path: root/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/vehicle/_vehicle_dropship_new.nut
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/vehicle/_vehicle_dropship_new.nut')
1 files changed, 528 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/vehicle/_vehicle_dropship_new.nut b/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/vehicle/_vehicle_dropship_new.nut
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..87010ca74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/vehicle/_vehicle_dropship_new.nut
@@ -0,0 +1,528 @@
+global function VehicleDropshipNew_Init
+global function InitLeanDropship
+global function CreateDropship
+global function GetDropshipSquadSize
+global function WarpinEffect
+global function WarpoutEffect
+global function WarpoutEffectFPS
+global function WaitForNPCsDeployed
+global function CreateNPCSForDropship
+global function GuyDeploysOffShip
+global function WaittillPlayDeployAnims
+global function GetDropshipRopeAttachments
+global function DelayDropshipDelete
+global function PlayDropshipRampDoorOpenSound
+global function PlayWarpFxOnPlayers
+global function DefensiveFreePlayers
+global function CreateDropshipAnimTable
+global function InitDropShipFlightPaths
+// _dropship
+// dropship/passenger setup:
+// 1. Create an npc_dropship and target it with a point_template. Give the point_template a name.
+// 2. npc_dropship targets starting path_track (see below for path setup info) AND passenger spawning point_template
+// 3. passenger spawning point_template points to six passengers that will spawn and rappel at the unload spot
+// path/unload spot setup:
+// 1. create your path out of path_track entities
+// 2. to create rappel targets, add six info_targets on the ground around your unload node, name them all the same
+// 3. on the node where the dropship will unload, create a key/value pair called "unload" and point it at the name you gave to the rappel target info_targets
+// spawning in script:
+// 1. use GetEnt to get the point_template that targets the dropship
+// 2. pass that point_template into DropshipSpawn(), this returns with the dropship ent
+// 3. pass the dropship ent into DropshipDropshipFlyPathAndUnload() (thread it off if you want to do stuff right after)
+const FX_DROPSHIP_THRUSTERS = $"xo_atlas_jet_large"
+const FX_GUNSHIP_DAMAGE = $"veh_gunship_damage_FULL"
+const FX_DROPSHIP_DEATH = $"P_veh_exp_crow"
+const DROPSHIP_ROPE_ENDPOINT_FX = $"runway_light_blue"
+const DROPSHIP_ACL_LIGHT_GREEN_FX = $"acl_light_green"
+const DROPSHIP_ACL_LIGHT_RED_FX = $"acl_light_red"
+const DROPSHIP_ACL_LIGHT_WHITE_FX = $"acl_light_white"
+const ENGAGEMENT_DIST = 1024
+table file = {
+ dropshipAttachments = null
+function VehicleDropshipNew_Init()
+ RegisterSignal( "sRampOpen" )
+ RegisterSignal( "sRampClose" )
+ #if SERVER
+ PrecacheParticleSystem( FX_DROPSHIP_DEATH )
+ AddDeathCallback( "npc_dropship", OnNPCDropshipDeath )
+ AddDamageCallback( "npc_dropship", OnDropshipDamaged )
+ #endif
+ PrecacheParticleSystem( FX_HORNET_DEATH )
+ PrecacheParticleSystem( FX_GUNSHIP_DAMAGE )
+ PrecacheParticleSystem( FX_DROPSHIP_THRUSTERS )
+ PrecacheParticleSystem( DROPSHIP_ROPE_ENDPOINT_FX )
+ PrecacheParticleSystem( DROPSHIP_ACL_LIGHT_GREEN_FX )
+ PrecacheParticleSystem( DROPSHIP_ACL_LIGHT_RED_FX )
+ PrecacheParticleSystem( DROPSHIP_ACL_LIGHT_WHITE_FX )
+ PrecacheEntity( "keyframe_rope" )
+ PrecacheModel( DROPSHIP_MODEL )
+ PrecacheSprite( $"sprites/laserbeam.vmt" )
+ PrecacheSprite( $"sprites/glow_05.vmt" )
+ //Array of all attachments in the dropship model. Used in DropshipDamageEffects
+ local names = []
+ names.append( "FRONT_TURRET" )
+ names.append( "BOMB_L" )
+ names.append( "BOMB_R" )
+ names.append( "Spotlight" )
+ names.append( "Light_Red0" )
+ names.append( "Light_Red1" )
+ names.append( "Light_Red2" )
+ names.append( "Light_Red3" )
+ names.append( "HeadlightLeft" )
+ names.append( "RopeAttachLeftA" )
+ names.append( "RopeAttachLeftB" )
+ names.append( "RopeAttachLeftC" )
+ names.append( "L_exhaust_rear_1" )
+ names.append( "L_exhaust_rear_2" )
+ names.append( "L_exhaust_front_1" )
+ names.append( "Light_Green0" )
+ names.append( "Light_Green1" )
+ names.append( "Light_Green2" )
+ names.append( "Light_Green3" )
+ names.append( "HeadlightRight" )
+ names.append( "RopeAttachRightA" )
+ names.append( "RopeAttachRightB" )
+ names.append( "RopeAttachRightC" )
+ names.append( "R_exhaust_rear_1" )
+ names.append( "R_exhaust_rear_2" )
+ names.append( "R_exhaust_front_1" )
+ file.dropshipAttachments = names
+ level.DSAIziplineAnims <- {}
+ level.DSAIziplineAnims[ "left" ] <- []
+ level.DSAIziplineAnims[ "left" ].append( { idle = "pt_dropship_rider_L_A_idle", attach = "RopeAttachLeftA" } )
+ level.DSAIziplineAnims[ "left" ].append( { idle = "pt_dropship_rider_L_C_idle", attach = "RopeAttachLeftC" } )
+ level.DSAIziplineAnims[ "left" ].append( { idle = "pt_dropship_rider_L_B_idle", attach = "RopeAttachLeftB" } )
+ level.DSAIziplineAnims[ "right" ] <- []
+ level.DSAIziplineAnims[ "right" ].append( { idle = "pt_dropship_rider_R_A_idle", attach = "RopeAttachRightA" } )
+ level.DSAIziplineAnims[ "right" ].append( { idle = "pt_dropship_rider_R_C_idle", attach = "RopeAttachRightC" } )
+ level.DSAIziplineAnims[ "right" ].append( { idle = "pt_dropship_rider_R_B_idle", attach = "RopeAttachRightB" } )
+ level.DSAIziplineAnims[ "both" ] <- []
+ level.DSAIziplineAnims[ "both" ].append( { idle = "pt_dropship_rider_L_A_idle", attach = "RopeAttachLeftA" } )
+ level.DSAIziplineAnims[ "both" ].append( { idle = "pt_dropship_rider_R_A_idle", attach = "RopeAttachRightA" } )
+ level.DSAIziplineAnims[ "both" ].append( { idle = "pt_dropship_rider_L_C_idle", attach = "RopeAttachLeftC" } )
+ level.DSAIziplineAnims[ "both" ].append( { idle = "pt_dropship_rider_R_B_idle", attach = "RopeAttachRightC" } )
+ level.DSAIziplineAnims[ "both" ].append( { idle = "pt_dropship_rider_L_B_idle", attach = "RopeAttachLeftB" } )
+ level.DSAIziplineAnims[ "both" ].append( { idle = "pt_dropship_rider_R_B_idle", attach = "RopeAttachRightB" } )
+function InitLeanDropship( dropship )
+ if ( dropship.kv.desiredSpeed.tofloat() <= 0 )
+ {
+ dropship.kv.desiredSpeed = level.DROPSHIP_DEFAULT_AIRSPEED
+ }
+ //dropship.s.dropFunc <- ShipDropsGuys
+array<entity> function CreateNPCSForDropship( entity ship, array<entity functionref( int, vector, vector )> spawnFuncs, string side = "both" )
+ int count = minint( spawnFuncs.len(), level.DSAIziplineAnims[ side ].len() )
+ int team = ship.GetTeam()
+ string squadName = expect string( ship.kv.squadname )
+ vector origin = ship.GetOrigin()
+ vector angles = ship.GetAngles()
+ array<entity> guys = []
+ if ( Flag( "disable_npcs" ) )
+ return guys //i.e. empty aray
+ local guy
+ // this is to maintain sketchy support for just passing an array of 1 spawn function
+ entity functionref( int, vector, vector ) spawnFunc = spawnFuncs[0]
+ for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
+ {
+ if ( i < spawnFuncs.len() )
+ spawnFunc = spawnFuncs[i]
+ entity guy = spawnFunc( team, origin, angles )
+ guy.kv.squadname = squadName
+ DispatchSpawn( guy )
+ if ( !IsAlive( guy ) )
+ continue
+ guys.append( guy )
+ local seat = i
+ table Table = CreateDropshipAnimTable( ship, side, seat )
+ thread GuyDeploysOffShip( guy, Table )
+ }
+ return guys
+table function CreateDropshipAnimTable( ship, side, seat )
+ table Table
+ Table.idleAnim <- level.DSAIziplineAnims[ side ][ seat ].idle
+ Table.deployAnim <- "zipline"
+ Table.shipAttach <- level.DSAIziplineAnims[ side ][ seat ].attach
+ Table.attachIndex <- null
+ Table.ship <- ship
+ Table.side <- side
+ return Table
+function WaitForNPCsDeployed( npcArray )
+ local ent = CreateScriptRef()
+ ent.s.count <- 0
+ OnThreadEnd(
+ function() : ( ent )
+ {
+ if ( IsValid( ent ) )
+ ent.Kill_Deprecated_UseDestroyInstead()
+ }
+ )
+ local func =
+ function( ent, guy )
+ {
+ ent.s.count++
+ WaitSignal( guy, "npc_deployed", "OnDeath", "OnDestroy" )
+ ent.s.count--
+ if ( !ent.s.count )
+ ent.Kill_Deprecated_UseDestroyInstead()
+ }
+ foreach ( entity guy in npcArray )
+ {
+ if ( IsAlive( guy ) )
+ thread func( ent, guy )
+ }
+ ent.WaitSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+function InitDropShipFlightPaths( spawnPoints )
+ entity tempDropShip = CreateEntity( "prop_dynamic" )
+ tempDropShip.kv.spawnflags = 0
+ tempDropShip.SetModel( DROPSHIP_MODEL )
+ DispatchSpawn( tempDropShip )
+ foreach ( spawnPoint in spawnPoints )
+ {
+ tempDropShip.SetOrigin( spawnPoint.GetOrigin() )
+ spawnPoint.s.dropShipPathAnims <- {}
+ spawnPoint.s.dropShipPathAnims[ "gd_goblin_zipline_strafe" ] <- GetDropShipAnimOffset( tempDropShip, "gd_goblin_zipline_strafe", spawnPoint )
+ spawnPoint.s.dropShipPathAnims[ "gd_goblin_zipline_dive" ] <- GetDropShipAnimOffset( tempDropShip, "gd_goblin_zipline_dive", spawnPoint )
+ }
+ tempDropShip.Destroy()
+entity function CreateDropship( int team, vector origin, vector angles )
+ entity dropship = CreateEntity( "npc_dropship" )
+ dropship.kv.teamnumber = team
+ dropship.SetOrigin( origin )
+ dropship.SetAngles( angles )
+ return dropship
+function GetDropShipAnimOffset( dropShip, animName, refEnt )
+ local animStart = dropShip.Anim_GetStartForRefPoint_Old( animName, refEnt.GetOrigin(), refEnt.GetAngles() )
+ return animStart.origin - refEnt.GetOrigin()
+function GetDropshipSquadSize( squadname )
+ local squadsize = 0
+ array<entity> dropships = GetNPCArrayByClass( "npc_dropship" )
+ //printl( dropships.len()+ " dropships, checking squadname: " + squadname )
+ foreach ( ship in dropships )
+ if ( ship.kv.squadname == squadname )
+ squadsize++
+ //printl( dropships.len()+ " dropships, squadsize: " + squadsize )
+ return squadsize
+function DelayDropshipDelete( dropship )
+ dropship.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ //very defensive check
+ DefensiveFreePlayers( dropship )
+ WaitFrame() // so the dropship wont pop out before it warps out
+ dropship.Kill_Deprecated_UseDestroyInstead()
+function DefensiveFreePlayers( dropship )
+ array<entity> players = GetPlayerArrayOfTeam( dropship.GetTeam() )
+ foreach ( player in players )
+ {
+ if ( !IsValid( player ) )
+ continue
+ if ( player.GetParent() != dropship )
+ continue
+ player.ClearParent() //Clear parent before dropship gets deleted with players still attached to it. Defensive fix for bug 178543
+ KillPlayer( player, eDamageSourceId.fall )
+ }
+void function OnNPCDropshipDeath( entity dropship, var damageInfo )
+ if ( !IsValid( dropship ) )
+ return
+ asset modelName = dropship.GetModelName()
+ vector dropshipOrigin = dropship.GetOrigin()
+ PlayFX( $"P_veh_exp_crow", dropshipOrigin )
+ EmitSoundAtPosition( TEAM_UNASSIGNED, dropshipOrigin, "Goblin_Dropship_Explode" )
+void function OnDropshipDamaged( entity dropship, var damageInfo )
+ float damage = DamageInfo_GetDamage( damageInfo )
+ //Tried to give visual shield indicator, but it doesn't seem to work?
+ //DamageInfo_AddCustomDamageType( damageInfo, DF_SHIELD_DAMAGE )
+ // store the damage so all hits can be tallied
+ entity inflictor = DamageInfo_GetInflictor( damageInfo )
+ Assert( IsValid( inflictor ) )//Done so we can still get the error in dev
+ if ( !IsValid( inflictor ) ) //JFS Defensive fix
+ return
+ StoreDamageHistoryAndUpdate( dropship, 120.0, DamageInfo_GetDamage( damageInfo ), inflictor.GetOrigin(), DamageInfo_GetCustomDamageType( damageInfo ), DamageInfo_GetDamageSourceIdentifier( damageInfo ), DamageInfo_GetAttacker( damageInfo ) )
+ if ( DamageInfo_GetDamage( damageInfo ) < 450 )
+ return
+ vector pos = DamageInfo_GetDamagePosition( damageInfo )
+void function GuyDeploysOffShip( entity guy, table Table )
+ guy.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ entity ship = expect entity( Table.ship )
+ local shipAttach = Table.shipAttach
+ OnThreadEnd(
+ function() : ( guy, ship )
+ {
+ if ( !IsValid( guy ) )
+ return
+ if ( ship != null )
+ {
+ if ( !IsAlive( ship ) && IsAlive( guy ) )
+ {
+ // try to transfer the last attacker from the ship to the attached guys.
+ entity attacker = null
+ entity lastAttacker = GetLastAttacker( ship )
+ if ( IsValid( lastAttacker ) )
+ attacker = lastAttacker
+ guy.TakeDamage( 500, attacker, attacker, null )
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !IsAlive( guy ) )
+ guy.BecomeRagdoll( Vector(0,0,0), false )
+ }
+ )
+ guy.SetEfficientMode( true )
+ HideName( guy )
+ Assert( shipAttach, "Ship but no shipAttach" )
+ ship.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ GuyAnimatesRelativeToShipAttachment( guy, Table )
+ WaittillPlayDeployAnims( ship )
+ GuyAnimatesOut( guy, Table )
+function WaittillPlayDeployAnims( ref )
+ waitthread WaittillPlayDeployAnimsThread( ref )
+function WaittillPlayDeployAnimsThread( ref )
+ ref.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ ref.WaitSignal( "deploy" )
+void function GuyAnimatesOut( entity guy, table Table )
+ switch ( Table.side )
+ {
+ case "left":
+ case "right":
+ case "both":
+ case "zipline":
+ waitthread GuyZiplinesToGround( guy, Table )
+ break
+ default:
+ thread PlayAnim( guy, Table.deployAnim, Table.ship, Table.shipAttach )
+ break
+ }
+ guy.SetEfficientMode( false )
+ guy.SetNameVisibleToOwner( true )
+ WaittillAnimDone( guy )
+ guy.ClearParent()
+ UpdateEnemyMemoryFromTeammates( guy )
+ guy.Signal( "npc_deployed" )
+function GuyAnimatesRelativeToShipAttachment( guy, Table )
+ expect entity( guy )
+ Table.attachIndex <- Table.ship.LookupAttachment( Table.shipAttach )
+ guy.SetOrigin( Table.ship.GetOrigin() )
+ guy.SetParent( Table.ship, Table.shipAttach, false, 0 )
+ guy.Anim_ScriptedPlay( Table.idleAnim )
+table<string, array<string> > function GetDropshipRopeAttachments( string side = "both" )
+ table<string, array<string> > attachments
+ if ( side == "both" )
+ {
+ attachments[ "left" ] <- []
+ attachments[ "right" ] <- []
+ foreach ( seat, Table in level.DSAIziplineAnims[ "left"] )
+ {
+ attachments[ "left" ].append( expect string( Table.attach ) )
+ }
+ foreach ( seat, Table in level.DSAIziplineAnims[ "right"] )
+ {
+ attachments[ "right" ].append( expect string( Table.attach ) )
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ attachments[ side ] <- []
+ foreach ( seat, Table in level.DSAIziplineAnims[ side ] )
+ {
+ attachments[ side ].append( expect string( Table.attach ) )
+ }
+ }
+ return attachments
+function PlayDropshipRampDoorOpenSound( entity dropship )
+ entity snd = CreateOwnedScriptMover( dropship )
+ snd.SetParent( dropship, "RAMPDOORLIP" )
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( snd, "fracture_scr_intro_dropship_dooropen" )
+void function WarpoutEffect( entity dropship )
+ if ( !IsValid( dropship ) )
+ return
+ __WarpOutEffectShared( dropship )
+ thread DelayDropshipDelete( dropship )
+void function WarpoutEffectFPS( entity dropship )
+ __WarpOutEffectShared( dropship )
+void function WarpinEffect( asset model, string animation, vector origin, vector angles, string sfx = "" )
+ //we need a temp dropship to get the anim offsets
+ Point start = GetWarpinPosition( model, animation, origin, angles )
+ __WarpInEffectShared( start.origin, start.angles, sfx )
+function PlayWarpFxOnPlayers( guys )
+ foreach ( entity guy in guys )
+ {
+ if ( !IsAlive( guy ) )
+ continue
+ Remote_CallFunction_Replay( guy, "ServerCallback_PlayScreenFXWarpJump" )
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file