diff options
2 files changed, 423 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/manifest.json b/manifest.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01f2f03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manifest.json
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ "plugins":[{
+ "name": "plugin_manager",
+ "version": "0.1",
+ "description": "A GUI interface to the Adam's lite plugin manager.",
+ "path": "plugins/plugin_manager.lua",
+ "provides": ["plugin-manager"],
+ "files": [{
+ "url": "https://github.com/adamharrison/lite-xl-plugin-manager/releases/download/0.1/lpm-x86_64-linux",
+ "arch": "x86_64-linux",
+ "checksum": "440cd5dfdcbb63351c078422541631bca07b0ef659cc45d2a9ee779dadee8b43"
+ }, {
+ "url": "https://github.com/adamharrison/lite-xl-plugin-manager/releases/download/0.1/lpm-x86_64-windows",
+ "arch": "x86_64-windows",
+ "checksum": "440cd5dfdcbb63351c078422541631bca07b0ef659cc45d2a9ee779dadee8b43"
+ }]
+ }]
diff --git a/plugins/plugin_manager.lua b/plugins/plugin_manager.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2027d66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/plugin_manager.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+-- mod-version:3 --lite-xl 2.1
+local core = require "core"
+local style = require "core.style"
+local common = require "core.common"
+local config = require "core.config"
+local command = require "core.command"
+local json = require "plugins.support_json"
+local View = require "core.view"
+local keymap = require "core.keymap"
+local ContextMenu = require "core.contextmenu"
+local RootView = require "core.rootview"
+local PluginManager = {
+ last_refresh = nil,
+ requires_restart = false
+config.plugins.plugin_manager = common.merge({
+ lpm_binary_name = "lpm." .. ARCH .. (PLATFORM == "Windows" and ".exe" or ""),
+ lpm_binary_path = nil,
+ -- Restarts the plugin manager on changes.
+ restart_on_change = true,
+ -- Path to a local copy of all repositories.
+ cachdir = USERDIR .. PATHSEP .. "lpm",
+ -- Path to the folder that holds user-specified plugins.
+ userdir = USERDIR,
+ -- Path to ssl certificate directory.
+ ssl_certs = nil
+}, config.plugins.plugin_manager)
+if not config.plugins.plugin_manager.lpm_binary_path then
+ local paths = {
+ DATADIR .. PATHSEP .. "plugins" .. PATHSEP .. "plugin_manager" .. PATHSEP .. config.plugins.plugin_manager.lpm_binary_name,
+ DATADIR .. PATHSEP .. "plugins" .. PATHSEP .. "plugin_manager" .. PATHSEP .. config.plugins.plugin_manager.lpm_binary_name,
+ USERDIR .. PATHSEP .. "plugins" .. PATHSEP .. "plugin_manager" .. PATHSEP .. "lpm",
+ USERDIR .. PATHSEP .. "plugins" .. PATHSEP .. "plugin_manager" .. PATHSEP .. "lpm",
+ }
+ local path, s = os.getenv("PATH"), 1
+ while true do
+ local _, e = path:find(":", s)
+ table.insert(paths, path:sub(s, e and (e-1) or #path) .. PATHSEP .. "lpm")
+ if not e then break end
+ s = e + 1
+ end
+ for i, path in ipairs(paths) do
+ if system.get_file_info(path) then
+ config.plugins.plugin_manager.lpm_binary_path = path
+ break
+ end
+ end
+if not config.plugins.plugin_manager.lpm_binary_path then error("can't find lpm binary, please supply one with config.plugins.plugin_manager.lpm_binary_path") end
+local Promise = { }
+function Promise:__index(idx) return rawget(self, idx) or Promise[idx] end
+function Promise.new(result) return setmetatable({ result = result, success = nil, _done = { }, _fail = { } }, Promise) end
+function Promise:done(done) if self.success == true then done(self.result) else table.insert(self._done, done) end return self end
+function Promise:fail(fail) if self.success == false then fail(self.result) else table.insert(self._fail, fail) end return self end
+function Promise:resolve(result) self.result = result self.success = true for i,v in ipairs(self._done) do v(result) end return self end
+function Promise:reject(result) self.result = result self.success = false for i,v in ipairs(self._fail) do v(result) end return self end
+function Promise:forward(promise) self:done(function(data) promise:resolve(data) end) self:fail(function(data) promise:reject(data) end) return self end
+local running_processes = {}
+local function run(cmd)
+ local t = { config.plugins.plugin_manager.lpm, table.unpack(cmd), "--json", "--mod-version", MOD_VERSION }
+ if config.plugins.plugin_manager.ssl_certs then table.insert(t, "--ssl_certs") table.insert(t, config.plugins.plugin_manager.ssl_certs) end
+ table.insert(cmd, 1, config.plugins.plugin_manager.lpm_binary_path)
+ table.insert(cmd, "--json")
+ table.insert(cmd, "--mod-version=" .. MOD_VERSION)
+ table.insert(cmd, "--quiet")
+ table.insert(cmd, "--userdir=" .. USERDIR)
+ -- print(table.unpack(cmd))
+ local proc = process.start(cmd)
+ local promise = Promise.new()
+ table.insert(running_processes, { proc, promise, "" })
+ if #running_processes == 1 then
+ core.add_thread(function()
+ while #running_processes > 0 do
+ local still_running_processes = {}
+ local has_chunk = false
+ local i = 1
+ while i < #running_processes + 1 do
+ local v = running_processes[i]
+ local still_running = true
+ while true do
+ local chunk = v[1]:read_stdout(2048)
+ if chunk and #chunk == 0 then break end
+ if chunk ~= nil then
+ v[3] = v[3] .. chunk
+ has_chunk = true
+ else
+ still_running = false
+ if v[1]:returncode() == 0 then
+ v[2]:resolve(v[3])
+ else
+ local err = v[1]:read_stderr(2048)
+ core.error("error running lpm: " .. err)
+ v[2]:reject(v[3])
+ end
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if still_running then
+ table.insert(still_running_processes, v)
+ end
+ i = i + 1
+ end
+ running_processes = still_running_processes
+ coroutine.yield(has_chunk and 0.001 or 0.1)
+ end
+ end)
+ end
+ return promise
+function PluginManager:refresh()
+ return run({ "plugin", "list" }):done(function(plugins)
+ self.plugins = json.decode(plugins)["plugins"]
+ table.sort(self.plugins, function(a,b) return a.name < b.name end)
+ self.valid_plugins = {}
+ for i, plugin in ipairs(self.plugins) do
+ if plugin.status ~= "incompatible" then
+ table.insert(self.valid_plugins, plugin)
+ end
+ end
+ self.last_refresh = os.time()
+ end)
+function PluginManager:install(plugin)
+ local promise = Promise.new()
+ run({ "plugin", "install", plugin.name .. (plugin.version and (":" .. plugin.version) or "") }):done(function(result)
+ if config.plugins.plugin_manager.restart_on_change then
+ command.perform("core:restart")
+ else
+ self:refresh():forward(promise)
+ end
+ end)
+ return promise
+function PluginManager:uninstall(plugin)
+ local promise = Promise.new()
+ run({ "plugin", "uninstall", plugin.name }):done(function(result)
+ if config.plugins.plugin_manager.restart_on_change then
+ command.perform("core:restart")
+ else
+ self:refresh():forward(promise)
+ end
+ end)
+ return promise
+local function get_suggestions(text)
+ local items = {}
+ if not PluginManager.plugins then return end
+ for i, plugin in ipairs(PluginManager.plugins) do
+ if not plugin.mod_version or tostring(plugin.mod_version) == tostring(MOD_VERSION) then
+ table.insert(items, plugin.name .. ":" .. plugin.version)
+ end
+ end
+ return common.fuzzy_match(items, text)
+local PluginView = View:extend()
+local function join(joiner, t)
+ local s = ""
+ for i,v in ipairs(t) do if i > 1 then s = s .. joiner end s = s .. v end
+ return s
+local plugin_view = nil
+PluginView.menu = ContextMenu()
+PluginView.menu:register(nil, {
+ { text = "Install", command = "plugin-manager:install-hovered" },
+ { text = "Uninstall", command = "plugin-manager:uninstall-hovered" }
+function PluginView:new()
+ PluginView.super.new(self)
+ self.scrollable = true
+ self.show_incompatible_plugins = false
+ self.plugin_table_columns = { "Name", "Version", "Modversion", "Status", "Tags", "Description" }
+ self:refresh()
+ self.hovered_plugin = nil
+ self.hovered_plugin_idx = nil
+ self.selected_plugin = nil
+ self.selected_plugin_idx = nil
+ plugin_view = self
+local function get_plugin_text(plugin)
+ return plugin.name, plugin.version, plugin.mod_version, plugin.status, join(", ", plugin.tags), plugin.description-- (plugin.description or ""):gsub("%[[^]+%]%([^)]+%)", "")
+function PluginView:get_name()
+ return "Plugin Manager"
+local root_view_update = RootView.update
+function RootView:update(...)
+ root_view_update(self, ...)
+ PluginView.menu:update()
+local root_view_draw = RootView.draw
+function RootView:draw(...)
+ root_view_draw(self, ...)
+ PluginView.menu:draw()
+local root_view_on_mouse_moved = RootView.on_mouse_moved
+function RootView:on_mouse_moved(...)
+ if PluginView.menu:on_mouse_moved(...) then return end
+ return root_view_on_mouse_moved(self, ...)
+local on_view_mouse_pressed = RootView.on_view_mouse_pressed
+function RootView.on_view_mouse_pressed(button, x, y, clicks)
+ local handled = PluginView.menu:on_mouse_pressed(button, x, y, clicks)
+ return handled or on_view_mouse_pressed(button, x, y, clicks)
+function PluginView:on_mouse_moved(x, y, dx, dy)
+ PluginView.super.on_mouse_moved(self, x, y, dx, dy)
+ local th = style.font:get_height()
+ local lh = th + style.padding.y
+ local offset = math.floor((y - self.position.y + self.scroll.y) / lh)
+ self.hovered_plugin = offset > 0 and self:get_plugins()[offset]
+ self.hovered_plugin_idx = offset > 0 and offset
+function PluginView:refresh()
+ self.widths = {}
+ for i,v in ipairs(self.plugin_table_columns) do
+ table.insert(self.widths, style.font:get_width(v))
+ end
+ for i, plugin in ipairs(self:get_plugins()) do
+ local t = { get_plugin_text(plugin) }
+ for j = 1, #self.widths do
+ self.widths[j] = math.max(style.font:get_width(t[j] or ""), self.widths[j])
+ end
+ end
+function PluginView:get_plugins()
+ if self.show_incompatible_plugins then return PluginManager.plugins end
+ return PluginManager.valid_plugins
+function PluginView:get_scrollable_size()
+ local th = style.font:get_height() + style.padding.y
+ return th * #self:get_plugins()
+local function mul(color1, color2)
+ return { color1[1] * color2[1] / 255, color1[2] * color2[2] / 255, color1[3] * color2[3] / 255, color1[4] * color2[4] / 255 }
+function PluginView:draw()
+ self:draw_background(style.background)
+ local th = style.font:get_height()
+ local lh = th + style.padding.y
+ local ox, oy = self:get_content_offset()
+ core.push_clip_rect(self.position.x, self.position.y, self.size.x, self.size.y)
+ local x, y = ox + style.padding.x, oy
+ for i, v in ipairs(self.plugin_table_columns) do
+ common.draw_text(style.font, style.accent, v, "left", x, y, self.widths[i], lh)
+ x = x + self.widths[i] + style.padding.x
+ end
+ oy = oy + lh
+ for i, plugin in ipairs(self:get_plugins()) do
+ local x, y = ox, oy
+ if y + lh >= self.position.y and y <= self.position.y + self.size.y then
+ if plugin == self.selected_plugin then
+ renderer.draw_rect(x, y, self.size.x, lh, style.dim)
+ elseif plugin == self.hovered_plugin then
+ renderer.draw_rect(x, y, self.size.x, lh, style.line_highlight)
+ end
+ x = x + style.padding.x
+ for j, v in ipairs({ get_plugin_text(plugin) }) do
+ local color = plugin.status == "installed" and style.good or style.text
+ if self.loading then color = mul(color, style.dim) end
+ common.draw_text(style.font, color, v, "left", x, y, self.widths[j], lh)
+ x = x + self.widths[j] + style.padding.x
+ end
+ end
+ oy = oy + lh
+ end
+ core.pop_clip_rect()
+ PluginView.super.draw_scrollbar(self)
+function PluginView:install(plugin)
+ self.loading = true
+ PluginManager:install(plugin):done(function()
+ self.loading = false
+ self.selected_plugin, plugin_view.selected_plugin_idx = nil, nil
+ end)
+function PluginView:uninstall(plugin)
+ self.loading = true
+ PluginManager:uninstall(plugin):done(function()
+ self.loading = false
+ self.selected_plugin, plugin_view.selected_plugin_idx = nil, nil
+ end)
+PluginManager.view = PluginView
+ command.perform("plugin-manager:show")
+command.add(PluginView, {
+ ["plugin-manager:select"] = function(x, y)
+ plugin_view.selected_plugin, plugin_view.selected_plugin_idx = plugin_view.hovered_plugin, plugin_view.hovered_plugin_idx
+ end,
+ return core.active_view and core.active_view:is(PluginView) and plugin_view.selected_plugin and plugin_view.selected_plugin.status == "available"
+end, {
+ ["plugin-manager:install-selected"] = function() plugin_view:install(plugin_view.selected_plugin) end
+ return core.active_view and core.active_view:is(PluginView) and plugin_view.hovered_plugin and plugin_view.hovered_plugin.status == "available"
+end, {
+ ["plugin-manager:install-hovered"] = function() plugin_view:install(plugin_view.hovered_plugin) end
+ return core.active_view and core.active_view:is(PluginView) and plugin_view.selected_plugin and plugin_view.selected_plugin.status == "installed"
+end, {
+ ["plugin-manager:uninstall-selected"] = function() plugin_view:uninstall(plugin_view.selected_plugin) end
+ return core.active_view and core.active_view:is(PluginView) and plugin_view.hovered_plugin and plugin_view.hovered_plugin.status == "installed"
+end, {
+ ["plugin-manager:uninstall-hovered"] = function() plugin_view:uninstall(plugin_view.hovered_plugin) end
+command.add(nil, {
+ ["plugin-manager:show"] = function()
+ local node = core.root_view:get_active_node_default()
+ node:add_view(PluginView())
+ end,
+ ["plugin-manager:install"] = function()
+ core.command_view:enter("Enter plugin name",
+ function(name)
+ core.log("Attempting to install plugin " .. name .. "...")
+ PluginManager:install(name, nil):done(function()
+ core.log("Successfully installed plugin " .. name .. ".")
+ end)
+ end,
+ function(text) return get_suggestions(text) end
+ )
+ end,
+ ["plugin-manager:remove"] = function()
+ core.command_view:enter("Enter plugin name",
+ function(name)
+ core.log("Attempting to remove plugin " .. name .. "...")
+ PluginManager:uninstall(name):done(function()
+ core.log("Successfully removed plugin " .. name .. ".")
+ end)
+ end,
+ function(text) return get_suggestions(PluginManager.local_plugins, text) end
+ )
+ end,
+ ["plugin-manager:refresh"] = function() PluginManager:refresh():done(function() core.log("Successfully refreshed plugin listing.") end) end,
+keymap.add {
+ ["up"] = "plugin-manager:select-prev",
+ ["down"] = "plugin-manager:select-next",
+ ["lclick"] = "plugin-manager:select",
+ ["2lclick"] = { "plugin-manager:install-selected", "plugin-manager:uninstall-selected" }
+return PluginManager