path: root/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/melee
diff options
authorBobTheBob <32057864+BobTheBob9@users.noreply.github.com>2021-08-31 23:14:58 +0100
committerBobTheBob <32057864+BobTheBob9@users.noreply.github.com>2021-08-31 23:14:58 +0100
commit9a96d0bff56f1969c68bb52a2f33296095bdc67d (patch)
tree4175928e488632705692e3cccafa1a38dd854615 /Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/melee
parent27bd240871b7c0f2f49fef137718b2e3c208e3b4 (diff)
move to new mod format
Diffstat (limited to 'Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/melee')
4 files changed, 2294 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/melee/_melee.gnut b/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/melee/_melee.gnut
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..035caf9ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/melee/_melee.gnut
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+global function Melee_Init
+//global function CodeCallback_NPCMeleeChargedPlayerOrNPC
+global function CodeCallback_OnMeleeKilled
+global function EnablePlantingOnEntity
+void function Melee_Init()
+ MeleeShared_Init()
+//File is pretty sparse for now. In all honesty a lot of existing functionality in _melee_shared should
+//belong here instead, but we'll wait until we try to do prediction (which requires running the same code
+//on client and server) before we try to split up functionality in the different script files any better.
+void function CodeCallback_NPCMeleeChargedPlayerOrNPC( entity ent, var damageInfo )
+ vector damageForce = DamageInfo_GetDamageForce( damageInfo )
+ if ( DamageInfo_GetDamage( damageInfo ) > 0 )
+ {
+ vector dmgVelocity = damageForce
+ dmgVelocity.z *= 0.25
+ const float maxAdditionalVelocity = 1200.0
+ if ( LengthSqr( dmgVelocity ) > ( maxAdditionalVelocity * maxAdditionalVelocity ) )
+ {
+ dmgVelocity = Normalize( dmgVelocity )
+ dmgVelocity *= maxAdditionalVelocity
+ }
+ ent.SetVelocity( ent.GetVelocity() + dmgVelocity )
+ }
+void function CodeCallback_OnMeleeKilled( entity target )
+ if ( !IsAlive( target ) )
+ return
+ target.ClearInvulnerable()
+ int damageSourceId
+ if ( target.IsTitan() )
+ {
+ // I don't think this branch ever gets hit. Titan executions do something else.
+ damageSourceId = eDamageSourceId.titan_execution
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ damageSourceId = eDamageSourceId.human_execution
+ }
+ entity attacker
+ if ( IsValid( target.e.syncedMeleeAttacker ) )
+ {
+ attacker = target.e.syncedMeleeAttacker
+ }
+ else if ( IsValid( target.e.lastSyncedMeleeAttacker ) )
+ {
+ attacker = target.e.lastSyncedMeleeAttacker
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ attacker = null
+ }
+ int damageAmount = target.GetMaxHealth() + 1
+ target.TakeDamage( damageAmount , attacker, attacker, { forceKill = true, damageType = DMG_MELEE_EXECUTION, damageSourceId = damageSourceId, scriptType = DF_NO_INDICATOR } )
+void function EnablePlantingOnEntity( entity titan )
+ entity parentEnt = titan.GetParent()
+ if ( parentEnt == null )
+ return
+ if ( titan.GetGroundEntity() && titan.GetGroundEntity().HasPusherRootParent() )
+ return
+ titan.ClearParent()
+ PutEntityInSafeSpot( titan, parentEnt, null, parentEnt.GetOrigin(), titan.GetOrigin() )
+ titan.Anim_EnablePlanting()
diff --git a/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/melee/_melee_rewards.gnut b/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/melee/_melee_rewards.gnut
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..46b730d60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/melee/_melee_rewards.gnut
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+global function MeleeRewards_Init
+function MeleeRewards_Init()
+ AddSyncedMeleeServerCallback( GetSyncedMeleeChooser( "human", "human" ), GiveMeleeRewards )
+void function GiveMeleeRewards( SyncedMeleeChooser actions, SyncedMelee action, entity player, entity enemy )
+ thread GiveMeleeRewards_Internal( player, enemy )
+enum eMeleeReward
+function GiveMeleeRewards_Internal( entity player, entity enemy )
+ player.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ local reward = eMeleeReward.NONE
+ if ( enemy.IsPlayer() )
+ reward = eMeleeReward.MAPHACK
+ else if ( enemy.IsNPC() )
+ reward = eMeleeReward.AMMO
+ player.WaitSignal( "SyncedMeleeComplete" )
+ switch ( reward )
+ {
+ case eMeleeReward.MAPHACK:
+ ExecutionGivesMapHack( player )
+ break
+ case eMeleeReward.AMMO:
+ ExecutionGivesAmmo( player )
+ break
+ default:
+ break
+ }
+function ExecutionGivesMapHack( entity player )
+ printt( "melee gave map hack!" )
+ thread ScanMinimap( player, true )
+function ExecutionGivesAmmo( entity player )
+ printt( "melee gave ammo!" )
+ local grenadeWeapon = player.GetOffhandWeapon( 0 )
+ if ( !IsValid( grenadeWeapon ) )
+ return
+ local maxAmmoClip = player.GetWeaponAmmoMaxLoaded( grenadeWeapon )
+ local remainingAmmo = player.GetWeaponAmmoLoaded( grenadeWeapon )
+ if ( remainingAmmo == maxAmmoClip )
+ return
+ local ammo = remainingAmmo + 1
+ grenadeWeapon.SetWeaponPrimaryClipCount( ammo )
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( player, "Coop_AmmoBox_AmmoRefill" )
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/melee/_melee_synced_human.gnut b/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/melee/_melee_synced_human.gnut
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..15a8aa3e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/melee/_melee_synced_human.gnut
@@ -0,0 +1,588 @@
+global function MeleeThread_PilotVsEnemy
+global function MeleeSyncedServer_Init
+void function MeleeSyncedServer_Init()
+ RegisterSignal( "NpcDealsExecutionDamage" )
+bool function MeleeThread_PilotVsEnemy( SyncedMelee action, entity attacker, entity target )
+ // function off for reload scripts
+ return MeleeThread_PilotVsEnemyInternal( action, attacker, target )
+bool function MeleeThread_PilotVsEnemyInternal( SyncedMelee action, entity attacker, entity target )
+ Assert( IsHumanSized( target ), target + " is not human sized melee target" )
+ Assert( attacker.IsPlayer() && IsHumanSized( attacker ), attacker + " is not human sized player attacker" )
+ Assert( IsAlive( attacker ) )
+ Assert( IsAlive( target ) )
+ bool isAttackerRef = IsAttackerRef( action, target )
+ vector attackerOrigin = attacker.GetOrigin()
+ vector targetOrigin = target.GetOrigin()
+ attacker.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ target.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ if ( IsSingleplayer() )
+ {
+ if ( attacker.IsPlayer() )
+ {
+ if ( IsCloaked( attacker ) )
+ {
+ UnlockAchievement( attacker, achievements.CLOAK_TAKEDOWN )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ OnThreadEnd(
+ function() : ( attacker, target, attackerOrigin, targetOrigin, action, isAttackerRef )
+ {
+ if ( IsValid( attacker ) )
+ attacker.ClearParent()
+ if ( IsValid( target ) )
+ target.ClearParent()
+ if ( IsValid( attacker ) )
+ {
+ attacker.PlayerMelee_SetState( PLAYER_MELEE_STATE_NONE )
+ }
+ // Note that the original attacker/target origins are not guarranteed to be a safe spot now because we have moving geo in the game.
+ // Whoever is the 'ref' will be in a safe position though, so we can always use the origin of the person who has been designated as the 'ref'.
+ if ( IsAlive( attacker ) )
+ {
+ if ( !isAttackerRef && IsValid( target ) )
+ {
+ PutEntityInSafeSpot( attacker, target, null, target.GetOrigin(), attacker.GetOrigin() )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PutEntityInSafeSpot( attacker, target, null, attacker.GetOrigin(), attacker.GetOrigin() )
+ }
+ }
+ if ( IsValid( target ) )
+ {
+ target.ClearParent()
+ if ( IsAlive( target ) )
+ {
+ // Note that the original target origin is not guarranteed to be a safe spot now because we have moving geo in the game now.
+ if ( isAttackerRef && IsValid( attacker ) )
+ {
+ PutEntityInSafeSpot( target, attacker, null, attacker.GetOrigin(), target.GetOrigin() )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PutEntityInSafeSpot( target, attacker, null, target.GetOrigin(), target.GetOrigin() )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ thread MeleeThread_PilotVsEnemy_Attacker( action, attacker, target, isAttackerRef )
+ // target's sequence is longer
+ waitthread MeleeThread_PilotVsEnemy_Target( action, attacker, target, isAttackerRef )
+ attacker.Signal( "SyncedMeleeComplete" )
+ return true
+struct PilotVsEnemyStruct
+ bool clearInvulnerable = false
+ bool wasCloaked = false
+ float cloakEndTime = 0.0
+void function DisableCloakBeforeMelee( entity player, PilotVsEnemyStruct dataStruct )
+ if ( IsCloaked( player ) )
+ {
+ dataStruct.wasCloaked = true
+ dataStruct.cloakEndTime = player.GetCloakEndTime()
+ DisableCloak( player, 0.0 )
+ }
+void function RestoreCloakAfterMelee( entity player, PilotVsEnemyStruct dataStruct )
+ if ( !IsAlive( player ) )
+ return
+ if ( !dataStruct.wasCloaked )
+ return
+ float remainingCloakDuration = max( 0.0, dataStruct.cloakEndTime - Time() )
+ if ( remainingCloakDuration > CLOAK_FADE_IN ) //Has to be higher than fade in duration, otherwise will cloak forever
+ EnableCloak( player, remainingCloakDuration, CLOAK_FADE_IN )
+void function HandleCloakExecutionWithCloakedAttacker( entity player, PilotVsEnemyStruct dataStruct, SyncedMelee action )
+ if ( !IsCloaked( player ) )
+ return //No need to run DisableCloakBeforeMelee() either
+ float attackerSequenceEndTime = Time() + player.GetSequenceDuration( action.attackerAnimation3p )
+ float scheduledCloakEndTime = player.GetCloakEndTime()
+ //printt( "attackerSequenceEndTime: " + attackerSequenceEndTime + ", scheduledCloakEndTime: " + scheduledCloakEndTime )
+ if ( scheduledCloakEndTime > attackerSequenceEndTime )
+ {
+ //printt( "Cloak ability lasts longer than execution sequence, just doing DisableCloakBeforeMelee" )
+ player.SetCloakFlicker( 0.0, 0.0 ) //Turn off flicker; this is normally not a problem for other executions since cloak is turned off for the entirety of those executions
+ DisableCloakBeforeMelee( player, dataStruct )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //Cloak would normally run out during the animation of this execution, which is disruptive to the presentation of cloak animation, so just stop cloak now for good and prevent it from coming back.
+ //printt( "Cloak ability is shorter than execution sequence, DisableCloak now and stop it from coming back" )
+ dataStruct.wasCloaked = true //Have to do this to mark player was cloaked during start of execution, so we can track the stat correctly
+ dataStruct.cloakEndTime = Time()
+ DisableCloak( player, 0.0 )
+ player.Signal( "KillHandleCloakEnd" )
+ }
+void function MeleeThread_PilotVsEnemy_Attacker( SyncedMelee action, entity attacker, entity target, bool isAttackerRef )
+ attacker.EndSignal( "OnAnimationDone" )
+ attacker.EndSignal( "OnAnimationInterrupted" )
+ attacker.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ attacker.EndSignal( "ScriptAnimStop" )
+ attacker.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ Assert( IsValid( target ) )
+ target.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ foreach ( AnimEventData animEventData in action.attacker3pAnimEvents )
+ {
+ AddAnimEvent( attacker, animEventData.eventName, animEventData.callback, animEventData.optionalVar )
+ }
+ AddAnimEvent( attacker, "synced_melee_enable_planting", EnablePlantingOnEntity )
+ PilotVsEnemyStruct dataStruct
+ OnThreadEnd(
+ function() : ( attacker, target, action, dataStruct )
+ {
+ if ( IsValid( attacker ) )
+ {
+ DeleteAnimEvent( attacker, "synced_melee_enable_planting" )
+ if ( dataStruct.clearInvulnerable )
+ {
+ attacker.ClearInvulnerable()
+ }
+ if ( attacker.IsPlayer() )
+ {
+ attacker.PlayerMelee_ExecutionEndAttacker()
+ ClearPlayerAnimViewEntity( attacker )
+ DeployAndEnableWeapons( attacker )
+ RestoreCloakAfterMelee( attacker, dataStruct )
+ #if MP
+ IncrementStatForPilotExecutionWhileCloaked( attacker, target, dataStruct )
+ #endif
+ }
+ foreach ( AnimEventData animEventData in action.attacker3pAnimEvents )
+ {
+ DeleteAnimEvent( attacker, animEventData.eventName )
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !IsAlive( attacker ) )
+ attacker.Anim_Stop()
+ }
+ )
+ FirstPersonSequenceStruct attackerSequence
+ attackerSequence.blendTime = 0.4
+ attackerSequence.attachment = "ref"
+ attackerSequence.thirdPersonAnim = action.attackerAnimation3p
+ attackerSequence.firstPersonAnim = action.attackerAnimation1p
+ attackerSequence.thirdPersonCameraAttachments = [action.thirdPersonCameraAttachment]
+ attackerSequence.thirdPersonCameraVisibilityChecks = true
+ if ( isAttackerRef )
+ {
+ attackerSequence.noParent = true
+ attackerSequence.playerPushable = true
+ attackerSequence.enablePlanting = true
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ attackerSequence.useAnimatedRefAttachment = true
+ }
+ float duration = attacker.GetSequenceDuration( attackerSequence.thirdPersonAnim )
+ if ( attacker.IsPlayer() )
+ {
+ float executionEndTime = Time() + duration
+ attacker.PlayerMelee_ExecutionStartAttacker( executionEndTime )
+ attacker.Lunge_ClearTarget()
+ HolsterViewModelAndDisableWeapons( attacker )
+ if ( action.ref == "execution_cloak" ) //Special case for cloak execution
+ {
+ HandleCloakExecutionWithCloakedAttacker( attacker, dataStruct, action )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DisableCloakBeforeMelee( attacker, dataStruct )
+ }
+ if ( IsSingleplayer() )
+ {
+ dataStruct.clearInvulnerable = true
+ attacker.SetInvulnerable()
+ thread LowerEnemyAccuracy( attacker, duration )
+ }
+ }
+ if ( isAttackerRef )
+ thread FirstPersonSequence( attackerSequence, attacker )
+ else
+ thread FirstPersonSequence( attackerSequence, attacker, target )
+ wait duration
+void function MeleeThread_PilotVsEnemy_Target( SyncedMelee action, entity attacker, entity target, bool isAttackerRef )
+ attacker.EndSignal( "OnAnimationDone" )
+ attacker.EndSignal( "OnAnimationInterrupted" )
+ attacker.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ attacker.EndSignal( "ScriptAnimStop" )
+ attacker.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ Assert( IsValid( target ) )
+ target.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ foreach ( AnimEventData animEventData in action.target3pAnimEvents )
+ {
+ AddAnimEvent( target, animEventData.eventName, animEventData.callback, animEventData.optionalVar )
+ }
+ AddAnimEvent( target, "synced_melee_enable_planting", EnablePlantingOnEntity )
+ PilotVsEnemyStruct dataStruct
+ OnThreadEnd(
+ function() : ( attacker, target, action, dataStruct )
+ {
+ if ( IsValid( target ) )
+ {
+ if ( target.IsNPC() && IsMultiplayer() )
+ {
+ SetForceDrawWhileParented( target, false )
+ }
+ TargetClearedExecuted( target )
+ DeleteAnimEvent( target, "mark_for_death" )
+ DeleteAnimEvent( target, "phase_gib" )
+ foreach ( AnimEventData animEventData in action.target3pAnimEvents )
+ {
+ DeleteAnimEvent( target, animEventData.eventName )
+ }
+ DeleteAnimEvent( target, "synced_melee_enable_planting" )
+ bool isAlive = IsAlive( target )
+ if ( target.IsPlayer() )
+ {
+ EnableOffhandWeapons( target )
+ if ( isAlive )
+ target.DeployWeapon()
+ }
+ if ( isAlive )
+ {
+ if ( target.e.markedForExecutionDeath ) //Kill off target if he already reached blackout part of melee
+ {
+ entity killCreditAttacker = null //If the attacker disconnected, we don't have a player to give credit to, that's fine. Script will not error
+ if ( IsValid( target.e.syncedMeleeAttacker ) )
+ killCreditAttacker = target.e.syncedMeleeAttacker
+ //printt( "Killing off target " + target + " because he already reached blackout part of execution!" )
+ int damageAmount = target.GetMaxHealth() + 1
+ target.TakeDamage( damageAmount, killCreditAttacker, killCreditAttacker, { forceKill = true, damageType = DMG_MELEE_EXECUTION, damageSourceId = eDamageSourceId.human_execution } )
+ //markedForExecutionDeath will be cleared in MarkForDeath() which sets it in the first place
+ }
+ if ( target.IsPlayer() )
+ RestoreCloakAfterMelee( target, dataStruct )
+ }
+ if ( IsValid( target.e.syncedMeleeAttacker ) )
+ {
+ if ( IsValid( target.e.lastSyncedMeleeAttacker ) )
+ {
+ target.e.lastSyncedMeleeAttacker = null
+ }
+ target.e.lastSyncedMeleeAttacker = target.e.syncedMeleeAttacker
+ target.e.syncedMeleeAttacker = null
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ TargetSetExecutedBy( target, attacker )
+ AddAnimEvent( target, "mark_for_death", MarkForDeath )
+ AddAnimEvent( target, "phase_gib", PhaseGib )
+ FirstPersonSequenceStruct targetSequence
+ targetSequence.blendTime = 0.25
+ targetSequence.attachment = "ref"
+ targetSequence.thirdPersonAnim = action.targetAnimation3p
+ targetSequence.thirdPersonCameraAttachments = [action.thirdPersonCameraAttachment]
+ targetSequence.thirdPersonCameraVisibilityChecks = true
+ if ( isAttackerRef )
+ {
+ targetSequence.useAnimatedRefAttachment = true
+ if ( target.IsNPC() && IsMultiplayer() )
+ {
+ SetForceDrawWhileParented( target, true )
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ targetSequence.noParent = true
+ targetSequence.playerPushable = true
+ targetSequence.enablePlanting = true
+ }
+ if ( target.IsPlayer() )
+ {
+ HolsterViewModelAndDisableWeapons( target )
+ targetSequence.firstPersonAnim = action.targetAnimation1p
+ DisableCloakBeforeMelee( target, dataStruct )
+ }
+ if ( attacker.IsPlayer() )
+ {
+ if ( MeleeTargetrequiresDataKnife( target ) )
+ {
+ string tag = GetTagForKnifeMeleeTarget( target )
+ thread AttachPlayerModelForDuration( attacker, DATA_KNIFE_MODEL, tag, 2.2 )
+ }
+ else if ( action.attachTag1p != "" && action.attachModel1p != $"" )
+ {
+ thread AttachPlayerModelForDuration( attacker, action.attachModel1p, action.attachTag1p, 2.2 )
+ }
+ }
+ if ( isAttackerRef )
+ waitthread FirstPersonSequence( targetSequence, target, attacker )
+ else
+ waitthread FirstPersonSequence( targetSequence, target )
+#if MP
+void function IncrementStatForPilotExecutionWhileCloaked( entity attacker, entity target, PilotVsEnemyStruct dataStruct )
+ if ( !IsAlive( attacker ) )
+ return
+ if ( IsAlive( target ) )
+ return
+ if ( !target.IsPlayer() )
+ return
+ if ( !dataStruct.wasCloaked )
+ return
+ IncrementPlayerDidPilotExecutionWhileCloaked( attacker ) //Kinda clumsy we have to do it here instead of where all the other kill stats are incremented. Mainly because we turn cloak off at the start of execution so you can't do it where all the other kill stats are incremented
+void function TargetClearedExecuted( entity target )
+ target.ClearParent()
+ target.Solid()
+ if ( target.ContextAction_IsMeleeExecution() )
+ target.PlayerMelee_ExecutionEndTarget()
+ if ( target.IsPlayer() )
+ ClearPlayerAnimViewEntity( target )
+void function TargetSetExecutedBy( entity target, entity attacker )
+ //Break out of context actions like hacking control panel etc
+ if ( target.ContextAction_IsActive() )
+ target.Anim_Stop()
+ target.PlayerMelee_ExecutionStartTarget( attacker )
+ target.e.syncedMeleeAttacker = attacker
+ target.NotSolid()
+bool function MeleeTargetrequiresDataKnife( entity target )
+ if ( IsProwler( target ) )
+ return true
+ if ( IsPilotElite( target ) )
+ return true
+ return false
+string function GetTagForKnifeMeleeTarget( entity target )
+ Assert( MeleeTargetrequiresDataKnife( target ) )
+ if ( IsProwler( target ) )
+ return "PROPGUN"
+ if ( IsPilotElite( target ) )
+ return "KNIFE"
+ unreachable
+function AttachPlayerModelForDuration( var player, asset modelName, var tag, var time )
+ expect entity( player )
+ if ( !IsValid( player ) )
+ return
+ Assert( IsValid( tag ), "No tag specified for player" )
+ entity viewModel = player.GetFirstPersonProxy() //JFS: Defensive fix for player not having view models sometimes
+ if ( !IsValid( viewModel ) )
+ return
+ if ( !EntHasModelSet( viewModel ) )
+ return
+ entity model = CreatePropDynamic( modelName )
+ model.SetParent( viewModel, tag, false, 0.0 )
+ OnThreadEnd(
+ function() : ( model )
+ {
+ if ( IsValid( model ) )
+ model.Destroy()
+ }
+ )
+ player.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ wait time
+void function MarkForDeath( entity target )
+ if ( target.IsNPC() )
+ {
+ //printt("Killing marked for death npc " + target )
+ //Just kill off NPC now, otherwise it will play pain animations on death
+ CodeCallback_OnMeleeKilled( target )
+ return
+ }
+ //printt("marking player " + target + " for death")
+ target.e.markedForExecutionDeath = true //This will kill off the player even if the execution animation is interruped from this point forward
+ target.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ OnThreadEnd(
+ function() : ( target )
+ {
+ target.e.markedForExecutionDeath = false
+ }
+ )
+ WaitForever()
+void function PhaseGib( entity target )
+ if ( !IsAlive( target ) )
+ return
+ target.ClearInvulnerable()
+ entity attacker
+ if ( IsValid( target.e.syncedMeleeAttacker ) )
+ {
+ attacker = target.e.syncedMeleeAttacker
+ }
+ else if ( IsValid( target.e.lastSyncedMeleeAttacker ) )
+ {
+ attacker = target.e.lastSyncedMeleeAttacker
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ attacker = null
+ }
+ int damageAmount = target.GetMaxHealth() + 1
+ target.TakeDamage( damageAmount , attacker, attacker, { forceKill = true, damageType = DMG_MELEE_EXECUTION, damageSourceId = eDamageSourceId.human_execution, scriptType = DF_NO_INDICATOR | DF_GIB } )
+entity function CreateSyncedMeleeRef( entity attacker, entity target, SyncedMelee action )
+ entity ref = CreateMeleeScriptMoverBetweenEnts( attacker, target )
+ vector angles = target.GetAngles()
+ angles.x = ref.GetAngles().x
+ ref.SetAngles( angles )
+ if ( action.animRefPos == "attacker" )
+ ref.SetOrigin( attacker.GetOrigin() )
+ else
+ ref.SetOrigin( target.GetOrigin() )
+ return ref
+void function ApplyGruntExecutionDamage( entity ref, entity attacker, entity target, float damageDealt )
+ ref.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ attacker.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ target.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ for ( ;; )
+ {
+ table results = attacker.WaitSignal( "NpcDealsExecutionDamage" )
+ float damage
+ switch ( results.parm )
+ {
+ case "lethal":
+ damage = float( target.GetMaxHealth() )
+ break
+ case "nonlethal":
+ damage = min( target.GetHealth() - 10, target.GetMaxHealth() * damageDealt )
+ break
+ }
+ target.TakeDamage( damage, attacker, attacker, { damageSourceId=eDamageSourceId.human_execution, scriptType = DF_RAGDOLL } )
+ }
diff --git a/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/melee/_melee_synced_titan.gnut b/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/melee/_melee_synced_titan.gnut
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5c6285a9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/melee/_melee_synced_titan.gnut
@@ -0,0 +1,1543 @@
+global function MeleeSyncedTitan_Init
+const TITANARMMODEL = $"models/weapons/arms/atlaspov.mdl"
+const TEAM_JUMPJET_DBL = $"P_team_jump_jet_DBL"
+enum eTitanExecutionType
+ fistThroughCockpit
+ dummy //not used yet
+struct TitanExcutionData
+ string attackerAnimation3p
+ string attackerAnimation3p_vsAutoTitan
+ table<string,string> attackerAnimation3pPilot
+ table<string,string> targetAnimation3p
+ table<string,string> targetAnimation3pPilot
+ string sound_1p
+ string sound_3p
+ array<string> thirdPersonCameraAttachments
+ array<string> linkedExecutions
+ table<string, TitanExcutionData> executionData_3p
+} file
+function MeleeSyncedTitan_Init()
+ RAGDOLL_IMPACT_TABLE_IDX = PrecacheImpactEffectTable( "ragdoll_human" )
+ AddSyncedMeleeServerThink( GetSyncedMeleeChooser( "titan", "titan" ), MeleeThread_TitanVsTitan )
+ if ( GetBugReproNum() == 129802 )
+ {
+ AddDeathCallback( "npc_titan", OnNPCTitanDeath )
+ }
+ PrecacheWeapon( "mp_titanweapon_salvo_rockets" )
+ PrecacheParticleSystem( TEAM_JUMPJET_DBL )
+ Init3pExecutions()
+void function Init3pExecutions()
+ var dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/titan_executions.rpak" )
+ int numRows = GetDatatableRowCount( dataTable )
+ for ( int row=0; row<numRows; row++ )
+ {
+ TitanExcutionData data = Create_3p_ExecutionData( dataTable, row )
+ string ref = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "ref" ) )
+ file.executionData_3p[ref] <- data
+ }
+TitanExcutionData function Create_3p_ExecutionData( var dataTable, int row )
+ string attackerAnimation3p = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "attackerAnim" ) )
+ string attackerAnimation3p_vsAutoTitan = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "attackerAnimVsAutoTitan" ) )
+ string targetAnimation3p_lt = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "victimAnim_lt" ) )
+ string targetAnimation3p_md = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "victimAnim_md" ) )
+ string targetAnimation3p_hv = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "victimAnim_hv" ) )
+ string targetAnimation3pPilot_lt = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "victimAnim_pt_lt" ) )
+ string targetAnimation3pPilot_md = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "victimAnim_pt_md" ) )
+ string targetAnimation3pPilot_hv = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "victimAnim_pt_hv" ) )
+ string attackerAnimation3pPilot_lt = ""
+ if ( GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "attackerAnim_pt_lt" ) != -1 )
+ attackerAnimation3pPilot_lt = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "attackerAnim_pt_lt" ) )
+ string attackerAnimation3pPilot_md = ""
+ if ( GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "attackerAnim_pt_mt" ) != -1 )
+ attackerAnimation3pPilot_md = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "attackerAnim_pt_mt" ) )
+ string attackerAnimation3pPilot_hv = ""
+ if ( GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "attackerAnim_pt_ht" ) != -1 )
+ attackerAnimation3pPilot_hv = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "attackerAnim_pt_ht" ) )
+ string sound_1p = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "sound_1p" ) )
+ string sound_3p = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "sound_3p" ) )
+ string camAttach = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "camAttach" ) )
+ array<string> camAttachments = split( camAttach, " " )
+ array<string> linkedExecutionArray = SplitAndStripStringArray( GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "linkedExecutions" ) ) )
+ TitanExcutionData data
+ data.attackerAnimation3p = attackerAnimation3p
+ data.attackerAnimation3p_vsAutoTitan = attackerAnimation3p_vsAutoTitan
+ data.targetAnimation3p[ "stryder" ] <- targetAnimation3p_lt
+ data.targetAnimation3p[ "atlas" ] <- targetAnimation3p_md
+ data.targetAnimation3p[ "ogre" ] <- targetAnimation3p_hv
+ data.targetAnimation3pPilot[ "stryder" ] <- targetAnimation3pPilot_lt
+ data.targetAnimation3pPilot[ "atlas" ] <- targetAnimation3pPilot_md
+ data.targetAnimation3pPilot[ "ogre" ] <- targetAnimation3pPilot_hv
+ data.attackerAnimation3pPilot[ "stryder" ] <- attackerAnimation3pPilot_lt
+ data.attackerAnimation3pPilot[ "atlas" ] <- attackerAnimation3pPilot_md
+ data.attackerAnimation3pPilot[ "ogre" ] <- attackerAnimation3pPilot_hv
+ data.sound_1p = sound_1p
+ data.sound_3p = sound_3p
+ data.thirdPersonCameraAttachments = camAttachments
+ data.linkedExecutions = linkedExecutionArray
+ return data
+array<string> function SplitAndStripStringArray( string combinedString )
+ array<string> stringArray = split( combinedString, "," )
+ foreach ( i, value in stringArray )
+ {
+ stringArray[ i ] = strip( value )
+ }
+ return stringArray
+struct MeleeThread_TitanVsTitanDataStruct
+ bool setAttackerInvulnerable = false
+ bool setAttackerDemigod = false
+bool function MeleeThread_TitanVsTitan( SyncedMelee action, entity attacker, entity target )
+ // function off for reload scripts
+ return MeleeThread_TitanVsTitan_Internal( action, attacker, target )
+bool function MeleeThread_TitanVsTitan_Internal( SyncedMelee action, entity attacker, entity target )
+ Assert( target.IsTitan(), target + " is not Titan target" )
+ Assert( attacker.IsPlayer() && attacker.IsTitan(), attacker + " is not Titan attacker" )
+ #if SERVER
+ printt( "Player", attacker, "attempting to melee", target, "TitanVsTitanMelee" )
+ #endif
+ if ( attacker.ContextAction_IsActive() || target.ContextAction_IsActive() )
+ {
+ printt("Either attacker or target already in ContextAction! Exiting Titan Vs Titan melee attempt")
+ return false
+ }
+ if ( !IsAlive( attacker ) )
+ return false
+ if ( !IsAlive( target ) )
+ return false
+ void functionref( SyncedMelee action, entity attacker, entity target ) func
+ func = GetTitanSyncedMeleeFunc( attacker, target )
+ if ( func == null )
+ return false
+ attacker.GetTitanSoul().Signal( "OnSyncedMelee" ) //Need the signal on the soul to clean-up tether traps during synced executions.
+ // JFS: signals can kill things mid frame: R2DLC-311 SCRIPT ERROR: PHONE_HOME: [SERVER] Entity is null
+ if ( !IsAlive( attacker ) )
+ return false
+ if ( !IsAlive( target ) )
+ return false
+ target.GetTitanSoul().Signal( "OnSyncedMelee" )
+ // JFS: signals can kill things mid frame: R2DLC-311 SCRIPT ERROR: PHONE_HOME: [SERVER] Entity is null
+ if ( !IsAlive( attacker ) )
+ return false
+ if ( !IsAlive( target ) )
+ return false
+ //attacker.Signal( "OnSyncedMelee" )
+ //target.Signal( "OnSyncedMelee" )
+ MeleeThread_TitanVsTitanDataStruct dataStruct
+ OnThreadEnd(
+ function() : ( attacker, target, dataStruct )
+ {
+ if ( IsValid( attacker ) )
+ {
+ if ( dataStruct.setAttackerInvulnerable )
+ attacker.ClearInvulnerable()
+ if ( dataStruct.setAttackerDemigod )
+ DisableDemigod( attacker )
+ attacker.PlayerMelee_SetState( PLAYER_MELEE_STATE_NONE )
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ string titanSubClass = GetSoulTitanSubClass( attacker.GetTitanSoul() )
+ entity burnCardTarget
+ entity bossPlayer = target.GetBossPlayer()
+ if ( target.IsNPC() )
+ {
+ if ( IsValid( bossPlayer ) )
+ burnCardTarget = bossPlayer
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ burnCardTarget = target
+ }
+ attacker.PlayerMelee_ExecutionStartAttacker( 0 )
+ target.PlayerMelee_ExecutionStartTarget( attacker )
+ attacker.Lunge_ClearTarget()
+ ForceTitanSustainedDischargeEnd( target )
+ dataStruct.setAttackerInvulnerable = true
+ attacker.SetInvulnerable()
+ #else
+ dataStruct.setAttackerDemigod = true
+ EnableDemigod( attacker )
+ #endif
+ waitthread func( action, attacker, target )
+ if ( !IsValid( attacker ) )
+ return true
+ attacker.Signal( "SyncedMeleeComplete" )
+ #if MP
+ if ( attacker.IsPlayer() )
+ AddPlayerScore( attacker, "Execution" )
+ #endif
+ return true
+void functionref( SyncedMelee action, entity attacker, entity target ) function GetTitanSyncedMeleeFunc( entity attacker, entity target )
+ if ( GetCurrentPlaylistVarInt( "titan_executions_always_short", 0 ) != 0 )
+ return MeleeThread_AtlasVsTitanShort
+ entity soul = attacker.GetTitanSoul()
+ #if SP
+ TitanLoadoutDef loadout = GetTitanLoadoutForCurrentMap()
+ #else
+ TitanLoadoutDef loadout = soul.soul.titanLoadout // GetActiveTitanLoadout( attacker )
+ #endif
+ string executionRef = loadout.titanExecution
+ if ( SoulHasPassive( soul, ePassives.PAS_VANGUARD_COREMETER ) )
+ executionRef = "execution_vanguard_kit"
+ if ( executionRef in file.executionData_3p )
+ return TitanVsTitan_3p
+ if ( target.IsNPC() )
+ {
+ entity bossPlayer = target.GetBossPlayer()
+ if ( IsValid( bossPlayer ) || !IsVDUTitan( target ) )
+ return MeleeThread_AtlasVsTitanShort
+ }
+ string attackerType = GetSoulTitanSubClass( soul )
+ switch ( attackerType )
+ {
+ case "stryder":
+ return MeleeThread_StyderVsTitan
+ case "ogre":
+ return MeleeThread_OgreVsTitan
+ case "atlas":
+ case "buddy":
+ return MeleeThread_AtlasVsTitan
+ }
+ return null
+void function MeleeThread_AtlasVsTitanShort( SyncedMelee action, entity attacker, entity target )
+ if ( !IsAlive( attacker ) )
+ return
+ if ( !IsAlive( target ) )
+ return
+ string attackerAnimation1p = "atpov_melee_sync_frontkill_autotitan"
+ string attackerAnimation3p = "at_melee_sync_frontkill_autotitan"
+ string targetAnimation3p = "at_melee_sync_frontdeath_autotitan"
+ target.Signal( "TitanStopsThinking" ) // in future, need to make titan scripted anims co-exist better and not require gotcha stuff like this -Mackey
+ local e = {}
+ e.attackerViewBody <- null
+ e.attackerStartOrg <- attacker.GetOrigin()
+ entity ref = CreateMeleeScriptMoverBetweenEnts( attacker, target )
+ FirstPersonSequenceStruct attackerSequence
+ attackerSequence.blendTime = 0.25
+ attackerSequence.attachment = "ref"
+ FirstPersonSequenceStruct targetSequence = clone attackerSequence
+ attackerSequence.thirdPersonAnim = attackerAnimation3p
+ // attackerSequence.thirdPersonAnimIdle = "at_melee_sync_frontkill_end_idle"
+ attackerSequence.firstPersonAnim = attackerAnimation1p
+ targetSequence.thirdPersonAnim = targetAnimation3p
+ targetSequence.blendTime = 0.25
+ target.e.syncedMeleeAttacker = attacker
+ // attacker.SetInvulnerable()
+ target.SetInvulnerable() //HACK: Have to SetInvulnerable first before attacker holsters weapon, because if the attacker is vortexing, holster will release bullets caught and kill off the victim if low enough health
+ //HACK! This function was originally for NPCs only, but now that it is being used for players, we need to holster their weapon
+ if ( target.IsPlayer() )
+ HolsterAndDisableWeapons( target )
+ if ( ShouldHolsterWeaponForSyncedMelee( attacker ) )
+ HolsterAndDisableWeapons( attacker )
+ local attackerViewBody
+ // needs shortened verions
+ EmitDifferentSoundsOnEntityForPlayerAndWorld( "Titan_1p_Sync_Melee_vs_AutoTitan", "Titan_3p_Sync_Melee_vs_AutoTitan", attacker, attacker )
+ local soul = target.GetTitanSoul()
+ soul.SetInvalidHealthBarEnt( true )
+ AddAnimEvent( target, "rider_rodeo_over", ForceTitanRodeoToEnd )
+ target.SetInvulnerable() //Setting target of execution as invulnerable to prevent them dying mid-way
+ OnThreadEnd(
+ function() : ( ref, attacker, target, e )
+ {
+ if ( IsValid( ref ) )
+ {
+ if ( IsValid( attacker ) )
+ attacker.ClearParent()
+ if ( IsValid( target ) )
+ target.ClearParent()
+ AssertNoPlayerChildren( ref )
+ ref.Destroy()
+ }
+ if ( IsValid( attacker ) )
+ {
+ //attacker.ClearInvulnerable()
+ attacker.UnforceStand()
+ attacker.ClearParent()
+ ClearPlayerAnimViewEntity( attacker )
+ DeployAndEnableWeapons( attacker )
+ attacker.PlayerMelee_ExecutionEndAttacker()
+ if ( IsAlive( attacker ) )
+ {
+ // if we got into solid, teleport back to safe place
+ if ( !PutEntityInSafeSpot( attacker, null, null, expect vector( e.attackerStartOrg ), attacker.GetOrigin() ) )
+ {
+ printt( "PutEntityInSafeSpot failed, putting him back at the start origin" )
+ attacker.SetOrigin( expect vector( e.attackerStartOrg ) )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( IsValid( target ) )
+ {
+ if ( !target.IsNPC() )
+ {
+ target.PlayerMelee_ExecutionEndTarget()
+ ClearPlayerAnimViewEntity( target )
+ DeployAndEnableWeapons( target )
+ }
+ if ( IsAlive( target ) )
+ {
+ local attack = attacker
+ if ( !IsValid( attack ) )
+ attack = null
+ target.Die( attack, attack, { scriptType = 0, damageSourceId = eDamageSourceId.titan_execution } )
+ }
+ target.e.syncedMeleeAttacker = null
+ if ( HasAnimEvent( target, "rider_rodeo_over" ) )
+ DeleteAnimEvent( target, "rider_rodeo_over" )
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ thread FirstPersonSequence( targetSequence, target, ref )
+ waitthread FirstPersonSequence( attackerSequence, attacker, ref )
+ //wait ( 50.0 / 30.0 ) // 37 frames in
+void function MeleeThread_StyderVsTitan( SyncedMelee action, entity attacker, entity target )
+ table e
+ e.gib <- true
+ e.attackerAnimation1p <- "strypov_melee_sync_frontkill"
+ e.attackerAnimation3p <- "stry_melee_sync_frontkill"
+ e.targetAnimation3p <- "stry_melee_sync_frontdeath"
+ e.targetPilotAnimationForAttacker <- "pt_stry_melee_sync_front_pilotkill_1st"
+ e.targetPilotAnimationForObserver <- "pt_stry_melee_sync_front_pilotkill_3rd"
+ e.targetPilotAnimationForObserver1st <- "ptpov_stry_tvtmelee_targetdeath"
+ e.TitanSpecific1pSyncMeleeSound <- "Stryder_1p_Sync_Melee"
+ e.TitanSpecific3pSyncMeleeSound <- "Stryder_3p_Sync_Melee"
+ MeleeThread_TitanRipsPilot( e, action, attacker, target )
+void function MeleeThread_AtlasVsTitan( SyncedMelee action, entity attacker, entity target )
+ table e
+ e.gib <- false
+ e.attackerAnimation1p <- "atpov_melee_sync_frontkill"
+ e.attackerAnimation3p <- "at_melee_sync_frontkill"
+ e.targetAnimation3p <- "at_melee_sync_frontdeath"
+ e.targetPilotAnimationForAttacker <- "pt_melee_sync_front_pilotkill_1st"
+ e.targetPilotAnimationForObserver <- "pt_melee_sync_front_pilotkill_3rd"
+ e.targetPilotAnimationForObserver1st <- "ptpov_tvtmelee_targetdeath"
+ e.TitanSpecific1pSyncMeleeSound <- "Atlas_1p_Sync_Melee"
+ e.TitanSpecific3pSyncMeleeSound <- "Atlas_3p_Sync_Melee"
+ MeleeThread_TitanRipsPilot( e, action, attacker, target )
+function MeleeThread_TitanRipsPilot( table e, SyncedMelee action, entity attacker, entity target )
+ e.attackerViewBody <- null
+ e.attacker <- attacker
+ e.attackerStartOrg <- attacker.GetOrigin()
+ entity ref = CreateMeleeScriptMoverBetweenEnts( attacker, target )
+ FirstPersonSequenceStruct attackerSequence
+ attackerSequence.blendTime = 0.25
+ attackerSequence.attachment = "ref"
+ FirstPersonSequenceStruct targetSequence = clone attackerSequence
+ attackerSequence.thirdPersonAnim = expect string ( e.attackerAnimation3p )
+ // attackerSequence.thirdPersonAnimIdle = "at_melee_sync_frontkill_end_idle"
+ attackerSequence.firstPersonAnim = expect string( e.attackerAnimation1p )
+ targetSequence.thirdPersonAnim = expect string ( e.targetAnimation3p )
+ targetSequence.blendTime = 0.25
+ target.e.syncedMeleeAttacker = attacker
+ // attacker.SetInvulnerable()
+ target.SetInvulnerable() //HACK: Have to SetInvulnerable first before attacker holsters weapon, because if the attacker is vortexing, holster will release bullets caught and kill off the victim if low enough health
+ if ( ShouldHolsterWeaponForSyncedMelee( attacker ) )
+ HolsterAndDisableWeapons( attacker )
+ if ( !target.IsNPC() )
+ HolsterAndDisableWeapons( target )
+ EmitDifferentSoundsOnEntityForPlayerAndWorld( expect string ( e.TitanSpecific1pSyncMeleeSound ), expect string ( e.TitanSpecific3pSyncMeleeSound ), attacker, attacker )
+ entity attackerViewBody
+ bool targetIsPlayer = target.IsPlayer()
+ if ( targetIsPlayer )
+ {
+ attackerViewBody = Wallrun_CreateCopyOfPilotModel( target ) //attackerViewBody is the model of the pilot getting ripped out of the cockpit
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ attackerViewBody = CreateNpcTitanPilotModel( target )
+ }
+ attackerViewBody.SetOrigin( ref.GetOrigin() )
+ e.attackerViewBody = attackerViewBody
+ attackerViewBody.SetOwner( attacker )
+ attackerViewBody.kv.VisibilityFlags = ENTITY_VISIBLE_TO_OWNER
+ attackerViewBody.SetRagdollImpactFX( RAGDOLL_IMPACT_TABLE_IDX )
+ attackerViewBody.SetContinueAnimatingAfterRagdoll( true )
+ FirstPersonSequenceStruct attackerBodySequence
+ attackerBodySequence.attachment = "ref"
+ attackerBodySequence.teleport = true
+ attackerBodySequence.thirdPersonAnim = expect string ( e.targetPilotAnimationForAttacker )
+ FirstPersonSequenceStruct targetBodySequence
+ targetBodySequence.attachment = "ref"
+ targetBodySequence.blendTime = 0.25
+ targetBodySequence.thirdPersonAnim = expect string ( e.targetPilotAnimationForObserver )
+ targetBodySequence.firstPersonAnim = expect string ( e.targetPilotAnimationForObserver1st )
+ entity targetSoul = target.GetTitanSoul()
+ targetSoul.SetInvalidHealthBarEnt( true )
+ entity targetTitan
+ if ( targetIsPlayer )
+ {
+ e.oldPlayerSettings <- target.s.storedPlayerSettings
+ //target.s.storedPlayerSettings = "pilot_titan_cockpit" // Makes player have titan cockpit temporarily. Turned off to avoid having extra checks all over in script
+ targetTitan = CreateAutoTitanForPlayer_ForTitanBecomesPilot( target ) //TargetTitan is the NPC Titan that is created temporarily during execution
+ DispatchSpawn( targetTitan )
+ TitanBecomesPilot( target, targetTitan )
+ DisableTitanRodeo( targetTitan )
+ targetTitan.SetOwner( target )
+ targetTitan.kv.VisibilityFlags = (ENTITY_VISIBLE_TO_FRIENDLY | ENTITY_VISIBLE_TO_ENEMY) //owner cant see
+ targetTitan.PlayerMelee_ExecutionStartTarget( attacker )
+ e.target <- target
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ targetTitan = target
+ // target is now a random dude
+ target = CreateSoldier( target.GetTeam(), Vector(0,0,0), Vector(0,0,0) )
+ DispatchSpawn( target )
+ e.target <- target
+ }
+ AddAnimEvent( targetTitan, "rider_rodeo_over", ForceTitanRodeoToEnd )
+ AddAnimEvent( targetTitan, "melee_killed_ragdoll", MeleeKilledRagdoll, attacker )
+ targetTitan.SetInvulnerable() //Setting target of execution as invulnerable to prevent them dying mid-way
+ target.SetOwner( attacker )
+ target.kv.VisibilityFlags = (ENTITY_VISIBLE_TO_FRIENDLY | ENTITY_VISIBLE_TO_ENEMY) //owner cant see
+ e.targetTitan <- targetTitan
+ if ( GetBugReproNum() == 129802 )
+ thread OnNPCTitanSignalDeath( targetTitan )
+ OnThreadEnd(
+ function() : ( ref, attacker, target, targetTitan, e )
+ {
+ if ( IsValid( ref ) )
+ {
+ if ( IsValid( attacker ) )
+ {
+ attacker.ClearParent()
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TryClearParent( attacker )
+ }
+ if ( IsValid( target ) )
+ {
+ target.ClearParent()
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TryClearParent( target )
+ }
+ AssertNoPlayerChildren( ref )
+ ref.Kill_Deprecated_UseDestroyInstead()
+ }
+ if ( IsValid( attacker ) )
+ {
+ attacker.UnforceStand()
+ attacker.ClearParent()
+ ClearPlayerAnimViewEntity( attacker )
+ DeployAndEnableWeapons( attacker )
+ attacker.PlayerMelee_ExecutionEndAttacker()
+ if ( IsAlive( attacker ) )
+ {
+ // if we got into solid, teleport back to safe place
+ PutEntityInSafeSpot( attacker, null, null, expect vector( e.attackerStartOrg ), attacker.GetOrigin() )
+ }
+ }
+ if ( IsValid( target ) )
+ {
+ if ( !target.IsNPC() )
+ {
+ target.PlayerMelee_ExecutionEndTarget()
+ ClearPlayerAnimViewEntity( target )
+ DeployAndEnableWeapons( target )
+ }
+ if ( HasAnimEvent( target, "pink_mist" ) )
+ DeleteAnimEvent( target, "pink_mist" )
+ if ( IsAlive( expect entity( e.target ) ) )
+ MeleePinkMist( e )
+ target.e.syncedMeleeAttacker = null
+ }
+ if ( IsValid( e.attackerViewBody ) )
+ e.attackerViewBody.Kill_Deprecated_UseDestroyInstead()
+ if ( GetBugReproNum() != 129802 && IsAlive( targetTitan ) )
+ {
+ if ( IsValid( attacker ) )
+ targetTitan.Die( attacker, attacker, { scriptType = DF_MELEE, damageSourceId = eDamageSourceId.titan_execution } )
+ else
+ targetTitan.Die()
+ if ( GetBugReproNum() == 129815 )
+ {
+ targetTitan.SetContinueAnimatingAfterRagdoll( true )
+ targetTitan.BecomeRagdoll( Vector(0,0,0), false )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ target.EndSignal( "OnRespawnPlayer" )
+ waitthread TitanSyncedMeleeAnimationsPlay( attackerBodySequence, attackerViewBody, ref, targetBodySequence, target, attackerSequence, attacker, targetSequence, targetTitan, e )
+entity function CreateNpcTitanPilotModel( entity titan )
+ asset modelName = GetNpcTitanPilotModel( titan )
+ return CreatePropDynamic( modelName )
+asset function GetNpcTitanPilotModel( entity titan )
+ asset modelName = TEAM_IMC_GRUNT_MODEL
+ if ( IsBossTitan( titan ) )
+ {
+ modelName = GetBossTitanCharacterModel( titan )
+ }
+ #endif
+ return modelName
+function TitanSyncedMeleeAnimationsPlay( FirstPersonSequenceStruct attackerBodySequence, entity attackerViewBody, entity ref, FirstPersonSequenceStruct targetBodySequence, entity target, FirstPersonSequenceStruct attackerSequence, entity attacker, FirstPersonSequenceStruct targetSequence, entity targetTitan, table e )
+ e.thrown <- false
+ OnThreadEnd (
+ function () : ( targetTitan, target, attacker, e )
+ {
+ // insure visibility
+ if ( IsValid( targetTitan ) )
+ targetTitan.kv.VisibilityFlags = ENTITY_VISIBLE_TO_EVERYONE
+ if ( !IsAlive( attacker ) )
+ {
+ attacker.Anim_Stop()
+ if ( !e.thrown && IsAlive( target ) )
+ {
+ target.Anim_Stop()
+ target.SetOwner( null )
+ target.kv.VisibilityFlags = ENTITY_VISIBLE_TO_EVERYONE
+ if ( target.IsPlayer() )
+ {
+ ClearPlayerAnimViewEntity( target )
+ target.GetFirstPersonProxy().Anim_Stop()
+ target.SetPlayerSettings( e.oldPlayerSettings )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ attacker.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ target.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ target.EndSignal( "OnRespawnPlayer" )
+ thread FirstPersonSequence( attackerBodySequence, attackerViewBody, ref )
+ if ( !target.IsPlayer() )
+ {
+ // don't do first person anims if we're not a player
+ targetBodySequence.firstPersonAnim = ""
+ targetBodySequence.firstPersonAnimIdle = ""
+ }
+ thread FirstPersonSequence( targetBodySequence, target, ref )
+ thread FirstPersonSequence( attackerSequence, attacker, ref )
+ thread FirstPersonSequence( targetSequence, targetTitan, ref )
+ targetTitan.Anim_AdvanceCycleEveryFrame( true )
+ local duration = attacker.GetSequenceDuration( attackerSequence.thirdPersonAnim )
+ if ( e.targetAnimation3p == "at_melee_sync_frontdeath" )
+ {
+ thread MeleeThrowIntoWallSplat( attacker, target, e )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ AddAnimEvent( target, "pink_mist", MeleePinkMistAnimEvent, e )
+ }
+ float timer
+ string titanType = GetSoulTitanSubClass( attacker.GetTitanSoul() )
+ switch ( titanType )
+ {
+ case "stryder":
+ timer = 0.9
+ break
+ case "atlas":
+ case "buddy":
+ timer = 0.45
+ break
+ default:
+ Assert( 0, "Unknown titan type " + titanType )
+ }
+ wait timer
+ // first the victim cant see his titan, as a pilot, and then he can
+ targetTitan.SetNextThinkNow()
+ targetTitan.kv.VisibilityFlags = ENTITY_VISIBLE_TO_EVERYONE
+ targetTitan.SetNextThinkNow()
+ wait duration - timer
+void function MeleePinkMistAnimEvent( entity target ) //parameter isn't used, but function signature is like this because it's being called from an anim event
+ table e = expect table( GetOptionalAnimEventVar( target, "pink_mist" ) )
+ MeleePinkMist( e )
+void function MeleePinkMist( table e )
+ entity target = expect entity( e.target )
+ if ( !IsAlive( target ) )
+ return
+ e.attackerViewBody.Dissolve( ENTITY_DISSOLVE_PINKMIST, Vector( 0, 0, 0 ), 0 )
+ if ( IsValid( e.attacker ) )
+ {
+ target.Die( e.attacker, e.attacker, { damageSourceId = eDamageSourceId.titan_execution, scriptType = DF_GIB } )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ target.Die( e.target, target, { damageSourceId = eDamageSourceId.titan_execution, scriptType = DF_GIB } )
+ }
+ if ( target.IsPlayer() )
+ ClearPlayerAnimViewEntity( target )
+ target.ClearInvulnerable()
+function MeleeThrowIntoWallSplat( entity attacker, entity target, e )
+ OnThreadEnd(
+ function () : ( target, e )
+ {
+ if ( IsValid( target ) )
+ {
+ target.ClearParent()
+ target.Anim_Stop()
+ target.ClearInvulnerable()
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ target.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ e.startOrigin <- target.GetOrigin()
+ wait 2.8
+ e.thrown = true
+ // attacker got killed? saved!
+ if ( !IsAlive( attacker ) )
+ return
+ local angles = attacker.GetAngles()
+ angles = AnglesCompose( angles, Vector( -15, 0, 0 ) )
+ local forward = AnglesToForward( angles )
+ local endPos
+ for ( ;; )
+ {
+ if ( !target.Anim_IsActive() )
+ break
+ local org = target.GetOrigin()
+ if ( IsAlive( attacker ) )
+ {
+ TraceResults titanPilotTrace = TraceLine( attacker.EyePosition(), org, attacker )
+ if ( titanPilotTrace.fraction < 1.0 )
+ {
+ endPos = titanPilotTrace.endPos
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ TraceResults result = TraceLine( org, org + forward * 200 )
+ if ( result.fraction < 1.0 )
+ {
+ wait result.fraction * 0.06
+ break
+ }
+ WaitFrame()
+ }
+ if ( endPos )
+ {
+ target.SetOrigin( endPos )
+ }
+ Assert( IsAlive( target ) )
+ target.ClearInvulnerable()
+ target.BecomeRagdoll( Vector(0,0,0), false )
+ WaitFrame() // ragdoll take hold!
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( target, "Titan_Victim_Wall_Splat" )
+ if ( e.gib )
+ {
+ local force = Vector(0,0,0)
+ if ( IsAlive( attacker ) )
+ {
+ local vec = target.GetOrigin() - attacker.GetOrigin()
+ vec.Norm()
+ force = vec
+ }
+ target.Die( attacker, attacker, { scriptType = DF_GIB | DF_KILLSHOT, force = force, damageSourceId = eDamageSourceId.titan_execution } )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ target.Die( attacker, attacker, { scriptType = DF_KILLSHOT, damageSourceId = eDamageSourceId.titan_execution } )
+ }
+function MeleeAnimThrow( attacker, target, throwDuration )
+ attacker.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ target.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ wait throwDuration - 0.2
+ local angles = attacker.GetAngles()
+ local forward = AnglesToForward( angles )
+ target.ClearParent()
+ target.SetVelocity( forward * 500 )
+ target.Die( attacker, attacker, { scriptType = DF_KILLSHOT, damageSourceId = eDamageSourceId.titan_execution } )
+void function MeleeThread_OgreVsTitan( SyncedMelee action, entity attacker, entity target )
+ string attackerAnimation1p = "ogpov_melee_armrip_attacker"
+ string attackerAnimation3p = "og_melee_armrip_attacker"
+ string targetAnimation1p = "ogpov_melee_armrip_victim"
+ string targetAnimation3p = "og_melee_armrip_victim"
+ table e = {}
+ e.attackerStartOrg <- attacker.GetOrigin()
+ e.lostArm <- false
+ e.targetStartOrg <- target.GetOrigin()
+ entity ref = CreateMeleeScriptMoverBetweenEnts( attacker, target )
+ FirstPersonSequenceStruct attackerSequence
+ attackerSequence.blendTime = 0.25
+ attackerSequence.attachment = "ref"
+ FirstPersonSequenceStruct targetSequence = clone attackerSequence
+ attackerSequence.thirdPersonAnim = attackerAnimation3p
+ attackerSequence.firstPersonAnim = attackerAnimation1p
+ if ( target.IsPlayer() )
+ targetSequence.firstPersonAnim = targetAnimation1p
+ targetSequence.thirdPersonAnim = targetAnimation3p
+ targetSequence.blendTime = 0.25
+ target.e.syncedMeleeAttacker = attacker
+ DisableWeapons( attacker, [] )
+ DisableWeapons( target, [] )
+ // attacker.SetInvulnerable()
+ target.SetInvulnerable()
+ entity soul = target.GetTitanSoul()
+ soul.SetInvalidHealthBarEnt( true )
+ OnThreadEnd(
+ function() : ( ref, attacker, target, e )
+ {
+ if ( IsValid( ref ) )
+ {
+ if ( IsValid( attacker ) )
+ attacker.ClearParent()
+ if ( IsValid( target ) )
+ target.ClearParent()
+ AssertNoPlayerChildren( ref )
+ ref.Kill_Deprecated_UseDestroyInstead()
+ }
+ if ( IsValid( attacker ) )
+ {
+ attacker.UnforceStand()
+ attacker.ClearParent()
+ ClearPlayerAnimViewEntity( attacker )
+ EnableWeapons( attacker, [] )
+ attacker.PlayerMelee_ExecutionEndAttacker()
+ if ( IsAlive( attacker ) )
+ {
+ // if we got into solid, teleport back to safe place
+ PutEntityInSafeSpot( attacker, null, null, expect vector( e.attackerStartOrg ), attacker.GetOrigin() )
+ }
+ }
+ if ( IsValid( target ) )
+ {
+ DeleteAnimEvent( target, "lost_arm" )
+ target.e.syncedMeleeAttacker = null
+ target.ClearParent()
+ target.ClearInvulnerable()
+ if ( target.IsPlayer() )
+ {
+ ClearPlayerAnimViewEntity( target )
+ }
+ EnableWeapons( target, [] )
+ if ( !target.IsNPC() )
+ target.PlayerMelee_ExecutionEndTarget()
+ if ( e.lostArm && IsAlive( target ) )
+ {
+ target.Die( attacker, attacker, { scriptType = DF_KILLSHOT, damageSourceId = eDamageSourceId.titan_execution } )
+ return
+ }
+ else if ( target.IsPlayer() )
+ {
+ PutEntityInSafeSpot( target, null, null, expect vector( e.targetStartOrg ), target.GetOrigin() )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ attacker.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ EmitDifferentSoundsOnEntityForPlayerAndWorld( "Ogre_1p_Sync_Melee", "Ogre_3p_Sync_Melee", attacker, attacker )
+ AddAnimEvent( target, "lost_arm", TitanLostArm, e )
+ thread FirstPersonSequence( targetSequence, target, ref )
+ waitthread FirstPersonSequence( attackerSequence, attacker, ref )
+//Very similar to the above function for now, eventually won't have the 1st person component at all.
+void function TitanVsTitan_3p( SyncedMelee action, entity attacker, entity target )
+ if ( !IsAlive( attacker ) )
+ return
+ if ( !IsAlive( target ) )
+ return
+ entity attackerSoul = attacker.GetTitanSoul()
+ #if SP
+ TitanLoadoutDef loadout = GetTitanLoadoutForCurrentMap()
+ string executionRef = loadout.titanExecution
+ TitanExcutionData data = file.executionData_3p[ executionRef ]
+ #else
+ TitanLoadoutDef loadout = attackerSoul.soul.titanLoadout // GetActiveTitanLoadout( attacker )
+ string executionRef = loadout.titanExecution
+ TitanExcutionData data = file.executionData_3p[ executionRef ]
+ if ( data.linkedExecutions.len() > 0 )
+ {
+ array<string> clonedLinkedExecutions = clone data.linkedExecutions
+ for ( int i = clonedLinkedExecutions.len() - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
+ {
+ if ( GetItemRequiresPrime( clonedLinkedExecutions[ i ] ) == true && !HasPrimeToMatchExecutionType( attacker, GetItemType( clonedLinkedExecutions[ i ] ) ) )
+ clonedLinkedExecutions.remove( i )
+ }
+ executionRef = clonedLinkedExecutions.getrandom()
+ data = file.executionData_3p[ executionRef ]
+ }
+ #endif
+ bool shouldApplyBatteryAfterRodeo = false
+ if ( SoulHasPassive( attackerSoul, ePassives.PAS_VANGUARD_COREMETER ) )
+ {
+ executionRef = "execution_vanguard_kit"
+ data = file.executionData_3p[ executionRef ]
+ shouldApplyBatteryAfterRodeo = true
+ }
+ string victimType = GetSoulTitanSubClass( target.GetTitanSoul() )
+ table e = {}
+ e.attackerStartOrg <- attacker.GetOrigin()
+ e.lostArm <- false
+ e.targetStartOrg <- target.GetOrigin()
+ FirstPersonSequenceStruct attackerSequence
+ attackerSequence.blendTime = 0.25
+ attackerSequence.attachment = "ref"
+ attackerSequence.thirdPersonCameraAttachments = clone data.thirdPersonCameraAttachments
+ attackerSequence.thirdPersonCameraVisibilityChecks = true
+ attackerSequence.viewConeFunction = ViewConeZero
+ attackerSequence.noViewLerp = true
+ FirstPersonSequenceStruct targetSequence = clone attackerSequence
+ attackerSequence.thirdPersonAnim = data.attackerAnimation3p
+ attackerSequence.firstPersonAnim = ""
+ if ( target.IsPlayer() )
+ targetSequence.firstPersonAnim = ""
+ targetSequence.thirdPersonAnim = data.targetAnimation3p[ victimType ]
+ targetSequence.thirdPersonCameraEntity = target
+ target.e.syncedMeleeAttacker = attacker
+ // HACK FOR SP!!!
+ e.replacedPrimary <- false
+ string xo16 = "mp_titanweapon_xo16_shorty"
+ if ( IsSingleplayer() && attacker.IsPlayer() && data.attackerAnimation3p == "bt_synced_titan_execute_kickshoot_A" )
+ {
+ array<entity> weapons = attacker.GetMainWeapons()
+ if ( weapons.len() > 0 )
+ {
+ if ( weapons[0].GetWeaponClassName() != xo16 )
+ {
+ e.replacedPrimary = true
+ e.oldPrimary <- weapons[0].GetWeaponClassName()
+ attacker.SetActiveWeaponBySlot( 0 )
+ attacker.ReplaceActiveWeapon( xo16 ) //this assumes the active weapon is the weapon in slot 0 so we need to set active weapon to the one in slot 0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !target.IsNPC() )
+ HolsterViewModelAndDisableWeapons( target ) //Melee anims need to use this to stop players from firing weapons but for the weapon to still show up in the 3p anims
+ else
+ DisableWeapons( target, [] )
+ if ( attacker.IsPlayer() )
+ {
+ HolsterViewModelAndDisableWeapons( attacker ) //Melee anims need to use this to stop players from firing weapons but for the weapon to still show up in the 3p anims
+ }
+ // attacker.SetInvulnerable()
+ target.SetInvulnerable()
+ entity targetViewBody
+ FirstPersonSequenceStruct targetBodySequence
+ entity attackerViewBody
+ FirstPersonSequenceStruct attackerBodySequence
+ bool titanHasPilot = target.IsPlayer()
+ titanHasPilot = titanHasPilot || ( IsBossTitan( target ) )
+ #endif
+ if ( attacker.IsPlayer() )
+ {
+ Remote_CallFunction_Replay( attacker, "SCB_StopTitanCockpitSounds" )
+ }
+ if ( target.IsPlayer() )
+ {
+ Remote_CallFunction_Replay( target, "SCB_StopTitanCockpitSounds" )
+ }
+ if ( data.targetAnimation3pPilot[ victimType ] != "" && titanHasPilot )
+ {
+ if ( target.IsNPC() )
+ targetViewBody = CreateNpcTitanPilotModel( target )
+ else
+ targetViewBody = Wallrun_CreateCopyOfPilotModel( target )
+ targetViewBody.SetOrigin( target.GetOrigin() )
+ targetViewBody.SetRagdollImpactFX( RAGDOLL_IMPACT_TABLE_IDX )
+ targetViewBody.SetContinueAnimatingAfterRagdoll( true )
+ targetBodySequence.attachment = "ref"
+ targetBodySequence.teleport = true
+ targetBodySequence.thirdPersonAnim = data.targetAnimation3pPilot[ victimType ]
+ AddAnimEvent( targetViewBody, "pink_mist", MeleePinkMistFakeBody )
+ }
+ if ( data.attackerAnimation3pPilot[ victimType ] != "" && attacker.IsPlayer() )
+ {
+ attackerViewBody = Wallrun_CreateCopyOfPilotModel( attacker )
+ attackerViewBody.SetOrigin( attacker.GetOrigin() )
+ attackerViewBody.SetRagdollImpactFX( RAGDOLL_IMPACT_TABLE_IDX )
+ attackerViewBody.SetContinueAnimatingAfterRagdoll( true )
+ attackerBodySequence.attachment = "ref"
+ attackerBodySequence.teleport = true
+ attackerBodySequence.thirdPersonAnim = data.attackerAnimation3pPilot[ victimType ]
+ }
+ if ( !IsValid( targetViewBody ) )
+ {
+ attackerSequence.thirdPersonAnim = data.attackerAnimation3p_vsAutoTitan
+ }
+ entity soul = target.GetTitanSoul()
+ soul.SetInvalidHealthBarEnt( true )
+ bool isAttackerRef = false
+ if ( GetConVarBool( "melee_titan_execution_attacker_can_be_ref" ) )
+ {
+ isAttackerRef = IsAttackerRef( null, target )
+ }
+ OnThreadEnd(
+ function() : ( attacker, target, e, attackerViewBody, targetViewBody, shouldApplyBatteryAfterRodeo, isAttackerRef )
+ {
+ if ( IsValid( attacker ) )
+ {
+ DeleteAnimEvent( attacker, "synced_melee_enable_planting" )
+ DeleteAnimEvent( attacker, "rocket_pod_fire_left" )
+ DeleteAnimEvent( attacker, "rocket_pod_fire_right" )
+ attacker.UnforceStand()
+ attacker.ClearParent()
+ ClearPlayerAnimViewEntity( attacker )
+ attacker.PlayerMelee_ExecutionEndAttacker()
+ ForceTitanSustainedDischargeEnd( attacker )
+ DeployViewModelAndEnableWeapons( attacker ) //Melee anims need to use this to stop players from firing weapons but for the weapon to still show up in the 3p anims
+ if ( IsAlive( attacker ) )
+ {
+ if ( !isAttackerRef && IsValid( target ) )
+ {
+ PutEntityInSafeSpot( attacker, target, null, target.GetOrigin(), attacker.GetOrigin() )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PutEntityInSafeSpot( attacker, target, null, attacker.GetOrigin(), attacker.GetOrigin() )
+ }
+ if ( attacker.IsTitan() )
+ {
+ Remote_CallFunction_Replay( attacker, "SCB_PlayTitanCockpitSounds" )
+ Rodeo_GiveExecutingTitanABattery( attacker )
+ #else
+ if ( shouldApplyBatteryAfterRodeo )
+ Rodeo_GiveExecutingTitanABattery( attacker )
+ #endif
+ }
+ if ( IsSingleplayer() )
+ {
+ if ( e.replacedPrimary )
+ {
+ attacker.ReplaceActiveWeapon( e.oldPrimary )
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ attacker.Anim_Stop() // if you are fighting an NPC, then they can get destroyed early the moment they explode. But sometimes, your animation isn't done playing yet so you can't move
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( IsValid( target ) )
+ {
+ DeleteAnimEvent( target, "melee_killed_ragdoll" )
+ DeleteAnimEvent( target, "execution_battery_show" )
+ DeleteAnimEvent( target, "execution_battery_hide" )
+ if ( HasAnimEvent( target, "rider_rodeo_over" ) )
+ DeleteAnimEvent( target, "rider_rodeo_over" )
+ target.e.syncedMeleeAttacker = null
+ target.ClearParent()
+ target.ClearInvulnerable()
+ if ( target.IsPlayer() )
+ {
+ ClearPlayerAnimViewEntity( target )
+ DeployViewModelAndEnableWeapons( target ) //Melee anims need to use this to stop players from firing weapons but for the weapon to still show up in the 3p anims
+ }
+ if ( !target.IsNPC() && target.ContextAction_IsMeleeExecution() )
+ target.PlayerMelee_ExecutionEndTarget()
+ if ( IsAlive( target ) ) //Should have no need to PlayTitanCockpitSounds for target because the target is going to die
+ {
+ target.Die( attacker, attacker, { scriptType = DF_KILLSHOT, damageSourceId = eDamageSourceId.titan_execution } )
+ }
+ else if ( target.IsPlayer() )
+ {
+ if ( isAttackerRef && IsValid( attacker ) )
+ {
+ PutEntityInSafeSpot( target, attacker, null, attacker.GetOrigin(), target.GetOrigin() )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PutEntityInSafeSpot( target, attacker, null, target.GetOrigin(), target.GetOrigin() )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( IsValid( attackerViewBody ) )
+ {
+ //DeleteAnimEvent( attackerViewBody, "rodeo_battery_rip" )
+ DeleteAnimEvent( attackerViewBody, "execution_battery_pilot" )
+ DeleteAnimEvent( attackerViewBody, "execution_battery_pilot_jump_jets" )
+ attackerViewBody.Hide()
+ attackerViewBody.Destroy()
+ }
+ if ( IsValid( targetViewBody ) )
+ {
+ targetViewBody.Hide()
+ targetViewBody.Destroy()
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ attacker.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ entity bossPlayer = target.GetBossPlayer()
+ if ( IsValid( bossPlayer ) ) //Executing an auto-Titan, when the pilot disconnects it destroys the auto-titan creating weird circumstances.
+ bossPlayer.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ target.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ if ( isAttackerRef )
+ {
+ thread ClearParentOnDeathOrDestroy( target, attacker )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ thread ClearParentOnDeathOrDestroy( attacker, target )
+ }
+ EmitDifferentSoundsOnEntityForPlayerAndWorld( data.sound_1p, data.sound_3p, attacker, attacker )
+ AddAnimEvent( target, "rider_rodeo_over", ForceTitanRodeoToEnd )
+ AddAnimEvent( target, "melee_killed_ragdoll", PredatorMeleeKilledRagdoll )
+ AddAnimEvent( attacker, "synced_melee_enable_planting", EnablePlantingOnEntity )
+ AddAnimEvent( attacker, "rocket_pod_fire_left", Northstar_Rocket_Pod_Left, target )
+ AddAnimEvent( attacker, "rocket_pod_fire_right", Northstar_Rocket_Pod_Right, target )
+ AddAnimEvent( target, "execution_battery_show", Execution_ShowBattery )
+ AddAnimEvent( target, "execution_battery_hide", Execution_HideBattery )
+ if ( attackerViewBody != null )
+ {
+ AddAnimEvent( attackerViewBody, "execution_battery_pilot", Execution_GivePilotBattery )
+ AddAnimEvent( attackerViewBody, "execution_battery_pilot_jump_jets", Execution_BatteryStealJumpJets )
+ }
+ if ( isAttackerRef )
+ {
+ attackerSequence.enablePlanting = true
+ attackerSequence.playerPushable = true
+ targetSequence.useAnimatedRefAttachment = true
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ targetSequence.enablePlanting = true
+ targetSequence.playerPushable = true
+ attackerSequence.useAnimatedRefAttachment = true
+ }
+ array<entity> ignoreEnts = [ attacker, target ]
+ vector refAngles = GetRefAnglesBetweenEnts( attacker, target )
+ if ( !attacker.IsOnGround() )
+ {
+ refAngles = <0,refAngles.y,0>
+ }
+ vector fwd = AnglesToForward( refAngles )
+ fwd *= -1
+ vector targetAngles = VectorToAngles( fwd )
+ if ( !target.IsNPC() )
+ {
+ targetAngles.x = 0
+ target.SetAngles( targetAngles )
+ }
+ target.SetAngles( targetAngles )
+ if ( attackerViewBody != null )
+ {
+ attackerBodySequence.useAnimatedRefAttachment = true
+ thread FirstPersonSequence( attackerBodySequence, attackerViewBody, attacker )
+ }
+ if ( targetViewBody != null )
+ {
+ targetBodySequence.useAnimatedRefAttachment = true
+ thread FirstPersonSequence( targetBodySequence, targetViewBody, target )
+ }
+ if ( isAttackerRef )
+ {
+ thread FirstPersonSequence( attackerSequence, attacker )
+ waitthread FirstPersonSequence( targetSequence, target, attacker )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ thread FirstPersonSequence( targetSequence, target )
+ waitthread FirstPersonSequence( attackerSequence, attacker, target )
+ }
+void function Execution_ShowBattery( entity titan )
+ entity titanSoul = titan.GetTitanSoul()
+ if ( !IsValid( titanSoul ) ) //Out of bounds
+ return
+ string titanType = GetSoulTitanSubClass( titanSoul )
+ entity batteryContainer = titanSoul.soul.batteryContainer
+ Assert( IsValid( titanSoul.soul.batteryContainer ), " need to find the repro for this" )
+ if ( !IsValid( titanSoul.soul.batteryContainer ) )
+ return
+ batteryContainer.Anim_Play( GetAnimFromAlias( titanType, "hatch_rodeo_up_idle" ) )
+void function Execution_HideBattery( entity titan )
+ entity titanSoul = titan.GetTitanSoul()
+ if ( !IsValid( titanSoul ) ) //Out of bounds
+ return
+ string titanType = GetSoulTitanSubClass( titanSoul )
+ entity batteryContainer = titanSoul.soul.batteryContainer
+ Assert( IsValid( titanSoul.soul.batteryContainer ), " need to find the repro for this" )
+ if ( !IsValid( titanSoul.soul.batteryContainer ) )
+ return
+ batteryContainer.Anim_Play( GetAnimFromAlias( titanType, "hatch_rodeo_down_idle" ) )
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( batteryContainer, GetAudioFromAlias( titanType, "rodeo_battery_steal_3p" ) )
+void function Execution_GivePilotBattery( entity fakePilotModel )
+ entity tempBattery3p = CreatePropDynamic( RODEO_BATTERY_MODEL_FOR_RODEO_ANIMS )
+ tempBattery3p.SetParent( fakePilotModel, "R_HAND", false, 0.0 )
+ tempBattery3p.RemoveFromSpatialPartition()
+ tempBattery3p.Show()
+ Battery_StartFX( tempBattery3p )
+void function Execution_BatteryStealJumpJets( entity fakePilotModel )
+ int attachmentIndex = fakePilotModel.LookupAttachment( "vent_left" )
+ int fxIndex = GetParticleSystemIndex( TEAM_JUMPJET_DBL )
+ StartParticleEffectOnEntity( fakePilotModel, fxIndex, FX_PATTACH_POINT_FOLLOW, attachmentIndex )
+ attachmentIndex = fakePilotModel.LookupAttachment( "vent_right" )
+ StartParticleEffectOnEntity( fakePilotModel, fxIndex, FX_PATTACH_POINT_FOLLOW, attachmentIndex )
+void function RodeoBatteryRemoval( entity pilot )
+ entity titan = GetTitanBeingRodeoed( pilot )
+ if ( !IsValid( titan ) )
+ return
+ entity soul = titan.GetTitanSoul()
+ string titanType = GetSoulTitanSubClass( soul )
+ soul.SetLastRodeoHitTime( Time() )
+ RodeoBatteryPackRemovalDamage( pilot, titan, soul )
+ if ( !PlayerHasBattery( pilot ) )
+ {
+ AddPlayerScore( pilot, "PilotBatteryStolen" )
+ entity battery = Rodeo_CreateBatteryPack( titan )
+ Rodeo_PilotPicksUpBattery( pilot, battery )
+ thread BatteryThiefHighlight( pilot )
+ if ( titan.IsPlayer() )
+ {
+ EmitSoundOnEntityOnlyToPlayer( titan, titan, TITAN_GOT_BATTERY_RIPPED_SOUND ) //Consider playing this in world once we get sounds that aren't just notification beeps
+ }
+ }
+ vector direction = CalculateDirectionToThrowOffBatteryThief( pilot, titan )
+ ThrowRiderOff( pilot, titan, direction ) //This signals RodeoOver
+void function ClearParentOnDeathOrDestroy( entity clearParentEntity, entity onDeathOrDestroyEntity )
+ Assert( IsValid( clearParentEntity ) )
+ Assert( IsAlive( clearParentEntity ) )
+ Assert( IsValid( onDeathOrDestroyEntity ) )
+ Assert( IsAlive( onDeathOrDestroyEntity ) )
+ OnThreadEnd(
+ function() : ( clearParentEntity, onDeathOrDestroyEntity )
+ {
+ if ( IsValid( clearParentEntity ) )
+ {
+ clearParentEntity.ClearParent()
+ if ( IsValid( onDeathOrDestroyEntity ) )
+ {
+ PutEntityInSafeSpot( clearParentEntity, onDeathOrDestroyEntity, null, onDeathOrDestroyEntity.GetOrigin(), clearParentEntity.GetOrigin() )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ onDeathOrDestroyEntity.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ onDeathOrDestroyEntity.WaitSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+void function PredatorMeleeKilledRagdoll( entity titan )
+ titan.e.forceRagdollDeath = true
+void function MeleePinkMistFakeBody( entity target )
+ target.Dissolve( ENTITY_DISSOLVE_PINKMIST, < 0, 0, 0 >, 0 )
+void function TitanLostArm( entity titan )
+ table e = expect table( GetOptionalAnimEventVar( titan, "lost_arm" ) )
+ e.lostArm = true
+void function MeleeKilledRagdoll( entity titan )
+ entity attacker = expect entity( GetOptionalAnimEventVar( titan, "melee_killed_ragdoll" ) )
+ if ( !IsValid( attacker ) )
+ return
+ titan.Die( attacker, attacker, { scriptType = DF_MELEE, damageSourceId = eDamageSourceId.titan_execution } )
+ titan.SetContinueAnimatingAfterRagdoll( true )
+ titan.BecomeRagdoll( < 0, 0, 0 >, false )
+void function OnNPCTitanDeath( entity titan, var damageInfo ) //Debug function, for bug 129802
+ PrintFunc()
+void function OnNPCTitanSignalDeath( entity titan ) //Debug function, for bug 129802
+ PrintFunc()
+ titan.WaitSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ printt( "titan : " + titan + " recieved OnDeath Signal in OnNPCTitanSignalDeath" )
+void function Northstar_Rocket_Pod_Left( entity guy )
+ entity victim = expect entity( GetOptionalAnimEventVar( guy, "rocket_pod_fire_left" ) )
+ Rocket_Pod( guy, "muzzle_flash", victim )
+void function Northstar_Rocket_Pod_Right( entity guy )
+ entity victim = expect entity( GetOptionalAnimEventVar( guy, "rocket_pod_fire_right" ) )
+ Rocket_Pod( guy, "muzzle_flash2", victim )
+void function Rocket_Pod( entity guy, string tag, entity victim )
+ entity oldOffhandWeapon = guy.GetOffhandWeapon( 0 )
+ guy.TakeOffhandWeapon( 0 )
+ guy.GiveOffhandWeapon( "mp_titanweapon_salvo_rockets", 0, [ "northstar_prime_execution" ] )
+ entity newOffhandWeapon = guy.GetOffhandWeapon( 0 )
+ int attachID = guy.LookupAttachment( tag )
+ vector angles = guy.GetAttachmentAngles( attachID )
+ WeaponPrimaryAttackParams params
+ params.pos = guy.GetAttachmentOrigin( attachID )
+ params.dir = AnglesToForward( angles )
+ if ( IsAlive( victim ) && victim.IsTitan() )
+ {
+ vector victimTagPos = victim.GetAttachmentOrigin( victim.LookupAttachment( "CHESTFOCUS" ) ) + RandomVec( 30 )
+ params.dir = Normalize( victimTagPos - params.pos )
+ StartParticleEffectInWorld(GetParticleSystemIndex( $"P_muzzleflash_predator" ), params.pos, VectorToAngles( params.dir ) )
+ }
+ // DebugDrawSphere(params.pos, 10, 255,0,0, true, 1.0 )
+ // DebugDrawLine( params.pos, params.pos + params.dir*200, 255,0,0, true, 1.0 )
+ thread OnWeaponPrimaryAttack_titanweapon_salvo_rockets( newOffhandWeapon, params )
+ guy.TakeOffhandWeapon( 0 )
+ if ( oldOffhandWeapon )
+ guy.GiveOffhandWeapon( oldOffhandWeapon.GetWeaponClassName(), 0, oldOffhandWeapon.GetMods() )
+} \ No newline at end of file