path: root/plugins/profiler/profiler.lua
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authorJefferson González <jgmdev@gmail.com>2022-11-17 01:50:42 -0400
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2022-11-17 01:50:42 -0400
commit0a75b7908741b284d6e617a66d5221c419cf6e2e (patch)
tree9cc787e0ad91a2a0376d785a0794bd744a15c261 /plugins/profiler/profiler.lua
parent9db8c6625d8a9f462c2b4b52a91a9cce725dab63 (diff)
Add Profiler Plugin (#155)
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/profiler/profiler.lua')
1 files changed, 311 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/profiler/profiler.lua b/plugins/profiler/profiler.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca18f24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/profiler/profiler.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+@title lua-profiler
+@version 1.1
+@description Code profiling for Lua based code;
+The output is a report file (text) and optionally to a console or other logger.
+The initial reason for this project was to reduce misinterpretations of code profiling
+caused by the lengthy measurement time of the 'ProFi' profiler v1.3;
+and then to remove the self-profiler functions from the output report.
+The profiler code has been substantially rewritten to remove dependence to the 'OO'
+class definitions, and repetitions in code;
+thus this profiler has a smaller code footprint and reduced execution time up to ~900% faster.
+The second purpose was to allow slight customisation of the output report,
+which I have parametrised the output report and rewritten.
+Caveats: I didn't include an 'inspection' function that ProFi had, also the RAM
+output is gone. Please configure the profiler output in top of the code, particularly the
+location of the profiler source file (if not in the 'main' root source directory).
+@authors Charles Mallah
+@copyright (c) 2018-2020 Charles Mallah
+@license MIT license
+@sample Output will be generated like this, all output here is ordered by time (seconds):
+`> TOTAL TIME = 0.030000 s
+`| FILE : FUNCTION : LINE : TIME : % : # |
+`| map : new : 301 : 0.1330 : 52.2 : 2 |
+`| map : unpackTileLayer : 197 : 0.0970 : 38.0 : 36 |
+`| engine : loadAtlas : 512 : 0.0780 : 30.6 : 1 |
+`| map : init : 292 : 0.0780 : 30.6 : 1 |
+`| map : setTile : 38 : 0.0500 : 19.6 : 20963|
+`| engine : new : 157 : 0.0220 : 8.6 : 1 |
+`| map : unpackObjectLayer : 281 : 0.0190 : 7.5 : 2 |
+`| ui : sizeCharLimit : 328 : ~ : ~ : 2 |
+`| modules/profiler : stop : 192 : ~ : ~ : 1 |
+`| ui : sizeWidthToScreenWidthHalf : 301 : ~ : ~ : 4 |
+`| map : setRectGridTo : 255 : ~ : ~ : 7 |
+`| ui : sizeWidthToScreenWidth : 295 : ~ : ~ : 11 |
+`| character : warp : 32 : ~ : ~ : 15 |
+`| panels : Anon : 0 : ~ : ~ : 1 |
+The partition splits the notable code that is running the slowest, all other code is running
+too fast to determine anything specific, instead of displaying "0.0000" the script will tidy
+this up as "~". Table headers % and # refer to percentage total time, and function call count.
+@example Print a profile report of a code block
+`local profiler = require("profiler")
+`-- Code block and/or called functions to profile --
+@example Profile a code block and allow mirror print to a custom print function
+`local profiler = require("profiler")
+`function exampleConsolePrint()
+` -- Custom function in your code-base to print to file or console --
+`profiler.attachPrintFunction(exampleConsolePrint, true)
+`-- Code block and/or called functions to profile --
+`profiler.report("profiler.log") -- exampleConsolePrint will now be called from this
+@example Override a configuration parameter programmatically; insert your override values into a
+new table using the matched key names:
+`local overrides = {
+` fW = 100, -- Change the file column to 100 characters (from 20)
+` fnW = 120, -- Change the function column to 120 characters (from 28)
+` }
+--[[ Configuration ]]--
+local config = {
+ outputFile = "profiler.lua", -- Name of this profiler (to remove itself from reports)
+ emptyToThis = "~", -- Rows with no time are set to this value
+ fW = 60, -- Width of the file column
+ fnW = 30, -- Width of the function name column
+ lW = 7, -- Width of the line column
+ tW = 7, -- Width of the time taken column
+ rW = 6, -- Width of the relative percentage column
+ cW = 5, -- Width of the call count column
+ reportSaved = "> Report saved to: ", -- Text for the file output confirmation
+--[[ Locals ]]--
+local module = {}
+local getTime = os.clock
+local string, debug, table = string, debug, table
+local reportCache = {}
+local allReports = {}
+local reportCount = 0
+local startTime = 0
+local stopTime = 0
+local printFun = nil
+local verbosePrint = false
+local outputHeader, formatHeader, outputTitle, formatOutput, formatTotalTime
+local formatFunLine, formatFunTime, formatFunRelative, formatFunCount, divider, nilTime
+local function deepCopy(input)
+ if type(input) == "table" then
+ local output = {}
+ for i, o in next, input, nil do
+ output[deepCopy(i)] = deepCopy(o)
+ end
+ return output
+ else
+ return input
+ end
+local function charRepetition(n, character)
+ local s = ""
+ character = character or " "
+ for _ = 1, n do
+ s = s..character
+ end
+ return s
+local function singleSearchReturn(inputString, search)
+ for _ in string.gmatch(inputString, search) do -- luacheck: ignore
+ return true
+ end
+ return false
+local function rebuildColumnPatterns()
+ local c = config
+ local str = "s: %-"
+ outputHeader = "| %-"..c.fW..str..c.fnW..str..c.lW..str..c.tW..str..c.rW..str..c.cW.."s|\n"
+ formatHeader = string.format(outputHeader, "FILE", "FUNCTION", "LINE", "TIME", "%", "#")
+ outputTitle = "%-"..c.fW.."."..c.fW..str..c.fnW.."."..c.fnW..str..c.lW.."s"
+ formatOutput = "| %s: %-"..c.tW..str..c.rW..str..c.cW.."s|\n"
+ formatTotalTime = "Total time: %f s\n"
+ formatFunLine = "%"..(c.lW - 2).."i"
+ formatFunTime = "%04.4f"
+ formatFunRelative = "%03.1f"
+ formatFunCount = "%"..(c.cW - 1).."i"
+ divider = charRepetition(#formatHeader - 1, "-").."\n"
+ -- nilTime = "0."..charRepetition(c.tW - 3, "0")
+ nilTime = "0.0000"
+local function functionReport(information)
+ local src = information.short_src
+ if not src then
+ src = "<C>"
+ elseif string.sub(src, #src - 3, #src) == ".lua" then
+ src = string.sub(src, 1, #src - 4)
+ end
+ local name = information.name
+ if not name then
+ name = "Anon"
+ elseif string.sub(name, #name - 1, #name) == "_l" then
+ name = string.sub(name, 1, #name - 2)
+ end
+ local title = string.format(outputTitle, src, name,
+ string.format(formatFunLine, information.linedefined or 0))
+ local report = reportCache[title]
+ if not report then
+ report = {
+ title = string.format(outputTitle, src, name,
+ string.format(formatFunLine, information.linedefined or 0)),
+ count = 0, timer = 0,
+ }
+ reportCache[title] = report
+ reportCount = reportCount + 1
+ allReports[reportCount] = report
+ end
+ return report
+local onDebugHook = function(hookType)
+ local information = debug.getinfo(2, "nS")
+ if hookType == "call" then
+ local funcReport = functionReport(information)
+ funcReport.callTime = getTime()
+ funcReport.count = funcReport.count + 1
+ elseif hookType == "return" then
+ local funcReport = functionReport(information)
+ if funcReport.callTime and funcReport.count > 0 then
+ funcReport.timer = funcReport.timer + (getTime() - funcReport.callTime)
+ end
+ end
+--[[ Functions ]]--
+--[[Attach a print function to the profiler, to receive a single string parameter
+@param fn (function) <required>
+@param verbose (boolean) <default: false>
+function module.attachPrintFunction(fn, verbose)
+ printFun = fn
+ verbosePrint = verbose or false
+--[[Start the profiling
+function module.start()
+ if not outputHeader then
+ rebuildColumnPatterns()
+ end
+ reportCache = {}
+ allReports = {}
+ reportCount = 0
+ startTime = getTime()
+ stopTime = nil
+ debug.sethook(onDebugHook, "cr", 0)
+--[[Stop profiling
+function module.stop()
+ stopTime = getTime()
+ debug.sethook()
+--[[Writes the profile report to file (will stop profiling if not stopped already)
+@param filename (string) <default: "profiler.log"> [File will be created and overwritten]
+function module.report(filename)
+ if not stopTime then
+ module.stop()
+ end
+ filename = filename or "profiler.log"
+ table.sort(allReports, function(a, b) return a.timer > b.timer end)
+ local fileWriter = io.open(filename, "w+")
+ local divide = false
+ local totalTime = stopTime - startTime
+ local totalTimeOutput = "> "..string.format(formatTotalTime, totalTime)
+ fileWriter:write(totalTimeOutput)
+ if printFun ~= nil then
+ printFun(totalTimeOutput)
+ end
+ fileWriter:write(divider)
+ fileWriter:write(formatHeader)
+ fileWriter:write(divider)
+ for i = 1, reportCount do
+ local funcReport = allReports[i]
+ if funcReport.count > 0 and funcReport.timer <= totalTime then
+ local printThis = true
+ if config.outputFile ~= "" then
+ if singleSearchReturn(funcReport.title, config.outputFile) then
+ printThis = false
+ end
+ end
+ if printThis then -- Remove lines that are not needed
+ if singleSearchReturn(funcReport.title, "[[C]]") then
+ printThis = false
+ end
+ end
+ if printThis then
+ local count = string.format(formatFunCount, funcReport.count)
+ local timer = string.format(formatFunTime, funcReport.timer)
+ local relTime = string.format(formatFunRelative, (funcReport.timer / totalTime) * 100)
+ if not divide and timer == nilTime then
+ fileWriter:write(divider)
+ divide = true
+ end
+ if timer == nilTime then
+ timer = config.emptyToThis
+ relTime = config.emptyToThis
+ end
+ -- Build final line
+ local output = string.format(formatOutput, funcReport.title, timer, relTime, count)
+ fileWriter:write(output)
+ -- This is a verbose print to the attached print function
+ if printFun ~= nil and verbosePrint then
+ printFun(output)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ fileWriter:write(divider)
+ fileWriter:close()
+ if printFun ~= nil then
+ printFun(config.reportSaved.."'"..filename.."'")
+ end
+--[[Modify the configuration of this module programmatically;
+Provide a table with keys that share the same name as the configuration parameters:
+@param overrides (table) <required> [Each key is from a valid name, the value is the override]
+@unpack config
+function module.configuration(overrides)
+ local safe = deepCopy(overrides)
+ for k, v in pairs(safe) do
+ if config[k] == nil then
+ print("error: override field '"..k.."' not found (configuration)")
+ else
+ config[k] = v
+ end
+ end
+ rebuildColumnPatterns()
+--[[ End ]]--
+return module