diff options
6 files changed, 322 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index ffa2907..f5bf1fb 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ to something other than a raw file it should be marked with an asterisk.*
| [`centerdoc`](plugins/centerdoc.lua?raw=1) | Centers document's content on the screen and adds zen mode support *([screenshot](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3920290/82127896-bf6e4500-97ae-11ea-97fc-ba9a552bc9a4.png))* |
| [`colorpreview`](plugins/colorpreview.lua?raw=1) | Underlays color values (eg. `#ff00ff` or `rgb(255, 0, 255)`) with their resultant color. *([screenshot](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3920290/80743752-731bd780-8b15-11ea-97d3-847db927c5dc.png))* |
| [`console`](https://github.com/franko/console) | A console for running external commands and capturing their output *([gif](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3920290/81343656-49325a00-90ad-11ea-8647-ff39d8f1d730.gif))* |
-| [`exterm`](https://github.com/ShadiestGoat/lite-xl-exterm)\* | Allows to open an external console in current project directory |
+| [`exterm`](https://github.com/ShadiestGoat/lite-xl-exterm)\* | Allows to open an external console in current project directory |
| [`contextmenu`](https://github.com/takase1121/lite-contextmenu)\* | Simple context menu *([screenshot](https://github.com/takase1121/lite-contextmenu/blob/master/assets/screenshot.jpg?raw=true))* |
| [`copyfilelocation`](plugins/copyfilelocation.lua?raw=1) | Copy file location to clipboard |
| [`datetimestamps`](plugins/datetimestamps.lua?raw=1) | Insert date-, time- and date-time-stamps |
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ to something other than a raw file it should be marked with an asterisk.*
| [`language_cmake`](plugins/language_cmake.lua?raw=1) | Syntax for the CMake build system language |
| [`language_containerfile`](https://github.com/FilBot3/lite-xl-language-containerfile)\* | Syntax for [Containerfile](https://github.com/containers/common/blob/main/docs/Containerfile.5.md)/[Dockerfile](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/builder/) |
| [`language_cpp`](plugins/language_cpp.lua?raw=1) | Syntax for the [C++](https://isocpp.org/) programming language |
-| [`language_crystal`](https://github.com/Tamnac/lite-xl-plugins) | Syntax for the [Crystal](https://crystal-lang.org) programming language |
+| [`language_crystal`](plugins/language_crystal.lua?raw=1) | Syntax for the [Crystal](https://crystal-lang.org) programming language |
| [`language_csharp`](plugins/language_csharp.lua?raw=1) | Syntax for the [C#](http://csharp.net) programming language |
| [`language_d`](plugins/language_d.lua?raw=1) | Syntax for the [D](https://dlang.org/) programming language |
| [`language_dart`](plugins/language_dart.lua?raw=1) | Syntax for the [Dart](https://dart.dev/) programming languiage |
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ to something other than a raw file it should be marked with an asterisk.*
| [`lint+`](https://github.com/liquid600pgm/lintplus)\* | Advanced linter with ErrorLens-like error reporting. Compatible with linters made for `linter` *([screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/liquid600pgm/lintplus/master/screenshots/1.png))* |
| [`linter`](https://github.com/drmargarido/linters)\* | Linters for multiple languages |
| [`litepresence`](https://github.com/TorchedSammy/Litepresence)\* | Discord rich presence for Lite XL (display file editing in Discord) |
-| [`lorem`](https://github.com/sheetcoder/lorem)\* | Generates Lorem Ipsum placeholder dummy text |
+| [`lorem`](https://github.com/sheetcoder/lorem)\* | Generates Lorem Ipsum placeholder dummy text |
| [`lsp`](https://github.com/lite-xl/lite-xl-lsp)\* | Provides code completion (also known as IntelliSense) using the Language Server Protocol |
| [`lspkind`](https://github.com/TorchedSammy/lite-xl-lspkind)\* | Completion menu kind/type icons for Lite XL LSP |
| [`macmodkeys`](plugins/macmodkeys.lua?raw=1) | Remaps mac modkeys `command/option` to `ctrl/alt` |
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ to something other than a raw file it should be marked with an asterisk.*
| [`minimap`](plugins/minimap.lua?raw=1) | Shows a minimap on the right-hand side of the docview. Taken from [@andsve](https://github.com/andsve/lite-plugins/tree/minimap-plugin), and improved upon. |
| [`motiontrail`](plugins/motiontrail.lua?raw=1) | Adds a motion-trail to the caret *([screenshot](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3920290/83256814-085ccb00-a1ab-11ea-9e35-e6633cbed1a9.gif))* |
| [`navigate`](plugins/navigate.lua?raw=1) | Allows moving back and forward between document positions, reducing the amount of scrolling |
-| [`nonicons`](plugins/nonicons.lua?raw=1) | File icons set for TreeView. Download [font](https://github.com/yamatsum/nonicons/raw/master/dist/nonicons.ttf) to your config/fonts folder |
+| [`nonicons`](plugins/nonicons.lua?raw=1) | File icons set for TreeView. Download [font](https://github.com/yamatsum/nonicons/raw/6a2faf4fbdfbe353c5ae6a496740ac4bfb6d0e74/dist/nonicons.ttf) to your config/fonts folder |
| [`opacity`](plugins/opacity.lua?raw=1) | Change the opaqueness/transparency of `lite-xl` using shift+mousewheel or a command. |
| [`open_ext`](plugins/open_ext.lua?raw=1) | Automatically prompts you if you tried to open a binary file in the editor |
| [`openfilelocation`](plugins/openfilelocation.lua?raw=1) | Opens the parent directory of the current file in the file manager |
diff --git a/plugins/language_go.lua b/plugins/language_go.lua
index b670eac..93db0e4 100644
--- a/plugins/language_go.lua
+++ b/plugins/language_go.lua
@@ -45,6 +45,9 @@ syntax.add {
{ pattern = "[%+%-=/%*%^%%<>!~|&]", type = "operator" },
{ pattern = ":=", type = "operator" },
-- function calls
+ { pattern = "func()%s*[%a_][%w_]*()%f[%[(]", -- function statement
+ type = {"keyword", "function", "normal"}
+ },
{ pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*%f[(]", type = "function" },
{ pattern = "%.()[%a_][%w_]*%f[(]",
type = { "normal", "function" }
diff --git a/plugins/language_htaccess.lua b/plugins/language_htaccess.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acfa419
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/language_htaccess.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+-- mod-version:3
+local syntax = require "core.syntax"
+local keywords = {
+ "AcceptFilter", "AcceptMutex", "AcceptPathInfo", "AccessFileName", "Action", "AddAlt",
+ "AddAltByEncoding", "AddAltByType", "AddCharset", "AddDefaultCharset", "AddDescription",
+ "AddEncoding", "AddHandler", "AddIcon", "AddIconByType", "AddIconByEncoding", "AddIconByEncoding",
+ "AddIconByType", "AddInputFilter", "AddLanguage", "AddModuleInfo", "AddOutputFilterByType",
+ "AddOutputFilter", "AddOutputFilterByType", "AddType", "Alias", "ScriptAlias", "ServerAlias",
+ "AliasMatch", "Allow", "AllowOverride", "AllowEncodedSlashes", "_ROUTING__allow_GET",
+ "_ROUTING__allow_HEAD", "_ROUTING__allow_POST", "Allow", "AllowOverride", "AllowEncodedSlashes",
+ "AllowCONNECT", "AllowEncodedSlashes", "AllowMethods", "AllowOverride", "AllowOverrideList",
+ "Anonymous", "Anonymous_LogEmail", "Anonymous_NoUserID", "Anonymous_Authoritative",
+ "Anonymous_LogEmail", "Anonymous_MustGiveEmail", "Anonymous_NoUserId", "Anonymous_VerifyEmail",
+ "AssignUserID", "AsyncRequestWorkerFactor", "AuthAuthoritative", "AuthBasicAuthoritative",
+ "AuthBasicFake", "AuthBasicProvider", "AuthBasicUseDigestAlgorithm", "AuthDBDUserPWQuery",
+ "AuthDBDUserRealmQuery", "AuthDBMAuthoritative", "AuthDBMGroupFile", "AuthDBMType",
+ "AuthDBMUserFile", "AuthDefaultAuthoritative", "AuthDigestAlgorithm", "AuthDigestDomain",
+ "AuthDigestFile", "AuthDigestGroupFile", "AuthDigestNcCheck", "AuthDigestNonceFormat",
+ "AuthDigestNonceLifetime", "AuthDigestProvider", "AuthDigestQop", "AuthDigestShmemSize",
+ "AuthFormAuthoritative", "AuthFormBody", "AuthFormDisableNoStore", "AuthFormFakeBasicAuth",
+ "AuthFormLocation", "AuthFormLoginRequiredLocation", "AuthFormLoginSuccessLocation",
+ "AuthFormLogoutLocation", "AuthFormMethod", "AuthFormMimetype", "AuthFormPassword",
+ "AuthFormProvider", "AuthFormSitePassphrase", "AuthFormSize", "AuthFormUsername", "AuthGroupFile",
+ "AuthLDAPAuthoritative", "AuthLDAPAuthorizePrefix", "AuthLDAPAuthzEnabled",
+ "AuthLDAPBindAuthoritative", "AuthLDAPBindDN", "AuthLDAPBindPassword", "AuthLDAPCharsetConfig",
+ "AuthLDAPCompareAsUser", "AuthLDAPCompareDNOnServer", "AuthLDAPDereferenceAliases",
+ "AuthLDAPEnabled", "AuthLDAPFrontPageHack", "AuthLDAPGroupAttribute", "AuthLDAPGroupAttributeIsDN",
+ "AuthLDAPGroupAttributeIsDN", "AuthLDAPInitialBindAsUser", "AuthLDAPInitialBindPattern",
+ "AuthLDAPMaxSubGroupDepth", "AuthLDAPRemoteUserAttribute", "AuthLDAPRemoteUserIsDN",
+ "AuthLDAPSearchAsUser", "AuthLDAPSubGroupAttribute", "AuthLDAPSubGroupClass", "AuthLDAPURL",
+ "AuthMerging", "AuthName", "AuthnCacheContext", "AuthnCacheEnable", "AuthnCacheProvideFor",
+ "AuthnCacheProvider", "AuthnCacheSOCache", "AuthnCacheTimeout", "AuthnzFcgiCheckAuthnProvider",
+ "AuthnzFcgiDefineProvider", "AuthType", "AuthUserFile", "AuthzDBDLoginToReferer", "AuthzDBDQuery",
+ "AuthzDBDRedirectQuery", "AuthzDBMAuthoritative", "AuthzDBMType", "AuthzDefaultAuthoritative",
+ "AuthzGroupFileAuthoritative", "AuthzLDAPAuthoritative", "AuthzOwnerAuthoritative",
+ "AuthzSendForbiddenOnFailure", "AuthzUserAuthoritative", "BalancerGrowth", "BalancerInherit",
+ "BalancerMember", "BalancerNonce", "BalancerPersist", "BrowserMatch", "BrowserMatchNoCase",
+ "BrowserMatchNoCase", "BS2000Account", "BufferedLogs", "DeflateBufferSize", "BufferSize",
+ "CacheDefaultExpire", "CacheDetailHeader", "CacheDirLength", "CacheDirLevels", "CacheDisable",
+ "CacheEnable", "CacheExpiryCheck", "cachefile", "CacheForceCompletion", "CacheGcClean",
+ "CacheGcDaily", "CacheGcInterval", "CacheGcMemUsage", "CacheGcUnused", "CacheHeader",
+ "CacheIgnoreCacheControl", "CacheIgnoreHeaders", "CacheIgnoreNoLastMod", "CacheIgnoreQueryString",
+ "CacheIgnoreURLSessionIdentifiers", "CacheKeyBaseURL", "CacheLastModifiedFactor", "CacheLock",
+ "CacheLockMaxAge", "CacheLockPath", "CacheMaxExpire", "CacheMaxFileSize", "CacheMinExpire",
+ "CacheMinFileSize", "CacheNegotiatedDocs", "CacheQuickHandler", "CacheReadSize", "CacheReadTime",
+ "CacheRoot", "MCacheSize", "CacheSocache", "CacheSocacheMaxSize", "CacheSocacheMaxTime",
+ "CacheSocacheMinTime", "CacheSocacheReadSize", "CacheSocacheReadTime", "CacheStaleOnError",
+ "CacheStoreExpired", "CacheStoreNoStore", "CacheStorePrivate", "CacheTimeMargin", "CaseFilter",
+ "CaseFilterIn", "CGIDScriptTimeout", "CGIMapExtension", "CGIPassAuth", "CGIVar", "CharsetDefault",
+ "CharsetOptions", "CharsetSourceEnc", "CheckCaseOnly", "CheckSpelling", "ChildperUserID", "ChrootDir",
+ "ClientRecheckTime", "ContentDigest", "CookieDomain", "CookieExpires", "CookieLog", "CookieName",
+ "CookieStyle", "CookieTracking", "CoreDumpDirectory", "CustomLog", "DAV", "DAVDepthInfinity",
+ "DAVGenericLockDB", "DAVLockDB", "DAVMinTimeout", "DBDExptime", "DBDInitSQL", "DBDKeep", "DBDMax",
+ "DBDMin", "DBDParams", "DBDPersist", "DBDPrepareSQL", "DBDriver", "DefaultIcon", "DefaultLanguage",
+ "DefaultRuntimeDir", "DefaultType", "Define", "DeflateBufferSize", "DeflateCompressionLevel",
+ "DeflateFilterNote", "DeflateInflateLimitRequestBody", "DeflateInflateRatioBurst",
+ "DeflateInflateRatioLimit", "DeflateMemLevel", "DeflateWindowSize", "Deny", "Deny", "DirectoryIndex",
+ "DirectorySlash", "DirectoryCheckHandler", "DirectoryIndex", "DirectoryIndexRedirect", "DirectoryMatch",
+ "DirectorySlash", "VirtualDocumentRoot", "DocumentRoot", "DTracePrivileges", "DumpIOInput",
+ "DumpIOLogLevel", "DumpIOOutput", "EnableExceptionHook", "EnableMMAP", "EnableSendfile", "ErrorDocument",
+ "ErrorLog", "ErrorLogFormat", "ExpiresActive", "ExpiresByType", "ExpiresDefault", "ExtendedStatus",
+ "ExtFilterDefine", "ExtFilterOptions", "FallbackResource", "FancyIndexing", "FileETag", "Files",
+ "FilesMatch", "FilterChain", "FilterDeclare", "FilterProtocol", "FilterProvider", "FilterTrace",
+ "ForceLanguagePriority", "ForceType", "ForensicLog", "GlobalLog", "GprofDir", "AuthGroupFile", "Group",
+ "AuthDBMGroupFile", "AuthLDAPGroupAttribute", "AuthLDAPGroupAttributeIsDN", "AuthzGroupFileAuthoritative",
+ "H2AltSvc", "H2AltSvcMaxAge", "H2Direct", "H2MaxSessionStreams", "H2MaxWorkerIdleSeconds", "H2MaxWorkers",
+ "H2MinWorkers", "H2ModernTLSOnly", "H2Push", "H2PushDiarySize", "H2PushPriority", "H2SerializeHeaders",
+ "H2SessionExtraFiles", "H2StreamMaxMemSize", "H2TLSCoolDownSecs", "H2TLSWarmUpSize", "H2Upgrade",
+ "H2WindowSize", "Header", "RequestHeader", "HeaderName", "HeaderName", "HeartbeatAddress",
+ "HeartbeatListen", "HeartbeatMaxServers", "HeartbeatStorage", "HostnameLookups", "IdentityCheck",
+ "IdentityCheckTimeout", "IfDefine", "IfModule", "IfVersion", "ImapBase", "ImapDefault", "ImapMenu",
+ "Include", "IncludeOptional", "IndexHeadInsert", "IndexIgnore", "IndexIgnoreReset", "IndexOptions",
+ "IndexOrderDefault", "IndexStyleSheet", "InputSed", "ISAPIAppendLogToErrors", "ISAPIAppendLogToQuery",
+ "ISAPICacheFile", "ISAPIFakeAsync", "ISAPILogNotSupported", "ISAPIReadAheadBuffer", "KeepAlive",
+ "KeepAliveTimeout", "MaxKeepAliveRequests", "KeepAliveTimeout", "KeptBodySize", "LanguagePriority",
+ "ForceLanguagePriority", "LDAPCacheEntries", "LDAPCacheTTL", "LDAPConnectionPoolTTL",
+ "LDAPConnectionTimeout", "LDAPLibraryDebug", "LDAPOpCacheEntries", "LDAPOpCacheTTL", "LDAPReferralHopLimit",
+ "LDAPReferrals", "LDAPRetries", "LDAPRetryDelay", "LDAPSharedCacheFile", "LDAPSharedCacheSize",
+ "LDAPTimeout", "LDAPTrustedCA", "LDAPTrustedCAType", "LDAPTrustedClientCert", "LDAPTrustedGlobalCert",
+ "LDAPTrustedMode", "LDAPVerifyServerCert", "LimitRequestBody", "RLimitMEM", "LimitRequestFields",
+ "LimitRequestFieldSize", "LimitRequestLine", "LimitExcept", "LimitInternalRecursion", "LimitRequestBody",
+ "LimitRequestFields", "LimitRequestFieldsize", "LimitRequestLine", "LimitXMLRequestBody", "LoadFile",
+ "LoadModule", "Location", "LocationMatch", "LockFile", "LogFormat", "LogIOTrackTTFB", "RewriteLogLevel",
+ "LogLevel", "LogMessage", "LuaAuthzProvider", "Lua_____ByteCodeHack", "LuaCodeCache", "LuaHookAccessChecker",
+ "LuaHookAuthChecker", "LuaHookCheckUserID", "LuaHookFixups", "LuaHookInsertFilter", "LuaHookLog",
+ "LuaHookMapToStorage", "LuaHookTranslateName", "LuaHookTypeChecker", "LuaInherit", "LuaInputFilter",
+ "LuaMapHandler", "LuaOutputFilter", "LuaPackageCPath", "LuaPackagePath", "LuaQuickHandler", "LuaRoot",
+ "LuaScope", "MaxClientConnections", "MaxClients", "MaxConnectionsPerChild", "MaxKeepAliveRequests",
+ "MaxMemFree", "MaxRangeOverlaps", "MaxRangeReversals", "MaxRanges", "MaxRequestsPerChild",
+ "MaxRequestsPerThread", "MaxRequestWorkers", "MaxSpareServers", "MaxSpareThreads", "MaxThreads",
+ "MaxThreadsPerChild", "MCacheMaxObjectCount", "MCacheMaxObjectSize", "MCacheMaxStreamingBuffer",
+ "MCacheMinObjectSize", "MCacheRemovalAlgorithm", "MCacheSize", "MemcacheConnTTL", "MergeTrailers",
+ "MetaDir", "MetaFiles", "MetaSuffix", "MimeMagicFile", "MinSpareServers", "MinSpareThreads", "mmapfile",
+ "ModemStandard", "ModMimeUsePathInfo", "MultiviewsMatch", "Mutex", "NameVirtualHost", "NoProxy",
+ "NumServers", "NWSSLTrustedCerts", "NWSSLUpgradeable", "Options", "RewriteOptions", "IndexOptions",
+ "Order", "IndexOrderDefault", "Order", "IndexOrderDefault", "OutputSed", "PassEnv", "php_admin_flag",
+ "php_admin_value", "php_flag", "php_value", "PidFile", "Port", "PrivilegesMode", "FilterProtocol",
+ "Protocol", "ProtocolEcho", "Protocols", "ProtocolsHonorOrder", "ProxyPass", "ProxyPassMatch",
+ "ProxyPassReverse", "ProxyRequests", "ProxyAddHeaders", "ProxyBadHeader", "ProxyBlock", "ProxyDomain",
+ "ProxyErrorOverride", "ProxyExpressDBMFile", "ProxyExpressDBMType", "ProxyExpressEnable",
+ "ProxyFtpDirCharset", "ProxyFtpEscapeWildcards", "ProxyFtpListOnWildcard", "ProxyHCExpr", "ProxyHCTemplate",
+ "ProxyHCTPsize", "ProxyHTMLBufSize", "ProxyHTMLCharsetOut", "ProxyHTMLDoctype", "ProxyHTMLEnable",
+ "ProxyHTMLEvents", "ProxyHTMLExtended", "ProxyHTMLFixups", "ProxyHTMLInterp", "ProxyHTMLLinks",
+ "ProxyHTMLMeta", "ProxyHTMLStripComments", "ProxyHTMLURLMap", "ProxyIOBufferSize", "ProxyMatch",
+ "ProxyMaxForwards", "ProxyPass", "ProxyPassMatch", "ProxyPassReverse", "ProxyPassInherit",
+ "ProxyPassInterpolateEnv", "ProxyPassMatch", "ProxyPassReverse", "ProxyPassReverseCookieDomain",
+ "ProxyPassReverseCookiePath", "ProxyPreserveHost", "ProxyReceiveBufferSize", "ProxyRemote",
+ "ProxyRemoteMatch", "ProxyRequests", "ProxySCGIInternalRedirect", "ProxySCGISendfile", "ProxySet",
+ "ProxySourceAddress", "ProxyStatus", "ProxyTimeout", "ProxyVia", "QualifyRedirectURL", "ReadmeName",
+ "Redirect", "RedirectMatch", "RedirectTemp", "RedirectPermanent", "RedirectMatch", "RedirectPermanent",
+ "RedirectTemp", "ReflectorHeader", "RemoteIPHeader", "RemoteIPInternalProxy", "RemoteIPInternalProxyList",
+ "RemoteIPProxiesHeader", "RemoteIPTrustedProxy", "RemoteIPTrustedProxyList", "RemoveCharset",
+ "RemoveEncoding", "RemoveHandler", "RemoveInputFilter", "RemoveLanguage", "RemoveOutputFilter", "RemoveType",
+ "RequestHeader", "RequestReadTimeout", "RequestTimeout", "Require", "RewriteBase", "RewriteCond",
+ "RewriteEngine", "RewriteLock", "RewriteLog", "RewriteLogLevel", "RewriteLogLevel", "RewriteMap",
+ "RewriteOptions", "RewriteRule", "RLimitCPU", "RLimitMEM", "RLimitNPROC", "Satisfy", "ScoreboardFile",
+ "ScoreBoardFile", "Script", "ScriptAlias", "ScriptAlias", "ScriptAliasMatch", "ScriptInterpreterSource",
+ "ScriptLog", "ScriptLogBuffer", "ScriptLogLength", "Scriptsock", "ScriptSock", "SecureListen",
+ "SeeRequestTail", "SerfCluster", "SerfPass", "ServerAdmin", "ServerAlias", "ServerLimit", "ServerName",
+ "ServerPath", "ServerRoot", "ServerSignature", "ServerTokens", "Session", "SessionCookieName",
+ "SessionCookieName2", "SessionCookieRemove", "SessionCryptoCipher", "SessionCryptoDriver",
+ "SessionCryptoPassphrase", "SessionCryptoPassphraseFile", "SessionDBDCookieName", "SessionDBDCookieName2",
+ "SessionDBDCookieRemove", "SessionDBDDeleteLabel", "SessionDBDInsertLabel", "SessionDBDPerUser",
+ "SessionDBDSelectLabel", "SessionDBDUpdateLabel", "SessionEnv", "SessionExclude", "SessionHeader",
+ "SessionInclude", "SessionMaxAge", "SetEnvIfNoCase", "SetEnv", "SetEnvIf", "SetEnvIfNoCase", "SetEnvIf",
+ "SetEnvIfExpr", "SetEnvIfNoCase", "SetHandler", "SetInputFilter", "SetOutputFilter", "SimpleProcCount",
+ "SimpleThreadCount", "SSIAccessEnable", "SSIEndTag", "SSIErrorMsg", "SSIEtag", "SSILastModified",
+ "SSILegacyExprParser", "SSIStartTag", "SSITimeFormat", "SSIUndefinedEcho", "SSLLog", "SSLLogLevel",
+ "StartServers", "StartThreads", "Substitute", "SubstituteInheritBefore", "SubstituteMaxLineLength",
+ "Suexec", "SuexecUserGroup", "ThreadLimit", "ThreadsPerChild", "ThreadStackSize", "KeepAliveTimeout",
+ "AuthnCacheTimeout", "TraceEnable", "TransferLog", "TrustedProxy", "TypesConfig", "UnDefine", "UnsetEnv",
+ "UseCanonicalName", "UseCanonicalPhysicalPort", "User", "AuthUserFile", "UserDir", "AuthDBMUserFile",
+ "Anonymous_NoUserID", "UserDir", "VHostCGIMode", "VHostCGIPrivs", "VHostGroup", "VHostPrivs", "VHostSecure",
+ "VHostUser", "VirtualDocumentRoot", "VirtualDocumentRootIP", "VirtualHost", "VirtualScriptAlias",
+ "VirtualScriptAliasIP", "Win32DisableAcceptEx", "XBitHack", "xml2EncAlias", "xml2EncDefault",
+ "xml2StartParse", "SecFilterEngine", "from", "SSLOptions", "SSLRequireSSL", "SSLRequire"
+local literals = {
+ "on", "off", "deny", "denied", "all", "allow", "basic", "valid-user", "append", "unset", "set", "eq",
+ "any", "email"
+local symbols = {}
+for _,lt in ipairs(literals) do
+ symbols[lt] = "literal"
+ symbols[lt:gsub("%f[%w]%l", string.upper)] = "literal"
+for _,kw in ipairs(keywords) do
+ symbols[kw] = "keyword"
+local url_syntax = {
+ patterns = {
+ { pattern = "[%%$]%d+", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "[%%$]%{[%w_:%-]+%}", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "[^%%$%s]", type = "string" }
+ },
+ symbols = {}
+local xml_syntax = {
+ patterns = {{ pattern = { '"', '"', '\\' }, type = "string" }},
+ symbols = {}
+syntax.add {
+ name = ".htaccess File",
+ files = { "^%.htaccess$" },
+ comment = "#",
+ patterns = {
+ -- Comments
+ { pattern = "#.*\n", type = "comment" },
+ -- Strings
+ { pattern = { '"', '"', '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = { "'", "'", '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = { '`', '`', '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ -- URLs
+ { pattern = { "%w-://", "%f[%s]" }, type = "string", syntax = url_syntax },
+ { pattern = { "%f[%S]/", "%f[%s]" }, type = "string", syntax = url_syntax },
+ -- Mime types
+ { pattern = "%f[%w]application/[%w%._+-]+", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "%f[%w]font/[%w%._+-]+", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "%f[%w]image/[%w%._+-]+", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "%f[%w]text/[%w%._+-]+", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "%f[%w]audio/[%w%._+-]+", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "%f[%w]video/[%w%._+-]+", type = "keyword2" },
+ -- IPs
+ { pattern = "%d+%.%d+%.%d+%.%d+", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "%d+%.%d+%.%d+%.%d+/%d+", type = "keyword2" },
+ { regex = "([a-f0-9:]+:+)+[a-f0-9]+", type = "keyword2" },
+ -- Emails
+ { pattern = "%w+@%w+%.%w+", type = "keyword2" },
+ -- Rewrite option sections
+ { pattern = "%f[%S]%b[]", type = "number" },
+ -- XML tags
+ { pattern = { "</?%w+", ">" }, type = "literal", syntax = xml_syntax },
+ -- Variables
+ { pattern = "[%%$]%d+", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "[%%$]%{[%w_:%-]+%}", type = "keyword2" },
+ -- Numbers
+ { pattern = "A?%d+", type = "number" },
+ -- Operators
+ { pattern = "%f[%S][!=+%-]+", type = "operator" },
+ -- Regex (TODO: improve this, it's pretty naive and only works on some regex)
+ { pattern = "%f[^%s!]%^%S*", type = "literal" },
+ { pattern = "%f[^%s!]%S*%$", type = "literal" },
+ { pattern = "%f[^%s!]%b()", type = "literal" },
+ -- Everything else
+ { pattern = "[%a_][%w_-]*", type = "symbol" },
+ },
+ symbols = symbols
diff --git a/plugins/language_php.lua b/plugins/language_php.lua
index 6aa49a6..fda30cb 100644
--- a/plugins/language_php.lua
+++ b/plugins/language_php.lua
@@ -2,14 +2,55 @@
provides php syntax support allowing mixed html, css and js
- version: 20220606_1
+ version: 20220614_1
local syntax = require "core.syntax"
+local common = require "core.common"
+local config = require "core.config"
-- load syntax dependencies to add additional rules
require "plugins.language_css"
require "plugins.language_js"
+local psql_found = pcall(require, "plugins.language_psql")
+local sql_strings = {}
+config.plugins.language_php = common.merge({
+ sql_strings = true,
+ -- The config specification used by the settings gui
+ config_spec = {
+ name = "Language PHP",
+ {
+ label = "SQL Strings",
+ description = "Highlight as SQL, strings starting with sql statements, "
+ .. "depends on language_psql.",
+ path = "sql_strings",
+ type = "toggle",
+ default = true,
+ on_apply = function(enabled)
+ local syntax_php = syntax.get("file.phps")
+ if enabled and psql_found then
+ if
+ not syntax_php.patterns[6].syntax
+ or
+ syntax_php.patterns[6].syntax ~= '.sql'
+ then
+ table.insert(syntax_php.patterns, 5, sql_strings[1])
+ table.insert(syntax_php.patterns, 6, sql_strings[2])
+ end
+ elseif
+ syntax_php.patterns[6].syntax
+ and
+ syntax_php.patterns[6].syntax == '.sql'
+ then
+ table.remove(syntax_php.patterns, 5)
+ table.remove(syntax_php.patterns, 5)
+ end
+ end
+ }
+ }
+}, config.plugins.language_php)
-- Patterns to match some of the string inline variables
local inline_variables = {
{ pattern = "%s+", type = "string" },
@@ -56,6 +97,56 @@ local function combine_patterns(t1, t2)
return temp
+local function clone(tbl)
+ local t = {}
+ if tbl then
+ for k, v in pairs(tbl) do
+ if type(v) == "table" then
+ t[k] = clone(v)
+ else
+ t[k] = v
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return t
+-- optionally allow sql syntax on strings
+if psql_found then
+ -- generate SQL string marker regex
+ local sql_markers = { 'create', 'select', 'insert', 'update', 'replace', 'delete', 'drop', 'alter' }
+ local sql_regex = {}
+ for _, marker in ipairs(sql_markers) do
+ table.insert(sql_regex, marker)
+ table.insert(sql_regex, string.upper(marker))
+ end
+ sql_regex = table.concat(sql_regex, '|')
+ -- inject inline variable rules to cloned psql syntax
+ local syntax_phpsql = clone(syntax.get("file.sql"))
+ syntax_phpsql.name = "PHP SQL"
+ syntax_phpsql.files = "%.phpsql$"
+ table.insert(syntax_phpsql.patterns, 2, { pattern = "\\%$", type = "symbol" })
+ table.insert(syntax_phpsql.patterns, 3, { pattern = "%{[%$%s]*%}", type = "symbol" })
+ for i=4, 9 do
+ table.insert(syntax_phpsql.patterns, i, inline_variables[i])
+ end
+ -- SQL strings
+ sql_strings = {
+ {
+ regex = { '"(?=(?:'..sql_regex..')\\s+)', '"', '\\' },
+ syntax = syntax_phpsql,
+ type = "string"
+ },
+ {
+ regex = { '\'(?=(?:'..sql_regex..')\\s+)', '\'', '\\' },
+ syntax = '.sql',
+ type = "string"
+ },
+ }
-- define the core php syntax coloring
syntax.add {
name = "PHP Source",
@@ -224,6 +315,13 @@ syntax.add {
+-- insert sql string rules after the "/%*", "%*/" pattern
+if psql_found and config.plugins.language_php.sql_strings then
+ local syntax_php = syntax.get("file.phps")
+ table.insert(syntax_php.patterns, 5, sql_strings[1])
+ table.insert(syntax_php.patterns, 6, sql_strings[2])
-- allows html, css and js coloring on php files
syntax.add {
name = "PHP",
diff --git a/plugins/language_v.lua b/plugins/language_v.lua
index c7876e6..d5b9764 100644
--- a/plugins/language_v.lua
+++ b/plugins/language_v.lua
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ local syntax = require "core.syntax"
syntax.add {
name = "V",
- files = "%.v$", "%.vsh$",
+ files = { "%.v$", "%.vsh$" },
headers = "^#!.*[ /]v\n",
comment = "//",
patterns = {
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ syntax.add {
{ pattern = { '"', '"', '\\' }, type = "string" },
{ pattern = { "'", "'", '\\' }, type = "string" },
{ pattern = { "`", "`", '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = { "r'", "'" }, type = "string" }, -- raw string single quotes
+ { pattern = { 'r"', '"' }, type = "string" }, -- raw string double quotes
{ pattern = "0x[%da-fA-F_]+", type = "number" },
{ pattern = "0b[01_]+", type = "number" },
{ pattern = "00[01234567_]+", type = "number" },
diff --git a/plugins/nonicons.lua b/plugins/nonicons.lua
index 9540ce6..143da13 100644
--- a/plugins/nonicons.lua
+++ b/plugins/nonicons.lua
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ function TreeView:get_item_icon(item, active, hovered)
font = icon_font
color = style.text
if item.type == "dir" then
- icon = item.expanded and "" or "" -- unicode 61771 and 61772
+ icon = item.expanded and "" or "" -- unicode U+F23C and U+F23B
if config.plugins.nonicons.draw_treeview_icons then