path: root/src-vue
diff options
authorGeckoEidechse <gecko.eidechse+git@pm.me>2024-12-23 15:02:15 +0100
committerGeckoEidechse <gecko.eidechse+git@pm.me>2024-12-23 15:02:15 +0100
commit770998b63b132cefb760a52ae90e596c5d201bd0 (patch)
tree3de16541536c6372ad40fe19dd8a5d94aa368c52 /src-vue
parentd039cd384ce3f070d969a5f5705e53938c676b0e (diff)
build: Add language files
Diffstat (limited to 'src-vue')
9 files changed, 1594 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src-vue/src/i18n/lang/da.json b/src-vue/src/i18n/lang/da.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..33486bce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src-vue/src/i18n/lang/da.json
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+ "menu": {
+ "changelog": "Ændringslog",
+ "mods": "Mods",
+ "settings": "Indstillinger",
+ "dev": "Dev",
+ "play": "Spil"
+ },
+ "generic": {
+ "yes": "Ja",
+ "no": "Nej",
+ "error": "Fejl",
+ "cancel": "afbryd",
+ "informationShort": "Info",
+ "downloading": "Henter",
+ "success": "Succes",
+ "extracting": "Udpakker",
+ "done": "Færdig"
+ },
+ "play": {
+ "button": {
+ "select_game_dir": "Vælg Titanfall2 spil mappe",
+ "install": "Installere",
+ "installing": "Installer...",
+ "update": "Opdater",
+ "updating": "Opdatere...",
+ "ready_to_play": "Start spil",
+ "northstar_is_running": "Spillet køre"
+ },
+ "unknown_version": "Ukendt version",
+ "see_patch_notes": "Se patch noter",
+ "players": "Spillere",
+ "servers": "Servere",
+ "northstar_running": "Northstar køre",
+ "ea_app_running": "EA appen køre",
+ "unable_to_load_playercount": "Kan ikke hente antallet af spillere"
+ },
+ "mods": {
+ "local": {
+ "no_mods": "Ingen mods blev fundet.",
+ "delete_confirm": "Er du sikker på at du vil slette dette mod?",
+ "delete": "Slet",
+ "success_deleting": "Sletningen af {modName} lykkedes",
+ "part_of_ts_mod": "Dette Northstar mod er en del af et Thunderstore mod"
+ },
+ "online": {
+ "no_match": "Der er ikke fundet nogen matchende mod.",
+ "try_another_search": "Prøv en anden søgning!"
+ },
+ "menu": {
+ "local": "Lokal",
+ "online": "Online",
+ "filter": "Filter",
+ "search": "Søg",
+ "sort_mods": "Sorter mods",
+ "select_categories": "Vælg kategorier",
+ "sort": {
+ "name_asc": "navn (A til Z)",
+ "name_desc": "navn (Z til A)",
+ "date_asc": "Dato (fra ældste)",
+ "most_downloaded": "Mest hentet",
+ "top_rated": "bedst bedømt",
+ "date_desc": "Dato (fra nyeste)"
+ }
+ },
+ "card": {
+ "button": {
+ "being_installed": "Installerer...",
+ "being_updated": "Opdaterer...",
+ "installed": "Installeret",
+ "install": "Installere",
+ "outdated": "Opdater"
+ },
+ "by": "af",
+ "more_info": "Mere info",
+ "remove": "Fjern mod",
+ "remove_dialog_title": "Advarsel",
+ "remove_success": "Fjernet {modName}",
+ "install_success": "Installeret {modName}",
+ "remove_dialog_text": "Fjern Thunderstore mod?"
+ }
+ },
+ "settings": {
+ "manage_install": "Administrer installation",
+ "choose_folder": "Vælg installationsmappe",
+ "open_game_folder": "Åben mappe",
+ "nb_ts_mods_per_page": "Antal Thunderstore-mods pr. side",
+ "nb_ts_mods_reset": "Nulstil til standard",
+ "language": "Sprog",
+ "language_select": "Vælg dit yndlingssprog",
+ "about": "Om:",
+ "flightcore_version": "FlightCore version:",
+ "testing": "Tester:",
+ "enable_test_channels": "Aktiver testudgivelseskanaler",
+ "dev_mode_enabled_title": "Pas på!",
+ "dev_mode_enabled_text": "Udviklertilstand aktiveret.",
+ "show_deprecated_mods": "Vis forældede Thunderstore-mods",
+ "show_deprecated_mods_desc2": "Pas på, sådanne mods er normalt forældet af en god grund.",
+ "profile": {
+ "active": "Aktiv profil",
+ "edit": "Rediger profiler",
+ "dialog": {
+ "title": "Profiler"
+ }
+ },
+ "repair": {
+ "title": "Reparere",
+ "open_window": "Åbn reparationsvinduet",
+ "window": {
+ "title": "FlightCore reparationsvinduet",
+ "disable_all_but_core": "Deaktiver alle undtagen kernemods",
+ "disable_all_but_core_success": "Deaktiverede alle mods undtagen kernemods",
+ "disable_modsettings": "Deaktiver ModSettings mod",
+ "disable_modsettings_success": "Deaktiver ModSettings mod",
+ "force_reinstall_ns": "Tving geninstallation Northstar",
+ "force_delete_temp_dl": "Tving sletning af midlertidig download-mappe",
+ "delete_persistent_store": "Slet FlightCore persistent indhold",
+ "reinstall_title": "Tving geninstallation af Northstar",
+ "reinstall_text": "Vent lidt",
+ "reinstall_success": "Northstar blev geninstalleret",
+ "warning": "Dette vindue indeholder forskellige funktioner til at reparere almindelige problemer med Northstar og FlightCore.",
+ "kill_northstar_process": "Dræb, der kører Northstar/Titanfall2-processen"
+ }
+ },
+ "nb_ts_mods_per_page_desc1": "Dette har en indvirkning på skærmydelsen, når du gennemser Thunderstore-mods.",
+ "nb_ts_mods_per_page_desc2": "Indstil denne værdi til 0 for at deaktivere paginering.",
+ "show_deprecated_mods_desc1": "Dette giver dig mulighed for at se forældede mods i online-mods-samlingen."
+ },
+ "notification": {
+ "game_folder": {
+ "new": {
+ "title": "Ny spil mappe",
+ "text": "Spilmappen blev opdateret."
+ },
+ "wrong": {
+ "title": "Forkert mappe",
+ "text": "Den valgte mappe er ikke en gyldig Titanfall2 Installation."
+ },
+ "not_found": {
+ "title": "Titanfall2 ikke fundet!",
+ "text": "Vælg venligst installationsstedet manuelt"
+ }
+ },
+ "profile": {
+ "invalid": {
+ "title": "Ugyldig profil",
+ "text": "Den profil, du forsøgte at skifte til, er ikke længere gyldig."
+ }
+ },
+ "flightcore_outdated": {
+ "title": "FlightCore forældet!",
+ "text": "Opdater venligst FlightCore.\nKører forældet version {oldVersion}.\nNyeste er {newVersion}!"
+ }
+ },
+ "channels": {
+ "release": {
+ "switch": {
+ "text": "Skiftet udgivelseskanal til \"{canal}\"."
+ }
+ },
+ "names": {
+ "Northstar": "Northstar",
+ "NorthstarReleaseCandidate": "Northstar udgivelseskandidat"
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src-vue/src/i18n/lang/de.json b/src-vue/src/i18n/lang/de.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a360c124
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src-vue/src/i18n/lang/de.json
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+ "menu": {
+ "play": "Spielen",
+ "changelog": "Versionhistorie",
+ "mods": "Mods",
+ "settings": "Einstellungen",
+ "dev": "Dev"
+ },
+ "generic": {
+ "yes": "Ja",
+ "no": "Nein",
+ "error": "Fehler",
+ "cancel": "Abbrechen",
+ "informationShort": "Info",
+ "downloading": "Herunterladen",
+ "extracting": "Extrahieren",
+ "done": "Fertig",
+ "success": "Erfolg",
+ "confirm": "Bestätigen"
+ },
+ "play": {
+ "button": {
+ "northstar_is_running": "Spiel läuft",
+ "select_game_dir": "Titanfall2 ordner wählen",
+ "install": "Installieren",
+ "installing": "Installiert...",
+ "update": "Aktualisieren",
+ "updating": "Aktualisiert...",
+ "ready_to_play": "Spiel starten"
+ },
+ "unknown_version": "Unbekannte Version",
+ "see_patch_notes": "Siehe Patch-Notizen",
+ "players": "Spieler",
+ "servers": "Server",
+ "unable_to_load_playercount": "Spielerzahl konnte nicht geladen werden",
+ "northstar_running": "Northstar läuft:",
+ "ea_app_running": "EA App läuft:"
+ },
+ "mods": {
+ "local": {
+ "no_mods": "Keine Mods gefunden.",
+ "delete_confirm": "Bist du dir sicher, dass du diesen Mod löschen möchtest?",
+ "delete": "Löschen",
+ "part_of_ts_mod": "Dieser Northstar Mod ist teil eines Thunderstore Mods",
+ "success_deleting": "{modName} erfolgreich gelöscht"
+ },
+ "online": {
+ "no_match": "Keine passenden Mods gefunden.",
+ "try_another_search": "Versuche eine andere Suchanfrage!"
+ },
+ "menu": {
+ "local": "Lokal",
+ "online": "Online",
+ "filter": "Filter",
+ "search": "Suche",
+ "sort_mods": "Mods sortieren",
+ "select_categories": "Kategorien wählen",
+ "sort": {
+ "name_asc": "Nach Name (A to Z)",
+ "name_desc": "Nach Name (Z to A)",
+ "date_asc": "Nach Datum (älteste zuerst)",
+ "date_desc": "Nach Datum (neuste zuerst)",
+ "most_downloaded": "Am meisten heruntergeladen",
+ "top_rated": "Am besten bewerted"
+ }
+ },
+ "card": {
+ "button": {
+ "being_installed": "Installiert...",
+ "being_updated": "Aktualisiert...",
+ "installed": "Installiert",
+ "install": "Installieren",
+ "outdated": "Aktualisieren"
+ },
+ "by": "von",
+ "more_info": "Mehr Info",
+ "remove": "Mod entfernen",
+ "remove_dialog_title": "Warnung",
+ "remove_dialog_text": "Thunderstore Mod entfernen?",
+ "remove_success": "{modName} entfernt",
+ "install_success": "{modName} installiert"
+ }
+ },
+ "settings": {
+ "manage_install": "Installation verwalten",
+ "choose_folder": "Installationsordner wählen",
+ "open_game_folder": "Ordner öffnen",
+ "nb_ts_mods_per_page": "Anzahl an Thunderstore Mods pro Seite",
+ "nb_ts_mods_per_page_desc1": "Ändern dieser Einstellung kann die Leistung beim Suchen von Thunderstore Mods beeinflussen.",
+ "nb_ts_mods_per_page_desc2": "Setze diesen Wert auf 0 um alle Mods auf einer einzelnen Seite anzuzeigen.",
+ "nb_ts_mods_reset": "Standard wiederherstellen",
+ "language": "Sprache",
+ "language_select": "Bevorzugte Sprache wählen",
+ "about": "Über:",
+ "flightcore_version": "FlightCore Version:",
+ "testing": "Testen:",
+ "enable_test_channels": "Testversionen aktivieren",
+ "dev_mode_enabled_title": "Vorsicht!",
+ "dev_mode_enabled_text": "Entwicklermodus aktiviert.",
+ "repair": {
+ "title": "Reparieren",
+ "open_window": "Reparierfenster öffnen",
+ "window": {
+ "title": "FlightCore Reparierfenster",
+ "warning": "Dieses Fenster enthält verschiedene Funktionen um gängige Probleme mit Northstar und FlightCore zu beheben.",
+ "disable_all_but_core": "Alle außer notwendige Mods deaktivieren",
+ "disable_all_but_core_success": "Alle außer notwendige Mods wurden deaktiviert",
+ "force_reinstall_ns": "Northstar reinstallieren",
+ "force_delete_temp_dl": "Temporären FlightCore Downloadordner löschen",
+ "delete_persistent_store": "FlightCore Einstellungen zurücksetzen",
+ "kill_northstar_process": "Laufenden Northstar/Titanfall2 Prozess beenden",
+ "reinstall_title": "Northstar wird neu installiert",
+ "reinstall_text": "Bitte warten",
+ "reinstall_success": "Northstar erfolgreich neu installiert",
+ "disable_modsettings_success": "Der Mod ModSettings wurde deaktiviert",
+ "disable_modsettings": "Deaktiviere den ModSettings Mod"
+ }
+ },
+ "show_deprecated_mods_desc1": "Damit werden veraltete Mods in der Online-Mods-Ansicht sichtbar.",
+ "show_deprecated_mods_desc2": "Aber Vorsicht, solche Mods sind normalerweise aus gutem Grund als veraltet markiert.",
+ "show_deprecated_mods": "Veraltete Thunderstore mods anzeigen",
+ "profile": {
+ "dialog": {
+ "title": "Profile",
+ "delete_confirm": "Sind Sie sich sicher, dass Sie dieses Profil löschen möchten?",
+ "delete": "Löschen",
+ "clone": "Duplizieren",
+ "create_empty": "Neues Profil",
+ "new_profile_name": "Neuen Profilnamen eingeben"
+ },
+ "active": "Aktives Profil",
+ "edit": "Profile bearbeiten"
+ }
+ },
+ "notification": {
+ "game_folder": {
+ "new": {
+ "title": "Neuer Spielordner",
+ "text": "Spielordner erfolgreich aktualisiert."
+ },
+ "wrong": {
+ "title": "Falscher Ordner",
+ "text": "Der gewählte Ordner enthält keine valide Titanfall2 Installation."
+ },
+ "not_found": {
+ "title": "Titanfall2 nicht gefunden!",
+ "text": "Bitte wähle den Installationsordner manuell aus"
+ }
+ },
+ "flightcore_outdated": {
+ "title": "FlightCore veraltet!",
+ "text": "Bitte aktualisiere FlightCore.\nDu hast die veraltetet Version {oldVersion}.\nNeuste Version ist {newVersion}!"
+ },
+ "profile": {
+ "invalid": {
+ "text": "Das Profil auf das Sie wechseln möchten ist nicht länger gültig.",
+ "title": "Ungültiges Profil"
+ }
+ },
+ "no_new": {
+ "title": "Aktuell",
+ "text": "Hier gibt es nichts zu sehen!"
+ },
+ "date_prefix": "auf"
+ },
+ "channels": {
+ "release": {
+ "switch": {
+ "text": "Releasekanal zu \"{canal}\" gewechselt."
+ }
+ },
+ "names": {
+ "Northstar": "Northstar",
+ "NorthstarReleaseCandidate": "Northstar Release Candidate"
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src-vue/src/i18n/lang/en.json b/src-vue/src/i18n/lang/en.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4c3da49f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src-vue/src/i18n/lang/en.json
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+ "menu": {
+ "play": "Play",
+ "changelog": "Changelog",
+ "mods": "Mods",
+ "settings": "Settings",
+ "dev": "Dev"
+ },
+ "generic": {
+ "yes": "Yes",
+ "no": "No",
+ "error": "Error",
+ "confirm": "Confirm",
+ "cancel": "Cancel",
+ "informationShort": "Info",
+ "downloading": "Downloading",
+ "extracting": "Extracting",
+ "done": "Done",
+ "success": "Success"
+ },
+ "play": {
+ "button": {
+ "northstar_is_running": "Game is running",
+ "select_game_dir": "Select Titanfall2 game folder",
+ "install": "Install",
+ "installing": "Installing...",
+ "update": "Update",
+ "updating": "Updating...",
+ "ready_to_play": "Launch game"
+ },
+ "unknown_version": "Unknown version",
+ "see_patch_notes": "see patch notes",
+ "players": "players",
+ "servers": "servers",
+ "unable_to_load_playercount": "Unable to load playercount",
+ "northstar_running": "Northstar is running:",
+ "ea_app_running": "EA App is running:"
+ },
+ "mods": {
+ "local": {
+ "no_mods": "No mods were found.",
+ "delete_confirm": "Are you sure to delete this mod?",
+ "delete": "Delete",
+ "part_of_ts_mod": "This Northstar mod is part of a Thunderstore mod",
+ "success_deleting": "Success deleting {modName}"
+ },
+ "online": {
+ "no_match": "No matching mod has been found.",
+ "try_another_search": "Try another search!"
+ },
+ "menu": {
+ "local": "Local",
+ "online": "Online",
+ "filter": "Filter",
+ "search": "Search",
+ "sort_mods": "Sort mods",
+ "select_categories": "Select categories",
+ "sort": {
+ "name_asc": "By name (A to Z)",
+ "name_desc": "By name (Z to A)",
+ "date_asc": "By date (from oldest)",
+ "date_desc": "By date (from newest)",
+ "most_downloaded": "Most downloaded",
+ "top_rated": "Top rated"
+ }
+ },
+ "card": {
+ "button": {
+ "being_installed": "Installing...",
+ "being_updated": "Updating...",
+ "installed": "Installed",
+ "install": "Install",
+ "outdated": "Update"
+ },
+ "by": "by",
+ "more_info": "More info",
+ "remove": "Remove mod",
+ "remove_dialog_title": "Warning",
+ "remove_dialog_text": "Delete Thunderstore mod?",
+ "remove_success": "Removed {modName}",
+ "install_success": "Installed {modName}"
+ }
+ },
+ "settings": {
+ "manage_install": "Manage installation",
+ "choose_folder": "Choose installation folder",
+ "open_game_folder": "Open Folder",
+ "nb_ts_mods_per_page": "Number of Thunderstore mods per page",
+ "nb_ts_mods_per_page_desc1": "This has an impact on display performances when browsing Thunderstore mods.",
+ "nb_ts_mods_per_page_desc2": "Set this value to 0 to disable pagination.",
+ "nb_ts_mods_reset": "Reset to default",
+ "language": "Language",
+ "language_select": "Select your favorite language",
+ "about": "About:",
+ "flightcore_version": "FlightCore version:",
+ "testing": "Testing:",
+ "enable_test_channels": "Enable testing release channels",
+ "dev_mode_enabled_title": "Watch out!",
+ "dev_mode_enabled_text": "Developer mode enabled.",
+ "show_deprecated_mods": "Show deprecated Thunderstore mods",
+ "show_deprecated_mods_desc1": "This allows you to see deprecated mods in the online mods collection.",
+ "show_deprecated_mods_desc2": "Watch out, such mods are usually deprecated for a good reason.",
+ "show_nsfw_mods": "Show NSFW Thunderstore mods",
+ "profile": {
+ "active": "Active Profile",
+ "edit": "Edit Profiles",
+ "dialog": {
+ "title": "Profiles",
+ "delete_confirm": "Are you sure to delete this profile?",
+ "delete": "Delete",
+ "clone": "Clone",
+ "new_profile_name": "Enter the new Profile name",
+ "create_empty": "New Profile"
+ }
+ },
+ "repair": {
+ "title": "Repair",
+ "open_window": "Open repair window",
+ "window": {
+ "title": "FlightCore repair window",
+ "warning": "This window contains various functionality to repair common issues with Northstar and FlightCore.",
+ "disable_all_but_core": "Disable all but core mods",
+ "disable_all_but_core_success": "Disabled all mods but core",
+ "disable_modsettings": "Disable ModSettings mod",
+ "disable_modsettings_success": "Disabled ModSettings mod",
+ "force_reinstall_ns": "Force reinstall Northstar",
+ "force_delete_temp_dl": "Force delete temp download folder",
+ "delete_persistent_store": "Delete FlightCore persistent store",
+ "kill_northstar_process": "Kill running Northstar/Titanfall2 process",
+ "reinstall_title": "Force reinstalling Northstar",
+ "reinstall_text": "Please wait",
+ "reinstall_success": "Successfully reinstalled Northstar"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "notification": {
+ "date_prefix": "at",
+ "no_new": {
+ "title": "Up-to-date",
+ "text": "Nothing to see here!"
+ },
+ "game_folder": {
+ "new": {
+ "title": "New game folder",
+ "text": "Game folder was successfully updated."
+ },
+ "wrong": {
+ "title": "Wrong folder",
+ "text": "Selected folder is not a valid Titanfall2 install."
+ },
+ "not_found": {
+ "title": "Titanfall2 not found!",
+ "text": "Please manually select install location"
+ }
+ },
+ "profile": {
+ "invalid": {
+ "title": "Invalid Profile",
+ "text": "The profile you tried to switch to is no longer valid."
+ }
+ },
+ "flightcore_outdated": {
+ "title": "FlightCore outdated!",
+ "text": "Please update FlightCore.\nRunning outdated version {oldVersion}.\nNewest is {newVersion}!"
+ }
+ },
+ "channels": {
+ "release": {
+ "switch": {
+ "text": "Switched release channel to \"{canal}\"."
+ }
+ },
+ "names": {
+ "Northstar": "Northstar",
+ "NorthstarReleaseCandidate": "Northstar release candidate"
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src-vue/src/i18n/lang/es.json b/src-vue/src/i18n/lang/es.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2b4d255c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src-vue/src/i18n/lang/es.json
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+ "menu": {
+ "mods": "Modificaciones",
+ "settings": "Opciones",
+ "dev": "Desarrollador",
+ "play": "Jugar",
+ "changelog": "Cambios"
+ },
+ "generic": {
+ "yes": "Sí",
+ "no": "No",
+ "error": "Error",
+ "cancel": "Cancelar",
+ "informationShort": "Información",
+ "extracting": "Extrayendo",
+ "done": "Listo",
+ "success": "Éxito",
+ "downloading": "Descargando",
+ "confirm": "Confirmar"
+ },
+ "play": {
+ "button": {
+ "northstar_is_running": "El juego ya se está ejecutando",
+ "install": "Instalar",
+ "update": "Actualizar",
+ "select_game_dir": "Seleccione carpeta base de Titanfall 2",
+ "ready_to_play": "Jugar ahora",
+ "installing": "Instalando...",
+ "updating": "Actualizando..."
+ },
+ "ea_app_running": "La aplicación de EA ya se está ejecutando:",
+ "unknown_version": "Versión Desconocida",
+ "see_patch_notes": "Ver las notas del parche",
+ "players": "jugadores",
+ "servers": "servidores",
+ "northstar_running": "Northstar ya se está ejecutando:",
+ "unable_to_load_playercount": "Cantidad de jugadores no disponible"
+ },
+ "mods": {
+ "local": {
+ "no_mods": "No hay mods encontrados.",
+ "delete_confirm": "¿Estás segur@ que quieres eliminar este mod?",
+ "delete": "Eliminar",
+ "success_deleting": "{modName} Ha sido eliminado correctamente",
+ "part_of_ts_mod": "Este mod de Northstar es parte de un mod de la ThunderStore"
+ },
+ "online": {
+ "no_match": "No hay mods coincidentes.",
+ "try_another_search": "Intente otra busqueda!"
+ },
+ "menu": {
+ "local": "Local",
+ "online": "En línea",
+ "filter": "FIltro",
+ "search": "Búsqueda",
+ "sort_mods": "Ordenar mods",
+ "select_categories": "Seleccionar categorías",
+ "sort": {
+ "name_asc": "Por nombre (de la A a la Z)",
+ "date_asc": "Por fecha (desde la más antigua)",
+ "date_desc": "Por fecha (desde la más reciente)",
+ "most_downloaded": "Los más descargados",
+ "top_rated": "Mejor valorados",
+ "name_desc": "Por nombre (de la Z a la A)"
+ }
+ },
+ "card": {
+ "button": {
+ "being_installed": "Instalando...",
+ "being_updated": "Actualizando...",
+ "installed": "Instalado",
+ "outdated": "Actualizar",
+ "install": "Instalar"
+ },
+ "by": "por",
+ "remove": "Quitar mod",
+ "remove_dialog_title": "Advertencia",
+ "remove_dialog_text": "Eliminar mod de la ThunderStore?",
+ "install_success": "{modName} Instalado",
+ "more_info": "Mas información",
+ "remove_success": "{modName} Ha sido eliminado"
+ }
+ },
+ "settings": {
+ "manage_install": "Administrar instalación",
+ "choose_folder": "Elegir carpeta de instalación",
+ "open_game_folder": "Abrir carpeta",
+ "nb_ts_mods_per_page": "Numero de mods por página de ThunderStore",
+ "nb_ts_mods_per_page_desc2": "Poner valor en 0 para desactivar la paginación.",
+ "nb_ts_mods_reset": "Reestablecer por defecto",
+ "language": "Idioma",
+ "language_select": "Seleccionar idioma favorito",
+ "about": "Acerca de:",
+ "flightcore_version": "Versión de FlightCore:",
+ "testing": "Probando:",
+ "enable_test_channels": "Activar liberación de canales",
+ "dev_mode_enabled_title": "¡Cuidado!",
+ "dev_mode_enabled_text": "Modo de desarrollador activado.",
+ "show_deprecated_mods_desc1": "Esto permite ver mods obsoletos de la colección online de ThunderStore.",
+ "show_deprecated_mods_desc2": "Cuidado, estos mods suelen estar obsoletos por una buena razón.",
+ "profile": {
+ "active": "Perfil activo",
+ "edit": "Editar perfiles",
+ "dialog": {
+ "title": "Perfiles",
+ "delete_confirm": "Eliminar Perfil?",
+ "delete": "Eliminar",
+ "clone": "Duplicar"
+ }
+ },
+ "repair": {
+ "title": "Reparar",
+ "window": {
+ "title": "Ventana de reparación de FlightCore",
+ "disable_all_but_core": "Desactivar todos los mods excepto los principales",
+ "disable_all_but_core_success": "Desactivados todos los mods excepto el núcleo",
+ "disable_modsettings": "Desactivar ModSettings",
+ "disable_modsettings_success": "ModSettings desactivado",
+ "force_reinstall_ns": "Forzar reinstalación de Northstar",
+ "force_delete_temp_dl": "Forzar la eliminación de la carpeta temporal de descargas",
+ "delete_persistent_store": "Borrar el almacén persistente de FlightCore",
+ "reinstall_title": "Forzar la reinstalación de Northstar",
+ "reinstall_text": "Espere, por favor",
+ "reinstall_success": "Northstar reinstalado con éxito",
+ "warning": "Esta ventana tiene varias funciones para reparar problemas comunes con Northstar y FlightCore.",
+ "kill_northstar_process": "Finalizar proceso de Northstar/Titanfall 2"
+ },
+ "open_window": "Abrir la ventana de reparación"
+ },
+ "nb_ts_mods_per_page_desc1": "Esto puede tener impactos en fluidez al buscar mods en la ThunderStore.",
+ "show_deprecated_mods": "Mostrar mods the ThunderStore obsoletos"
+ },
+ "notification": {
+ "game_folder": {
+ "new": {
+ "title": "Nueva carpeta de juego",
+ "text": "La carpeta de juego fue actualizada exitosamente."
+ },
+ "wrong": {
+ "title": "Carpeta equivocada",
+ "text": "La carpeta seleccionada no es una carpeta de Titanfall2 válida."
+ },
+ "not_found": {
+ "title": "Titanfall 2 no encontrado!",
+ "text": "Por favor seleccione manualmente el lugar de instalación"
+ }
+ },
+ "profile": {
+ "invalid": {
+ "title": "Perfil inválido",
+ "text": "El perfil de cambio anterior ya no es válido."
+ }
+ },
+ "flightcore_outdated": {
+ "title": "FlightCore desactualizado!",
+ "text": "Por favor actualize FlightCore.\nEsta versión esta desactualizada {oldVersion}\nLa versión mas nueva es {newVersion}!"
+ },
+ "no_new": {
+ "title": "Al día",
+ "text": "Nada que ver aquí!"
+ },
+ "date_prefix": "en"
+ },
+ "channels": {
+ "release": {
+ "switch": {
+ "text": "El canal seleccionado se cambió a \"{canal}\"."
+ }
+ },
+ "names": {
+ "Northstar": "Northstar",
+ "NorthstarReleaseCandidate": "Candidato de nueva versión de Northstar"
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src-vue/src/i18n/lang/fr.json b/src-vue/src/i18n/lang/fr.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..efc0815b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src-vue/src/i18n/lang/fr.json
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+ "menu": {
+ "play": "Jouer",
+ "changelog": "Notes",
+ "mods": "Mods",
+ "settings": "Paramètres",
+ "dev": "Dev"
+ },
+ "generic": {
+ "yes": "Oui",
+ "no": "Non",
+ "error": "Erreur",
+ "cancel": "Annuler",
+ "informationShort": "Info",
+ "downloading": "Téléchargement",
+ "extracting": "Extraction",
+ "done": "Fait",
+ "success": "Succès",
+ "confirm": "Confirmed"
+ },
+ "play": {
+ "button": {
+ "northstar_is_running": "En cours d'utilisation",
+ "select_game_dir": "Sélectionner le dossier du jeu",
+ "install": "Installer",
+ "installing": "Installation...",
+ "update": "Mettre à jour",
+ "updating": "Mise à jour...",
+ "ready_to_play": "Jouer"
+ },
+ "unknown_version": "Version inconnue",
+ "see_patch_notes": "voir les notes de version",
+ "players": "joueurs",
+ "servers": "serveurs",
+ "unable_to_load_playercount": "Impossible de charger les statistiques",
+ "northstar_running": "Northstar est en cours d'exécution :",
+ "ea_app_running": "EA App est en cours d'exécution :"
+ },
+ "mods": {
+ "local": {
+ "no_mods": "Aucun mod trouvé.",
+ "delete_confirm": "Êtes-vous certain de vouloir supprimer ce mod ?",
+ "delete": "Supprimer",
+ "part_of_ts_mod": "Ce mod Northstar fait partie d'un mod Thunderstore",
+ "success_deleting": "Succès de la suppression de {modName}"
+ },
+ "online": {
+ "no_match": "Aucun mod correspondant n'a été trouvé.",
+ "try_another_search": "Essayez une autre recherche !"
+ },
+ "menu": {
+ "local": "Local",
+ "online": "En ligne",
+ "filter": "Filtrer",
+ "search": "Chercher",
+ "sort_mods": "Trier les mods",
+ "select_categories": "Choisir les catégories",
+ "sort": {
+ "name_asc": "Par nom (de A à Z)",
+ "name_desc": "Par nom (de Z à A)",
+ "date_asc": "Par date (du plus vieux)",
+ "date_desc": "Par date (du plus récent)",
+ "most_downloaded": "Plus téléchargés",
+ "top_rated": "Mieux notés"
+ }
+ },
+ "card": {
+ "button": {
+ "being_installed": "Installation...",
+ "being_updated": "Mise à jour...",
+ "installed": "Installé",
+ "install": "Installer",
+ "outdated": "Mettre à jour"
+ },
+ "by": "par",
+ "more_info": "Plus d'informations",
+ "remove": "Supprimer le mod",
+ "remove_dialog_title": "Attention",
+ "remove_dialog_text": "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer ce mod Thunderstore ?",
+ "remove_success": "{modName} supprimé",
+ "install_success": "{modName} installé"
+ }
+ },
+ "settings": {
+ "manage_install": "Gérer l'installation",
+ "choose_folder": "Choisir le dossier d'installation du jeu",
+ "open_game_folder": "Ouvrir le dossier du jeu",
+ "nb_ts_mods_per_page": "Nombre de mods Thunderstore par page",
+ "nb_ts_mods_per_page_desc1": "Ce paramètre a un impact sur les performances d'affichage des mods Thunderstore.",
+ "nb_ts_mods_per_page_desc2": "Réglez-le sur 0 pour désactiver la pagination.",
+ "nb_ts_mods_reset": "Valeur par défaut",
+ "language": "Langue",
+ "language_select": "Sélectionnez votre langue",
+ "about": "À propos",
+ "flightcore_version": "Version de FlightCore :",
+ "testing": "Tests :",
+ "enable_test_channels": "Activer le test de versions de pré-production",
+ "dev_mode_enabled_title": "Attention !",
+ "dev_mode_enabled_text": "Mode développeur activé.",
+ "repair": {
+ "title": "Dépannage",
+ "open_window": "Ouvrir la fenêtre de dépannage",
+ "window": {
+ "title": "Fenêtre de dépannage FlightCore",
+ "warning": "Cette fenêtre contient plusieurs fonctionnalité de résolution de problèmes courants avec Northstar et FlightCore.",
+ "disable_all_but_core": "Désactiver tous les mods (sauf ceux de Northstar)",
+ "disable_all_but_core_success": "Tous les mods sauf ceux de Northstar ont été désactivés",
+ "force_reinstall_ns": "Forcer la réinstallation de Northstar",
+ "force_delete_temp_dl": "Supprimer le dossier de téléchargement temporaire",
+ "delete_persistent_store": "Supprimer l'espace de stockage local de FlightCore",
+ "reinstall_title": "Forcer la réinstallation de Northstar",
+ "reinstall_text": "Veuillez patienter",
+ "reinstall_success": "Northstar réinstallé avec succès",
+ "disable_modsettings": "Désactiver le mod ModSettings",
+ "disable_modsettings_success": "Mod ModSettings désactivé",
+ "kill_northstar_process": "Arrêter le processus en cous de Northstar/Titanfall2"
+ }
+ },
+ "show_deprecated_mods": "Montrer les mods Thunderstore dépréciés",
+ "show_deprecated_mods_desc1": "Ce paramètre vous permet d'afficher les mods Thunderstore dépréciés dans la collection de mods.",
+ "show_deprecated_mods_desc2": "Attention, les mods dépréciés le sont généralement pour une bonne raison.",
+ "profile": {
+ "active": "Profile actif",
+ "edit": "Éditer les profiles",
+ "dialog": {
+ "title": "Profiles",
+ "clone": "Cloner",
+ "delete": "Supprimer",
+ "delete_confirm": "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer ce profil ?",
+ "create_empty": "nouveau profil",
+ "new_profile_name": "Entrez le nouveau nom du profil"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "notification": {
+ "date_prefix": "à",
+ "no_new": {
+ "title": "Vous êtes à jour",
+ "text": "Rien à voir par ici !"
+ },
+ "game_folder": {
+ "new": {
+ "title": "Nouveau dossier",
+ "text": "Le dossier du jeu a bien été mis à jour."
+ },
+ "wrong": {
+ "title": "Mauvais dossier",
+ "text": "Le dossier sélectionné ne contient pas d'installation de Titanfall2."
+ },
+ "not_found": {
+ "title": "Titanfall2 non trouvé !",
+ "text": "Veuillez sélectionner manuellement le dossier du jeu."
+ }
+ },
+ "flightcore_outdated": {
+ "title": "Mise à jour disponible !",
+ "text": "Veuillez mettre à jour FlightCore.\nVersion actuelle : {oldVersion}.\nNouvelle version : {newVersion} !"
+ },
+ "profile": {
+ "invalid": {
+ "text": "Le profile sur lequel vous essayez de basculer n'est plus valide.",
+ "title": "Profile invalide"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "channels": {
+ "release": {
+ "switch": {
+ "text": "Le canal de téléchargement a été réglé sur \"{canal}\"."
+ }
+ },
+ "names": {
+ "Northstar": "Northstar",
+ "NorthstarReleaseCandidate": "Version de pré-release"
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src-vue/src/i18n/lang/it.json b/src-vue/src/i18n/lang/it.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9da8ce8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src-vue/src/i18n/lang/it.json
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+ "generic": {
+ "yes": "Si",
+ "no": "No",
+ "error": "Errore",
+ "cancel": "Cancella",
+ "downloading": "Scaricando",
+ "extracting": "Estraendo",
+ "done": "Fatto",
+ "success": "Successo",
+ "informationShort": "Info",
+ "confirm": "Conferma"
+ },
+ "play": {
+ "unknown_version": "Versione sconosciuta",
+ "unable_to_load_playercount": "Impossibile caricare numero giocatori",
+ "northstar_running": "Northstar sta andando:",
+ "origin_running": "Origin sta andando:",
+ "see_patch_notes": "guarda le note della patch",
+ "players": "Giocatori",
+ "servers": "Server",
+ "button": {
+ "northstar_is_running": "Il Gioco sta andando",
+ "install": "Installa",
+ "installing": "Installazione...",
+ "update": "Aggiorna",
+ "updating": "Aggiornamento...",
+ "ready_to_play": "Gioca",
+ "select_game_dir": "Seleziona la cartella di Titanfall 2"
+ },
+ "ea_app_running": "EA App sta andando:"
+ },
+ "mods": {
+ "local": {
+ "no_mods": "Nessuna mod è stata trovata.",
+ "delete_confirm": "Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questa mod?",
+ "part_of_ts_mod": "Questa Northstar mod è parte di una Thunderstore mod",
+ "success_deleting": "{modName} Eliminata con successo",
+ "delete": "Elimina"
+ },
+ "online": {
+ "no_match": "Nessuna mod corrispondente trovata.",
+ "try_another_search": "Prova un'altra ricerca!"
+ },
+ "menu": {
+ "local": "Locale",
+ "filter": "Filtra",
+ "online": "Online",
+ "search": "Cerca",
+ "sort_mods": "Sorteggia mods",
+ "select_categories": "Seleziona categorie",
+ "sort": {
+ "name_asc": "Per nome (da A alla Z)",
+ "name_desc": "Per nome (da Z alla A)",
+ "date_asc": "Per data (dal più vecchio)",
+ "date_desc": "Per data (dal più recente)",
+ "most_downloaded": "Più scaricate",
+ "top_rated": "Più votate"
+ }
+ },
+ "card": {
+ "button": {
+ "being_updated": "Aggiornando...",
+ "installed": "Installato",
+ "being_installed": "Installando...",
+ "install": "Installa",
+ "outdated": "Aggiorna"
+ },
+ "by": "per",
+ "more_info": "Più informazioni",
+ "remove": "Rimuovi mod",
+ "remove_dialog_title": "Attenzione",
+ "remove_dialog_text": "Eliminare Thunderstore mod?",
+ "remove_success": "{modName} Rimossa",
+ "install_success": "{modName} Installata"
+ }
+ },
+ "menu": {
+ "mods": "Mods",
+ "settings": "Impostazioni",
+ "dev": "Dev",
+ "play": "Gioca",
+ "changelog": "Note"
+ },
+ "notification": {
+ "game_folder": {
+ "wrong": {
+ "title": "Cartella errata",
+ "text": "La cartella selezionata non ha un'installazione di Titanfall2 valida."
+ },
+ "new": {
+ "title": "Nuova cartella di gioco",
+ "text": "Cartella di gioco aggiornata con successo."
+ },
+ "not_found": {
+ "title": "Titanfall2 non trovato!",
+ "text": "Per favore selezionare manualmente la posizione dell'installazione"
+ }
+ },
+ "flightcore_outdated": {
+ "title": "FlightCore fuori data!",
+ "text": "Per favore aggiorna FlightCore.\nVersione in uso {oldVersion} fuori data.\nLa più recente è {newVersion}!"
+ },
+ "no_new": {
+ "text": "Niente da vedere qui!",
+ "title": "Aggiornato"
+ },
+ "profile": {
+ "invalid": {
+ "text": "Il profilo a cui hai provato ad accedere non è più valido.",
+ "title": "Profilo non valido"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "settings": {
+ "manage_install": "Gestisci l'installazione",
+ "choose_folder": "Scegli la cartella dell'installazione",
+ "open_game_folder": "Apri Cartella",
+ "nb_ts_mods_per_page": "Numero di Thunderstore mods per pagina",
+ "nb_ts_mods_per_page_desc1": "Questo ha un impatto sulle performazioni schermo mentre si navigano le Thunderstore mods.",
+ "nb_ts_mods_per_page_desc2": "Cambiare questo valore a 0 per disattivare la paginazione.",
+ "nb_ts_mods_reset": "Resetta a default",
+ "language": "Lingua",
+ "language_select": "Seleziona la tua lingua preferito",
+ "about": "Al riguardo:",
+ "flightcore_version": "Versione FlighCore:",
+ "testing": "Testando:",
+ "enable_test_channels": "Abilita i canali del test di rilascio",
+ "dev_mode_enabled_title": "Attenzione!",
+ "dev_mode_enabled_text": "Modalità Sviluppatore attivata.",
+ "repair": {
+ "title": "Ripara",
+ "open_window": "Apri finestra di riparazione",
+ "window": {
+ "title": "Finestra riparazione di FlightCore",
+ "warning": "Questa finestra contiene varie funzionalità per riparare problemi comuni con Northstar e FlightCore.",
+ "disable_all_but_core": "Disattiva tutte le mods (eccetto quelle di Northstar)",
+ "disable_all_but_core_success": "Disattivate tutte le mods (eccetto quelle di Northstar)",
+ "force_reinstall_ns": "Forza reinstallazione di Northstar",
+ "force_delete_temp_dl": "Forza l'eliminazione della cartella dei download temporanei",
+ "delete_persistent_store": "Elimina lo spazio d'archiviazione persistente di FlightCore",
+ "reinstall_title": "Reinstallando Northstar forzatamente",
+ "reinstall_text": "Attendere per favore",
+ "reinstall_success": "Northstar reinstallato con successo",
+ "kill_northstar_process": "Ferma il processo Northstar/Titanfall2 in esecuzione",
+ "disable_modsettings_success": "ModSettings disabilitata",
+ "disable_modsettings": "Disabilita la mod ModSettings"
+ }
+ },
+ "profile": {
+ "active": "Profilo attivo",
+ "dialog": {
+ "clone": "Clona",
+ "delete": "Elimina",
+ "delete_confirm": "Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questo profilo?",
+ "title": "Profili"
+ },
+ "edit": "Modifica profilo"
+ },
+ "show_deprecated_mods": "Mostra mod di Thunderstore deprecate",
+ "show_deprecated_mods_desc2": "Fai attenzione, alcune mod di solito sono deprecate per un buon motivo.",
+ "show_deprecated_mods_desc1": "Permette di vedere le mod deprecate nella collezione online."
+ },
+ "channels": {
+ "release": {
+ "switch": {
+ "text": "Cambiato il canale di rilascio a \"{canal}\"."
+ }
+ },
+ "names": {
+ "Northstar": "Northstar",
+ "NorthstarReleaseCandidate": "Northstar versione pre-rilascio"
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src-vue/src/i18n/lang/pl.json b/src-vue/src/i18n/lang/pl.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..175d6eb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src-vue/src/i18n/lang/pl.json
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+ "menu": {
+ "changelog": "Dziennik zmian",
+ "mods": "Mody",
+ "settings": "Ustawienia",
+ "dev": "Dev",
+ "play": "Graj"
+ },
+ "generic": {
+ "yes": "Tak",
+ "no": "Nie",
+ "error": "Błąd",
+ "cancel": "Anuluj",
+ "downloading": "Pobieranie",
+ "extracting": "Wypakowywanie",
+ "done": "Gotowe",
+ "success": "Sukces",
+ "informationShort": "Informacja",
+ "confirm": "Potwierdź"
+ },
+ "play": {
+ "button": {
+ "northstar_is_running": "Gra jest uruchomiona",
+ "select_game_dir": "Wybierz folder gry Titanfall2",
+ "install": "Zainstaluj",
+ "update": "Aktualizuj",
+ "updating": "Aktualizowanie...",
+ "ready_to_play": "Uruchom grę",
+ "installing": "Instalowanie..."
+ },
+ "unknown_version": "Nieznana wersja",
+ "see_patch_notes": "zobacz listę zmian",
+ "players": "gracze",
+ "servers": "serwery",
+ "northstar_running": "Northstar jest uruchomiony:",
+ "ea_app_running": "EA App jest uruchomiony:",
+ "unable_to_load_playercount": "Nie można załadować liczby graczy"
+ },
+ "mods": {
+ "local": {
+ "no_mods": "Nie znaleziono żadnych modów.",
+ "delete_confirm": "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć ten mod?",
+ "delete": "Usuń",
+ "success_deleting": "Sukces usuwania {modName}",
+ "part_of_ts_mod": "Ten mod Northstar jest częścią moda Thunderstore"
+ },
+ "online": {
+ "no_match": "Nie znaleziono pasującego moda.",
+ "try_another_search": "Spróbuj innego wyszukiwania!"
+ },
+ "menu": {
+ "local": "Lokalne",
+ "online": "Online",
+ "filter": "Filtry",
+ "search": "Szukaj",
+ "sort_mods": "Sortowanie modów",
+ "select_categories": "Wybierz kategorie",
+ "sort": {
+ "name_asc": "Według nazwy (od A do Z)",
+ "name_desc": "Według nazwy (od Z do A)",
+ "date_desc": "Według daty (od najnowszej)",
+ "most_downloaded": "Najczęściej pobierane",
+ "top_rated": "Najwyżej ocenione",
+ "date_asc": "Według daty (od najstarszej)"
+ }
+ },
+ "card": {
+ "button": {
+ "being_installed": "Instalowanie...",
+ "being_updated": "Aktualizowanie...",
+ "installed": "Zainstalowano",
+ "install": "Zainstaluj",
+ "outdated": "Aktualizuj"
+ },
+ "by": "od",
+ "more_info": "Więcej informacji",
+ "remove": "Usuń moda",
+ "remove_dialog_title": "Ostrzeżenie",
+ "remove_dialog_text": "Usunąć mod Thunderstore?",
+ "remove_success": "Usunięto {modName}",
+ "install_success": "Zainstalowano {modName}"
+ }
+ },
+ "settings": {
+ "manage_install": "Zarządzaj instalacją",
+ "choose_folder": "Wybierz folder instalacyjny",
+ "nb_ts_mods_per_page": "Liczba modów Thunderstore na stronie",
+ "nb_ts_mods_per_page_desc2": "Ustaw tę wartość na 0, aby wyłączyć paginację.",
+ "nb_ts_mods_reset": "Przywrócenie ustawień domyślnych",
+ "language": "Język",
+ "language_select": "Wybierz swój ulubiony język",
+ "about": "O:",
+ "flightcore_version": "Wersja FlightCore:",
+ "testing": "Testy:",
+ "enable_test_channels": "Włączenie kanałów wydań testowych",
+ "dev_mode_enabled_title": "Uważaj!",
+ "dev_mode_enabled_text": "Tryb deweloperski włączony.",
+ "repair": {
+ "title": "Naprawa",
+ "open_window": "Otwórz okno naprawy",
+ "window": {
+ "disable_all_but_core": "Wyłączenie wszystkich modów poza podstawowymi",
+ "disable_all_but_core_success": "Wyłączone wszystkie mody oprócz podstawowych",
+ "force_reinstall_ns": "Wymuś reinstalację Northstara",
+ "force_delete_temp_dl": "Wymuś usunięcie folderu tymczasowego pobierania",
+ "delete_persistent_store": "Usuń stały magazyn FlightCore",
+ "reinstall_title": "Wymuszona reinstalacja Northstara",
+ "reinstall_text": "Proszę czekać",
+ "reinstall_success": "Pomyślnie przeinstalowano Northstar",
+ "title": "Okno naprawy FlightCore",
+ "warning": "To okno zawiera różne funkcje do naprawy typowych problemów z Northstar i FlightCore.",
+ "disable_modsettings": "Wyłącz moda ModSettings",
+ "disable_modsettings_success": "Wyłączono moda ModSettings",
+ "kill_northstar_process": "Zamknij uruchomiony proces Northstar/Titanfall2"
+ }
+ },
+ "nb_ts_mods_per_page_desc1": "Ma to wpływ na wydajność wyświetlania podczas przeglądania modów Thunderstore.",
+ "open_game_folder": "Otwórz folder",
+ "show_deprecated_mods_desc2": "Ostrożnie, mody są zazwyczaj oznaczone jako przestarzałe nie bez powodu.",
+ "show_deprecated_mods": "Pokaż przestarzałe mody Thunderstore",
+ "show_deprecated_mods_desc1": "Pozwala to zobaczyć przestarzałe mody w kolekcji modów online.",
+ "profile": {
+ "active": "Aktywny profil",
+ "dialog": {
+ "title": "Profile",
+ "delete": "Usuń",
+ "clone": "Klonuj",
+ "new_profile_name": "Wprowadź nową nazwę profilu",
+ "create_empty": "Nowy profil",
+ "delete_confirm": "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć ten profil?"
+ },
+ "edit": "Edytuj profile"
+ }
+ },
+ "notification": {
+ "game_folder": {
+ "new": {
+ "title": "Nowy folder z grą",
+ "text": "Folder gry został pomyślnie zaktualizowany."
+ },
+ "wrong": {
+ "title": "Niewłaściwy folder",
+ "text": "Wybrany folder nie jest poprawną instalacją Titanfall2."
+ },
+ "not_found": {
+ "title": "Nie znaleziono Titanfall2!",
+ "text": "Proszę ręcznie wybrać lokalizację instalacji"
+ }
+ },
+ "flightcore_outdated": {
+ "title": "FlightCore nieaktualny!",
+ "text": "Proszę zaktualizować FlightCore.\nUruchomiono przestarzałą wersję {oldVersion}.\nNajnowsza to {newVersion}!"
+ },
+ "profile": {
+ "invalid": {
+ "title": "Nieprawidłowy profil",
+ "text": "Profil, na który próbowano się przełączyć, nie jest już prawidłowy."
+ }
+ },
+ "no_new": {
+ "title": "Aktualny",
+ "text": "Nie ma tu nic do obejrzenia!"
+ },
+ "date_prefix": "na"
+ },
+ "channels": {
+ "release": {
+ "switch": {
+ "text": "Przełączono kanał wydań na \"{canal}\"."
+ }
+ },
+ "names": {
+ "Northstar": "Northstar",
+ "NorthstarReleaseCandidate": "Kandydat do wydania Northstar"
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src-vue/src/i18n/lang/ru.json b/src-vue/src/i18n/lang/ru.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b0261299
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src-vue/src/i18n/lang/ru.json
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+ "generic": {
+ "yes": "Да",
+ "no": "Нет",
+ "extracting": "Распаковывание",
+ "done": "Готово",
+ "success": "Успешно",
+ "error": "Ошибка",
+ "cancel": "Отмена",
+ "informationShort": "Информация",
+ "downloading": "Скачивание",
+ "confirm": "Подтвердить"
+ },
+ "menu": {
+ "mods": "Моды",
+ "play": "Играть",
+ "settings": "Настройки",
+ "dev": "Разработчик",
+ "changelog": "Обновления"
+ },
+ "play": {
+ "button": {
+ "northstar_is_running": "Игра запущена",
+ "install": "Установить",
+ "installing": "Установка...",
+ "updating": "Обновление...",
+ "ready_to_play": "Запустить игру",
+ "update": "Обновить",
+ "select_game_dir": "Выберите папку с Titanfall 2"
+ },
+ "unknown_version": "Неизвестная версия",
+ "players": "игроков",
+ "servers": "серверов",
+ "unable_to_load_playercount": "Не можем загрузить количество игроков",
+ "northstar_running": "Northstar запущен:",
+ "ea_app_running": "EA App запущен:",
+ "see_patch_notes": "просмотреть список изменений"
+ },
+ "mods": {
+ "local": {
+ "delete_confirm": "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить этот мод?",
+ "delete": "Удалить",
+ "success_deleting": "{modName} Успешно удален",
+ "no_mods": "Моды не найдены.",
+ "part_of_ts_mod": "Этот мод Northstar является частью мода на Thunderstore"
+ },
+ "online": {
+ "no_match": "Не найдено совпадающих модов.",
+ "try_another_search": "Попробуйте другой запрос!"
+ },
+ "menu": {
+ "online": "Онлайн",
+ "filter": "Фильтр",
+ "search": "Поиск",
+ "sort_mods": "Сортировать моды",
+ "sort": {
+ "name_asc": "По имени (от A до Z)",
+ "name_desc": "По имени (от Z до A)",
+ "date_asc": "По дате (со старейшего)",
+ "date_desc": "По дате (с новейшего)",
+ "top_rated": "Самый популярный",
+ "most_downloaded": "Самый загружаемый"
+ },
+ "local": "Установленные",
+ "select_categories": "Выбрать категории"
+ },
+ "card": {
+ "button": {
+ "being_installed": "Установка...",
+ "being_updated": "Обновление...",
+ "installed": "Установлен",
+ "install": "Установить",
+ "outdated": "Обновить"
+ },
+ "by": "от",
+ "remove": "Удалить мод",
+ "remove_dialog_title": "Внимание",
+ "remove_dialog_text": "Удалить мод Thunderstore?",
+ "remove_success": "{modName} Удален",
+ "more_info": "Подробнее",
+ "install_success": "{modName} Установлен"
+ }
+ },
+ "settings": {
+ "manage_install": "Управлять установкой",
+ "choose_folder": "Выберите папку установки",
+ "open_game_folder": "Открыть папку",
+ "nb_ts_mods_reset": "Вернуть по умолчанию",
+ "language": "Язык",
+ "language_select": "Выберите свой любимый язык",
+ "testing": "Тестирование:",
+ "enable_test_channels": "Включить каналы с тестовыми релизами",
+ "dev_mode_enabled_title": "Осторожно!",
+ "repair": {
+ "open_window": "Открыть окно фиксов",
+ "window": {
+ "title": "Окно фиксов FlightCore",
+ "force_reinstall_ns": "Принудительно переустановить Northstar",
+ "delete_persistent_store": "Удалить постоянное хранилище FlightCore",
+ "reinstall_title": "Принудительно переустанавливаем Northstar",
+ "reinstall_text": "Пожалуйста, подождите",
+ "disable_all_but_core_success": "Выключены все моды кроме главных",
+ "disable_all_but_core": "Выключить все моды, кроме главных",
+ "warning": "Это окно содержит различные функции для устранения часто возникающих проблем с Northstar и FlightCore.",
+ "force_delete_temp_dl": "Принудительно удалить папку с временными загрузками",
+ "reinstall_success": "Northstar успешно переустановлен",
+ "disable_modsettings": "Выключить мод ModSettings",
+ "disable_modsettings_success": "Выключен мод ModSettings",
+ "kill_northstar_process": "Закрыть запущенный Northstar/Titanfall 2"
+ },
+ "title": "Фиксы"
+ },
+ "nb_ts_mods_per_page_desc1": "Это влияет на производительность при просмотре модов с Thunderstore.",
+ "about": "Информация:",
+ "nb_ts_mods_per_page": "Количество модов Thunderstore на каждую страницу",
+ "nb_ts_mods_per_page_desc2": "Установите это значение на 0, чтобы отключить страницы.",
+ "flightcore_version": "Версия FlightCore:",
+ "dev_mode_enabled_text": "Включен режим разработчика.",
+ "show_deprecated_mods": "Показать устаревшие моды Thunderstore",
+ "show_deprecated_mods_desc1": "Это позволяет вам видеть устаревшие моды в меню онлайн модов.",
+ "show_deprecated_mods_desc2": "Внимание, такие моды обычно устаревшие по хорошей причине.",
+ "profile": {
+ "active": "Активный Профиль",
+ "edit": "Редактировать Профили",
+ "dialog": {
+ "title": "Профили",
+ "clone": "Копировать",
+ "delete": "Удалить",
+ "delete_confirm": "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить этот профиль?",
+ "new_profile_name": "Введите новое имя профиля",
+ "create_empty": "Новый профиль"
+ }
+ },
+ "show_nsfw_mods": "Показывать NSFW-моды с Thunderstore"
+ },
+ "notification": {
+ "game_folder": {
+ "new": {
+ "title": "Новая папка игры",
+ "text": "Папка игры успешно обновлена."
+ },
+ "wrong": {
+ "title": "Неправильная папка",
+ "text": "Выбранная папка не является папкой с Titanfall 2."
+ },
+ "not_found": {
+ "title": "Titanfall 2 не найден!",
+ "text": "Пожалуйста, вручную выберите место установки"
+ }
+ },
+ "flightcore_outdated": {
+ "title": "FlightCore устарел!",
+ "text": "Пожалуйста, обновите FlightCore\nСейчас запущена старая версия - {oldVersion}.\nНовейшая версия - {newVersion}!"
+ },
+ "profile": {
+ "invalid": {
+ "title": "Некорректный Профиль",
+ "text": "Профиль, на который вы пытаетесь переключиться, больше не является корректным."
+ }
+ },
+ "no_new": {
+ "text": "Смотреть здесь нечего!",
+ "title": "Нет уведомлений"
+ },
+ "date_prefix": "в"
+ },
+ "channels": {
+ "release": {
+ "switch": {
+ "text": "Релизный канал переключен на \"{canal}\"."
+ }
+ },
+ "names": {
+ "Northstar": "Northstar",
+ "NorthstarReleaseCandidate": "Пре-релизная версия Northstar"
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src-vue/src/i18n/lang/zh_Hans.json b/src-vue/src/i18n/lang/zh_Hans.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dca36f98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src-vue/src/i18n/lang/zh_Hans.json
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+ "menu": {
+ "mods": "模组",
+ "settings": "设置",
+ "dev": "开发者模式",
+ "play": "开始游玩",
+ "changelog": "更新日志"
+ },
+ "generic": {
+ "error": "错误",
+ "cancel": "取消",
+ "yes": "是",
+ "no": "否",
+ "informationShort": "信息",
+ "downloading": "下载中",
+ "extracting": "解压中",
+ "done": "完成",
+ "success": "成功",
+ "confirm": "确认"
+ },
+ "play": {
+ "button": {
+ "northstar_is_running": "游戏正在运行",
+ "select_game_dir": "选择Titanfall 2游戏目录",
+ "install": "安装",
+ "installing": "安装中...",
+ "update": "升级",
+ "ready_to_play": "启动游戏",
+ "updating": "升级中..."
+ },
+ "unknown_version": "未知版本",
+ "see_patch_notes": "参阅相关补丁说明",
+ "servers": "服务器",
+ "players": "玩家",
+ "unable_to_load_playercount": "加载玩家数量失败",
+ "ea_app_running": "EA App运行状态:",
+ "northstar_running": "Northstar运行状态:"
+ },
+ "mods": {
+ "local": {
+ "no_mods": "未找到模组。",
+ "delete_confirm": "你确定要删除该模组吗?",
+ "delete": "删除",
+ "part_of_ts_mod": "该Northstar模组来源于Thunderstore",
+ "success_deleting": "成功删除 {modName}"
+ },
+ "online": {
+ "try_another_search": "尝试其他搜索方式!",
+ "no_match": "未找到相匹配的模组。"
+ },
+ "menu": {
+ "local": "本地",
+ "search": "搜索",
+ "sort_mods": "模组排序",
+ "select_categories": "标签选择",
+ "sort": {
+ "date_desc": "日期降序",
+ "date_asc": "日期升序",
+ "name_desc": "按名称(Z到A)",
+ "most_downloaded": "最多下载",
+ "top_rated": "最高评分",
+ "name_asc": "按名称(A到Z)"
+ },
+ "online": "线上",
+ "filter": "筛选"
+ },
+ "card": {
+ "button": {
+ "being_installed": "安装中...",
+ "being_updated": "升级中...",
+ "installed": "已安装",
+ "install": "安装",
+ "outdated": "升级"
+ },
+ "by": "作者:",
+ "remove": "移除模组",
+ "remove_dialog_title": "警告",
+ "remove_success": "已移除{modName}",
+ "install_success": "已安装 {modName}",
+ "more_info": "更多信息",
+ "remove_dialog_text": "删除该来自Thunderstore的模组?"
+ }
+ },
+ "settings": {
+ "manage_install": "安装管理",
+ "choose_folder": "选择安装目录",
+ "open_game_folder": "打开文件夹",
+ "nb_ts_mods_per_page": "Thunderstore每页显示多少个模组",
+ "nb_ts_mods_per_page_desc2": "该值设为0时将不再显示页码。",
+ "nb_ts_mods_reset": "重置为默认值",
+ "language": "语言",
+ "language_select": "请选择你需要的语言",
+ "about": "关于:",
+ "flightcore_version": "FlightCore 版本:",
+ "testing": "测试选项:",
+ "enable_test_channels": "开启测试版本选项",
+ "nb_ts_mods_per_page_desc1": "该数值对加载Thunderstore页面时的速度有影响。",
+ "dev_mode_enabled_title": "看上面!",
+ "dev_mode_enabled_text": "开发者模式已启用。",
+ "show_deprecated_mods": "显示已弃用的Thunderstore模组",
+ "show_deprecated_mods_desc1": "该选项会使您可以在线上模组合集中看到已弃用的模组。",
+ "show_deprecated_mods_desc2": "请注意,这类模组被弃用一般是有原因的。",
+ "repair": {
+ "title": "修复",
+ "window": {
+ "title": "FlightCore 修复工具",
+ "warning": "此工具包含修复Northstar和FlightCore各种常见问题的功能。",
+ "disable_all_but_core": "除了核心模组以外禁用其他模组",
+ "disable_all_but_core_success": "已禁用除核心模组以外的所有模组",
+ "disable_modsettings": "禁用ModSettings模组",
+ "disable_modsettings_success": "已禁用ModSettings模组",
+ "force_delete_temp_dl": "强制删除临时下载目录",
+ "delete_persistent_store": "删除FlightCore永久存储文件",
+ "reinstall_text": "请耐心等待",
+ "reinstall_success": "成功重装Northstar",
+ "force_reinstall_ns": "强制重装Northstar",
+ "reinstall_title": "正在强制重装Northstar",
+ "kill_northstar_process": "终止正在运行的 Northstar/Titanfall2 进程"
+ },
+ "open_window": "打开修复工具"
+ },
+ "profile": {
+ "active": "当前用户配置",
+ "edit": "编辑用户配置",
+ "dialog": {
+ "title": "用户配置",
+ "delete_confirm": "你确定要删除此配置文件吗?",
+ "delete": "删除"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "notification": {
+ "game_folder": {
+ "new": {
+ "title": "新的游戏目录",
+ "text": "已成功更新游戏目录。"
+ },
+ "wrong": {
+ "title": "错误的文件夹",
+ "text": "所选文件夹不是有效的Titanfall2安装目录。"
+ },
+ "not_found": {
+ "title": "未找到Titanfall2!",
+ "text": "请手动选择安装目录"
+ }
+ },
+ "flightcore_outdated": {
+ "title": "FlightCore需要更新!",
+ "text": "请更新FlightCore.\n正在运行旧版本 {oldVersion}.\n最新版本为 {newVersion}!"
+ },
+ "profile": {
+ "invalid": {
+ "title": "无效用户配置",
+ "text": "您尝试切换到的用户配置已失效。"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "channels": {
+ "release": {
+ "switch": {
+ "text": "将资源版本切换至 \"{canal}\"."
+ }
+ },
+ "names": {
+ "NorthstarReleaseCandidate": "Northstar测试版本",
+ "Northstar": "Northstar"
+ }
+ }