path: root/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/mp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/mp')
6 files changed, 593 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/mp/_base_gametype.gnut b/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/mp/_base_gametype.gnut
index a4c6e187..362407b3 100644
--- a/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/mp/_base_gametype.gnut
+++ b/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/mp/_base_gametype.gnut
@@ -1412,15 +1412,28 @@ void function CodeCallback_WeaponFireInCloak( entity player )
//player.SetCloakFlicker( 1.0, 2.0 )
DisableCloak( player, 0.5 )
- entity weapon = player.GetOffhandWeapon( OFFHAND_LEFT )
- //printt( "weapon", weapon.GetWeaponClassName() )
- // JFS; need code feature to properly reset next attack time/cooldown stuff
- if ( IsValid( weapon ) && weapon.GetWeaponClassName() == "mp_ability_cloak" )
+ entity cloakWeapon
+ int offhandSlot
+ for ( int i = 0; i <= OFFHAND_MELEE; i++ ) // OFFHAND_MELEE is the largest
- player.TakeOffhandWeapon( OFFHAND_LEFT )
- player.GiveOffhandWeapon( "mp_ability_cloak", OFFHAND_LEFT )
- weapon = player.GetOffhandWeapon( OFFHAND_LEFT )
- weapon.SetWeaponPrimaryClipCountAbsolute( 0 )
+ entity nowWeapon = player.GetOffhandWeapon( i )
+ if( IsValid( nowWeapon ))
+ {
+ if( nowWeapon.GetWeaponClassName() == "mp_ability_cloak" )
+ {
+ cloakWeapon = nowWeapon
+ offhandSlot = i
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( IsValid( cloakWeapon ) )
+ {
+ array<string> mods = cloakWeapon.GetMods()
+ // can't reset cooldown properly in script, let's give player a empty one
+ player.TakeWeapon( "mp_ability_cloak" ) // not using TakeWeaponNow() to fit vanilla behavior
+ player.GiveOffhandWeapon( "mp_ability_cloak", offhandSlot, mods )
+ cloakWeapon = player.GetOffhandWeapon( offhandSlot )
+ cloakWeapon.SetWeaponPrimaryClipCountAbsolute( 0 )
diff --git a/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/mp/_base_gametype_mp.gnut b/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/mp/_base_gametype_mp.gnut
index ca8dc5f1..ec426754 100644
--- a/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/mp/_base_gametype_mp.gnut
+++ b/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/mp/_base_gametype_mp.gnut
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ global function ShouldEntTakeDamage_SPMP
global function GetTitanBuildTime
global function TitanPlayerHotDropsIntoLevel
+global function SetRecalculateRespawnAsTitanStartPointCallback
struct {
bool killcamsEnabled = true
bool playerDeathsHidden = false
@@ -26,6 +28,8 @@ struct {
entity intermissionCamera
array<entity> specCams
+ entity functionref( entity player, entity basePoint ) recalculateRespawnAsTitanStartPointCallback
} file
void function BaseGametype_Init_MPSP()
@@ -443,6 +447,9 @@ void function RespawnAsTitan( entity player, bool manualPosition = false )
player.isSpawning = true
entity spawnpoint = FindSpawnPoint( player, true, ( ShouldStartSpawn( player ) || Flag( "ForceStartSpawn" ) ) && !IsFFAGame() )
+ if ( file.recalculateRespawnAsTitanStartPointCallback != null )
+ spawnpoint = file.recalculateRespawnAsTitanStartPointCallback( player, spawnpoint )
TitanLoadoutDef titanLoadout = GetTitanLoadoutForPlayer( player )
asset model = GetPlayerSettingsAssetForClassName( titanLoadout.setFile, "bodymodel" )
@@ -500,7 +507,7 @@ void function RespawnAsTitan( entity player, bool manualPosition = false )
titan.Destroy() // pilotbecomestitan leaves an npc titan that we need to delete
RespawnAsPilot( player ) // this is 100% an edgecase, just avoid softlocking if we ever hit it in playable gamestates
camera.Fire( "Disable", "!activator", 0, player )
@@ -509,6 +516,7 @@ void function RespawnAsTitan( entity player, bool manualPosition = false )
player.RespawnPlayer( null ) // spawn player as pilot so they get their pilot loadout on embark
player.SetOrigin( titan.GetOrigin() )
+ ClearTitanAvailable( player ) // titanfall succeed, clear titan availability
// don't make player titan when entity batteryContainer is not valid.
// This will prevent a servercrash that sometimes occur when evac is disabled and somebody is calling a titan in the defeat screen.
@@ -577,6 +585,11 @@ void function CheckForAutoTitanDeath( entity victim, entity attacker, var damage
+void function SetRecalculateRespawnAsTitanStartPointCallback( entity functionref( entity player, entity basePoint ) callbackFunc )
+ file.recalculateRespawnAsTitanStartPointCallback = callbackFunc
// stuff to change later
bool function ShouldEntTakeDamage_SPMP( entity ent, var damageInfo )
diff --git a/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/mp/_battery_port.gnut b/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/mp/_battery_port.gnut
index 37b89169..ea88c1bc 100644
--- a/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/mp/_battery_port.gnut
+++ b/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/mp/_battery_port.gnut
@@ -1 +1,219 @@
-//fuck \ No newline at end of file
+global function InitTurretBatteryPort // only for fw turrets!
+void function InitTurretBatteryPort( entity batteryPort )
+ batteryPort.s.beingUsed <- false // bool
+ batteryPort.s.hackAvaliable <- true // bool, for controlling hacking avaliablity
+ // SetUsableByGroup() updates is done in TurretStateWatcher()
+ batteryPort.SetUsableByGroup( "pilot" ) // show hind to any pilots
+ batteryPort.SetUsePrompts( "#RODEO_APPLY_BATTERY_HINT", "#RODEO_APPLY_BATTERY_HINT" ) // don't know what to use
+ AddCallback_OnUseEntity( batteryPort, OnUseTurretBatteryPort )
+function OnUseTurretBatteryPort( entBeingUse, user )
+ expect entity( entBeingUse )
+ expect entity( user )
+ //print( "try to use batteryPort" )
+ thread TryUseTurretBatteryPort( user, entBeingUse )
+void function TryUseTurretBatteryPort( entity player, entity batteryPort )
+ if( batteryPort.s.beingUsed ) // already being using
+ return
+ player.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ player.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ player.EndSignal( "ScriptAnimStop" ) // so you can jump off animation
+ AddButtonPressedPlayerInputCallback( player, IN_JUMP, ForceStopUseBatteryPort )
+ OnThreadEnd(
+ function():( player )
+ {
+ RemoveButtonPressedPlayerInputCallback( player, IN_JUMP, ForceStopUseBatteryPort )
+ }
+ )
+ var BatteryPortUsable = batteryPort.s.isUsable
+ if( expect bool( BatteryPortUsable( batteryPort, player ) ) )
+ {
+ // friendly try to apply one, or enemy try to hack this turret
+ waitthread PlayerApplesBatteryPackToPort( player, batteryPort )
+ }
+void function ForceStopUseBatteryPort( entity player )
+ player.Signal( "ScriptAnimStop" )
+void function PlayerApplesBatteryPackToPort( entity player, entity batteryPort )
+ table result = {}
+ result.success <- false
+ batteryPort.s.beingUsed = true
+ BatteryPortSequenceStruct dataStruct = DisableCloakBeforeBatteryPortSequence( player )
+ // these are from _rodeo_titan.gnut
+ entity battery = GetBatteryOnBack( player )
+ battery.Hide() //Hide it because the animation has a battery model already
+ Battery_StopFX( battery )
+ entity tempBattery3p
+ tempBattery3p = CreatePropDynamic( RODEO_BATTERY_MODEL_FOR_RODEO_ANIMS )
+ tempBattery3p.SetParent( player, "R_HAND", false, 0.0 )
+ tempBattery3p.RemoveFromSpatialPartition()
+ entity tempBattery1p
+ tempBattery1p = CreatePropDynamic( RODEO_BATTERY_MODEL_FOR_RODEO_ANIMS )
+ tempBattery1p.SetParent( player.GetFirstPersonProxy(), "R_HAND", false, 0.0 )
+ tempBattery1p.RemoveFromSpatialPartition()
+ player.p.rodeoAnimTempProps.append( tempBattery3p )
+ player.p.rodeoAnimTempProps.append( tempBattery1p )
+ OnThreadEnd(
+ function() : ( battery, batteryPort, player, result, dataStruct )
+ {
+ if ( IsValid( battery ) ) // animation interrupted, otherwise the battery will be destroyed
+ {
+ battery.Show()
+ Battery_StartFX( battery )
+ }
+ if ( IsValid( batteryPort ) )
+ {
+ batteryPort.s.beingUsed = false
+ batteryPort.Anim_Stop()
+ }
+ if ( IsValid( player ) )
+ {
+ // restore control
+ DeployAndEnableWeapons( player )
+ //ViewConeFree( player ) // no need to lock viewcone
+ // clean up
+ ClearBatteryAnimTempProps( player )
+ PutEntityInSafeSpot( player, player, null, player.GetOrigin() + <0, 0, 32>, player.GetOrigin() )
+ CleanUpBatterySequenceForPlayer( player )
+ RestoreCloakAfterBatteryPortSequence( player, dataStruct )
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ FirstPersonSequenceStruct sequence
+ sequence.attachment = "REF" // only ref the batteryPort has
+ sequence.thirdPersonAnim = "pt_mp_battery_port_insert" //"pt_rodeo_ride_r_return_battery"
+ sequence.firstPersonAnim = "ptpov_mp_battery_port_insert" //"ptpov_rodeo_ride_r_return_battery"
+ // player stats
+ HolsterAndDisableWeapons( player )
+ //ViewConeZero( player ) // no need to lock viewcone
+ batteryPort.Anim_Play( "bp_mp_battery_port_insert" )
+ thread WaitForActivateBattery( player, battery, batteryPort )
+ waitthread FirstPersonSequence( sequence, player, batteryPort )
+void function WaitForActivateBattery( entity player, entity battery, entity batteryPort )
+ player.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ player.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ player.EndSignal( "ScriptAnimStop" ) // so you can jump off animation
+ battery.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ player.WaitSignal( "BatteryActivate" ) // this is registered in _gamemode_fw.nut!
+ ApplyBatteryToBatteryPort( player, batteryPort )
+void function ApplyBatteryToBatteryPort( entity player, entity batteryPort )
+ if ( player.GetPlayerNetInt( "batteryCount" ) <= 0 ) // player actually not carrying a battery
+ return
+ entity battery = Rodeo_TakeBatteryAwayFromPilot( player )
+ if ( !IsValid( battery ) )
+ return
+ // player can apply battery
+ // disable hacking
+ batteryPort.s.hackAvaliable = false // can't be hacked again until completely killed
+ var useBatteryPort = batteryPort.s.useBattery
+ useBatteryPort( batteryPort, player )
+ // all things done, destroy this batt
+ battery.Destroy()
+// for disabling cloak
+struct BatteryPortSequenceStruct
+ bool wasCloaked = false
+ float cloakEndTime = 0.0
+BatteryPortSequenceStruct function DisableCloakBeforeBatteryPortSequence( entity player )
+ BatteryPortSequenceStruct dataStruct
+ if ( !IsCloaked( player ) )
+ return dataStruct // empty struct!
+ dataStruct.wasCloaked = true
+ dataStruct.cloakEndTime = player.GetCloakEndTime()
+ DisableCloak( player, 0.0 )
+ return dataStruct
+bool function RestoreCloakAfterBatteryPortSequence( entity player, BatteryPortSequenceStruct dataStruct )
+ if ( !IsAlive( player ) )
+ return false
+ if ( !dataStruct.wasCloaked )
+ return false
+ if ( dataStruct.cloakEndTime <= 0.0 )
+ return false
+ float remainingCloakDuration = max( 0.0, dataStruct.cloakEndTime - Time() )
+ if ( remainingCloakDuration <= CLOAK_FADE_IN ) //Has to be greater than 1.0 fade in duration, otherwise will cloak forever
+ return false
+ EnableCloak( player, remainingCloakDuration, CLOAK_FADE_IN )
+ return true
+void function CleanUpBatterySequenceForPlayer( entity player )
+ ClearPlayerAnimViewEntity( player )
+ player.AnimViewEntity_SetLerpOutTime( 0.4 ) // blend out the clear anim view entity
+ player.ClearParent()
+ player.Anim_Stop()
+void function ClearBatteryAnimTempProps( entity player )
+ foreach( tempProp in player.p.rodeoAnimTempProps )
+ {
+ if ( IsValid( tempProp ) )
+ tempProp.Destroy()
+ }
+ player.p.rodeoAnimTempProps.clear()
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/mp/_gamestate_mp.nut b/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/mp/_gamestate_mp.nut
index 6cde4655..46b39ebc 100644
--- a/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/mp/_gamestate_mp.nut
+++ b/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/mp/_gamestate_mp.nut
@@ -220,6 +220,8 @@ void function GameStateEnter_Playing_Threaded()
WaitFrame() // ensure timelimits are all properly set
+ thread DialoguePlayNormal() // runs dialogue play function
while ( GetGameState() == eGameState.Playing )
// could cache these, but what if we update it midgame?
@@ -268,6 +270,8 @@ void function GameStateEnter_WinnerDetermined_Threaded()
// do win announcement
int winningTeam = GetWinningTeamWithFFASupport()
+ DialoguePlayWinnerDetermined() // play a faction dialogue when winner is determined
foreach ( entity player in GetPlayerArray() )
int announcementSubstr
@@ -509,6 +513,20 @@ void function GameStateEnter_SuddenDeath()
// disable respawns, suddendeath calling is done on a kill callback
SetRespawnsEnabled( false )
+ // defensive fixes, so game won't stuck in SuddenDeath forever
+ bool mltElimited = false
+ bool imcElimited = false
+ if( GetPlayerArrayOfTeam_Alive( TEAM_MILITIA ).len() < 1 )
+ mltElimited = true
+ if( GetPlayerArrayOfTeam_Alive( TEAM_IMC ).len() < 1 )
+ imcElimited = true
+ if( mltElimited && imcElimited )
+ else if( mltElimited )
+ SetWinner( TEAM_IMC )
+ else if( imcElimited )
+ SetWinner( TEAM_MILITIA )
@@ -874,3 +892,90 @@ float function GetTimeLimit_ForGameMode()
// default to 10 mins, because that seems reasonable
return GetCurrentPlaylistVarFloat( playlistString, 10 )
+// faction dialogue
+void function DialoguePlayNormal()
+ int totalScore = GameMode_GetScoreLimit( GameRules_GetGameMode() )
+ int winningTeam
+ int losingTeam
+ float diagIntervel = 71 // play a faction dailogue every 70 + 1s to prevent play together with winner dialogue
+ while( GetGameState() == eGameState.Playing )
+ {
+ wait diagIntervel
+ if( GameRules_GetTeamScore( TEAM_MILITIA ) < GameRules_GetTeamScore( TEAM_IMC ) )
+ {
+ winningTeam = TEAM_IMC
+ losingTeam = TEAM_MILITIA
+ }
+ if( GameRules_GetTeamScore( TEAM_MILITIA ) > GameRules_GetTeamScore( TEAM_IMC ) )
+ {
+ winningTeam = TEAM_MILITIA
+ losingTeam = TEAM_IMC
+ }
+ if( GameRules_GetTeamScore( winningTeam ) - GameRules_GetTeamScore( losingTeam ) >= totalScore * 0.4 )
+ {
+ PlayFactionDialogueToTeam( "scoring_winningLarge", winningTeam )
+ PlayFactionDialogueToTeam( "scoring_losingLarge", losingTeam )
+ }
+ else if( GameRules_GetTeamScore( winningTeam ) - GameRules_GetTeamScore( losingTeam ) <= totalScore * 0.2 )
+ {
+ PlayFactionDialogueToTeam( "scoring_winningClose", winningTeam )
+ PlayFactionDialogueToTeam( "scoring_losingClose", losingTeam )
+ }
+ else if( GameRules_GetTeamScore( winningTeam ) == GameRules_GetTeamScore( losingTeam ) )
+ {
+ continue
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PlayFactionDialogueToTeam( "scoring_winning", winningTeam )
+ PlayFactionDialogueToTeam( "scoring_losing", losingTeam )
+ }
+ }
+void function DialoguePlayWinnerDetermined()
+ int totalScore = GameMode_GetScoreLimit( GameRules_GetGameMode() )
+ int winningTeam
+ int losingTeam
+ if( GameRules_GetTeamScore( TEAM_MILITIA ) < GameRules_GetTeamScore( TEAM_IMC ) )
+ {
+ winningTeam = TEAM_IMC
+ losingTeam = TEAM_MILITIA
+ }
+ if( GameRules_GetTeamScore( TEAM_MILITIA ) > GameRules_GetTeamScore( TEAM_IMC ) )
+ {
+ winningTeam = TEAM_MILITIA
+ losingTeam = TEAM_IMC
+ }
+ if( IsRoundBased() ) // check for round based modes
+ {
+ if( GameRules_GetTeamScore( winningTeam ) != GameMode_GetRoundScoreLimit( GAMETYPE ) ) // no winner dialogue till game really ends
+ return
+ }
+ if( GameRules_GetTeamScore( winningTeam ) - GameRules_GetTeamScore( losingTeam ) >= totalScore * 0.4 )
+ {
+ PlayFactionDialogueToTeam( "scoring_wonMercy", winningTeam )
+ PlayFactionDialogueToTeam( "scoring_lostMercy", losingTeam )
+ }
+ else if( GameRules_GetTeamScore( winningTeam ) - GameRules_GetTeamScore( losingTeam ) <= totalScore * 0.2 )
+ {
+ PlayFactionDialogueToTeam( "scoring_wonClose", winningTeam )
+ PlayFactionDialogueToTeam( "scoring_lostClose", losingTeam )
+ }
+ else if( GameRules_GetTeamScore( winningTeam ) == GameRules_GetTeamScore( losingTeam ) )
+ {
+ PlayFactionDialogueToTeam( "scoring_tied", winningTeam )
+ PlayFactionDialogueToTeam( "scoring_tied", losingTeam )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PlayFactionDialogueToTeam( "scoring_won", winningTeam )
+ PlayFactionDialogueToTeam( "scoring_lost", losingTeam )
+ }
diff --git a/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/mp/_model_viewer.nut b/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/mp/_model_viewer.nut
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c33f4ef0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/mp/_model_viewer.nut
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+global function ModelViewer_Init
+global function ToggleModelViewer
+global modelViewerModels = []
+#if DEV
+ bool initialized
+ bool active
+ entity gameUIFreezeControls
+ array<string> playerWeapons
+ array<string> playerOffhands
+ bool dpadUpPressed = true
+ bool dpadDownPressed = true
+ var lastTitanAvailability
+} file
+#endif // DEV
+function ModelViewer_Init()
+ #if DEV
+ if ( reloadingScripts )
+ return
+ AddClientCommandCallback( "ModelViewer", ClientCommand_ModelViewer )
+ #endif
+function ToggleModelViewer()
+ #if DEV
+ entity player = GetPlayerArray()[ 0 ]
+ if ( !file.active )
+ {
+ file.active = true
+ DisablePrecacheErrors()
+ wait 0.5
+ ModelViewerDisableConflicts()
+ Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( player, "ServerCallback_ModelViewerDisableConflicts" )
+ ReloadShared()
+ if ( !file.initialized )
+ {
+ file.initialized = true
+ ControlsInit()
+ }
+ Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( player, "ServerCallback_MVEnable" )
+ file.lastTitanAvailability = level.nv.titanAvailability
+ Riff_ForceTitanAvailability( eTitanAvailability.Never )
+ WeaponsRemove()
+ thread UpdateModelBounds()
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ file.active = false
+ Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( player, "ServerCallback_MVDisable" )
+ RestorePrecacheErrors()
+ Riff_ForceTitanAvailability( file.lastTitanAvailability )
+ WeaponsRestore()
+ }
+ #endif
+#if DEV
+function ModelViewerDisableConflicts()
+ disable_npcs() //Just disable_npcs() for now, will probably add things later
+function ReloadShared()
+ modelViewerModels = GetModelViewerList()
+function ControlsInit()
+ file.gameUIFreezeControls = CreateEntity( "game_ui" )
+ file.gameUIFreezeControls.kv.spawnflags = 32
+ file.gameUIFreezeControls.kv.FieldOfView = -1.0
+ DispatchSpawn( file.gameUIFreezeControls )
+bool function ClientCommand_ModelViewer( entity player, array<string> args )
+ string command = args[ 0 ]
+ switch ( command )
+ {
+ case "freeze_player":
+ file.gameUIFreezeControls.Fire( "Activate", "!player", 0 )
+ break
+ case "unfreeze_player":
+ file.gameUIFreezeControls.Fire( "Deactivate", "!player", 0 )
+ break
+ }
+ return true
+function UpdateModelBounds()
+ wait( 0.3 )
+ foreach ( index, modelName in modelViewerModels )
+ {
+ entity model = CreatePropDynamic( expect asset( modelName ) )
+ local mins = model.GetBoundingMins()
+ local maxs = model.GetBoundingMaxs()
+ mins.x = min( -8.0, mins.x )
+ mins.y = min( -8.0, mins.y )
+ mins.z = min( -8.0, mins.z )
+ maxs.x = max( 8.0, maxs.x )
+ maxs.y = max( 8.0, maxs.y )
+ maxs.z = max( 8.0, maxs.z )
+ Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( GetPlayerArray()[ 0 ], "ServerCallback_MVUpdateModelBounds", index, mins.x, mins.y, mins.z, maxs.x, maxs.y, maxs.z )
+ model.Destroy()
+ }
+function WeaponsRemove()
+ entity player = GetPlayerArray()[0]
+ if ( !IsValid( player ) )
+ return
+ file.playerWeapons.clear()
+ file.playerOffhands.clear()
+ array<entity> weapons = player.GetMainWeapons()
+ foreach ( weaponEnt in weapons )
+ {
+ string weapon = weaponEnt.GetWeaponClassName()
+ file.playerWeapons.append( weapon )
+ player.TakeWeapon( weapon )
+ }
+ array<entity> offhands = player.GetOffhandWeapons()
+ foreach ( index, offhandEnt in offhands )
+ {
+ string offhand = offhandEnt.GetWeaponClassName()
+ file.playerOffhands.append( offhand )
+ player.TakeOffhandWeapon( index )
+ }
+function WeaponsRestore()
+ entity player = GetPlayerArray()[0]
+ if ( !IsValid( player ) )
+ return
+ foreach ( weapon in file.playerWeapons )
+ {
+ player.GiveWeapon( weapon )
+ }
+ foreach ( index, offhand in file.playerOffhands )
+ {
+ player.GiveOffhandWeapon( offhand, index )
+ }
+#endif // DEV
diff --git a/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/mp/_score.nut b/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/mp/_score.nut
index 2d1ff074..dacd43b0 100644
--- a/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/mp/_score.nut
+++ b/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/mp/_score.nut
@@ -187,9 +187,19 @@ void function ScoreEvent_TitanKilled( entity victim, entity attacker, var damage
if ( attacker.IsTitan() )
- AddPlayerScore( attacker, "TitanKillTitan", victim.GetTitanSoul().GetOwner() )
+ {
+ if( victim.GetBossPlayer() || victim.IsPlayer() ) // to confirm this is a pet titan or player titan
+ AddPlayerScore( attacker, "TitanKillTitan", attacker ) // this will show the "Titan Kill" callsign event
+ else
+ AddPlayerScore( attacker, "TitanKillTitan" )
+ }
- AddPlayerScore( attacker, "KillTitan", victim.GetTitanSoul().GetOwner() )
+ {
+ if( victim.GetBossPlayer() || victim.IsPlayer() )
+ AddPlayerScore( attacker, "KillTitan", attacker )
+ else
+ AddPlayerScore( attacker, "KillTitan" )
+ }
table<int, bool> alreadyAssisted
foreach( DamageHistoryStruct attackerInfo in victim.e.recentDamageHistory )
@@ -205,6 +215,9 @@ void function ScoreEvent_TitanKilled( entity victim, entity attacker, var damage
Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( attackerInfo.attacker, "ServerCallback_SetAssistInformation", attackerInfo.damageSourceId, attacker.GetEncodedEHandle(), victim.GetEncodedEHandle(), attackerInfo.time )
+ if( !victim.IsNPC() ) // don't let killing a npc titan plays dialogue
+ KilledPlayerTitanDialogue( attacker, victim )
void function ScoreEvent_NPCKilled( entity victim, entity attacker, var damageInfo )
@@ -251,3 +264,42 @@ void function ScoreEvent_SetupEarnMeterValuesForTitanModes()
// relatively sure we don't have to do anything here but leaving this function for consistency
+// faction dialogue
+void function KilledPlayerTitanDialogue( entity attacker, entity victim )
+ if( !attacker.IsPlayer() )
+ return
+ entity titan
+ if ( victim.IsTitan() )
+ titan = victim
+ if( !IsValid( titan ) )
+ return
+ string titanCharacterName = GetTitanCharacterName( titan )
+ switch( titanCharacterName )
+ {
+ case "ion":
+ PlayFactionDialogueToPlayer( "kc_pilotkillIon", attacker )
+ return
+ case "tone":
+ PlayFactionDialogueToPlayer( "kc_pilotkillTone", attacker )
+ return
+ case "legion":
+ PlayFactionDialogueToPlayer( "kc_pilotkillLegion", attacker )
+ return
+ case "scorch":
+ PlayFactionDialogueToPlayer( "kc_pilotkillScorch", attacker )
+ return
+ case "ronin":
+ PlayFactionDialogueToPlayer( "kc_pilotkillRonin", attacker )
+ return
+ case "northstar":
+ PlayFactionDialogueToPlayer( "kc_pilotkillNorthstar", attacker )
+ return
+ default:
+ PlayFactionDialogueToPlayer( "kc_pilotkilltitan", attacker )
+ return
+ }