path: root/docs/installing-northstar
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+# Viper Guide
+Viper is a mod manager/installer for Northstar, a community made mod for Titanfall 2, that automatically updates mods and Northstar versions.
+Similar to FlightCore, Viper works on both Windows and Linux and has similar use cases, mostly differing in downloading Viper.
+## Windows Installation
+![The Windows download button on Viper's GitHub page](../../images/viper-windows-download.png)
+Install Viper from the [Northstar website](https://northstar.tf) or the Windows download button on [Viper's main GitHub page](https://github.com/0neGal/viper).
+After this, run the file you downloaded to install Viper, then, if it doesn't automatically, open Viper.
+## Linux Installation
+To install Viper on Linux, you can either install the flatpak, or the `AppImage`. The flatpak version can be installed simply by using the command `flatpak install viper` in your terminal, which you can then open with your system, or by using the command `flatpak run com.github._0negal.Viper`. Viper's Flathub page can be found [here](https://flathub.org/apps/com.github._0negal.Viper).
+To use the `AppImage` version, you want to download the [newest AppImage file](https://0negal.github.io/viper/?appimage), store it in a place that you want to, then you can allow it to be executed in one of two ways. Note that Viper will NOT automatically update when using the AppImage version.
+The first way is changing the executable flag in a terminal. This can be accomplished by using `cd` to get to the directory you've stored Viper in, then typing in `chmod +x <AppImage>`, with you wanting to replace <AppImage> with the full name of the AppImage file you've downloaded.\
+The second way is to right click on it, click on properties and tick `Executable as Program` on the AppImage file as shown below to allow it to be run on your computer. Double clicking the file after doing either one of these will launch Viper.
+![Make sure to tick this setting to be ON](../../images/viper-executable-as-program.png)
+## Viper's Menus
+Viper has 3 main menus, each with their own function. "Northstar Menu" refers to the Northstar menu on Viper, **not** a specific menu visible on all ways to install/launch Northstar.
+### Northstar Menu
+![Viper's Northstar Menu](../../images/viper-northstar-menu.png)
+Viper's Northstar menu is the screen that Viper opens up to by default, with a large `Launch` button, as well as a version number for Northstar, and how many players and servers are online. It also automatically checks for a Northstar update on this screen. This screen also has sub screens, as listed below
+![Installed mods list](../../images/viper-installed-mods.png)
+This menu (when opened) shows you a list of your currently enabled mods, with version numbers, author names, and toggles to disable or remove them individually.
+- `Remove All` would do just that, removing all of your mods.
+- `Toggle All` would also do just that, toggling all of your mods.
+- `Install Mod` is a button you can press and locate a mod folder installed to your computer, and Viper will install it for you.
+![Viper's Thunderstore browser](../../images/viper-find-mods.png)
+The `Find Mods` button on Viper's mod screen allows you to search through [Northstar's Thunderstore page](https://northstar.thunderstore.io/) inside of Viper with the ability to quickly download a mod, as well as seeing the Mod's author and version number.
+![Viper's release notes for Northstar](../../images/viper-northstar-release-notes.png)
+The `Release Notes` tab shows you the release notes for Northstar versions, which you can find [here](https://github.com/R2Northstar/Northstar/releases)
+### Viper Menu
+![Viper's main menu](../../images/viper-menu.png)
+This menu of Viper (the top one on the left sidebar) shows you the version of Viper you have installed, and an option to set your game path. Viper _should_ do this automatically, but some users may need to manually set this. Default directories can be found [here](../troubleshooting.md#game-location), or if you own the game on EA and have followed the [EA App directory issue section](../troubleshooting.md#cannot-write-log-file-when-using-northstar-on-ea-app), another common location is `C:\Games\Titanfall2`
+![Viper's release notes](../../images/viper-release-notes.png)
+This page shows the release notes for Viper versions, which you can find [here](https://github.com/0neGal/viper/releases)
+The `Extras` tab of Viper displays some additional information, like credit for backgrounds used in Viper.
+### Vanilla Menu
+![Viper's Vanilla menu](../../images/viper-vanilla.png)
+This menu allows you to Launch vanilla Titanfall 2 (no mods) easily, by simply hitting `Launch` on this screen
+## Viper's Invalid Config issue
+![The Invalid Config error](../../images/viper-invalid-config.png)
+This error should be mostly resolved as of Viper version `1.7.2`, however if clicking `OK` doesn't seem to fix the error, you can manually delete the config file and allow Viper to recreate a functional one. You can do this on Windows by pressing `Windows + R`, typing in `%appdata%`, hitting `Enter`, then finding and deleting `viper.json` (if you can't see the `.json`, it's because Windows hides file extensions by default. You can turn them on by hitting `View` in task manager, then ticking the box that says `File name extensions`)\
+On Linux, `viper.json` can be found in either the `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME` folder, if the XDG variable is set, or the `$HOME/.config` folder, if it is not set.