path: root/plugins/gitstatus.lua
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-07-15Use new `StatusView:add_item` syntax (#117)Guldoman
2022-05-31removed lite-xl version and left only mod versionjgmdev
2022-05-24added config_spec and other plugin compatibility fixes.jgmdev
2022-05-22gitstatus: use new StatusView apijgmdev
2022-05-22Bumping versions.Adam Harrison
2021-11-21Guard against nil response.Joshua Minor
2021-11-21Removed redundant --stat option.Joshua Minor
2021-11-21Switched to TreeView:color_for_item(abs_path)Joshua Minor
2021-11-21Huge performance improvement using yield instread of proc:wait()Joshua Minor
2021-11-21Color every parent folder of each changed file.Joshua Minor
2021-11-21Double check that TreeView has the color override feature.Joshua Minor
2021-11-21Add support for submodules & per-file color in the treeview based on git status.Joshua Minor
2021-10-24project scan rate workaroundcukmekerb
2021-08-18use process api for gitstatus.luacukmekerb
2021-08-17Updated mod-version and made things 2.0 instead of 2.00.Adam Harrison
2021-08-17Updated all lua plugins to be compatible with 2.0.Adam Harrison
2021-05-22Add new tag modversionFrancesco Abbate
2021-04-09Verify and version-tag more pluginsFrancesco Abbate
2020-05-31Updated plugins for 1.06 releaserxi
2020-05-24Updates for v1.05rxi
2020-05-05Added plugins `gitstatus` and `lfautoinsert`rxi