diff options
1 files changed, 10 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index bbb5a8c..f4cda74 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -96,6 +96,16 @@ but only with a `url` must provide a `checksum` that matches the existing plugin
| [`gitstatus`](plugins/gitstatus.lua?raw=1) | Displays git branch and insert/delete count in status bar *([screenshot](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3920290/81107223-bcea3080-8f0e-11ea-8fc7-d03173f42e33.png))* |
| [`gofmt`](plugins/gofmt.lua?raw=1) | Auto-formats the current go file, adds the missing imports and the missing return cases |
| [`gui_filepicker`](plugins/gui_filepicker.lua?raw=1) | Graphical filepicker using zenity or kdialog. |
+| [`ide`](https://github.com/adamharrison/lite-xl-ide.git)\* | A metapackage that provides the minimum functionalities for Lite XL to run as a minimal IDE. |
+| [`ide_c`](https://github.com/adamharrison/lite-xl-ide.git)\* | A metapackage that turns Lite XL into an IDE for C/C++. |
+| [`ide_java`](https://github.com/adamharrison/lite-xl-ide.git)\* | A metapackage that turns Lite XL into an IDE for Java. |
+| [`ide_javascript`](https://github.com/adamharrison/lite-xl-ide.git)\* | A metapackage that turns Lite XL into an IDE for Javascript. |
+| [`ide_lua`](https://github.com/adamharrison/lite-xl-ide.git)\* | A metapackage that turns Lite XL into an IDE for Lua. |
+| [`ide_python`](https://github.com/adamharrison/lite-xl-ide.git)\* | A metapackage that turns Lite XL into an IDE for Python. |
+| [`ide_rust`](https://github.com/adamharrison/lite-xl-ide.git)\* | A metapackage that turns Lite XL into an IDE for Rust. |
+| [`ide_tex`](https://github.com/adamharrison/lite-xl-ide.git)\* | A metapackage that turns Lite XL into an IDE for TeX. |
+| [`ide_typescript`](https://github.com/adamharrison/lite-xl-ide.git)\* | A metapackage that turns Lite XL into an IDE for Typescript. |
+| [`ide_zig`](https://github.com/adamharrison/lite-xl-ide.git)\* | A metapackage that turns Lite XL into an IDE for Zig. |
| [`immersive-title`](https://github.com/takase1121/lite-xl-immersive-title)\* | Dark (or even Mica!) title bar for Lite XL |
| [`indent_convert`](plugins/indent_convert.lua?raw=1) | Convert between tabs and spaces indentation |
| [`indentguide`](plugins/indentguide.lua?raw=1) | Adds indent guides *([screenshot](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3920290/79640716-f9860000-818a-11ea-9c3b-26d10dd0e0c0.png))* |