path: root/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/ai/_ai_drone.gnut
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/ai/_ai_drone.gnut')
1 files changed, 1388 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/ai/_ai_drone.gnut b/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/ai/_ai_drone.gnut
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c0d56de73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/ai/_ai_drone.gnut
@@ -0,0 +1,1388 @@
+global function AiDrone_Init
+global function CreateDroneSquadString
+global function SetDroneSquadStringForOwner
+global function GetDroneSquadStringFromOwner
+global function DroneGruntThink
+global function RunDroneTypeThink
+global function DroneHasNoOwner
+global function CreateSingleDroneRope
+global function DroneDialogue
+global function IsDroneRebooting
+global function DroneOnLeeched
+global function SetRepairDroneTarget
+global const DRONE_SHIELD_COOLDOWN = 8
+global const DRONE_SHIELD_WALL_HEALTH = 200
+global const DRONE_SHIELD_WALL_FOV_TITAN = 115
+global const DRONE_SHIELD_WALL_FOV_HUMAN = 105
+global const MIN_DRONE_SHIELD_FROM_OWNER_DIST = 256 //if shield drone gets more than this distance away from host, will drop shield
+global const MIN_DRONE_SHIELD_FROM_OWNER_DIST_TITAN = 400 //if shield drone gets more than this distance away from host, will drop shield
+global const DRONE_LEASH_DISTANCE_SQR = 589824 // Further than this distance, drones will disengage from combat and go back to their owner.
+global const SOUND_DRONE_EXPLODE_DEFAULT = "Drone_DeathExplo"
+global const SOUND_DRONE_EXPLODE_CLOAK = "Drone_DeathExplo"
+global const FX_DRONE_SHIELD_WALL_TITAN = $"P_drone_shield_wall_XO"
+const FX_DRONE_SHIELD_WALL_HUMAN = $"P_drone_shield_wall"
+global const FX_DRONE_EXPLOSION = $"P_drone_exp_md"
+global const FX_DRONE_R_EXPLOSION = $"P_drone_exp_rocket"
+global const FX_DRONE_P_EXPLOSION = $"P_drone_exp_plasma"
+global const FX_DRONE_W_EXPLOSION = $"P_drone_exp_worker"
+global const FX_DRONE_SHIELD_ROPE_GLOW = $"acl_light_white"
+function AiDrone_Init()
+ PrecacheParticleSystem( FX_DRONE_EXPLOSION )
+ PrecacheParticleSystem( FX_DRONE_R_EXPLOSION )
+ PrecacheParticleSystem( FX_DRONE_P_EXPLOSION )
+ PrecacheParticleSystem( FX_DRONE_W_EXPLOSION )
+ PrecacheParticleSystem( FX_DRONE_SHIELD_WALL_TITAN )
+ PrecacheParticleSystem( FX_DRONE_SHIELD_WALL_HUMAN )
+ PrecacheParticleSystem( FX_DRONE_SHIELD_ROPE_GLOW )
+ PrecacheModel( $"models/robots/drone_air_attack/drone_air_attack_rockets.mdl" )
+ PrecacheModel( $"models/robots/drone_air_attack/drone_air_attack_plasma.mdl" )
+ PrecacheMaterial( $"cable/cable_selfillum.vmt" )
+ PrecacheModel( $"cable/cable_selfillum.vmt" )
+ AddDeathCallback( "npc_drone", DroneDeath )
+// Fallback behavior if we can't find a valid owner for an orphan Drone
+function DroneHasNoOwner( entity drone )
+ switch ( GetDroneType( drone ) )
+ {
+ case "drone_type_shield":
+ //Transform into a Rocket drone and find some buddies
+ thread DroneTransformsToRocketClass( drone )
+ break
+ case "drone_type_engineer_combat":
+ case "drone_type_engineer_shield":
+ EngineerDroneHasNoOwner( drone )
+ break
+ }
+void function DroneTransformsToRocketClass( entity drone )
+ if ( !IsAlive( drone ) )
+ return
+ drone.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ drone.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ wait 1.5
+ // dont do it if we're parented for some reason
+ if ( IsValid( drone.GetParent() ) )
+ return
+ DroneDialogue( drone, "transform_shield_to_assault" )
+ wait 3
+ // dont do it if we're parented for some reason
+ if ( IsValid( drone.GetParent() ) )
+ return
+ int team = drone.GetTeam()
+ int health = drone.GetHealth()
+ vector origin = drone.GetOrigin()
+ vector angles = drone.GetAngles()
+ angles.x = 0
+ angles.z = 0
+ entity newDrone = CreateRocketDrone( team, origin, angles )
+ DispatchSpawn( newDrone )
+ newDrone.SetHealth( health )
+ entity enemy = drone.GetEnemy()
+ if ( IsAlive( enemy ) )
+ newDrone.SetEnemyLKP( enemy, enemy.GetOrigin() )
+ drone.TransferChildrenTo( newDrone )
+ drone.Destroy()
+function EngineerDroneHasNoOwner( drone )
+ //TODO: Should probably protect nearest ally, and return to Engineer when he gets close.
+// Change drone type on spawn or during gameplay (may transform from one to the other eventually)
+function RunDroneTypeThink( drone )
+ expect entity( drone )
+ #if DEV
+ Assert( !( "RunDroneTypeThink" in drone.s ), "Already ran drone think!" )
+ drone.s.RunDroneTypeThink <- true
+ #endif
+ ////initialize it's type only after the anim is complete
+ //local delay = drone.GetSequenceDuration( spawnAnimDrone )
+ drone.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ switch ( GetDroneType( drone ) )
+ {
+ case "drone_type_beam":
+ case "drone_type_rocket":
+ case "drone_type_plasma":
+ local owner = drone.GetFollowTarget()
+ if ( IsValid( owner ) )
+ owner.Signal( "OnEndFollow" )
+ DroneRocketThink( drone ) //may delay if it's waiting for a spawn anim to finish
+ break
+ case "drone_type_shield":
+ DroneShieldThink( drone ) //may delay if it's waiting for a spawn anim to finish
+ break
+ case "drone_type_engineer_combat":
+ EngineerCombatDroneThink( drone ) //may delay if it's waiting for a spawn anim to finish
+ break
+ case "drone_type_engineer_shield":
+ EngineerShieldDroneThink( drone ) //may delay if it's waiting for a spawn anim to finish
+ break
+ case "drone_type_repair":
+ RepairDroneThink( drone )
+ break
+ }
+function DroneRocketThink( entity drone )
+ drone.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ entity owner
+ entity currentTarget
+ local accuracyMultiplierBase = drone.kv.AccuracyMultiplier
+ local accuracyMultiplierAgainstDrones = 100
+ //--------------------------------------------
+ // transform if this used to be a shield drone
+ //--------------------------------------------
+ RemoveDroneRopes( drone )
+ drone.SetAttackMode( true )
+ while ( true )
+ {
+ wait 0.25
+ //----------------------------------
+ // Get owner and current enemy
+ //----------------------------------
+ currentTarget = drone.GetEnemy()
+ owner = drone.GetFollowTarget()
+ //----------------------------------
+ // Free roam if owner is dead or HasEnemy
+ //----------------------------------
+ if ( ( !IsAlive( owner ) ) || ( currentTarget != null ) )
+ {
+ drone.DisableBehavior( "Follow" )
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // If owner is alive and no enemies in sight, go back and follow owner
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if ( IsAlive( owner ) )
+ {
+ local distSqr = DistanceSqr( owner.GetOrigin(), drone.GetOrigin() )
+ if ( currentTarget == null || distSqr > DRONE_LEASH_DISTANCE_SQR )
+ {
+ drone.ClearEnemy()
+ drone.EnableBehavior( "Follow" )
+ }
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------
+ // Jack up accuracy if targeting another drone
+ //----------------------------------------------
+ if ( ( currentTarget != null ) && ( IsAirDrone( currentTarget ) ) )
+ {
+ drone.kv.AccuracyMultiplier = accuracyMultiplierAgainstDrones
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ drone.kv.AccuracyMultiplier = accuracyMultiplierBase
+ }
+ }
+function ShieldDroneShieldsUser( entity drone )
+ for ( ;; )
+ {
+ var player = drone.WaitSignal( "OnPlayerUse" ).player
+ Assert( false, "REMOVED; see mp_pilot_ability_shield to ressurect" )
+ }
+function DroneShieldThink( drone )
+ expect entity( drone )
+ if ( !IsValid( drone ) )
+ return
+ drone.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ drone.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ //drone.EndSignal( "OnNewOwner" )
+ entity owner
+ local newOwner
+ string ownerSquadName = ""
+ local distSq
+ bool titanStateCurrent = false
+ bool titanStatePrevious = false
+ bool titanStateChanged = false
+ local e = {}
+ e.droneShieldTable <- null
+ //------------------------------------------
+ // Cleanup shield if Drone dies
+ //------------------------------------------
+ OnThreadEnd(
+ function() : ( e, drone )
+ {
+ DroneShieldDestroy( e.droneShieldTable )
+ if ( IsAlive( drone ) )
+ thread ShieldDroneLandsAfterLeaderDeath( drone )
+ }
+ )
+ thread ShieldDroneShieldsUser( drone )
+ //------------------------------------------
+ // Drone tentacles/ropes
+ //------------------------------------------
+ local droneRopeTable = CreateDroneRopes( drone )
+ if ( !( "droneRopeTable" in drone.s ) )
+ drone.s.droneRopeTable <- null
+ drone.s.droneRopeTable = droneRopeTable
+ //------------------------------------------
+ // Drone shield think loop
+ //------------------------------------------
+ while ( true )
+ {
+ wait 0.25
+ if ( GetDroneType( drone ) != "drone_type_shield" )
+ {
+ DroneShieldDestroy( e.droneShieldTable )
+ break
+ }
+ //------------------------------------------
+ // If rebooting from EMP blast, get rid of shield
+ //------------------------------------------
+ if ( IsDroneRebooting( drone ) )
+ {
+ DroneShieldDestroy( e.droneShieldTable )
+ continue
+ }
+ //------------------------------------------
+ // If owner dead, kill shield until new owner found
+ //------------------------------------------
+ owner = drone.GetFollowTarget()
+ if ( !IsAlive( owner ) )
+ {
+ DroneShieldDestroy( e.droneShieldTable )
+ break
+ }
+ //------------------------------------------
+ // Still no valid owner? End this thread
+ //------------------------------------------
+ if ( !IsValid( owner ) )
+ break
+ //ownerSquadName = owner.Get( "squadname" )
+ //------------------------------------------
+ // Owner is valid. Is it differnt owner?
+ //------------------------------------------
+ if ( newOwner != owner )
+ {
+ //Kill current shield since it will get redeployed on new owner
+ DroneShieldDestroy( e.droneShieldTable )
+ }
+ //------------------------------------------
+ // Owner is valid. Has owner changed Titan state?
+ //------------------------------------------
+ newOwner = owner
+ titanStatePrevious = titanStateCurrent //previous state is whatever current was set to last loop around
+ if ( owner.IsTitan() )
+ {
+ distSq = distSqTitan //adjust min dist for shield based on titan state
+ titanStateCurrent = true //toggle so we can see if owner just changed state
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ distSq = distSqHuman
+ titanStateCurrent = false
+ }
+ if ( titanStateCurrent != titanStatePrevious )
+ titanStateChanged = true
+ else
+ titanStateChanged = false
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // We have a valid owner and a valid shield, continue unless we have changed Titan state
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if ( ( DroneShieldExists( e.droneShieldTable ) ) && ( !titanStateChanged ) )
+ continue
+ //------------------------------------------
+ // Too far away from owner, destoy shield
+ //------------------------------------------
+ if ( DistanceSqr( drone.GetOrigin(), owner.GetOrigin() ) > distSq )
+ {
+ //printl( "Drone is too far away from host to create a shield")
+ DroneShieldDestroy( e.droneShieldTable )
+ continue
+ }
+ //------------------------------------------
+ // Owner embarked/disembarked in a Titan, destroy shield
+ //------------------------------------------
+ if ( titanStateChanged )
+ {
+ //printl( "Drone host embarked/disembarked a Titan, destroying shield")
+ DroneShieldDestroy( e.droneShieldTable )
+ continue
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------------
+ // Valid owner, valid dist, etc...make a shield for the current owner
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------
+ e.droneShieldTable = MakeDroneShield( drone, owner )
+ }
+function EngineerCombatDroneThink( entity drone )
+ if ( !IsValid( drone ) )
+ return
+ drone.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ entity owner
+ local currentTarget
+ local accuracyMultiplierPlayers = 50
+ local accuracyMultiplierAgainstNPC = 90
+ //--------------------------------------------
+ // transform if this used to be a shield drone
+ //--------------------------------------------
+ RemoveDroneRopes( drone )
+ drone.SetAttackMode( true )
+ while ( true )
+ {
+ wait 0.25
+ //----------------------------------
+ // Get owner and current enemy
+ //----------------------------------
+ currentTarget = drone.GetEnemy()
+ owner = drone.GetFollowTarget()
+ //----------------------------------
+ // Free roam if owner is dead or HasEnemy
+ //----------------------------------
+ if ( ( !IsAlive( owner ) ) || ( currentTarget != null ) )
+ {
+ drone.DisableBehavior( "Follow" )
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // If owner is alive and no enemies in sight, go back and follow owner
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if ( IsAlive( owner ) )
+ {
+ float distSqr = DistanceSqr( owner.GetOrigin(), drone.GetOrigin() )
+ if ( currentTarget == null || distSqr > DRONE_LEASH_DISTANCE_SQR )
+ {
+ drone.ClearEnemy()
+ drone.EnableBehavior( "Follow" )
+ }
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------
+ // Jack up accuracy if targeting another drone
+ //----------------------------------------------
+ if ( ( currentTarget != null ) && ( currentTarget.IsNPC() ) )
+ {
+ drone.kv.AccuracyMultiplier = accuracyMultiplierAgainstNPC
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ drone.kv.AccuracyMultiplier = accuracyMultiplierPlayers
+ }
+ }
+function EngineerShieldDroneThink( drone )
+ if ( !IsValid( drone ) )
+ return
+ drone.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ drone.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+function IsDroneRebooting( drone )
+ if ( !( "rebooting" in drone.s ) )
+ return false
+ return drone.s.rebooting
+// HACK: may just use generic function "CreateShield()" from particle_wall.nut, but just in prototype mode now
+function MakeDroneShield( drone, owner )
+ expect entity( owner )
+ if ( !( "shieldTable" in drone.s ) )
+ drone.s.shieldTable <- null
+ else
+ DroneShieldDestroy( drone.s.shieldTable )
+ //------------------------------
+ // Shield vars
+ //------------------------------
+ vector origin = owner.GetOrigin()
+ vector angles = owner.GetAngles() + Vector( 0, 0, 180 )
+ local attachmentTag
+ local DroneShieldTable = {}
+ DroneShieldTable.vortexSphere <- null
+ DroneShieldTable.shieldWallFX = null
+ DroneShieldTable.shieldRopes <- null
+ asset shieldFx
+ float wallFOV
+ float shieldWallRadius
+ float shieldWallHeight
+ if ( owner.IsTitan() )
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ local Spawn
+ //------------------------------
+ // Vortex to block the actual bullets
+ //------------------------------
+ entity vortexSphere = CreateEntity( "vortex_sphere" )
+ vortexSphere.kv.enabled = 0
+ vortexSphere.kv.radius = shieldWallRadius
+ vortexSphere.kv.height = shieldWallHeight
+ vortexSphere.kv.bullet_fov = wallFOV
+ vortexSphere.kv.physics_pull_strength = 25
+ vortexSphere.kv.physics_side_dampening = 6
+ vortexSphere.kv.physics_fov = 360
+ vortexSphere.kv.physics_max_mass = 2
+ vortexSphere.kv.physics_max_size = 6
+ vortexSphere.SetAngles( angles ) // viewvec?
+ vortexSphere.SetOrigin( origin + Vector( 0, 0, shieldWallRadius - 64 ) )
+ vortexSphere.SetMaxHealth( DRONE_SHIELD_WALL_HEALTH )
+ vortexSphere.SetHealth( DRONE_SHIELD_WALL_HEALTH )
+ if ( IsSingleplayer() )
+ {
+ thread PROTO_VortexSlowsPlayers( vortexSphere, owner )
+ }
+ DispatchSpawn( vortexSphere )
+ vortexSphere.Fire( "Enable" )
+ vortexSphere.SetInvulnerable() // make particle wall invulnerable to weapon damage. It will still drain over time
+ // Shield wall fx control point
+ entity cpoint = CreateEntity( "info_placement_helper" )
+ SetTargetName( cpoint, UniqueString( "shield_wall_controlpoint" ) )
+ DispatchSpawn( cpoint )
+ //------------------------------------------
+ // Shield wall fx for visuals/health drain
+ //------------------------------------------
+ entity shieldWallFX = PlayFXWithControlPoint( shieldFx, origin + Vector( 0, 0, -64 ), cpoint, -1, null, angles )
+ vortexSphere.e.shieldWallFX = shieldWallFX
+ SetVortexSphereShieldWallCPoint( vortexSphere, cpoint )
+ entity mover = CreateScriptMover()
+ mover.SetOrigin( owner.GetOrigin() )
+ mover.SetAngles( owner.GetAngles() )
+ //-----------------------
+ // Attach shield to owner
+ //------------------------
+ vortexSphere.SetParent( mover )
+ shieldWallFX.SetParent( mover )
+ thread ShieldMoverFollowsOwner( owner, mover, vortexSphere, shieldWallFX )
+ //-----------------------
+ // Rope attach to shield
+ //------------------------
+ local ropeAttachOrigin1 = PositionOffsetFromEnt( owner, shieldWallRadius -16, wallFOV -16, 128 )
+ local ropeAttachOrigin2 = PositionOffsetFromEnt( owner, shieldWallRadius -16, ( ( wallFOV - 16) * -1 ), 128 )
+ if ( owner.IsTitan() )
+ {
+ ropeAttachOrigin1 = PositionOffsetFromEnt( owner, shieldWallRadius - 78, wallFOV + 22, 256 )
+ ropeAttachOrigin2 = PositionOffsetFromEnt( owner, shieldWallRadius - 78, -( wallFOV + 22), 256 )
+ }
+ local shieldRopes = []
+ local shieldRope1 = CreateSingleDroneRope( drone, "ROPE_0", false )
+ local shieldRope2 = CreateSingleDroneRope( drone, "ROPE_0", false )
+ shieldRopes.append( shieldRope1 )
+ shieldRopes.append( shieldRope2 )
+ entity ropeEnt1 = CreateEntity( "info_target" )
+ entity ropeEnt2 = CreateEntity( "info_target" )
+ ropeEnt1.SetOrigin( ropeAttachOrigin1 )
+ ropeEnt2.SetOrigin( ropeAttachOrigin2 )
+ DispatchSpawn( ropeEnt1 )
+ DispatchSpawn( ropeEnt2 )
+ ropeEnt1.SetParent( vortexSphere )
+ ropeEnt2.SetParent( vortexSphere )
+ shieldRope1.s.ropeEnd.SetOrigin( ropeEnt1.GetOrigin() )
+ shieldRope2.s.ropeEnd.SetOrigin( ropeEnt2.GetOrigin() )
+ shieldRope1.s.ropeEnd.SetParent( ropeEnt1 )
+ shieldRope2.s.ropeEnd.SetParent( ropeEnt2 )
+ PlayFXOnEntity( FX_DRONE_SHIELD_ROPE_GLOW, ropeEnt1 )
+ PlayFXOnEntity( FX_DRONE_SHIELD_ROPE_GLOW, ropeEnt2 )
+ //-----------------------
+ // DroneShieldTable
+ //------------------------
+ DroneShieldTable.vortexSphere = vortexSphere
+ DroneShieldTable.shieldWallFX = shieldWallFX
+ DroneShieldTable.shieldRopes = shieldRopes
+ //-----------------------
+ // Health and cleanup
+ //------------------------
+ drone.s.shieldTable = DroneShieldTable
+ UpdateShieldWallColorForFrac( shieldWallFX, 1.0 )
+ return DroneShieldTable
+void function ShieldMoverFollowsOwner( entity owner, entity mover, entity vortexSphere, entity shieldWallFX )
+ vortexSphere.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ shieldWallFX.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ owner.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ mover.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ OnThreadEnd(
+ function() : ( mover )
+ {
+ if ( IsValid( mover ) )
+ mover.Destroy()
+ }
+ )
+ for ( ;; )
+ {
+ UpdateMoverPosition( mover, owner )
+ }
+void function UpdateMoverPosition( entity mover, entity owner )
+ vector origin = owner.GetOrigin()
+ mover.NonPhysicsMoveTo( origin, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0 )
+ mover.NonPhysicsRotateTo( owner.GetAngles(), 0.75, 0.0, 0.0 )
+ WaitFrame()
+void function PROTO_VortexSlowsPlayers( entity vortexSphere, entity owner )
+ vortexSphere.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ owner.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ float radius = float(vortexSphere.kv.radius )
+ float height = float(vortexSphere.kv.height )
+ float bullet_fov = float( vortexSphere.kv.bullet_fov )
+ float dot = cos( bullet_fov * 0.5 )
+ for ( ;; )
+ {
+ vector origin = vortexSphere.GetOrigin()
+ vector angles = vortexSphere.GetAngles()
+ vector forward = AnglesToForward( angles )
+ int team = owner.GetTeam()
+ foreach ( player in GetPlayerArray() )
+ {
+ if ( player.GetTeam() == team )
+ continue
+ VortexStunCheck( player, origin, height, radius, bullet_fov, dot, forward )
+ }
+ WaitFrame()
+ }
+void function VortexStunCheck( entity player, vector origin, float height, float radius, float bullet_fov, float dot, vector forward )
+ if ( Time() - player.p.lastDroneShieldStunPushTime < 1.75 )
+ return
+ vector playerOrg = player.GetOrigin()
+ float dist2d = Distance2D( playerOrg, origin )
+ if ( dist2d > radius + 5 )
+ return
+ if ( dist2d < radius - 15 )
+ return
+ float heightOffset = fabs( playerOrg.z - origin.z )
+ if ( heightOffset < 0 || heightOffset > height )
+ return
+ vector dif = Normalize( playerOrg - origin )
+ if ( DotProduct2D( dif, forward ) < dot )
+ return
+ const float VORTEX_STUN_DURATION = 1.0
+ GiveEMPStunStatusEffects( player, VORTEX_STUN_DURATION + 0.5 )
+ float strength = 0.4
+ StatusEffect_AddTimed( player, eStatusEffect.emp, strength, VORTEX_STUN_DURATION, 0.5 )
+ thread TempLossOfAirControl( player, VORTEX_STUN_DURATION )
+ vector velocity = forward * 300
+ velocity.z = 400
+ player.p.lastDroneShieldStunPushTime = Time()
+ EmitSoundOnEntityOnlyToPlayer( player, player, "explo_proximityemp_impact_3p" )
+ player.SetVelocity( velocity )
+function CreateDroneRopes( drone )
+ local droneRopeTable = {}
+ droneRopeTable.rope01 <- CreateSingleDroneRope( drone, "ROPE_0" )
+ droneRopeTable.rope02 <- CreateSingleDroneRope( drone, "ROPE_0" )
+ droneRopeTable.rope03 <- CreateSingleDroneRope( drone, "ROPE_1" )
+ droneRopeTable.rope04 <- CreateSingleDroneRope( drone, "ROPE_2" )
+ droneRopeTable.rope05 <- CreateSingleDroneRope( drone, "ROPE_3" )
+ droneRopeTable.rope06 <- CreateSingleDroneRope( drone, "ROPE_4" )
+ return droneRopeTable
+function RemoveDroneRopes( entity drone )
+ if ( !( "droneRopeTable" in drone.s ) )
+ return
+ local droneRopeTable = drone.s.droneRopeTable
+ if ( IsValid( droneRopeTable.rope01.s.ropeEnd ) )
+ droneRopeTable.rope01.s.ropeEnd.Destroy()
+ if ( IsValid( droneRopeTable.rope02.s.ropeEnd ) )
+ droneRopeTable.rope02.s.ropeEnd.Destroy()
+ if ( IsValid( droneRopeTable.rope03.s.ropeEnd ) )
+ droneRopeTable.rope03.s.ropeEnd.Destroy()
+ if ( IsValid( droneRopeTable.rope04.s.ropeEnd ) )
+ droneRopeTable.rope04.s.ropeEnd.Destroy()
+ if ( IsValid( droneRopeTable.rope05.s.ropeEnd ) )
+ droneRopeTable.rope05.s.ropeEnd.Destroy()
+ if ( IsValid( droneRopeTable.rope06.s.ropeEnd ) )
+ droneRopeTable.rope06.s.ropeEnd.Destroy()
+ if ( IsValid( droneRopeTable.rope01 ) )
+ droneRopeTable.rope01.Destroy()
+ if ( IsValid( droneRopeTable.rope02 ) )
+ droneRopeTable.rope02.Destroy()
+ if ( IsValid( droneRopeTable.rope03 ) )
+ droneRopeTable.rope03.Destroy()
+ if ( IsValid( droneRopeTable.rope04 ) )
+ droneRopeTable.rope04.Destroy()
+ if ( IsValid( droneRopeTable.rope05 ) )
+ droneRopeTable.rope05.Destroy()
+ if ( IsValid( droneRopeTable.rope06 ) )
+ droneRopeTable.rope06.Destroy()
+function CreateSingleDroneRope( drone, attachTag, dangling = true )
+ local subdivisions = 15 // 25
+ local slack = 200 // 25
+ string startpointName = UniqueString( "rope_startpoint" )
+ string endpointName = UniqueString( "rope_endpoint" )
+ local attach_id = drone.LookupAttachment( attachTag )
+ Assert( attach_id > 0, "Invalid attachment: " + attachTag )
+ local attachPos = drone.GetAttachmentOrigin( attach_id )
+ entity rope_start = CreateEntity( "move_rope" )
+ SetTargetName( rope_start, startpointName )
+ rope_start.kv.NextKey = endpointName
+ rope_start.kv.MoveSpeed = 32
+ rope_start.kv.Slack = slack
+ rope_start.kv.Subdiv = subdivisions
+ rope_start.kv.Width = "1"
+ rope_start.kv.TextureScale = "1"
+ rope_start.kv.RopeMaterial = "cable/cable_selfillum.vmt"
+ rope_start.kv.PositionInterpolator = 2
+ rope_start.kv.dangling = dangling
+ rope_start.SetOrigin( attachPos )
+ rope_start.SetParent( drone, attachTag )
+ entity rope_end = CreateEntity( "keyframe_rope" )
+ SetTargetName( rope_end, endpointName )
+ rope_end.kv.MoveSpeed = 32
+ rope_end.kv.Slack = slack
+ rope_end.kv.Subdiv = subdivisions
+ rope_end.kv.Width = "1"
+ rope_end.kv.TextureScale = "1"
+ rope_end.kv.RopeMaterial = "cable/cable_selfillum.vmt"
+ rope_end.SetOrigin( attachPos )
+ DispatchSpawn( rope_start )
+ DispatchSpawn( rope_end )
+ rope_start.s.ropeEnd <- rope_end
+ return rope_start
+function DroneShieldDestroy( DroneShieldTable )
+ if ( !IsValid( DroneShieldTable ) )
+ return
+ local vortexSphere = DroneShieldTable.vortexSphere
+ local shieldWallFX = DroneShieldTable.shieldWallFX
+ local ropes = DroneShieldTable.shieldRopes
+ StopShieldWallFX( expect entity( vortexSphere ) )
+ if ( IsValid( vortexSphere ) )
+ vortexSphere.Destroy()
+ if ( !IsValid( ropes ) )
+ return
+ foreach ( rope in ropes )
+ {
+ if ( IsValid( rope.s.ropeEnd ) )
+ rope.s.ropeEnd.Destroy()
+ if ( IsValid( rope ) )
+ rope.Destroy()
+ }
+function DroneShieldExists( DroneShieldTable )
+ if ( !IsValid( DroneShieldTable) )
+ return false
+ Assert( "vortexSphere" in DroneShieldTable, "DroneShieldTable doesn't contain any valid entries for vortexSphere." )
+ Assert( "shieldWallFX" in DroneShieldTable, "DroneShieldTable doesn't contain any valid entries for shieldWallFX." )
+ if ( ( IsValid( DroneShieldTable.vortexSphere ) ) && ( IsValid( DroneShieldTable.shieldWallFX ) ) )
+ return true
+ return false
+void function DroneThrow( entity npc, entity drone, string spawnAnimDrone )
+ drone.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ drone.EnableNPCFlag( NPC_DISABLE_SENSING )
+// EmitSoundOnEntity( drone, "Drone_Power_On" )
+ if ( NPC_GruntChatterSPEnabled( npc ) )
+ GruntChatter_TryFriendlyEquipmentDeployed( npc, "npc_drone" )
+ #endif
+ vector origin = npc.GetOrigin()
+ vector angles = npc.GetAngles()
+ //animate the drone properly from the npc's hand
+ PlayAnimTeleport( drone, spawnAnimDrone, origin, angles )
+ if ( IsAlive( npc ) )
+ {
+ entity enemy = npc.GetEnemy()
+ if ( IsAlive( enemy ) )
+ drone.SetEnemyLKP( enemy, npc.GetEnemyLKP() )
+ }
+ drone.DisableNPCFlag( NPC_DISABLE_SENSING )
+#if !SP
+void function DroneCleanupOnOwnerDeath_Thread( entity owner, entity drone )
+ drone.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ drone.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ for ( ; ; )
+ {
+ if ( !IsAlive( owner ) )
+ break
+ WaitFrame()
+ }
+ wait RandomFloatRange( 2.0, 10.0 )
+ drone.Die()
+#endif // #if !SP
+entity function SpawnDroneFromNPC( entity npc, string aiSettings )
+ //he's busy right now
+ if ( !IsAlive( npc ) || !npc.IsInterruptable() )
+ return null
+ vector origin = npc.GetOrigin()
+ vector angles = npc.GetAngles()
+ int team = npc.GetTeam()
+ entity owner = npc
+ vector deployOrigin = PositionOffsetFromEnt( npc, 64, 0, 0 )
+ float verticalClearance = GetVerticalClearance( deployOrigin )
+ string spawnAnimDrone
+ string spawnAnimSoldier
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Make sure enough clearance to spawn drone, and get correct anim
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if ( verticalClearance >= 256 )
+ {
+ spawnAnimDrone = "dr_activate_drone_spin"
+ spawnAnimSoldier = "pt_activate_drone_spin"
+ }
+ else if ( ( verticalClearance < 256 ) && ( verticalClearance > DRONE_MINIMUM_DEPLOY_CLEARANCE_FROM_GROUND ) )
+ {
+ spawnAnimDrone = "dr_activate_drone_indoor"
+ spawnAnimSoldier = "pt_activate_drone_indoor"
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printt( "NPC at ", npc.GetOrigin(), " couldn't spawn drone because there is less than ", DRONE_MINIMUM_DEPLOY_CLEARANCE_FROM_GROUND, " units of clearance from his origin." )
+ return null
+ }
+ //------------------------------------------
+ // NPC throws drone into air
+ //------------------------------------------
+ entity drone = CreateNPC( "npc_drone", team, origin, angles )
+ SetSpawnOption_AISettings( drone, aiSettings )
+ DispatchSpawn( drone )
+ if ( !IsAlive( drone ) )
+ return null
+ drone.NotSolid()
+ thread PlayAnim( npc, spawnAnimSoldier, origin, angles )
+ thread DroneSolidDelayed( drone )
+ thread DroneThrow( npc, drone, spawnAnimDrone )
+#if !SP
+ thread DroneCleanupOnOwnerDeath_Thread( npc, drone )
+#endif // #if !SP
+ return drone
+void function DroneSolidDelayed( entity drone )
+ drone.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ wait 3.0 // wait for custom scale to finish in the animation
+ drone.Solid()
+void function ShieldDroneLandsAfterLeaderDeath( entity drone )
+ Assert( IsNewThread(), "Must be threaded off" )
+ drone.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ drone.DisableBehavior( "Follow" )
+ //SetTeam( drone, TEAM_UNASSIGNED )
+ vector start = drone.GetOrigin()
+ vector end = start + Vector(0,0,-5000)
+ vector mins = drone.GetBoundingMins()
+ vector maxs = drone.GetBoundingMaxs()
+ TraceResults traceResult = TraceHull( start, end, mins, maxs, null, TRACE_MASK_NPCWORLDSTATIC, TRACE_COLLISION_GROUP_NONE )
+ if ( traceResult.fraction >= 1.0 )
+ {
+ // cant touch ground
+ drone.Die()
+ return
+ }
+ RemoveDroneRopes( drone )
+ //drone.SetUsable()
+ drone.AssaultPoint( traceResult.endPos )
+ //drone.SetInvulnerable()
+function CreateDroneSquadString( owner )
+ Assert( IsValid( owner ), "Trying to MakeDroneSquad name for an invalid entity." )
+ local squadName
+ if ( owner.IsPlayer() )
+ squadName = "player" + owner.entindex() + "droneSquad"
+ else if ( owner.IsNPC() )
+ squadName = "npc" + owner.entindex() + "droneSquad"
+ else
+ Assert( 0, "Trying to CreateDroneSquadString for a non-NPC non-player entity at " + owner.GetOrigin() )
+ return squadName
+function SetDroneSquadStringForOwner( owner, squadName )
+ Assert( IsValid( owner ), "Trying to SetDroneSquadStringForOwner name on an invalid entity." )
+ if ( !( "squadNameDrones" in owner.s ) )
+ owner.s.squadNameDrones <- null
+ owner.s.squadNameDrones = squadName
+function GetDroneSquadStringFromOwner( owner )
+ Assert( IsValid( owner ), "Trying to GetDroneSquadStringFromOwner name on an invalid entity." )
+ if ( !( "squadNameDrones" in owner.s ) )
+ return null
+ else
+ return owner.s.squadNameDrones
+// DroneGrunt deploys drone after cooldown when drone is destroyed
+function DroneGruntThink( entity npc, string aiSettings )
+ if ( !IsValid( npc ) )
+ return
+ npc.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ npc.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ entity drone
+ float spawnCooldown
+ entity closestEnemy
+ while ( true )
+ {
+ //if ( npc.GetNPCState() == "idle" )
+ //{
+ // npc.WaitSignal( "OnStateChange" )
+ // continue
+ //}
+ wait ( RandomFloatRange( 0, 1.0 ) )
+ //dont do stuff when animating on a parent
+ if ( npc.GetParent() )
+ continue
+ // Don't deploy if would hit ceiling, droppod, etc
+ if ( !DroneHasEnoughRoomToDeployFromNPC( npc ) )
+ continue
+ entity enemy = npc.GetEnemy()
+ if ( !IsAlive( enemy ) )
+ continue
+ //vector pos = npc.LastKnownPosition( enemy )
+ //if ( !WithinEngagementRange( npc, pos ) )
+ // continue
+ drone = SpawnDroneFromNPC( npc, aiSettings )
+ if ( drone == null )
+ continue
+ waitthread DroneWaitTillDeadOrHacked( drone )
+ wait 15
+ }
+function DroneHasEnoughRoomToDeployFromNPC( npc )
+ expect entity( npc )
+ if ( !IsValid( npc ) )
+ return false
+ //-----------------------------------------------
+ // Grunt throws drone a bit in front of him
+ //-----------------------------------------------
+ vector deployOrigin = PositionOffsetFromEnt( npc, 64, 0, 0 )
+ if ( GetVerticalClearance( deployOrigin ) < DRONE_MINIMUM_DEPLOY_CLEARANCE_FROM_GROUND )
+ return false
+ else
+ return true
+function DroneWaitTillDeadOrHacked( drone )
+ drone.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ drone.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ drone.EndSignal( "OnNewOwner" )
+ WaitForever()
+void function DroneDeath( entity drone, var damageInfo )
+ local deathFX
+ switch ( GetDroneType( drone ) )
+ {
+ case "drone_type_rocket":
+ break
+ case "drone_type_plasma":
+ break
+ case "drone_type_marvin":
+ break
+ case "drone_type_shield":
+ case "drone_type_engineer_shield":
+ case "drone_type_engineer_combat":
+ default:
+ break
+ }
+ // Explosion effect
+ entity explosion = CreateEntity( "info_particle_system" )
+ explosion.SetOrigin( drone.GetWorldSpaceCenter() )
+ explosion.SetAngles( drone.GetAngles() )
+ explosion.SetValueForEffectNameKey( deathFX )
+ explosion.kv.start_active = 1
+ DispatchSpawn( explosion )
+ local deathSound
+ // this sound get should be moved to ai settings file
+ switch ( GetDroneType( drone ) )
+ {
+ case "drone_type_rocket":
+ case "drone_type_plasma":
+ case "drone_type_marvin":
+ case "drone_type_shield":
+ case "drone_type_engineer_shield":
+ case "drone_type_engineer_combat":
+ break
+ default:
+ break
+ }
+ EmitSoundAtPosition( TEAM_UNASSIGNED, drone.GetOrigin(), deathSound )
+ explosion.Kill_Deprecated_UseDestroyInstead( 3 )
+function DroneDialogue( drone, event, player = null )
+ expect entity( drone )
+ expect entity( player )
+ if ( !IsAlive( drone ) )
+ return
+ if ( player != null )
+ {
+ if ( !IsAlive( player ) )
+ return
+ }
+ local alias
+ bool playToPlayerOnly = true
+ switch ( event )
+ {
+ case "smoke_deploy":
+ //Foreign entity attached, deploying countermeasures.
+ alias = "diag_gs_drone_detectEnemyRodeo"
+ break
+ case "hack_success":
+ //New host accepted.
+ alias = "diag_gs_drone_hostAcceptNew"
+ //Foreign host accepted.
+ if ( CoinFlip() )
+ alias = "diag_gs_drone_hostAcceptForeign"
+ break
+ case "transform_shield_to_assault":
+ //Drone host eliminated, engaging assault mode
+ alias = "diag_gs_drone_elimHost"
+ playToPlayerOnly = false
+ break
+ default:
+ Assert( 0, "Invalid DroneDialogue event: " + event )
+ }
+ if ( playToPlayerOnly )
+ EmitSoundOnEntityOnlyToPlayer( drone, player, alias )
+ else
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( drone, alias )
+Hostiles detected, marking targets
+Drone targets marked
+Escort drone destroyed
+Multiple escort drones combined. Shield radius increased
+Multiple escort drones combined. Projectile accuracy increased
+Recharging drone shield
+Target lost
+Target acquired
+function DroneOnLeeched( drone, player )
+ //global behavior when this npc gets leeched
+ delaythread ( 1 ) DroneDialogue( drone, "hack_success", player )
+function DroneSelfDestruct( drone, delay )
+ drone.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ wait delay
+ drone.Die()
+function RepairDroneThink( entity drone )
+ drone.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ local attachID
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( drone, "colony_spectre_initialize_beep" )
+ thread DroneSelfDestruct( drone, 60 )
+ for ( ;; )
+ {
+ if ( drone.e.repairSoul == null )
+ {
+ wait 1
+ continue
+ }
+ string attachName = "HIJACK"
+ entity repairTitan = drone.e.repairSoul.GetTitan()
+ /*
+ if ( IsSoul( repairTarget ) )
+ {
+ repairTarget = repairTarget.GetTitan()
+ attachName = "HIJACK"
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Assert( !repairTarget.IsTitan() )
+ attachName = "ORIGIN"
+ }
+ if ( !IsAlive( repairTitan ) )
+ {
+ wait 2
+ continue
+ }
+ */
+ drone.SetOwner( repairTitan )
+ if ( DroneCanRepairTarget( drone, repairTitan, attachName ) )
+ {
+ // close enough to repair?
+ //P_wpn_defender_beam
+ waitthread DroneRepairsTarget( drone, repairTitan, attachName )
+ }
+ WaitFrame()
+ }
+bool function DroneCanRepairTarget( drone, ent, attachName )
+ expect entity( ent )
+ if ( !IsAlive( ent ) )
+ return false
+ if ( ent.GetHealth() >= ent.GetMaxHealth() )
+ return false
+ local attachID = ent.LookupAttachment( attachName )
+ local origin = ent.GetAttachmentOrigin( attachID )
+ local droneOrigin = drone.GetOrigin()
+ if ( Distance( droneOrigin, origin ) > 600 )
+ return false
+ float trace = TraceLineSimple( droneOrigin, origin, ent )
+ return trace == 1.0
+function DroneRepairsTarget( drone, ent, attachName )
+ expect entity( drone )
+ expect entity( ent )
+ drone.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( drone, "EMP_Titan_Electrical_Field" )
+ OnThreadEnd(
+ function() : ( drone )
+ {
+ if ( IsValid( drone ) )
+ StopSoundOnEntity( drone, "EMP_Titan_Electrical_Field" )
+ }
+ )
+ int followBehavior = GetDefaultNPCFollowBehavior( drone )
+ drone.SetOwner( ent )
+ drone.InitFollowBehavior( ent, followBehavior )
+ drone.EnableBehavior( "Follow" )
+ for ( ;; )
+ {
+ if ( !DroneCanRepairTarget( drone, ent, attachName ) )
+ return
+ DroneRepairFX( drone, ent, attachName )
+ local maxHealth = ent.GetMaxHealth()
+ local healAmount = maxHealth * 0.015 // 0.005
+ float healTime = RandomFloatRange( 0.8, 1.2 )
+ for ( float i = 0.0; i < healTime; i++ )
+ {
+ if ( !IsAlive( ent ) )
+ return
+ local newHealth = ent.GetHealth() + healAmount
+ newHealth = min( newHealth, maxHealth )
+ ent.SetHealth( newHealth )
+ WaitFrame()
+ }
+ }
+function DroneRepairFX( drone, ent, attachName )
+ // Control point sets the end position of the effect
+ entity cpEnd = CreateEntity( "info_placement_helper" )
+ SetTargetName( cpEnd, UniqueString( "arc_cannon_beam_cpEnd" ) )
+ cpEnd.SetParent( ent, attachName, false, 0.0 )
+ DispatchSpawn( cpEnd )
+ entity zapBeam = CreateEntity( "info_particle_system" )
+ zapBeam.kv.cpoint1 = cpEnd.GetTargetName()
+ zapBeam.SetValueForEffectNameKey( ARC_CANNON_BEAM_EFFECT )
+ zapBeam.kv.start_active = 0
+ zapBeam.SetOwner( drone )
+ zapBeam.SetParent( drone, "ORIGIN", false, 0.0 )
+ DispatchSpawn( zapBeam )
+ zapBeam.Fire( "Start" )
+ zapBeam.Fire( "StopPlayEndCap", "", 2.0 )
+ zapBeam.Kill_Deprecated_UseDestroyInstead( 2.0 )
+ cpEnd.Kill_Deprecated_UseDestroyInstead( 2.0 )
+function SetRepairDroneTarget( entity drone, entity repairTitan )
+ Assert( IsAlive( repairTitan ), "Repair target " + repairTitan + " is dead" )
+ Assert( repairTitan.IsTitan() )
+ drone.e.repairSoul = repairTitan.GetTitanSoul()