path: root/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/pilot/_zipline.gnut
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/pilot/_zipline.gnut')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 838 deletions
diff --git a/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/pilot/_zipline.gnut b/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/pilot/_zipline.gnut
deleted file mode 100644
index a129c4794..000000000
--- a/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/pilot/_zipline.gnut
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,838 +0,0 @@
-global function Zipline_Init
-global function GuyZiplinesToGround
-global function GetZiplineSpawns
-global function GetHookOriginFromNode
-global function ZiplineInit
-global function CodeCallback_ZiplineMount
-global function CodeCallback_ZiplineStart
-global function CodeCallback_ZiplineMove
-global function CodeCallback_ZiplineStop
-global function AddCallback_ZiplineStart
-global function AddCallback_ZiplineStop
-global function TrackMoverDirection
-global function CreateRopeEntities
-global function SpawnZiplineEntities
-global function GetZiplineLandingAnims
-global function AnimDoneStuckInSolidFailSafe
-struct {
- array<string> zipLineLandingAnimations = [
- "pt_zipline_dismount_standF",
- "pt_zipline_dismount_crouchF",
- "pt_zipline_dismount_crouch180",
- "pt_zipline_dismount_breakright",
- "pt_zipline_land"
- "pt_zipline_land"
- "pt_zipline_land"
- "pt_zipline_land"
- "pt_zipline_land"
- "pt_zipline_land"
- ]
- array<string> zipLinePlayerLandingAnimations = [
- "pt_zipline_dismount_standF"
- ]
- array<string> zipLineReadyAnimations = [
- "pt_zipline_ready_idleA",
- "pt_zipline_ready_idleB"
- ]
-} file
-//typedef EntitiesDidLoadCallbackType void functionref(entity)
-array<void functionref(entity,entity)> _ZiplineStartCallbacks
-array<void functionref(entity)> _ZiplineStopCallbacks
-function Zipline_Init()
- if ( reloadingScripts )
- return
- RegisterSignal( "deploy" )
- RegisterSignal( "stop_deploy" )
- RegisterSignal( "npc_deployed" )
- VehicleDropshipNew_Init()
- level.MIN_ZIPLINE_LAND_DIST_SQRD <- 128 * 128
- level.MIN_ZIPLINE_HOOK_DIST_SQRD <- 256 * 256
- level._info_spawnpoint_dropships <- {}
- AddSpawnCallback( "info_spawnpoint_dropship", AddToSpawnpointDropships )
- PrecacheParticleSystem( $"hmn_mcorps_jump_jet_wallrun_full" )
- PrecacheParticleSystem( $"hmn_imc_jump_jet_wallrun_full" )
- PrecacheParticleSystem( $"P_Zipline_hld_1" )
-void function AddToSpawnpointDropships( entity self )
- level._info_spawnpoint_dropships[ self ] <- self
-function GetZiplineSpawns()
- local targets = []
- foreach ( ent in clone level._info_spawnpoint_dropships )
- {
- if ( IsValid( ent ) )
- {
- targets.append( ent )
- continue
- }
- delete level._info_spawnpoint_dropships[ ent ]
- }
- return targets
-function GuyZiplinesToGround( guy, Table )
- expect entity( guy )
- OnThreadEnd(
- function() : ( guy )
- {
- if ( IsValid( guy ) )
- guy.SetEfficientMode( false )
- }
- )
- local ship = Table.ship
- local dropPos = GetDropPos( Table )
- // ship didn't find a drop spot
- if ( dropPos == null )
- WaitForever()
- //DebugDrawLine( guy.GetOrigin(), dropPos, 255, 0, 0, true, 8.0 )
- local attachOrigin = ship.GetAttachmentOrigin( Table.attachIndex )
- local nodeOrigin = dropPos
- local hookOrigin = GetHookOriginFromNode( guy.GetOrigin(), nodeOrigin, attachOrigin )
- // couldn't find a place to hook it? This needs to be tested on precompile
- if ( !hookOrigin )
- {
- printt( "WARNING! Bad zipline dropship position!" )
- WaitForever()
- }
- Table.hookOrigin <- hookOrigin
- // Track the movement of the script mover that moves the guy to the ground
- local e = {}
- waitthread GuyRidesZiplineToGround( guy, Table, e, dropPos )
- //DebugDrawLine( guy.GetOrigin(), dropPos, 255, 0, 135, true, 5.0 )
- if ( !( "forward" in Table ) )
- {
- // the sequence ended before the guy reached the ground
- local start = guy.GetOrigin()
- // this needs functionification
- local end = Table.hookOrigin + Vector( 0,0,-80 )
- TraceResults result = TraceLine( start, end, guy )
- local angles = guy.GetAngles()
- Table.forward <- AnglesToForward( angles )
- Table.origin <- result.endPos
- }
- // the guy detaches and falls to the ground
- string landingAnim = file.zipLineLandingAnimations.getrandom()
- //DrawArrow( guy.GetOrigin(), guy.GetAngles(), 5.0, 80 )
- if ( !guy.IsInterruptable() )
- return
- guy.Anim_ScriptedPlay( landingAnim )
- guy.Anim_EnablePlanting()
- ShowName( guy )
- local vec = e.currentOrigin - e.oldOrigin
- guy.SetVelocity( vec * 15 )
- thread AnimDoneStuckInSolidFailSafe( guy )
-function AnimDoneStuckInSolidFailSafe( entity guy )
- guy.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- guy.WaitSignal( "OnAnimationDone" )
- if ( EntityInSolid( guy ) )
- {
- vector ornull clampedPos
- clampedPos = NavMesh_ClampPointForAIWithExtents( guy.GetOrigin(), guy, < 400, 400, 400 > )
- if ( clampedPos != null )
- {
- guy.SetOrigin( expect vector( clampedPos ) )
- printt( guy + " was in solid, teleported" )
- }
- }
-function TrackMoverDirection( mover, e )
- mover.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- // track the way the mover movers, so we can do the
- // correct velocity on the falling guy
- local origin = mover.GetOrigin()
- e.oldOrigin <- origin
- e.currentOrigin <- origin
- for ( ;; )
- {
- WaitFrame()
- e.oldOrigin = e.currentOrigin
- e.currentOrigin = mover.GetOrigin()
- }
-function GuyRidesZiplineToGround( entity guy, zipline, e, dropPos )
- entity mover = CreateOwnedScriptMover( guy )
- mover.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- thread TrackMoverDirection( mover, e )
- OnThreadEnd(
- function() : ( mover, zipline, guy )
- {
- thread ZiplineRetracts( zipline )
- if ( IsValid( guy ) )
- {
- guy.ClearParent()
- StopSoundOnEntity( guy, "3p_zipline_loop" )
- EmitSoundOnEntity( guy, "3p_zipline_detach" )
- }
- if ( IsValid( mover ) )
- mover.Kill_Deprecated_UseDestroyInstead()
- }
- )
- local rideDist = Distance( guy.GetOrigin(), zipline.hookOrigin )
- // how long it takes the zipline to travel 1000 units
- zipline.pinTime <- Graph( rideDist, 0, 1000, 0, 0.4 )
- // how long it takes the zipline to retract,
- zipline.retractTime <- Graph( rideDist, 0, 1000, 0, 0.5 )
- // how long it takes the rider to ride 1000 units
- float rideTime = Graph( rideDist, 0, 1000, 0, 2.5 )
- // orient the script_mover in the direction its going
- local angles = guy.GetAngles()
- local forward = AnglesToForward( angles )
- local right = AnglesToRight( angles )
- CreateRopeEntities( zipline )
- local zipAttachOrigin = zipline.ship.GetAttachmentOrigin( zipline.attachIndex )
- zipline.end.SetOrigin( zipAttachOrigin )
- zipline.start.SetParent( zipline.ship, zipline.shipAttach )
- zipline.mid.SetParent( zipline.ship, zipline.shipAttach )
- // now that the origin is set we can spawn the zipline, otherwise we
- // see the zipline lerp in
- SpawnZiplineEntities( zipline )
- // the zipline shoots out
- ZiplineMover( expect entity( zipline.end ), zipline.hookOrigin, zipline.pinTime )
- EmitSoundAtPosition( TEAM_UNASSIGNED, zipAttachOrigin, "dropship_zipline_zipfire" )
- delaythread( zipline.pinTime ) ZiplineMoveCleanup( zipline )
-// wait zipline.pinTime * 0.37
- wait zipline.pinTime
- EmitSoundAtPosition( TEAM_UNASSIGNED, zipline.hookOrigin, "dropship_zipline_impact" )
- zipline.mid.SetParent( mover, "ref", false )
- thread MoverMovesToGround( zipline, mover, rideTime )
- if ( !IsAlive( guy ) || !guy.IsInterruptable() )
- return
- guy.SetParent( mover, "ref", false, 0.0 )
- EmitSoundOnEntity( guy, "3p_zipline_attach" )
- waitthread PlayAnim( guy, "pt_zipline_ready2slide", mover )
- EmitSoundOnEntity( guy, "3p_zipline_loop" )
- if ( !IsAlive( guy ) || !guy.IsInterruptable() || guy.GetParent() != mover )
- return
- // Anim_PlayWithRefPoint requires that the guy be parented to the ref point.
- thread PlayAnim( guy, ZIPLINE_IDLE_ANIM, mover, "ref" )
- //thread ZiplineAutoClipsToGeo( zipline, mover )
- //wait 0.4 // some time to clear the lip
- local nodeOrigin = dropPos
- //DebugDrawLine( guy.GetOrigin(), nodeOrigin, 200, 255, 50, true, 8.0 )
- rideDist = Distance( guy.GetOrigin(), nodeOrigin )
- rideDist -= 100 // for animation at end
- if ( rideDist < 0 )
- rideDist = 0
- rideTime = Graph( rideDist, 0, 100, 0, 0.15 )
- printt( "ride time " + rideTime )
- local endTime = Time() + rideTime
- for ( ;; )
- {
- if ( Time() >= endTime )
- return
- DebugDrawLine( guy.GetOrigin(), nodeOrigin, 255, 0, 0, true, 0.15 )
- DebugDrawText( nodeOrigin, ( endTime - Time() ) + "", true, 0.15 )
- WaitFrame()
- }
- wait rideTime
- thread ZiplineStuckFailsafe( guy, nodeOrigin )
-function ZiplineStuckFailsafe( guy, nodeOrigin )
- TimeOut( 15.0 )
- guy.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- guy.WaitSignal( "OnFailedToPath" )
- guy.SetOrigin( nodeOrigin )
- printt( "Warning: AI Path failsafe at " + nodeOrigin )
-function ZiplineMoveCleanup( zipline )
- // work around for moveto bug
- if ( IsValid( zipline.end ) )
- {
- zipline.end.SetOrigin( zipline.hookOrigin )
- }
-function MoverMovesToGround( zipline, mover, timeTotal )
- // this handles the start point moving.
- mover.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- zipline.ship.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- local origin = zipline.ship.GetAttachmentOrigin( zipline.attachIndex )
- local angles = zipline.ship.GetAttachmentAngles( zipline.attachIndex )
- mover.SetOrigin( origin )
- mover.SetAngles( angles )
- local start = zipline.start.GetOrigin()
- local end = zipline.hookOrigin + Vector( 0,0,-180 )
- local blendTime = 0.5
- if ( timeTotal <= blendTime )
- blendTime = 0
- angles = VectorToAngles( end - start )
- angles.x = 0
- angles.z = 0
- mover.MoveTo( end, timeTotal, blendTime, 0 )
- mover.RotateTo( angles, 0.2 )
-function WaitUntilZiplinerNearsGround( guy, zipline )
- local start, end, frac
- local angles = guy.GetAngles()
- local forward = AnglesToForward( angles )
- local zipAngles, zipForward, dropDist
- if ( guy.IsNPC() )
- dropDist = 150
- else
- dropDist = 10 //much closer for player
- local mins = guy.GetBoundingMins()
- local maxs = guy.GetBoundingMaxs()
- TraceResults result
- for ( ;; )
- {
- start = guy.GetOrigin()
- end = start + Vector(0,0,-dropDist)
- end += forward * dropDist
-// TraceResults result = TraceLine( start, end, guy )
- result = TraceHull( start, end, mins, maxs, guy, TRACE_MASK_NPCSOLID_BRUSHONLY, TRACE_COLLISION_GROUP_NONE )
- //DebugDrawLine( start, end, 255, 0, 0, true, 0.2 )
- if ( result.fraction < 1.0 )
- break
- start = guy.GetOrigin()
- end = zipline.hookOrigin + Vector( 0,0,-80 )
- zipForward = ( end - start )
- zipForward.Norm()
- zipForward *= 250
- end = start + zipForward
- //DebugDrawLine( start, end, 255, 0, 0, true, 0.1 )
-// result = TraceLine( start, end, guy )
- //DebugDrawLine( start, end, 255, 150, 0, true, 0.2 )
- result = TraceHull( start, end, mins, maxs, guy, TRACE_MASK_NPCSOLID_BRUSHONLY, TRACE_COLLISION_GROUP_NONE )
- if ( result.fraction < 1.0 )
- break
- WaitFrame()
- }
- zipline.origin <- result.endPos
- zipline.forward <- forward
-function ZiplineRetracts( zipline )
- if ( !IsValid( zipline.start ) )
- return
- if ( !IsValid( zipline.mid ) )
- return
- if ( !IsValid( zipline.end ) )
- return
- OnThreadEnd(
- function() : ( zipline )
- {
- if ( IsValid( zipline.start ) )
- zipline.start.Kill_Deprecated_UseDestroyInstead()
- if ( IsValid( zipline.mid ) )
- zipline.mid.Kill_Deprecated_UseDestroyInstead()
- // is the only one that's not parented and only gets deleted here
- zipline.end.Kill_Deprecated_UseDestroyInstead()
- }
- )
- // IsValid check succeeds, even if a delete brought us here.
- // IsValid should've failed.
- if ( !IsAlive( expect entity( zipline.ship ) ) )
- return
- zipline.ship.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- zipline.start.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- zipline.mid.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- zipline.end.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- local start, end, mid
- local startDist
- local endDist
- local totalDist
- local progress
- local newMidPoint
- local midRetractProgress
- local startTime = Time()
- local endTime = startTime + 0.3
- zipline.mid.ClearParent()
- start = zipline.start.GetOrigin()
- end = zipline.end.GetOrigin()
- mid = zipline.mid.GetOrigin()
- startDist = Distance( mid, start )
- endDist = Distance( mid, end )
- totalDist = startDist + endDist
- if ( totalDist <= 0 )
- return
- progress = startDist / totalDist
-// newMidPoint = end * progress + start * ( 1 - progress )
-// // how far from the midpoint we are, vertically
-// local mid_z_offset = newMidPoint.z - mid.z
-// local addOffset
- for ( ;; )
- {
- start = zipline.start.GetOrigin()
- end = zipline.end.GetOrigin()
- newMidPoint = end * progress + start * ( 1 - progress )
- midRetractProgress = GraphCapped( Time(), startTime, endTime, 0, 1 )
- if ( midRetractProgress >= 1.0 )
- break
- newMidPoint = mid * ( 1 - midRetractProgress ) + newMidPoint * midRetractProgress
- //addOffset = mid_z_offset * ( 1 - midRetractProgress )
- //newMidPoint.z -= addOffset
- //DebugDrawLine( zipline.mid.GetOrigin(), newMidPoint, 255, 0, 0, true, 0.2 )
- if ( !IsValid( zipline.mid ) )
- {
- printt( "Invalid zipline mid! Impossible!" )
- }
- else
- {
- zipline.mid.SetOrigin( newMidPoint )
- }
-// startDist = Distance( mid, start )
-// endDist = Distance( mid, end )
-// totalDist = startDist + endDist
-// progress = startDist / totalDist
- WaitFrame()
- }
-// DebugDrawLine( zipline.start.GetOrigin(), zipline.mid.GetOrigin(), 255, 100, 50, true, 5.0 )
-// DebugDrawLine( zipline.end.GetOrigin(), zipline.mid.GetOrigin(), 60, 100, 244, true, 5.0 )
- local moveTime = 0.4
- ZiplineMover( expect entity( zipline.start ), zipline.end.GetOrigin(), moveTime )
- ZiplineMover( expect entity( zipline.mid ), zipline.end.GetOrigin(), moveTime )
- wait moveTime
- startTime = Time()
- endTime = startTime + zipline.retractTime
- end = zipline.end.GetOrigin()
- if ( !IsValid( zipline.mid ) )
- return
- mid = zipline.mid.GetOrigin()
- local org
- for ( ;; )
- {
- start = zipline.start.GetOrigin()
- progress = Graph( Time(), startTime, endTime )
- if ( progress >= 1.0 )
- break
- org = end * ( 1 - progress ) + start * progress
- zipline.end.SetOrigin( org )
- org = mid * ( 1 - progress ) + start * progress
- if ( !IsValid( zipline.mid ) )
- return
- zipline.mid.SetOrigin( org )
- WaitFrame()
- }
-function CreateRopeEntities( Table )
- local subdivisions = 8 // 25
- local slack = 100 // 25
- string midpointName = UniqueString( "rope_midpoint" )
- string endpointName = UniqueString( "rope_endpoint" )
- entity rope_start = CreateEntity( "move_rope" )
- rope_start.kv.NextKey = midpointName
- rope_start.kv.MoveSpeed = 64
- rope_start.kv.Slack = slack
- rope_start.kv.Subdiv = subdivisions
- rope_start.kv.Width = "2"
- rope_start.kv.TextureScale = "1"
- rope_start.kv.RopeMaterial = "cable/cable.vmt"
- rope_start.kv.PositionInterpolator = 2
- entity rope_mid = CreateEntity( "keyframe_rope" )
- SetTargetName( rope_mid, midpointName )
- rope_mid.kv.NextKey = endpointName
- rope_mid.kv.MoveSpeed = 64
- rope_mid.kv.Slack = slack
- rope_mid.kv.Subdiv = subdivisions
- rope_mid.kv.Width = "2"
- rope_mid.kv.TextureScale = "1"
- rope_mid.kv.RopeMaterial = "cable/cable.vmt"
- entity rope_end = CreateEntity( "keyframe_rope" )
- SetTargetName( rope_end, endpointName )
- rope_end.kv.MoveSpeed = 64
- rope_end.kv.Slack = slack
- rope_end.kv.Subdiv = subdivisions
- rope_end.kv.Width = "2"
- rope_end.kv.TextureScale = "1"
- rope_end.kv.RopeMaterial = "cable/cable.vmt"
- Table.start <- rope_start
- Table.mid <- rope_mid
- Table.end <- rope_end
- return Table
-function SpawnZiplineEntities( Table )
- // after origins are set
- DispatchSpawn( Table.start )
- DispatchSpawn( Table.mid )
- DispatchSpawn( Table.end )
- return Table
-function GetDropPos( zipline )
- entity ship = expect entity( zipline.ship )
- if ( !HasDropshipDropTable( ship ) )
- return null
- DropTable dropTable = GetDropshipDropTable( ship )
- foreach ( side, nodeTables in dropTable.nodes )
- {
- foreach ( nodeTable in nodeTables )
- {
- if ( nodeTable.attachName == zipline.shipAttach )
- return nodeTable.origin
- }
- }
- return null
-function GetHookOriginFromNode( origin, nodeOrigin, attachOrigin )
- // need to use the slope of guy to node to get the slope for the zipline, then launch it from the attachment origin
- local dropVec = nodeOrigin - origin
- local dropDist = Length( dropVec )
- dropVec.Norm()
-// DrawArrow( nodeOrigin, Vector(0,0,0), 5, 100 )
- local attachEnd = attachOrigin + dropVec * ( dropDist + 1500 ) // some buffer
- TraceResults zipTrace = TraceLine( attachOrigin, attachEnd, null, TRACE_MASK_NPCWORLDSTATIC )
-// DebugDrawLine( attachOrigin, zipTrace.endPos, 0, 255, 0, true, 5.0 )
-// DebugDrawLine( zipTrace.endPos, attachEnd, 255, 0, 0, true, 5.0 )
- // zipline didn't connect with anything
- if ( zipTrace.fraction == 1.0 )
- {
-// DebugDrawLine( attachOrigin, attachEnd, 255, 255, 0, true, 5.0 )
- return null
- }
- if ( Distance( zipTrace.endPos, attachOrigin ) < 300 )
- return null
- return zipTrace.endPos
-function ZiplineInit( entity player )
- player.s.ziplineEffects <- []
-function CreateZiplineJetEffects( entity player )
- asset jumpJetEffectFriendlyName = $"hmn_imc_jump_jet_wallrun_full"
- asset jumpJetEffectEnemyName = $"hmn_mcorps_jump_jet_wallrun_full"
- int playerTeam = player.GetTeam()
- //HACK!
- //Create 2 sets of jump jet effects, 1 visible to friendly, 1 visible to enemy
- //Doing this for a myriad of reasons on the server as opposed to on the client like the rest
- //of the jump jet effects. Since ziplining isn't all that common an action it should be fine
- //create left jump jetfriendly
- entity leftJumpJetFriendly = CreateEntity( "info_particle_system" )
- leftJumpJetFriendly.kv.start_active = 1
- leftJumpJetFriendly.kv.VisibilityFlags = ENTITY_VISIBLE_TO_FRIENDLY
- leftJumpJetFriendly.SetValueForEffectNameKey( jumpJetEffectFriendlyName )
- SetTargetName( leftJumpJetFriendly, UniqueString() )
- leftJumpJetFriendly.SetParent( player, "vent_left_back", false, 0 )
- SetTeam( leftJumpJetFriendly, playerTeam )
- leftJumpJetFriendly.SetOwner( player)
- DispatchSpawn( leftJumpJetFriendly )
- //now create right jump jet for friendly
- entity rightJumpJetFriendly = CreateEntity( "info_particle_system" )
- rightJumpJetFriendly.kv.start_active = 1
- rightJumpJetFriendly.kv.VisibilityFlags = ENTITY_VISIBLE_TO_FRIENDLY
- rightJumpJetFriendly.SetValueForEffectNameKey( jumpJetEffectFriendlyName )
- SetTargetName( rightJumpJetFriendly, UniqueString() )
- rightJumpJetFriendly.SetParent( player, "vent_right_back", false, 0 )
- SetTeam( rightJumpJetFriendly, playerTeam )
- rightJumpJetFriendly.SetOwner( player)
- DispatchSpawn( rightJumpJetFriendly )
- //create left jump jet for enemy
- entity leftJumpJetEnemy = CreateEntity( "info_particle_system" )
- leftJumpJetEnemy.kv.start_active = 1
- leftJumpJetEnemy.kv.VisibilityFlags = ENTITY_VISIBLE_TO_ENEMY
- leftJumpJetEnemy.SetValueForEffectNameKey( jumpJetEffectEnemyName )
- SetTargetName( leftJumpJetEnemy, UniqueString() )
- leftJumpJetEnemy.SetParent( player, "vent_left_back", false, 0 )
- SetTeam( leftJumpJetEnemy, playerTeam )
- leftJumpJetEnemy.SetOwner( player)
- DispatchSpawn( leftJumpJetEnemy )
- //now create right jump jet for enemy
- entity rightJumpJetEnemy = CreateEntity( "info_particle_system" )
- rightJumpJetEnemy.kv.start_active = 1
- rightJumpJetEnemy.kv.VisibilityFlags = ENTITY_VISIBLE_TO_ENEMY
- rightJumpJetEnemy.SetValueForEffectNameKey( jumpJetEffectEnemyName )
- SetTargetName( rightJumpJetEnemy, UniqueString() )
- rightJumpJetEnemy.SetParent( player, "vent_right_back", false, 0 )
- SetTeam( rightJumpJetEnemy, playerTeam )
- rightJumpJetEnemy.SetOwner( player)
- DispatchSpawn( rightJumpJetEnemy )
- //sparks from the hand
- entity handSparks = CreateEntity( "info_particle_system" )
- handSparks.kv.start_active = 1
- handSparks.SetValueForEffectNameKey( $"P_Zipline_hld_1" )
- SetTargetName( handSparks, UniqueString() )
- handSparks.SetParent( player, "L_HAND", false, 0 )
- handSparks.SetOwner( player)
- DispatchSpawn( handSparks )
- //Do it again for greater intensity!
- entity handSparks2 = CreateEntity( "info_particle_system" )
- handSparks2.kv.start_active = 1
- handSparks2.SetValueForEffectNameKey( $"P_Zipline_hld_1" )
- SetTargetName( handSparks2, UniqueString() )
- handSparks2.SetParent( player, "L_HAND", false, 0 )
- handSparks2.SetOwner( player)
- DispatchSpawn( handSparks2 )
- player.s.ziplineEffects.append( leftJumpJetFriendly )
- player.s.ziplineEffects.append( rightJumpJetFriendly )
- player.s.ziplineEffects.append( leftJumpJetEnemy )
- player.s.ziplineEffects.append( rightJumpJetEnemy )
- player.s.ziplineEffects.append( handSparks )
- player.s.ziplineEffects.append( handSparks2 )
-void function CodeCallback_ZiplineMount( entity player, entity zipline )
- // printl( "Mounting zipline")
- #if SERVER
- EmitDifferentSoundsOnEntityForPlayerAndWorld( "player_zipline_attach", "3p_zipline_attach", player, player )
- #endif
-void function CodeCallback_ZiplineStart( entity player, entity zipline )
- #if SERVER
- CreateZiplineJetEffects( player )
- EmitDifferentSoundsOnEntityForPlayerAndWorld( "player_zipline_loop", "3p_zipline_loop", player, player )
- foreach ( callback in _ZiplineStartCallbacks )
- thread callback( player, zipline )
- #endif
-void function CodeCallback_ZiplineMove( entity player, entity zipline )
- #if SERVER
- if ( player.IsPhaseShifted() )
- {
- foreach( effect in player.s.ziplineEffects )
- {
- IsValid( effect )
- effect.Destroy()
- }
- player.s.ziplineEffects.clear()
- }
- else if ( player.s.ziplineEffects.len() <= 0 )
- {
- CreateZiplineJetEffects( player );
- }
- #endif
-void function CodeCallback_ZiplineStop( entity player )
- #if SERVER
- foreach( effect in player.s.ziplineEffects )
- {
- IsValid( effect )
- effect.Destroy()
- }
- player.s.ziplineEffects.clear()
- StopSoundOnEntity( player, "player_zipline_loop" )
- StopSoundOnEntity( player, "3p_zipline_loop" )
- EmitDifferentSoundsOnEntityForPlayerAndWorld( "player_zipline_detach", "3p_zipline_detach", player, player )
- foreach ( callback in _ZiplineStopCallbacks )
- thread callback( player )
- #endif
-void function AddCallback_ZiplineStart( void functionref(entity,entity) callback )
- _ZiplineStartCallbacks.append( callback )
-void function AddCallback_ZiplineStop( void functionref(entity) callback )
- _ZiplineStopCallbacks.append( callback )
-function ZiplineMover( entity ent, end, timeTotal, blendIn = 0, blendOut = 0 )
- Assert( !IsThreadTop(), "This should not be waitthreaded off, it creates timing issues." )
- entity mover = CreateOwnedScriptMover( ent )
- ent.SetParent( mover )
- OnThreadEnd(
- function() : ( ent, mover )
- {
- if ( IsValid( mover ) )
- mover.Destroy()
- }
- )
- mover.MoveTo( end, timeTotal, blendIn, blendOut )
- wait timeTotal
- if ( IsValid( ent ) )
- ent.ClearParent()
-array<string> function GetZiplineLandingAnims()
- return file.zipLineLandingAnimations
-} \ No newline at end of file