diff options
authorAdam Harrison <adamdharrison@gmail.com>2024-10-19 15:44:06 -0400
committerAdam Harrison <adamdharrison@gmail.com>2024-10-19 15:44:06 -0400
commit1a44e9a1cd059eef2b45b37006b46c17d7316e04 (patch)
parentbf98e52176a3bf25820a234947e3dfa2c9403fab (diff)
Adding in ability to set mod-version "any".
1 files changed, 27 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/src/lpm.lua b/src/lpm.lua
index 5760b4e..e0fff24 100644
--- a/src/lpm.lua
+++ b/src/lpm.lua
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ function Addon:get_compatibilities(bottle)
local dependency_list = common.canonical_order(self.dependencies)
for _, addon in ipairs(dependency_list) do
local v = self.dependencies[addon]
- local potential_addons = { bottle:get_addon(addon, v.version, { mod_version = bottle.lite_xl.mod_version }) }
+ local potential_addons = { bottle:get_addon(addon, v.version, MOD_VERSION ~= "any" and { mod_version = bottle.lite_xl.mod_version }) }
for i, potential_addon in ipairs(potential_addons) do
local incomaptibilities = common.grep(installed_addons, function(p) return p:is_incompatible(potential_addon) end)
if #incomaptibilities == 0 then
@@ -1368,7 +1368,7 @@ end
function LiteXL:is_system() return system_bottle and system_bottle.lite_xl == self end
function LiteXL:is_local() return not self.repository and self.path end
-function LiteXL:is_compatible(addon) return not addon.mod_version or compatible_modversion(self.mod_version, addon.mod_version) end
+function LiteXL:is_compatible(addon) return not addon.mod_version or MOD_VERSION == "any" or compatible_modversion(self.mod_version, addon.mod_version) end
function LiteXL:is_installed() return system.stat(self.local_path) ~= nil end
function LiteXL:install()
@@ -1467,7 +1467,7 @@ function Bottle:construct()
if not self.lite_xl:is_installed() then self.lite_xl:install() end
common.mkdirp(self.local_path .. PATHSEP .. "user")
if self.config then
- common.write(self.local_path .. PATHSEP .. "user" .. PATHSEP .. "init.lua", DEFAULT_CONFIG_HEADER .. self.config)
+ common.write(self.local_path .. PATHSEP .. "user" .. PATHSEP .. "init.lua", DEFAULT_CONFIG_HEADER .. (MOD_VERSION == "any" and "config.skip_plugins_version = true" or "") .. self.config)
-- Always copy the executbale, because of the way that lite determines the user folder (for now).
@@ -1518,7 +1518,7 @@ function Bottle:apply(addons, config)
if config then
- common.write((self.is_system and USERDIR or self.local_path) .. PATHSEP .. "init.lua", config == 'default' and DEFAULT_CONFIG_HEADER or config)
+ common.write((self.is_system and USERDIR or self.local_path) .. PATHSEP .. "init.lua", config == 'default' and (DEFAULT_CONFIG_HEADER .. (MOD_VERSION == "any" and "config.skip_plugins_version = true" or "")) or config)
changes = true
return changes
@@ -1802,12 +1802,14 @@ function lpm.lite_xl_add(version, path)
if common.first(lite_xls, function(lite_xl) return lite_xl.version == version end) then error(version .. " lite-xl already exists") end
local binary_path = BINARY or (path and(path .. PATHSEP .. "lite-xl" .. EXECUTABLE_EXTENSION))
local data_path = DATADIR or (path and (path .. PATHSEP .. "data"))
- local binary_stat, data_stat = system.stat(binary_path), system.stat(data_path)
- if not binary_stat then error("can't find binary path " .. binary_path) end
- if not data_stat then error("can't find data path " .. data_path) end
- local path_stat = system.stat(path:gsub(PATHSEP .. "$", ""))
- if not path_stat then error("can't find lite-xl path " .. path) end
- table.insert(lite_xls, LiteXL.new(nil, { version = version, binary_path = { [ARCH[1]] = binary_stat.abs_path }, datadir_path = data_stat.abs_path, path = path_stat.abs_path, mod_version = MOD_VERSION or LATEST_MOD_VERSION }))
+ local binary_stat = assert(system.stat(binary_path), "can't find binary path " .. binary_path)
+ local data_stat = assert(system.stat(data_path), "can't find data path " .. data_path)
+ local path_stat = assert(system.stat(path:gsub(PATHSEP .. "$", "")), "can't find lite-xl path " .. path)
+ local mod_version = MOD_VERSION
+ if mod_version == "any" or not mod_version then
+ mod_version = common.read(data_path .. PATHSEP .. "start.lua"):match("MOD_VERSION_MAJOR%s=%s(%d+)")
+ end
+ table.insert(lite_xls, LiteXL.new(nil, { version = version, binary_path = { [ARCH[1]] = binary_stat.abs_path }, datadir_path = data_stat.abs_path, path = path_stat.abs_path, mod_version = mod_version or LATEST_MOD_VERSION }))
@@ -2242,7 +2244,13 @@ function lpm.setup()
lpm.repo_init(ARGS[2] == "init" and #ARGS > 2 and (ARGS[3] ~= "none" and common.map(common.slice(ARGS, 3), function(url) return Repository.url(url) end) or {}) or nil)
repositories, lite_xls = {}, {}
if system.stat(CACHEDIR .. PATHSEP .. "settings.json") then settings = json.decode(common.read(CACHEDIR .. PATHSEP .. "settings.json")) end
- repositories = common.map(settings.repositories or {}, function(url) local repo = Repository.url(url) repo:parse_manifest() return repo end)
+ if REPOSITORY then
+ for i, url in ipairs(type(REPOSITORY) == "table" and REPOSITORY or { REPOSITORY }) do
+ table.insert(repositories, Repository.url(url):add(AUTO_PULL_REMOTES))
+ end
+ else
+ repositories = common.map(settings.repositories or {}, function(url) local repo = Repository.url(url) repo:parse_manifest() return repo end)
+ end
lite_xls = common.map(settings.lite_xls or {}, function(lite_xl) return LiteXL.new(nil, { version = lite_xl.version, mod_version = lite_xl.mod_version, binary_path = lite_xl.binary_path, datadir_path = lite_xl.datadir_path, path = lite_xl.path, tags = { "local" } }) end)
if BINARY and not system.stat(BINARY) then error("can't find specified --binary") end
@@ -2261,6 +2269,10 @@ function lpm.setup()
local lite_xl_datadir = common.first(lite_xl_datadirs, function(p) return p and system.stat(p) end)
if not BINARY and not DATADIR and system_lite_xl then error("can't find existing system lite (does " .. system_lite_xl:get_binary_path() .. " exist? was it moved?); run `lpm purge`, or specify --binary and --datadir.") end
+ local mod_version = MOD_VERSION
+ if mod_version == "any" or not mod_version then
+ mod_version = common.read(DATADIR .. PATHSEP .. "start.lua"):match("MOD_VERSION_MAJOR%s=%s(%d+)")
+ end
local detected_lite_xl = LiteXL.new(nil, { path = directory, datadir_path = lite_xl_datadir, binary_path = { [DEFAULT_ARCH] = lite_xl_binary }, mod_version = MOD_VERSION or LATEST_MOD_VERSION, version = "system", tags = { "system", "local" } })
if not system_lite_xl then
system_lite_xl = detected_lite_xl
@@ -2281,7 +2293,6 @@ function lpm.setup()
system_bottle = Bottle.new(LiteXL.new(nil, { mod_version = MOD_VERSION or LATEST_MOD_VERSION, datadir_path = DATADIR, version = "system", tags = { "system", "local" } }), nil, nil, true)
if not system_bottle then system_bottle = Bottle.new(nil, nil, nil, true) end
- if REPOSITORY then repositories = common.map(type(REPOSITORY) == "table" and REPOSITORY or { REPOSITORY }, function(url) local repo = Repository.url(url) repo:parse_manifest() return repo end) end
function lpm.command(ARGS)
@@ -2478,6 +2489,9 @@ Flags have the following effects:
steps to install and whatnot.
--quiet Outputs nothing but explicit responses.
--mod-version=version Sets the mod version of lite-xl to install addons.
+ Can be set to "any", which will retrieve the latest
+ specified, and will add
+ `config.skip_plugins_version = true` to a bottle.
--version Returns version information.
--help Displays this help text.
--ssl-certs Sets the SSL certificate store. Can be a directory,
@@ -2617,7 +2631,7 @@ not commonly used publically.
ARCH = ARGS["arch"] or { DEFAULT_ARCH }
ASSUME_YES = ARGS["assume-yes"] or FORCE
MOD_VERSION = ARGS["mod-version"] or os.getenv("LPM_MODVERSION")
- if MOD_VERSION == "any" then MOD_VERSION = nil end
+ assert(not MOD_VERSION or MOD_VERSION == "any" or MOD_VERSION:find("^%d+$"), "--mod-version must be either 'any' or a number.")
HOME = (os.getenv("USERPROFILE") or os.getenv("HOME")):gsub(PATHSEP .. "$", "")
USERDIR = common.normalize_path(ARGS["userdir"]) or os.getenv("LITE_USERDIR") or (os.getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME") and os.getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME") .. PATHSEP .. "lite-xl")
or (HOME and (HOME .. PATHSEP .. '.config' .. PATHSEP .. 'lite-xl'))