path: root/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/weapons/_particle_wall.gnut
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Diffstat (limited to 'Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/weapons/_particle_wall.gnut')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 460 deletions
diff --git a/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/weapons/_particle_wall.gnut b/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/weapons/_particle_wall.gnut
deleted file mode 100644
index a46bfff82..000000000
--- a/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/weapons/_particle_wall.gnut
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,460 +0,0 @@
-global function ParticleWall_Init
-global function CreateTurretParticleWall
-global function CreateParticleWallFromOwner
-global function CreateShieldWithSettings
-global function DrainHealthOverTime
-global function CreateAmpedWallFromOwner
-global function CreateParticleWallForOwnerFromDirection
-global const SHIELD_WALL_COL_MODEL = $"models/fx/xo_shield_wall.mdl"
-global const SHIELD_WALL_FX = $"P_xo_shield_wall"
-global const TURRET_SHIELD_WALL_COL_MODEL = $"models/fx/turret_shield_wall.mdl"
-global const TURRET_SHIELD_WALL_FX = $"P_turret_shield_wall"
-global const AMPED_WALL_FX = $"P_xo_amped_wall"
-#if MP
-global const SHIELD_WALL_HEALTH = 2000
-global const TURRET_SHIELD_WALL_HEALTH = 3500//1750
-global const SHIELD_WALL_HEALTH = 1750
-global const TURRET_SHIELD_WALL_HEALTH = 1750
-global const PAS_TONE_WALL_HEALTH = 3000
-global const SHIELD_WALL_DURATION = 8.0
-global const SHIELD_WALL_RADIUS = 180
-global const SHIELD_WALL_FOV = 120
-global const SHIELD_WALL_WIDTH = 156.0 // SHIELD_WALL_RADIUS * cos( SHIELD_WALL_FOV/2 )
-global function UpdateShieldWallColorForFrac
-global function PlayEffectOnVortexSphere
-global function SetVortexSphereShieldWallCPoint
-global function SetShieldWallCPoint
-global function StopShieldWallFX
-global function StopShieldWallFXOverTime
-global function SetShieldWallCPointOrigin
-function ParticleWall_Init()
- PrecacheParticleSystem( SHIELD_WALL_FX )
- PrecacheModel( SHIELD_WALL_COL_MODEL )
- PrecacheParticleSystem( TURRET_SHIELD_WALL_FX )
- PrecacheParticleSystem( AMPED_WALL_FX )
-void function CreateParticleWallFromOwner( entity weaponOwner, float duration, WeaponPrimaryAttackParams attackParams )
- vector dir = GetParticleWallAttackAnglesFromOwner( weaponOwner, attackParams )
- CreateParticleWallForOwnerFromDirection( weaponOwner, duration, dir )
-vector function GetParticleWallAttackAnglesFromOwner( entity weaponOwner, WeaponPrimaryAttackParams attackParams )
- if ( weaponOwner.IsNPC() )
- return attackParams.dir
- vector angles = weaponOwner.CameraAngles()
- angles.x = 0
- return AnglesToForward( angles )
-void function CreateParticleWallForOwnerFromDirection( entity weaponOwner, float duration, vector dir )
- Assert( IsServer() )
- entity titanSoul = weaponOwner.GetTitanSoul()
- // JFS the weapon owner should always have a soul, at least on the server
- if ( !IsValid( titanSoul ) )
- return
- vector origin = weaponOwner.GetOrigin()
- vector safeSpot = origin
- vector angles = VectorToAngles( dir )
- if ( weaponOwner.IsNPC() )
- {
- // spawn in front of npc a bit
- origin += dir * 100
- }
- float endTime = Time() + duration
- titanSoul.SetDefensivePlacement( endTime, SHIELD_WALL_WIDTH, 0, true, safeSpot, dir )
- Assert( weaponOwner.IsTitan() )
- Assert( titanSoul )
- int health
- if ( SoulHasPassive( titanSoul, ePassives.PAS_TONE_WALL ) )
- {
- }
- else
- {
- }
- entity vortexSphere = CreateShieldWithSettings( origin + < 0, 0, -64 >, angles, SHIELD_WALL_RADIUS, SHIELD_WALL_RADIUS * 2, SHIELD_WALL_FOV, duration, health, SHIELD_WALL_FX )
- thread DrainHealthOverTime( vortexSphere, vortexSphere.e.shieldWallFX, duration )
- entity groundEntity = weaponOwner.GetGroundEntity()
- if ( groundEntity != null && groundEntity.HasPusherRootParent() )
- vortexSphere.SetParent( groundEntity, "", true, 0 )
-entity function CreateTurretParticleWall( vector origin, vector angles, float duration )
- Assert( IsServer() )
- entity vortexSphere = CreateTurretShieldWithSettings( origin + < 0, 0, -64 >, angles, SHIELD_WALL_RADIUS, int( SHIELD_WALL_RADIUS * 1.65 ), 270, duration, TURRET_SHIELD_WALL_HEALTH, TURRET_SHIELD_WALL_FX )
- thread DrainHealthOverTime( vortexSphere, vortexSphere.e.shieldWallFX, duration )
- return vortexSphere
-entity function CreateShieldWithSettings( vector origin, vector angles, int radius, int height, int fov, float duration, int health, asset effectName )
- entity vortexSphere = CreateEntity( "vortex_sphere" )
- vortexSphere.kv.enabled = 0
- vortexSphere.kv.radius = radius
- vortexSphere.kv.height = height
- vortexSphere.kv.bullet_fov = fov
- vortexSphere.kv.physics_pull_strength = 25
- vortexSphere.kv.physics_side_dampening = 6
- vortexSphere.kv.physics_fov = 360
- vortexSphere.kv.physics_max_mass = 2
- vortexSphere.kv.physics_max_size = 6
- vortexSphere.SetAngles( angles ) // viewvec?
- vortexSphere.SetOrigin( origin )
- vortexSphere.SetMaxHealth( health )
- vortexSphere.SetHealth( health )
- vortexSphere.SetTakeDamageType( DAMAGE_YES )
- DispatchSpawn( vortexSphere )
- vortexSphere.Fire( "Enable" )
- vortexSphere.Fire( "Kill", "", duration )
- // Shield wall fx control point
- entity cpoint = CreateEntity( "info_placement_helper" )
- SetTargetName( cpoint, UniqueString( "shield_wall_controlpoint" ) )
- DispatchSpawn( cpoint )
- // Shield wall fx
- entity shieldWallFX = PlayFXWithControlPoint( effectName, origin, cpoint, -1, null, angles, C_PLAYFX_LOOP )
- vortexSphere.e.shieldWallFX = shieldWallFX
- shieldWallFX.SetParent( vortexSphere )
- SetVortexSphereShieldWallCPoint( vortexSphere, cpoint )
- StopShieldWallFXOverTime( vortexSphere, duration )
- thread StopFXOnDestroy( vortexSphere, shieldWallFX, duration )
- return vortexSphere
-//Turret Shields do not block npc line of fire.
-entity function CreateTurretShieldWithSettings( vector origin, vector angles, int radius, int height, int fov, float duration, int health, asset effectName )
- entity vortexSphere = CreateEntity( "vortex_sphere" )
- vortexSphere.kv.enabled = 0
- vortexSphere.kv.radius = radius
- vortexSphere.kv.height = height
- vortexSphere.kv.bullet_fov = fov
- vortexSphere.kv.physics_pull_strength = 25
- vortexSphere.kv.physics_side_dampening = 6
- vortexSphere.kv.physics_fov = 360
- vortexSphere.kv.physics_max_mass = 2
- vortexSphere.kv.physics_max_size = 6
- vortexSphere.SetAngles( angles ) // viewvec?
- vortexSphere.SetOrigin( origin )
- vortexSphere.SetMaxHealth( health )
- vortexSphere.SetHealth( health )
- vortexSphere.SetTakeDamageType( DAMAGE_YES )
- DispatchSpawn( vortexSphere )
- vortexSphere.Fire( "Enable" )
- vortexSphere.Fire( "Kill", "", duration )
- // Shield wall fx control point
- entity cpoint = CreateEntity( "info_placement_helper" )
- SetTargetName( cpoint, UniqueString( "shield_wall_controlpoint" ) )
- DispatchSpawn( cpoint )
- // Shield wall fx
- entity shieldWallFX = PlayFXWithControlPoint( effectName, origin, cpoint, -1, null, angles, C_PLAYFX_LOOP )
- vortexSphere.e.shieldWallFX = shieldWallFX
- shieldWallFX.SetParent( vortexSphere )
- SetVortexSphereShieldWallCPoint( vortexSphere, cpoint )
- StopShieldWallFXOverTime( vortexSphere, duration )
- thread StopFXOnDestroy( vortexSphere, shieldWallFX, duration )
- return vortexSphere
-function StopFXOnDestroy( entity vortexSphere, entity shieldWallFX, float duration )
- vortexSphere.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- shieldWallFX.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- OnThreadEnd(
- function() : ( vortexSphere )
- {
- StopShieldWallFX( vortexSphere )
- }
- )
- wait duration * 1.5
-void function CreateAmpedWallFromOwner( entity weaponOwner, float duration, WeaponPrimaryAttackParams attackParams )
- Assert( IsNewThread(), "Must be threaded off" )
- Assert( IsServer() )
- entity titanSoul = weaponOwner.GetTitanSoul()
- // JFS the weapon owner should always have a soul, at least on the server
- if ( !IsValid( titanSoul ) )
- return
- Assert( weaponOwner.IsTitan() )
- vector dir = GetParticleWallAttackAnglesFromOwner( weaponOwner, attackParams )
- vector origin = weaponOwner.GetOrigin()
- vector safeSpot = origin
- vector angles = VectorToAngles( dir )
- vector forward = AnglesToForward( angles )
- angles = AnglesCompose( angles, <0,180,0> )
- if ( weaponOwner.IsNPC() )
- {
- // spawn in front of npc a bit
- origin += dir * 100
- }
- origin += dir * 500
- origin += Vector(0,0,-64)
- float endTime = Time() + duration
- titanSoul.SetDefensivePlacement( endTime, SHIELD_WALL_WIDTH, 0, true, safeSpot, dir )
- entity vortexSphere = CreateShieldWithSettings( origin, angles, SHIELD_WALL_RADIUS, SHIELD_WALL_RADIUS * 2, SHIELD_WALL_FOV, duration, SHIELD_WALL_HEALTH, AMPED_WALL_FX )
- vortexSphere.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- entity shieldWallFX = vortexSphere.e.shieldWallFX
- shieldWallFX.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- SetTargetName( vortexSphere, PROTO_AMPED_WALL ) // so projectiles pass through
- float tickRate = 0.1
- float dps = vortexSphere.GetMaxHealth() / duration
- float dmgAmount = dps * tickRate
- EmitSoundOnEntity( vortexSphere, "ShieldWall_Loop" )
- float endSoundTime = endTime - 3.0 // so magic
- thread PlayDelayedVortexEndSound( endSoundTime, vortexSphere )
- bool playedEndSound = false
- vector vortexOrigin = vortexSphere.GetOrigin()
- entity mover = CreateScriptMover()
- int weaponOwnerTeam = weaponOwner.GetTeam();
- OnThreadEnd(
- function() : ( vortexSphere, vortexOrigin, endTime, mover, weaponOwnerTeam )
- {
- if ( IsValid( vortexSphere ) )
- {
- StopSoundOnEntity( vortexSphere, "ShieldWall_Loop" )
- StopSoundOnEntity( vortexSphere, "ShieldWall_End" )
- }
- if ( IsValid( mover ) )
- mover.Destroy()
- if ( endTime - Time() >= 1.0 )
- EmitSoundAtPosition( weaponOwnerTeam, vortexOrigin, "ShieldWall_Destroyed" )
- }
- )
- int rampOuts = 3
- float rampOutTime = 0.75
- float rampOutFinalFade = 1.0
- float finalFadeExtraBuffer = 0.45
- wait duration - ( rampOutTime * rampOuts + rampOutFinalFade + finalFadeExtraBuffer )
- EmitSoundOnEntity( vortexSphere, "ShieldWall_End" )
- entity cpoint = GetShieldWallFXCPoint( shieldWallFX )
- vector cpointOrigin = cpoint.GetOrigin()
- mover.SetOrigin( cpointOrigin )
- cpoint.SetParent( mover )
- float rampTime1 = rampOutTime * 0.75
- float rampTime2 = rampOutTime - rampTime1
- for ( int i = 0; i < rampOuts; i++ )
- {
- mover.NonPhysicsMoveTo( <100,0,0>, rampTime1, rampTime1, 0.0 )
- wait rampTime1
- mover.NonPhysicsMoveTo( cpointOrigin, rampTime2, 0.0, rampTime2 )
- wait rampTime2
- }
- mover.NonPhysicsMoveTo( <0,0,0>, rampOutFinalFade, 0.0, 0.0 )
- wait rampOutFinalFade + finalFadeExtraBuffer
-void function PlayDelayedVortexEndSound( float delay, entity vortexSphere )
- vortexSphere.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- wait delay
- EmitSoundOnEntity( vortexSphere, "ShieldWall_End" )
-function DrainHealthOverTime( entity vortexSphere, entity shieldWallFX, float duration )
- vortexSphere.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- shieldWallFX.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- float startTime = Time()
- float endTime = startTime + duration
- float tickRate = 0.1
- float dps = vortexSphere.GetMaxHealth() / duration
- float dmgAmount = dps * tickRate
- EmitSoundOnEntity( vortexSphere, "ShieldWall_Loop" )
- float endSoundTime = endTime - 3.0
- bool playedEndSound = false
- vector vortexOrigin = vortexSphere.GetOrigin()
- OnThreadEnd(
- function() : ( vortexSphere, vortexOrigin, endTime )
- {
- if ( endTime - Time() < 1.0 )
- return
- int teamNum = TEAM_UNASSIGNED
- if ( IsValid( vortexSphere ) )
- {
- StopSoundOnEntity( vortexSphere, "ShieldWall_Loop" )
- StopSoundOnEntity( vortexSphere, "ShieldWall_End" )
- teamNum = vortexSphere.GetTeam()
- }
- EmitSoundAtPosition( teamNum, vortexOrigin, "ShieldWall_Destroyed" )
- }
- )
- while ( Time() < endTime )
- {
- if ( Time() > endSoundTime && !playedEndSound )
- {
- EmitSoundOnEntity( vortexSphere, "ShieldWall_End" )
- playedEndSound = true
- }
- //vortexSphere.SetHealth( vortexSphere.GetHealth() - dmgAmount )
- UpdateShieldWallColorForFrac( shieldWallFX, GetHealthFrac( vortexSphere ) )
- wait tickRate
- }
- StopSoundOnEntity( vortexSphere, "ShieldWall_Loop" )
-function UpdateShieldWallColorForFrac( entity shieldWallFX, float colorFrac )
- vector color = GetShieldTriLerpColor( 1 - colorFrac )
- if ( IsValid( shieldWallFX ) )
- SetShieldWallCPointOrigin( shieldWallFX, color )
-// All functions that care about to-be-deprecated cpoint are below here:
-void function PlayEffectOnVortexSphere( int fx, vector origin, vector angles, entity vortexSphere )
- if ( !IsValid( vortexSphere ) )
- return
- if ( !IsValid( vortexSphere.e.shieldWallFX ) )
- return
- entity cpoint = vortexSphere.e.shieldWallFX.e.cpoint
- if ( !IsValid( cpoint ) )
- return
- StartParticleEffectInWorldWithControlPoint( fx, origin, angles, cpoint.GetOrigin() )
-void function SetVortexSphereShieldWallCPoint( entity vortexSphere, entity cpoint )
- Assert( IsValid( vortexSphere ) )
- Assert( IsValid( vortexSphere.e.shieldWallFX ) )
- SetShieldWallCPoint( vortexSphere.e.shieldWallFX, cpoint )
-void function SetShieldWallCPoint( entity shieldWallFX, entity cpoint )
- Assert( IsValid( shieldWallFX ) )
- Assert( IsValid( cpoint ) )
- shieldWallFX.e.cpoint = cpoint
-void function StopShieldWallFX( entity vortexSphere )
- entity shieldWallFX = vortexSphere.e.shieldWallFX
- vortexSphere.e.shieldWallFX = null
- if ( !IsValid( shieldWallFX ) )
- return
- shieldWallFX.Fire( "StopPlayEndCap" )
- shieldWallFX.Fire( "Kill", "", 1.0 )
- if ( IsValid( shieldWallFX.e.cpoint ) )
- shieldWallFX.e.cpoint.Fire( "Kill", "", 1.0 )
- EffectStop( shieldWallFX )
-void function StopShieldWallFXOverTime( entity vortexSphere, float duration )
- entity shieldWallFX = vortexSphere.e.shieldWallFX
- shieldWallFX.Fire( "StopPlayEndCap", "", duration )
- shieldWallFX.Fire( "Kill", "", duration )
- shieldWallFX.e.cpoint.Fire( "Kill", "", duration )
-void function SetShieldWallCPointOrigin( entity shieldWallFX, vector AT_TURRET_SHIELD_COLOR )
- Assert( IsValid( shieldWallFX ) )
- if ( !IsValid( shieldWallFX.e.cpoint ) )
- return
- shieldWallFX.e.cpoint.SetOrigin( AT_TURRET_SHIELD_COLOR )
-entity function GetShieldWallFXCPoint( entity shieldWallFX )
- Assert( IsValid( shieldWallFX.e.cpoint ) )
- return shieldWallFX.e.cpoint
-} \ No newline at end of file