path: root/bobthebob.testing/scripts/vscripts/ui/menu_team_titan_select.nut
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bobthebob.testing/scripts/vscripts/ui/menu_team_titan_select.nut')
1 files changed, 722 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bobthebob.testing/scripts/vscripts/ui/menu_team_titan_select.nut b/bobthebob.testing/scripts/vscripts/ui/menu_team_titan_select.nut
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..92bb849eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bobthebob.testing/scripts/vscripts/ui/menu_team_titan_select.nut
@@ -0,0 +1,722 @@
+global function InitTeamTitanSelectMenu
+global function TeamTitanSelectMenuIsOpen
+global function ServerCallback_OpenTeamTitanMenu
+global function ServerCallback_CloseTeamTitanMenu
+global function ServerCallback_UpdateTeamTitanMenuTime
+global function ServerCallback_RegisterTeamTitanMenuButtons
+global function TTSUpdateDoubleXP
+global function TTSUpdateDoubleXPStatus
+global function TTSMenuModeFD
+global function TTSMenuModeDefault
+global function TTSMenu_UpdateGameMode
+global function EnableDoubleXP
+const float SELECT_DELAY = 0.2
+enum eTTSMenuMode
+ FD
+ var menu
+ bool allowManualClose = false
+ bool isReady = false
+ bool menuOpened = false
+ bool allowSelection = false
+ array<var> titanButtons
+ array<var> titanUpgradeButtons
+ var editButton
+ var readyPanel
+ var cover
+ var doubleXPButton
+ var chatBox
+ bool buttonsRegistered = false
+ int menuMode
+ float nextAllowSoundTime = 0.0
+} file
+void function InitTeamTitanSelectMenu()
+ file.menu = GetMenu( "TeamTitanSelectMenu" )
+ AddMenuEventHandler( file.menu, eUIEvent.MENU_NAVIGATE_BACK, OnTeamTitanSelectMenu_NavigateBack )
+ AddMenuEventHandler( file.menu, eUIEvent.MENU_OPEN, OnTeamTitanSelectMenu_Open )
+ AddMenuEventHandler( file.menu, eUIEvent.MENU_SHOW, OnTeamTitanSelectMenu_Open )
+ AddMenuEventHandler( file.menu, eUIEvent.MENU_HIDE, OnTeamTitanSelectMenu_Hide )
+ AddMenuEventHandler( file.menu, eUIEvent.MENU_CLOSE, OnTeamTitanSelectMenu_Close )
+ RegisterSignal( "TTSMenuClosed" )
+ RegisterSignal( "Delayed_RequestTitanLoadout" )
+ float margin = 10.0
+ float totalWidth = 0.0
+ for ( int i=0; i<NUM_PERSISTENT_TITAN_LOADOUTS; i++ )
+ {
+ var button = Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "TitanButton" + i )
+ file.titanButtons.append( button )
+ float xPos = totalWidth * -1
+ totalWidth += Hud_GetWidth( button ) + margin
+ Hud_SetPos( button, xPos, Hud_GetY( button ) )
+ }
+ var bg = Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "BG" )
+ totalWidth -= margin
+ float bgWidth = float( Hud_GetWidth( bg ) )
+ float startPos = (bgWidth*0.5 - totalWidth*0.5) * -1
+ for ( int i=0; i<NUM_PERSISTENT_TITAN_LOADOUTS; i++ )
+ {
+ var button = file.titanButtons[i]
+ Hud_SetPos( button, startPos + Hud_GetX( button ), Hud_GetY( button ) )
+ Hud_AddEventHandler( button, UIE_CLICK, TitanButton_OnClick )
+ Hud_AddEventHandler( button, UIE_GET_FOCUS, TitanButton_OnFocused )
+ }
+ for ( int i=0; i<7; i++ )
+ {
+ var button = Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "BtnSub" + i )
+ Hud_AddEventHandler( button, UIE_LOSE_FOCUS, TitanUpgradeButton_OnLoseFocus )
+ Hud_AddEventHandler( button, UIE_GET_FOCUS, TitanUpgradeButton_OnFocused )
+ }
+ SetNavLeftRight( file.titanButtons, true )
+ //file.editButton = Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "EditTitanButton" )
+ //Hud_AddEventHandler( file.editButton, UIE_CLICK, EditTitanButton_OnClick )
+ file.readyPanel = Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "ReadyRui" )
+ file.cover = Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "Cover" )
+ #if PC_PROG
+ file.chatBox = Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "LobbyChatBox" )
+ #endif // PC_PROG
+ file.doubleXPButton = Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "DoubleXP" )
+ AddMenuFooterOption( file.menu, BUTTON_A, "#A_BUTTON_SELECT", "", null, TeamTitanSelect_IsNotReady )
+ AddMenuFooterOption( file.menu, BUTTON_B, "#B_BUTTON_BACK", "#BACK" )
+ AddMenuFooterOption( file.menu, BUTTON_X, "#MENU_X_BUTTON_EDIT_TITAN", "#MENU_EDIT_TITAN", EditTitanButton_OnClick, TeamTitanSelect_IsReady )
+ AddMenuFooterOption( file.menu, BUTTON_Y, "#MENU_Y_BUTTON_EDIT_PILOT", "#MENU_EDIT_PILOT", EditPilotButton_OnClick, CoverIsOff )
+void function TTSUpdateDoubleXP( int count, bool avialable, float status )
+ var rui = Hud_GetRui( file.doubleXPButton )
+ RuiSetInt( rui, "doubleXPCount", count )
+ RuiSetBool( rui, "doubleXPAvailable", avialable )
+ RuiSetFloat( rui, "doubleXPStatus", status )
+void function TTSUpdateDoubleXPStatus( int status )
+ var rui = Hud_GetRui( file.doubleXPButton )
+ RuiSetFloat( rui, "doubleXPStatus", float( status ) )
+void function ServerCallback_UpdateTeamTitanMenuTime( float endTime )
+ Signal( uiGlobal.signalDummy, "TTSMenuClosed" )
+ file.allowSelection = true
+ if ( file.nextAllowSoundTime < Time() )
+ {
+ EmitUISound( "ui_ctf_1p_playerscore" )
+ file.nextAllowSoundTime = Time() + 5.0
+ }
+ Hud_SetEnabled( file.cover, false )
+ Hud_Hide( file.cover )
+ Hud_SetAlpha( file.cover, 0 )
+ if ( endTime > 5 )
+ file.allowSelection = true
+ thread UpdateSubText( Time() + endTime )
+void function ServerCallback_OpenTeamTitanMenu( float endTime )
+ if ( TeamTitanSelectMenuIsOpen() )
+ return
+ if ( uiGlobal.activeMenu != null )
+ CloseAllMenus()
+ RunClientScript( "PlayTTSMusic" )
+ file.allowManualClose = false
+ file.allowSelection = true
+ file.isReady = true // set to true so selection mode kicks in
+ thread MenuFadeIn()
+ BeginSelectionMode()
+ AdvanceMenu( file.menu )
+ thread UpdateSubText( Time() + endTime )
+void function MenuFadeIn()
+ Hud_SetEnabled( file.cover, true )
+ Hud_SetAlpha( file.cover, 255 )
+ Hud_Show( file.cover )
+ wait 1.0
+ Hud_FadeOverTime( file.cover, 0, 1.0 )
+ wait 1.0
+ Hud_Hide( file.cover )
+ Hud_SetEnabled( file.cover, false )
+void function UpdateSubText( float endTime )
+ EndSignal( uiGlobal.signalDummy, "TTSMenuClosed" )
+ var subText = Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "MenuSubTitle" )
+ var rui = Hud_GetRui( file.readyPanel )
+ RuiSetBool( rui, "isReady", true )
+ thread Countdown( endTime )
+ while ( Time() < endTime )
+ {
+ int countdownTime = int( ceil( endTime - Time() ) )
+ Hud_SetText( subText, Localize( "#MENU_STARTS_IN", countdownTime ) )
+ RuiSetInt( rui, "timer", countdownTime )
+ WaitFrame()
+ }
+ Hud_SetText( subText, Localize( "#MENU_STARTS_IN", 0 ) )
+ RuiSetInt( rui, "timer", 0 )
+void function Countdown( float endTime )
+ EndSignal( uiGlobal.signalDummy, "TTSMenuClosed" )
+ float countdownTime = 5.0
+ float startCountdownTime = endTime - countdownTime
+ if ( Time() > startCountdownTime )
+ return
+ wait startCountdownTime - Time()
+ while ( Time() < endTime )
+ {
+ EmitUISound( "UI_InGame_MarkedForDeath_CountdownToMarked" )
+ wait 1.0
+ }
+ file.allowSelection = false
+ BeginEditMode(null)
+ Hud_SetAlpha( file.cover, 0 )
+ Hud_SetEnabled( file.cover, true )
+ Hud_Show( file.cover )
+ Hud_FadeOverTime( file.cover, 255, 1.0 )
+ float soundTime = DoPrematchWarpSound() ? PICK_LOADOUT_SOUND_TIME : 1.5
+ wait soundTime
+ thread ServerCallback_CloseTeamTitanMenu()
+void function ServerCallback_CloseTeamTitanMenu()
+ if ( TeamTitanSelectMenuIsOpen() )
+ {
+ file.allowManualClose = true
+ UI_SetPresentationType( ePresentationType.INACTIVE )
+ CloseAllMenus()
+ OnTeamTitanSelectMenu_Close()
+ }
+void function OnTeamTitanSelectMenu_NavigateBack()
+ if ( file.allowManualClose )
+ {
+ CloseActiveMenu()
+ return
+ }
+ if ( file.isReady && file.allowSelection )
+ {
+ BeginSelectionMode()
+ return
+ }
+ LeaveDialog()
+ return
+void function TTSMenu_UpdateGameMode( string modeName )
+ var title = Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "MenuTitle" )
+ Hud_SetText( title, Localize( modeName ) )
+void function ServerCallback_RegisterTeamTitanMenuButtons()
+ RegisterButtonCallbacks()
+void function RegisterButtonCallbacks()
+ if ( file.buttonsRegistered )
+ return
+ file.buttonsRegistered = true
+ RegisterButtonPressedCallback( BUTTON_BACK, EnableDoubleXP )
+ RegisterButtonPressedCallback( KEY_RSHIFT, EnableDoubleXP )
+void function OnTeamTitanSelectMenu_Open()
+ file.menuOpened = true
+ var dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/titan_properties.rpak" )
+ int loadoutIconCol = GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "loadoutIconFD" )
+ int titanCol = GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "titanRef" )
+ entity player = GetUIPlayer()
+ var nextMapImage = Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "NextMapImage" )
+ string mapName = GetActiveLevel()
+ asset mapImage = GetMapImageForMapName( mapName )
+ RefreshCreditsAvailable()
+ RuiSetImage( Hud_GetRui( nextMapImage ), "basicImage", mapImage )
+ Hud_Show( nextMapImage )
+ Hud_SetText( Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "NextMapName" ), GetMapDisplayName( mapName ) )
+ Hud_Show( Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "NextMapName" ) )
+ var buttonToFocus
+ for ( int i=0; i<NUM_PERSISTENT_TITAN_LOADOUTS; i++ )
+ {
+ var button = file.titanButtons[i]
+ TitanLoadoutDef loadout = GetCachedTitanLoadout( i )
+ int row = GetDataTableRowMatchingStringValue( dataTable, titanCol, loadout.titanClass )
+ asset icon = GetDataTableAsset( dataTable, row, loadoutIconCol )
+ var rui = Hud_GetRui( button )
+ RuiSetImage( rui, "buttonImage", icon )
+ if ( !IsTitanLoadoutAvailable( player, loadout.titanClass ) )
+ {
+ Hud_SetLocked( button, true )
+ if ( !IsItemLocked( player, loadout.titanClass ) )
+ RefreshButtonCost( button, loadout.titanClass, "", 0, 0 )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Hud_SetLocked( button, IsItemLocked( player, loadout.titanClass ) )
+ RefreshButtonCost( button, loadout.titanClass )
+ if ( uiGlobal.titanSpawnLoadoutIndex == i )
+ {
+ buttonToFocus = button
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( buttonToFocus == null )
+ buttonToFocus = FindValidTitanButton()
+ thread HACK_DelayedSetFocus_BecauseWhy( buttonToFocus )
+ TitanLoadoutDef loadout = GetCachedTitanLoadout( uiGlobal.titanSpawnLoadoutIndex )
+ for ( int i=0; i<7; i++ )
+ {
+ var button = Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "BtnSub"+i )
+ file.titanUpgradeButtons.append( button )
+ if ( file.menuMode == eTTSMenuMode.FD )
+ {
+ Hud_Show( button )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Hud_Hide( button )
+ }
+ }
+ SetNavLeftRight( file.titanUpgradeButtons, true )
+ SetBlurEnabled( false )
+ var title = Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "MenuTitle" )
+ string name = expect string( GetCurrentPlaylistVar( "name" ) )
+ Hud_SetText( title, Localize( name ) )
+ RunMenuClientFunction( "ShowTTSPanel" )
+ if ( file.isReady )
+ UI_SetPresentationType( ePresentationType.TITAN_CENTER_SELECTED )
+ else
+ UI_SetPresentationType( ePresentationType.TITAN_CENTER )
+ RunClientScript( "TTS_UpdateLocalPlayerTitan", loadout.setFile, loadout.primary, loadout.passive1, loadout.passive2 )
+void function EnableDoubleXP( var button )
+ #if PC_PROG
+ if ( Hud_IsFocused( file.chatBox ) )
+ return
+ #endif // PC_PROG
+ if ( CanRunClientScript() )
+ {
+ EmitUISound( "Menu_Email_Sent" )
+ RunClientScript( "UseDoubleXP" )
+ }
+void function OnTeamTitanSelectMenu_Hide()
+ RunMenuClientFunction( "HideTTSPanel" )
+ DeregisterButtonCallbacks()
+void function DeregisterButtonCallbacks()
+ if ( !file.buttonsRegistered )
+ return
+ file.buttonsRegistered = false
+ DeregisterButtonPressedCallback( BUTTON_BACK, EnableDoubleXP )
+ DeregisterButtonPressedCallback( KEY_RSHIFT, EnableDoubleXP )
+void function OnTeamTitanSelectMenu_Close()
+ RunMenuClientFunction( "ClearAllPilotPreview" )
+ Signal( uiGlobal.signalDummy, "TTSMenuClosed" )
+ file.menuOpened = false
+ UI_SetPresentationType( ePresentationType.INACTIVE )
+ DeregisterButtonCallbacks()
+void function TitanButton_OnClick( var button )
+ int scriptID = int( Hud_GetScriptID( button ) )
+ if ( Hud_IsLocked( button ) )
+ {
+ TitanLoadoutDef loadout = GetCachedTitanLoadout( scriptID )
+ if ( !IsTitanLoadoutAvailable( GetUIPlayer(), loadout.titanClass ) )
+ return
+ OpenBuyItemDialog( file.titanButtons, button, GetItemName( loadout.titanClass ), loadout.titanClass )
+ return
+ }
+ if ( file.isReady )
+ {
+ BeginSelectionMode()
+ return
+ }
+ uiGlobal.titanSpawnLoadoutIndex = scriptID
+ Signal( uiGlobal.signalDummy, "Delayed_RequestTitanLoadout" )
+ ClientCommand( "RequestTitanLoadout " + uiGlobal.titanSpawnLoadoutIndex )
+ BeginEditMode( button )
+void function TitanButton_OnFocused( var button )
+ int scriptID = int( Hud_GetScriptID( button ) )
+ var rui = Hud_GetRui( Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "TitanName" ) )
+ TitanLoadoutDef loadout = GetCachedTitanLoadout( scriptID )
+ RuiSetString( rui, "titanName", GetTitanLoadoutName( loadout ) )
+ RuiSetString( rui, "titanLevelString", "" )
+ RuiSetString( rui, "titanRole", "" )
+ entity player = GetUIPlayer()
+ var dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/titan_properties.rpak" )
+ int row = GetDataTableRowMatchingStringValue( dataTable, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "titanRef" ), loadout.titanClass )
+ string role = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "fdRole" ) )
+ int titanLevel = FD_TitanGetLevelForXP( loadout.titanClass, FD_TitanGetXP( GetUIPlayer(), loadout.titanClass ) )
+ array<ItemDisplayData> titanUpgrades = FD_GetUpgradesForTitanClass( loadout.titanClass )
+ if ( file.menuMode == eTTSMenuMode.FD )
+ {
+ RuiSetString( rui, "titanLevelString", Localize( "#FD_TITAN_LEVEL", titanLevel ) )
+ RuiSetString( rui, "titanRole", Localize( "#FD_ROLE", Localize(role) ) )
+ foreach ( index, item in titanUpgrades )
+ {
+ var button = file.titanUpgradeButtons[index]
+ var upgradeRui = Hud_GetRui( button )
+ bool locked = IsSubItemLocked( GetUIPlayer(), item.ref, item.parentRef )
+ if ( locked )
+ RuiSetImage( upgradeRui, "buttonImage", expect asset( item.i.lockedImage ) )
+ else
+ RuiSetImage( upgradeRui, "buttonImage", item.image )
+ Hud_SetLocked( button, locked )
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !Hud_IsLocked( button ) )
+ {
+ uiGlobal.titanSpawnLoadoutIndex = scriptID
+ thread Delayed_RequestTitanLoadout( uiGlobal.titanSpawnLoadoutIndex )
+ SetLabelRuiText( Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "TitanSelectTitle" ), "#MENU_TITAN_SELECT" )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RuiSetString( rui, "titanLevelString", GetItemUnlockReqText( loadout.titanClass ) )
+ }
+ SetLabelRuiText( Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "TitanSelectTitle" ), GetTitanAvailableText( player, loadout.titanClass) )
+ RunMenuClientFunction( "UpdateTitanModel", scriptID )
+ RunClientScript( "TTS_UpdateLocalPlayerTitan", loadout.setFile, loadout.primary, loadout.passive1, loadout.passive2 )
+string function GetTitanAvailableText( entity player, string titanClass )
+ int titanAvailableState = GetTitanLoadAvailableState( player, titanClass )
+ if ( titanAvailableState == TITAN_CLASS_LOCK_STATE_AVAILABLE )
+ {
+ int difficultyLevel = GetCurrentPlaylistVarInt( "fd_difficulty", 0 )
+ int requiredTitanLevel = 0
+ switch ( difficultyLevel )
+ {
+ case eFDDifficultyLevel.EASY:
+ if ( GetItemUnlockType( "fd_easy" ) == eUnlockType.STAT )
+ requiredTitanLevel = int( GetStatUnlockStatVal( "fd_easy" ) )
+ break
+ case eFDDifficultyLevel.NORMAL:
+ if ( GetItemUnlockType( "fd_normal" ) == eUnlockType.STAT )
+ requiredTitanLevel = int( GetStatUnlockStatVal( "fd_normal" ) )
+ break
+ case eFDDifficultyLevel.HARD:
+ if ( GetItemUnlockType( "fd_hard" ) == eUnlockType.STAT )
+ requiredTitanLevel = int( GetStatUnlockStatVal( "fd_hard" ) )
+ break
+ case eFDDifficultyLevel.MASTER:
+ if ( GetItemUnlockType( "fd_master" ) == eUnlockType.STAT )
+ requiredTitanLevel = int( GetStatUnlockStatVal( "fd_master" ) )
+ break
+ case eFDDifficultyLevel.INSANE:
+ if ( GetItemUnlockType( "fd_insane" ) == eUnlockType.STAT )
+ requiredTitanLevel = int( GetStatUnlockStatVal( "fd_insane" ) )
+ break
+ }
+ if ( titanAvailableState == TITAN_CLASS_LOCK_STATE_LEVELREQUIRED )
+ return Localize( "#MENU_TITAN_SELECT_LEVELREQUIRED", requiredTitanLevel )
+ else
+ return Localize( "#MENU_TITAN_SELECT_LEVELRECOMMENDED", requiredTitanLevel )
+ }
+ if ( titanAvailableState == TITAN_CLASS_LOCK_STATE_INUSE )
+ if ( titanAvailableState == TITAN_CLASS_LOCK_STATE_LOCKED )
+void function Delayed_RequestTitanLoadout( int index )
+ Signal( uiGlobal.signalDummy, "Delayed_RequestTitanLoadout" )
+ EndSignal( uiGlobal.signalDummy, "Delayed_RequestTitanLoadout" )
+ wait 0.5
+ ClientCommand( "RequestTitanLoadout " + uiGlobal.titanSpawnLoadoutIndex )
+void function TitanUpgradeButton_OnFocused( var button )
+ if ( file.menuMode == eTTSMenuMode.DEFAULT )
+ return
+ int scriptID = int( Hud_GetScriptID( button ) )
+ TitanLoadoutDef loadout = GetCachedTitanLoadout( uiGlobal.titanSpawnLoadoutIndex )
+ array<ItemDisplayData> titanUpgrades = FD_GetUpgradesForTitanClass( loadout.titanClass )
+ ItemDisplayData item = titanUpgrades[ scriptID ]
+ var panel = Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "UpgradeName" )
+ Hud_Show( panel )
+ var rui = Hud_GetRui( panel )
+ RuiSetString( rui, "upgradeName", item.name )
+ RuiSetString( rui, "upgradeDesc", item.desc )
+ RuiSetBool( rui, "isLocked", IsSubItemLocked( GetUIPlayer(), item.ref, item.parentRef ) )
+void function TitanUpgradeButton_OnLoseFocus( var button )
+ Hud_Hide( Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "UpgradeName" ) )
+void function BeginEditMode( var button )
+ if ( file.isReady )
+ return
+ file.isReady = true
+ EmitUISound( "UI_InGame_FD_TitanSelected" )
+ SetLabelRuiText( Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "TitanSelectTitle" ), "#MENU_TITAN_SELECTED" )
+ Hud_Hide( Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "TitanSelectTitle" ) )
+ Hud_Show( file.readyPanel )
+ var rui = Hud_GetRui( file.readyPanel )
+ RuiSetBool( rui, "isReady", true )
+ foreach ( b in file.titanButtons )
+ {
+ Hud_Hide( b )
+ }
+ //Hud_Show( file.editButton )
+ //Hud_SetFocused( file.editButton )
+ Hud_SetFocused( file.titanUpgradeButtons[0] )
+ TitanLoadoutDef loadout = GetCachedTitanLoadout( uiGlobal.titanSpawnLoadoutIndex )
+ string primeTitanString = ""
+ if ( loadout.isPrime == "titan_is_prime" )
+ primeTitanString = "_prime"
+ string modifiedAlias = "diag_gs_titan" + loadout.titanClass + primeTitanString + "_embark"
+ EmitUISound( modifiedAlias )
+ if ( uiGlobal.activeMenu == file.menu )
+ UI_SetPresentationType( ePresentationType.TITAN_CENTER_SELECTED )
+ Signal( uiGlobal.signalDummy, "Delayed_RequestTitanLoadout" )
+ ClientCommand( "RequestTitanLoadout " + uiGlobal.titanSpawnLoadoutIndex )
+ RunMenuClientFunction( "UpdateTitanModel", uiGlobal.titanSpawnLoadoutIndex )
+ var subText = Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "MenuSubTitle" )
+ // Hud_Hide( subText )
+void function BeginSelectionMode()
+ if ( !file.isReady )
+ return
+ file.isReady = false
+ //Hud_Hide( file.editButton )
+ SetLabelRuiText( Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "TitanSelectTitle" ), "#MENU_TITAN_SELECT_HINT" )
+ Hud_Show( Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "TitanSelectTitle" ) )
+ Hud_Hide( file.readyPanel )
+ var rui = Hud_GetRui( file.readyPanel )
+ RuiSetBool( rui, "isReady", false )
+ Hud_SetFocused( FindValidTitanButton() )
+ for ( int i=0; i<file.titanButtons.len(); i++ )
+ {
+ var b = file.titanButtons[i]
+ Hud_Show( b )
+ if ( i == uiGlobal.titanSpawnLoadoutIndex && !Hud_IsLocked( b ) )
+ {
+ Hud_SetFocused( b )
+ }
+ }
+ Hud_Hide( Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "UpgradeName" ) )
+ UI_SetPresentationType( ePresentationType.TITAN_CENTER )
+ RunMenuClientFunction( "UpdateTitanModel", uiGlobal.titanSpawnLoadoutIndex )
+ var subText = Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "MenuSubTitle" )
+ // Hud_Show( subText )
+void function EditPilotButton_OnClick( var button )
+ // SetEditLoadout( "pilot", uiGlobal.pilotSpawnLoadoutIndex )
+ // RunMenuClientFunction( "SetEditingPilotLoadoutIndex", uiGlobal.pilotSpawnLoadoutIndex )
+ AdvanceMenu( GetMenu( "EditPilotLoadoutsMenu" ) )
+ RunMenuClientFunction( "HideTTSPanel" )
+void function EditTitanButton_OnClick( var button )
+ SetEditLoadout( "titan", uiGlobal.titanSpawnLoadoutIndex )
+ RunMenuClientFunction( "SetEditingTitanLoadoutIndex", uiGlobal.titanSpawnLoadoutIndex )
+ AdvanceMenu( GetMenu( "EditTitanLoadoutMenu" ) )
+ RunMenuClientFunction( "HideTTSPanel" )
+bool function CoverIsOff()
+ return !Hud_IsEnabled( file.cover )
+bool function TeamTitanSelectMenuIsOpen()
+ return file.menuOpened
+bool function TeamTitanSelect_IsReady()
+ return file.isReady
+bool function TeamTitanSelect_IsNotReady()
+ return !file.isReady
+void function TTSMenuModeFD()
+ file.menuMode = eTTSMenuMode.FD
+ foreach ( button in file.titanUpgradeButtons )
+ {
+ Hud_Show( button )
+ }
+void function TTSMenuModeDefault()
+ file.menuMode = eTTSMenuMode.DEFAULT
+ foreach ( button in file.titanUpgradeButtons )
+ {
+ Hud_Hide( button )
+ }
+ var panel = Hud_GetChild( file.menu, "UpgradeName" )
+ Hud_Hide( panel )
+var function FindValidTitanButton()
+ foreach ( button in file.titanButtons )
+ {
+ if ( Hud_IsLocked( button ) )
+ continue
+ return button
+ }
+ return file.titanButtons[0]
+} \ No newline at end of file