path: root/lpm.lua
diff options
authorAdam <adamdharrison@gmail.com>2022-09-09 17:47:28 -0400
committerAdam <adamdharrison@gmail.com>2022-09-09 17:47:28 -0400
commitf3b23174bfed7203d53040b6ba028b6049f556ad (patch)
treee5dde639a22fd40666b3e15fa2fc659fd97d3f2a /lpm.lua
Initial commit.
Diffstat (limited to 'lpm.lua')
1 files changed, 730 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lpm.lua b/lpm.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0e53e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lpm.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,730 @@
+local strict = {}
+strict.defined = {}
+-- used to define a global variable
+function global(t)
+ for k, v in pairs(t) do
+ strict.defined[k] = true
+ rawset(_G, k, v)
+ end
+function strict.__newindex(t, k, v)
+ error("cannot set undefined variable: " .. k, 2)
+function strict.__index(t, k)
+ if not strict.defined[k] then
+ error("cannot get undefined variable: " .. k, 2)
+ end
+setmetatable(_G, strict)
+-- Begin JSON library.
+-- json.lua
+-- Copyright (c) 2020 rxi
+-- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
+-- this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
+-- the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
+-- use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
+-- of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
+-- so, subject to the following conditions:
+-- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+-- copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+local json = { _version = "0.1.2" }
+-- Encode
+local encode
+local escape_char_map = {
+ [ "\\" ] = "\\",
+ [ "\"" ] = "\"",
+ [ "\b" ] = "b",
+ [ "\f" ] = "f",
+ [ "\n" ] = "n",
+ [ "\r" ] = "r",
+ [ "\t" ] = "t",
+local escape_char_map_inv = { [ "/" ] = "/" }
+for k, v in pairs(escape_char_map) do
+ escape_char_map_inv[v] = k
+local function escape_char(c)
+ return "\\" .. (escape_char_map[c] or string.format("u%04x", c:byte()))
+local function encode_nil(val)
+ return "null"
+local function encode_table(val, stack)
+ local res = {}
+ stack = stack or {}
+ -- Circular reference?
+ if stack[val] then error("circular reference") end
+ stack[val] = true
+ if rawget(val, 1) ~= nil or next(val) == nil then
+ -- Treat as array -- check keys are valid and it is not sparse
+ local n = 0
+ for k in pairs(val) do
+ if type(k) ~= "number" then
+ error("invalid table: mixed or invalid key types")
+ end
+ n = n + 1
+ end
+ if n ~= #val then
+ error("invalid table: sparse array")
+ end
+ -- Encode
+ for i, v in ipairs(val) do
+ table.insert(res, encode(v, stack))
+ end
+ stack[val] = nil
+ return "[" .. table.concat(res, ",") .. "]"
+ else
+ -- Treat as an object
+ for k, v in pairs(val) do
+ if type(k) ~= "string" then
+ error("invalid table: mixed or invalid key types")
+ end
+ table.insert(res, encode(k, stack) .. ":" .. encode(v, stack))
+ end
+ stack[val] = nil
+ return "{" .. table.concat(res, ",") .. "}"
+ end
+local function encode_string(val)
+ return '"' .. val:gsub('[%z\1-\31\\"]', escape_char) .. '"'
+local function encode_number(val)
+ -- Check for NaN, -inf and inf
+ if val ~= val or val <= -math.huge or val >= math.huge then
+ error("unexpected number value '" .. tostring(val) .. "'")
+ end
+ return string.format("%.14g", val)
+local type_func_map = {
+ [ "nil" ] = encode_nil,
+ [ "table" ] = encode_table,
+ [ "string" ] = encode_string,
+ [ "number" ] = encode_number,
+ [ "boolean" ] = tostring,
+encode = function(val, stack)
+ local t = type(val)
+ local f = type_func_map[t]
+ if f then
+ return f(val, stack)
+ end
+ error("unexpected type '" .. t .. "'")
+function json.encode(val)
+ return ( encode(val) )
+-- Decode
+local parse
+local function create_set(...)
+ local res = {}
+ for i = 1, select("#", ...) do
+ res[ select(i, ...) ] = true
+ end
+ return res
+local space_chars = create_set(" ", "\t", "\r", "\n")
+local delim_chars = create_set(" ", "\t", "\r", "\n", "]", "}", ",")
+local escape_chars = create_set("\\", "/", '"', "b", "f", "n", "r", "t", "u")
+local literals = create_set("true", "false", "null")
+local literal_map = {
+ [ "true" ] = true,
+ [ "false" ] = false,
+ [ "null" ] = nil,
+local function next_char(str, idx, set, negate)
+ for i = idx, #str do
+ if set[str:sub(i, i)] ~= negate then
+ return i
+ end
+ end
+ return #str + 1
+local function decode_error(str, idx, msg)
+ local line_count = 1
+ local col_count = 1
+ for i = 1, idx - 1 do
+ col_count = col_count + 1
+ if str:sub(i, i) == "\n" then
+ line_count = line_count + 1
+ col_count = 1
+ end
+ end
+ error( string.format("%s at line %d col %d", msg, line_count, col_count) )
+local function codepoint_to_utf8(n)
+ -- http://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?site_id=nrsi&id=iws-appendixa
+ local f = math.floor
+ if n <= 0x7f then
+ return string.char(n)
+ elseif n <= 0x7ff then
+ return string.char(f(n / 64) + 192, n % 64 + 128)
+ elseif n <= 0xffff then
+ return string.char(f(n / 4096) + 224, f(n % 4096 / 64) + 128, n % 64 + 128)
+ elseif n <= 0x10ffff then
+ return string.char(f(n / 262144) + 240, f(n % 262144 / 4096) + 128,
+ f(n % 4096 / 64) + 128, n % 64 + 128)
+ end
+ error( string.format("invalid unicode codepoint '%x'", n) )
+local function parse_unicode_escape(s)
+ local n1 = tonumber( s:sub(1, 4), 16 )
+ local n2 = tonumber( s:sub(7, 10), 16 )
+ -- Surrogate pair?
+ if n2 then
+ return codepoint_to_utf8((n1 - 0xd800) * 0x400 + (n2 - 0xdc00) + 0x10000)
+ else
+ return codepoint_to_utf8(n1)
+ end
+local function parse_string(str, i)
+ local res = ""
+ local j = i + 1
+ local k = j
+ while j <= #str do
+ local x = str:byte(j)
+ if x < 32 then
+ decode_error(str, j, "control character in string")
+ elseif x == 92 then -- `\`: Escape
+ res = res .. str:sub(k, j - 1)
+ j = j + 1
+ local c = str:sub(j, j)
+ if c == "u" then
+ local hex = str:match("^[dD][89aAbB]%x%x\\u%x%x%x%x", j + 1)
+ or str:match("^%x%x%x%x", j + 1)
+ or decode_error(str, j - 1, "invalid unicode escape in string")
+ res = res .. parse_unicode_escape(hex)
+ j = j + #hex
+ else
+ if not escape_chars[c] then
+ decode_error(str, j - 1, "invalid escape char '" .. c .. "' in string")
+ end
+ res = res .. escape_char_map_inv[c]
+ end
+ k = j + 1
+ elseif x == 34 then -- `"`: End of string
+ res = res .. str:sub(k, j - 1)
+ return res, j + 1
+ end
+ j = j + 1
+ end
+ decode_error(str, i, "expected closing quote for string")
+local function parse_number(str, i)
+ local x = next_char(str, i, delim_chars)
+ local s = str:sub(i, x - 1)
+ local n = tonumber(s)
+ if not n then
+ decode_error(str, i, "invalid number '" .. s .. "'")
+ end
+ return n, x
+local function parse_literal(str, i)
+ local x = next_char(str, i, delim_chars)
+ local word = str:sub(i, x - 1)
+ if not literals[word] then
+ decode_error(str, i, "invalid literal '" .. word .. "'")
+ end
+ return literal_map[word], x
+local function parse_array(str, i)
+ local res = {}
+ local n = 1
+ i = i + 1
+ while 1 do
+ local x
+ i = next_char(str, i, space_chars, true)
+ -- Empty / end of array?
+ if str:sub(i, i) == "]" then
+ i = i + 1
+ break
+ end
+ -- Read token
+ x, i = parse(str, i)
+ res[n] = x
+ n = n + 1
+ -- Next token
+ i = next_char(str, i, space_chars, true)
+ local chr = str:sub(i, i)
+ i = i + 1
+ if chr == "]" then break end
+ if chr ~= "," then decode_error(str, i, "expected ']' or ','") end
+ end
+ return res, i
+local function parse_object(str, i)
+ local res = {}
+ i = i + 1
+ while 1 do
+ local key, val
+ i = next_char(str, i, space_chars, true)
+ -- Empty / end of object?
+ if str:sub(i, i) == "}" then
+ i = i + 1
+ break
+ end
+ -- Read key
+ if str:sub(i, i) ~= '"' then
+ decode_error(str, i, "expected string for key")
+ end
+ key, i = parse(str, i)
+ -- Read ':' delimiter
+ i = next_char(str, i, space_chars, true)
+ if str:sub(i, i) ~= ":" then
+ decode_error(str, i, "expected ':' after key")
+ end
+ i = next_char(str, i + 1, space_chars, true)
+ -- Read value
+ val, i = parse(str, i)
+ -- Set
+ res[key] = val
+ -- Next token
+ i = next_char(str, i, space_chars, true)
+ local chr = str:sub(i, i)
+ i = i + 1
+ if chr == "}" then break end
+ if chr ~= "," then decode_error(str, i, "expected '}' or ','") end
+ end
+ return res, i
+local char_func_map = {
+ [ '"' ] = parse_string,
+ [ "0" ] = parse_number,
+ [ "1" ] = parse_number,
+ [ "2" ] = parse_number,
+ [ "3" ] = parse_number,
+ [ "4" ] = parse_number,
+ [ "5" ] = parse_number,
+ [ "6" ] = parse_number,
+ [ "7" ] = parse_number,
+ [ "8" ] = parse_number,
+ [ "9" ] = parse_number,
+ [ "-" ] = parse_number,
+ [ "t" ] = parse_literal,
+ [ "f" ] = parse_literal,
+ [ "n" ] = parse_literal,
+ [ "[" ] = parse_array,
+ [ "{" ] = parse_object,
+parse = function(str, idx)
+ local chr = str:sub(idx, idx)
+ local f = char_func_map[chr]
+ if f then
+ return f(str, idx)
+ end
+ decode_error(str, idx, "unexpected character '" .. chr .. "'")
+function json.decode(str)
+ if type(str) ~= "string" then
+ error("expected argument of type string, got " .. type(str))
+ end
+ local res, idx = parse(str, next_char(str, 1, space_chars, true))
+ idx = next_char(str, idx, space_chars, true)
+ if idx <= #str then
+ decode_error(str, idx, "trailing garbage")
+ end
+ return res
+-- End JSON library.
+local common = {}
+function common.rmrf(root)
+ if not root or root == "" then return end
+ local info = system.stat(root)
+ if not info then return end
+ if info.type == "file" then return os.remove(root) end
+ for i,v in ipairs(system.ls(root)) do common.rmrf(root .. PATHSEP .. v) end
+ system.rmdir(root)
+function common.mkdirp(path)
+ local stat = system.stat(path)
+ if stat and stat.type == "dir" then return true end
+ if stat and stat.type == "file" then error("path " .. path .. " exists") end
+ local subdirs = {}
+ while path and path ~= "" do
+ system.mkdir(path)
+ local updir, basedir = path:match("(.*)[/\\](.+)$")
+ table.insert(subdirs, 1, basedir or path)
+ path = updir
+ end
+ for _, dirname in ipairs(subdirs) do
+ path = path and path .. PATHSEP .. dirname or dirname
+ system.mkdir(path)
+ end
+function common.basename(path)
+ local s = path:reverse():find(PATHSEP)
+ if not s then return path end
+ return path:sub(#path - s + 1)
+function common.copy(src, dst)
+ local src_stat, dst_stat = system.stat(src), system.stat(dst)
+ if not src_stat then error("can't find " .. src) end
+ if dst_stat and dst_stat.type == "dir" and src_stat.type == "file" then return common.copy(src, dst .. PATHSEP .. common.basename(src)) end
+ if dst_stat then error("path " .. dst .. " exists") end
+ local src_io, dst_io = io.open(src, "rb"), io.write(dst, "wb")
+ while true do
+ local chunk = src_io:read(16*1024)
+ if not chunk then break end
+ dst_io:write(chunk)
+ end
+local HOME, USERDIR, CACHEDIR, JSON, repositories
+local Repository = {}
+function Repository.__index(self, idx) return rawget(self, idx) or Repository[idx] end
+function Repository.new(hash)
+ if not hash.remote then error("requires a remote") end
+ local self = setmetatable({
+ commit = hash.commit,
+ remote = hash.remote,
+ branch = hash.branch,
+ plugins = nil,
+ local_path = CACHEDIR .. PATHSEP .. system.hash(hash.remote),
+ last_retrieval = nil
+ }, Repository)
+ if system.stat(self.local_path) and not self.commit and not self.branch then
+ -- In the case where we don't have a branch, and don't have a commit, check for the presence of `master` and `main`.
+ if system.stat(self.local_path .. PATHSEP .. "master") then
+ self.branch = "master"
+ elseif system.stat(self.local_path .. PATHSEP .. PATHSEP .. "main") then
+ self.branch = "main"
+ end
+ end
+ self:parse_manifest()
+ return self
+function Repository:parse_manifest()
+ if self.manifest then return self.manifest end
+ if system.stat(self.local_path) and system.stat(self.local_path .. PATHSEP .. (self.commit or self.branch)) then
+ self.manifest_path = self.local_path .. PATHSEP .. (self.commit or self.branch) .. PATHSEP .. "manifest.json"
+ if system.stat(self.manifest_path) then
+ self.manifest = json.parse(io.open(manifest_path, "rb"):read("*all"))
+ self.plugins = {}
+ for i, metadata in ipairs(self.manifest["plugins"]) do
+ table.insert(self.plugins, Plugin.new(self, metadata))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return self.manifest
+-- in the cases where we don't have a manifest, assume generalized structure, take plugins folder, trawl through it, build manifest that way
+-- assuming each .lua file under
+function Repository:generate_manifest()
+function Repository:add()
+ -- If neither specified then pull onto `master`, and check the main branch name, and move if necessary.
+ if not self.branch and not self.commit then
+ local path = self.local_path .. PATHSEP .. "master"
+ common.mkdirp(path)
+ system.init(path, self.remote)
+ if not pcall(system.reset, "refs/heads/master") then
+ if pcall(system.reset, "refs/heads/main") then
+ os.rename(path, self.local_path .. PATHSEP .. "main")
+ else
+ error("Can't find master or main.")
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ local path = self.local_path .. PATHSEP .. (self.commit or self.branch)
+ common.mkdirp(path)
+ system.init(path, self.remote)
+ system.fetch(path)
+ system.reset(path, self.commit or ("refs/remotes/origin/" .. self.branch), "hard")
+ self.manifest = nil
+ self:parse_manifest()
+ end
+function Repository:update()
+ if self.branch then
+ local path = self.local_path .. PATHSEP .. self.branch
+ system.fetch(path)
+ system.reset(path, "refs/remotes/origin/" .. self.branch, "hard")
+ self.manifest = nil
+ self:parse_manifest()
+ end
+function Repository:remove()
+ common.rmrf(self.path)
+local Plugin = { __index = function(self, idx) return rawget(self, idx) or Plugin[idx] end }
+function Plugin.new(repository, metadata)
+ return setmetatable(common.merge({
+ repository = repository,
+ tags = {},
+ remote = nil,
+ path = nil,
+ version = "1.0",
+ local_path = repository.local_path .. PATHSEP .. "repo" .. PATHSEP .. (metadata.path or metadata.name),
+ install_path = USERDIR .. PATHSEP .. "plugins" .. PATHSEP .. (metadata.path or metadata.name),
+ }, metadata), Plugin)
+function Plugin:install()
+ common.copy(self.local_path, self.install_path)
+function Plugin:uninstall()
+ common.rmrf(self.install_path)
+local function get_repository(url)
+ if not url then error("requires a repository url") end
+ for i,v in ipairs(repositories) do
+ if v.url == url then return i, v end
+ end
+ return nil
+local function match_version(version, pattern)
+ return not pattern or version == pattern
+local function get_plugin(name, version)
+ local candidates = {}
+ for i,repo in ipairs(repositories) do
+ for j,plugin in ipairs(repo.plugins) do
+ if match_version(plugin.version, version) then
+ table.insert(candidates, plugin)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return table.unpack(table.sort(candidates, function (a,b) return a.version < b.version end))
+local function lpm_add(url)
+ local idx, repo = get_repository(url)
+ if repo then -- if we're alreayd a repo, put this at the head of the resolution list
+ table.remove(repositories, idx)
+ else
+ repo = Repository.new(url):add()
+ end
+ table.insert(repositories, 1, repo)
+ repo:update()
+local function lpm_rm(url)
+ local idx, repo = get_repository(url)
+ if not repo then error("cannot find repository " .. url) end
+ table.remove(repositories, idx)
+ repo:remove()
+local function lpm_update(url)
+ local repo = url and get_repository(url)
+ for i,v in ipairs(repositories) do if not repo or v == repo then v:update() end end
+local function lpm_install(name, version)
+ local plugin = get_plugin(name, version)
+ if not plugin then error("can't find plugin " .. name) end
+ plugin:install()
+local function lpm_uninstall(name)
+ local plugin = get_plugin(name, version)
+ if not plugin then error("can't find plugin " .. name) end
+ if not plugin.installed then error("plugin " .. name .. " not installed") end
+ plugin:uninstall()
+local function lpm_list()
+ local result = { plugins = { } }
+ for i,repo in ipairs(repositories) do
+ if not repo.plugins then error("can't find plugins for repo " .. repo.remote .. ":" .. (repo.commit or repo.branch or "master")) end
+ for j,plugin in ipairs(repo.plugins) do
+ table.insert(result.plugins, plugin)
+ end
+ end
+ if JSON then
+ io.stdout:write(json.encode(result))
+ else
+ end
+local function lpm_purge()
+ common.rmrf(CACHEDIR)
+local status = 0
+ JSON = os.getenv("LPM_JSON")
+ HOME = (os.getenv("USERPROFILE") or os.getenv("HOME")):gsub(PATHSEP .. "$", "")
+ USERDIR = os.getenv("LITE_USERDIR") or (os.getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME") and os.getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME") .. PATHSEP .. "lite-xl")
+ or (HOME and (HOME .. PATHSEP .. '.config' .. PATHSEP .. 'lite-xl'))
+ CACHEDIR = os.getenv("LPM_CACHE") or USERDIR .. PATHSEP .. "lpm"
+ repositories = {}
+ repositories = { Repository.new({ remote = "https://github.com/lite-xl/lite-xl-plugins.git", branch = "master" }) }
+ if not system.stat(CACHEDIR) or not system.stat(repositories[1].local_path) then
+ common.mkdirp(repositories[1].local_path)
+ repositories[1]:add()
+ else
+ for i, remote_hash in ipairs(system.ls(CACHEDIR)) do
+ local remote
+ for j, commit_or_branch in ipairs(system.ls(CACHEDIR .. PATHSEP .. remote_hash)) do
+ if system.stat(CACHEDIR .. PATHSEP .. remote_hash .. PATHSEP .. commit_or_branch .. PATHSEP .. ".git" .. PATHSEP .."config") then
+ for line in io.lines(CACHEDIR .. PATHSEP .. remote_hash .. PATHSEP .. commit_or_branch .. PATHSEP .. ".git" .. PATHSEP .."config") do
+ local s,e = line:find("url = ")
+ if s then remote = line:sub(s+1) break end
+ end
+ if remote then
+ if #commit_or_branch == 40 and not commit_or_branch:find("[^a-z0-9]") then
+ table.insert(repositories, Repository.new({ remote = remote, commit = commit_or_branch }))
+ else
+ table.insert(repositories, Repository.new({ remote = remote, branch = commit_or_branch }))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if ARGV[2] == "add" then return lpm_add(ARGV[3]) end
+ if ARGV[2] == "rm" then return lpm_rm(ARGV[3]) end
+ if ARGV[2] == "update" then return lpm_update(ARGV[3]) end
+ if ARGV[2] == "install" then return lpm_install(ARGV[3]) end
+ if ARGV[2] == "uninstall" then return lpm_uninstall(ARGV[3]) end
+ if ARGV[2] == "purge" then return lpm_purge(ARGV[4]) end
+ if ARGV[2] == "list" then return lpm_list() end
+ io.stderr:write([[
+Usage: lpm COMMAND
+LPM is a package manager for `lite-xl`, written in C (and packed-in lua).
+It has the following commands:
+lpm add <repository remote>
+lpm rm <repository remote>
+lpm update [<repository remote>]
+lpm install <plugin name>
+lpm uninstall <plugin name>
+lpm list
+end, function(err)
+ if JSON then
+ io.stderr:write(json.encode({ error = err, traceback = debug.traceback() }))
+ else
+ io.stderr:write(err .. "\n")
+ io.stderr:write(debug.traceback() .. "\n")
+ end
+ status = -1
+return status;