AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-09-18added "Open gamepath" button0neGal
2023-09-18fixed toasts not breaking onto a new line0neGal
2023-09-16fixed mod preview being positioned incorrectly0neGal
2023-09-16fixed backdrop-filter breaking on filter popup0neGal
2023-09-16removed Thunderstore background image in webview0neGal
2023-09-16added buttons for fixing some problems and alike0neGal
2023-09-16more minor fixes to the change in lang files0neGal
2023-09-16handle gamepaths with missing read/write perms0neGal
2023-09-16made some lang keys far more logical0neGal
2023-09-16lang files can now use objects!0neGal
2023-09-16added button to force kill game0neGal
2023-09-14bumped version number to 1.8.5v1.8.50neGal
2023-09-13fixed settings file refusing to save if invalid0neGal
2023-09-13Merge branch 'main' of https://github.com/0neGal/viper0neGal
2023-09-13ideally eliminate race condition loading config0neGal
2023-09-13synchronize changes to settings from main process0neGal
2023-09-13fixed gamepath only updating for the renderer0neGal
2023-09-13use json.js for loading settings in the renderer0neGal
2023-09-13Merge pull request #213 from 0neGal/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/electron-22.3.210neGal
2023-09-06Bump electron from 22.0.0 to 22.3.21dependabot[bot]
2023-08-26bumped version number to 1.8.4v1.8.40neGal
2023-08-26fixed mod browser thinking it's done loading pkgs0neGal
2023-08-26fixed edge case where packages.list() still broke0neGal
2023-08-21properly detect outdated and up-to-date packages0neGal
2023-08-21properly detect installed packages in mod browser0neGal
2023-08-21bumped version number to 1.8.3v1.8.30neGal
2023-08-21added proper image for OpenGraph tags0neGal
2023-08-21added a basic but proper website for Viper0neGal
2023-08-20fixed packages.list() assuming packages dir exists0neGal
2023-08-17bumped version number to 1.8.2v1.8.20neGal
2023-08-07fixed Northstar startup arguments not applying0neGal
2023-07-31bump package versions fixing vulnerabilities0neGal
2023-07-31accidentally wrote console.status instead of .info0neGal
2023-07-31remove "error:" from console errors0neGal
2023-07-31window buttons are no longer hidden behind popups0neGal
2023-07-25bumped version number to 1.8.1v1.8.10neGal
2023-07-25fixed packages having a "v" in their version0neGal
2023-07-25Merge pull request #203 from XNovaDelta/patch-90neGal
2023-07-24Update maintainers.jsonXNovaDelta
2023-07-24Merge pull request #201 from ProjektOpensource/main0neGal
2023-07-24bumped version number to 1.8.0v1.8.00neGal
2023-07-24added default Northstar icon for core mods0neGal
2023-07-24fixed packages.js never requiring the lang module0neGal
2023-07-24Fixed formatting issue in the up-to-date console message.someordinaryidiot#
2023-07-24Merge pull request #191 from 0neGal/packages-dir0neGal
2023-07-24make sure profile exists, then create packages dirpackages-dir0neGal
2023-07-24remove debug console.log()0neGal
2023-07-24largely improve how we convert mods to packages0neGal
2023-07-24properly detect if a package has mods0neGal
2023-07-24fixed updateable packages not being removeable0neGal