diff options
2 files changed, 671 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/manifest.json b/manifest.json
index e919107..a6e3f03 100644
--- a/manifest.json
+++ b/manifest.json
@@ -113,6 +113,13 @@
"mod_version": "3"
+ "description": "Debug Lite-XL's Lua VM interactively",
+ "version": "0.1",
+ "path": "plugins/lite-debugger.lua",
+ "id": "lite-debugger",
+ "mod_version": "3"
+ },
+ {
"description": "Provides a debugger integration, with pluggable backends. Currently supports only gdb. *([screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/adamharrison/lite-xl-ide/main/screenshots/debugger.png))*",
"version": "0.1",
"remote": "https://github.com/adamharrison/lite-xl-ide.git:445345f2b25898404879dacbd7709f8a7c7b0795",
diff --git a/plugins/lite-debugger.lua b/plugins/lite-debugger.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..926f168
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/lite-debugger.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,664 @@
+-- mod-version:3
+local command = require "core.command"
+local core = require "core"
+ Upstream https://github.com/slembcke/debugger.lua
+ with changes to allow for breakpoints for better debugging
+ Copyright (c) 2020 Scott Lembcke and Howling Moon Software
+ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+ of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+ in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+ to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+ copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+ furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+ all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ * Print short function arguments as part of stack location.
+ * Properly handle being reentrant due to coroutines.
+local dbg
+-- Use ANSI color codes in the prompt by default.
+local COLOR_GRAY = ""
+local COLOR_RED = ""
+local COLOR_BLUE = ""
+local COLOR_YELLOW = ""
+local COLOR_RESET = ""
+local GREEN_CARET = " => "
+local function pretty(obj, max_depth)
+ if max_depth == nil then max_depth = dbg.pretty_depth end
+ -- Returns true if a table has a __tostring metamethod.
+ local function coerceable(tbl)
+ local meta = getmetatable(tbl)
+ return (meta and meta.__tostring)
+ end
+ local function recurse(obj, depth)
+ if type(obj) == "string" then
+ -- Dump the string so that escape sequences are printed.
+ return string.format("%q", obj)
+ elseif type(obj) == "table" and depth < max_depth and not coerceable(obj) then
+ local str = "{"
+ for k, v in pairs(obj) do
+ local pair = pretty(k, 0).." = "..recurse(v, depth + 1)
+ str = str..(str == "{" and pair or ", "..pair)
+ end
+ return str.."}"
+ else
+ -- tostring() can fail if there is an error in a __tostring metamethod.
+ local success, value = pcall(function() return tostring(obj) end)
+ return (success and value or "<!!error in __tostring metamethod!!>")
+ end
+ end
+ return recurse(obj, 0)
+-- The stack level that cmd_* functions use to access locals or info
+-- The structure of the code very carefully ensures this.
+local CMD_STACK_LEVEL = 6
+-- Location of the top of the stack outside of the debugger.
+-- Adjusted by some debugger entrypoints.
+local stack_top = 0
+-- The current stack frame index.
+-- Changed using the up/down commands
+local stack_inspect_offset = 0
+-- LuaJIT has an off by one bug when setting local variables.
+-- Default dbg.read function
+local function dbg_read(prompt)
+ dbg.write(prompt)
+ io.flush()
+ return io.read()
+-- Default dbg.write function
+local function dbg_write(str)
+ io.write(str)
+local function dbg_writeln(str, ...)
+ if select("#", ...) == 0 then
+ dbg.write((str or "<NULL>").."\n")
+ else
+ dbg.write(string.format(str.."\n", ...))
+ end
+local function format_loc(file, line) return COLOR_BLUE..file..COLOR_RESET..":"..COLOR_YELLOW..line..COLOR_RESET end
+local function format_stack_frame_info(info)
+ local filename = info.source:match("@(.*)")
+ local source = filename and dbg.shorten_path(filename) or info.short_src
+ local namewhat = (info.namewhat == "" and "chunk at" or info.namewhat)
+ local name = (info.name and "'"..COLOR_BLUE..info.name..COLOR_RESET.."'" or format_loc(source, info.linedefined))
+ return format_loc(source, info.currentline).." in "..namewhat.." "..name
+local repl
+-- Return false for stack frames without source,
+-- which includes C frames, Lua bytecode, and `loadstring` functions
+local function frame_has_line(info) return info.currentline >= 0 end
+local function hook_factory(repl_threshold)
+ return function(offset, reason)
+ return function(event, _)
+ -- Skip events that don't have line information.
+ if not frame_has_line(debug.getinfo(2)) then return end
+ -- Tail calls are specifically ignored since they also will have tail returns to balance out.
+ if event == "call" then
+ offset = offset + 1
+ elseif event == "return" and offset > repl_threshold then
+ offset = offset - 1
+ elseif event == "line" and offset <= repl_threshold then
+ repl(reason)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+local hook_step = hook_factory(1)
+local hook_next = hook_factory(0)
+local hook_finish = hook_factory(-1)
+local hook_break = hook_factory(1)
+-- Create a table of all the locally accessible variables.
+-- Globals are not included when running the locals command, but are when running the print command.
+local function local_bindings(offset, include_globals)
+ local level = offset + stack_inspect_offset + CMD_STACK_LEVEL
+ local func = debug.getinfo(level).func
+ local bindings = {}
+ -- Retrieve the upvalues
+ do local i = 1; while true do
+ local name, value = debug.getupvalue(func, i)
+ if not name then break end
+ bindings[name] = value
+ i = i + 1
+ end end
+ -- Retrieve the locals (overwriting any upvalues)
+ do local i = 1; while true do
+ local name, value = debug.getlocal(level, i)
+ if not name then break end
+ bindings[name] = value
+ i = i + 1
+ end end
+ -- Retrieve the varargs (works in Lua 5.2 and LuaJIT)
+ local varargs = {}
+ do local i = 1; while true do
+ local name, value = debug.getlocal(level, -i)
+ if not name then break end
+ varargs[i] = value
+ i = i + 1
+ end end
+ if #varargs > 0 then bindings["..."] = varargs end
+ if include_globals then
+ -- In Lua 5.2, you have to get the environment table from the function's locals.
+ local env = (_VERSION <= "Lua 5.1" and getfenv(func) or bindings._ENV)
+ return setmetatable(bindings, {__index = env or _G})
+ else
+ return bindings
+ end
+-- Used as a __newindex metamethod to modify variables in cmd_eval().
+local function mutate_bindings(_, name, value)
+ local FUNC_STACK_OFFSET = 3 -- Stack depth of this function.
+ local level = stack_inspect_offset + FUNC_STACK_OFFSET + CMD_STACK_LEVEL
+ -- Set a local.
+ do local i = 1; repeat
+ local var = debug.getlocal(level, i)
+ if name == var then
+ dbg_writeln(COLOR_YELLOW.."debugger.lua"..GREEN_CARET.."Set local variable "..COLOR_BLUE..name..COLOR_RESET)
+ return debug.setlocal(level + LUA_JIT_SETLOCAL_WORKAROUND, i, value)
+ end
+ i = i + 1
+ until var == nil end
+ -- Set an upvalue.
+ local func = debug.getinfo(level).func
+ do local i = 1; repeat
+ local var = debug.getupvalue(func, i)
+ if name == var then
+ dbg_writeln(COLOR_YELLOW.."debugger.lua"..GREEN_CARET.."Set upvalue "..COLOR_BLUE..name..COLOR_RESET)
+ return debug.setupvalue(func, i, value)
+ end
+ i = i + 1
+ until var == nil end
+ -- Set a global.
+ dbg_writeln(COLOR_YELLOW.."debugger.lua"..GREEN_CARET.."Set global variable "..COLOR_BLUE..name..COLOR_RESET)
+ _G[name] = value
+-- Compile an expression with the given variable bindings.
+local function compile_chunk(block, env)
+ local source = "debugger.lua REPL"
+ local chunk = nil
+ if _VERSION <= "Lua 5.1" then
+ chunk = loadstring(block, source)
+ if chunk then setfenv(chunk, env) end
+ else
+ -- The Lua 5.2 way is a bit cleaner
+ chunk = load(block, source, "t", env)
+ end
+ if not chunk then dbg_writeln(COLOR_RED.."Error: Could not compile block:\n"..COLOR_RESET..block) end
+ return chunk
+local SOURCE_CACHE = {}
+local function where(info, context_lines)
+ local source = SOURCE_CACHE[info.source]
+ if not source then
+ source = {}
+ local filename = info.source:match("@(.*)")
+ if filename then
+ pcall(function() for line in io.lines(filename) do table.insert(source, line) end end)
+ elseif info.source then
+ for line in info.source:gmatch("(.-)\n") do table.insert(source, line) end
+ end
+ SOURCE_CACHE[info.source] = source
+ end
+ if source and source[info.currentline] then
+ for i = info.currentline - context_lines, info.currentline + context_lines do
+ local tab_or_caret = (i == info.currentline and GREEN_CARET or " ")
+ local line = source[i]
+ if line then dbg_writeln(COLOR_GRAY.."% 4d"..tab_or_caret.."%s", i, line) end
+ end
+ else
+ dbg_writeln(COLOR_RED.."Error: Source not available for "..COLOR_BLUE..info.short_src);
+ end
+ return false
+-- Wee version differences
+local unpack = table.unpack
+local pack = function(...) return {n = select("#", ...), ...} end
+local break_funcs = {}
+local function cmd_break(func_name)
+ table.insert(break_funcs, func_name)
+ return false
+local function cmd_delete(index)
+ index = tonumber(index)
+ if index > #break_funcs then
+ dbg_writeln(COLOR_RED.."Error:"..COLOR_RESET.." no breakpoint "..index)
+ else
+ table.remove(break_funcs, index)
+ end
+ return false
+local function cmd_step()
+ stack_inspect_offset = stack_top
+ return true, hook_step
+local function cmd_next()
+ stack_inspect_offset = stack_top
+ return true, hook_next
+local function cmd_finish()
+ local offset = stack_top - stack_inspect_offset
+ stack_inspect_offset = stack_top
+ return true, offset < 0 and hook_factory(offset - 1) or hook_finish
+local function cmd_print(expr)
+ local env = local_bindings(1, true)
+ local chunk = compile_chunk("return "..expr, env)
+ if chunk == nil then return false end
+ -- Call the chunk and collect the results.
+ local results = pack(pcall(chunk, unpack(rawget(env, "...") or {})))
+ -- The first result is the pcall error.
+ if not results[1] then
+ dbg_writeln(COLOR_RED.."Error:"..COLOR_RESET.." "..results[2])
+ else
+ local output = ""
+ for i = 2, results.n do
+ output = output..(i ~= 2 and ", " or "")..pretty(results[i])
+ end
+ if output == "" then output = "<no result>" end
+ dbg_writeln(COLOR_BLUE..expr.. GREEN_CARET..output)
+ end
+ return false
+local function cmd_eval(code)
+ local env = local_bindings(1, true)
+ local mutable_env = setmetatable({}, {
+ __index = env,
+ __newindex = mutate_bindings,
+ })
+ local chunk = compile_chunk(code, mutable_env)
+ if chunk == nil then return false end
+ -- Call the chunk and collect the results.
+ local success, err = pcall(chunk, unpack(rawget(env, "...") or {}))
+ if not success then
+ dbg_writeln(COLOR_RED.."Error:"..COLOR_RESET.." "..tostring(err))
+ end
+ return false
+local function cmd_down()
+ local offset = stack_inspect_offset
+ local info
+ repeat -- Find the next frame with a file.
+ offset = offset + 1
+ info = debug.getinfo(offset + CMD_STACK_LEVEL)
+ until not info or frame_has_line(info)
+ if info then
+ stack_inspect_offset = offset
+ dbg_writeln("Inspecting frame: "..format_stack_frame_info(info))
+ if tonumber(dbg.auto_where) then where(info, dbg.auto_where) end
+ else
+ info = debug.getinfo(stack_inspect_offset + CMD_STACK_LEVEL)
+ dbg_writeln("Already at the bottom of the stack.")
+ end
+ return false
+local function cmd_up()
+ local offset = stack_inspect_offset
+ local info
+ repeat -- Find the next frame with a file.
+ offset = offset - 1
+ if offset < stack_top then info = nil; break end
+ info = debug.getinfo(offset + CMD_STACK_LEVEL)
+ until frame_has_line(info)
+ if info then
+ stack_inspect_offset = offset
+ dbg_writeln("Inspecting frame: "..format_stack_frame_info(info))
+ if tonumber(dbg.auto_where) then where(info, dbg.auto_where) end
+ else
+ info = debug.getinfo(stack_inspect_offset + CMD_STACK_LEVEL)
+ dbg_writeln("Already at the top of the stack.")
+ end
+ return false
+local function cmd_where(context_lines)
+ local info = debug.getinfo(stack_inspect_offset + CMD_STACK_LEVEL)
+ return (info and where(info, tonumber(context_lines) or 5))
+local function cmd_trace()
+ dbg_writeln("Inspecting frame %d", stack_inspect_offset - stack_top)
+ local i = 0; while true do
+ local info = debug.getinfo(stack_top + CMD_STACK_LEVEL + i)
+ if not info then break end
+ local is_current_frame = (i + stack_top == stack_inspect_offset)
+ local tab_or_caret = (is_current_frame and GREEN_CARET or " ")
+ dbg_writeln(COLOR_GRAY.."% 4d"..COLOR_RESET..tab_or_caret.."%s", i, format_stack_frame_info(info))
+ i = i + 1
+ end
+ return false
+local function cmd_locals()
+ local bindings = local_bindings(1, false)
+ -- Get all the variable binding names and sort them
+ local keys = {}
+ for k, _ in pairs(bindings) do table.insert(keys, k) end
+ table.sort(keys)
+ for _, k in ipairs(keys) do
+ local v = bindings[k]
+ -- Skip the debugger object itself, "(*internal)" values, and Lua 5.2's _ENV object.
+ if not rawequal(v, dbg) and k ~= "_ENV" and not k:match("%(.*%)") then
+ dbg_writeln(" "..COLOR_BLUE..k.. GREEN_CARET..pretty(v))
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+local function cmd_help()
+ dbg.write(""
+ .. COLOR_BLUE.." <return>"..GREEN_CARET.."re-run last command\n"
+ .. COLOR_BLUE.." c"..COLOR_YELLOW.."(ontinue)"..GREEN_CARET.."continue execution\n"
+ .. COLOR_BLUE.." b"..COLOR_YELLOW.."(reak) "..COLOR_BLUE.."[[file:]function]"..GREEN_CARET.."set breakpoint at specified function\n"
+ .. COLOR_BLUE.." d"..COLOR_YELLOW.."(elete) "..COLOR_BLUE.."[index]"..GREEN_CARET.."remove breakpoint\n"
+ .. COLOR_BLUE.." s"..COLOR_YELLOW.."(tep)"..GREEN_CARET.."step forward by one line (into functions)\n"
+ .. COLOR_BLUE.." n"..COLOR_YELLOW.."(ext)"..GREEN_CARET.."step forward by one line (skipping over functions)\n"
+ .. COLOR_BLUE.." f"..COLOR_YELLOW.."(inish)"..GREEN_CARET.."step forward until exiting the current function\n"
+ .. COLOR_BLUE.." u"..COLOR_YELLOW.."(p)"..GREEN_CARET.."move up the stack by one frame\n"
+ .. COLOR_BLUE.." d"..COLOR_YELLOW.."(own)"..GREEN_CARET.."move down the stack by one frame\n"
+ .. COLOR_BLUE.." w"..COLOR_YELLOW.."(here) "..COLOR_BLUE.."[line count]"..GREEN_CARET.."print source code around the current line\n"
+ .. COLOR_BLUE.." e"..COLOR_YELLOW.."(val) "..COLOR_BLUE.."[statement]"..GREEN_CARET.."execute the statement\n"
+ .. COLOR_BLUE.." p"..COLOR_YELLOW.."(rint) "..COLOR_BLUE.."[expression]"..GREEN_CARET.."execute the expression and print the result\n"
+ .. COLOR_BLUE.." t"..COLOR_YELLOW.."(race)"..GREEN_CARET.."print the stack trace\n"
+ .. COLOR_BLUE.." l"..COLOR_YELLOW.."(ocals)"..GREEN_CARET.."print the function arguments, locals and upvalues.\n"
+ .. COLOR_BLUE.." h"..COLOR_YELLOW.."(elp)"..GREEN_CARET.."print this message\n"
+ .. COLOR_BLUE.." q"..COLOR_YELLOW.."(uit)"..GREEN_CARET.."halt execution\n"
+ )
+ return false
+local last_cmd = false
+local abc = 0
+local function in_array(tab, val)
+ for index, value in ipairs(tab) do
+ if value == val then
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+local function split(inputstr, sep)
+ if sep == nil then
+ sep = "%s"
+ end
+ local t={}
+ for str in string.gmatch(inputstr, "([^"..sep.."]+)") do
+ table.insert(t, str)
+ end
+ return t
+local function debug_hook(offset, reason)
+ local function trace (event, line)
+ if event == "line" then
+ return
+ end
+ local s = debug.getinfo(2)
+ if #s.namewhat > 0 then
+ local i = split(s.short_src, "/")
+ local long_name = i[#i]..":"..s.name
+ if in_array(break_funcs, long_name) or in_array(break_funcs, s.name) then
+ offset = offset - 1
+ repl(reason)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return trace
+debug.sethook(debug_hook(0), "crl")
+local function cmd_continue()
+ return true, debug_hook
+local commands = {
+ ["^c$"] = cmd_continue,
+ ["^b%s+(.*)$"] = cmd_break,
+ ["^d%s+(%d*)$"] = cmd_delete,
+ ["^s$"] = cmd_step,
+ ["^n$"] = cmd_next,
+ ["^f$"] = cmd_finish,
+ ["^p%s+(.*)$"] = cmd_print,
+ ["^e%s+(.*)$"] = cmd_eval,
+ ["^u$"] = cmd_up,
+ ["^d$"] = cmd_down,
+ ["^w%s*(%d*)$"] = cmd_where,
+ ["^t$"] = cmd_trace,
+ ["^l$"] = cmd_locals,
+ ["^h$"] = cmd_help,
+ ["^q$"] = function() dbg.exit(0); return true end,
+local function match_command(line)
+ for pat, func in pairs(commands) do
+ -- Return the matching command and capture argument.
+ if line:find(pat) then return func, line:match(pat) end
+ end
+-- Run a command line
+-- Returns true if the REPL should exit and the hook function factory
+local function run_command(line)
+ -- GDB/LLDB exit on ctrl-d
+ if line == nil then dbg.exit(1); return true end
+ -- Re-execute the last command if you press return.
+ if line == "" then line = last_cmd or "h" end
+ local command, command_arg = match_command(line)
+ if command then
+ last_cmd = line
+ -- unpack({...}) prevents tail call elimination so the stack frame indices are predictable.
+ return unpack({command(command_arg)})
+ elseif dbg.auto_eval then
+ return unpack({cmd_eval(line)})
+ else
+ dbg_writeln(COLOR_RED.."Error:"..COLOR_RESET.." command '%s' not recognized.\nType 'h' and press return for a command list.", line)
+ return false
+ end
+repl = function(reason)
+ -- Skip frames without source info.
+ while not frame_has_line(debug.getinfo(stack_inspect_offset + CMD_STACK_LEVEL - 3)) do
+ stack_inspect_offset = stack_inspect_offset + 1
+ end
+ local info = debug.getinfo(stack_inspect_offset + CMD_STACK_LEVEL - 3)
+ reason = reason and (COLOR_YELLOW.."break via "..COLOR_RED..reason..GREEN_CARET) or ""
+ dbg_writeln(reason..format_stack_frame_info(info))
+ if tonumber(dbg.auto_where) then where(info, dbg.auto_where) end
+ repeat
+ local success, done, hook = pcall(run_command, dbg.read(COLOR_RED.."debugger.lua> "..COLOR_RESET))
+ if success then
+ debug.sethook(hook and hook(0), "crl")
+ else
+ dbg_writeln(message)
+ error(message)
+ end
+ until done
+-- Make the debugger object callable like a function.
+dbg = setmetatable({}, {
+ __call = function(_, condition, top_offset, source)
+ if condition then return end
+ top_offset = (top_offset or 0)
+ stack_inspect_offset = top_offset
+ stack_top = top_offset
+ debug.sethook(hook_next(1, source or "dbg()"), "crl")
+ return
+ end,
+-- Expose the debugger's IO functions.
+dbg.read = dbg_read
+dbg.write = dbg_write
+dbg.shorten_path = function (path) return path end
+dbg.exit = function(err) os.exit(err) end
+dbg.writeln = dbg_writeln
+dbg.pretty_depth = 3
+dbg.pretty = pretty
+dbg.pp = function(value, depth) dbg_writeln(pretty(value, depth)) end
+dbg.auto_where = false
+dbg.auto_eval = false
+local lua_error, lua_assert = error, assert
+-- Works like error(), but invokes the debugger.
+function dbg.error(err, level)
+ level = level or 1
+ dbg_writeln(COLOR_RED.."ERROR: "..COLOR_RESET..pretty(err))
+ dbg(false, level, "dbg.error()")
+ lua_error(err, level)
+-- Works like assert(), but invokes the debugger on a failure.
+function dbg.assert(condition, message)
+ if not condition then
+ dbg_writeln(COLOR_RED.."ERROR:"..COLOR_RESET..message)
+ dbg(false, 1, "dbg.assert()")
+ end
+ return lua_assert(condition, message)
+-- Works like pcall(), but invokes the debugger on an error.
+function dbg.call(f, ...)
+ return xpcall(f, function(err)
+ dbg_writeln(COLOR_RED.."ERROR: "..COLOR_RESET..pretty(err))
+ dbg(false, 1, "dbg.call()")
+ return err
+ end, ...)
+-- Error message handler that can be used with lua_pcall().
+function dbg.msgh(...)
+ if debug.getinfo(2) then
+ dbg_writeln(COLOR_RED.."ERROR: "..COLOR_RESET..pretty(...))
+ dbg(false, 1, "dbg.msgh()")
+ else
+ dbg_writeln(COLOR_RED.."debugger.lua: "..COLOR_RESET.."Error did not occur in Lua code. Execution will continue after dbg_pcall().")
+ end
+ return ...
+-- Conditionally enable color support.
+local color_maybe_supported = (os.getenv("TERM") and os.getenv("TERM") ~= "dumb")
+if color_maybe_supported and not os.getenv("DBG_NOCOLOR") then
+ COLOR_GRAY = string.char(27) .. "[90m"
+ COLOR_RED = string.char(27) .. "[91m"
+ COLOR_BLUE = string.char(27) .. "[94m"
+ COLOR_YELLOW = string.char(27) .. "[33m"
+ COLOR_RESET = string.char(27) .. "[0m"
+ GREEN_CARET = string.char(27) .. "[92m => "..COLOR_RESET
+dbg_writeln(COLOR_YELLOW.."debugger.lua: "..COLOR_RESET.."Loaded for ".._VERSION.." (Lite-XL)")
+command.add(nil, {
+ ["debugger:break"] = function()
+ dbg()
+ end,