diff options
authorcukmekerb <cukmekerb@gmail.com>2021-09-11 13:44:38 -0700
committercukmekerb <cukmekerb@gmail.com>2021-09-11 13:44:38 -0700
commit37607f12c9165627de0253fdb4db07d2ffac56d6 (patch)
parent132e67f214d20840e207da5703789f2f57c4845f (diff)
parenteca7bfe9d7e20acfb49902c9fced85f0a5a978cc (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/lite-xl/lite-plugins
8 files changed, 297 insertions, 197 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 9de5fe7..225dffb 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -79,8 +79,10 @@ Plugin | Description
[`language_php`](plugins/language_php.lua?raw=1) | Syntax for the [PHP](https://php.net) programming language
[`language_pico8`](plugins/language_pico8.lua?raw=1) | Syntax for [Pico-8](https://www.lexaloffle.com/pico-8.php) cartridge files
[`language_po`](plugins/language_po.lua?raw=1) | Syntax for [PO](https://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/html_node/PO-Files.html) translation files
+[`language_pony`*](https://github.com/MrAnyx/lite-plugin-pony) | Syntax for [Pony](https://www.ponylang.io/) programming language
[`language_powershell`](plugins/language_powershell.lua?raw=1) | Syntax for [PowerShell](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell) scripting language
[`language_psql`](plugins/language_psql.lua?raw=1) | Syntax for the postgresql database access language
+[`language_rescript`](plugins/language_rescript.lua?raw=1) | Syntax for the [ReScript](https://rescript-lang.org/) programming language
[`language_rust`](plugins/language_rust.lua?raw=1) | Syntax for the [Rust](https://rust-lang.org/) programming language
[`language_ruby`](plugins/language_ruby.lua?raw=1) | Syntax for the [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/) programming language
[`language sass`](plugins/language_sass.lua?raw=1) | Syntax for the [Sass](https://sass-lang.com/) CSS preprocessor
diff --git a/plugins/langauge_rescript.lua b/plugins/langauge_rescript.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94dc964
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/langauge_rescript.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+-- mod-version:2 -- lite-xl 2.0
+local syntax = require "core.syntax"
+syntax.add {
+ files = { "%.res$" },
+ comment = "//",
+ patterns = {
+ { pattern = "//.-\n", type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = { "/%*", "%*/" }, type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = { '"', '"', '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = { "'", "'", '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = { "`", "`", '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = "#[%a_][%w_]*", type = "literal" },
+ { pattern = "0x[%da-fA-F]+", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?%d+[%d%.eE]*", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?%.?%d+", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "[%+%-=/%*%^%%<>!~|&]", type = "operator" },
+ { pattern = "%f[^%.>]%l[%w_]*", type = "function" },
+ { pattern = "%l[%w_]*%f[(]", type = "function" },
+ { pattern = "%u[%w_]*", type = "keyword2" },
+ { pattern = "[%l_][%w_%.]*", type = "symbol" },
+ { pattern = "@%l[%w_]*", type = "string" },
+ },
+ symbols = {
+ ["and"] = "keyword",
+ ["array"] = "keyword2",
+ ["as"] = "keyword",
+ ["assert"] = "keyword",
+ ["bool"] = "keyword2",
+ ["constraint"] = "keyword",
+ ["downto"] = "keyword",
+ ["else"] = "keyword",
+ ["exception"] = "keyword",
+ ["external"] = "keyword",
+ ["false"] = "literal",
+ ["for"] = "keyword",
+ ["if"] = "keyword",
+ ["in"] = "keyword",
+ ["int"] = "keyword2",
+ ["include"] = "keyword",
+ ["lazy"] = "keyword",
+ ["let"] = "keyword",
+ ["module"] = "keyword",
+ ["mutable"] = "keyword",
+ ["of"] = "keyword",
+ ["open"] = "keyword",
+ ["option"] = "keyword2",
+ ["rec"] = "keyword",
+ ["switch"] = "keyword",
+ ["string"] = "keyword2",
+ ["to"] = "keyword",
+ ["true"] = "literal",
+ ["try"] = "keyword",
+ ["type"] = "keyword",
+ ["when"] = "keyword",
+ ["while"] = "keyword",
+ ["with"] = "keyword",
+ }
diff --git a/plugins/language_java.lua b/plugins/language_java.lua
index 8c6e98e..e6d3735 100644
--- a/plugins/language_java.lua
+++ b/plugins/language_java.lua
@@ -20,55 +20,63 @@ syntax.add {
{ pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*", type = "symbol" },
symbols = {
- ["if"] = "keyword",
- ["then"] = "keyword",
- ["else"] = "keyword",
- ["else if"] = "keyword",
- ["do"] = "keyword",
- ["while"] = "keyword",
- ["for"] = "keyword",
- ["new"] = "keyword",
- ["break"] = "keyword",
- ["continue"] = "keyword",
- ["return"] = "keyword",
- ["goto"] = "keyword",
- ["class"] = "keyword",
- ["implements"] = "keyword",
- ["extends"] = "keyword",
- ["private"] = "keyword",
- ["protected"] = "keyword",
- ["public"] = "keyword",
- ["abstract"] = "keyword",
- ["interface"] = "keyword",
- ["assert"] = "keyword",
- ["import"] = "keyword",
- ["native"] = "keyword",
- ["package"] = "keyword",
- ["super"] = "keyword",
- ["synchronized"] = "keyword",
- ["instanceof"] = "keyword",
- ["enum"] = "keyword",
- ["catch"] = "keyword",
- ["throw"] = "keyword",
- ["throws"] = "keyword",
- ["try"] = "keyword",
- ["transient"] = "keyword",
- ["finally"] = "keyword",
- ["static"] = "keyword",
- ["volatile"] = "keyword",
- ["final"] = "keyword",
- ["switch"] = "keyword",
- ["case"] = "keyword",
- ["default"] = "keyword",
- ["void"] = "keyword",
- ["int"] = "keyword2",
- ["short"] = "keyword2",
- ["byte"] = "keyword2",
- ["long"] = "keyword2",
- ["float"] = "keyword2",
- ["double"] = "keyword2",
- ["char"] = "keyword2",
- ["boolean"] = "keyword2",
+ ["abstract"] = "keyword",
+ ["assert"] = "keyword",
+ ["break"] = "keyword",
+ ["case"] = "keyword",
+ ["catch"] = "keyword",
+ ["class"] = "keyword",
+ ["const"] = "keyword",
+ ["continue"] = "keyword",
+ ["default"] = "keyword",
+ ["do"] = "keyword",
+ ["else"] = "keyword",
+ ["enum"] = "keyword",
+ ["extends"] = "keyword",
+ ["final"] = "keyword",
+ ["finally"] = "keyword",
+ ["for"] = "keyword",
+ ["if"] = "keyword",
+ ["goto"] = "keyword",
+ ["implements"] = "keyword",
+ ["import"] = "keyword",
+ ["instanceof"] = "keyword",
+ ["interface"] = "keyword",
+ ["native"] = "keyword",
+ ["new"] = "keyword",
+ ["package"] = "keyword",
+ ["permits"] = "keyword",
+ ["private"] = "keyword",
+ ["protected"] = "keyword",
+ ["public"] = "keyword",
+ ["record"] = "keyword",
+ ["return"] = "keyword",
+ ["sealed"] = "keyword",
+ ["static"] = "keyword",
+ ["strictfp"] = "keyword",
+ ["super"] = "keyword",
+ ["switch"] = "keyword",
+ ["synchronized"] = "keyword",
+ ["this"] = "keyword",
+ ["throw"] = "keyword",
+ ["throws"] = "keyword",
+ ["transient"] = "keyword",
+ ["try"] = "keyword",
+ ["var"] = "keyword",
+ ["void"] = "keyword",
+ ["volatile"] = "keyword",
+ ["while"] = "keyword",
+ ["yield"] = "keyword",
+ ["boolean"] = "keyword2",
+ ["byte"] = "keyword2",
+ ["char"] = "keyword2",
+ ["double"] = "keyword2",
+ ["float"] = "keyword2",
+ ["int"] = "keyword2",
+ ["long"] = "keyword2",
+ ["short"] = "keyword2",
["true"] = "literal",
["false"] = "literal",
["null"] = "literal",
diff --git a/plugins/language_lobster.lua b/plugins/language_lobster.lua
index 8b4d899..593c89d 100644
--- a/plugins/language_lobster.lua
+++ b/plugins/language_lobster.lua
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
--- mod-version:1 -- lite-xl 1.16
+-- mod-version:2 -- lite-xl 2.0
local syntax = require "core.syntax"
syntax.add {
diff --git a/plugins/language_php.lua b/plugins/language_php.lua
index 4f107aa..5ee6a93 100644
--- a/plugins/language_php.lua
+++ b/plugins/language_php.lua
@@ -1,13 +1,149 @@
-- mod-version:2 -- lite-xl 2.0
- language_php.lua
- provides php syntax support allowing mixed html, css and js
- version: 20210513_144200
- Depends on plugin language_phps.lua version >= 20210512_181200
+ language_php.lua
+ provides php syntax support allowing mixed html, css and js
+ version: 20210902_1
local syntax = require "core.syntax"
+-- load syntax dependencies to add additional rules
+require "plugins.language_css"
+require "plugins.language_js"
+-- define the core php syntax coloring
+syntax.add {
+ files = { "%.phps$" },
+ headers = "^<%?php",
+ comment = "//",
+ patterns = {
+ -- Attributes
+ { pattern = {"#%[", "%]"}, type = "normal" },
+ -- Comments
+ { pattern = "//.-\n", type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = "#.-\n", type = "comment" },
+ { pattern = { "/%*", "%*/" }, type = "comment" },
+ -- The '\\' is for escaping to work on " or '
+ { pattern = { '"', '"', '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = { "'", "'", '\\' }, type = "string" },
+ { pattern = "0[bB][%d]+", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "0[xX][%da-fA-F]+", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?%d[%d_%.eE]*", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "-?%.?%d+", type = "number" },
+ { pattern = "[%.%+%-=/%*%^%%<>!~|&%?:]", type = "operator" },
+ -- Variables
+ { pattern = "%$[%w_]+", type = "keyword2" },
+ -- Respect control structures, treat as keyword not function
+ { pattern = "if[%s]*%f[(]", type = "keyword" },
+ { pattern = "else[%s]*%f[(]", type = "keyword" },
+ { pattern = "elseif[%s]*%f[(]", type = "keyword" },
+ { pattern = "for[%s]*%f[(]", type = "keyword" },
+ { pattern = "foreach[%s]*%f[(]", type = "keyword" },
+ { pattern = "while[%s]*%f[(]", type = "keyword" },
+ { pattern = "catch[%s]*%f[(]", type = "keyword" },
+ { pattern = "switch[%s]*%f[(]", type = "keyword" },
+ { pattern = "match[%s]*%f[(]", type = "keyword" },
+ { pattern = "fn[%s]*%f[(]", type = "keyword" },
+ -- All functions that aren't control structures
+ { pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*[%s]*%f[(]", type = "function" },
+ -- Array type hint not added on symbols to also make it work
+ -- as a function call
+ { pattern = "array", type = "literal" },
+ -- Match static or namespace container on sub element access
+ { pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*[%s]*%f[:]", type = "literal" },
+ -- Uppercase constants of at least 3 characters in len
+ { pattern = "%u[%u_][%u%d_]+", type = "number" },
+ -- Magic constants
+ { pattern = "__[%u]+__", type = "number" },
+ -- Everything else
+ { pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*", type = "symbol" },
+ },
+ symbols = {
+ ["return"] = "keyword",
+ ["if"] = "keyword",
+ ["else"] = "keyword",
+ ["elseif"] = "keyword",
+ ["endif"] = "keyword",
+ ["declare"] = "keyword",
+ ["enddeclare"] = "keyword",
+ ["switch"] = "keyword",
+ ["endswitch"] = "keyword",
+ ["as"] = "keyword",
+ ["do"] = "keyword",
+ ["for"] = "keyword",
+ ["endfor"] = "keyword",
+ ["foreach"] = "keyword",
+ ["endforeach"] = "keyword",
+ ["while"] = "keyword",
+ ["endwhile"] = "keyword",
+ ["match"] = "keyword",
+ ["case"] = "keyword",
+ ["continue"] = "keyword",
+ ["default"] = "keyword",
+ ["break"] = "keyword",
+ ["goto"] = "keyword",
+ ["try"] = "keyword",
+ ["catch"] = "keyword",
+ ["throw"] = "keyword",
+ ["finally"] = "keyword",
+ ["class"] = "keyword",
+ ["trait"] = "keyword",
+ ["interface"] = "keyword",
+ ["public"] = "keyword",
+ ["static"] = "keyword",
+ ["protected"] = "keyword",
+ ["private"] = "keyword",
+ ["abstract"] = "keyword",
+ ["final"] = "keyword",
+ ["$this"] = "literal",
+ ["function"] = "keyword",
+ ["fn"] = "keyword",
+ ["global"] = "keyword",
+ ["var"] = "keyword",
+ ["const"] = "keyword",
+ ["bool"] = "literal",
+ ["boolean"] = "literal",
+ ["int"] = "literal",
+ ["integer"] = "literal",
+ ["real"] = "literal",
+ ["double"] = "literal",
+ ["float"] = "literal",
+ ["string"] = "literal",
+ ["object"] = "literal",
+ ["callable"] = "literal",
+ ["iterable"] = "literal",
+ ["void"] = "literal",
+ ["parent"] = "literal",
+ ["self"] = "literal",
+ ["mixed"] = "literal",
+ ["namespace"] = "keyword",
+ ["extends"] = "keyword",
+ ["implements"] = "keyword",
+ ["instanceof"] = "keyword",
+ ["require"] = "keyword",
+ ["require_once"] = "keyword",
+ ["include"] = "keyword",
+ ["include_once"] = "keyword",
+ ["use"] = "keyword",
+ ["new"] = "keyword",
+ ["clone"] = "keyword",
+ ["true"] = "number",
+ ["false"] = "number",
+ ["NULL"] = "number",
+ ["null"] = "number",
+ ["print"] = "function",
+ ["echo"] = "function",
+ ["exit"] = "function",
+ },
+-- allows html, css and js coloring on php files
syntax.add {
files = { "%.php$", "%.phtml" },
patterns = {
@@ -68,3 +204,34 @@ syntax.add {
symbols = {},
+-- allow coloring of php code inside css and js code
+local syntaxes = { "css", "js" }
+for _, ext in pairs(syntaxes) do
+ local syntax_table = syntax.get("file."..ext, "")
+ table.insert(
+ syntax_table.patterns,
+ 1,
+ {
+ pattern = {
+ "<%?=?",
+ "%?>"
+ },
+ syntax = ".phps",
+ type = "keyword2"
+ }
+ )
+ table.insert(
+ syntax_table.patterns,
+ 1,
+ {
+ pattern = {
+ "<%?php%s+",
+ "%?>"
+ },
+ syntax = ".phps",
+ type = "keyword2"
+ }
+ )
diff --git a/plugins/language_phps.lua b/plugins/language_phps.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 082b962..0000000
--- a/plugins/language_phps.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
--- mod-version:2 -- lite-xl 2.0
- language_phps.lua
- complement to language_php.lua providing the php syntax support
- version: 20210512_181200
-local syntax = require "core.syntax"
-syntax.add {
- files = { "%.phps$" },
- headers = "^<%?php",
- comment = "//",
- patterns = {
- -- Attributes
- { pattern = {"#%[", "%]"}, type = "normal" },
- -- Comments
- { pattern = "//.-\n", type = "comment" },
- { pattern = "#.-\n", type = "comment" },
- { pattern = { "/%*", "%*/" }, type = "comment" },
- -- The '\\' is for escaping to work on " or '
- { pattern = { '"', '"', '\\' }, type = "string" },
- { pattern = { "'", "'", '\\' }, type = "string" },
- { pattern = "0[bB][%d]+", type = "number" },
- { pattern = "0[xX][%da-fA-F]+", type = "number" },
- { pattern = "-?%d[%d_%.eE]*", type = "number" },
- { pattern = "-?%.?%d+", type = "number" },
- { pattern = "[%.%+%-=/%*%^%%<>!~|&%?:]", type = "operator" },
- -- Variables
- { pattern = "%$[%w_]+", type = "keyword2" },
- -- Respect control structures, treat as keyword not function
- { pattern = "if[%s]*%f[(]", type = "keyword" },
- { pattern = "else[%s]*%f[(]", type = "keyword" },
- { pattern = "elseif[%s]*%f[(]", type = "keyword" },
- { pattern = "for[%s]*%f[(]", type = "keyword" },
- { pattern = "foreach[%s]*%f[(]", type = "keyword" },
- { pattern = "while[%s]*%f[(]", type = "keyword" },
- { pattern = "catch[%s]*%f[(]", type = "keyword" },
- { pattern = "switch[%s]*%f[(]", type = "keyword" },
- { pattern = "match[%s]*%f[(]", type = "keyword" },
- { pattern = "fn[%s]*%f[(]", type = "keyword" },
- -- All functions that aren't control structures
- { pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*[%s]*%f[(]", type = "function" },
- -- Array type hint not added on symbols to also make it work
- -- as a function call
- { pattern = "array", type = "literal" },
- -- Match static or namespace container on sub element access
- { pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*[%s]*%f[:]", type = "literal" },
- -- Uppercase constants of at least 3 characters in len
- { pattern = "%u[%u_][%u%d_]+", type = "number" },
- -- Magic constants
- { pattern = "__[%u]+__", type = "number" },
- -- Everything else
- { pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*", type = "symbol" },
- },
- symbols = {
- ["return"] = "keyword",
- ["if"] = "keyword",
- ["else"] = "keyword",
- ["elseif"] = "keyword",
- ["endif"] = "keyword",
- ["declare"] = "keyword",
- ["enddeclare"] = "keyword",
- ["switch"] = "keyword",
- ["endswitch"] = "keyword",
- ["as"] = "keyword",
- ["do"] = "keyword",
- ["for"] = "keyword",
- ["endfor"] = "keyword",
- ["foreach"] = "keyword",
- ["endforeach"] = "keyword",
- ["while"] = "keyword",
- ["endwhile"] = "keyword",
- ["switch"] = "keyword",
- ["match"] = "keyword",
- ["case"] = "keyword",
- ["continue"] = "keyword",
- ["default"] = "keyword",
- ["break"] = "keyword",
- ["goto"] = "keyword",
- ["try"] = "keyword",
- ["catch"] = "keyword",
- ["throw"] = "keyword",
- ["finally"] = "keyword",
- ["class"] = "keyword",
- ["trait"] = "keyword",
- ["interface"] = "keyword",
- ["public"] = "keyword",
- ["static"] = "keyword",
- ["protected"] = "keyword",
- ["private"] = "keyword",
- ["abstract"] = "keyword",
- ["final"] = "keyword",
- ["$this"] = "literal",
- ["function"] = "keyword",
- ["fn"] = "keyword",
- ["global"] = "keyword",
- ["var"] = "keyword",
- ["const"] = "keyword",
- ["bool"] = "literal",
- ["boolean"] = "literal",
- ["int"] = "literal",
- ["integer"] = "literal",
- ["real"] = "literal",
- ["double"] = "literal",
- ["float"] = "literal",
- ["string"] = "literal",
- ["object"] = "literal",
- ["callable"] = "literal",
- ["iterable"] = "literal",
- ["void"] = "literal",
- ["parent"] = "literal",
- ["self"] = "literal",
- ["mixed"] = "literal",
- ["namespace"] = "keyword",
- ["extends"] = "keyword",
- ["implements"] = "keyword",
- ["instanceof"] = "keyword",
- ["require"] = "keyword",
- ["require_once"] = "keyword",
- ["include"] = "keyword",
- ["include_once"] = "keyword",
- ["use"] = "keyword",
- ["new"] = "keyword",
- ["clone"] = "keyword",
- ["true"] = "number",
- ["false"] = "number",
- ["NULL"] = "number",
- ["null"] = "number",
- ["print"] = "function",
- ["echo"] = "function",
- ["exit"] = "function",
- },
diff --git a/plugins/linecopypaste.lua b/plugins/linecopypaste.lua
index d332cc1..ea2a84c 100755..100644
--- a/plugins/linecopypaste.lua
+++ b/plugins/linecopypaste.lua
@@ -28,7 +28,11 @@ command.map["doc:cut"].perform = function()
local line = doc():get_selection()
- doc():remove(line, 1, line+1, 1)
+ if line < #(doc().lines) then
+ doc():remove(line, 1, line+1, 1)
+ else -- last line in file
+ doc():remove(line, 1, line, #(doc().lines[line]))
+ end
doc():set_selection(line, 1)
line_in_clipboard = true
diff --git a/plugins/linenumbers.lua b/plugins/linenumbers.lua
index fde0a08..1b0bdc6 100644
--- a/plugins/linenumbers.lua
+++ b/plugins/linenumbers.lua
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
--- mod-version:1 -- lite-xl 1.16
+-- mod-version:2 -- lite-xl 2.0
local config = require "core.config"
local style = require "core.style"
local DocView = require "core.docview"