path: root/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/weapons/_weapon_utility.nut
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/weapons/_weapon_utility.nut')
1 files changed, 3966 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/weapons/_weapon_utility.nut b/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/weapons/_weapon_utility.nut
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b3e5f5a39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/weapons/_weapon_utility.nut
@@ -0,0 +1,3966 @@
+//TODO: Should split this up into server, client and shared versions and just globalize_all_functions
+global function WeaponUtility_Init
+global function ApplyVectorSpread
+global function DebugDrawMissilePath
+global function DegreesToTarget
+global function DetonateAllPlantedExplosives
+global function EntityCanHaveStickyEnts
+global function EntityShouldStick
+global function FireExpandContractMissiles
+global function FireExpandContractMissiles_S2S
+global function GetVectorFromPositionToCrosshair
+global function GetVelocityForDestOverTime
+global function GetPlayerVelocityForDestOverTime
+global function GetWeaponBurnMods
+global function InitMissileForRandomDriftForVortexLow
+global function IsPilotShotgunWeapon
+global function PlantStickyEntity
+global function PlantStickyEntityThatBouncesOffWalls
+global function PlantStickyEntityOnWorldThatBouncesOffWalls
+global function PlantStickyGrenade
+global function PlantSuperStickyGrenade
+global function Player_DetonateSatchels
+global function PROTO_CanPlayerDeployWeapon
+global function ProximityCharge_PostFired_Init
+global function RegenerateOffhandAmmoOverTime
+global function ShotgunBlast
+global function FireGenericBoltWithDrop
+global function OnWeaponPrimaryAttack_GenericBoltWithDrop_Player
+global function OnWeaponPrimaryAttack_GenericMissile_Player
+global function OnWeaponActivate_updateViewmodelAmmo
+global function TEMP_GetDamageFlagsFromProjectile
+global function WeaponCanCrit
+global function GiveEMPStunStatusEffects
+global function GetPrimaryWeapons
+global function GetSidearmWeapons
+global function GetATWeapons
+global function GetPlayerFromTitanWeapon
+global function ChargeBall_Precache
+global function ChargeBall_FireProjectile
+global function ChargeBall_ChargeBegin
+global function ChargeBall_ChargeEnd
+global function ChargeBall_StopChargeEffects
+global function ChargeBall_GetChargeTime
+global function PlayerUsedOffhand
+global function SetPlayerCooldowns
+global function ResetPlayerCooldowns
+global function StoreOffhandData
+global function GetRadiusDamageDataFromProjectile
+#if DEV
+global function DevPrintAllStatusEffectsOnEnt
+#endif // #if DEV
+ global function ClusterRocket_Detonate
+ global function PassThroughDamage
+ global function PROTO_CleanupTrackedProjectiles
+ global function PROTO_InitTrackedProjectile
+ global function PROTO_PlayTrapLightEffect
+ global function Satchel_PostFired_Init
+ global function StartClusterExplosions
+ global function TrapDestroyOnRoundEnd
+ global function TrapExplodeOnDamage
+ global function PROTO_DelayCooldown
+ global function PROTO_FlakCannonMissiles
+ global function GetBulletPassThroughTargets
+ global function IsValidPassThroughTarget
+ global function GivePlayerAmpedWeapon
+ global function GivePlayerAmpedWeaponAndSetAsActive
+ global function ReplacePlayerOffhand
+ global function ReplacePlayerOrdnance
+ global function DisableWeapons
+ global function EnableWeapons
+ global function WeaponAttackWave
+ global function AddActiveThermiteBurn
+ global function GetActiveThermiteBurnsWithinRadius
+ global function OnWeaponPrimaryAttack_GenericBoltWithDrop_NPC
+ global function OnWeaponPrimaryAttack_GenericMissile_NPC
+ global function EMP_DamagedPlayerOrNPC
+ global function EMP_FX
+ global function GetWeaponDPS
+ global function GetTTK
+ global function GetWeaponModsFromDamageInfo
+ global function Thermite_DamagePlayerOrNPCSounds
+ global function AddThreatScopeColorStatusEffect
+ global function RemoveThreatScopeColorStatusEffect
+#endif //SERVER
+ global function GlobalClientEventHandler
+ global function UpdateViewmodelAmmo
+ global function ServerCallback_AirburstIconUpdate
+ global function ServerCallback_GuidedMissileDestroyed
+ global function IsOwnerViewPlayerFullyADSed
+#endif //CLIENT
+global const PROJECTILE_PREDICTED = true
+global const PROJECTILE_NOT_PREDICTED = false
+const float EMP_SEVERITY_SLOWTURN = 0.35
+const float EMP_SEVERITY_SLOWMOVE = 0.50
+const asset FX_EMP_BODY_HUMAN = $"P_emp_body_human"
+const asset FX_EMP_BODY_TITAN = $"P_emp_body_titan"
+const asset FX_VANGUARD_ENERGY_BODY_HUMAN = $"P_monarchBeam_body_human"
+const asset FX_VANGUARD_ENERGY_BODY_TITAN = $"P_monarchBeam_body_titan"
+const SOUND_EMP_REBOOT_SPARKS = "marvin_weld"
+const FX_EMP_REBOOT_SPARKS = $"weld_spark_01_sparksfly"
+const EMP_GRENADE_BEAM_EFFECT = $"wpn_arc_cannon_beam"
+const DRONE_REBOOT_TIME = 5.0
+global struct RadiusDamageData
+ int explosionDamage
+ int explosionDamageHeavyArmor
+ float explosionRadius
+ float explosionInnerRadius
+global struct PopcornInfo
+ string weaponName
+ array weaponMods // could be array< string >
+ int damageSourceId
+ int count
+ float delay
+ float offset
+ float range
+ vector normal
+ float duration
+ int groupSize
+ bool hasBase
+struct ColorSwapStruct
+ int statusEffectId
+ entity weaponOwner
+ float titanRocketLauncherTitanDamageRadius
+ float titanRocketLauncherOtherDamageRadius
+ int activeThermiteBurnsManagedEnts
+ array<ColorSwapStruct> colorSwapStatusEffects
+} file
+global struct HoverSounds
+ string liftoff_1p
+ string liftoff_3p
+ string hover_1p
+ string hover_3p
+ string descent_1p
+ string descent_3p
+ string landing_1p
+ string landing_3p
+function WeaponUtility_Init()
+ level.weaponsPrecached <- {}
+ // what classes can sticky thrown entities stick to?
+ level.stickyClasses <- {}
+ level.stickyClasses[ "worldspawn" ] <- true
+ level.stickyClasses[ "player" ] <- true
+ level.stickyClasses[ "prop_dynamic" ] <- true
+ level.stickyClasses[ "prop_script" ] <- true
+ level.stickyClasses[ "func_brush" ] <- true
+ level.stickyClasses[ "func_brush_lightweight" ] <- true
+ level.stickyClasses[ "phys_bone_follower" ] <- true
+ level.trapChainReactClasses <- {}
+ level.trapChainReactClasses[ "mp_weapon_frag_grenade" ] <- true
+ level.trapChainReactClasses[ "mp_weapon_satchel" ] <- true
+ level.trapChainReactClasses[ "mp_weapon_proximity_mine" ] <- true
+ level.trapChainReactClasses[ "mp_weapon_laser_mine" ] <- true
+ RegisterSignal( "Planted" )
+ RegisterSignal( "EMP_FX" )
+ RegisterSignal( "ArcStunned" )
+ PrecacheParticleSystem( EMP_GRENADE_BEAM_EFFECT )
+ PrecacheParticleSystem( FX_EMP_BODY_TITAN )
+ PrecacheParticleSystem( FX_EMP_BODY_HUMAN )
+ PrecacheParticleSystem( FX_VANGUARD_ENERGY_BODY_HUMAN )
+ PrecacheParticleSystem( FX_VANGUARD_ENERGY_BODY_TITAN )
+ PrecacheParticleSystem( FX_EMP_REBOOT_SPARKS )
+ PrecacheImpactEffectTable( CLUSTER_ROCKET_FX_TABLE )
+ #if SERVER
+ AddDamageCallbackSourceID( eDamageSourceId.mp_titanweapon_triple_threat, TripleThreatGrenade_DamagedPlayerOrNPC )
+ AddDamageCallbackSourceID( eDamageSourceId.mp_weapon_defender, Defender_DamagedPlayerOrNPC )
+ //AddDamageCallbackSourceID( eDamageSourceId.mp_titanweapon_rocketeer_rocketstream, TitanRocketLauncher_DamagedPlayerOrNPC )
+ AddDamageCallbackSourceID( eDamageSourceId.mp_weapon_smr, SMR_DamagedPlayerOrNPC )
+ AddDamageCallbackSourceID( eDamageSourceId.mp_weapon_flak_rifle, PROTO_Flak_Rifle_DamagedPlayerOrNPC )
+ AddDamageCallbackSourceID( eDamageSourceId.mp_titanweapon_stun_laser, VanguardEnergySiphon_DamagedPlayerOrNPC )
+ AddDamageCallbackSourceID( eDamageSourceId.mp_weapon_grenade_emp, EMP_DamagedPlayerOrNPC )
+ AddDamageCallbackSourceID( eDamageSourceId.mp_weapon_proximity_mine, EMP_DamagedPlayerOrNPC )
+ AddDamageCallbackSourceID( eDamageSourceId[ CHARGE_TOOL ], EMP_DamagedPlayerOrNPC )
+ if ( IsMultiplayer() )
+ AddCallback_OnPlayerRespawned( PROTO_TrackedProjectile_OnPlayerRespawned )
+ AddCallback_OnPlayerKilled( PAS_CooldownReduction_OnKill )
+ AddCallback_OnPlayerGetsNewPilotLoadout( OnPlayerGetsNewPilotLoadout )
+ AddCallback_OnPlayerKilled( OnPlayerKilled )
+ file.activeThermiteBurnsManagedEnts = CreateScriptManagedEntArray()
+ AddCallback_EntitiesDidLoad( EntitiesDidLoad )
+ HOLO_PILOT_TRAIL_FX = PrecacheParticleSystem( $"P_ar_holopilot_trail" )
+ PrecacheParticleSystem( $"wpn_laser_blink" )
+ PrecacheParticleSystem( $"wpn_laser_blink_fast" )
+ PrecacheParticleSystem( $"P_ordinance_icon_owner" )
+ #endif
+void function EntitiesDidLoad()
+#if SP
+ // if we are going to do this, it should happen in the weapon, not globally
+ //float titanRocketLauncherInnerRadius = expect float( GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField_Global( "mp_titanweapon_rocketeer_rocketstream", "explosion_inner_radius" ) )
+ //float titanRocketLauncherOuterRadius = expect float( GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField_Global( "mp_titanweapon_rocketeer_rocketstream", "explosionradius" ) )
+ //file.titanRocketLauncherTitanDamageRadius = titanRocketLauncherInnerRadius + ( ( titanRocketLauncherOuterRadius - titanRocketLauncherInnerRadius ) * 0.4 )
+ //file.titanRocketLauncherOtherDamageRadius = titanRocketLauncherInnerRadius + ( ( titanRocketLauncherOuterRadius - titanRocketLauncherInnerRadius ) * 0.1 )
+void function GlobalClientEventHandler( entity weapon, string name )
+ if ( name == "ammo_update" )
+ UpdateViewmodelAmmo( false, weapon )
+ if ( name == "ammo_full" )
+ UpdateViewmodelAmmo( true, weapon )
+function UpdateViewmodelAmmo( bool forceFull, entity weapon )
+ Assert( weapon != null ) // used to be: if ( weapon == null ) weapon = this.self
+ if ( !IsValid( weapon ) )
+ return
+ if ( !IsLocalViewPlayer( weapon.GetWeaponOwner() ) )
+ return
+ int bodyGroupCount = weapon.GetWeaponSettingInt( eWeaponVar.bodygroup_ammo_index_count )
+ if ( bodyGroupCount <= 0 )
+ return
+ int rounds = weapon.GetWeaponPrimaryClipCount()
+ int maxRoundsForClipSize = weapon.GetWeaponPrimaryClipCountMax()
+ int maxRoundsForBodyGroup = (bodyGroupCount - 1)
+ int maxRounds = minint( maxRoundsForClipSize, maxRoundsForBodyGroup )
+ if ( forceFull || (rounds > maxRounds) )
+ rounds = maxRounds
+ //printt( "ROUNDS:", rounds, "/", maxRounds )
+ weapon.SetViewmodelAmmoModelIndex( rounds )
+#endif // #if CLIENT
+void function OnWeaponActivate_updateViewmodelAmmo( entity weapon )
+ UpdateViewmodelAmmo( false, weapon )
+#endif // #if CLIENT
+//////////////////WEAPON DAMAGE CALLBACKS/////////////////////////////////////////
+void function TripleThreatGrenade_DamagedPlayerOrNPC( entity ent, var damageInfo )
+ if ( !IsValid( ent ) )
+ return
+ if ( ent.GetClassName() == "grenade_frag" )
+ return
+ if ( DamageInfo_GetCustomDamageType( damageInfo ) & DF_DOOMED_HEALTH_LOSS )
+ return
+ vector damagePosition = DamageInfo_GetDamagePosition( damageInfo )
+ vector entOrigin = ent.GetOrigin()
+ vector entCenter = ent.GetWorldSpaceCenter()
+ float distanceToOrigin = Distance( entOrigin, damagePosition )
+ float distanceToCenter = Distance( entCenter, damagePosition )
+ vector normal = Vector( 0, 0, 1 )
+ entity inflictor = DamageInfo_GetInflictor( damageInfo )
+ if ( IsValid( inflictor.s ) )
+ {
+ if ( "collisionNormal" in inflictor.s )
+ normal = expect vector( inflictor.s.collisionNormal )
+ }
+ local zDifferenceOrigin = deg_cos( DegreesToTarget( entOrigin, normal, damagePosition ) ) * distanceToOrigin
+ local zDifferenceTop = deg_cos( DegreesToTarget( entCenter, normal, damagePosition ) ) * distanceToCenter - (entCenter.z - entOrigin.z)
+ float zDamageDiff
+ //Full damage if explosion is between Origin or Center.
+ if ( zDifferenceOrigin > 0 && zDifferenceTop < 0 )
+ zDamageDiff = 1.0
+ else if ( zDifferenceTop > 0 )
+ zDamageDiff = GraphCapped( zDifferenceTop, 0.0, 32.0, 1.0, 0.0 )
+ else
+ zDamageDiff = GraphCapped( zDifferenceOrigin, 0.0, -32.0, 1.0, 0.0 )
+ DamageInfo_ScaleDamage( damageInfo, zDamageDiff )
+void function Defender_DamagedPlayerOrNPC( entity ent, var damageInfo )
+ if ( !IsValid( ent ) )
+ return
+ if ( DamageInfo_GetCustomDamageType( damageInfo ) & DF_DOOMED_HEALTH_LOSS )
+ return
+ local damage = Vortex_HandleElectricDamage( ent, DamageInfo_GetAttacker( damageInfo ), DamageInfo_GetDamage( damageInfo ), DamageInfo_GetWeapon( damageInfo ) )
+ DamageInfo_SetDamage( damageInfo, damage )
+void function TitanRocketLauncher_DamagedPlayerOrNPC( entity ent, var damageInfo )
+ Assert( IsSingleplayer() )
+ if ( !IsValid( ent ) )
+ return
+ if ( DamageInfo_GetCustomDamageType( damageInfo ) & DF_DOOMED_HEALTH_LOSS )
+ return
+ vector damagePosition = DamageInfo_GetDamagePosition( damageInfo )
+ if ( ent == DamageInfo_GetAttacker( damageInfo ) )
+ return
+ if ( ent.IsTitan() )
+ {
+ vector entOrigin = ent.GetOrigin()
+ if ( Distance( damagePosition, entOrigin ) > file.titanRocketLauncherTitanDamageRadius )
+ DamageInfo_SetDamage( damageInfo, 0 )
+ }
+ else if ( IsHumanSized( ent ) )
+ {
+ if ( Distance( damagePosition, ent.GetOrigin() ) > file.titanRocketLauncherOtherDamageRadius )
+ DamageInfo_SetDamage( damageInfo, 0 )
+ }
+void function SMR_DamagedPlayerOrNPC( entity ent, var damageInfo )
+ //Hack - JFS ( The explosion radius is too small on the SMR to deal splash damage to pilots on a Titan. )
+ if ( !IsValid( ent ) )
+ return
+ if ( !ent.IsTitan() )
+ return
+ if ( DamageInfo_GetCustomDamageType( damageInfo ) & DF_DOOMED_HEALTH_LOSS )
+ return
+ entity attacker = DamageInfo_GetAttacker( damageInfo )
+ if ( IsValid( attacker ) && attacker.IsPlayer() && attacker.GetTitanSoulBeingRodeoed() == ent.GetTitanSoul() )
+ attacker.TakeDamage( 30, attacker, attacker, { scriptType = DF_GIB | DF_EXPLOSION, damageSourceId = eDamageSourceId.mp_weapon_smr, weapon = DamageInfo_GetWeapon( damageInfo ) } )
+void function PROTO_Flak_Rifle_DamagedPlayerOrNPC( entity ent, var damageInfo )
+ entity attacker = DamageInfo_GetAttacker( damageInfo )
+ if ( !IsValid( ent ) || !IsValid( attacker ) )
+ return
+ if ( attacker == ent )
+ DamageInfo_ScaleDamage( damageInfo, 0.5 )
+function EngineerRocket_DamagedPlayerOrNPC( ent, damageInfo )
+ expect entity( ent )
+ entity attacker = DamageInfo_GetAttacker( damageInfo )
+ if ( !IsValid( ent ) || !IsValid( attacker ) )
+ return
+ if ( attacker == ent )
+ DamageInfo_SetDamage( damageInfo, 10 )
+#endif // SERVER
+vector function ApplyVectorSpread( vector vecShotDirection, float spreadDegrees, float bias = 1.0 )
+ vector angles = VectorToAngles( vecShotDirection )
+ vector vecUp = AnglesToUp( angles )
+ vector vecRight = AnglesToRight( angles )
+ float sinDeg = deg_sin( spreadDegrees / 2.0 )
+ // get circular gaussian spread
+ float x
+ float y
+ float z
+ if ( bias > 1.0 )
+ bias = 1.0
+ else if ( bias < 0.0 )
+ bias = 0.0
+ // code gets these values from cvars ai_shot_bias_min & ai_shot_bias_max
+ float shotBiasMin = -1.0
+ float shotBiasMax = 1.0
+ // 1.0 gaussian, 0.0 is flat, -1.0 is inverse gaussian
+ float shotBias = ( ( shotBiasMax - shotBiasMin ) * bias ) + shotBiasMin
+ float flatness = ( fabs(shotBias) * 0.5 )
+ while ( true )
+ {
+ x = RandomFloatRange( -1.0, 1.0 ) * flatness + RandomFloatRange( -1.0, 1.0 ) * (1 - flatness)
+ y = RandomFloatRange( -1.0, 1.0 ) * flatness + RandomFloatRange( -1.0, 1.0 ) * (1 - flatness)
+ if ( shotBias < 0 )
+ {
+ x = ( x >= 0 ) ? 1.0 - x : -1.0 - x
+ y = ( y >= 0 ) ? 1.0 - y : -1.0 - y
+ }
+ z = x * x + y * y
+ if ( z <= 1 )
+ break
+ }
+ vector addX = vecRight * ( x * sinDeg )
+ vector addY = vecUp * ( y * sinDeg )
+ vector m_vecResult = vecShotDirection + addX + addY
+ return m_vecResult
+float function DegreesToTarget( vector origin, vector forward, vector targetPos )
+ vector dirToTarget = targetPos - origin
+ dirToTarget = Normalize( dirToTarget )
+ float dot = DotProduct( forward, dirToTarget )
+ float degToTarget = (acos( dot ) * 180 / PI)
+ return degToTarget
+function ShotgunBlast( entity weapon, vector pos, vector dir, int numBlasts, int damageType, float damageScaler = 1.0, float ornull maxAngle = null, float ornull maxDistance = null )
+ Assert( numBlasts > 0 )
+ int numBlastsOriginal = numBlasts
+ entity owner = weapon.GetWeaponOwner()
+ /*
+ Debug ConVars:
+ visible_ent_cone_debug_duration_client - Set to non-zero to see debug output
+ visible_ent_cone_debug_duration_server - Set to non-zero to see debug output
+ visible_ent_cone_debug_draw_radius - Size of trace endpoint debug draw
+ */
+ if ( maxDistance == null )
+ maxDistance = weapon.GetMaxDamageFarDist()
+ expect float( maxDistance )
+ if ( maxAngle == null )
+ maxAngle = owner.GetAttackSpreadAngle() * 0.5
+ expect float( maxAngle )
+ array<entity> ignoredEntities = [ owner ]
+ int traceMask = TRACE_MASK_SHOT
+ entity antilagPlayer
+ if ( owner.IsPlayer() )
+ {
+ if ( owner.IsPhaseShifted() )
+ return;
+ antilagPlayer = owner
+ }
+ //JFS - Bug 198500
+ Assert( maxAngle > 0.0, "JFS returning out at this instance. We need to investigate when a valid mp_titanweapon_laser_lite weapon returns 0 spread")
+ if ( maxAngle == 0.0 )
+ return
+ array<VisibleEntityInCone> results = FindVisibleEntitiesInCone( pos, dir, maxDistance, (maxAngle * 1.1), ignoredEntities, traceMask, visConeFlags, antilagPlayer, weapon )
+ foreach ( result in results )
+ {
+ float angleToHitbox = 0.0
+ if ( !result.solidBodyHit )
+ angleToHitbox = DegreesToTarget( pos, dir, result.approxClosestHitboxPos )
+ numBlasts -= ShotgunBlastDamageEntity( weapon, pos, dir, result, angleToHitbox, maxAngle, numBlasts, damageType, damageScaler )
+ if ( numBlasts <= 0 )
+ break
+ }
+ //Something in the TakeDamage above is triggering the weapon owner to become invalid.
+ owner = weapon.GetWeaponOwner()
+ if ( !IsValid( owner ) )
+ return
+ // maxTracer limit set in /r1dev/src/game/client/c_player.h
+ const int MAX_TRACERS = 16
+ bool didHitAnything = ((numBlastsOriginal - numBlasts) != 0)
+ bool doTraceBrushOnly = (!didHitAnything)
+ if ( numBlasts > 0 )
+ weapon.FireWeaponBullet_Special( pos, dir, minint( numBlasts, MAX_TRACERS ), damageType, false, false, true, false, false, false, doTraceBrushOnly )
+int function ShotgunBlastDamageEntity( entity weapon, vector barrelPos, vector barrelVec, VisibleEntityInCone result, float angle, float maxAngle, int numPellets, int damageType, float damageScaler )
+ entity target = result.ent
+ //The damage scaler is currently only > 1 for the Titan Shotgun alt fire.
+ if ( !target.IsTitan() && damageScaler > 1 )
+ damageScaler = max( damageScaler * 0.4, 1.5 )
+ entity owner = weapon.GetWeaponOwner()
+ // Ent in cone not valid
+ if ( !IsValid( target ) || !IsValid( owner ) )
+ return 0
+ // Fire fake bullet towards entity for visual purposes only
+ vector hitLocation = result.visiblePosition
+ vector vecToEnt = ( hitLocation - barrelPos )
+ vecToEnt.Norm()
+ if ( Length( vecToEnt ) == 0 )
+ vecToEnt = barrelVec
+ // This fires a fake bullet that doesn't do any damage. Currently it triggeres a damage callback with 0 damage which is bad.
+ weapon.FireWeaponBullet_Special( barrelPos, vecToEnt, 1, damageType, true, true, true, false, false, false, false ) // fires perfect bullet with no antilag and no spread
+ // Determine how much damage to do based on distance
+ float distanceToTarget = Distance( barrelPos, hitLocation )
+ if ( !result.solidBodyHit ) // non solid hits take 1 blast more
+ distanceToTarget += 130
+ int extraMods = result.extraMods
+ float damageAmount = CalcWeaponDamage( owner, target, weapon, distanceToTarget, extraMods )
+ // vortex needs to scale damage based on number of rounds absorbed
+ string className = weapon.GetWeaponClassName()
+ if ( (className == "mp_titanweapon_vortex_shield") || (className == "mp_titanweapon_vortex_shield_ion") || (className == "mp_titanweapon_heat_shield") )
+ {
+ damageAmount *= numPellets
+ //printt( "scaling vortex hitscan output damage by", numPellets, "pellets for", weaponNearDamageTitan, "damage vs titans" )
+ }
+ float coneScaler = 1.0
+ //if ( angle > 0 )
+ // Calculate the final damage abount to inflict on the target. Also scale it by damageScaler which may have been passed in by script ( used by alt fire mode on titan shotgun to fire multiple shells )
+ float finalDamageAmount = damageAmount * coneScaler * damageScaler
+ //printt( "angle:", angle, "- coneScaler:", coneScaler, "- damageAmount:", damageAmount, "- damageScaler:", damageScaler, " = finalDamageAmount:", finalDamageAmount )
+ // Calculate impulse force to apply based on damage
+ int maxImpulseForce = expect int( weapon.GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField( "impulse_force" ) )
+ float impulseForce = float( maxImpulseForce ) * coneScaler * damageScaler
+ vector impulseVec = barrelVec * impulseForce
+ int damageSourceID = weapon.GetDamageSourceID()
+ //
+ float critScale = weapon.GetWeaponSettingFloat( eWeaponVar.critical_hit_damage_scale )
+ target.TakeDamage( finalDamageAmount, owner, weapon, { origin = hitLocation, force = impulseVec, scriptType = damageType, damageSourceId = damageSourceID, weapon = weapon, hitbox = result.visibleHitbox, criticalHitScale = critScale } )
+ //printt( "-----------" )
+ //printt( " distanceToTarget:", distanceToTarget )
+ //printt( " damageAmount:", damageAmount )
+ //printt( " coneScaler:", coneScaler )
+ //printt( " impulseForce:", impulseForce )
+ //printt( " impulseVec:", impulseVec.x + ", " + impulseVec.y + ", " + impulseVec.z )
+ //printt( " finalDamageAmount:", finalDamageAmount )
+ //PrintTable( result )
+#endif // #if SERVER
+ return 1
+int function FireGenericBoltWithDrop( entity weapon, WeaponPrimaryAttackParams attackParams, bool isPlayerFired )
+ if ( !weapon.ShouldPredictProjectiles() )
+ return 1
+#endif // #if CLIENT
+ weapon.EmitWeaponNpcSound( LOUD_WEAPON_AI_SOUND_RADIUS_MP, 0.2 )
+ const float PROJ_SPEED_SCALE = 1
+ const float PROJ_GRAVITY = 1
+ int damageFlags = weapon.GetWeaponDamageFlags()
+ entity bolt = weapon.FireWeaponBolt( attackParams.pos, attackParams.dir, PROJ_SPEED_SCALE, damageFlags, damageFlags, isPlayerFired, 0 )
+ if ( bolt != null )
+ {
+ bolt.kv.gravity = PROJ_GRAVITY
+ bolt.kv.rendercolor = "0 0 0"
+ bolt.kv.renderamt = 0
+ bolt.kv.fadedist = 1
+ }
+ return 1
+var function OnWeaponPrimaryAttack_GenericBoltWithDrop_Player( entity weapon, WeaponPrimaryAttackParams attackParams )
+ return FireGenericBoltWithDrop( weapon, attackParams, true )
+var function OnWeaponPrimaryAttack_EPG( entity weapon, WeaponPrimaryAttackParams attackParams )
+ entity missile = weapon.FireWeaponMissile( attackParams.pos, attackParams.dir, 1, damageTypes.largeCaliberExp, damageTypes.largeCaliberExp, false, PROJECTILE_NOT_PREDICTED )
+ if ( missile )
+ {
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( missile, "Weapon_Sidwinder_Projectile" )
+ missile.InitMissileForRandomDriftFromWeaponSettings( attackParams.pos, attackParams.dir )
+ }
+ return missile
+var function OnWeaponPrimaryAttack_GenericBoltWithDrop_NPC( entity weapon, WeaponPrimaryAttackParams attackParams )
+ return FireGenericBoltWithDrop( weapon, attackParams, false )
+#endif // #if SERVER
+var function OnWeaponPrimaryAttack_GenericMissile_Player( entity weapon, WeaponPrimaryAttackParams attackParams )
+ weapon.EmitWeaponNpcSound( LOUD_WEAPON_AI_SOUND_RADIUS_MP, 0.2 )
+ entity weaponOwner = weapon.GetWeaponOwner()
+ vector bulletVec = ApplyVectorSpread( attackParams.dir, weaponOwner.GetAttackSpreadAngle() - 1.0 )
+ attackParams.dir = bulletVec
+ if ( IsServer() || weapon.ShouldPredictProjectiles() )
+ {
+ entity missile = weapon.FireWeaponMissile( attackParams.pos, attackParams.dir, 1.0, weapon.GetWeaponDamageFlags(), weapon.GetWeaponDamageFlags(), false, PROJECTILE_PREDICTED )
+ if ( missile )
+ {
+ missile.InitMissileForRandomDriftFromWeaponSettings( attackParams.pos, attackParams.dir )
+ }
+ }
+var function OnWeaponPrimaryAttack_GenericMissile_NPC( entity weapon, WeaponPrimaryAttackParams attackParams )
+ weapon.EmitWeaponNpcSound( LOUD_WEAPON_AI_SOUND_RADIUS_MP, 0.2 )
+ entity missile = weapon.FireWeaponMissile( attackParams.pos, attackParams.dir, 1.0, weapon.GetWeaponDamageFlags(), weapon.GetWeaponDamageFlags(), true, PROJECTILE_NOT_PREDICTED )
+ if ( missile )
+ {
+ missile.InitMissileForRandomDriftFromWeaponSettings( attackParams.pos, attackParams.dir )
+ }
+#endif // #if SERVER
+bool function PlantStickyEntityOnWorldThatBouncesOffWalls( entity ent, table collisionParams, float bounceDot )
+ entity hitEnt = expect entity( collisionParams.hitEnt )
+ if ( hitEnt && ( hitEnt.IsWorld() || hitEnt.HasPusherRootParent() ) )
+ {
+ float dot = expect vector( collisionParams.normal ).Dot( Vector( 0, 0, 1 ) )
+ if ( dot < bounceDot )
+ return false
+ return PlantStickyEntity( ent, collisionParams )
+ }
+ return false
+bool function PlantStickyEntityThatBouncesOffWalls( entity ent, table collisionParams, float bounceDot )
+ if ( expect entity( collisionParams.hitEnt ) == GetEntByIndex( 0 ) )
+ {
+ // Satchel hit the world
+ float dot = expect vector( collisionParams.normal ).Dot( Vector( 0, 0, 1 ) )
+ if ( dot < bounceDot )
+ return false
+ }
+ return PlantStickyEntity( ent, collisionParams )
+bool function PlantStickyEntity( entity ent, table collisionParams, vector angleOffset = <0.0, 0.0, 0.0> )
+ if ( !EntityShouldStick( ent, expect entity( collisionParams.hitEnt ) ) )
+ return false
+ // Don't allow parenting to another "sticky" entity to prevent them parenting onto each other
+ if ( collisionParams.hitEnt.IsProjectile() )
+ return false
+ // Update normal from last bouce so when it explodes it can orient the effect properly
+ vector plantAngles = AnglesCompose( VectorToAngles( collisionParams.normal ), angleOffset )
+ vector plantPosition = expect vector( collisionParams.pos )
+ if ( !LegalOrigin( plantPosition ) )
+ return false
+ #if SERVER
+ ent.SetAbsOrigin( plantPosition )
+ ent.SetAbsAngles( plantAngles )
+ ent.proj.isPlanted = true
+ #else
+ ent.SetOrigin( plantPosition )
+ ent.SetAngles( plantAngles )
+ #endif
+ ent.SetVelocity( Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) )
+ //printt( " - Hitbox is:", collisionParams.hitbox, " IsWorld:", collisionParams.hitEnt )
+ if ( !collisionParams.hitEnt.IsWorld() )
+ {
+ if ( !ent.IsMarkedForDeletion() && !collisionParams.hitEnt.IsMarkedForDeletion() )
+ {
+ if ( collisionParams.hitbox > 0 )
+ ent.SetParentWithHitbox( collisionParams.hitEnt, collisionParams.hitbox, true )
+ // Hit a func_brush
+ else
+ ent.SetParent( collisionParams.hitEnt )
+ if ( collisionParams.hitEnt.IsPlayer() )
+ {
+ thread HandleDisappearingParent( ent, expect entity( collisionParams.hitEnt ) )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ent.SetVelocity( Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) )
+ ent.StopPhysics()
+ }
+ #if CLIENT
+ if ( ent instanceof C_BaseGrenade )
+ #else
+ if ( ent instanceof CBaseGrenade )
+ #endif
+ ent.MarkAsAttached()
+ ent.Signal( "Planted" )
+ return true
+bool function PlantStickyGrenade( entity ent, vector pos, vector normal, entity hitEnt, int hitbox, float depth = 0.0, bool allowBounce = true, bool allowEntityStick = true )
+ if ( ent.GetTeam() == hitEnt.GetTeam() )
+ return false
+ if ( ent.IsMarkedForDeletion() || hitEnt.IsMarkedForDeletion() )
+ return false
+ vector plantAngles = VectorToAngles( normal )
+ vector plantPosition = pos + normal * -depth
+ if ( !allowBounce )
+ ent.SetVelocity( Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) )
+ if ( !LegalOrigin( plantPosition ) )
+ return false
+ #if SERVER
+ ent.SetAbsOrigin( plantPosition )
+ ent.SetAbsAngles( plantAngles )
+ ent.proj.isPlanted = true
+ #else
+ ent.SetOrigin( plantPosition )
+ ent.SetAngles( plantAngles )
+ #endif
+ if ( !hitEnt.IsWorld() && (!hitEnt.IsTitan() || !allowEntityStick) )
+ return false
+ // SetOrigin might be causing the ent to get markedForDeletion.
+ if ( ent.IsMarkedForDeletion() )
+ return false
+ ent.SetVelocity( Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) )
+ if ( hitEnt.IsWorld() )
+ {
+ ent.SetParent( hitEnt, "", true )
+ ent.StopPhysics()
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( hitbox > 0 )
+ ent.SetParentWithHitbox( hitEnt, hitbox, true )
+ else // Hit a func_brush
+ ent.SetParent( hitEnt )
+ if ( hitEnt.IsPlayer() )
+ {
+ thread HandleDisappearingParent( ent, hitEnt )
+ }
+ }
+ #if CLIENT
+ if ( ent instanceof C_BaseGrenade )
+ ent.MarkAsAttached()
+ #else
+ if ( ent instanceof CBaseGrenade )
+ ent.MarkAsAttached()
+ #endif
+ return true
+bool function PlantSuperStickyGrenade( entity ent, vector pos, vector normal, entity hitEnt, int hitbox )
+ if ( ent.GetTeam() == hitEnt.GetTeam() )
+ return false
+ vector plantAngles = VectorToAngles( normal )
+ vector plantPosition = pos
+ if ( !LegalOrigin( plantPosition ) )
+ return false
+ #if SERVER
+ ent.SetAbsOrigin( plantPosition )
+ ent.SetAbsAngles( plantAngles )
+ ent.proj.isPlanted = true
+ #else
+ ent.SetOrigin( plantPosition )
+ ent.SetAngles( plantAngles )
+ #endif
+ if ( !hitEnt.IsWorld() && !hitEnt.IsPlayer() && !hitEnt.IsNPC() )
+ return false
+ ent.SetVelocity( Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) )
+ if ( hitEnt.IsWorld() )
+ {
+ ent.StopPhysics()
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( !ent.IsMarkedForDeletion() && !hitEnt.IsMarkedForDeletion() )
+ {
+ if ( hitbox > 0 )
+ ent.SetParentWithHitbox( hitEnt, hitbox, true )
+ else // Hit a func_brush
+ ent.SetParent( hitEnt )
+ if ( hitEnt.IsPlayer() )
+ {
+ thread HandleDisappearingParent( ent, hitEnt )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #if CLIENT
+ if ( ent instanceof C_BaseGrenade )
+ ent.MarkAsAttached()
+ #else
+ if ( ent instanceof CBaseGrenade )
+ ent.MarkAsAttached()
+ #endif
+ return true
+void function HandleDisappearingParent( entity ent, entity parentEnt )
+ parentEnt.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ ent.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ OnThreadEnd(
+ function() : ( ent )
+ {
+ ent.ClearParent()
+ }
+ )
+ parentEnt.WaitSignal( "StartPhaseShift" )
+void function HandleDisappearingParent( entity ent, entity parentEnt )
+ parentEnt.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ ent.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ parentEnt.WaitSignal( "StartPhaseShift" )
+ ent.ClearParent()
+bool function EntityShouldStick( entity stickyEnt, entity hitent )
+ if ( !EntityCanHaveStickyEnts( stickyEnt, hitent ) )
+ return false
+ if ( hitent == stickyEnt )
+ return false
+ return true
+bool function EntityCanHaveStickyEnts( entity stickyEnt, entity ent )
+ if ( !IsValid( ent ) )
+ return false
+ if ( ent.GetModelName() == $"" ) // valid case, other projectiles bullets, etc.. sometimes have no model
+ return false;
+ local entClassname
+ if ( IsServer() )
+ entClassname = ent.GetClassName()
+ else
+ entClassname = ent.GetSignifierName() // Can return null
+ if ( !( entClassname in level.stickyClasses ) && !ent.IsNPC() )
+ return false
+ #if CLIENT
+ if ( stickyEnt instanceof C_Projectile )
+ #else
+ if ( stickyEnt instanceof CProjectile )
+ #endif
+ {
+ string weaponClassName = stickyEnt.ProjectileGetWeaponClassName()
+ local stickPlayer = GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField_Global( weaponClassName, "stick_pilot" )
+ local stickTitan = GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField_Global( weaponClassName, "stick_titan" )
+ local stickNPC = GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField_Global( weaponClassName, "stick_npc" )
+ if ( ent.IsTitan() && stickTitan )
+ return true
+ else if ( ent.IsPlayer() && stickPlayer )
+ return true
+ else if ( ent.IsNPC() && stickNPC )
+ return true
+ // not pilots
+ if ( ent.IsPlayer() && !ent.IsTitan() )
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
+// shared with the vortex script which also needs to create satchels
+function Satchel_PostFired_Init( entity satchel, entity player )
+ satchel.proj.onlyAllowSmartPistolDamage = false
+ thread SatchelThink( satchel, player )
+function SatchelThink( entity satchel, entity player )
+ player.EndSignal("OnDestroy")
+ satchel.EndSignal("OnDestroy")
+ int satchelHealth = 15
+ thread TrapExplodeOnDamage( satchel, satchelHealth )
+ #if DEV
+ // temp HACK for FX to use to figure out the size of the particle to play
+ if ( Flag( "ShowExplosionRadius" ) )
+ thread ShowExplosionRadiusOnExplode( satchel )
+ #endif
+ player.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ OnThreadEnd(
+ function() : ( satchel )
+ {
+ if ( IsValid( satchel ) )
+ {
+ satchel.Destroy()
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ WaitForever()
+#endif // SERVER
+function ProximityCharge_PostFired_Init( entity proximityMine, entity player )
+ #if SERVER
+ proximityMine.proj.onlyAllowSmartPistolDamage = false
+ #endif
+function DetonateAllPlantedExplosives( entity player )
+ // ToDo: Could use Player_DetonateSatchels but it only tracks satchels, not laser mines.
+ // Detonate all explosives - satchels and laser mines are also frag grenades in disguise
+ array<entity> grenades = GetProjectileArrayEx( "grenade_frag", TEAM_ANY, TEAM_ANY, Vector( 0, 0, 0 ), -1 )
+ foreach( grenade in grenades )
+ {
+ if ( grenade.GetOwner() != player )
+ continue
+ if ( grenade.ProjectileGetDamageSourceID() != eDamageSourceId.mp_weapon_satchel && grenade.ProjectileGetDamageSourceID() != eDamageSourceId.mp_weapon_proximity_mine )
+ continue
+ thread ExplodePlantedGrenadeAfterDelay( grenade, RandomFloatRange( 0.75, 0.95 ) )
+ }
+function ExplodePlantedGrenadeAfterDelay( entity grenade, float delay )
+ grenade.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ grenade.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ float endTime = Time() + delay
+ while ( Time() < endTime )
+ {
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( grenade, DEFAULT_WARNING_SFX )
+ wait 0.1
+ }
+ grenade.GrenadeExplode( grenade.GetForwardVector() )
+function Player_DetonateSatchels( entity player )
+ #if SERVER
+ Assert( IsServer() )
+ array<entity> traps = GetScriptManagedEntArray( player.s.activeTrapArrayId )
+ traps.sort( CompareCreationReverse )
+ foreach ( index, satchel in traps )
+ {
+ if ( IsValidSatchel( satchel ) )
+ {
+ thread PROTO_ExplodeAfterDelay( satchel, index * 0.25 )
+ }
+ }
+ #endif
+function IsValidSatchel( entity satchel )
+ #if SERVER
+ if ( satchel.ProjectileGetWeaponClassName() != "mp_weapon_satchel" )
+ return false
+ if ( satchel.e.isDisabled == true )
+ return false
+ return true
+ #endif
+function PROTO_ExplodeAfterDelay( entity satchel, float delay )
+ satchel.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ #if MP
+ while ( !satchel.proj.isPlanted )
+ {
+ WaitFrame()
+ }
+ #endif
+ wait delay
+ satchel.GrenadeExplode( satchel.GetForwardVector() )
+#if DEV
+function ShowExplosionRadiusOnExplode( entity ent )
+ ent.WaitSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ float innerRadius = expect float( ent.GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField( "explosion_inner_radius" ) )
+ float outerRadius = expect float( ent.GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField( "explosionradius" ) )
+ vector org = ent.GetOrigin()
+ vector angles = Vector( 0, 0, 0 )
+ thread DebugDrawCircle( org, angles, innerRadius, 255, 255, 51, true, 3.0 )
+ thread DebugDrawCircle( org, angles, outerRadius, 255, 255, 255, true, 3.0 )
+#endif // DEV
+// shared between nades, satchels and laser mines
+void function TrapExplodeOnDamage( entity trapEnt, int trapEntHealth = 50, float waitMin = 0.0, float waitMax = 0.0 )
+ Assert( IsValid( trapEnt ), "Given trapEnt entity is not valid, fired from: " + trapEnt.ProjectileGetWeaponClassName() )
+ EndSignal( trapEnt, "OnDestroy" )
+ trapEnt.SetDamageNotifications( true )
+ var results //Really should be a struct
+ entity attacker
+ entity inflictor
+ while ( true )
+ {
+ if ( !IsValid( trapEnt ) )
+ return
+ results = WaitSignal( trapEnt, "OnDamaged" )
+ attacker = expect entity( results.activator )
+ inflictor = expect entity( results.inflictor )
+ if ( IsValid( inflictor ) && inflictor == trapEnt )
+ continue
+ bool shouldDamageTrap = false
+ if ( IsValid( attacker ) )
+ {
+ if ( trapEnt.proj.onlyAllowSmartPistolDamage )
+ {
+ if ( attacker.IsNPC() || attacker.IsPlayer() )
+ {
+ entity attackerWeapon = attacker.GetActiveWeapon()
+ if ( IsValid( attackerWeapon ) && WeaponIsSmartPistolVariant( attackerWeapon ) )
+ shouldDamageTrap = true
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( trapEnt.GetTeam() == attacker.GetTeam() )
+ {
+ if ( trapEnt.GetOwner() != attacker )
+ shouldDamageTrap = false
+ else
+ shouldDamageTrap = !ProjectileIgnoresOwnerDamage( trapEnt )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ shouldDamageTrap = true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( shouldDamageTrap )
+ trapEntHealth -= int ( results.value ) //TODO: This returns float even though it feels like it should return int
+ if ( trapEntHealth <= 0 )
+ break
+ }
+ if ( !IsValid( trapEnt ) )
+ return
+ inflictor = expect entity( results.inflictor ) // waiting on code feature to pass inflictor with OnDamaged signal results table
+ if ( waitMin >= 0 && waitMax > 0 )
+ {
+ float waitTime = RandomFloatRange( waitMin, waitMax )
+ if ( waitTime > 0 )
+ wait waitTime
+ }
+ else if ( IsValid( inflictor ) && (inflictor.IsProjectile() || (inflictor instanceof CWeaponX)) )
+ {
+ int dmgSourceID
+ if ( inflictor.IsProjectile() )
+ dmgSourceID = inflictor.ProjectileGetDamageSourceID()
+ else
+ dmgSourceID = inflictor.GetDamageSourceID()
+ string inflictorClass = GetObitFromDamageSourceID( dmgSourceID )
+ if ( inflictorClass in level.trapChainReactClasses )
+ {
+ // chain reaction delay
+ Wait( RandomFloatRange( 0.2, 0.275 ) )
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !IsValid( trapEnt ) )
+ return
+ if ( IsValid( attacker ) )
+ {
+ if ( attacker.IsPlayer() )
+ {
+ AddPlayerScoreForTrapDestruction( attacker, trapEnt )
+ trapEnt.SetOwner( attacker )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ entity lastAttacker = GetLastAttacker( attacker )
+ if ( IsValid( lastAttacker ) )
+ {
+ // for chain explosions, figure out the attacking player that started the chain
+ trapEnt.SetOwner( lastAttacker )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ trapEnt.GrenadeExplode( trapEnt.GetForwardVector() )
+bool function ProjectileIgnoresOwnerDamage( entity projectile )
+ var ignoreOwnerDamage = projectile.ProjectileGetWeaponInfoFileKeyField( "projectile_ignore_owner_damage" )
+ if ( ignoreOwnerDamage == null )
+ return false
+ return ignoreOwnerDamage == 1
+bool function WeaponIsSmartPistolVariant( entity weapon )
+ var isSP = weapon.GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField( "is_smart_pistol" )
+ //printt( isSP )
+ if ( isSP == null )
+ return false
+ return ( isSP == 1 )
+// NOTE: we should stop using this
+function TrapDestroyOnRoundEnd( entity player, entity trapEnt )
+ trapEnt.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ svGlobal.levelEnt.WaitSignal( "ClearedPlayers" )
+ if ( IsValid( trapEnt ) )
+ trapEnt.Destroy()
+function AddPlayerScoreForTrapDestruction( entity player, entity trapEnt )
+ // don't get score for killing your own trap
+ if ( "originalOwner" in trapEnt.s && trapEnt.s.originalOwner == player )
+ return
+ string trapClass = trapEnt.ProjectileGetWeaponClassName()
+ if ( trapClass == "" )
+ return
+ string scoreEvent
+ if ( trapClass == "mp_weapon_satchel" )
+ scoreEvent = "Destroyed_Satchel"
+ else if ( trapClass == "mp_weapon_proximity_mine" )
+ scoreEvent = "Destored_Proximity_Mine"
+ if ( scoreEvent == "" )
+ return
+ AddPlayerScore( player, scoreEvent, trapEnt )
+table function GetBulletPassThroughTargets( entity attacker, WeaponBulletHitParams hitParams )
+ //HACK requires code later
+ table passThroughInfo = {
+ endPos = null
+ targetArray = []
+ }
+ TraceResults result
+ array<entity> ignoreEnts = [ attacker, hitParams.hitEnt ]
+ while ( true )
+ {
+ vector vec = ( hitParams.hitPos - hitParams.startPos ) * 1000
+ ArrayRemoveInvalid( ignoreEnts )
+ result = TraceLine( hitParams.startPos, vec, ignoreEnts, TRACE_MASK_SHOT, TRACE_COLLISION_GROUP_NONE )
+ if ( result.hitEnt == svGlobal.worldspawn )
+ break
+ ignoreEnts.append( result.hitEnt )
+ if ( IsValidPassThroughTarget( result.hitEnt, attacker ) )
+ passThroughInfo.targetArray.append( result.hitEnt )
+ }
+ passThroughInfo.endPos = result.endPos
+ return passThroughInfo
+#endif // SERVER
+bool function WeaponCanCrit( entity weapon )
+ // player sometimes has no weapon during titan exit, mantle, etc...
+ if ( !weapon )
+ return false
+ return weapon.GetWeaponSettingBool( eWeaponVar.critical_hit )
+bool function IsValidPassThroughTarget( entity target, entity attacker )
+ //Tied to PassThroughHack function remove when supported by code.
+ if ( target == svGlobal.worldspawn )
+ return false
+ if ( !IsValid( target ) )
+ return false
+ if ( target.GetTeam() == attacker.GetTeam() )
+ return false
+ if ( target.GetTeam() != TEAM_IMC && target.GetTeam() != TEAM_MILITIA )
+ return false
+ return true
+function PassThroughDamage( entity weapon, targetArray )
+ //Tied to PassThroughHack function remove when supported by code.
+ int damageSourceID = weapon.GetDamageSourceID()
+ entity owner = weapon.GetWeaponOwner()
+ foreach ( ent in targetArray )
+ {
+ expect entity( ent )
+ float distanceToTarget = Distance( weapon.GetOrigin(), ent.GetOrigin() )
+ float damageToDeal = CalcWeaponDamage( owner, ent, weapon, distanceToTarget, 0 )
+ ent.TakeDamage( damageToDeal, owner, weapon.GetWeaponOwner(), { damageSourceId = damageSourceID } )
+ }
+#endif // SERVER
+vector function GetVectorFromPositionToCrosshair( entity player, vector startPos )
+ Assert( IsValid( player ) )
+ // See where we're looking
+ vector traceStart = player.EyePosition()
+ vector traceEnd = traceStart + ( player.GetViewVector() * 20000 )
+ local ignoreEnts = [ player ]
+ TraceResults traceResult = TraceLine( traceStart, traceEnd, ignoreEnts, TRACE_MASK_SHOT, TRACE_COLLISION_GROUP_NONE )
+ // Return vec from startPos to where we are looking
+ vector vec = traceResult.endPos - startPos
+ vec = Normalize( vec )
+ return vec
+function InitMissileForRandomDriftBasic( missile, startPos, startDir )
+ missile.s.RandomFloatRange <- RandomFloat( 1.0 )
+ missile.s.startPos <- startPos
+ missile.s.startDir <- startDir
+function InitMissileForRandomDriftForVortexHigh( entity missile, vector startPos, vector startDir )
+ missile.InitMissileForRandomDrift( startPos, startDir, 8, 2.5, 0, 0, 100, 100 )
+function InitMissileForRandomDriftForVortexLow( entity missile, vector startPos, vector startDir )
+ missile.InitMissileForRandomDrift( startPos, startDir, 0.3, 0.085, 0, 0, 0.5, 0.5 )
+function InitMissileForRandomDrift( missile, startPos, startDir )
+ InitMissileForRandomDriftBasic( missile, startPos, startDir )
+ missile.s.drift_windiness <- missile.ProjectileGetWeaponInfoFileKeyField( "projectile_drift_windiness" )
+ missile.s.drift_intensity <- missile.ProjectileGetWeaponInfoFileKeyField( "projectile_drift_intensity" )
+ missile.s.straight_time_min <- missile.ProjectileGetWeaponInfoFileKeyField( "projectile_straight_time_min" )
+ missile.s.straight_time_max <- missile.ProjectileGetWeaponInfoFileKeyField( "projectile_straight_time_max" )
+ missile.s.straight_radius_min <- missile.ProjectileGetWeaponInfoFileKeyField( "projectile_straight_radius_min" )
+ if ( missile.s.straight_radius_min < 1 )
+ missile.s.straight_radius_min = 1
+ missile.s.straight_radius_max <- missile.ProjectileGetWeaponInfoFileKeyField( "projectile_straight_radius_max" )
+ if ( missile.s.straight_radius_max < 1 )
+ missile.s.straight_radius_max = 1
+function SmoothRandom( x )
+ return 0.25 * (sin(x) + sin(x * 0.762) + sin(x * 0.363) + sin(x * 0.084))
+function MissileRandomDrift( timeElapsed, timeStep, windiness, intensity )
+ // This function makes the missile go in a random direction.
+ // Windiness is how frequently the missile changes direction.
+ // Intensity is how strongly the missile steers in the direction it has chosen.
+ local sampleTime = timeElapsed - timeStep * 0.5
+ intensity *= timeStep
+ local offset = self.s.RandomFloatRange * 1000
+ local offsetx = intensity * SmoothRandom( offset + sampleTime * windiness )
+ local offsety = intensity * SmoothRandom( offset * 2 + 100 + sampleTime * windiness )
+ local right = self.GetRightVector()
+ local up = self.GetUpVector()
+ //DebugDrawLine( self.GetOrigin(), self.GetOrigin() + right * 100, 255,255,255, true, 0 )
+ //DebugDrawLine( self.GetOrigin(), self.GetOrigin() + up * 100, 255,128,255, true, 0 )
+ local dir = self.GetVelocity()
+ local speed = Length( dir )
+ dir = Normalize( dir )
+ dir += right * offsetx
+ dir += up * offsety
+ dir = Normalize( dir )
+ dir *= speed
+ return dir
+// designed to be called every frame (GetProjectileVelocity callback) on projectiles that are flying through the air
+function ApplyMissileControlledDrift( missile, timeElapsed, timeStep )
+ // If we have a target, don't do anything fancy; just let code do the homing behavior
+ if ( missile.GetMissileTarget() )
+ return missile.GetVelocity()
+ local s = missile.s
+ return MissileControlledDrift( timeElapsed, timeStep, s.drift_windiness, s.drift_intensity, s.straight_time_min, s.straight_time_max, s.straight_radius_min, s.straight_radius_max )
+function MissileControlledDrift( timeElapsed, timeStep, windiness, intensity, pathTimeMin, pathTimeMax, pathRadiusMin, pathRadiusMax )
+ // Start with random drift.
+ local vel = MissileRandomDrift( timeElapsed, timeStep, windiness, intensity )
+ // Straighten our velocity back along our original path if we're below pathTimeMax.
+ // Path time is how long it tries to stay on a straight path.
+ // Path radius is how far it can get from its straight path.
+ if ( timeElapsed < pathTimeMax )
+ {
+ local org = self.GetOrigin()
+ local alongPathLen = self.s.startDir.Dot( org - self.s.startPos )
+ local alongPathPos = self.s.startPos + self.s.startDir * alongPathLen
+ local offPathOffset = org - alongPathPos
+ local pathDist = Length( offPathOffset )
+ local speed = Length( vel )
+ local lerp = 1
+ if ( timeElapsed > pathTimeMin )
+ lerp = 1.0 - (timeElapsed - pathTimeMin) / (pathTimeMax - pathTimeMin)
+ local pathRadius = pathRadiusMax + (pathRadiusMin - pathRadiusMax) * lerp
+ // This circle shows the radius the missile is allowed to be in.
+ //if ( IsServer() )
+ // DebugDrawCircle( alongPathPos, VectorToAngles( AnglesToUp( VectorToAngles( self.s.startDir ) ) ), pathRadius, 255,255,255, true, 0.0 )
+ local backToPathVel = offPathOffset * -1
+ // Cap backToPathVel at speed
+ if ( pathDist > pathRadius )
+ backToPathVel *= speed / pathDist
+ else
+ backToPathVel *= speed / pathRadius
+ if ( pathDist < pathRadius )
+ {
+ backToPathVel += self.s.startDir * (speed * (1.0 - pathDist / pathRadius))
+ }
+ //DebugDrawLine( org, org + vel * 0.1, 255,255,255, true, 0 )
+ //DebugDrawLine( org, org + backToPathVel * intensity * lerp * 0.1, 128,255,128, true, 0 )
+ vel += backToPathVel * (intensity * timeStep)
+ vel = Normalize( vel )
+ vel *= speed
+ }
+ return vel
+function ClusterRocket_Detonate( entity rocket, vector normal )
+ entity owner = rocket.GetOwner()
+ if ( !IsValid( owner ) )
+ return
+ int count
+ float duration
+ float range
+ array mods = rocket.ProjectileGetMods()
+ if ( mods.contains( "pas_northstar_cluster" ) )
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ if ( mods.contains( "fd_twin_cluster" ) )
+ {
+ count = int( count * 0.7 )
+ duration *= 0.7
+ }
+ PopcornInfo popcornInfo
+ popcornInfo.weaponName = "mp_titanweapon_dumbfire_rockets"
+ popcornInfo.weaponMods = mods
+ popcornInfo.damageSourceId = eDamageSourceId.mp_titanweapon_dumbfire_rockets
+ popcornInfo.count = count
+ popcornInfo.delay = CLUSTER_ROCKET_BURST_DELAY
+ popcornInfo.offset = CLUSTER_ROCKET_BURST_OFFSET
+ popcornInfo.range = range
+ popcornInfo.normal = normal
+ popcornInfo.duration = duration
+ popcornInfo.hasBase = true
+ thread StartClusterExplosions( rocket, owner, popcornInfo, CLUSTER_ROCKET_FX_TABLE )
+function StartClusterExplosions( entity projectile, entity owner, PopcornInfo popcornInfo, customFxTable = null )
+ Assert( IsValid( owner ) )
+ owner.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ string weaponName = popcornInfo.weaponName
+ float innerRadius
+ float outerRadius
+ int explosionDamage
+ int explosionDamageHeavyArmor
+ innerRadius = projectile.GetProjectileWeaponSettingFloat( eWeaponVar.explosion_inner_radius )
+ outerRadius = projectile.GetProjectileWeaponSettingFloat( eWeaponVar.explosionradius )
+ if ( owner.IsPlayer() )
+ {
+ explosionDamage = projectile.GetProjectileWeaponSettingInt( eWeaponVar.explosion_damage )
+ explosionDamageHeavyArmor = projectile.GetProjectileWeaponSettingInt( eWeaponVar.explosion_damage_heavy_armor )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ explosionDamage = projectile.GetProjectileWeaponSettingInt( eWeaponVar.npc_explosion_damage )
+ explosionDamageHeavyArmor = projectile.GetProjectileWeaponSettingInt( eWeaponVar.npc_explosion_damage_heavy_armor )
+ }
+ local explosionDelay = projectile.ProjectileGetWeaponInfoFileKeyField( "projectile_explosion_delay" )
+ if ( owner.IsPlayer() )
+ owner.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ vector origin = projectile.GetOrigin()
+ vector rotateFX = Vector( 90,0,0 )
+ entity placementHelper = CreateScriptMover()
+ placementHelper.SetOrigin( origin )
+ placementHelper.SetAngles( VectorToAngles( popcornInfo.normal ) )
+ SetTeam( placementHelper, owner.GetTeam() )
+ array<entity> players = GetPlayerArray()
+ foreach ( player in players )
+ {
+ Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( player, "SCB_AddGrenadeIndicatorForEntity", owner.GetTeam(), owner.GetEncodedEHandle(), placementHelper.GetEncodedEHandle(), outerRadius )
+ }
+ int particleSystemIndex = GetParticleSystemIndex( CLUSTER_BASE_FX )
+ int attachId = placementHelper.LookupAttachment( "REF" )
+ entity fx
+ if ( popcornInfo.hasBase )
+ {
+ fx = StartParticleEffectOnEntity_ReturnEntity( placementHelper, particleSystemIndex, FX_PATTACH_POINT_FOLLOW, attachId )
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( placementHelper, "Explo_ThermiteGrenade_Impact_3P" ) // TODO: wants a custom sound
+ }
+ OnThreadEnd(
+ function() : ( fx, placementHelper )
+ {
+ if ( IsValid( fx ) )
+ EffectStop( fx )
+ placementHelper.Destroy()
+ }
+ )
+ if ( explosionDelay )
+ wait explosionDelay
+ waitthread ClusterRocketBursts( origin, explosionDamage, explosionDamageHeavyArmor, innerRadius, outerRadius, owner, popcornInfo, customFxTable )
+ if ( IsValid( projectile ) )
+ projectile.Destroy()
+// ClusterRocketBurst() - does a "popcorn airburst" explosion effect over time around the origin. Total distance is based on popRangeBase
+// - returns the entity in case you want to parent it
+function ClusterRocketBursts( vector origin, int damage, int damageHeavyArmor, float innerRadius, float outerRadius, entity owner, PopcornInfo popcornInfo, customFxTable = null )
+ owner.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ // this ent remembers the weapon mods
+ entity clusterExplosionEnt = CreateEntity( "info_target" )
+ DispatchSpawn( clusterExplosionEnt )
+ if ( popcornInfo.weaponMods.len() > 0 )
+ clusterExplosionEnt.s.weaponMods <- popcornInfo.weaponMods
+ clusterExplosionEnt.SetOwner( owner )
+ clusterExplosionEnt.SetOrigin( origin )
+ AI_CreateDangerousArea_Static( clusterExplosionEnt, null, outerRadius, TEAM_INVALID, true, true, origin )
+ OnThreadEnd(
+ function() : ( clusterExplosionEnt )
+ {
+ clusterExplosionEnt.Destroy()
+ }
+ )
+ // No Damage - Only Force
+ // Push players
+ // Test LOS before pushing
+ int flags = 11
+ // create a blast that knocks pilots out of the way
+ CreatePhysExplosion( origin, outerRadius, PHYS_EXPLOSION_LARGE, flags )
+ int count = popcornInfo.groupSize
+ for ( int index = 0; index < count; index++ )
+ {
+ thread ClusterRocketBurst( clusterExplosionEnt, origin, damage, damageHeavyArmor, innerRadius, outerRadius, owner, popcornInfo, customFxTable )
+ WaitFrame()
+ }
+function ClusterRocketBurst( entity clusterExplosionEnt, vector origin, damage, damageHeavyArmor, innerRadius, outerRadius, entity owner, PopcornInfo popcornInfo, customFxTable = null )
+ clusterExplosionEnt.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ Assert( IsValid( owner ), "ClusterRocketBurst had invalid owner" )
+ // first explosion always happens where you fired
+ //int eDamageSource = popcornInfo.damageSourceId
+ int numBursts = popcornInfo.count
+ float popRangeBase = popcornInfo.range
+ float popDelayBase = popcornInfo.delay
+ float popDelayRandRange = popcornInfo.offset
+ float duration = popcornInfo.duration
+ int groupSize = popcornInfo.groupSize
+ int counter = 0
+ vector randVec
+ float randRangeMod
+ float popRange
+ vector popVec
+ vector popOri = origin
+ float popDelay
+ float colTrace
+ float burstDelay = duration / ( numBursts / groupSize )
+ vector clusterBurstOrigin = origin + (popcornInfo.normal * 8.0)
+ entity clusterBurstEnt = CreateClusterBurst( clusterBurstOrigin )
+ OnThreadEnd(
+ function() : ( clusterBurstEnt )
+ {
+ if ( IsValid( clusterBurstEnt ) )
+ {
+ foreach ( fx in clusterBurstEnt.e.fxArray )
+ {
+ if ( IsValid( fx ) )
+ fx.Destroy()
+ }
+ clusterBurstEnt.Destroy()
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ while ( IsValid( clusterBurstEnt ) && counter <= numBursts / popcornInfo.groupSize )
+ {
+ randVec = RandomVecInDome( popcornInfo.normal )
+ randRangeMod = RandomFloat( 1.0 )
+ popRange = popRangeBase * randRangeMod
+ popVec = randVec * popRange
+ popOri = origin + popVec
+ popDelay = popDelayBase + RandomFloatRange( -popDelayRandRange, popDelayRandRange )
+ colTrace = TraceLineSimple( origin, popOri, null )
+ if ( colTrace < 1 )
+ {
+ popVec = popVec * colTrace
+ popOri = origin + popVec
+ }
+ clusterBurstEnt.SetOrigin( clusterBurstOrigin )
+ vector velocity = GetVelocityForDestOverTime( clusterBurstEnt.GetOrigin(), popOri, burstDelay - popDelay )
+ clusterBurstEnt.SetVelocity( velocity )
+ clusterBurstOrigin = popOri
+ counter++
+ wait burstDelay - popDelay
+ Explosion(
+ clusterBurstOrigin,
+ owner,
+ clusterExplosionEnt,
+ damage,
+ damageHeavyArmor,
+ innerRadius,
+ outerRadius,
+ clusterBurstOrigin,
+ damage,
+ damageTypes.explosive,
+ popcornInfo.damageSourceId,
+ customFxTable )
+ }
+entity function CreateClusterBurst( vector origin )
+ entity prop_physics = CreateEntity( "prop_physics" )
+ prop_physics.SetValueForModelKey( $"models/weapons/bullets/projectile_rocket.mdl" )
+ prop_physics.kv.spawnflags = 4 // 4 = SF_PHYSPROP_DEBRIS
+ prop_physics.kv.fadedist = 2000
+ prop_physics.kv.renderamt = 255
+ prop_physics.kv.rendercolor = "255 255 255"
+ prop_physics.kv.CollisionGroup = TRACE_COLLISION_GROUP_DEBRIS
+ prop_physics.kv.minhealthdmg = 9999
+ prop_physics.kv.nodamageforces = 1
+ prop_physics.kv.inertiaScale = 1.0
+ prop_physics.SetOrigin( origin )
+ DispatchSpawn( prop_physics )
+ prop_physics.SetModel( $"models/weapons/grenades/m20_f_grenade.mdl" )
+ entity fx = PlayFXOnEntity( $"P_wpn_dumbfire_burst_trail", prop_physics )
+ prop_physics.e.fxArray.append( fx )
+ return prop_physics
+#endif // SERVER
+vector function GetVelocityForDestOverTime( vector startPoint, vector endPoint, float duration )
+ const GRAVITY = 750
+ float Vox = (endPoint.x - startPoint.x) / duration
+ float Voy = (endPoint.y - startPoint.y) / duration
+ float Voz = (endPoint.z + 0.5 * GRAVITY * duration * duration - startPoint.z) / duration
+ return Vector( Vox, Voy, Voz )
+vector function GetPlayerVelocityForDestOverTime( vector startPoint, vector endPoint, float duration )
+ // Same as above but accounts for player gravity setting not being 1.0
+ float gravityScale = expect float( GetPlayerSettingsFieldForClassName( DEFAULT_PILOT_SETTINGS, "gravityscale" ) )
+ float GRAVITY = 750 * gravityScale // adjusted for new gravity scale
+ float Vox = (endPoint.x - startPoint.x) / duration
+ float Voy = (endPoint.y - startPoint.y) / duration
+ float Voz = (endPoint.z + 0.5 * GRAVITY * duration * duration - startPoint.z) / duration
+ return Vector( Vox, Voy, Voz )
+bool function HasLockedTarget( weapon )
+ if ( weapon.SmartAmmo_IsEnabled() )
+ {
+ local targets = weapon.SmartAmmo_GetTargets()
+ if ( targets.len() > 0 )
+ {
+ foreach ( target in targets )
+ {
+ if ( target.fraction == 1 )
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false
+function CanWeaponShootWhileRunning( entity weapon )
+ if ( "primary_fire_does_not_block_sprint" in weapon.s )
+ return weapon.s.primary_fire_does_not_block_sprint
+ if ( weapon.GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField( "primary_fire_does_not_block_sprint" ) == 1 )
+ {
+ weapon.s.primary_fire_does_not_block_sprint <- true
+ return true
+ }
+ weapon.s.primary_fire_does_not_block_sprint <- false
+ return false
+function ServerCallback_GuidedMissileDestroyed()
+ entity player = GetLocalViewPlayer()
+ // guided missiles has not been updated to work with replays. added this if statement defensively just in case. - Roger
+ if ( !( "missileInFlight" in player.s ) )
+ return
+ player.s.missileInFlight = false
+function ServerCallback_AirburstIconUpdate( toggle )
+ entity player = GetLocalViewPlayer()
+ entity cockpit = player.GetCockpit()
+ if ( cockpit )
+ {
+ entity mainVGUI = cockpit.e.mainVGUI
+ if ( mainVGUI )
+ {
+ if ( toggle )
+ cockpit.s.offhandHud[OFFHAND_RIGHT].icon.SetImage( $"vgui/HUD/dpad_airburst_activate" )
+ else
+ cockpit.s.offhandHud[OFFHAND_RIGHT].icon.SetImage( $"vgui/HUD/dpad_airburst" )
+ }
+ }
+bool function IsOwnerViewPlayerFullyADSed( entity weapon )
+ entity owner = weapon.GetOwner()
+ if ( !IsValid( owner ) )
+ return false
+ if( !owner.IsPlayer() )
+ return false
+ if ( owner != GetLocalViewPlayer() )
+ return false
+ float zoomFrac = owner.GetZoomFrac()
+ if ( zoomFrac < 1.0 )
+ return false
+ return true
+#endif // CLIENT
+array<entity> function FireExpandContractMissiles( entity weapon, WeaponPrimaryAttackParams attackParams, vector attackPos, vector attackDir, int damageType, int explosionDamageType, shouldPredict, int rocketsPerShot, missileSpeed, launchOutAng, launchOutTime, launchInAng, launchInTime, launchInLerpTime, launchStraightLerpTime, applyRandSpread, int burstFireCountOverride = -1, debugDrawPath = false )
+ local missileVecs = GetExpandContractRocketTrajectories( weapon, attackParams.burstIndex, attackPos, attackDir, rocketsPerShot, launchOutAng, launchInAng, burstFireCountOverride )
+ entity owner = weapon.GetWeaponOwner()
+ array<entity> firedMissiles
+ vector missileEndPos = owner.EyePosition() + ( attackDir * 5000 )
+ for ( int i = 0; i < rocketsPerShot; i++ )
+ {
+ entity missile = weapon.FireWeaponMissile( attackPos, attackDir, missileSpeed, damageType, explosionDamageType, false, shouldPredict )
+ if ( missile )
+ {
+ /*
+ missile.s.flightData <- {
+ launchOutVec = missileVecs[i].outward,
+ launchOutTime = launchOutTime,
+ launchInLerpTime = launchInLerpTime,
+ launchInVec = missileVecs[i].inward,
+ launchInTime = launchInTime,
+ launchStraightLerpTime = launchStraightLerpTime,
+ endPos = missileEndPos,
+ applyRandSpread = applyRandSpread
+ }
+ */
+ missile.InitMissileExpandContract( missileVecs[i].outward, missileVecs[i].inward, launchOutTime, launchInLerpTime, launchInTime, launchStraightLerpTime, missileEndPos, applyRandSpread )
+ if ( IsServer() && debugDrawPath )
+ thread DebugDrawMissilePath( missile )
+ //InitMissileForRandomDrift( missile, attackPos, attackDir )
+ missile.InitMissileForRandomDriftFromWeaponSettings( attackPos, attackDir )
+ firedMissiles.append( missile )
+ }
+ }
+ return firedMissiles
+array<entity> function FireExpandContractMissiles_S2S( entity weapon, WeaponPrimaryAttackParams attackParams, vector attackPos, vector attackDir, shouldPredict, int rocketsPerShot, missileSpeed, launchOutAng, launchOutTime, launchInAng, launchInTime, launchInLerpTime, launchStraightLerpTime, applyRandSpread, int burstFireCountOverride = -1, debugDrawPath = false )
+ local missileVecs = GetExpandContractRocketTrajectories( weapon, attackParams.burstIndex, attackPos, attackDir, rocketsPerShot, launchOutAng, launchInAng, burstFireCountOverride )
+ entity owner = weapon.GetWeaponOwner()
+ array<entity> firedMissiles
+ vector missileEndPos = attackPos + ( attackDir * 5000 )
+ for ( int i = 0; i < rocketsPerShot; i++ )
+ {
+ entity missile = weapon.FireWeaponMissile( attackPos, attackDir, missileSpeed, DF_GIB | DF_IMPACT, damageTypes.explosive, false, shouldPredict )
+ missile.SetOrigin( attackPos )//HACK why do I have to do this?
+ if ( missile )
+ {
+ /*
+ missile.s.flightData <- {
+ launchOutVec = missileVecs[i].outward,
+ launchOutTime = launchOutTime,
+ launchInLerpTime = launchInLerpTime,
+ launchInVec = missileVecs[i].inward,
+ launchInTime = launchInTime,
+ launchStraightLerpTime = launchStraightLerpTime,
+ endPos = missileEndPos,
+ applyRandSpread = applyRandSpread
+ }
+ */
+ missile.InitMissileExpandContract( missileVecs[i].outward, missileVecs[i].inward, launchOutTime, launchInLerpTime, launchInTime, launchStraightLerpTime, missileEndPos, applyRandSpread )
+ if ( IsServer() && debugDrawPath )
+ thread DebugDrawMissilePath( missile )
+ //InitMissileForRandomDrift( missile, attackPos, attackDir )
+ missile.InitMissileForRandomDriftFromWeaponSettings( attackPos, attackDir )
+ firedMissiles.append( missile )
+ }
+ }
+ return firedMissiles
+function GetExpandContractRocketTrajectories( entity weapon, int burstIndex, vector attackPos, vector attackDir, int rocketsPerShot, launchOutAng, launchInAng, int burstFireCount = -1 )
+ bool DEBUG_DRAW_MATH = false
+ if ( burstFireCount == -1 )
+ burstFireCount = weapon.GetWeaponBurstFireCount()
+ local additionalRotation = ( ( 360.0 / rocketsPerShot ) / burstFireCount ) * burstIndex
+ //printt( "burstIndex:", burstIndex )
+ //printt( "rocketsPerShot:", rocketsPerShot )
+ //printt( "burstFireCount:", burstFireCount )
+ vector ang = VectorToAngles( attackDir )
+ vector forward = AnglesToForward( ang )
+ vector right = AnglesToRight( ang )
+ vector up = AnglesToUp( ang )
+ DebugDrawLine( attackPos, attackPos + ( forward * 1000 ), 255, 0, 0, true, 30.0 )
+ // Create points on circle
+ float offsetAng = 360.0 / rocketsPerShot
+ for ( int i = 0; i < rocketsPerShot; i++ )
+ {
+ local a = offsetAng * i + additionalRotation
+ vector vec = Vector( 0, 0, 0 )
+ vec += up * deg_sin( a )
+ vec += right * deg_cos( a )
+ DebugDrawLine( attackPos, attackPos + ( vec * 50 ), 10, 10, 10, true, 30.0 )
+ }
+ // Create missile points
+ vector x = right * deg_sin( launchOutAng )
+ vector y = up * deg_sin( launchOutAng )
+ vector z = forward * deg_cos( launchOutAng )
+ vector rx = right * deg_sin( launchInAng )
+ vector ry = up * deg_sin( launchInAng )
+ vector rz = forward * deg_cos( launchInAng )
+ local missilePoints = []
+ for ( int i = 0; i < rocketsPerShot; i++ )
+ {
+ local points = {}
+ // Outward vec
+ local a = offsetAng * i + additionalRotation
+ float s = deg_sin( a )
+ float c = deg_cos( a )
+ vector vecOut = z + x * c + y * s
+ vecOut = Normalize( vecOut )
+ points.outward <- vecOut
+ // Inward vec
+ vector vecIn = rz + rx * c + ry * s
+ points.inward <- vecIn
+ // Add to array
+ missilePoints.append( points )
+ {
+ DebugDrawLine( attackPos, attackPos + ( vecOut * 50 ), 255, 255, 0, true, 30.0 )
+ DebugDrawLine( attackPos + vecOut * 50, attackPos + vecOut * 50 + ( vecIn * 50 ), 255, 0, 255, true, 30.0 )
+ }
+ }
+ return missilePoints
+function DebugDrawMissilePath( entity missile )
+ EndSignal( missile, "OnDestroy" )
+ vector lastPos = missile.GetOrigin()
+ while ( true )
+ {
+ WaitFrame()
+ if ( !IsValid( missile ) )
+ return
+ DebugDrawLine( lastPos, missile.GetOrigin(), 0, 255, 0, true, 20.0 )
+ lastPos = missile.GetOrigin()
+ }
+function RegenerateOffhandAmmoOverTime( entity weapon, float rechargeTime, int maxAmmo, int offhandIndex )
+ weapon.Signal( "RegenAmmo" )
+ weapon.EndSignal( "RegenAmmo" )
+ weapon.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ #if CLIENT
+ entity weaponOwner = weapon.GetWeaponOwner()
+ if ( IsValid( weaponOwner ) && weaponOwner.IsPlayer() )
+ {
+ entity cockpit = weaponOwner.GetCockpit()
+ if ( IsValid( cockpit ) )
+ {
+ cockpit.s.offhandHud[offhandIndex].bar.SetBarProgressSource( ProgressSource.PROGRESS_SOURCE_SCRIPTED )
+ cockpit.s.offhandHud[offhandIndex].bar.SetBarProgressRemap( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 )
+ cockpit.s.offhandHud[offhandIndex].bar.SetBarProgressAndRate( 1.0 / maxAmmo , 1 / ( rechargeTime * maxAmmo ) )
+ }
+ }
+ #endif
+ if ( !( "totalChargeTime" in weapon.s ) )
+ weapon.s.totalChargeTime <- rechargeTime
+ if ( !( "nextChargeTime" in weapon.s ) )
+ weapon.s.nextChargeTime <- null
+ for ( ;; )
+ {
+ weapon.s.nextChargeTime = rechargeTime + Time()
+ wait rechargeTime
+ if ( IsServer() )
+ {
+ int max = maxAmmo
+ int weaponMax = weapon.GetWeaponPrimaryClipCountMax()
+ if ( weaponMax < max )
+ max = weaponMax
+ int ammo = weapon.GetWeaponPrimaryClipCount()
+ if ( ammo < max )
+ weapon.SetWeaponPrimaryClipCount( ammo + 1 )
+ }
+ }
+bool function IsPilotShotgunWeapon( string weaponName )
+ return GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField_Global( weaponName, "weaponSubClass" ) == "shotgun"
+array<string> function GetWeaponBurnMods( string weaponClassName )
+ array<string> burnMods = []
+ array<string> mods = GetWeaponMods_Global( weaponClassName )
+ string prefix = "burn_mod"
+ foreach ( mod in mods )
+ {
+ if ( mod.find( prefix ) == 0 )
+ burnMods.append( mod )
+ }
+ return burnMods
+int function TEMP_GetDamageFlagsFromProjectile( entity projectile )
+ var damageFlagsString = projectile.ProjectileGetWeaponInfoFileKeyField( "damage_flags" )
+ if ( damageFlagsString == null )
+ return 0
+ expect string( damageFlagsString )
+ return TEMP_GetDamageFlagsFromString( damageFlagsString )
+int function TEMP_GetDamageFlagsFromString( string damageFlagsString )
+ int damageFlags = 0
+ array<string> damageFlagTokens = split( damageFlagsString, "|" )
+ foreach ( token in damageFlagTokens )
+ {
+ damageFlags = damageFlags | getconsttable()[strip(token)]
+ }
+ return damageFlags
+function PROTO_InitTrackedProjectile( entity projectile )
+ // HACK: accessing ProjectileGetWeaponInfoFileKeyField or ProjectileGetWeaponClassName during CodeCallback_OnSpawned causes a code assert
+ projectile.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ WaitFrame()
+ entity owner = projectile.GetOwner()
+ if ( !IsValid( owner ) || !owner.IsPlayer() )
+ return
+ int maxDeployed = projectile.GetProjectileWeaponSettingInt( eWeaponVar.projectile_max_deployed )
+ if ( maxDeployed != 0 )
+ {
+ AddToScriptManagedEntArray( owner.s.activeTrapArrayId, projectile )
+ array<entity> traps = GetScriptManagedEntArray( owner.s.activeTrapArrayId )
+ array<entity> sameTypeTrapEnts
+ foreach ( ent in traps )
+ {
+ if ( ent.ProjectileGetWeaponClassName() != projectile.ProjectileGetWeaponClassName() )
+ continue
+ sameTypeTrapEnts.append( ent )
+ }
+ int numToDestroy = sameTypeTrapEnts.len() - maxDeployed
+ if ( numToDestroy > 0 )
+ {
+ sameTypeTrapEnts.sort( CompareCreation )
+ foreach ( ent in sameTypeTrapEnts )
+ {
+ ent.Destroy()
+ numToDestroy--
+ if ( !numToDestroy )
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+function PROTO_CleanupTrackedProjectiles( entity player )
+ array<entity> traps = GetScriptManagedEntArray( player.s.activeTrapArrayId )
+ foreach ( ent in traps )
+ {
+ ent.Destroy()
+ }
+int function CompareCreation( entity a, entity b )
+ if ( a.GetProjectileCreationTime() > b.GetProjectileCreationTime() )
+ return 1
+ return -1
+int function CompareCreationReverse( entity a, entity b )
+ if ( a.GetProjectileCreationTime() > b.GetProjectileCreationTime() )
+ return 1
+ return -1
+void function PROTO_TrackedProjectile_OnPlayerRespawned( entity player )
+ thread PROTO_TrackedProjectile_OnPlayerRespawned_Internal( player )
+void function PROTO_TrackedProjectile_OnPlayerRespawned_Internal( entity player )
+ player.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ if ( player.s.inGracePeriod )
+ player.WaitSignal( "GracePeriodDone" )
+ entity ordnance = player.GetOffhandWeapon( OFFHAND_ORDNANCE )
+ array<entity> traps = GetScriptManagedEntArray( player.s.activeTrapArrayId )
+ foreach ( ent in traps )
+ {
+ if ( ordnance && ent.ProjectileGetWeaponClassName() == ordnance.GetWeaponClassName() )
+ continue
+ ent.Destroy()
+ }
+function PROTO_PlayTrapLightEffect( entity ent, string tag, int team )
+ asset ownerFx = ent.ProjectileGetWeaponInfoFileKeyFieldAsset( "trap_warning_owner_fx" )
+ if ( ownerFx != $"" )
+ {
+ entity ownerFxEnt = CreateServerEffect_Owner( ownerFx, ent.GetOwner() )
+ SetServerEffectControlPoint( ownerFxEnt, 0, FRIENDLY_COLOR )
+ StartServerEffectOnEntity( ownerFxEnt, ent, tag )
+ }
+ asset friendlyFx = ent.ProjectileGetWeaponInfoFileKeyFieldAsset( "trap_warning_friendly_fx" )
+ if ( friendlyFx != $"" )
+ {
+ entity friendlyFxEnt = CreateServerEffect_Friendly( friendlyFx, team )
+ SetServerEffectControlPoint( friendlyFxEnt, 0, FRIENDLY_COLOR_FX )
+ StartServerEffectOnEntity( friendlyFxEnt, ent, tag )
+ }
+ asset enemyFx = ent.ProjectileGetWeaponInfoFileKeyFieldAsset( "trap_warning_enemy_fx" )
+ if ( enemyFx != $"" )
+ {
+ entity enemyFxEnt = CreateServerEffect_Enemy( enemyFx, team )
+ SetServerEffectControlPoint( enemyFxEnt, 0, ENEMY_COLOR_FX )
+ StartServerEffectOnEntity( enemyFxEnt, ent, tag )
+ }
+string ornull function GetCooldownBeepPrefix( weapon )
+ var reloadBeepPrefix = weapon.GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField( "cooldown_sound_prefix" )
+ if ( reloadBeepPrefix == null )
+ return null
+ expect string( reloadBeepPrefix )
+ return reloadBeepPrefix
+void function PROTO_DelayCooldown( entity weapon )
+ weapon.s.nextCooldownTime = Time() + weapon.s.cooldownDelay
+string function GetBeepSuffixForAmmo( int currentAmmo, int maxAmmo )
+ float frac = float( currentAmmo ) / float( maxAmmo )
+ if ( frac >= 1.0 )
+ return "_full"
+ if ( frac >= 0.25 )
+ return ""
+ return "_low"
+#endif //SERVER
+bool function PROTO_CanPlayerDeployWeapon( entity player )
+ if ( player.IsPhaseShifted() )
+ return false
+ if ( player.ContextAction_IsActive() == true )
+ {
+ if ( player.IsZiplining() )
+ return true
+ else
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
+void function PROTO_FlakCannonMissiles( entity projectile, float speed )
+ projectile.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ float radius = projectile.GetProjectileWeaponSettingFloat( eWeaponVar.explosionradius )
+ vector velocity = projectile.GetVelocity()
+ vector currentPos = projectile.GetOrigin()
+ int team = projectile.GetTeam()
+ float waitTime = 0.1
+ float distanceInterval = speed * waitTime
+ int forwardDistanceChecks = int( ceil( distanceInterval / radius ) )
+ bool forceExplosion = false
+ while ( forceExplosion == false )
+ {
+ currentPos = projectile.GetOrigin()
+ for ( int i = 0; i < forwardDistanceChecks; i++ )
+ {
+ float frac = float( i ) / float (forwardDistanceChecks )
+ if ( PROTO_FlakCannon_HasNearbyEnemies( currentPos + velocity * waitTime * frac , team, radius ) )
+ {
+ if ( i == 0 )
+ {
+ forceExplosion = true
+ break
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ projectile.SetVelocity( velocity * ( frac - 0.05 ) )
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( forceExplosion == false )
+ wait waitTime
+ }
+ projectile.MissileExplode()
+bool function PROTO_FlakCannon_HasNearbyEnemies( vector origin, int team, float radius )
+ float worldSpaceCenterBuffer = 200
+ array<entity> guys = GetPlayerArrayEx( "any", TEAM_ANY, team, origin, radius + worldSpaceCenterBuffer )
+ foreach ( guy in guys )
+ {
+ if ( IsAlive( guy ) && Distance( origin, guy.GetWorldSpaceCenter() ) < radius )
+ return true
+ }
+ array<entity> ai = GetNPCArrayEx( "any", TEAM_ANY, team, origin, radius + worldSpaceCenterBuffer )
+ foreach ( guy in ai )
+ {
+ if ( IsAlive( guy ) && Distance( origin, guy.GetWorldSpaceCenter() ) < radius )
+ return true
+ }
+ return false
+#endif // #if SERVER
+void function GiveEMPStunStatusEffects( entity ent, float duration, float fadeoutDuration = 0.5, float slowTurn = EMP_SEVERITY_SLOWTURN, float slowMove = EMP_SEVERITY_SLOWMOVE)
+ entity target = ent.IsTitan() ? ent.GetTitanSoul() : ent
+ int slowEffect = StatusEffect_AddTimed( target, eStatusEffect.turn_slow, slowTurn, duration, fadeoutDuration )
+ int turnEffect = StatusEffect_AddTimed( target, eStatusEffect.move_slow, slowMove, duration, fadeoutDuration )
+ #if SERVER
+ if ( ent.IsPlayer() )
+ {
+ ent.p.empStatusEffectsToClearForPhaseShift.append( slowEffect )
+ ent.p.empStatusEffectsToClearForPhaseShift.append( turnEffect )
+ }
+ #endif
+#if DEV
+string ornull function FindEnumNameForValue( table searchTable, int searchVal )
+ foreach( string keyname, int value in searchTable )
+ {
+ if ( value == searchVal )
+ return keyname;
+ }
+ return null
+void function DevPrintAllStatusEffectsOnEnt( entity ent )
+ printt( "Effects:", ent )
+ array<float> effects = StatusEffect_GetAll( ent )
+ int length = effects.len()
+ int found = 0;
+ for ( int idx = 0; idx < length; idx++ )
+ {
+ float severity = effects[idx];
+ if ( severity <= 0.0 )
+ continue
+ string ornull name = FindEnumNameForValue( eStatusEffect, idx )
+ Assert( name )
+ expect string( name )
+ printt( " eStatusEffect." + name + ": " + severity )
+ found++;
+ }
+ printt( found + " effects active.\n" );
+#endif // #if DEV
+array<entity> function GetPrimaryWeapons( entity player )
+ array<entity> primaryWeapons
+ array<entity> weapons = player.GetMainWeapons()
+ foreach ( weaponEnt in weapons )
+ {
+ int weaponType = weaponEnt.GetWeaponType()
+ if ( weaponType == WT_SIDEARM || weaponType == WT_ANTITITAN )
+ continue;
+ primaryWeapons.append( weaponEnt )
+ }
+ return primaryWeapons
+array<entity> function GetSidearmWeapons( entity player )
+ array<entity> sidearmWeapons
+ array<entity> weapons = player.GetMainWeapons()
+ foreach ( weaponEnt in weapons )
+ {
+ if ( weaponEnt.GetWeaponType() != WT_SIDEARM )
+ continue
+ sidearmWeapons.append( weaponEnt )
+ }
+ return sidearmWeapons
+array<entity> function GetATWeapons( entity player )
+ array<entity> atWeapons
+ array<entity> weapons = player.GetMainWeapons()
+ foreach ( weaponEnt in weapons )
+ {
+ if ( weaponEnt.GetWeaponType() != WT_ANTITITAN )
+ continue
+ atWeapons.append( weaponEnt )
+ }
+ return atWeapons
+entity function GetPlayerFromTitanWeapon( entity weapon )
+ entity titan = weapon.GetWeaponOwner()
+ entity player
+ if ( titan == null )
+ return null
+ if ( !titan.IsPlayer() )
+ player = titan.GetBossPlayer()
+ else
+ player = titan
+ return player
+const asset CHARGE_SHOT_PROJECTILE = $"models/weapons/bullets/temp_triple_threat_projectile_large.mdl"
+const asset CHARGE_EFFECT_1P = $"P_ordnance_charge_st_FP" // $"P_wpn_defender_charge_FP"
+const asset CHARGE_EFFECT_3P = $"P_ordnance_charge_st" // $"P_wpn_defender_charge"
+const asset CHARGE_EFFECT_DLIGHT = $"defender_charge_CH_dlight"
+const string CHARGE_SOUND_WINDUP_1P = "Weapon_ChargeRifle_WindUp_1P"
+const string CHARGE_SOUND_WINDUP_3P = "Weapon_ChargeRifle_WindUp_3P"
+const string CHARGE_SOUND_WINDDOWN_1P = "Weapon_ChargeRifle_WindDown_1P"
+const string CHARGE_SOUND_WINDDOWN_3P = "Weapon_ChargeRifle_WindDown_3P"
+void function ChargeBall_Precache()
+ PrecacheEffect( CHARGE_EFFECT_1P )
+ PrecacheEffect( CHARGE_EFFECT_3P )
+#endif // #if SERVER
+void function ChargeBall_FireProjectile( entity weapon, vector position, vector direction, bool shouldPredict )
+ weapon.EmitWeaponNpcSound( LOUD_WEAPON_AI_SOUND_RADIUS_MP, 0.2 )
+ entity owner = weapon.GetWeaponOwner()
+ const float MISSILE_SPEED = 1200.0
+ const int CONTACT_DAMAGE_TYPES = (damageTypes.projectileImpact | DF_DOOM_FATALITY)
+ const int EXPLOSION_DAMAGE_TYPES = damageTypes.explosive
+ const bool DO_POPUP = false
+ if ( shouldPredict )
+ {
+ entity missile = weapon.FireWeaponMissile( position, direction, MISSILE_SPEED, CONTACT_DAMAGE_TYPES, EXPLOSION_DAMAGE_TYPES, DO_POPUP, shouldPredict )
+ if ( missile )
+ {
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( owner, "ShoulderRocket_Cluster_Fire_3P" )
+ missile.SetModel( CHARGE_SHOT_PROJECTILE )
+ const ROCKETEER_MISSILE_EXPLOSION = $"xo_exp_death"
+ const ROCKETEER_MISSILE_SHOULDER_FX = $"wpn_mflash_xo_rocket_shoulder_FP"
+ entity owner = weapon.GetWeaponOwner()
+ vector origin = owner.OffsetPositionFromView( Vector(0, 0, 0), Vector(25, -25, 15) )
+ vector angles = owner.CameraAngles()
+ StartParticleEffectOnEntityWithPos( owner, GetParticleSystemIndex( ROCKETEER_MISSILE_SHOULDER_FX ), FX_PATTACH_EYES_FOLLOW, -1, origin, angles )
+#else // #if CLIENT
+ missile.SetProjectileImpactDamageOverride( 1440 )
+ missile.kv.damageSourceId = eDamageSourceId.charge_ball
+#endif // #else // #if CLIENT
+ }
+ }
+bool function ChargeBall_ChargeBegin( entity weapon, string tagName )
+ if ( InPrediction() && !IsFirstTimePredicted() )
+ return true
+#endif // #if CLIENT
+ weapon.w.statusEffects.append( StatusEffect_AddEndless( weapon.GetWeaponOwner(), eStatusEffect.move_slow, 0.6 ) )
+ weapon.w.statusEffects.append( StatusEffect_AddEndless( weapon.GetWeaponOwner(), eStatusEffect.turn_slow, 0.35 ) )
+ weapon.PlayWeaponEffect( CHARGE_EFFECT_1P, CHARGE_EFFECT_3P, tagName )
+ weapon.PlayWeaponEffect( $"", CHARGE_EFFECT_DLIGHT, tagName )
+ StopSoundOnEntity( weapon, CHARGE_SOUND_WINDDOWN_3P )
+ entity weaponOwner = weapon.GetWeaponOwner()
+ if ( IsValid( weaponOwner ) )
+ {
+ if ( weaponOwner.IsPlayer() )
+ EmitSoundOnEntityExceptToPlayer( weapon, weaponOwner, CHARGE_SOUND_WINDUP_3P )
+ else
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( weapon, CHARGE_SOUND_WINDUP_3P )
+ }
+ StopSoundOnEntity( weapon, CHARGE_SOUND_WINDDOWN_1P )
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( weapon, CHARGE_SOUND_WINDUP_1P )
+ return true
+void function ChargeBall_ChargeEnd( entity weapon )
+ if ( InPrediction() && !IsFirstTimePredicted() )
+ return
+ if ( IsValid( weapon.GetWeaponOwner() ) )
+ {
+ #if CLIENT
+ if ( InPrediction() && IsFirstTimePredicted() )
+ {
+ #endif
+ foreach ( effect in weapon.w.statusEffects )
+ {
+ StatusEffect_Stop( weapon.GetWeaponOwner(), effect )
+ }
+ #if CLIENT
+ }
+ #endif
+ }
+ StopSoundOnEntity( weapon, CHARGE_SOUND_WINDUP_3P )
+ entity weaponOwner = weapon.GetWeaponOwner()
+ if ( IsValid( weaponOwner ) )
+ {
+ if ( weaponOwner.IsPlayer() )
+ EmitSoundOnEntityExceptToPlayer( weapon, weaponOwner, CHARGE_SOUND_WINDDOWN_3P )
+ else
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( weapon, CHARGE_SOUND_WINDDOWN_3P )
+ }
+ StopSoundOnEntity( weapon, CHARGE_SOUND_WINDUP_1P )
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( weapon, CHARGE_SOUND_WINDDOWN_1P )
+ ChargeBall_StopChargeEffects( weapon )
+void function ChargeBall_StopChargeEffects( entity weapon )
+ Assert( IsValid( weapon ) )
+ // weapon.StopWeaponEffect( CHARGE_EFFECT_1P, CHARGE_EFFECT_3P )
+ // weapon.StopWeaponEffect( CHARGE_EFFECT_3P, CHARGE_EFFECT_1P )
+ thread HACK_Deplayed_ChargeBall_StopChargeEffects( weapon )
+void function HACK_Deplayed_ChargeBall_StopChargeEffects( entity weapon )
+ weapon.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ wait 0.2
+ weapon.StopWeaponEffect( CHARGE_EFFECT_1P, CHARGE_EFFECT_3P )
+ weapon.StopWeaponEffect( CHARGE_EFFECT_3P, CHARGE_EFFECT_1P )
+float function ChargeBall_GetChargeTime()
+ return 1.05
+void function GivePlayerAmpedWeapon( entity player, string weaponName )
+ array<entity> weapons = player.GetMainWeapons()
+ int numWeapons = weapons.len()
+ if ( numWeapons == 0 )
+ return
+ //Figure out what weapon to take away.
+ //This is more complicated than it should be because of rules of what weapons can be in what slots, e.g. your anti-titan weapon can't be replaced by non anti-titan weapons
+ if ( HasWeapon( player, weaponName ) )
+ {
+ //Simplest case:
+ //Take away the currently existing version of the weapon you already have.
+ player.TakeWeaponNow( weaponName )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bool ampedWeaponIsAntiTitan = GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField_Global( weaponName, "weaponType" ) == "anti_titan"
+ if ( ampedWeaponIsAntiTitan )
+ {
+ foreach( weapon in weapons )
+ {
+ string currentWeaponClassName = weapon.GetWeaponClassName()
+ if ( GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField_Global( currentWeaponClassName, "weaponType" ) == "anti_titan" )
+ {
+ player.TakeWeaponNow( currentWeaponClassName )
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ unreachable //We had no anti-titan weapon? Shouldn't ever be possible
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ string currentActiveWeaponClassName = player.GetActiveWeapon().GetWeaponClassName()
+ if ( ShouldReplaceWeaponInFirstSlot( player, currentActiveWeaponClassName ) )
+ {
+ //Current weapon is anti_titan, but amped weapon we are trying to give is not. Just replace the weapon that is in the first slot.
+ //Assumes that weapon in first slot is not an anti-titan weapon
+ //We could get even fancier and look to see if the amped weapon is a primary weapon or a sidearm and replace the slot accordingly, but
+ //that makes it more complicated, plus there are cases where you can have no primary weapons/no side arms etc
+ string firstWeaponClassName = weapons[ 0 ].GetWeaponClassName()
+ Assert( GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField_Global( firstWeaponClassName, "weaponType" ) != "anti_titan" )
+ player.TakeWeaponNow( firstWeaponClassName )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ player.TakeWeaponNow( currentActiveWeaponClassName )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ array<string> burnMods = GetWeaponBurnMods( weaponName )
+ entity ampedWeapon = player.GiveWeapon( weaponName, burnMods )
+ ampedWeapon.SetWeaponPrimaryClipCount( ampedWeapon.GetWeaponPrimaryClipCountMax() ) //Needed for weapons that give a mod with extra clip size
+bool function ShouldReplaceWeaponInFirstSlot( entity player, string currentActiveWeaponClassName )
+ if ( GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField_Global( currentActiveWeaponClassName, "weaponType" ) == "anti_titan" ) //Active weapon is anti-titan weapon. Can't replace anti-titan weapon slot with non-anti-titan weapon
+ return true
+ if ( currentActiveWeaponClassName == player.GetOffhandWeapon( OFFHAND_ORDNANCE ).GetWeaponClassName() )
+ return true
+ return false
+void function GivePlayerAmpedWeaponAndSetAsActive( entity player, string weaponName )
+ GivePlayerAmpedWeapon( player, weaponName )
+ player.SetActiveWeaponByName( weaponName )
+void function ReplacePlayerOffhand( entity player, string offhandName, array<string> mods = [] )
+ player.TakeOffhandWeapon( OFFHAND_SPECIAL )
+ player.GiveOffhandWeapon( offhandName, OFFHAND_SPECIAL, mods )
+void function ReplacePlayerOrdnance( entity player, string ordnanceName, array<string> mods = [] )
+ player.TakeOffhandWeapon( OFFHAND_ORDNANCE )
+ player.GiveOffhandWeapon( ordnanceName, OFFHAND_ORDNANCE, mods )
+void function PAS_CooldownReduction_OnKill( entity victim, entity attacker, var damageInfo )
+ if ( !IsAlive( attacker ) || !IsPilot( attacker ) )
+ return
+ array<string> weaponMods = GetWeaponModsFromDamageInfo( damageInfo )
+ if ( GetCurrentPlaylistVarInt( "featured_mode_tactikill", 0 ) > 0 )
+ {
+ entity weapon = attacker.GetOffhandWeapon( OFFHAND_LEFT )
+ switch ( GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField_Global( weapon.GetWeaponClassName(), "cooldown_type" ) )
+ {
+ case "grapple":
+ attacker.SetSuitGrapplePower( attacker.GetSuitGrapplePower() + 100 )
+ break
+ case "ammo":
+ case "ammo_instant":
+ case "ammo_deployed":
+ case "ammo_timed":
+ int maxAmmo = weapon.GetWeaponPrimaryClipCountMax()
+ weapon.SetWeaponPrimaryClipCountNoRegenReset( maxAmmo )
+ break
+ case "chargeFrac":
+ weapon.SetWeaponChargeFraction( 0 )
+ break
+ // case "mp_ability_ground_slam":
+ // break
+ default:
+ Assert( false, weapon.GetWeaponClassName() + " needs to be updated to support cooldown_type setting" )
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( !PlayerHasPassive( attacker, ePassives.PAS_CDR_ON_KILL ) && !weaponMods.contains( "tactical_cdr_on_kill" ) )
+ return
+ entity weapon = attacker.GetOffhandWeapon( OFFHAND_LEFT )
+ switch ( GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField_Global( weapon.GetWeaponClassName(), "cooldown_type" ) )
+ {
+ case "grapple":
+ attacker.SetSuitGrapplePower( attacker.GetSuitGrapplePower() + 25 )
+ break
+ case "ammo":
+ case "ammo_instant":
+ case "ammo_deployed":
+ case "ammo_timed":
+ int maxAmmo = weapon.GetWeaponPrimaryClipCountMax()
+ weapon.SetWeaponPrimaryClipCountNoRegenReset( min( maxAmmo, weapon.GetWeaponPrimaryClipCount() + ( maxAmmo / 4 ) ) )
+ break
+ case "chargeFrac":
+ weapon.SetWeaponChargeFraction( max( 0, weapon.GetWeaponChargeFraction() - 0.25 ) )
+ break
+ // case "mp_ability_ground_slam":
+ // break
+ default:
+ Assert( false, weapon.GetWeaponClassName() + " needs to be updated to support cooldown_type setting" )
+ break
+ }
+ }
+void function DisableWeapons( entity player, array<string> excludeNames )
+ array<entity> weapons = GetPlayerWeapons( player, excludeNames )
+ foreach ( weapon in weapons )
+ weapon.AllowUse( false )
+void function EnableWeapons( entity player, array<string> excludeNames )
+ array<entity> weapons = GetPlayerWeapons( player, excludeNames )
+ foreach ( weapon in weapons )
+ weapon.AllowUse( true )
+array<entity> function GetPlayerWeapons( entity player, array<string> excludeNames )
+ array<entity> weapons = player.GetMainWeapons()
+ weapons.extend( player.GetOffhandWeapons() )
+ for ( int idx = weapons.len() - 1; idx > 0; idx-- )
+ {
+ foreach ( excludeName in excludeNames )
+ {
+ if ( weapons[idx].GetWeaponClassName() == excludeName )
+ weapons.remove( idx )
+ }
+ }
+ return weapons
+void function WeaponAttackWave( entity ent, int projectileCount, entity inflictor, vector pos, vector dir, bool functionref( entity, int, entity, entity, vector, vector, int ) waveFunc )
+ ent.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ entity weapon
+ entity projectile
+ int maxCount
+ float step
+ entity owner
+ int damageNearValueTitanArmor
+ int count = 0
+ array<vector> positions = []
+ vector lastDownPos
+ bool firstTrace = true
+ dir = <dir.x, dir.y, 0.0>
+ dir = Normalize( dir )
+ vector angles = VectorToAngles( dir )
+ if ( ent.IsProjectile() )
+ {
+ projectile = ent
+ string chargedPrefix = ""
+ if ( ent.proj.isChargedShot )
+ chargedPrefix = "charge_"
+ maxCount = expect int( ent.ProjectileGetWeaponInfoFileKeyField( chargedPrefix + "wave_max_count" ) )
+ step = expect float( ent.ProjectileGetWeaponInfoFileKeyField( chargedPrefix + "wave_step_dist" ) )
+ owner = ent.GetOwner()
+ damageNearValueTitanArmor = projectile.GetProjectileWeaponSettingInt( eWeaponVar.damage_near_value_titanarmor )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ weapon = ent
+ maxCount = expect int( ent.GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField( "wave_max_count" ) )
+ step = expect float( ent.GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField( "wave_step_dist" ) )
+ owner = ent.GetWeaponOwner()
+ damageNearValueTitanArmor = weapon.GetWeaponSettingInt( eWeaponVar.damage_near_value_titanarmor )
+ }
+ owner.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ for ( int i = 0; i < maxCount; i++ )
+ {
+ vector newPos = pos + dir * step
+ vector traceStart = pos
+ vector traceEndUnder = newPos
+ vector traceEndOver = newPos
+ if ( !firstTrace )
+ {
+ traceStart = lastDownPos + <0.0, 0.0, 80.0 >
+ traceEndUnder = <newPos.x, newPos.y, traceStart.z - 40.0 >
+ traceEndOver = <newPos.x, newPos.y, traceStart.z + step * 0.57735056839> // The over height is to cover the case of a sheer surface that then continues gradually upwards (like mp_box)
+ }
+ firstTrace = false
+ VortexBulletHit ornull vortexHit = VortexBulletHitCheck( owner, traceStart, traceEndOver )
+ if ( vortexHit )
+ {
+ expect VortexBulletHit( vortexHit )
+ entity vortexWeapon = vortexHit.vortex.GetOwnerWeapon()
+ if ( vortexWeapon && vortexWeapon.GetWeaponClassName() == "mp_titanweapon_vortex_shield" )
+ VortexDrainedByImpact( vortexWeapon, weapon, projectile, null ) // drain the vortex shield
+ else if ( IsVortexSphere( vortexHit.vortex ) )
+ VortexSphereDrainHealthForDamage( vortexHit.vortex, damageNearValueTitanArmor )
+ WaitFrame()
+ continue
+ }
+ //DebugDrawLine( traceStart, traceEndUnder, 0, 255, 0, true, 25.0 )
+ array ignoreArray = []
+ if ( IsValid( inflictor ) && inflictor.GetOwner() != null )
+ ignoreArray.append( inflictor.GetOwner() )
+ TraceResults forwardTrace = TraceLine( traceStart, traceEndUnder, ignoreArray, TRACE_MASK_SHOT, TRACE_COLLISION_GROUP_BLOCK_WEAPONS )
+ if ( forwardTrace.fraction == 1.0 )
+ {
+ //DebugDrawLine( forwardTrace.endPos, forwardTrace.endPos + <0.0, 0.0, -1000.0>, 255, 0, 0, true, 25.0 )
+ TraceResults downTrace = TraceLine( forwardTrace.endPos, forwardTrace.endPos + <0.0, 0.0, -1000.0>, ignoreArray, TRACE_MASK_SHOT, TRACE_COLLISION_GROUP_BLOCK_WEAPONS )
+ if ( downTrace.fraction == 1.0 )
+ break
+ entity movingGeo = null
+ if ( downTrace.hitEnt && downTrace.hitEnt.HasPusherRootParent() && !downTrace.hitEnt.IsMarkedForDeletion() )
+ movingGeo = downTrace.hitEnt
+ if ( !waveFunc( ent, projectileCount, inflictor, movingGeo, downTrace.endPos, angles, i ) )
+ return
+ lastDownPos = downTrace.endPos
+ pos = forwardTrace.endPos
+ WaitFrame()
+ continue
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( IsValid( forwardTrace.hitEnt ) && (StatusEffect_Get( forwardTrace.hitEnt, eStatusEffect.pass_through_amps_weapon ) > 0) && !CheckPassThroughDir( forwardTrace.hitEnt, forwardTrace.surfaceNormal, forwardTrace.endPos ) )
+ break;
+ }
+ TraceResults upwardTrace = TraceLine( traceStart, traceEndOver, ignoreArray, TRACE_MASK_SHOT, TRACE_COLLISION_GROUP_BLOCK_WEAPONS )
+ //DebugDrawLine( traceStart, traceEndOver, 0, 0, 255, true, 25.0 )
+ if ( upwardTrace.fraction < 1.0 )
+ {
+ if ( IsValid( upwardTrace.hitEnt ) )
+ {
+ if ( upwardTrace.hitEnt.IsWorld() || upwardTrace.hitEnt.IsPlayer() || upwardTrace.hitEnt.IsNPC() )
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TraceResults downTrace = TraceLine( upwardTrace.endPos, upwardTrace.endPos + <0.0, 0.0, -1000.0>, ignoreArray, TRACE_MASK_SHOT, TRACE_COLLISION_GROUP_BLOCK_WEAPONS )
+ if ( downTrace.fraction == 1.0 )
+ break
+ entity movingGeo = null
+ if ( downTrace.hitEnt && downTrace.hitEnt.HasPusherRootParent() && !downTrace.hitEnt.IsMarkedForDeletion() )
+ movingGeo = downTrace.hitEnt
+ if ( !waveFunc( ent, projectileCount, inflictor, movingGeo, downTrace.endPos, angles, i ) )
+ return
+ lastDownPos = downTrace.endPos
+ pos = forwardTrace.endPos
+ }
+ WaitFrame()
+ }
+void function AddActiveThermiteBurn( entity ent )
+ AddToScriptManagedEntArray( file.activeThermiteBurnsManagedEnts, ent )
+array<entity> function GetActiveThermiteBurnsWithinRadius( vector origin, float dist, team = TEAM_ANY )
+ return GetScriptManagedEntArrayWithinCenter( file.activeThermiteBurnsManagedEnts, team, origin, dist )
+void function EMP_DamagedPlayerOrNPC( entity ent, var damageInfo )
+void function VanguardEnergySiphon_DamagedPlayerOrNPC( entity ent, var damageInfo )
+ entity attacker = DamageInfo_GetAttacker( damageInfo )
+ if ( IsValid( attacker ) && attacker.GetTeam() == ent.GetTeam() )
+ return
+void function Elecriticy_DamagedPlayerOrNPC( entity ent, var damageInfo, asset humanFx, asset titanFx, float slowTurn, float slowMove )
+ if ( !IsValid( ent ) )
+ return
+ if ( DamageInfo_GetCustomDamageType( damageInfo ) & DF_DOOMED_HEALTH_LOSS )
+ return
+ local inflictor = DamageInfo_GetInflictor( damageInfo )
+ if( !IsValid( inflictor ) )
+ return
+ // Do electrical effect on this ent that everyone can see if they are a titan
+ string tag = ""
+ asset effect
+ if ( ent.IsTitan() )
+ {
+ tag = "exp_torso_front"
+ effect = titanFx
+ }
+ else if ( IsStalker( ent ) || IsSpectre( ent ) )
+ {
+ tag = "CHESTFOCUS"
+ effect = humanFx
+ if ( !ent.ContextAction_IsActive() && IsAlive( ent ) && ent.IsInterruptable() )
+ {
+ ent.Anim_ScriptedPlayActivityByName( "ACT_STUNNED", true, 0.1 )
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( IsSuperSpectre( ent ) )
+ {
+ tag = "CHESTFOCUS"
+ effect = humanFx
+ if ( ent.GetParent() == null && !ent.ContextAction_IsActive() && IsAlive( ent ) && ent.IsInterruptable() )
+ {
+ ent.Anim_ScriptedPlayActivityByName( "ACT_STUNNED", true, 0.1 )
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( IsGrunt( ent ) )
+ {
+ tag = "CHESTFOCUS"
+ effect = humanFx
+ if ( !ent.ContextAction_IsActive() && IsAlive( ent ) && ent.IsInterruptable() )
+ {
+ ent.Anim_ScriptedPlayActivityByName( "ACT_STUNNED", true, 0.1 )
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( IsPilot( ent ) )
+ {
+ tag = "CHESTFOCUS"
+ effect = humanFx
+ }
+ else if ( IsAirDrone( ent ) )
+ {
+ if ( GetDroneType( ent ) == "drone_type_marvin" )
+ return
+ tag = "HEADSHOT"
+ effect = humanFx
+ thread NpcEmpRebootPrototype( ent, damageInfo, humanFx, titanFx )
+ }
+ else if ( IsGunship( ent ) )
+ {
+ tag = "ORIGIN"
+ effect = titanFx
+ thread NpcEmpRebootPrototype( ent, damageInfo, humanFx, titanFx )
+ }
+ ent.Signal( "ArcStunned" )
+ if ( tag != "" )
+ {
+ local inflictor = DamageInfo_GetInflictor( damageInfo )
+ Assert( !(inflictor instanceof CEnvExplosion) )
+ if ( IsValid( inflictor ) )
+ {
+ if ( inflictor instanceof CBaseGrenade )
+ {
+ local entCenter = ent.GetWorldSpaceCenter()
+ local dist = Distance( DamageInfo_GetDamagePosition( damageInfo ), entCenter )
+ local damageRadius = inflictor.GetDamageRadius()
+ }
+ thread EMP_FX( effect, ent, tag, duration )
+ }
+ }
+ if ( StatusEffect_Get( ent, eStatusEffect.destroyed_by_emp ) )
+ DamageInfo_SetDamage( damageInfo, ent.GetHealth() )
+ // Don't do arc beams to entities that are on the same team... except the owner
+ entity attacker = DamageInfo_GetAttacker( damageInfo )
+ if ( IsValid( attacker ) && attacker.GetTeam() == ent.GetTeam() && attacker != ent )
+ return
+ if ( ent.IsPlayer() )
+ {
+ thread EMPGrenade_EffectsPlayer( ent, damageInfo )
+ }
+ else if ( ent.IsTitan() )
+ {
+ EMPGrenade_AffectsShield( ent, damageInfo )
+ #if MP
+ GiveEMPStunStatusEffects( ent, 2.5, 1.0, slowTurn, slowMove )
+ #endif
+ thread EMPGrenade_AffectsAccuracy( ent )
+ }
+ else if ( ent.IsMechanical() )
+ {
+ #if MP
+ GiveEMPStunStatusEffects( ent, 2.5, 1.0, slowTurn, slowMove )
+ DamageInfo_ScaleDamage( damageInfo, 2.05 )
+ #endif
+ }
+ else if ( ent.IsHuman() )
+ {
+ #if MP
+ DamageInfo_ScaleDamage( damageInfo, 0.99 )
+ #endif
+ }
+ if ( inflictor instanceof CBaseGrenade )
+ {
+ if ( !ent.IsPlayer() || ent.IsTitan() ) //Beam should hit cloaked targets, when cloak is updated make IsCloaked() function.
+ EMPGrenade_ArcBeam( DamageInfo_GetDamagePosition( damageInfo ), ent )
+ }
+// HACK: might make sense to move this to code
+void function NpcEmpRebootPrototype( entity npc, var damageInfo, asset humanFx, asset titanFx )
+ if ( !IsValid( npc ) )
+ return
+ npc.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ npc.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ if ( !( "rebooting" in npc.s ) )
+ npc.s.rebooting <- null
+ if ( npc.s.rebooting ) // npc already knocked down and in rebooting process
+ return
+ float rebootTime
+ vector groundPos
+ local nearestNode
+ local neighborNodes
+ local groundNodePos
+ local origin = npc.GetOrigin()
+ local startOrigin = origin
+ local classname = npc.GetClassName()
+ local soundPowerDown
+ local soundPowerUp
+ //------------------------------------------------------
+ // Custom stuff depending on AI type
+ //------------------------------------------------------
+ switch ( classname )
+ {
+ case "npc_drone":
+ soundPowerDown = "Drone_Power_Down"
+ soundPowerUp = "Drone_Power_On"
+ rebootTime = DRONE_REBOOT_TIME
+ break
+ case "npc_gunship":
+ soundPowerDown = "Gunship_Power_Down"
+ soundPowerUp = "Gunship_Power_On"
+ break
+ default:
+ Assert( 0, "Unhandled npc type: " + classname )
+ }
+ //------------------------------------------------------
+ // NPC stunned and is rebooting
+ //------------------------------------------------------
+ npc.Signal( "OnStunned" )
+ npc.s.rebooting = true
+ //TODO: make drone/gunship slowly drift to the ground while rebooting
+ /*
+ groundPos = OriginToGround( origin )
+ groundPos += Vector( 0, 0, 32 )
+ //DebugDrawLine(origin, groundPos, 255, 0, 0, true, 15 )
+ //thread AssaultOrigin( drone, groundPos, 16 )
+ //thread PlayAnim( drone, "idle" )
+ */
+ thread EmpRebootFxPrototype( npc, humanFx, titanFx )
+ npc.EnableNPCFlag( NPC_IGNORE_ALL )
+ npc.SetNoTarget( true )
+ npc.EnableNPCFlag( NPC_DISABLE_SENSING ) // don't do traces to look for enemies or players
+ if ( IsAttackDrone( npc ) )
+ npc.SetAttackMode( false )
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( npc, soundPowerDown )
+ wait rebootTime
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( npc, soundPowerUp )
+ npc.DisableNPCFlag( NPC_IGNORE_ALL )
+ npc.SetNoTarget( false )
+ npc.DisableNPCFlag( NPC_DISABLE_SENSING ) // don't do traces to look for enemies or players
+ if ( IsAttackDrone( npc ) )
+ npc.SetAttackMode( true )
+ npc.s.rebooting = false
+// HACK: might make sense to move this to code
+function EmpRebootFxPrototype( npc, asset humanFx, asset titanFx )
+ expect entity( npc )
+ if ( !IsValid( npc ) )
+ return
+ npc.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ npc.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ string classname = npc.GetClassName()
+ vector origin
+ float delayDuration
+ entity fxHandle
+ asset fxEMPdamage
+ string fxTag
+ float rebootTime
+ string soundEMPdamage
+ //------------------------------------------------------
+ // Custom stuff depending on AI type
+ //------------------------------------------------------
+ switch ( classname )
+ {
+ case "npc_drone":
+ if ( GetDroneType( npc ) == "drone_type_marvin" )
+ return
+ fxEMPdamage = humanFx
+ fxTag = "HEADSHOT"
+ rebootTime = DRONE_REBOOT_TIME
+ soundEMPdamage = "Titan_Blue_Electricity_Cloud"
+ break
+ case "npc_gunship":
+ fxEMPdamage = titanFx
+ fxTag = "ORIGIN"
+ soundEMPdamage = "Titan_Blue_Electricity_Cloud"
+ break
+ default:
+ Assert( 0, "Unhandled npc type: " + classname )
+ }
+ //------------------------------------------------------
+ // Play Fx/Sound till reboot finishes
+ //------------------------------------------------------
+ fxHandle = ClientStylePlayFXOnEntity( fxEMPdamage, npc, fxTag, rebootTime )
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( npc, soundEMPdamage )
+ while ( npc.s.rebooting == true )
+ {
+ delayDuration = RandomFloatRange( 0.4, 1.2 )
+ origin = npc.GetOrigin()
+ EmitSoundAtPosition( npc.GetTeam(), origin, SOUND_EMP_REBOOT_SPARKS )
+ PlayFX( FX_EMP_REBOOT_SPARKS, origin )
+ PlayFX( FX_EMP_REBOOT_SPARKS, origin )
+ OnThreadEnd(
+ function() : ( fxHandle, npc, soundEMPdamage )
+ {
+ if ( IsValid( fxHandle ) )
+ fxHandle.Fire( "StopPlayEndCap" )
+ if ( IsValid( npc ) )
+ StopSoundOnEntity( npc, soundEMPdamage )
+ }
+ )
+ wait ( delayDuration )
+ }
+function EMP_FX( asset effect, entity ent, string tag, float duration )
+ if ( !IsAlive( ent ) )
+ return
+ ent.Signal( "EMP_FX" )
+ ent.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ ent.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ ent.EndSignal( "StartPhaseShift" )
+ ent.EndSignal( "EMP_FX" )
+ bool isPlayer = ent.IsPlayer()
+ int fxId = GetParticleSystemIndex( effect )
+ int attachId = ent.LookupAttachment( tag )
+ entity fxHandle = StartParticleEffectOnEntity_ReturnEntity( ent, fxId, FX_PATTACH_POINT_FOLLOW, attachId )
+ fxHandle.SetOwner( ent )
+ OnThreadEnd(
+ function() : ( fxHandle, ent )
+ {
+ if ( IsValid( fxHandle ) )
+ {
+ EffectStop( fxHandle )
+ }
+ if ( IsValid( ent ) )
+ StopSoundOnEntity( ent, "Titan_Blue_Electricity_Cloud" )
+ }
+ )
+ if ( !isPlayer )
+ {
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( ent, "Titan_Blue_Electricity_Cloud" )
+ wait duration
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ EmitSoundOnEntityExceptToPlayer( ent, ent, "Titan_Blue_Electricity_Cloud" )
+ var endTime = Time() + duration
+ bool effectsActive = true
+ while( endTime > Time() )
+ {
+ if ( ent.IsPhaseShifted() )
+ {
+ if ( effectsActive )
+ {
+ effectsActive = false
+ if ( IsValid( fxHandle ) )
+ EffectSleep( fxHandle )
+ if ( IsValid( ent ) )
+ StopSoundOnEntity( ent, "Titan_Blue_Electricity_Cloud" )
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( effectsActive == false )
+ {
+ EffectWake( fxHandle )
+ EmitSoundOnEntityExceptToPlayer( ent, ent, "Titan_Blue_Electricity_Cloud" )
+ effectsActive = true
+ }
+ WaitFrame()
+ }
+ }
+function EMPGrenade_AffectsShield( entity titan, damageInfo )
+ int shieldHealth = titan.GetTitanSoul().GetShieldHealth()
+ int shieldDamage = int( titan.GetTitanSoul().GetShieldHealthMax() * 0.5 )
+ titan.GetTitanSoul().SetShieldHealth( maxint( 0, shieldHealth - shieldDamage ) )
+ // attacker took down titan shields
+ if ( shieldHealth && !titan.GetTitanSoul().GetShieldHealth() )
+ {
+ entity attacker = DamageInfo_GetAttacker( damageInfo )
+ if ( attacker && attacker.IsPlayer() )
+ EmitSoundOnEntityOnlyToPlayer( attacker, attacker, "titan_energyshield_down" )
+ }
+function EMPGrenade_AffectsAccuracy( npcTitan )
+ npcTitan.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ npcTitan.kv.AccuracyMultiplier = 0.5
+ npcTitan.kv.AccuracyMultiplier = 1.0
+function EMPGrenade_EffectsPlayer( entity player, damageInfo )
+ player.Signal( "OnEMPPilotHit" )
+ player.EndSignal( "OnEMPPilotHit" )
+ if ( player.IsPhaseShifted() )
+ return
+ entity inflictor = DamageInfo_GetInflictor( damageInfo )
+ local dist = Distance( DamageInfo_GetDamagePosition( damageInfo ), player.GetWorldSpaceCenter() )
+ local damageRadius = 128
+ if ( inflictor instanceof CBaseGrenade )
+ damageRadius = inflictor.GetDamageRadius()
+ float frac = GraphCapped( dist, damageRadius * 0.5, damageRadius, 1.0, 0.0 )
+ float fadeoutDuration = EMP_GRENADE_PILOT_SCREEN_EFFECTS_FADE * frac
+ local origin = inflictor.GetOrigin()
+ int dmgSource = DamageInfo_GetDamageSourceIdentifier( damageInfo )
+ if ( dmgSource == eDamageSourceId.mp_weapon_proximity_mine || dmgSource == eDamageSourceId.mp_titanweapon_stun_laser )
+ {
+ strength *= 0.1
+ }
+ if ( player.IsTitan() )
+ {
+ // Hit player should do EMP screen effects locally
+ Remote_CallFunction_Replay( player, "ServerCallback_TitanCockpitEMP", duration )
+ EMPGrenade_AffectsShield( player, damageInfo )
+ Remote_CallFunction_Replay( player, "ServerCallback_TitanEMP", strength, duration, fadeoutDuration )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( IsCloaked( player ) )
+ player.SetCloakFlicker( 0.5, duration )
+ // duration = 0
+ // fadeoutDuration = 0
+ StatusEffect_AddTimed( player, eStatusEffect.emp, strength, duration, fadeoutDuration )
+ //DamageInfo_SetDamage( damageInfo, 0 )
+ }
+ GiveEMPStunStatusEffects( player, (duration + fadeoutDuration), fadeoutDuration)
+function EMPGrenade_ArcBeam( grenadePos, ent )
+ if ( !ent.IsPlayer() && !ent.IsNPC() )
+ return
+ Assert( IsValid( ent ) )
+ local lifeDuration = 0.5
+ // Control point sets the end position of the effect
+ entity cpEnd = CreateEntity( "info_placement_helper" )
+ SetTargetName( cpEnd, UniqueString( "emp_grenade_beam_cpEnd" ) )
+ cpEnd.SetOrigin( grenadePos )
+ DispatchSpawn( cpEnd )
+ entity zapBeam = CreateEntity( "info_particle_system" )
+ zapBeam.kv.cpoint1 = cpEnd.GetTargetName()
+ zapBeam.SetValueForEffectNameKey( EMP_GRENADE_BEAM_EFFECT )
+ zapBeam.kv.start_active = 0
+ zapBeam.SetOrigin( ent.GetWorldSpaceCenter() )
+ if ( !ent.IsMarkedForDeletion() ) // TODO: This is a hack for shipping. Should not be parenting to deleted entities
+ {
+ zapBeam.SetParent( ent, "", true, 0.0 )
+ }
+ DispatchSpawn( zapBeam )
+ zapBeam.Fire( "Start" )
+ zapBeam.Fire( "StopPlayEndCap", "", lifeDuration )
+ zapBeam.Kill_Deprecated_UseDestroyInstead( lifeDuration )
+ cpEnd.Kill_Deprecated_UseDestroyInstead( lifeDuration )
+void function GetWeaponDPS( bool vsTitan = false )
+ entity player = GetPlayerArray()[0]
+ entity weapon = player.GetActiveWeapon()
+ local fire_rate = weapon.GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField( "fire_rate" )
+ local burst_fire_count = weapon.GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField( "burst_fire_count" )
+ local burst_fire_delay = weapon.GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField( "burst_fire_delay" )
+ local damage_near_value = weapon.GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField( "damage_near_value" )
+ local damage_far_value = weapon.GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField( "damage_far_value" )
+ if ( vsTitan )
+ {
+ damage_near_value = weapon.GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField( "damage_near_value_titanarmor" )
+ damage_far_value = weapon.GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField( "damage_far_value_titanarmor" )
+ }
+ if ( burst_fire_count )
+ {
+ local timePerShot = 1 / fire_rate
+ local timePerBurst = (timePerShot * burst_fire_count) + burst_fire_delay
+ local burstPerSecond = 1 / timePerBurst
+ printt( timePerBurst )
+ printt( "DPS Near", (burstPerSecond * burst_fire_count) * damage_near_value )
+ printt( "DPS Far ", (burstPerSecond * burst_fire_count) * damage_far_value )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printt( "DPS Near", fire_rate * damage_near_value )
+ printt( "DPS Far ", fire_rate * damage_far_value )
+ }
+void function GetTTK( string weaponRef, float health = 100.0 )
+ local fire_rate = GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField_Global( weaponRef, "fire_rate" ).tofloat()
+ local burst_fire_count = GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField_Global( weaponRef, "burst_fire_count" )
+ if ( burst_fire_count != null )
+ burst_fire_count = burst_fire_count.tofloat()
+ local burst_fire_delay = GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField_Global( weaponRef, "burst_fire_delay" )
+ if ( burst_fire_delay != null )
+ burst_fire_delay = burst_fire_delay.tofloat()
+ local damage_near_value = GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField_Global( weaponRef, "damage_near_value" ).tointeger()
+ local damage_far_value = GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField_Global( weaponRef, "damage_far_value" ).tointeger()
+ local nearBodyShots = ceil( health / damage_near_value ) - 1
+ local farBodyShots = ceil( health / damage_far_value ) - 1
+ local delayAdd = 0
+ if ( burst_fire_count && burst_fire_count < nearBodyShots )
+ delayAdd += burst_fire_delay
+ printt( "TTK Near", (nearBodyShots * (1 / fire_rate)) + delayAdd, " (" + (nearBodyShots + 1) + ")" )
+ delayAdd = 0
+ if ( burst_fire_count && burst_fire_count < farBodyShots )
+ delayAdd += burst_fire_delay
+ printt( "TTK Far ", (farBodyShots * (1 / fire_rate)) + delayAdd, " (" + (farBodyShots + 1) + ")" )
+array<string> function GetWeaponModsFromDamageInfo( var damageInfo )
+ entity weapon = DamageInfo_GetWeapon( damageInfo )
+ entity inflictor = DamageInfo_GetInflictor( damageInfo )
+ int damageType = DamageInfo_GetCustomDamageType( damageInfo )
+ if ( IsValid( weapon ) )
+ {
+ return weapon.GetMods()
+ }
+ else if ( IsValid( inflictor ) )
+ {
+ if ( "weaponMods" in inflictor.s && inflictor.s.weaponMods )
+ {
+ array<string> temp
+ foreach ( string mod in inflictor.s.weaponMods )
+ {
+ temp.append( mod )
+ }
+ return temp
+ }
+ else if( inflictor.IsProjectile() )
+ return inflictor.ProjectileGetMods()
+ else if ( damageType & DF_EXPLOSION && inflictor.IsPlayer() && IsValid( inflictor.GetActiveWeapon() ) )
+ return inflictor.GetActiveWeapon().GetMods()
+ //Hack - Splash damage doesn't pass mod weapon through. This only works under the assumption that offhand weapons don't have mods.
+ }
+ return []
+void function OnPlayerGetsNewPilotLoadout( entity player, PilotLoadoutDef loadout )
+ if ( GetCurrentPlaylistVarInt( "featured_mode_amped_tacticals", 0 ) >= 1 )
+ {
+ player.GiveExtraWeaponMod( "amped_tacticals" )
+ }
+ if ( GetCurrentPlaylistVarInt( "featured_mode_all_grapple", 0 ) >= 1 )
+ {
+ player.GiveExtraWeaponMod( "all_grapple" )
+ }
+ if ( GetCurrentPlaylistVarInt( "featured_mode_all_phase", 0 ) >= 1 )
+ {
+ player.GiveExtraWeaponMod( "all_phase" )
+ }
+ SetPlayerCooldowns( player )
+void function SetPlayerCooldowns( entity player )
+ if ( player.IsTitan() )
+ return
+ array<int> offhandIndices = [ OFFHAND_LEFT, OFFHAND_RIGHT ]
+ foreach ( index in offhandIndices )
+ {
+ float lastUseTime = player.p.lastPilotOffhandUseTime[ index ]
+ float lastChargeFrac = player.p.lastPilotOffhandChargeFrac[ index ]
+ float lastClipFrac = player.p.lastPilotClipFrac[ index ]
+ if ( lastUseTime >= 0.0 )
+ {
+ entity weapon = player.GetOffhandWeapon( index )
+ if ( !IsValid( weapon ) )
+ continue
+ string weaponClassName = weapon.GetWeaponClassName()
+ switch ( GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField_Global( weaponClassName, "cooldown_type" ) )
+ {
+ case "grapple":
+ // GetPlayerSettingsField isn't working for moddable fields? - Bug 129567
+ float powerRequired = 100.0 // GetPlayerSettingsField( "grapple_power_required" )
+ float regenRefillDelay = 3.0 // GetPlayerSettingsField( "grapple_power_regen_delay" )
+ float regenRefillRate = 5.0 // GetPlayerSettingsField( "grapple_power_regen_rate" )
+ float suitPowerToRestore = powerRequired - player.p.lastSuitPower
+ float regenRefillTime = suitPowerToRestore / regenRefillRate
+ float regenStartTime = lastUseTime + regenRefillDelay
+ float newSuitPower = GraphCapped( Time() - regenStartTime, 0.0, regenRefillTime, player.p.lastSuitPower, powerRequired )
+ player.SetSuitGrapplePower( newSuitPower )
+ break
+ case "ammo":
+ case "ammo_instant":
+ case "ammo_deployed":
+ case "ammo_timed":
+ int maxAmmo = weapon.GetWeaponPrimaryClipCountMax()
+ float fireDuration = weapon.GetWeaponSettingFloat( eWeaponVar.fire_duration )
+ float regenRefillDelay = weapon.GetWeaponSettingFloat( eWeaponVar.regen_ammo_refill_start_delay )
+ float regenRefillRate = weapon.GetWeaponSettingFloat( eWeaponVar.regen_ammo_refill_rate )
+ int startingClipCount = int( lastClipFrac * maxAmmo )
+ int ammoToRestore = maxAmmo - startingClipCount
+ float regenRefillTime = ammoToRestore / regenRefillRate
+ float regenStartTime = lastUseTime + fireDuration + regenRefillDelay
+ int newAmmo = int( GraphCapped( Time() - regenStartTime, 0.0, regenRefillTime, startingClipCount, maxAmmo ) )
+ weapon.SetWeaponPrimaryClipCountAbsolute( newAmmo )
+ break
+ case "chargeFrac":
+ float chargeCooldownDelay = weapon.GetWeaponSettingFloat( eWeaponVar.charge_cooldown_delay )
+ float chargeCooldownTime = weapon.GetWeaponSettingFloat( eWeaponVar.charge_cooldown_time )
+ float regenRefillTime = lastChargeFrac * chargeCooldownTime
+ float regenStartTime = lastUseTime + chargeCooldownDelay
+ float newCharge = GraphCapped( Time() - regenStartTime, 0.0, regenRefillTime, lastChargeFrac, 0.0 )
+ weapon.SetWeaponChargeFraction( newCharge )
+ break
+ default:
+ printt( weaponClassName + " needs to be updated to support cooldown_type setting" )
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void function ResetPlayerCooldowns( entity player )
+ if ( player.IsTitan() )
+ return
+ array<int> offhandIndices = [ OFFHAND_LEFT, OFFHAND_RIGHT ]
+ foreach ( index in offhandIndices )
+ {
+ float lastUseTime = -99.0//player.p.lastPilotOffhandUseTime[ index ]
+ float lastChargeFrac = -1.0//player.p.lastPilotOffhandChargeFrac[ index ]
+ float lastClipFrac = 1.0//player.p.lastPilotClipFrac[ index ]
+ entity weapon = player.GetOffhandWeapon( index )
+ if ( !IsValid( weapon ) )
+ continue
+ string weaponClassName = weapon.GetWeaponClassName()
+ switch ( GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField_Global( weaponClassName, "cooldown_type" ) )
+ {
+ case "grapple":
+ // GetPlayerSettingsField isn't working for moddable fields? - Bug 129567
+ float powerRequired = 100.0 // GetPlayerSettingsField( "grapple_power_required" )
+ player.SetSuitGrapplePower( powerRequired )
+ break
+ case "ammo":
+ case "ammo_instant":
+ case "ammo_deployed":
+ case "ammo_timed":
+ int maxAmmo = weapon.GetWeaponPrimaryClipCountMax()
+ weapon.SetWeaponPrimaryClipCountAbsolute( maxAmmo )
+ break
+ case "chargeFrac":
+ weapon.SetWeaponChargeFraction( 1.0 )
+ break
+ default:
+ printt( weaponClassName + " needs to be updated to support cooldown_type setting" )
+ break
+ }
+ }
+void function OnPlayerKilled( entity player, entity attacker, var damageInfo )
+ StoreOffhandData( player )
+void function StoreOffhandData( entity player, bool waitEndFrame = true )
+ thread StoreOffhandDataThread( player, waitEndFrame )
+void function StoreOffhandDataThread( entity player, bool waitEndFrame )
+ if ( !IsValid( player ) )
+ return
+ player.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ if ( waitEndFrame )
+ WaitEndFrame() // Need to WaitEndFrame so clip counts can be updated if player is dying the same frame
+ array<int> offhandIndices = [ OFFHAND_LEFT, OFFHAND_RIGHT ]
+ // Reset all values for full cooldown
+ player.p.lastSuitPower = 0.0
+ foreach ( index in offhandIndices )
+ {
+ player.p.lastPilotOffhandChargeFrac[ index ] = 1.0
+ player.p.lastPilotClipFrac[ index ] = 1.0
+ player.p.lastTitanOffhandChargeFrac[ index ] = 1.0
+ player.p.lastTitanClipFrac[ index ] = 1.0
+ }
+ if ( player.IsTitan() )
+ return
+ foreach ( index in offhandIndices )
+ {
+ entity weapon = player.GetOffhandWeapon( index )
+ if ( !IsValid( weapon ) )
+ continue
+ string weaponClassName = weapon.GetWeaponClassName()
+ switch ( GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField_Global( weaponClassName, "cooldown_type" ) )
+ {
+ case "grapple":
+ player.p.lastSuitPower = player.GetSuitGrapplePower()
+ break
+ case "ammo":
+ case "ammo_instant":
+ case "ammo_deployed":
+ case "ammo_timed":
+ if ( player.IsTitan() )
+ {
+ if ( !weapon.IsWeaponRegenDraining() )
+ player.p.lastTitanClipFrac[ index ] = min( 1.0, weapon.GetWeaponPrimaryClipCount() / float( weapon.GetWeaponPrimaryClipCountMax() ) ) //Was returning greater than one with extraweaponmod timing.
+ else
+ player.p.lastTitanClipFrac[ index ] = 0.0
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( !weapon.IsWeaponRegenDraining() )
+ player.p.lastPilotClipFrac[ index ] = min( 1.0, weapon.GetWeaponPrimaryClipCount() / float( weapon.GetWeaponPrimaryClipCountMax() ) ) //Was returning greater than one with extraweaponmod timing.
+ else
+ player.p.lastPilotClipFrac[ index ] = 0.0
+ }
+ break
+ case "chargeFrac":
+ if ( player.IsTitan() )
+ player.p.lastTitanOffhandChargeFrac[ index ] = weapon.GetWeaponChargeFraction()
+ else
+ player.p.lastPilotOffhandChargeFrac[ index ] = weapon.GetWeaponChargeFraction()
+ break
+ default:
+ printt( weaponClassName + " needs to be updated to support cooldown_type setting" )
+ break
+ }
+ }
+#endif // #if SERVER
+void function PlayerUsedOffhand( entity player, entity offhandWeapon )
+ foreach ( index in offhandIndices )
+ {
+ entity weapon = player.GetOffhandWeapon( index )
+ if ( !IsValid( weapon ) )
+ continue
+ if ( weapon != offhandWeapon )
+ continue
+ #if SERVER
+ if ( player.IsTitan() )
+ player.p.lastTitanOffhandUseTime[ index ] = Time()
+ else
+ player.p.lastPilotOffhandUseTime[ index ] = Time()
+ #if MP
+ string weaponName = offhandWeapon.GetWeaponClassName()
+ if ( weaponName != "mp_ability_grapple" ) // handled in CodeCallback_OnGrapple // nope, it's not (?)
+ {
+ string category
+ float duration
+ if ( index == OFFHAND_EQUIPMENT && player.IsTitan() )
+ {
+ category = "core"
+ duration = -1
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ category = ""
+ duration = Time() - offhandWeapon.GetNextAttackAllowedTimeRaw()
+ }
+ PIN_PlayerAbility( player, category, weaponName, {}, duration )
+ }
+ #endif
+ #endif // SERVER
+ ClTitanHints_ClearOffhandHint( index )
+ #endif
+ TitanHints_NotifyUsedOffhand( index )
+ #endif
+ return
+ }
+RadiusDamageData function GetRadiusDamageDataFromProjectile( entity projectile, entity owner )
+ RadiusDamageData radiusDamageData
+ radiusDamageData.explosionDamage = -1
+ radiusDamageData.explosionDamageHeavyArmor = -1
+ if ( owner.IsNPC() )
+ {
+ radiusDamageData.explosionDamage = projectile.GetProjectileWeaponSettingInt( eWeaponVar.npc_explosion_damage )
+ radiusDamageData.explosionDamageHeavyArmor = projectile.GetProjectileWeaponSettingInt( eWeaponVar.npc_explosion_damage_heavy_armor )
+ }
+ if ( radiusDamageData.explosionDamage == -1 )
+ radiusDamageData.explosionDamage = projectile.GetProjectileWeaponSettingInt( eWeaponVar.explosion_damage )
+ if ( radiusDamageData.explosionDamageHeavyArmor == -1 )
+ radiusDamageData.explosionDamageHeavyArmor = projectile.GetProjectileWeaponSettingInt( eWeaponVar.explosion_damage_heavy_armor )
+ radiusDamageData.explosionRadius = projectile.GetProjectileWeaponSettingFloat( eWeaponVar.explosionradius )
+ radiusDamageData.explosionInnerRadius = projectile.GetProjectileWeaponSettingFloat( eWeaponVar.explosion_inner_radius )
+ Assert( radiusDamageData.explosionRadius > 0, "Created RadiusDamageData with 0 radius" )
+ Assert( radiusDamageData.explosionDamage > 0 || radiusDamageData.explosionDamageHeavyArmor > 0, "Created RadiusDamageData with 0 damage" )
+ return radiusDamageData
+void function Thermite_DamagePlayerOrNPCSounds( entity ent )
+ if ( ent.IsTitan() )
+ {
+ if ( ent.IsPlayer() )
+ {
+ EmitSoundOnEntityOnlyToPlayer( ent, ent, "titan_thermiteburn_3p_vs_1p" )
+ EmitSoundOnEntityExceptToPlayer( ent, ent, "titan_thermiteburn_1p_vs_3p" )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( ent, "titan_thermiteburn_1p_vs_3p" )
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( ent.IsPlayer() )
+ {
+ EmitSoundOnEntityOnlyToPlayer( ent, ent, "flesh_thermiteburn_3p_vs_1p" )
+ EmitSoundOnEntityExceptToPlayer( ent, ent, "flesh_thermiteburn_1p_vs_3p" )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( ent, "flesh_thermiteburn_1p_vs_3p" )
+ }
+ }
+void function RemoveThreatScopeColorStatusEffect( entity player )
+ for ( int i = file.colorSwapStatusEffects.len() - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
+ {
+ entity owner = file.colorSwapStatusEffects[i].weaponOwner
+ if ( !IsValid( owner ) )
+ {
+ file.colorSwapStatusEffects.remove( i )
+ continue
+ }
+ if ( owner == player )
+ {
+ StatusEffect_Stop( player, file.colorSwapStatusEffects[i].statusEffectId )
+ file.colorSwapStatusEffects.remove( i )
+ }
+ }
+void function AddThreatScopeColorStatusEffect( entity player )
+ ColorSwapStruct info
+ info.weaponOwner = player
+ info.statusEffectId = StatusEffect_AddTimed( player, eStatusEffect.cockpitColor, COCKPIT_COLOR_THREAT, 100000, 0 )
+ file.colorSwapStatusEffects.append( info )