path: root/plugins
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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins')
1 files changed, 154 insertions, 206 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/minimap.lua b/plugins/minimap.lua
index 3604458..5fc7a68 100644
--- a/plugins/minimap.lua
+++ b/plugins/minimap.lua
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ local style = require "core.style"
local DocView = require "core.docview"
local Highlighter = require "core.doc.highlighter"
local Object = require "core.object"
+local Scrollbar = require "core.scrollbar"
-- Sample configurations:
-- full width:
@@ -235,12 +236,6 @@ local function reset_cache_if_needed()
--- minimap status per DocView
-local per_docview
-local function reset_per_docview()
- per_docview = setmetatable({}, { __mode = "k" })
-- Move cache to make space for new lines
@@ -307,32 +302,26 @@ function Highlighter:soft_reset(...)
-local MiniMap = Object:extend()
+local MiniMap = Scrollbar:extend()
-function MiniMap:new()
+function MiniMap:new(dv)
+ MiniMap.super.new(self, "v", "e")
+ self.dv = dv
+ self.enabled = nil
function MiniMap:line_highlight_color(line_index)
-- other plugins can override this, and return a color
-local minimap = MiniMap()
-local function show_minimap(docview)
- if not docview:is(DocView) then return false end
- if
- not config.plugins.minimap.enabled
- and per_docview[docview] ~= true
- then
- return false
- elseif
- config.plugins.minimap.enabled
- and per_docview[docview] == false
- then
- return false
- end
+function MiniMap:is_minimap_enabled()
+ if self.enabled ~= nil then return self.enabled end
+ if not config.plugins.minimap.enabled then return false end
if config.plugins.minimap.avoid_small_docs then
- local last_line = #docview.doc.lines
+ local last_line = #self.dv.doc.lines
if type(config.plugins.minimap.avoid_small_docs) == "number" then
return last_line > config.plugins.minimap.avoid_small_docs
@@ -344,203 +333,132 @@ local function show_minimap(docview)
return true
--- Overloaded since the default implementation adds a extra x3 size of hotspot for the mouse to hit the scrollbar.
-local prev_scrollbar_overlaps_point = DocView.scrollbar_overlaps_point
-DocView.scrollbar_overlaps_point = function(self, x, y)
- if not show_minimap(self) then
- return prev_scrollbar_overlaps_point(self, x, y)
- end
- local sx, sy, sw, sh = self:get_scrollbar_rect()
- return x >= sx and x < sx + sw and y >= sy and y < sy + sh
--- Helper function to determine if current file is too large to be shown fully inside the minimap area.
-local function is_file_too_large(self)
- local line_count = #self.doc.lines
- local _, _, _, sh = self:get_scrollbar_rect()
+function MiniMap:get_minimap_dimensions()
+ local x, y, w, h = self:get_track_rect()
+ local _, cy, _, cy2 = self.dv:get_content_bounds()
+ local lh = self.dv:get_line_height()
+ local visible_lines_start = math.max(1, math.floor(cy / lh))
+ local visible_lines_count = math.max(1, (cy2 - cy) / lh)
+ local minimap_lines_start = 1
+ local minimap_lines_count = math.floor(h / line_spacing)
+ local line_count = #self.dv.doc.lines
+ local is_file_too_large = line_count > 1 and line_count > minimap_lines_count
+ if is_file_too_large then
+ local scroll_pos = (visible_lines_start - 1) /
+ (line_count - visible_lines_count - 1)
+ scroll_pos = math.min(1.0, scroll_pos) -- 0..1, procent of visual area scrolled
- -- check if line count is too large to fit inside the minimap area
- local max_minmap_lines = math.floor(sh / line_spacing)
- return line_count > 1 and line_count > max_minmap_lines
+ local thumb_height = visible_lines_count * line_spacing
+ local scroll_pos_pixels = scroll_pos * (h - thumb_height)
--- Overloaded with an extra check if the user clicked inside the minimap to automatically scroll to that line.
-local prev_on_mouse_pressed = DocView.on_mouse_pressed
-DocView.on_mouse_pressed = function(self, button, x, y, clicks)
- if not show_minimap(self) then
- return prev_on_mouse_pressed(self, button, x, y, clicks)
+ minimap_lines_start = visible_lines_start -
+ math.floor(scroll_pos_pixels / line_spacing)
+ minimap_lines_start = math.max(1, minimap_lines_start)
+ return visible_lines_start, visible_lines_count, minimap_lines_start, minimap_lines_count, is_file_too_large
- -- check if user clicked in the minimap area and jump directly to that line
- -- unless they are actually trying to perform a drag
- local minimap_hit = self:scrollbar_overlaps_point(x, y)
- if minimap_hit then
- local line_count = #self.doc.lines
- local minimap_height = line_count * line_spacing
- -- check if line count is too large to fit inside the minimap area
- local is_too_large = is_file_too_large(self)
- if is_too_large then
- local _, _, _, sh = self:get_scrollbar_rect()
- minimap_height = sh
- end
- -- calc which line to jump to
- local dy = y - self.position.y
- local jump_to_line = math.floor((dy / minimap_height) * line_count) + 1
- local _, cy, _, cy2 = self:get_content_bounds()
- local lh = self:get_line_height()
- local visible_lines_count = math.max(1, (cy2 - cy) / lh)
- local visible_lines_start = math.max(1, math.floor(cy / lh))
- -- calc if user hit the currently visible area
- local hit_visible_area = true
- if is_too_large then
- local visible_height = visible_lines_count * line_spacing
- local scroll_pos = (visible_lines_start - 1) /
- (line_count - visible_lines_count - 1)
- scroll_pos = math.min(1.0, scroll_pos) -- 0..1
- local visible_y = self.position.y + scroll_pos *
- (minimap_height - visible_height)
+function MiniMap:_get_track_rect_normal()
+ if not self:is_minimap_enabled() then return MiniMap.super._get_track_rect_normal(self) end
+ return self.dv.size.x + self.dv.position.x - config.plugins.minimap.width, self.dv.position.y, config.plugins.minimap.width, self.dv.size.y
- local t = (line_count - visible_lines_start) / visible_lines_count
- if t <= 1 then visible_y = visible_y + visible_height * (1.0 - t) end
- if y < visible_y or y > visible_y + visible_height then
- hit_visible_area = false
- end
- else
+function MiniMap:get_active_margin() if self:is_minimap_enabled() then return 0 else return MiniMap.super.get_active_margin(self) end end
- -- If the click is on the currently visible line numbers,
- -- ignore it since then they probably want to initiate a drag instead.
- if jump_to_line < visible_lines_start or jump_to_line > visible_lines_start +
- visible_lines_count then hit_visible_area = false end
- end
- -- if user didn't click on the visible area (ie not dragging), scroll accordingly
- if not hit_visible_area then
- self:scroll_to_line(jump_to_line, false, config.plugins.minimap.instant_scroll)
- end
+function MiniMap:_get_thumb_rect_normal()
+ if not self:is_minimap_enabled() then return MiniMap.super._get_thumb_rect_normal(self) end
+ local visible_lines_start, visible_lines_count, minimap_lines_start, minimap_lines_count, is_file_too_large = self:get_minimap_dimensions()
+ local visible_y = self.dv.position.y + (visible_lines_start - 1) * line_spacing
+ if is_file_too_large then
+ local line_count = #self.dv.doc.lines
+ local scroll_pos = (visible_lines_start - 1) /
+ (line_count - visible_lines_count - 1)
+ scroll_pos = math.min(1.0, scroll_pos) -- 0..1, procent of visual area scrolled
+ local thumb_height = visible_lines_count * line_spacing
+ local scroll_pos_pixels = scroll_pos * (self.dv.size.y - thumb_height)
+ visible_y = self.dv.position.y + scroll_pos_pixels
- return prev_on_mouse_pressed(self, button, x, y, clicks)
+ return self.dv.size.x + self.dv.position.x - config.plugins.minimap.width, visible_y, config.plugins.minimap.width, visible_lines_count * line_spacing
--- Overloaded with pretty much the same logic as original DocView implementation,
--- with the exception of the dragging scrollbar delta. We want it to behave a bit snappier
--- since the "scrollbar" essentially represents the lines visible in the content view.
-local prev_on_mouse_moved = DocView.on_mouse_moved
-DocView.on_mouse_moved = function(self, x, y, dx, dy)
- if not show_minimap(self) then
- return prev_on_mouse_moved(self, x, y, dx, dy)
- end
- if self.dragging_scrollbar then
- local line_count = #self.doc.lines
- local lh = self:get_line_height()
- local delta = lh / line_spacing * dy
- if is_file_too_large(self) then
- local _, sy, _, sh = self:get_scrollbar_rect()
- delta = (line_count * lh) / sh * dy
- end
- self.scroll.to.y = self.scroll.to.y + delta
- end
- -- we need to "hide" that the scrollbar is dragging so that View doesnt does its own scrolling logic
- local t = self.dragging_scrollbar
- self.dragging_scrollbar = false
- local r = prev_on_mouse_moved(self, x, y, dx, dy)
- self.dragging_scrollbar = t
- return r
+function MiniMap:on_mouse_pressed(button, x, y, clicks)
+ local percent = MiniMap.super.on_mouse_pressed(self, button, x, y, clicks)
+ if not self:is_minimap_enabled() or not percent then return percent end
+ local _, visible_lines_count, minimap_lines_start, minimap_lines_count, is_file_too_large = self:get_minimap_dimensions()
+ local _, _, w, h = self:get_track_rect()
+ local tx, ty, tw, th = self:get_thumb_rect()
+ if y >= ty and y < ty + th then self.drag_start_offset = (y - ty) - th / 2 return self.percent end
+ self.drag_start_offset = 0
+ self.hovering.thumb = x >= tx and x < tx + tw and y >= ty and y < ty + th
+ self.dragging = self.hovering.thumb
+ local lh = self.dv:get_line_height()
+ percent = math.max(0.0, math.min((y - self.dv.position.y) / h, 1.0))
+ return (((percent * minimap_lines_count) + minimap_lines_start) * lh / self.dv:get_scrollable_size()) - (visible_lines_count / #self.dv.doc.lines / 2)
--- Overloaded since we want the mouse to interact with the full size of the minimap area,
--- not juse the scrollbar.
-local prev_get_scrollbar_rect = DocView.get_scrollbar_rect
-DocView.get_scrollbar_rect = function(self)
- if not show_minimap(self) then return prev_get_scrollbar_rect(self) end
- return self.position.x + self.size.x - config.plugins.minimap.width * SCALE,
- self.position.y, config.plugins.minimap.width * SCALE, self.size.y
+function MiniMap:on_mouse_moved(x, y, dx, dy)
+ local percent = MiniMap.super.on_mouse_moved(self, x, y, dx, dy)
+ if not self:is_minimap_enabled() or type(percent) ~= "number" then return percent end
+ local _, visible_lines_count, minimap_lines_start, minimap_lines_count, is_file_too_large = self:get_minimap_dimensions()
+ local lh = self.dv:get_line_height()
+ local _, _, w, h = self:get_track_rect()
+ local tx, ty, tw, th = self:get_thumb_rect()
+ if x >= tx and x < tx + tw and y >= ty and y < ty + th then self.hovering.thumb = true end
+ if not self.hovering.thumb then return self.percent end
+ y = y - self.drag_start_offset
+ percent = math.max(0.0, math.min((y - self.dv.position.y) / h, 1.0))
+ return (((percent * minimap_lines_count) + minimap_lines_start) * lh / self.dv:get_scrollable_size()) - (visible_lines_count / #self.dv.doc.lines / 2)
-local prev_get_scrollbar_track_rect = DocView.get_scrollbar_track_rect
-DocView.get_scrollbar_track_rect = function(self)
- if not show_minimap(self) then return prev_get_scrollbar_track_rect(self) end
- return self.position.x + self.size.x - config.plugins.minimap.width * SCALE,
- self.position.y, config.plugins.minimap.width * SCALE, self.size.y
+function MiniMap:draw_thumb()
+ local color = self.hovering.thumb and style.scrollbar2 or style.scrollbar
+ local x, y, w, h = self:get_thumb_rect()
+ renderer.draw_rect(x, y, w, h, color)
--- Overloaded so we can render the minimap in the "scrollbar area".
-local prev_draw_scrollbar = DocView.draw_scrollbar
-DocView.draw_scrollbar = function(self)
- if not show_minimap(self) then return prev_draw_scrollbar(self) end
- local x, y, w, h = self:get_scrollbar_rect()
- local highlight = self.hovered_scrollbar or self.dragging_scrollbar
+function MiniMap:draw()
+ if not self:is_minimap_enabled() then return MiniMap.super.draw(self) end
+ local dv = self.dv
+ local x, y, w, h = self:get_track_rect()
+ local highlight = dv.hovered_scrollbar or dv.dragging_scrollbar
local visual_color = highlight and style.scrollbar2 or style.scrollbar
- local _, cy, _, cy2 = self:get_content_bounds()
- local lh = self:get_line_height()
- local visible_lines_count = math.max(1, (cy2 - cy) / lh)
- local visible_lines_start = math.max(1, math.floor(cy / lh))
- local scroller_height = visible_lines_count * line_spacing
- local line_count = #self.doc.lines
- local visible_y = self.position.y + (visible_lines_start - 1) * line_spacing
- -- check if file is too large to fit inside the minimap area
- local max_minmap_lines = math.floor(h / line_spacing)
- local minimap_start_line = 1
- if is_file_too_large(self) then
- local scroll_pos = (visible_lines_start - 1) /
- (line_count - visible_lines_count - 1)
- scroll_pos = math.min(1.0, scroll_pos) -- 0..1, procent of visual area scrolled
- local scroll_pos_pixels = scroll_pos * (h - scroller_height)
- visible_y = self.position.y + scroll_pos_pixels
- -- offset visible area if user is scrolling past end
- local t = (line_count - visible_lines_start) / visible_lines_count
- if t <= 1 then visible_y = visible_y + scroller_height * (1.0 - t) end
- minimap_start_line = visible_lines_start -
- math.floor(scroll_pos_pixels / line_spacing)
- minimap_start_line = math.max(1, math.min(minimap_start_line,
- line_count - max_minmap_lines))
- end
+ local visible_lines_start, visible_lines_count,
+ minimap_lines_start, minimap_lines_count = self:get_minimap_dimensions()
if config.plugins.minimap.draw_background then
renderer.draw_rect(x, y, w, h, style.minimap_background or style.background)
- -- draw visual rect
- renderer.draw_rect(x, visible_y, w, scroller_height, visual_color)
+ self:draw_thumb()
-- highlight the selected lines, and the line with the caret on it
local selection_color = config.plugins.minimap.selection_color or style.dim
local caret_color = config.plugins.minimap.caret_color or style.caret
- local selection_line, selection_col, selection_line2, selection_col2 = self.doc:get_selection()
- local selection_y = y + (selection_line - minimap_start_line) * line_spacing
- local selection2_y = y + (selection_line2 - minimap_start_line) * line_spacing
- local selection_min_y = math.min(selection_y, selection2_y)
- local selection_h = math.abs(selection2_y - selection_y)+1
- renderer.draw_rect(x, selection_min_y, w, selection_h, selection_color)
- renderer.draw_rect(x, selection_y, w, line_spacing, caret_color)
+ for i, line1, col1, line2, col2 in dv.doc:get_selections() do
+ local selection1_y = y + (line1 - minimap_lines_start) * line_spacing
+ local selection2_y = y + (line2 - minimap_lines_start) * line_spacing
+ local selection_min_y = math.min(selection1_y, selection2_y)
+ local selection_h = math.abs(selection2_y - selection1_y)+1
+ renderer.draw_rect(x, selection_min_y, w, selection_h, selection_color)
+ renderer.draw_rect(x, selection1_y, w, line_spacing, caret_color)
+ end
local highlight_align = config.plugins.minimap.highlight_align
local highlight_width = config.plugins.minimap.highlight_width
local gutter_width = config.plugins.minimap.gutter_width
- -- time to draw the actual code, setup some local vars that are used in both highlighted and plain renderind.
+ -- time to draw the actual code, setup some local vars that are used in both highlighted and plain rendering.
local line_y = y
-- when not using syntax highlighted rendering, just use the normal color but dim it 50%.
@@ -600,35 +518,34 @@ DocView.draw_scrollbar = function(self)
highlight_x = x + w - highlight_width
local function render_highlight(idx, line_y)
- local highlight_color = minimap:line_highlight_color(idx)
+ local highlight_color = self:line_highlight_color(idx)
if highlight_color then
renderer.draw_rect(highlight_x, line_y, highlight_width, line_spacing, highlight_color)
- local endidx = minimap_start_line + max_minmap_lines
- endidx = math.min(endidx, line_count)
+ local endidx = math.min(minimap_lines_start + minimap_lines_count, #self.dv.doc.lines)
- if not highlighter_cache[self.doc.highlighter] then
- highlighter_cache[self.doc.highlighter] = {}
+ if not highlighter_cache[dv.doc.highlighter] then
+ highlighter_cache[dv.doc.highlighter] = {}
-- per line
- for idx = minimap_start_line, endidx do
+ for idx = minimap_lines_start, endidx do
batch_syntax_type = nil
batch_start = 0
batch_width = 0
last_batch_end = -1
render_highlight(idx, line_y)
- local cache = highlighter_cache[self.doc.highlighter][idx]
- if not highlighter_cache[self.doc.highlighter][idx] then -- need to cache
- highlighter_cache[self.doc.highlighter][idx] = {}
- cache = highlighter_cache[self.doc.highlighter][idx]
+ local cache = highlighter_cache[dv.doc.highlighter][idx]
+ if not highlighter_cache[dv.doc.highlighter][idx] then -- need to cache
+ highlighter_cache[dv.doc.highlighter][idx] = {}
+ cache = highlighter_cache[dv.doc.highlighter][idx]
-- per token
- for _, type, text in self.doc.highlighter:each_token(idx) do
+ for _, type, text in dv.doc.highlighter:each_token(idx) do
if not config.plugins.minimap.syntax_highlight then
type = nil
@@ -681,17 +598,46 @@ DocView.draw_scrollbar = function(self)
-local prev_update = DocView.update
-DocView.update = function (self)
- if not show_minimap(self) then return prev_update(self) end
- self.size.x = self.size.x - config.plugins.minimap.width * SCALE
- return prev_update(self)
+local old_docview_new = DocView.new
+function DocView:new(doc)
+ old_docview_new(self, doc)
+ if self:is(DocView) then self.v_scrollbar = MiniMap(self) end
+local old_docview_scroll_to_make_visible = DocView.scroll_to_make_visible
+function DocView:scroll_to_make_visible(line, col, ...)
+ if not self:is(DocView) and self.v_scrollbar:is_minimap_enabled() then return old_docview_scroll_to_make_visible(self, line, col, ...) end
+ local old_size = self.size.x
+ self.size.x = math.max(0, self.size.x - config.plugins.minimap.width)
+ local result = old_docview_scroll_to_make_visible(self, line, col, ...)
+ self.size.x = old_size
+ return result
+local function get_all_docviews(node, t)
+ t = t or {}
+ if not node then return end
+ if node.type == "leaf" then
+ for i,v in ipairs(node.views) do
+ if v:is(DocView) then
+ table.insert(t, v)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ get_all_docviews(node.a, t)
+ get_all_docviews(node.b, t)
+ return t
command.add(nil, {
["minimap:toggle-visibility"] = function()
config.plugins.minimap.enabled = not config.plugins.minimap.enabled
- reset_per_docview()
+ for i,v in ipairs(get_all_docviews(core.root_view.root_node)) do
+ v.v_scrollbar.enabled = nil
+ end
["minimap:toggle-syntax-highlighting"] = function()
config.plugins.minimap.syntax_highlight = not config.plugins.minimap.syntax_highlight
@@ -700,12 +646,14 @@ command.add(nil, {
command.add("core.docview!", {
["minimap:toggle-visibility-for-current-view"] = function()
- if config.plugins.minimap.enabled then
- per_docview[core.active_view] = per_docview[core.active_view] == false
+ local sb = core.active_view.v_scrollbar
+ if sb.enabled ~= nil then
+ sb.enabled = not sb.enabled
- per_docview[core.active_view] = not per_docview[core.active_view]
+ sb.enabled = not config.plugins.minimap.enabled
-return minimap
+return MiniMap