path: root/src/utils.js
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-01-12added: src/modules/json.js0neGal
2023-01-12modularize settings Object0neGal
2023-01-12src/extras/ is now src/modules/0neGal
2023-01-12basically support thunderstore_author.txt0neGal
2022-11-23remove testing error0neGal
2022-11-23added more user friendly error message0neGal
2022-11-23actually fix duplicate mods0neGal
2022-11-19ignore mod if mod.json isn't formatted correctly0neGal
2022-09-14differentiation between update() and updatevp()0neGal
2022-09-13fix: spawn game processes in separate shellsAlystrasz
2022-08-07fix: lintAlystrasz
2022-08-06feat: prevent Northstar update and update download link text if no InternetAlystrasz
2022-06-29added extract progress messages0neGal
2022-06-29fixed version number not updating after updates0neGal
2022-06-29Merge branch 'main' into deprecate-nsversiontxt0neGal
2022-06-29require NorthstarLauncher.exe to be found0neGal
2022-06-07minor changes0neGal
2022-06-05removed auto formattingB
2022-06-02added setting for auto-killing origin, functionality workingB
2022-06-01add origin killB
2022-06-01added origin checkB
2022-05-30refactored event names0neGal
2022-05-30fixed missing commas and various syntax stuff0neGal
2022-05-29added checks to make sure the version is correct0neGal
2022-05-28fixed: Linux launch error alert not showing0neGal
2022-05-24deprecate ns_version.txt0neGal
2022-05-12initial draft for supporting dependencies0neGal
2022-05-03fixed various errors when reading modfile0neGal
2022-05-03hopefully fully implement everything?? i think?0neGal
2022-05-03simplified get() and made list() used get()0neGal
2022-05-03modfile. enable(), disable() and toggle() now work0neGal
2022-05-02mods.modfile().get() is identical to mods.list()0neGal
2022-05-02Merge branch 'main' into enabledmods0neGal
2022-04-28added: error if config file isn't valid0neGal
2022-04-17fixed gamepathlost errors on first launchlinux-launch-testing0neGal
2022-04-17fixed issue causing viper not open the GUI0neGal
2022-04-13fixed --update not exiting if already on latest0neGal
2022-04-13check to make sure gamepath exists0neGal
2022-04-13the user can now manually select a language0neGal
2022-03-24removed excess debug console.log()0neGal
2022-03-22fix: VDF path searching not working on SteamDeck (#97)0neGal
2022-03-10fix nsargs being cleared when edited out of Viper (#93)0neGal
2022-02-24fixed NS never being auto-updated and more0neGal
2022-02-23implement ability to disable NS auto-updates0neGal
2022-02-23Merge 0neGal/viper into settings-page0neGal
2022-02-23settings page is now fully functional0neGal
2022-02-21[fix] updates checking orderRemy Raes
2022-02-21some functionality is now present0neGal
2022-02-18fix being able to upload any file0neGal
2022-02-13Merge branch 'main' into enabledmods0neGal