

A Northstar installer, updater, and mod-manager


  • [ ] General
  • [ ] Icon
  • [ ] CI builds
  • [ ] Self updating
  • [ ] Self detect if outdated
  • [ ] Self update delivery
    • [ ] CI/CD
    • [ ] Flatpak (with CI to push flatpak update)
    • [ ] Chocolatey (maybe?)
    • [ ] Option to disable self-update (for Flatpak and Chocolatey)
  • [ ] Display current version in UI window
  • [x] Crash report uploading (sentry.io)
  • [ ] Northstar install/launch support
  • [ ] 1-click to get to running Northstar
  • [ ] Detect game install path
    • [ ] Steam
    • [ ] Origin
    • [ ] EA
  • [ ] Support for multiple release channels (GitHub + Thunderstore)
  • [ ] Launch Northstar support via gamelauncher (Steam/Origin/EA)
  • [ ] Read-out current version from exe and mods
  • [ ] Mod install support
  • [ ] check mod validity
  • [ ] mod update detection
  • Extra
  • [ ] "dev mode" -> PR install support
  • [ ] get list of installed mods and export as TXT


Make sure you have the necessary dependencies installed: https://tauri.app/v1/guides/getting-started/prerequisites

Install npm dependencies with

npm install

Then for developing

# terminal 1 (UI localhost for hot-reload)
npm run ui-dev

# terminal 2 (for the Rust/App hot-reload)
npm run tauri dev

Note On Windows instead of npm run ui-dev, you may need to run ./node_modules/.bin/rollup --config --watch and npm run localhost in two separate console windows


Note that you can adjust the behaviour of Tauri windows in tauri.conf.json, e.g.

"windows": [
    "fullscreen": false,
    "resizable": true,
    "alwaysOnTop": true,
    "x": 1200,
    "y": 0,
    "height": 500,
    "width": 300,
    "title": "FlightCore"


Release builds are generally done via CI. To build locally, make sure typescript is compiled (./node_modules/.bin/rollup --config), then run npm run tauri build.

Old README (to be removed)

Source code for the Rust Tauri Introduction Video


npm install


# terminal 1 (UI localhost for hot-reload)
npm run ui-dev

# terminal 2 (for the Rust/App hot-reload)
npm run tauri dev

Database Pool as state

Rather to have a simple Mutex for the state, database can be used.

sqlx = { version = "0.6", features = [ "runtime-tokio-rustls", "postgres" ] }
let con_string = format!("postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost/postgres");
let db = PgPoolOptions::new()
    .expect("Cannot create PgPool");

let arc_db = Arc::new(db);

