endif
+ // hack to let client know about amped wall, and to amp the shot
+ if ( isAmpedWall )
+ int teamNum = vortexSphere.GetTeam()
+ #if CLIENT
+ if ( !isAmpedWall )
+ {
+ int effectHandle = StartParticleEffectInWorldWithHandle( GetParticleSystemIndex( impactFX ), contactPos, damageAngles )
+ //local color = GetShieldTriLerpColor( 1 - GetHealthFrac( vortexSphere ) )
+ vector color = GetShieldTriLerpColor( 0.0 )
+ EffectSetControlPointVector( effectHandle, 1, color )
+ }
+ var impact_sound_1p = projectile.ProjectileGetWeaponInfoFileKeyField( "vortex_impact_sound_1p" )
+ if ( impact_sound_1p == null )
+ impact_sound_1p = "TitanShieldWall.Explosive.BulletImpact_1P_vs_3P"
+ EmitSoundAtPosition( teamNum, contactPos, impact_sound_1p )
+ #else
+ if ( !isAmpedWall )
+ {
+ int fxId = GetParticleSystemIndex( impactFX )
+ PlayEffectOnVortexSphere( fxId, contactPos, damageAngles, vortexSphere )
+ }
+ float damage = float( projectile.GetProjectileWeaponSettingInt( eWeaponVar.damage_near_value ) )
+ // once damageInfo is passed correctly we'll use that instead of looking up the values from the weapon .txt file.
+ // local damage = ceil( DamageInfo_GetDamage( damageInfo ) )
+ damage = HandleWeakToPilotWeapons( vortexSphere, projectile.ProjectileGetWeaponClassName(), damage )
+ damage = damage + CalculateTitanSniperExtraDamage( projectile, vortexSphere )
+ if ( takesDamage )
+ {
+ VortexSphereDrainHealthForDamage( vortexSphere, damage )
+ if ( IsValid( attacker ) && attacker.IsPlayer() )
+ attacker.NotifyDidDamage( vortexSphere, 0, contactPos, 0, damage, DF_NO_HITBEEP, 0, null, 0 )
+ }
+ var impact_sound_3p = projectile.ProjectileGetWeaponInfoFileKeyField( "vortex_impact_sound_3p" )
+ if ( impact_sound_3p == null )
+ impact_sound_3p = "TitanShieldWall.Explosive.BulletImpact_3P_vs_3P"
+ EmitSoundAtPosition( teamNum, contactPos, impact_sound_3p )
+ int damageSourceID = projectile.ProjectileGetDamageSourceID()
+ switch ( damageSourceID )
+ {
+ case eDamageSourceId.mp_titanweapon_dumbfire_rockets:
+ vector normal = projectile.GetVelocity() * -1
+ normal = Normalize( normal )
+ ClusterRocket_Detonate( projectile, normal )
+ break
+ case eDamageSourceId.mp_weapon_grenade_electric_smoke:
+ ElectricGrenadeSmokescreen( projectile, FX_ELECTRIC_SMOKESCREEN_PILOT_AIR )
+ break
+ case eDamageSourceId.mp_weapon_grenade_emp:
+ if ( StatusEffect_Get( vortexSphere, eStatusEffect.destroyed_by_emp ) )
+ VortexSphereDrainHealthForDamage( vortexSphere, vortexSphere.GetHealth() )
+ break
+ case eDamageSourceId.mp_titanability_sonar_pulse:
+ if ( IsValid( attacker ) && attacker.IsTitan() )
+ {
+ int team = attacker.GetTeam()
+ PulseLocation( attacker, team, contactPos, false, false )
+ array<string> mods = projectile.ProjectileGetMods()
+ if ( mods.contains( "pas_tone_sonar" ) )
+ thread DelayedPulseLocation( attacker, team, contactPos, false, false )
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ #endif
+ // hack to let client know about amped wall, and to amp the shot
+ if ( isAmpedWall )
+ {
+ #if SERVER
+ projectile.proj.damageScale = AMPED_DAMAGE_SCALAR
+ #endif
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
+bool function OnVortexHitProjectile_BubbleShieldNPC( entity vortexSphere, entity attacker, entity projectile, vector contactPos )
+ vector vortexOrigin = vortexSphere.GetOrigin()
+ float dist = DistanceSqr( vortexOrigin, contactPos )
+ return false // the damage is coming from INSIDE THE SPHERE
+ vector damageVec = Normalize( contactPos - vortexOrigin )
+ vector damageAngles = VectorToAngles( damageVec )
+ damageAngles = AnglesCompose( damageAngles, Vector( 90, 0, 0 ) )
+ asset projectileSettingFX = projectile.GetProjectileWeaponSettingAsset( eWeaponVar.vortex_impact_effect )
+ asset impactFX = (projectileSettingFX != $"") ? projectileSettingFX : SHIELD_WALL_EXPMED_FX
+ int teamNum = vortexSphere.GetTeam()
+ #if CLIENT
+ int effectHandle = StartParticleEffectInWorldWithHandle( GetParticleSystemIndex( impactFX ), contactPos, damageAngles )
+ vector color = GetShieldTriLerpColor( 0.9 )
+ EffectSetControlPointVector( effectHandle, 1, color )
+ EmitSoundAtPosition( teamNum, contactPos, "TitanShieldWall.Explosive.BulletImpact_1P_vs_3P" )
+ #else
+ int fxId = GetParticleSystemIndex( impactFX )
+ PlayEffectOnVortexSphere( fxId, contactPos, damageAngles, vortexSphere )
+// VortexSphereDrainHealthForDamage( vortexSphere, null, projectile )
+ EmitSoundAtPosition( teamNum, contactPos, "TitanShieldWall.Explosive.BulletImpact_3P_vs_3P" )
+ if ( projectile.ProjectileGetDamageSourceID() == eDamageSourceId.mp_titanweapon_dumbfire_rockets )
+ {
+ vector normal = projectile.GetVelocity() * -1
+ normal = Normalize( normal )
+ ClusterRocket_Detonate( projectile, normal )
+ }
+ #endif
+ return true
+float function HandleWeakToPilotWeapons( entity vortexSphere, string weaponName, float damage )
+ if ( vortexSphere.e.proto_weakToPilotWeapons ) //needs code for real, but this is fine for prototyping
+ {
+ // is weapon a pilot weapon?
+ local refType = GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField_Global( weaponName, "weaponClass" )
+ if ( refType == "human" )
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ return damage
+// ???: reflectOrigin not used
+int function VortexReflectAttack( entity vortexWeapon, attackParams, vector reflectOrigin )
+ entity vortexSphere = vortexWeapon.GetWeaponUtilityEntity()
+ if ( !vortexSphere )
+ return 0
+ #if SERVER
+ Assert( vortexSphere )
+ #endif
+ int totalfired = 0
+ int totalAttempts = 0
+ bool forceReleased = false
+ // in this case, it's also considered "force released" if the charge time runs out
+ if ( vortexWeapon.IsForceRelease() || vortexWeapon.GetWeaponChargeFraction() == 1 )
+ forceReleased = true
+ //Requires code feature to properly fire tracers from offset positions.
+ //if ( vortexWeapon.GetWeaponSettingBool( eWeaponVar.is_burn_mod ) )
+ // attackParams.pos = reflectOrigin
+ // bullet impact events don't individually fire back per event because we aggregate and then shotgun blast them
+ //Remove the below script after FireWeaponBulletBroadcast
+ //local bulletsFired = Vortex_FireBackBullets( vortexWeapon, attackParams )
+ //totalfired += bulletsFired
+ int bulletCount = GetBulletsAbsorbedCount( vortexWeapon )
+ if ( bulletCount > 0 )
+ {
+ if ( "ampedBulletCount" in vortexWeapon.s )
+ vortexWeapon.s.ampedBulletCount++
+ else
+ vortexWeapon.s.ampedBulletCount <- 1
+ vortexWeapon.Signal( "FireAmpedVortexBullet" )
+ totalfired += 1
+ }
+ #if SERVER
+ //printt( "server: force released?", forceReleased )
+ local unpredictedRefires = Vortex_GetProjectileImpacts( vortexWeapon )
+ // HACK we don't actually want to refire them with a spiral but
+ // this is to temporarily ensure compatibility with the Titan rocket launcher
+ if ( !( "spiralMissileIdx" in vortexWeapon.s ) )
+ vortexWeapon.s.spiralMissileIdx <- null
+ vortexWeapon.s.spiralMissileIdx = 0
+ foreach ( impactData in unpredictedRefires )
+ {
+ bool didFire = DoVortexAttackForImpactData( vortexWeapon, attackParams, impactData, totalAttempts )
+ if ( didFire )
+ totalfired++
+ totalAttempts++
+ }
+ #endif
+ SetVortexAmmo( vortexWeapon, 0 )
+ vortexWeapon.Signal( "VortexFired" )
+ vortexSphere.ClearAllBulletsFromSphere()
+ /*
+ if ( forceReleased )
+ DestroyVortexSphereFromVortexWeapon( vortexWeapon )
+ else
+ DisableVortexSphereFromVortexWeapon( vortexWeapon )
+ */
+ return totalfired
+} \ No newline at end of file