path: root/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/mp/_titan_npc.nut
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/mp/_titan_npc.nut')
1 files changed, 818 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/mp/_titan_npc.nut b/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/mp/_titan_npc.nut
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..582850875
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/mp/_titan_npc.nut
@@ -0,0 +1,818 @@
+global function TitanNPC_Init
+global function CodeCallback_PlayerRequestClimbInNPCTitan
+global function ResetTitanLoadoutFromPrimary
+global function NPCTitanNextMode
+global function NPCTitanInitModeOnPlayerRespawn
+global function SetupAutoTitan
+global function SetupNPC_TitanTitle
+global function SetPlayerPetTitan
+global function AutoTitanChangedEnemy
+global function PlayAutoTitanConversation
+global function CreateTitanModelAndSkinSetup
+global function SetWeaponCooldowns
+global function ResetTitanBuildTime
+global function CreateNPCTitanFromSettings
+global function FreeAutoTitan
+global function GetRandomTitanWeapon
+global function SpawnTitanBatteryOnDeath
+global function CreateTitanBattery
+global function WaitForHotdropToEnd
+global function ResetCoreKillCounter
+const TITAN_USE_HOLD_PROMPT = "Hold [USE] to Pilot||Hold [USE] to Rodeo"
+const TITAN_USE_PRESS_PROMPT = "Press [USE] to Pilot||Press [USE] to Rodeo"
+const int BATTERY_DROP_BOSS = 4
+ int coreKillCounter = 0
+} file
+function TitanNPC_Init()
+ RegisterSignal( "ChangedTitanMode" )
+ RegisterSignal( "PROTO_WeaponPickup" )
+ AddSoulDeathCallback( AutoTitanDestroyedCheck )
+ Minimap_PrecacheMaterial( $"vgui/HUD/threathud_titan_friendlyself" )
+ Minimap_PrecacheMaterial( $"vgui/HUD/threathud_titan_friendlyself_guard" )
+ #endif
+ if ( IsSingleplayer() )
+ {
+ AddSpawnCallbackEditorClass( "script_ref", "script_titan_battery", SpawnTitanBattery )
+ AddDeathCallback( "npc_titan", SpawnTitanBatteryOnDeath )
+ AddDeathCallback( "npc_titan", TitanAchievementTracking_SP )
+ }
+void function AutoTitanDestroyedCheck( entity soul, var damageInfo )
+ entity titan = soul.GetTitan()
+ if ( !IsValid( titan ) )
+ return
+ entity player = soul.GetBossPlayer()
+ if ( !IsValid( player ) )
+ return
+ SetActiveTitanLoadoutIndex( player, -1 )
+ if ( player.GetPetTitan() == titan )
+ player.SetPetTitan( null )
+ if ( soul.IsEjecting() )
+ return
+ // has another titan?
+ if ( GetPlayerTitanInMap( player ) )
+ return
+ switch ( Riff_TitanAvailability() )
+ {
+ case eTitanAvailability.Default:
+ break
+ default:
+ if ( !Riff_IsTitanAvailable( player ) )
+ return
+ }
+ if ( GAMETYPE == SST )
+ return
+ if ( DamageInfo_GetDamageSourceIdentifier( damageInfo ) == eDamageSourceId.round_end )
+ return
+ thread PlayConversationToPlayer( "AutoTitanDestroyed", player )
+function SetupNPC_TitanTitle( npcTitan, player )
+ npcTitan.SetBossPlayer( player )
+ switch ( player.GetPetTitanMode() )
+ {
+ case eNPCTitanMode.FOLLOW:
+ npcTitan.Minimap_SetBossPlayerMaterial( $"vgui/HUD/threathud_titan_friendlyself" )
+ break;
+ //case eNPCTitanMode.ROAM:
+ // break;
+ case eNPCTitanMode.STAY:
+ npcTitan.Minimap_SetBossPlayerMaterial( $"vgui/HUD/threathud_titan_friendlyself_guard" )
+ break;
+ }
+ #endif
+void function NPCTitanNextMode( entity npcTitan, entity player )
+ entity soul = npcTitan.GetTitanSoul()
+ if ( !SoulHasPassive( soul, ePassives.PAS_ENHANCED_TITAN_AI ) && PROTO_AutoTitansDisabled() )
+ return
+ NPCTitanDisableCurrentMode( npcTitan, player )
+ local mode = player.GetPetTitanMode() + 1
+ if ( mode == eNPCTitanMode.MODE_COUNT )
+ mode = eNPCTitanMode.FOLLOW
+ player.SetPetTitanMode( mode )
+ npcTitan.Signal( "ChangedTitanMode" )
+ SetupNPC_TitanTitle( npcTitan, player )
+ NPCTitanEnableCurrentMode( npcTitan, player )
+function NPCTitanSetBehaviorForMode( entity npcTitan, entity player )
+ entity soul = npcTitan.GetTitanSoul()
+ if ( soul == null)
+ soul = player.GetTitanSoul()
+ switch ( player.GetPetTitanMode() )
+ {
+ case eNPCTitanMode.FOLLOW:
+ if ( soul && SoulHasPassive( soul, ePassives.PAS_ENHANCED_TITAN_AI ) )
+ npcTitan.SetBehaviorSelector( "behavior_mp_auto_titan_enhanced" )
+ else
+ npcTitan.SetBehaviorSelector( "behavior_mp_auto_titan" )
+ break;
+ //case eNPCTitanMode.ROAM:
+ // break;
+ case eNPCTitanMode.STAY:
+ if ( soul && SoulHasPassive( soul, ePassives.PAS_ENHANCED_TITAN_AI ) )
+ npcTitan.SetBehaviorSelector( "behavior_mp_auto_titan_enhanced_guard" )
+ else
+ npcTitan.SetBehaviorSelector( "behavior_mp_auto_titan_guard" )
+ break;
+ }
+function NPCTitanDisableCurrentMode( entity npcTitan, entity player )
+ switch ( player.GetPetTitanMode() )
+ {
+ case eNPCTitanMode.FOLLOW:
+ npcTitan.DisableBehavior( "Follow" )
+ break;
+ //case eNPCTitanMode.ROAM:
+ // break;
+ case eNPCTitanMode.STAY:
+ npcTitan.DisableBehavior( "Assault" )
+ break;
+ }
+function NPCTitanEnableCurrentMode( entity npcTitan, entity player )
+ switch ( player.GetPetTitanMode() )
+ {
+ case eNPCTitanMode.FOLLOW:
+ NPCTitanFollowPilotInit( npcTitan, player )
+ break;
+ //case eNPCTitanMode.ROAM:
+ // break;
+ case eNPCTitanMode.STAY:
+ {
+ local traceStart = player.EyePosition()
+ local forward = AnglesToForward( player.EyeAngles() )
+ local traceEnd = traceStart + ( forward * 12000 )
+ TraceResults result = TraceLine( traceStart, traceEnd, player, TRACE_MASK_BLOCKLOS, TRACE_COLLISION_GROUP_NONE )
+ local dir = result.endPos - npcTitan.EyePosition()
+ // DebugDrawLine( result.endPos, npcTitan.EyePosition(), 255, 0, 0, true, 5 )
+ local titanAngles;
+ if ( LengthSqr( dir ) > 100 )
+ titanAngles = VectorToAngles( dir )
+ else
+ titanAngles = player.GetAngles()
+ titanAngles.z = 0;
+ npcTitan.AssaultPointClamped( npcTitan.GetOrigin() )
+ npcTitan.AssaultSetAngles( titanAngles, true )
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ NPCTitanSetBehaviorForMode( npcTitan, player )
+void function AutoTitanChangedEnemy( entity titan )
+ if ( !IsAlive( titan ) )
+ return
+ entity enemy = titan.GetEnemy()
+ if ( !IsAlive( enemy ) )
+ return
+ if ( !titan.CanSee( enemy ) )
+ return
+ string aliasSuffix
+ if ( enemy.IsTitan() )
+ aliasSuffix = "autoEngageTitan"
+ else if ( IsGrunt( enemy ) )
+ aliasSuffix = "autoEngageGrunt"
+ else if ( enemy.IsHuman() && enemy.IsPlayer() )
+ aliasSuffix = "autoEngagePilot"
+ if ( aliasSuffix == "" )
+ return
+ PlayAutoTitanConversation( titan, aliasSuffix )
+function AutoTitanShouldSpeak( entity titan, entity owner, aliasSuffix )
+ if ( IsForcedDialogueOnly( owner ) )
+ return false
+ if ( "disableAutoTitanConversation" in titan.s )
+ {
+ return false
+ }
+ //Shut Auto Titans up when game isn't active anymore
+ if ( GetGameState() >= eGameState.Postmatch )
+ {
+ return false
+ }
+ entity owner
+ if ( titan.IsPlayer() )
+ {
+ owner = titan
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ owner = GetPetTitanOwner( titan )
+ if ( !IsValid( owner ) )
+ return
+ }
+ if ( owner.s.autoTitanLastEngageCallout == aliasSuffix )
+ {
+ // just did this line, so significant time has to pass before we will use it again
+ return Time() > owner.s.autoTitanLastEngageCalloutTime + 28
+ }
+ // this is a new line, so just make sure we haven't spoken too recently
+ return Time() > owner.s.autoTitanLastEngageCalloutTime + 7
+void function PlayAutoTitanConversation( entity titan, string aliasSuffix )
+ entity owner
+ if ( titan.IsPlayer() )
+ {
+ owner = titan
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ owner = GetPetTitanOwner( titan )
+ if ( !IsValid( owner ) )
+ return
+ }
+ if ( !AutoTitanShouldSpeak( titan, owner, aliasSuffix ) ) //Only use the suffix since that's the distinguishing part of the alias, i.e. "engage_titans"
+ return
+ owner.s.autoTitanLastEngageCalloutTime = Time()
+ owner.s.autoTitanLastEngageCallout = aliasSuffix //Only use the suffix since that's the distinguishing part of the alias, i.e. "engage_titans"
+ int conversationID = GetConversationIndex( aliasSuffix )
+ Remote_CallFunction_Replay( owner, "ServerCallback_PlayTitanConversation", conversationID )
+void function FreeAutoTitan( entity npcTitan )
+ //npcTitan.SetEnemyChangeCallback( "" )
+ local bossPlayer = npcTitan.GetBossPlayer()
+ if ( !IsValid( bossPlayer ) )
+ return
+ bossPlayer.SetPetTitan( null )
+ local soul = npcTitan.GetTitanSoul()
+ npcTitan.ClearBossPlayer()
+ soul.ClearBossPlayer()
+ npcTitan.SetTitle( "" )
+ npcTitan.Signal( "TitanStopsThinking" )
+ npcTitan.UnsetUsable()
+ thread TitanKneel( npcTitan )
+function SetupAutoTitan( entity npcTitan, entity player )
+ #if SP
+ npcTitan.SetUsePrompts( "#HOLD_TO_EMBARK_SP", "#PRESS_TO_EMBARK_SP" )
+ #endif
+ #if MP
+ npcTitan.SetUsePrompts( "#HOLD_TO_EMBARK", "#PRESS_TO_EMBARK" )
+ #endif
+ npcTitan.SetUsableByGroup( "owner pilot" )
+ NPCTitanFollowPilotInit( npcTitan, player )
+ NPCTitanGuardModeInit( npcTitan )
+ npcTitan.SetEnemyChangeCallback( AutoTitanChangedEnemy )
+ NPCTitanEnableCurrentMode( npcTitan, player )
+ npcTitan.EnableNPCFlag( NPC_NEW_ENEMY_FROM_SOUND )
+ UpdateEnemyMemoryFromTeammates( npcTitan )
+ SetPlayerPetTitan( player, npcTitan )
+ SetupNPC_TitanTitle( npcTitan, player )
+ ShowName( npcTitan )
+ SPMP_UpdateNPCProficiency( npcTitan )
+function SetPlayerPetTitan( entity player, entity npcTitan )
+ if ( npcTitan == player.GetPetTitan() )
+ return
+ entity previousOwner = GetPetTitanOwner( npcTitan )
+ if ( IsValid( previousOwner ) )
+ {
+ previousOwner.SetPetTitan( null )
+ }
+ if ( IsAlive( player.GetPetTitan() ) )
+ {
+ Assert( !player.s.replacementDropInProgress, "Tried to give us a titan when we were executing a Titanfall" )
+ // kill old pet titan
+ player.GetPetTitan().Die( null, null, { scriptType = DF_INSTANT, damageSourceId = damagedef_suicide } )
+ }
+ // HACK: not really a hack, but this could be optimized to only render always for a given client
+ npcTitan.EnableRenderAlways()
+ player.SetPetTitan( npcTitan )
+ ClearTitanAvailable( player )
+ #endif
+ SetTeam( npcTitan, player.GetTeam() )
+ entity soul = npcTitan.GetTitanSoul()
+ if ( soul == null )
+ soul = player.GetTitanSoul()
+ string settings = GetSoulPlayerSettings( soul )
+ var maintainTitle = Dev_GetPlayerSettingByKeyField_Global( settings, "keep_title_on_autotitan" )
+ if ( maintainTitle != null && maintainTitle == 1 )
+ {
+ string title = expect string( GetPlayerSettingsFieldForClassName( settings, "printname" ) )
+ npcTitan.SetTitle( title )
+ }
+ else if ( SoulHasPassive( soul, ePassives.PAS_ENHANCED_TITAN_AI ) )
+ {
+ npcTitan.SetTitle( "#NPC_AUTO_TITAN_ENHANCED" )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ npcTitan.SetTitle( "#NPC_AUTO_TITAN" )
+ }
+ npcTitan.DisableHibernation()
+function NPCTitanFollowPilotInit( npcTitan, player )
+ int followBehavior = GetDefaultNPCFollowBehavior( npcTitan )
+ npcTitan.InitFollowBehavior( player, followBehavior )
+ if ( IsMultiplayer() )
+ {
+ npcTitan.SetFollowGoalTolerance( 700 )
+ npcTitan.SetFollowGoalCombatTolerance( 700 )
+ npcTitan.SetFollowTargetMoveTolerance( 200 )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ npcTitan.SetFollowGoalTolerance( 500 )
+ npcTitan.SetFollowGoalCombatTolerance( 1200 )
+ npcTitan.SetFollowTargetMoveTolerance( 150 )
+ }
+ npcTitan.EnableBehavior( "Follow" )
+ npcTitan.DisableBehavior( "Assault" )
+function NPCTitanGuardModeInit( npcTitan )
+#if DEV // Bug 110047
+ Assert( IsValid( npcTitan ) )
+ if ( !npcTitan.IsTitan() && !npcTitan.IsNPC() )
+ printl( "npcTitan is " + npcTitan.GetClassName() )
+ npcTitan.AssaultSetFightRadius( 0 )
+ if ( IsSingleplayer() )
+ {
+ npcTitan.AssaultSetGoalRadius( 512 )
+ npcTitan.AssaultSetArrivalTolerance( 300 )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ npcTitan.AssaultSetGoalRadius( 400 )
+ npcTitan.AssaultSetArrivalTolerance( 200 )
+ }
+function NPCTitanInitModeOnPlayerRespawn( player )
+ if ( IsValid( player.GetPetTitan() ) )
+ {
+ local titan = player.GetPetTitan()
+ switch ( player.GetPetTitanMode() )
+ {
+ case eNPCTitanMode.FOLLOW:
+ NPCTitanFollowPilotInit( titan, player )
+ break;
+ default:
+ // nothing to do for other modes
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+function CodeCallback_PlayerRequestClimbInNPCTitan( npcTitan, player )
+entity function CreateNPCTitanFromSettings( string settings, int team, vector origin, vector angles )
+ entity npc = CreateNPCTitan( settings, team, origin, angles )
+ DispatchSpawn( npc )
+ return npc
+function CreateTitanModelAndSkinSetup( entity npc )
+ asset currentModel = npc.GetModelName()
+ if ( IsSingleplayer() )
+ {
+ switch ( currentModel )
+ {
+ case $"":
+ case $"models/titans/buddy/titan_buddy.mdl":
+ case $"models/titans/light/sp_titan_light_locust.mdl":
+ case $"models/titans/light/sp_titan_light_raptor.mdl":
+ case $"models/titans/heavy/sp_titan_heavy_deadbolt.mdl":
+ case $"models/titans/heavy/sp_titan_heavy_ogre.mdl":
+ case $"models/titans/medium/sp_titan_medium_ajax.mdl":
+ case $"models/titans/medium/sp_titan_medium_wraith.mdl":
+ break
+ default:
+ CodeWarning( "NPC titan at " + npc.GetOrigin() + " had non-sp titan model " + currentModel )
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ string settings = npc.ai.titanSettings.titanSetFile
+ asset model = GetPlayerSettingsAssetForClassName( settings, "bodymodel" )
+ npc.SetValueForModelKey( model )
+string function GetRandomTitanWeapon()
+ TitanLoadoutDef loadout = GetAllowedTitanLoadouts().getrandom()
+ return loadout.primary
+void function ResetTitanBuildTime( entity player )
+ if ( player.IsTitan() )
+ {
+ player.SetTitanBuildTime( GetCoreBuildTime( player ) )
+ return
+ }
+ player.SetTitanBuildTime( GetTitanBuildTime( player ) )
+/* SP */
+void function SpawnTitanBattery( entity batteryRef )
+ vector origin = batteryRef.GetOrigin()
+ entity battery = CreateTitanBattery( origin )
+ batteryRef.Destroy()
+void function SpawnTitanBatteryOnDeath( entity titan, var damageInfo )
+ if ( !titan.ai.shouldDropBattery || titan.GetTeam() == TEAM_MILITIA )
+ return
+ // if ( RandomFloatRange( 0, 100 ) < 50 )
+ // return
+ int attachID = titan.LookupAttachment( "CHESTFOCUS" )
+ vector origin = titan.GetAttachmentOrigin( attachID )
+ int numBatt = 0
+ if ( titan.IsTitan() && titan.ai.bossTitanType == TITAN_MERC )
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( Flag( "PlayerDidSpawn" ) )
+ {
+ entity player = GetPlayerArray()[0]
+ entity playerTitan = GetTitanFromPlayer( player )
+ if ( IsValid( playerTitan ) &&
+ (
+ GetDoomedState( playerTitan ) ||
+ RandomDropBatteryBasedOnHealth( playerTitan )
+ )
+ )
+ {
+ numBatt = 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for ( int i=0; i<numBatt; i++ )
+ {
+ vector vec = RandomVec( 150 )
+ if ( numBatt == 1 )
+ vec = < 0,0,0 >
+ entity battery = CreateTitanBattery( origin )
+ battery.SetVelocity( < vec.x, vec.y, 400 > )
+ }
+entity function CreateTitanBattery( vector origin )
+ entity battery = Rodeo_CreateBatteryPack()
+ battery.SetOrigin( origin )
+ //Highlight_SetNeutralHighlight( battery, "power_up" )
+ // if ( IsValid( battery ) )
+ // {
+ // PickupGlow glow = CreatePickupGlow( battery, 0, 255, 0 )
+ // glow.glowFX.SetParent( battery, "", true, 0 )
+ // }
+ return battery
+void function SetWeaponCooldowns( entity player, array<entity> weapons, float cooldown )
+ foreach ( weapon in weapons )
+ {
+ int max = weapon.GetWeaponPrimaryClipCountMax()
+ if ( max <= 0 )
+ continue
+ int current = int( max * cooldown )
+ weapon.SetWeaponPrimaryClipCountAbsolute( current )
+ if ( weapon.IsChargeWeapon() )
+ {
+ float chargeCooldownTime = weapon.GetWeaponSettingFloat( eWeaponVar.charge_cooldown_time )
+ if ( chargeCooldownTime > 1.0 )
+ {
+ weapon.SetWeaponPrimaryClipCountAbsolute( max )
+ weapon.SetWeaponChargeFractionForced( 1.0 - cooldown )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void function ResetTitanLoadoutFromPrimary( entity titan )
+ Assert( titan.IsTitan() )
+ Assert( IsAlive( titan ) )
+// EmitSoundOnEntity( player, "Coop_AmmoBox_AmmoRefill" )
+ entity soul = titan.GetTitanSoul()
+ // not a real titan, swapping in/out of titan etc
+ if ( soul == null )
+ return
+ array<entity> weapons = GetPrimaryWeapons( titan )
+ foreach ( weapon in weapons )
+ {
+ TitanLoadoutDef ornull titanLoadout = GetTitanLoadoutForPrimary( weapon.GetWeaponClassName() )
+ if ( titanLoadout == null )
+ continue
+ expect TitanLoadoutDef( titanLoadout )
+ float coreValue = SoulTitanCore_GetNextAvailableTime( soul )
+ ReplaceTitanLoadoutWhereDifferent( titan, titanLoadout )
+ SoulTitanCore_SetNextAvailableTime( soul, coreValue )
+ if ( titan.IsPlayer() )
+ {
+// Remote_CallFunction_Replay( titan, "ServerCallback_NotifyLoadout", titan.GetEncodedEHandle() )
+ Remote_CallFunction_Replay( titan, "ServerCallback_UpdateTitanModeHUD" )
+ }
+ break
+ }
+void function WaitForHotdropToEnd( entity titan )
+ // Wait until player sees the boss titan
+ while ( titan.e.isHotDropping )
+ {
+ WaitFrame()
+ }
+bool function RandomDropBatteryBasedOnHealth( entity playerTitan )
+ float healthFrac = GetHealthFrac( playerTitan )
+ int randomPercent = RandomIntRange( 0, 100 )
+ if ( healthFrac <= BATTERY_DROP_HEALTH_FRAC_SURE )
+ {
+ return true
+ }
+ else if ( healthFrac <= BATTERY_DROP_HEALTH_FRAC_MID )
+ {
+ return randomPercent <= BATTERY_DROP_MID_CHANCE
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return randomPercent <= BATTERY_DROP_LOW_CHANCE
+ }
+ return false
+void function TitanAchievementTracking_SP( entity titan, var damageInfo )
+ entity player = DamageInfo_GetAttacker( damageInfo )
+ if ( !titan.IsTitan() )
+ return
+ if ( !IsValid( player ) )
+ return
+ if ( !player.IsPlayer() )
+ return
+ int damageSourceId = DamageInfo_GetDamageSourceIdentifier( damageInfo )
+ switch ( damageSourceId )
+ {
+ case eDamageSourceId.mp_titancore_salvo_core:
+ case eDamageSourceId.mp_titancore_laser_cannon:
+ case eDamageSourceId.mp_titancore_flame_wave:
+ case eDamageSourceId.mp_titancore_flame_wave_secondary:
+ case eDamageSourceId.mp_titancore_shift_core:
+ case eDamageSourceId.mp_titanweapon_flightcore_rockets:
+ case eDamageSourceId.mp_titancore_amp_core:
+ file.coreKillCounter++
+ break
+ case eDamageSourceId.mp_titanweapon_predator_cannon:
+ array<string> weaponMods = GetWeaponModsFromDamageInfo( damageInfo )
+ if ( weaponMods.contains( "Smart_Core" ) )
+ {
+ file.coreKillCounter++
+ }
+ break
+ case eDamageSourceId.titan_execution:
+ if ( IsMercTitan( titan ) )
+ {
+ UnlockAchievement( player, achievements.EXECUTE_BOSS )
+ }
+ break
+ #endif
+ }
+ if ( file.coreKillCounter >= 3 )
+ {
+ UnlockAchievement( player, achievements.CORE_MULTIKILL )
+ }
+ if ( !player.IsTitan() )
+ {
+ UnlockAchievement( player, achievements.PILOT_TITANKILL )
+ }
+ // don't count vortex refire for core kills
+ int scriptDamageType = DamageInfo_GetCustomDamageType( damageInfo )
+ if ( scriptDamageType & DF_VORTEX_REFIRE )
+ return
+ switch ( damageSourceId )
+ {
+ case eDamageSourceId.mp_titancore_salvo_core:
+ UnlockAchievement( player, achievements.CORE_SALVO )
+ break
+ case eDamageSourceId.mp_titancore_laser_cannon:
+ UnlockAchievement( player, achievements.CORE_LASER )
+ break
+ case eDamageSourceId.mp_titancore_flame_wave:
+ case eDamageSourceId.mp_titancore_flame_wave_secondary:
+ UnlockAchievement( player, achievements.CORE_FLAME )
+ break
+ case eDamageSourceId.mp_titancore_shift_core:
+ UnlockAchievement( player, achievements.CORE_SWORD )
+ break
+ case eDamageSourceId.mp_titanweapon_flightcore_rockets:
+ UnlockAchievement( player, achievements.CORE_FLIGHT )
+ break
+ case eDamageSourceId.mp_titancore_amp_core:
+ UnlockAchievement( player, achievements.CORE_BURST )
+ break
+ case eDamageSourceId.mp_titanweapon_predator_cannon:
+ array<string> weaponMods = GetWeaponModsFromDamageInfo( damageInfo )
+ if ( weaponMods.contains( "Smart_Core" ) )
+ {
+ UnlockAchievement( player, achievements.CORE_SMART )
+ }
+ break
+ }
+// this gets called whenever a core is started
+void function ResetCoreKillCounter()
+ file.coreKillCounter = 0
+} \ No newline at end of file