path: root/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/mp/_goblin_dropship.nut
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/mp/_goblin_dropship.nut')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 784 deletions
diff --git a/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/mp/_goblin_dropship.nut b/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/mp/_goblin_dropship.nut
deleted file mode 100644
index fe36e6681..000000000
--- a/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/mp/_goblin_dropship.nut
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,784 +0,0 @@
-global function GoblinDropship_Init
-#if MP
- global function GetZiplineDropshipSpawns
-#endif //MP
-global function RunDropshipDropoff
-global function DropshipFindDropNodes
-global function AnaylsisFuncDropshipFindDropNodes
-global function AddTurret
-global function SetDropTableSpawnFuncs
-const LINEGEN_DEBUG = 0
-global const bool FLIGHT_PATH_DEBUG = false
-const LINEGEN_TIME = 600.0
-const OPTIMAL_ZIPNODE_DIST_SQRD = 16384 //128 sqrd
-// 4096 64 sqrd
-// 65536 256 sqrd
- array<entity> ziplineDropshipSpawns
- table < var, var > dropshipSound = {
- [ TEAM_IMC ] = {
- [ DROPSHIP_STRAFE ] = "Goblin_IMC_TroopDeploy_Flyin",
- [ DROPSHIP_VERTICAL ] = "Goblin_Dropship_Flyer_Attack_Vertical_Succesful",
- [ DROPSHIP_FLYER_ATTACK_ANIM_VERTICAL ] = "Goblin_Flyer_Dropshipattack_Vertical",
- [ DROPSHIP_FLYER_ATTACK_ANIM ] = "Goblin_Flyer_Dropshipattack"
- },
- [ TEAM_MILITIA ] = {
- [ DROPSHIP_STRAFE ] = "Crow_MCOR_TroopDeploy_Flyin",
- [ DROPSHIP_VERTICAL ] = "Crow_Dropship_Flyer_Attack_Vertical_Succesful",
- [ DROPSHIP_FLYER_ATTACK_ANIM_VERTICAL ] = "Crow_Flyer_Dropshipattack_Vertical",
- [ DROPSHIP_FLYER_ATTACK_ANIM ] = "Crow_Flyer_Dropshipattack"
- }
- }
-} file
-function GoblinDropship_Init()
- RegisterSignal( "OnDropoff" )
- RegisterSignal( "embark" )
- RegisterSignal( "WarpedIn" )
- PrecacheImpactEffectTable( "dropship_dust" )
- AddCallback_EntitiesDidLoad( EntitiesDidLoad )
-void function EntitiesDidLoad()
- //Generate a list of valid zipline dropship drop off points.
- #if MP
- BuildZiplineDropshipSpawnPoints()
- #endif //MP
-#if MP
-void function BuildZiplineDropshipSpawnPoints()
- array<entity> spawnPoints = SpawnPoints_GetDropPod()
- file.ziplineDropshipSpawns = []
- foreach ( entity spawnPoint in spawnPoints )
- {
- if ( !DropshipCanZiplineDropAtSpawnPoint( spawnPoint ) )
- continue
- file.ziplineDropshipSpawns.append( spawnPoint )
- }
- //Assert( file.dropshipSpawns.len() > 0, "No valid zipline dropship spawns exist in this map." )
-//Function returns an array of level droppod spawns that have been pretested to ensure they have the space for zipline deployments.
-array<entity> function GetZiplineDropshipSpawns()
- return clone file.ziplineDropshipSpawns
-#endif //MP
-bool function AnaylsisFuncDropshipFindDropNodes( FlightPath flightPath, vector origin, float yaw )
- return DropshipFindDropNodes( flightPath, origin, yaw, "both", false, IsLegalFlightPath ).len() != 0
-// run from TryAnalysisAtOrigin
-table<string,table<string,NodeFP> > function DropshipFindDropNodes( FlightPath flightPath, vector origin, float yaw, string side = "both", ignoreCollision = false, bool functionref( FlightPath, vector, vector, vector, bool = 0 ) legalFlightFunc = null, bool amortize = false )
- // find nodes to deploy to
- table<string,table<string,NodeFP> > foundNodes
- vector angles = Vector( 0, yaw, 0 )
- vector forward = AnglesToForward( angles )
- vector right = AnglesToRight( angles )
- Point start = GetWarpinPosition( flightPath.model, flightPath.anim, origin, angles )
- if ( fabs( start.origin.x ) > MAX_WORLD_COORD )
- return {}
- if ( fabs( start.origin.y ) > MAX_WORLD_COORD )
- return {}
- if ( fabs( start.origin.z ) > MAX_WORLD_COORD )
- return {}
- if ( !ignoreCollision )
- {
- if ( !legalFlightFunc( flightPath, origin, forward, right, FLIGHT_PATH_DEBUG && !IsActiveNodeAnalysis() ) )
- return {}
- }
- Point deployPoint = GetPreviewPoint( flightPath )
- vector deployOrigin = GetOriginFromPoint( deployPoint, origin, forward, right )
- vector deployAngles = GetAnglesFromPoint( deployPoint, angles )
- float deployYaw = deployAngles.y
- // flatten it
- deployAngles.x = 0
- deployAngles.z = 0
- float pitch = 50
- vector deployRightAngles = AnglesCompose( deployAngles, Vector( 0, -90, 0 ) )
- deployRightAngles = AnglesCompose( deployRightAngles, Vector( pitch, 0, 0 ) )
- vector deployLeftAngles = AnglesCompose( deployAngles, Vector( 0, 90, 0 ) )
- deployLeftAngles = AnglesCompose( deployLeftAngles, Vector( pitch, 0, 0 ) )
- table<int,NodeFP> nodeTable
- bool foundRightNodes = false
- bool foundLeftNodes = false
- if ( side == "right" || side == "both" || side == "either" )
- {
- nodeTable = FindDropshipDeployNodes( deployOrigin, deployRightAngles, amortize )
- {
- foreach( node in nodeTable )
- DebugDrawLine( deployOrigin, node.origin, 200, 200, 200, true, 30.0 )
- }
- if ( nodeTable.len() )
- {
- if ( amortize )
- WaitFrame()
- foundRightNodes = FindBestDropshipNodesForSide( foundNodes, nodeTable, "right", flightPath, origin, forward, right, angles, deployOrigin, deployRightAngles, amortize )
- }
- if ( !foundRightNodes && side != "either" )
- return {}
- if ( amortize )
- WaitFrame()
- }
- if ( side == "left" || side == "both" || side == "either" )
- {
- nodeTable = FindDropshipDeployNodes( deployOrigin, deployLeftAngles, amortize )
- if ( nodeTable.len() )
- {
- if ( amortize )
- WaitFrame()
- foundLeftNodes = FindBestDropshipNodesForSide( foundNodes, nodeTable, "left", flightPath, origin, forward, right, angles, deployOrigin, deployLeftAngles, amortize )
- }
- if ( !foundLeftNodes && side != "either" )
- return {}
- }
- if ( !foundRightNodes && !foundLeftNodes )
- return {}
- {
- DrawArrow( origin, angles, 15.0, 250 )
- float time = 500.0
- foreach ( side, nodes in foundNodes )
- {
- //DebugDrawText( nodes.centerNode.origin + Vector(0,0,55), nodes.centerNode.fraction + "", true, time )
- //DebugDrawText( nodes.centerNode.origin, "" + nodes.centerNode.dot, true, time )
- DebugDrawLine( nodes.centerNode.origin, nodes.centerNode.attachOrigin, 120, 255, 120, true, time )
- DebugDrawCircle( nodes.centerNode.origin, Vector( 0,0,0 ), 15, 120, 255, 120, true, time )
- //DebugDrawText( nodes.leftNode.origin + Vector(0,0,55), nodes.leftNode.fraction + "", true, time )
- //DebugDrawText( nodes.leftNode.origin, "" + nodes.leftNode.dot, true, time )
- DebugDrawLine( nodes.leftNode.origin, nodes.leftNode.attachOrigin, 255, 120, 120, true, time )
- DebugDrawCircle( nodes.leftNode.origin, Vector( 0,0,0 ), 15, 255, 120, 120, true, time )
- //DebugDrawText( nodes.rightNode.origin + Vector(0,0,55), nodes.rightNode.fraction + "", true, time )
- //DebugDrawText( nodes.rightNode.origin, "" + nodes.rightNode.dot, true, time )
- DebugDrawLine( nodes.rightNode.origin, nodes.rightNode.attachOrigin, 120, 120, 255, true, time )
- DebugDrawCircle( nodes.rightNode.origin, Vector( 0,0,0 ), 15, 120, 120, 255, true, time )
- //DebugDrawLine( nodes.rightNode.origin, nodes.centerNode.origin, 200, 200, 200, true, time )
- //DebugDrawText( nodes.rightNode.origin + Vector(0,0,20), "dist: " + Distance( nodes.rightNode.origin, nodes.centerNode.origin ), true, time )
- //DebugDrawLine( nodes.leftNode.origin, nodes.centerNode.origin, 200, 200, 200, true, time )
- //DebugDrawText( nodes.leftNode.origin + Vector(0,0,20), "dist: " + Distance( nodes.leftNode.origin, nodes.centerNode.origin ), true, time )
- //DebugDrawLine( origin, origin + deployForward * 200, 50, 255, 50, true, time )
- // foreach ( node in nodes.rightNodes )
- // {
- // DebugDrawText( node.origin + Vector(0,0,25), "R", true, 15 )
- // }
- //
- // foreach ( node in nodes.leftNodes )
- // {
- // DebugDrawText( node.origin + Vector(0,0,25), "L", true, 15 )
- // }
- }
-// IsLegalFlightPath( flightPath, origin, forward, right, true )
- }
- return foundNodes
-table<int,NodeFP> function FindDropshipDeployNodes( vector deployOrigin, vector deployAngles, bool amortize = false )
- vector deployForward = AnglesToForward( deployAngles )
- vector end = deployOrigin + deployForward * 3000
- TraceResults result = TraceLine( deployOrigin, end, null, TRACE_MASK_NPCWORLDSTATIC )
- {
- DebugDrawLine( deployOrigin, result.endPos, 255, 255, 255, true, LINEGEN_TIME )
- DebugDrawText( result.endPos + Vector( 0,0,10 ), "test", true, LINEGEN_TIME )
- DebugDrawCircle( result.endPos, Vector( 0,0,0 ), 35, 255, 255, 255, true, LINEGEN_TIME )
- }
- // no hit?
- if ( result.fraction >= 1.0 )
- return {}
- int node = GetNearestNodeToPos( result.endPos )
- if ( node == -1 )
- return {}
- {
- DebugDrawText( GetNodePos( node ) + Vector(0,0,10), "nearest node", true, 15.0 )
- DebugDrawCircle( GetNodePos( node ), Vector( 0,0,0 ), 20, 60, 60, 255, true, LINEGEN_TIME )
- }
- array<vector> neighborPositions = NavMesh_GetNeighborPositions( GetNodePos( node ), HULL_HUMAN, 20 )
- if ( amortize )
- WaitFrame()
- table<int,NodeFP> nodeTable = {}
- int uniqueID = -2
- foreach ( pos in neighborPositions )
- {
- NodeFP attachPoint
- attachPoint.origin = pos
- attachPoint.uniqueID = uniqueID
- nodeTable[ uniqueID ] <- attachPoint
- uniqueID--
- }
- return nodeTable
-void function AddDirectionVec( array<NodeFP> nodeArray, vector origin )
- // different direction vecs because we want a node to the left, center, and straight
- foreach ( node, tab in nodeArray )
- {
- vector vec
- vec = tab.origin - origin
- vec.Norm()
- tab.vec = vec
- }
-void function AddDirectionVecFromDir( array<NodeFP> nodeArray, vector origin, vector dir )
- // different direction vecs because we want a node to the left, center, and straight
- foreach ( node, tab in nodeArray )
- {
- vector vec
- vec = ( tab.origin + dir * 50 ) - origin
- vec.Norm()
- tab.vec = vec
- }
-bool function FindBestDropshipNodesForSide( table<string,table<string,NodeFP> > foundNodes, table<int,NodeFP> nodeTable, string side, FlightPath flightPath, vector origin, vector forward, vector right, vector angles, vector deployOrigin, vector deployAngles, bool amortize )
- vector deployForward = AnglesToForward( deployAngles )
- vector deployRight = AnglesToRight( deployAngles )
- float RatioForLeftRight = 0.2
- vector RightDeployForward = ( ( deployForward * ( 1.0 - RatioForLeftRight ) ) + ( deployRight * RatioForLeftRight * -1 ) )
- RightDeployForward.Norm()
- vector LeftDeployForward = ( ( deployForward * ( 1.0 - RatioForLeftRight ) ) + ( deployRight * RatioForLeftRight ) )
- LeftDeployForward.Norm()
- if ( amortize )
- WaitFrame()
- foundNodes[ side ] <- {}
- array<AttachPoint> attachPoints = GetAttachPoints( flightPath, side )
- array<NodeFP> centerNodes = GetNodeArrayFromTable( nodeTable )
- AddDirectionVec( centerNodes, deployOrigin )
- NodeFP centerNode = GetBestDropshipNode( attachPoints[2], centerNodes, origin, deployForward, forward, right, angles, NullNodeFP )
- if ( centerNode == NullNodeFP )
- return false
- delete nodeTable[ centerNode.uniqueID ]
- if ( amortize )
- WaitFrame()
- array<NodeFP> leftNodes = GetCulledNodes( nodeTable, deployRight * -1 )
- AddDirectionVecFromDir( leftNodes, deployOrigin, deployRight * -1 )
- NodeFP leftNode = GetBestDropshipNode( attachPoints[1], leftNodes, origin, RightDeployForward, forward, right, angles, centerNode )
- if ( leftNode == NullNodeFP )
- return false
- delete nodeTable[ leftNode.uniqueID ]
- if ( amortize )
- WaitFrame()
- array<NodeFP> rightNodes = GetCulledNodes( nodeTable, deployRight )
- AddDirectionVecFromDir( rightNodes, deployOrigin, deployRight )
- NodeFP rightNode = GetBestDropshipNode( attachPoints[0], rightNodes, origin, LeftDeployForward, forward, right, angles, centerNode )
- if ( rightNode == NullNodeFP )
- return false
- table<string,NodeFP> Table
- Table.centerNode <- centerNode
- Table.leftNode <- leftNode
- Table.rightNode <- rightNode
- //Table.rightNodes <- rightNodes // for debug
- //Table.leftNodes <- leftNodes // for debug
- foundNodes[ side ] = Table
- return true
-array<NodeFP> function GetNodeArrayFromTable( table<int,NodeFP> nodeTable )
- array<NodeFP> Array
- foreach ( Table in nodeTable )
- {
- Array.append( Table )
- }
- return Array
-array<NodeFP> function GetCulledNodes( table<int,NodeFP> nodeTable, vector right )
- table<int,NodeFP> leftNodes
- // get the nodes on the left
- foreach ( nod, tab in nodeTable )
- {
- float dot = DotProduct( tab.vec, right )
- if ( dot >= 0.0 )
- {
- leftNodes[ nod ] <- tab
- }
- }
- return GetNodeArrayFromTable( leftNodes )
-NodeFP function GetBestDropshipNode( AttachPoint attachPoint, array<NodeFP> nodeArray, vector origin, vector deployForward, vector forward, vector right, vector angles, NodeFP centerNode, bool showdebug = false )
- foreach ( node in nodeArray )
- {
- node.dot = DotProduct( node.vec, deployForward )
- if ( showdebug )
- {
- DebugDrawText( node.origin, "dot: " + node.dot, true, 15.0 )
- int green = 0
- int red = 255
- if ( node.dot > 0.9 )
- {
- float frac = ( 1.0 - node.dot ) / 0.1
- frac = 1.0 - frac
- green = int( frac * 255 )
- red -= green
- }
- DebugDrawLine( node.origin, node.origin + ( node.vec * -1000 ), red, green, 0, true, 15.0 )
- DebugDrawCircle( node.origin, Vector( 0,0,0 ), 25, red, green, 0, true, 15.0 )
- }
- }
- if ( !nodeArray.len() )
- return NullNodeFP
- vector attachOrigin = GetOriginFromAttachPoint( attachPoint, origin, forward, right )
- vector attachAngles = GetAnglesFromAttachPoint( attachPoint, angles )
- vector attachForward = AnglesToForward( attachAngles )
- vector attachRight = AnglesToRight( attachAngles )
- FlightPath offsetAnalysis = GetAnalysisForModel( TEAM_IMC_GRUNT_MODEL, ZIPLINE_IDLE_ANIM )
- Point offsetPoint = GetPreviewPoint( offsetAnalysis )
- vector offsetOrigin = GetOriginFromPoint( offsetPoint, attachOrigin, attachForward, attachRight )
-// DebugDrawLine( offsetOrigin, attachOrigin, 255, 255, 0, true, 15 )
- nodeArray.sort( SortHighestDot )
- vector mins = GetBoundsMin( HULL_HUMAN )
- vector maxs = GetBoundsMax( HULL_HUMAN )
- array<NodeFP> passedNodes
- for ( int i = 0; i < nodeArray.len(); i++ )
- {
- NodeFP node = nodeArray[i]
- // beyond the allowed dot
- if ( node.dot < 0.3 )
- return NullNodeFP
- // trace to see if the ai could drop to the node from here
- TraceResults result = TraceHull( offsetOrigin, node.origin, mins, maxs, null, TRACE_MASK_NPCWORLDSTATIC, TRACE_COLLISION_GROUP_NONE )
- if ( result.fraction < 1.0 )
- continue //return
- // trace to insure that there will be a good place to hook the zipline
- if ( !GetHookOriginFromNode( offsetOrigin, node.origin, attachOrigin ) )
- continue
- node.fraction = result.fraction
- node.attachOrigin = offsetOrigin
- node.attachName = attachPoint.name
- if ( centerNode != NullNodeFP )
- {
- //test for distance, not too close, not too far
- local distSqr = DistanceSqr( centerNode.origin, node.origin )
- node.rating = fabs( OPTIMAL_ZIPNODE_DIST_SQRD - distSqr )
- passedNodes.append( node )
- continue
- }
- return node
- }
- if ( centerNode != NullNodeFP && passedNodes.len() )
- {
- passedNodes.sort( SortLowestRating )
- return passedNodes[ 0 ]
- }
- return NullNodeFP
-int function SortHighestDot( NodeFP a, NodeFP b )
- if ( a.dot > b.dot )
- return -1
- if ( a.dot < b.dot )
- return 1
- return 0
-int function SortLowestRating( NodeFP a, NodeFP b )
- if ( a.rating > b.rating )
- return 1
- if ( a.rating < b.rating )
- return -1
- return 0
-void function SetDropTableSpawnFuncs( CallinData drop, entity functionref( int, vector, vector ) spawnFunc, int count )
- array<entity functionref( int, vector, vector )> spawnFuncArray
- //spawnFuncArray.resize( count, spawnFunc )
- for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
- {
- spawnFuncArray.append( spawnFunc )
- }
- drop.npcSpawnFuncs = spawnFuncArray
-asset function GetTeamDropshipModel( int team, bool hero = false )
- if ( hero )
- {
- if ( team == TEAM_IMC )
- return GetFlightPathModel( "fp_dropship_hero_model" )
- else
- return GetFlightPathModel( "fp_crow_hero_model" )
- }
- else
- {
- if ( team == TEAM_IMC )
- return GetFlightPathModel( "fp_dropship_model" )
- else
- return GetFlightPathModel( "fp_crow_model" )
- }
- unreachable
-//This function tests to see if the given spawn point has enough clearance for a dropship to deploy zipline grunts.
-bool function DropshipCanZiplineDropAtSpawnPoint( entity spawnPoint )
- CallinData drop
- drop.origin = spawnPoint.GetOrigin()
- drop.yaw = spawnPoint.GetAngles().y
- drop.dist = 768
- SetCallinStyle( drop, eDropStyle.ZIPLINE_NPC )
- int style = drop.style
- bool validSpawn = false
- array<string> anims = GetRandomDropshipDropoffAnims()
- string animation
- FlightPath flightPath
- foreach ( anim in anims )
- {
- animation = anim
- flightPath = GetAnalysisForModel( DROPSHIP_MODEL, anim )
- if ( style == eDropStyle.NONE )
- {
- if ( !drop.yawSet )
- {
- style = eDropStyle.NEAREST
- }
- else
- {
- style = eDropStyle.NEAREST_YAW
- }
- }
- validSpawn = TestSpawnPointForStyle( flightPath, drop )
- if ( validSpawn )
- return true
- }
- return false
-function RunDropshipDropoff( CallinData Table )
- vector origin = Table.origin
- float yaw = Table.yaw
- int team = Table.team
- entity owner = Table.owner
- string squadname = Table.squadname
- string side = Table.side
- array<entity functionref( int, vector, vector )> npcSpawnFuncs = Table.npcSpawnFuncs
- int style = Table.style
- int health = 7800
- if ( Table.dropshipHealth != 0 )
- health = Table.dropshipHealth
- Table.success = false
- if ( Flag( "DisableDropships" ) )
- return
- if ( team == 0 )
- {
- if ( owner )
- team = owner.GetTeam()
- else
- team = 0
- }
- SpawnPointFP spawnPoint
- array<string> anims = GetRandomDropshipDropoffAnims()
- // Override anim, level scripter takes responsibility for it working in this location or not
- if ( Table.anim != "" )
- {
- anims.clear()
- anims.append( Table.anim )
- }
- string animation
- FlightPath flightPath
- bool wasPlayerOwned = IsValid( owner ) && IsValidPlayer( owner )
- foreach ( anim in anims )
- {
- animation = anim
- flightPath = GetAnalysisForModel( DROPSHIP_MODEL, anim )
- if ( style == eDropStyle.NONE )
- {
- if ( !Table.yawSet )
- {
- style = eDropStyle.NEAREST
- }
- else
- {
- style = eDropStyle.NEAREST_YAW
- }
- }
- spawnPoint = GetSpawnPointForStyle( flightPath, Table )
- if ( spawnPoint.valid )
- break
- }
- if ( !spawnPoint.valid )
- {
- printt( "Couldn't find good spawn location for dropship" )
- return
- }
- Table.success = true
- entity ref = CreateScriptRef()
- if ( Table.forcedPosition )
- {
- ref.SetOrigin( Table.origin )
- ref.SetAngles( Vector( 0, Table.yaw, 0 ) )
- }
- else
- {
- ref.SetOrigin( spawnPoint.origin )
- ref.SetAngles( spawnPoint.angles )
- }
- // used for when flyers attack dropships
- if ( "nextDropshipAttackedByFlyers" in level && level.nextDropshipAttackedByFlyers )
- animation = FlyersAttackDropship( ref, animation )
- Assert( IsNewThread(), "Must be threaded off" )
- DropTable dropTable
- if ( Table.dropTable.valid )
- {
- dropTable = Table.dropTable
- }
- else
- {
- bool ignoreCollision = true // = style == eDropStyle.FORCED
- thread FindDropshipZiplineNodes( dropTable, flightPath, ref.GetOrigin(), ref.GetAngles(), side, ignoreCollision, true )
- }
- asset model = GetTeamDropshipModel( team )
- waitthread WarpinEffect( model, animation, ref.GetOrigin(), ref.GetAngles() )
- entity dropship = CreateDropship( team, ref.GetOrigin(), ref.GetAngles() )
- SetSpawnOption_SquadName( dropship, squadname )
- dropship.kv.solid = SOLID_VPHYSICS
- DispatchSpawn( dropship )
- Table.dropship = dropship
- //dropship.SetPusher( true )
- dropship.SetHealth( health )
- dropship.SetMaxHealth( health )
- Table.dropship = dropship
- dropship.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- dropship.Signal( "WarpedIn" )
- ref.Signal( "WarpedIn" )
- Signal( Table, "WarpedIn" )
- AddDropshipDropTable( dropship, dropTable ) // this is where the ai will drop to
- if ( IsValid( owner ) )
- {
- dropship.SetCanCloak( false )
- dropship.SetOwner( owner )
- if ( owner.IsPlayer() )
- dropship.SetBossPlayer( owner )
- }
- local dropshipSound = GetTeamDropshipSound( team, animation )
- if ( Table.customSnd != "" )
- dropshipSound = Table.customSnd
- OnThreadEnd(
- function() : ( dropship, ref, Table, dropshipSound )
- {
- ref.Destroy()
- if ( IsValid( dropship ) )
- StopSoundOnEntity( dropship, dropshipSound )
- if ( IsAlive( dropship ) )
- {
- dropship.Destroy()
- }
- Signal( Table, "OnDropoff", { guys = null } )
- }
- )
- array<entity> guys
- if ( !wasPlayerOwned || IsValidPlayer( owner ) )
- {
- guys = CreateNPCSForDropship( dropship, Table.npcSpawnFuncs, side )
- foreach ( guy in guys )
- {
- if ( IsAlive( guy ) )
- {
- if ( IsValidPlayer( owner ) )
- {
- NPCFollowsPlayer( guy, owner )
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //thread DropshipMissiles( dropship )
- dropship.Hide()
- EmitSoundOnEntity( dropship, dropshipSound ) //HACK: Note that the anims can play sounds too! For R3 just make it consistent so it's all played in script or all played in anims
- thread ShowDropship( dropship )
- thread PlayAnimTeleport( dropship, animation, ref, 0 )
- ArrayRemoveDead( guys )
- Signal( Table, "OnDropoff", { guys = guys } )
- WaittillAnimDone( dropship )
- wait 2.0
-void function FindDropshipZiplineNodes( DropTable dropTable, FlightPath flightPath, vector origin, vector angles, string side = "both", bool ignoreCollision = false, bool amortize = false )
- dropTable.nodes = DropshipFindDropNodes( flightPath, origin, angles.y, side, ignoreCollision, IsLegalFlightPath_OverTime, amortize )
- dropTable.valid = true
-function ShowDropship( dropship )
- dropship.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- wait 0.16
- dropship.Show()
-entity function AddTurret( entity dropship, int team, string turretWeapon, string attachment, int health = 700 )
- entity turret = CreateEntity( "npc_turret_sentry" )
- turret.kv.TurretRange = 1500
- turret.kv.AccuracyMultiplier = 1.0
- turret.kv.FieldOfView = 0.4
- turret.kv.FieldOfViewAlert = 0.4
- SetSpawnOption_Weapon( turret, turretWeapon )
- turret.SetOrigin( Vector(0,0,0) )
- turret.SetTitle( "#NPC_DROPSHIP" )
- turret.s.skipTurretFX <- true
- DispatchSpawn( turret )
- SetTargetName( turret, "DropshipTurret" )
- turret.SetHealth( health)
- turret.SetMaxHealth( health )
- turret.Hide()
- //turret.Show()
- entity weapon = turret.GetActiveWeapon()
- weapon.Hide()
- SetTeam( turret, team )
- turret.SetParent( dropship, attachment, false )
- turret.EnableTurret()
- turret.SetOwner( dropship.GetOwner() )
- turret.SetAimAssistAllowed( false )
- entity bossPlayer = dropship.GetBossPlayer()
- if ( IsValidPlayer( bossPlayer ) )
- turret.SetBossPlayer( dropship.GetBossPlayer() )
- HideName( turret )
- return turret
-function GetTeamDropshipSound( team, animation )
- Assert( team in file.dropshipSound )
- Assert( animation in file.dropshipSound[ team ] )
- return file.dropshipSound[ team ][ animation ]
-} \ No newline at end of file