path: root/src-vue/src/plugins
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src-vue/src/plugins')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 674 deletions
diff --git a/src-vue/src/plugins/modules/notifications.ts b/src-vue/src/plugins/modules/notifications.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index ed57f8af..00000000
--- a/src-vue/src/plugins/modules/notifications.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-type NotificationType = 'success' | 'warning' | 'info' | 'error';
-export interface Notification {
- title: string;
- text: string;
- type: NotificationType;
-interface NotificationsStoreState {
- notifications: Notification[];
- * This notification module is meant to host the list of notifications that have been fired while the application was
- * not focused.
- * This list is then used by the [NotificationButton] component to display notifications to user.
- **/
-export const notificationsModule = {
- state: () => ({
- notifications: []
- }) as NotificationsStoreState,
- mutations: {
- addNotification(state: NotificationsStoreState, payload: Notification) {
- state.notifications.push(payload);
- },
- removeNotification(state: NotificationsStoreState, index: number): void {
- state.notifications.splice(index, 1);
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/src-vue/src/plugins/modules/pull_requests.ts b/src-vue/src/plugins/modules/pull_requests.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 4caec0b0..00000000
--- a/src-vue/src/plugins/modules/pull_requests.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-import { invoke, shell } from "@tauri-apps/api";
-import { PullsApiResponseElement } from "../../../../src-tauri/bindings/PullsApiResponseElement";
-import { PullRequestType } from '../../../../src-tauri/bindings/PullRequestType';
-import { store } from "../store";
-import { showErrorNotification, showNotification } from "../../utils/ui";
-interface PullRequestStoreState {
- searchValue: string,
- pull_requests_launcher: PullsApiResponseElement[],
- pull_requests_mods: PullsApiResponseElement[],
-export const pullRequestModule = {
- state: () => ({
- pull_requests_launcher: [],
- pull_requests_mods: [],
- }),
- mutations: {
- async getPullRequests(state: PullRequestStoreState, pull_request_type: PullRequestType) {
- await invoke<PullsApiResponseElement[]>("get_pull_requests_wrapper", { installType: pull_request_type })
- .then((message) => {
- switch (pull_request_type) {
- case "Mods":
- state.pull_requests_mods = message;
- break;
- case "Launcher":
- state.pull_requests_launcher = message;
- break;
- default:
- console.error("We should never end up here");
- }
- })
- .catch((error) => {
- showErrorNotification(error);
- });
- },
- async downloadLauncherPR(state: PullRequestStoreState, pull_request: PullsApiResponseElement) {
- await invoke<string>("get_launcher_download_link", { commitSha: pull_request.head.sha })
- .then((url) => {
- // Open URL in default HTTPS handler (i.e. default browser)
- shell.open(url);
- })
- .catch((error) => {
- showErrorNotification(error);
- });
- },
- async downloadModsPR(state: PullRequestStoreState, pull_request: PullsApiResponseElement) {
- let url = `https://github.com/${pull_request.head.repo.full_name}/archive/refs/heads/${pull_request.head.ref}.zip`
- shell.open(url);
- },
- async installLauncherPR(state: PullRequestStoreState, pull_request: PullsApiResponseElement) {
- // Send notification telling the user to wait for the process to finish
- const notification = showNotification(`Installing launcher PR ${pull_request.number}`, 'Please wait', 'info', 0);
- await invoke("apply_launcher_pr", { pullRequest: pull_request, gameInstall: store.state.game_install })
- .then((message) => {
- console.log(message);
- // Show user notification if mod install completed.
- showNotification(`Done`, `Installed ${pull_request.number}: "${pull_request.title}"`);
- })
- .catch((error) => {
- showErrorNotification(error);
- })
- .finally(() => {
- // Clear old notification
- notification.close();
- });
- },
- async installModsPR(state: PullRequestStoreState, pull_request: PullsApiResponseElement) {
- // Send notification telling the user to wait for the process to finish
- const notification = showNotification(`Installing mods PR ${pull_request.number}`, 'Please wait', 'info', 0);
- await invoke("apply_mods_pr", { pullRequest: pull_request, gameInstall: store.state.game_install })
- .then((message) => {
- // Show user notification if mod install completed.
- showNotification(
- `Done`,
- `Installed ${pull_request.number}: "${pull_request.title}"\nMake sure to launch via batch file or by specifying correct profile!`,
- 'success',
- 7000
- );
- })
- .catch((error) => {
- showErrorNotification(error);
- })
- .finally(() => {
- // Clear old notification
- notification.close();
- });
- },
- }
diff --git a/src-vue/src/plugins/modules/search.ts b/src-vue/src/plugins/modules/search.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 9614b0be..00000000
--- a/src-vue/src/plugins/modules/search.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-interface SearchStoreState {
- searchValue: string
-export const searchModule = {
- state: () => ({
- // This is the treated value of search input
- searchValue: '',
- // Selected mod categories
- selectedCategories: [],
- showDeprecatedMods: false,
- showNsfwMods: false,
- sortValue: {label: '', value: ''}
- }),
- getters: {
- searchWords(state: SearchStoreState): string {
- return state.searchValue.toLowerCase();
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/src-vue/src/plugins/store.ts b/src-vue/src/plugins/store.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index b61ac573..00000000
--- a/src-vue/src/plugins/store.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,529 +0,0 @@
-import { createStore } from 'vuex';
-import { listen, Event as TauriEvent } from "@tauri-apps/api/event";
-import { Tabs } from "../utils/Tabs";
-import { InstallType } from "../../../src-tauri/bindings/InstallType";
-import { invoke } from "@tauri-apps/api";
-import { GameInstall } from "../utils/GameInstall";
-import { ReleaseCanal } from "../utils/ReleaseCanal";
-import { FlightCoreVersion } from "../../../src-tauri/bindings/FlightCoreVersion";
-import { NotificationHandle } from 'element-plus';
-import { NorthstarState } from '../utils/NorthstarState';
-import { appDir } from '@tauri-apps/api/path';
-import { open } from '@tauri-apps/api/dialog';
-import { Store } from 'tauri-plugin-store-api';
-import { router } from "../main";
-import { ReleaseInfo } from "../../../src-tauri/bindings/ReleaseInfo";
-import { ThunderstoreMod } from "../../../src-tauri/bindings/ThunderstoreMod";
-import { NorthstarMod } from "../../../src-tauri/bindings/NorthstarMod";
-import { NorthstarLaunchOptions } from "../../../src-tauri/bindings/NorthstarLaunchOptions"
-import { searchModule } from './modules/search';
-import { i18n } from '../main';
-import { pullRequestModule } from './modules/pull_requests';
-import { showErrorNotification, showNotification } from '../utils/ui';
-import { notificationsModule } from './modules/notifications';
-const persistentStore = new Store('flight-core-settings.json');
-export interface FlightCoreStore {
- developer_mode: boolean,
- game_install: GameInstall,
- flightcore_version: string,
- installed_northstar_version: string,
- northstar_state: NorthstarState,
- northstar_release_canal: ReleaseCanal,
- enableReleasesSwitch: boolean,
- releaseNotes: ReleaseInfo[],
- thunderstoreMods: ThunderstoreMod[],
- thunderstoreModsCategories: string[],
- installed_mods: NorthstarMod[],
- available_profiles: string[],
- northstar_is_running: boolean,
- origin_is_running: boolean,
- player_count: number,
- server_count: number,
- // user custom settings
- mods_per_page: number,
-let notification_handle: NotificationHandle;
-export const store = createStore<FlightCoreStore>({
- modules: {
- search: searchModule,
- pullrequests: pullRequestModule,
- notifications: notificationsModule
- },
- state(): FlightCoreStore {
- return {
- developer_mode: false,
- game_install: {game_path: undefined, profile: undefined, install_type: "UNKNOWN"} as unknown as GameInstall,
- available_profiles: [],
- flightcore_version: "",
- installed_northstar_version: "",
- northstar_state: NorthstarState.GAME_NOT_FOUND,
- northstar_release_canal: ReleaseCanal.RELEASE,
- enableReleasesSwitch: false,
- releaseNotes: [],
- thunderstoreMods: [],
- thunderstoreModsCategories: [],
- installed_mods: [],
- northstar_is_running: false,
- origin_is_running: false,
- player_count: -1,
- server_count: -1,
- mods_per_page: 20,
- }
- },
- mutations: {
- checkNorthstarUpdates(state) {
- _get_northstar_version_number(state);
- },
- async toggleDebugMode(_state) {
- let menu_bar_handle = document.querySelector('#fc_menu-bar');
- if (menu_bar_handle !== null) {
- menu_bar_handle.classList.toggle('developer_build');
- }
- },
- async toggleDeveloperMode(state) {
- state.developer_mode = !state.developer_mode;
- // Reset tab when closing dev mode.
- if (!state.developer_mode) {
- store.commit('updateCurrentTab', Tabs.PLAY);
- }
- // Save dev mode state in persistent store
- await persistentStore.set('dev_mode', state.developer_mode);
- await persistentStore.save();
- },
- initialize(state) {
- _initializeApp(state);
- _checkForFlightCoreUpdates(state);
- _initializeListeners(state);
- },
- updateCurrentTab(state: any, newTab: Tabs) {
- router.push({ path: newTab });
- },
- async updateGamePath(state: FlightCoreStore) {
- // Open a selection dialog for directories
- const selected = await open({
- directory: true,
- multiple: false,
- defaultPath: await appDir(),
- });
- if (Array.isArray(selected)) {
- // user selected multiple directories
- alert("Please only select a single directory");
- } else if (selected === null) {
- // user cancelled the selection
- } else {
- // user selected a single directory
- // Verify if valid Titanfall2 install location
- let is_valid_titanfall2_install = await invoke("verify_install_location", { gamePath: selected }) as boolean;
- if (is_valid_titanfall2_install) {
- state.game_install.game_path = selected;
- showNotification(
- i18n.global.tc('notification.game_folder.new.title'),
- i18n.global.tc('notification.game_folder.new.text')
- );
- try {
- notification_handle.close();
- }
- catch {
- console.warn("Nothing to close");
- }
- state.game_install.install_type = "UNKNOWN";
- // Save change in persistent store
- await persistentStore.set('game-install', { value: state.game_install });
- await persistentStore.save(); // explicit save to disk
- // We can no longer be sure if our last profile is valid, lets reset to be sure
- state.game_install.profile = "R2Northstar";
- // Check for Northstar install
- store.commit('checkNorthstarUpdates');
- // Since we are in a new game directory, lets see if there are any profiles
- store.commit('fetchProfiles');
- }
- else {
- // Not valid Titanfall2 install
- showErrorNotification(
- i18n.global.tc('notification.game_folder.wrong.text'),
- i18n.global.tc('notification.game_folder.wrong.title')
- );
- }
- }
- },
- async launchGame(state: any, launch_options: NorthstarLaunchOptions = { launch_via_steam: false, bypass_checks: false}) {
- if (launch_options.bypass_checks) {
- await invoke("launch_northstar", { gameInstall: state.game_install, launchOptions: launch_options })
- .then((message) => {
- console.log("Launched with bypassed checks");
- console.log(message);
- })
- .catch((error) => {
- console.error(error);
- alert(error);
- });
- return;
- }
- // TODO update installation if release track was switched
- switch (state.northstar_state) {
- // Install northstar if it wasn't detected.
- case NorthstarState.INSTALL:
- let install_northstar_result = invoke("install_northstar_wrapper", { gameInstall: state.game_install, northstarPackageName: state.northstar_release_canal });
- state.northstar_state = NorthstarState.INSTALLING;
- await install_northstar_result.then((message) => {
- console.log(message);
- })
- .catch((error) => {
- console.error(error);
- alert(error);
- });
- _get_northstar_version_number(state);
- break;
- // Update northstar if it is outdated.
- case NorthstarState.MUST_UPDATE:
- // Updating is the same as installing, simply overwrites the existing files
- let reinstall_northstar_result = invoke("install_northstar_wrapper", { gameInstall: state.game_install, northstarPackageName: state.northstar_release_canal });
- state.northstar_state = NorthstarState.UPDATING;
- await reinstall_northstar_result.then((message) => {
- console.log(message);
- })
- .catch((error) => {
- console.error(error);
- alert(error);
- });
- _get_northstar_version_number(state);
- break;
- // Game is ready to play.
- case NorthstarState.READY_TO_PLAY:
- await invoke("launch_northstar", { gameInstall: state.game_install, launchOptions: launch_options })
- .then((message) => {
- console.log(message);
- // NorthstarState.RUNNING
- })
- .catch((error) => {
- console.error(error);
- showErrorNotification(error);
- });
- break;
- case NorthstarState.GAME_NOT_FOUND:
- store.commit('updateGamePath');
- break;
- }
- },
- async launchGameSteam(state: any, launch_options: NorthstarLaunchOptions = { launch_via_steam: true, bypass_checks: false}) {
- await invoke("launch_northstar", { gameInstall: state.game_install, launchOptions: launch_options })
- .then((message) => {
- showNotification('Success');
- })
- .catch((error) => {
- console.error(error);
- showErrorNotification(error);
- });
- return;
- },
- async fetchReleaseNotes(state: FlightCoreStore) {
- if (state.releaseNotes.length !== 0) return;
- await invoke<ReleaseInfo[]>("get_northstar_release_notes")
- .then((message) => {
- state.releaseNotes = message;
- })
- .catch((error) => {
- showErrorNotification(error);
- });
- },
- async fetchThunderstoreMods(state: FlightCoreStore) {
- // To check if some Thunderstore mods are already installed/outdated, we need to load locally-installed mods.
- await store.commit('loadInstalledMods');
- if (state.thunderstoreMods.length !== 0) return;
- let mods: ThunderstoreMod[] = [];
- await invoke<ThunderstoreMod[]>("query_thunderstore_packages_api")
- .then((message) => {
- mods = message;
- })
- .catch((error) => {
- showErrorNotification(error);
- console.error(error);
- return;
- });
- if (mods == undefined) {
- return;
- }
- // Remove some mods from listing
- state.thunderstoreMods = mods;
- // Retrieve categories from mods
- state.thunderstoreModsCategories = mods
- .map((mod: ThunderstoreMod) => mod.categories)
- .filter((modCategories: string[]) => modCategories.length !== 0)
- .reduce((accumulator: string[], modCategories: string[]) => {
- accumulator.push( ...modCategories.filter((cat: string) => !accumulator.includes(cat)) );
- return accumulator;
- }, [])
- .sort();
- },
- async loadInstalledMods(state: FlightCoreStore) {
- // If there's no game path, prevent looking for installed mods.
- if (state.game_install.game_path === undefined) {
- console.warn('Cannot load installed mods since no game path is selected.');
- return;
- }
- // Clear installed mod list first so we don't end up with leftovers
- state.installed_mods = [];
- // Call back-end for installed mods
- await invoke("get_installed_mods_and_properties", { gameInstall: state.game_install })
- .then((message) => {
- state.installed_mods = (message as NorthstarMod[]);
- })
- .catch((error) => {
- console.error(error);
- showErrorNotification(error);
- });
- },
- async toggleReleaseCandidate(state: FlightCoreStore) {
- state.northstar_release_canal = state.northstar_release_canal === ReleaseCanal.RELEASE
- : ReleaseCanal.RELEASE;
- // Save change in persistent store
- await persistentStore.set('northstar-release-canal', { value: state.northstar_release_canal });
- await persistentStore.save(); // explicit save to disk
- // Update current state so that update check etc can be performed
- store.commit("checkNorthstarUpdates");
- // Display notification to highlight change
- showNotification(
- i18n.global.tc(`channels.names.${state.northstar_release_canal}`),
- i18n.global.tc('channels.release.switch.text', {canal: state.northstar_release_canal}),
- );
- },
- async fetchProfiles(state: FlightCoreStore) {
- // To fetch profiles we need a valid game path
- if (!state.game_install.game_path) {
- return;
- }
- await invoke("fetch_profiles", { gameInstall: state.game_install })
- .then((message) => {
- state.available_profiles = message as string[];
- })
- .catch((error) => {
- console.error(error);
- showErrorNotification(error);
- });
- }
- }
- * This is called when application root component has been mounted.
- * It invokes all Rust methods that are needed to initialize UI.
- */
-async function _initializeApp(state: any) {
- // Display dev view if dev mode was previously enabled.
- const devModeEnabled: boolean = await persistentStore.get('dev_mode') ?? false;
- const debugModeEnabled: boolean = await invoke("is_debug_mode");
- if (devModeEnabled) {
- store.commit('toggleDeveloperMode');
- }
- if (debugModeEnabled) {
- store.commit('toggleDebugMode');
- }
- // Disable context menu in release build.
- if (!debugModeEnabled) {
- document.addEventListener('contextmenu', event => event.preventDefault());
- }
- // Grab Northstar release canal value from store if exists
- var persistent_northstar_release_canal = (await persistentStore.get('northstar-release-canal')) as any;
- if (persistent_northstar_release_canal) { // For some reason, the plugin-store doesn't throw an eror but simply returns `null` when key not found
- // Put value from peristent store into current store
- state.northstar_release_canal = persistent_northstar_release_canal.value as string;
- }
- else {
- console.log("Value not found in store");
- }
- // Grab "Enable releases switching" setting from store if possible
- const valueFromStore: { value: boolean } | null = await persistentStore.get('northstar-releases-switching');
- if (valueFromStore) {
- state.enableReleasesSwitch = valueFromStore.value;
- }
- // Grab "Thunderstore mods per page" setting from store if possible
- const perPageFromStore: { value: number } | null = await persistentStore.get('thunderstore-mods-per-page');
- if (perPageFromStore && perPageFromStore.value) {
- state.mods_per_page = perPageFromStore.value;
- }
- // Get FlightCore version number
- state.flightcore_version = await invoke("get_flightcore_version_number");
- var result = undefined;
- var persistent_game_install = (await persistentStore.get('game-install')) as any;
- if ( // Safety checks for value from store
- persistent_game_install
- && persistent_game_install.value !== undefined
- && persistent_game_install.value.game_path !== undefined
- && persistent_game_install.value.install_type !== undefined
- ) { // For some reason, the plugin-store doesn't throw an eror but simply returns `null` when key not found
- // Add profile to existing storage
- if (persistent_game_install.value.profile === undefined) {
- persistent_game_install.value.profile = "R2Northstar"
- }
- let game_install = persistent_game_install.value as GameInstall;
- // check if valid path
- let is_valid_titanfall2_install = await invoke("verify_install_location", { gamePath: game_install.game_path }) as boolean;
- if (is_valid_titanfall2_install) {
- // Use value from peristent store
- result = game_install;
- }
- }
- if (result === undefined) { // No (valid) value found in persistent store
- result = await invoke("find_game_install_location")
- .catch((err) => {
- // Gamepath not found or other error
- console.error(err);
- notification_handle = showNotification(
- i18n.global.tc('notification.game_folder.not_found.title'),
- i18n.global.tc('notification.game_folder.not_found.text'),
- 'error',
- 0 // Duration `0` means the notification will not auto-vanish
- );
- });
- }
- if (result !== undefined) { // Found some form of value for gameinstall
- const typedResult: GameInstall = result as GameInstall;
- // Save change in persistent store
- await persistentStore.set('game-install', { value: typedResult });
- await persistentStore.save(); // explicit save to disk
- // Update UI store
- state.game_install = typedResult;
- // Check installed Northstar version if found
- await _get_northstar_version_number(state);
- }
- await invoke<[number, number]>("get_server_player_count")
- .then((message) => {
- state.player_count = message[0];
- state.server_count = message[1];
- })
- .catch((error) => {
- console.warn("Failed getting player/server count");
- console.warn(error);
- });
-async function _checkForFlightCoreUpdates(state: FlightCoreStore) {
- // Check if FlightCore up-to-date
- let flightcore_is_outdated = await invoke("check_is_flightcore_outdated") as boolean;
- if (flightcore_is_outdated) {
- let newest_flightcore_version = await invoke("get_newest_flightcore_version") as FlightCoreVersion;
- showNotification(
- i18n.global.tc('notification.flightcore_outdated.title'),
- i18n.global.tc('notification.flightcore_outdated.text', {oldVersion: state.flightcore_version, newVersion: newest_flightcore_version.tag_name}),
- 'warning',
- 0 // Duration `0` means the notification will not auto-vanish
- );
- }
- * This registers callbacks listening to events from Rust-backend.
- * Those events include Origin and Northstar running state.
- */
-function _initializeListeners(state: any) {
- listen("ea-app-running-ping", function (evt: TauriEvent<any>) {
- state.origin_is_running = evt.payload as boolean;
- });
- listen("northstar-running-ping", function (evt: TauriEvent<any>) {
- state.northstar_is_running = evt.payload as boolean;
- });
- listen("northstar-statistics", function (evt: TauriEvent<{Ok: [number, number]}>) {
- state.player_count = evt.payload.Ok[0];
- state.server_count = evt.payload.Ok[1];
- });
- * This retrieves Northstar version tag, and stores it in application
- * state, for it to be displayed in UI.
- */
-async function _get_northstar_version_number(state: any) {
- state.installed_northstar_version = "";
- await invoke("get_northstar_version_number", { gameInstall: state.game_install })
- .then((message) => {
- let northstar_version_number: string = message as string;
- state.installed_northstar_version = northstar_version_number;
- state.northstar_state = NorthstarState.READY_TO_PLAY;
- invoke("check_is_northstar_outdated", { gameInstall: state.game_install, northstarPackageName: state.northstar_release_canal })
- .then((message) => {
- if (message) {
- state.northstar_state = NorthstarState.MUST_UPDATE;
- }
- })
- .catch((error) => {
- console.error(error);
- alert(error);
- });
- })
- .catch((error) => {
- state.northstar_state = NorthstarState.INSTALL;
- })