path: root/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/melee/_melee_synced_titan.gnut
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/melee/_melee_synced_titan.gnut')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1543 deletions
diff --git a/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/melee/_melee_synced_titan.gnut b/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/melee/_melee_synced_titan.gnut
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c6285a9d..000000000
--- a/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/melee/_melee_synced_titan.gnut
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1543 +0,0 @@
-global function MeleeSyncedTitan_Init
-const TITANARMMODEL = $"models/weapons/arms/atlaspov.mdl"
-const TEAM_JUMPJET_DBL = $"P_team_jump_jet_DBL"
-enum eTitanExecutionType
- fistThroughCockpit
- dummy //not used yet
-struct TitanExcutionData
- string attackerAnimation3p
- string attackerAnimation3p_vsAutoTitan
- table<string,string> attackerAnimation3pPilot
- table<string,string> targetAnimation3p
- table<string,string> targetAnimation3pPilot
- string sound_1p
- string sound_3p
- array<string> thirdPersonCameraAttachments
- array<string> linkedExecutions
- table<string, TitanExcutionData> executionData_3p
-} file
-function MeleeSyncedTitan_Init()
- RAGDOLL_IMPACT_TABLE_IDX = PrecacheImpactEffectTable( "ragdoll_human" )
- AddSyncedMeleeServerThink( GetSyncedMeleeChooser( "titan", "titan" ), MeleeThread_TitanVsTitan )
- if ( GetBugReproNum() == 129802 )
- {
- AddDeathCallback( "npc_titan", OnNPCTitanDeath )
- }
- PrecacheWeapon( "mp_titanweapon_salvo_rockets" )
- PrecacheParticleSystem( TEAM_JUMPJET_DBL )
- Init3pExecutions()
-void function Init3pExecutions()
- var dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/titan_executions.rpak" )
- int numRows = GetDatatableRowCount( dataTable )
- for ( int row=0; row<numRows; row++ )
- {
- TitanExcutionData data = Create_3p_ExecutionData( dataTable, row )
- string ref = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "ref" ) )
- file.executionData_3p[ref] <- data
- }
-TitanExcutionData function Create_3p_ExecutionData( var dataTable, int row )
- string attackerAnimation3p = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "attackerAnim" ) )
- string attackerAnimation3p_vsAutoTitan = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "attackerAnimVsAutoTitan" ) )
- string targetAnimation3p_lt = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "victimAnim_lt" ) )
- string targetAnimation3p_md = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "victimAnim_md" ) )
- string targetAnimation3p_hv = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "victimAnim_hv" ) )
- string targetAnimation3pPilot_lt = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "victimAnim_pt_lt" ) )
- string targetAnimation3pPilot_md = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "victimAnim_pt_md" ) )
- string targetAnimation3pPilot_hv = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "victimAnim_pt_hv" ) )
- string attackerAnimation3pPilot_lt = ""
- if ( GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "attackerAnim_pt_lt" ) != -1 )
- attackerAnimation3pPilot_lt = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "attackerAnim_pt_lt" ) )
- string attackerAnimation3pPilot_md = ""
- if ( GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "attackerAnim_pt_mt" ) != -1 )
- attackerAnimation3pPilot_md = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "attackerAnim_pt_mt" ) )
- string attackerAnimation3pPilot_hv = ""
- if ( GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "attackerAnim_pt_ht" ) != -1 )
- attackerAnimation3pPilot_hv = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "attackerAnim_pt_ht" ) )
- string sound_1p = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "sound_1p" ) )
- string sound_3p = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "sound_3p" ) )
- string camAttach = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "camAttach" ) )
- array<string> camAttachments = split( camAttach, " " )
- array<string> linkedExecutionArray = SplitAndStripStringArray( GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "linkedExecutions" ) ) )
- TitanExcutionData data
- data.attackerAnimation3p = attackerAnimation3p
- data.attackerAnimation3p_vsAutoTitan = attackerAnimation3p_vsAutoTitan
- data.targetAnimation3p[ "stryder" ] <- targetAnimation3p_lt
- data.targetAnimation3p[ "atlas" ] <- targetAnimation3p_md
- data.targetAnimation3p[ "ogre" ] <- targetAnimation3p_hv
- data.targetAnimation3pPilot[ "stryder" ] <- targetAnimation3pPilot_lt
- data.targetAnimation3pPilot[ "atlas" ] <- targetAnimation3pPilot_md
- data.targetAnimation3pPilot[ "ogre" ] <- targetAnimation3pPilot_hv
- data.attackerAnimation3pPilot[ "stryder" ] <- attackerAnimation3pPilot_lt
- data.attackerAnimation3pPilot[ "atlas" ] <- attackerAnimation3pPilot_md
- data.attackerAnimation3pPilot[ "ogre" ] <- attackerAnimation3pPilot_hv
- data.sound_1p = sound_1p
- data.sound_3p = sound_3p
- data.thirdPersonCameraAttachments = camAttachments
- data.linkedExecutions = linkedExecutionArray
- return data
-array<string> function SplitAndStripStringArray( string combinedString )
- array<string> stringArray = split( combinedString, "," )
- foreach ( i, value in stringArray )
- {
- stringArray[ i ] = strip( value )
- }
- return stringArray
-struct MeleeThread_TitanVsTitanDataStruct
- bool setAttackerInvulnerable = false
- bool setAttackerDemigod = false
-bool function MeleeThread_TitanVsTitan( SyncedMelee action, entity attacker, entity target )
- // function off for reload scripts
- return MeleeThread_TitanVsTitan_Internal( action, attacker, target )
-bool function MeleeThread_TitanVsTitan_Internal( SyncedMelee action, entity attacker, entity target )
- Assert( target.IsTitan(), target + " is not Titan target" )
- Assert( attacker.IsPlayer() && attacker.IsTitan(), attacker + " is not Titan attacker" )
- #if SERVER
- printt( "Player", attacker, "attempting to melee", target, "TitanVsTitanMelee" )
- #endif
- if ( attacker.ContextAction_IsActive() || target.ContextAction_IsActive() )
- {
- printt("Either attacker or target already in ContextAction! Exiting Titan Vs Titan melee attempt")
- return false
- }
- if ( !IsAlive( attacker ) )
- return false
- if ( !IsAlive( target ) )
- return false
- void functionref( SyncedMelee action, entity attacker, entity target ) func
- func = GetTitanSyncedMeleeFunc( attacker, target )
- if ( func == null )
- return false
- attacker.GetTitanSoul().Signal( "OnSyncedMelee" ) //Need the signal on the soul to clean-up tether traps during synced executions.
- // JFS: signals can kill things mid frame: R2DLC-311 SCRIPT ERROR: PHONE_HOME: [SERVER] Entity is null
- if ( !IsAlive( attacker ) )
- return false
- if ( !IsAlive( target ) )
- return false
- target.GetTitanSoul().Signal( "OnSyncedMelee" )
- // JFS: signals can kill things mid frame: R2DLC-311 SCRIPT ERROR: PHONE_HOME: [SERVER] Entity is null
- if ( !IsAlive( attacker ) )
- return false
- if ( !IsAlive( target ) )
- return false
- //attacker.Signal( "OnSyncedMelee" )
- //target.Signal( "OnSyncedMelee" )
- MeleeThread_TitanVsTitanDataStruct dataStruct
- OnThreadEnd(
- function() : ( attacker, target, dataStruct )
- {
- if ( IsValid( attacker ) )
- {
- if ( dataStruct.setAttackerInvulnerable )
- attacker.ClearInvulnerable()
- if ( dataStruct.setAttackerDemigod )
- DisableDemigod( attacker )
- attacker.PlayerMelee_SetState( PLAYER_MELEE_STATE_NONE )
- }
- }
- )
- string titanSubClass = GetSoulTitanSubClass( attacker.GetTitanSoul() )
- entity burnCardTarget
- entity bossPlayer = target.GetBossPlayer()
- if ( target.IsNPC() )
- {
- if ( IsValid( bossPlayer ) )
- burnCardTarget = bossPlayer
- }
- else
- {
- burnCardTarget = target
- }
- attacker.PlayerMelee_ExecutionStartAttacker( 0 )
- target.PlayerMelee_ExecutionStartTarget( attacker )
- attacker.Lunge_ClearTarget()
- ForceTitanSustainedDischargeEnd( target )
- dataStruct.setAttackerInvulnerable = true
- attacker.SetInvulnerable()
- #else
- dataStruct.setAttackerDemigod = true
- EnableDemigod( attacker )
- #endif
- waitthread func( action, attacker, target )
- if ( !IsValid( attacker ) )
- return true
- attacker.Signal( "SyncedMeleeComplete" )
- #if MP
- if ( attacker.IsPlayer() )
- AddPlayerScore( attacker, "Execution" )
- #endif
- return true
-void functionref( SyncedMelee action, entity attacker, entity target ) function GetTitanSyncedMeleeFunc( entity attacker, entity target )
- if ( GetCurrentPlaylistVarInt( "titan_executions_always_short", 0 ) != 0 )
- return MeleeThread_AtlasVsTitanShort
- entity soul = attacker.GetTitanSoul()
- #if SP
- TitanLoadoutDef loadout = GetTitanLoadoutForCurrentMap()
- #else
- TitanLoadoutDef loadout = soul.soul.titanLoadout // GetActiveTitanLoadout( attacker )
- #endif
- string executionRef = loadout.titanExecution
- if ( SoulHasPassive( soul, ePassives.PAS_VANGUARD_COREMETER ) )
- executionRef = "execution_vanguard_kit"
- if ( executionRef in file.executionData_3p )
- return TitanVsTitan_3p
- if ( target.IsNPC() )
- {
- entity bossPlayer = target.GetBossPlayer()
- if ( IsValid( bossPlayer ) || !IsVDUTitan( target ) )
- return MeleeThread_AtlasVsTitanShort
- }
- string attackerType = GetSoulTitanSubClass( soul )
- switch ( attackerType )
- {
- case "stryder":
- return MeleeThread_StyderVsTitan
- case "ogre":
- return MeleeThread_OgreVsTitan
- case "atlas":
- case "buddy":
- return MeleeThread_AtlasVsTitan
- }
- return null
-void function MeleeThread_AtlasVsTitanShort( SyncedMelee action, entity attacker, entity target )
- if ( !IsAlive( attacker ) )
- return
- if ( !IsAlive( target ) )
- return
- string attackerAnimation1p = "atpov_melee_sync_frontkill_autotitan"
- string attackerAnimation3p = "at_melee_sync_frontkill_autotitan"
- string targetAnimation3p = "at_melee_sync_frontdeath_autotitan"
- target.Signal( "TitanStopsThinking" ) // in future, need to make titan scripted anims co-exist better and not require gotcha stuff like this -Mackey
- local e = {}
- e.attackerViewBody <- null
- e.attackerStartOrg <- attacker.GetOrigin()
- entity ref = CreateMeleeScriptMoverBetweenEnts( attacker, target )
- FirstPersonSequenceStruct attackerSequence
- attackerSequence.blendTime = 0.25
- attackerSequence.attachment = "ref"
- FirstPersonSequenceStruct targetSequence = clone attackerSequence
- attackerSequence.thirdPersonAnim = attackerAnimation3p
- // attackerSequence.thirdPersonAnimIdle = "at_melee_sync_frontkill_end_idle"
- attackerSequence.firstPersonAnim = attackerAnimation1p
- targetSequence.thirdPersonAnim = targetAnimation3p
- targetSequence.blendTime = 0.25
- target.e.syncedMeleeAttacker = attacker
- // attacker.SetInvulnerable()
- target.SetInvulnerable() //HACK: Have to SetInvulnerable first before attacker holsters weapon, because if the attacker is vortexing, holster will release bullets caught and kill off the victim if low enough health
- //HACK! This function was originally for NPCs only, but now that it is being used for players, we need to holster their weapon
- if ( target.IsPlayer() )
- HolsterAndDisableWeapons( target )
- if ( ShouldHolsterWeaponForSyncedMelee( attacker ) )
- HolsterAndDisableWeapons( attacker )
- local attackerViewBody
- // needs shortened verions
- EmitDifferentSoundsOnEntityForPlayerAndWorld( "Titan_1p_Sync_Melee_vs_AutoTitan", "Titan_3p_Sync_Melee_vs_AutoTitan", attacker, attacker )
- local soul = target.GetTitanSoul()
- soul.SetInvalidHealthBarEnt( true )
- AddAnimEvent( target, "rider_rodeo_over", ForceTitanRodeoToEnd )
- target.SetInvulnerable() //Setting target of execution as invulnerable to prevent them dying mid-way
- OnThreadEnd(
- function() : ( ref, attacker, target, e )
- {
- if ( IsValid( ref ) )
- {
- if ( IsValid( attacker ) )
- attacker.ClearParent()
- if ( IsValid( target ) )
- target.ClearParent()
- AssertNoPlayerChildren( ref )
- ref.Destroy()
- }
- if ( IsValid( attacker ) )
- {
- //attacker.ClearInvulnerable()
- attacker.UnforceStand()
- attacker.ClearParent()
- ClearPlayerAnimViewEntity( attacker )
- DeployAndEnableWeapons( attacker )
- attacker.PlayerMelee_ExecutionEndAttacker()
- if ( IsAlive( attacker ) )
- {
- // if we got into solid, teleport back to safe place
- if ( !PutEntityInSafeSpot( attacker, null, null, expect vector( e.attackerStartOrg ), attacker.GetOrigin() ) )
- {
- printt( "PutEntityInSafeSpot failed, putting him back at the start origin" )
- attacker.SetOrigin( expect vector( e.attackerStartOrg ) )
- }
- }
- }
- if ( IsValid( target ) )
- {
- if ( !target.IsNPC() )
- {
- target.PlayerMelee_ExecutionEndTarget()
- ClearPlayerAnimViewEntity( target )
- DeployAndEnableWeapons( target )
- }
- if ( IsAlive( target ) )
- {
- local attack = attacker
- if ( !IsValid( attack ) )
- attack = null
- target.Die( attack, attack, { scriptType = 0, damageSourceId = eDamageSourceId.titan_execution } )
- }
- target.e.syncedMeleeAttacker = null
- if ( HasAnimEvent( target, "rider_rodeo_over" ) )
- DeleteAnimEvent( target, "rider_rodeo_over" )
- }
- }
- )
- thread FirstPersonSequence( targetSequence, target, ref )
- waitthread FirstPersonSequence( attackerSequence, attacker, ref )
- //wait ( 50.0 / 30.0 ) // 37 frames in
-void function MeleeThread_StyderVsTitan( SyncedMelee action, entity attacker, entity target )
- table e
- e.gib <- true
- e.attackerAnimation1p <- "strypov_melee_sync_frontkill"
- e.attackerAnimation3p <- "stry_melee_sync_frontkill"
- e.targetAnimation3p <- "stry_melee_sync_frontdeath"
- e.targetPilotAnimationForAttacker <- "pt_stry_melee_sync_front_pilotkill_1st"
- e.targetPilotAnimationForObserver <- "pt_stry_melee_sync_front_pilotkill_3rd"
- e.targetPilotAnimationForObserver1st <- "ptpov_stry_tvtmelee_targetdeath"
- e.TitanSpecific1pSyncMeleeSound <- "Stryder_1p_Sync_Melee"
- e.TitanSpecific3pSyncMeleeSound <- "Stryder_3p_Sync_Melee"
- MeleeThread_TitanRipsPilot( e, action, attacker, target )
-void function MeleeThread_AtlasVsTitan( SyncedMelee action, entity attacker, entity target )
- table e
- e.gib <- false
- e.attackerAnimation1p <- "atpov_melee_sync_frontkill"
- e.attackerAnimation3p <- "at_melee_sync_frontkill"
- e.targetAnimation3p <- "at_melee_sync_frontdeath"
- e.targetPilotAnimationForAttacker <- "pt_melee_sync_front_pilotkill_1st"
- e.targetPilotAnimationForObserver <- "pt_melee_sync_front_pilotkill_3rd"
- e.targetPilotAnimationForObserver1st <- "ptpov_tvtmelee_targetdeath"
- e.TitanSpecific1pSyncMeleeSound <- "Atlas_1p_Sync_Melee"
- e.TitanSpecific3pSyncMeleeSound <- "Atlas_3p_Sync_Melee"
- MeleeThread_TitanRipsPilot( e, action, attacker, target )
-function MeleeThread_TitanRipsPilot( table e, SyncedMelee action, entity attacker, entity target )
- e.attackerViewBody <- null
- e.attacker <- attacker
- e.attackerStartOrg <- attacker.GetOrigin()
- entity ref = CreateMeleeScriptMoverBetweenEnts( attacker, target )
- FirstPersonSequenceStruct attackerSequence
- attackerSequence.blendTime = 0.25
- attackerSequence.attachment = "ref"
- FirstPersonSequenceStruct targetSequence = clone attackerSequence
- attackerSequence.thirdPersonAnim = expect string ( e.attackerAnimation3p )
- // attackerSequence.thirdPersonAnimIdle = "at_melee_sync_frontkill_end_idle"
- attackerSequence.firstPersonAnim = expect string( e.attackerAnimation1p )
- targetSequence.thirdPersonAnim = expect string ( e.targetAnimation3p )
- targetSequence.blendTime = 0.25
- target.e.syncedMeleeAttacker = attacker
- // attacker.SetInvulnerable()
- target.SetInvulnerable() //HACK: Have to SetInvulnerable first before attacker holsters weapon, because if the attacker is vortexing, holster will release bullets caught and kill off the victim if low enough health
- if ( ShouldHolsterWeaponForSyncedMelee( attacker ) )
- HolsterAndDisableWeapons( attacker )
- if ( !target.IsNPC() )
- HolsterAndDisableWeapons( target )
- EmitDifferentSoundsOnEntityForPlayerAndWorld( expect string ( e.TitanSpecific1pSyncMeleeSound ), expect string ( e.TitanSpecific3pSyncMeleeSound ), attacker, attacker )
- entity attackerViewBody
- bool targetIsPlayer = target.IsPlayer()
- if ( targetIsPlayer )
- {
- attackerViewBody = Wallrun_CreateCopyOfPilotModel( target ) //attackerViewBody is the model of the pilot getting ripped out of the cockpit
- }
- else
- {
- attackerViewBody = CreateNpcTitanPilotModel( target )
- }
- attackerViewBody.SetOrigin( ref.GetOrigin() )
- e.attackerViewBody = attackerViewBody
- attackerViewBody.SetOwner( attacker )
- attackerViewBody.kv.VisibilityFlags = ENTITY_VISIBLE_TO_OWNER
- attackerViewBody.SetRagdollImpactFX( RAGDOLL_IMPACT_TABLE_IDX )
- attackerViewBody.SetContinueAnimatingAfterRagdoll( true )
- FirstPersonSequenceStruct attackerBodySequence
- attackerBodySequence.attachment = "ref"
- attackerBodySequence.teleport = true
- attackerBodySequence.thirdPersonAnim = expect string ( e.targetPilotAnimationForAttacker )
- FirstPersonSequenceStruct targetBodySequence
- targetBodySequence.attachment = "ref"
- targetBodySequence.blendTime = 0.25
- targetBodySequence.thirdPersonAnim = expect string ( e.targetPilotAnimationForObserver )
- targetBodySequence.firstPersonAnim = expect string ( e.targetPilotAnimationForObserver1st )
- entity targetSoul = target.GetTitanSoul()
- targetSoul.SetInvalidHealthBarEnt( true )
- entity targetTitan
- if ( targetIsPlayer )
- {
- e.oldPlayerSettings <- target.s.storedPlayerSettings
- //target.s.storedPlayerSettings = "pilot_titan_cockpit" // Makes player have titan cockpit temporarily. Turned off to avoid having extra checks all over in script
- targetTitan = CreateAutoTitanForPlayer_ForTitanBecomesPilot( target ) //TargetTitan is the NPC Titan that is created temporarily during execution
- DispatchSpawn( targetTitan )
- TitanBecomesPilot( target, targetTitan )
- DisableTitanRodeo( targetTitan )
- targetTitan.SetOwner( target )
- targetTitan.kv.VisibilityFlags = (ENTITY_VISIBLE_TO_FRIENDLY | ENTITY_VISIBLE_TO_ENEMY) //owner cant see
- targetTitan.PlayerMelee_ExecutionStartTarget( attacker )
- e.target <- target
- }
- else
- {
- targetTitan = target
- // target is now a random dude
- target = CreateSoldier( target.GetTeam(), Vector(0,0,0), Vector(0,0,0) )
- DispatchSpawn( target )
- e.target <- target
- }
- AddAnimEvent( targetTitan, "rider_rodeo_over", ForceTitanRodeoToEnd )
- AddAnimEvent( targetTitan, "melee_killed_ragdoll", MeleeKilledRagdoll, attacker )
- targetTitan.SetInvulnerable() //Setting target of execution as invulnerable to prevent them dying mid-way
- target.SetOwner( attacker )
- target.kv.VisibilityFlags = (ENTITY_VISIBLE_TO_FRIENDLY | ENTITY_VISIBLE_TO_ENEMY) //owner cant see
- e.targetTitan <- targetTitan
- if ( GetBugReproNum() == 129802 )
- thread OnNPCTitanSignalDeath( targetTitan )
- OnThreadEnd(
- function() : ( ref, attacker, target, targetTitan, e )
- {
- if ( IsValid( ref ) )
- {
- if ( IsValid( attacker ) )
- {
- attacker.ClearParent()
- }
- else
- {
- TryClearParent( attacker )
- }
- if ( IsValid( target ) )
- {
- target.ClearParent()
- }
- else
- {
- TryClearParent( target )
- }
- AssertNoPlayerChildren( ref )
- ref.Kill_Deprecated_UseDestroyInstead()
- }
- if ( IsValid( attacker ) )
- {
- attacker.UnforceStand()
- attacker.ClearParent()
- ClearPlayerAnimViewEntity( attacker )
- DeployAndEnableWeapons( attacker )
- attacker.PlayerMelee_ExecutionEndAttacker()
- if ( IsAlive( attacker ) )
- {
- // if we got into solid, teleport back to safe place
- PutEntityInSafeSpot( attacker, null, null, expect vector( e.attackerStartOrg ), attacker.GetOrigin() )
- }
- }
- if ( IsValid( target ) )
- {
- if ( !target.IsNPC() )
- {
- target.PlayerMelee_ExecutionEndTarget()
- ClearPlayerAnimViewEntity( target )
- DeployAndEnableWeapons( target )
- }
- if ( HasAnimEvent( target, "pink_mist" ) )
- DeleteAnimEvent( target, "pink_mist" )
- if ( IsAlive( expect entity( e.target ) ) )
- MeleePinkMist( e )
- target.e.syncedMeleeAttacker = null
- }
- if ( IsValid( e.attackerViewBody ) )
- e.attackerViewBody.Kill_Deprecated_UseDestroyInstead()
- if ( GetBugReproNum() != 129802 && IsAlive( targetTitan ) )
- {
- if ( IsValid( attacker ) )
- targetTitan.Die( attacker, attacker, { scriptType = DF_MELEE, damageSourceId = eDamageSourceId.titan_execution } )
- else
- targetTitan.Die()
- if ( GetBugReproNum() == 129815 )
- {
- targetTitan.SetContinueAnimatingAfterRagdoll( true )
- targetTitan.BecomeRagdoll( Vector(0,0,0), false )
- }
- }
- }
- )
- target.EndSignal( "OnRespawnPlayer" )
- waitthread TitanSyncedMeleeAnimationsPlay( attackerBodySequence, attackerViewBody, ref, targetBodySequence, target, attackerSequence, attacker, targetSequence, targetTitan, e )
-entity function CreateNpcTitanPilotModel( entity titan )
- asset modelName = GetNpcTitanPilotModel( titan )
- return CreatePropDynamic( modelName )
-asset function GetNpcTitanPilotModel( entity titan )
- asset modelName = TEAM_IMC_GRUNT_MODEL
- if ( IsBossTitan( titan ) )
- {
- modelName = GetBossTitanCharacterModel( titan )
- }
- #endif
- return modelName
-function TitanSyncedMeleeAnimationsPlay( FirstPersonSequenceStruct attackerBodySequence, entity attackerViewBody, entity ref, FirstPersonSequenceStruct targetBodySequence, entity target, FirstPersonSequenceStruct attackerSequence, entity attacker, FirstPersonSequenceStruct targetSequence, entity targetTitan, table e )
- e.thrown <- false
- OnThreadEnd (
- function () : ( targetTitan, target, attacker, e )
- {
- // insure visibility
- if ( IsValid( targetTitan ) )
- targetTitan.kv.VisibilityFlags = ENTITY_VISIBLE_TO_EVERYONE
- if ( !IsAlive( attacker ) )
- {
- attacker.Anim_Stop()
- if ( !e.thrown && IsAlive( target ) )
- {
- target.Anim_Stop()
- target.SetOwner( null )
- target.kv.VisibilityFlags = ENTITY_VISIBLE_TO_EVERYONE
- if ( target.IsPlayer() )
- {
- ClearPlayerAnimViewEntity( target )
- target.GetFirstPersonProxy().Anim_Stop()
- target.SetPlayerSettings( e.oldPlayerSettings )
- }
- }
- }
- }
- )
- attacker.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- target.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- target.EndSignal( "OnRespawnPlayer" )
- thread FirstPersonSequence( attackerBodySequence, attackerViewBody, ref )
- if ( !target.IsPlayer() )
- {
- // don't do first person anims if we're not a player
- targetBodySequence.firstPersonAnim = ""
- targetBodySequence.firstPersonAnimIdle = ""
- }
- thread FirstPersonSequence( targetBodySequence, target, ref )
- thread FirstPersonSequence( attackerSequence, attacker, ref )
- thread FirstPersonSequence( targetSequence, targetTitan, ref )
- targetTitan.Anim_AdvanceCycleEveryFrame( true )
- local duration = attacker.GetSequenceDuration( attackerSequence.thirdPersonAnim )
- if ( e.targetAnimation3p == "at_melee_sync_frontdeath" )
- {
- thread MeleeThrowIntoWallSplat( attacker, target, e )
- }
- else
- {
- AddAnimEvent( target, "pink_mist", MeleePinkMistAnimEvent, e )
- }
- float timer
- string titanType = GetSoulTitanSubClass( attacker.GetTitanSoul() )
- switch ( titanType )
- {
- case "stryder":
- timer = 0.9
- break
- case "atlas":
- case "buddy":
- timer = 0.45
- break
- default:
- Assert( 0, "Unknown titan type " + titanType )
- }
- wait timer
- // first the victim cant see his titan, as a pilot, and then he can
- targetTitan.SetNextThinkNow()
- targetTitan.kv.VisibilityFlags = ENTITY_VISIBLE_TO_EVERYONE
- targetTitan.SetNextThinkNow()
- wait duration - timer
-void function MeleePinkMistAnimEvent( entity target ) //parameter isn't used, but function signature is like this because it's being called from an anim event
- table e = expect table( GetOptionalAnimEventVar( target, "pink_mist" ) )
- MeleePinkMist( e )
-void function MeleePinkMist( table e )
- entity target = expect entity( e.target )
- if ( !IsAlive( target ) )
- return
- e.attackerViewBody.Dissolve( ENTITY_DISSOLVE_PINKMIST, Vector( 0, 0, 0 ), 0 )
- if ( IsValid( e.attacker ) )
- {
- target.Die( e.attacker, e.attacker, { damageSourceId = eDamageSourceId.titan_execution, scriptType = DF_GIB } )
- }
- else
- {
- target.Die( e.target, target, { damageSourceId = eDamageSourceId.titan_execution, scriptType = DF_GIB } )
- }
- if ( target.IsPlayer() )
- ClearPlayerAnimViewEntity( target )
- target.ClearInvulnerable()
-function MeleeThrowIntoWallSplat( entity attacker, entity target, e )
- OnThreadEnd(
- function () : ( target, e )
- {
- if ( IsValid( target ) )
- {
- target.ClearParent()
- target.Anim_Stop()
- target.ClearInvulnerable()
- }
- }
- )
- target.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- e.startOrigin <- target.GetOrigin()
- wait 2.8
- e.thrown = true
- // attacker got killed? saved!
- if ( !IsAlive( attacker ) )
- return
- local angles = attacker.GetAngles()
- angles = AnglesCompose( angles, Vector( -15, 0, 0 ) )
- local forward = AnglesToForward( angles )
- local endPos
- for ( ;; )
- {
- if ( !target.Anim_IsActive() )
- break
- local org = target.GetOrigin()
- if ( IsAlive( attacker ) )
- {
- TraceResults titanPilotTrace = TraceLine( attacker.EyePosition(), org, attacker )
- if ( titanPilotTrace.fraction < 1.0 )
- {
- endPos = titanPilotTrace.endPos
- break
- }
- }
- TraceResults result = TraceLine( org, org + forward * 200 )
- if ( result.fraction < 1.0 )
- {
- wait result.fraction * 0.06
- break
- }
- WaitFrame()
- }
- if ( endPos )
- {
- target.SetOrigin( endPos )
- }
- Assert( IsAlive( target ) )
- target.ClearInvulnerable()
- target.BecomeRagdoll( Vector(0,0,0), false )
- WaitFrame() // ragdoll take hold!
- EmitSoundOnEntity( target, "Titan_Victim_Wall_Splat" )
- if ( e.gib )
- {
- local force = Vector(0,0,0)
- if ( IsAlive( attacker ) )
- {
- local vec = target.GetOrigin() - attacker.GetOrigin()
- vec.Norm()
- force = vec
- }
- target.Die( attacker, attacker, { scriptType = DF_GIB | DF_KILLSHOT, force = force, damageSourceId = eDamageSourceId.titan_execution } )
- }
- else
- {
- target.Die( attacker, attacker, { scriptType = DF_KILLSHOT, damageSourceId = eDamageSourceId.titan_execution } )
- }
-function MeleeAnimThrow( attacker, target, throwDuration )
- attacker.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- target.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- wait throwDuration - 0.2
- local angles = attacker.GetAngles()
- local forward = AnglesToForward( angles )
- target.ClearParent()
- target.SetVelocity( forward * 500 )
- target.Die( attacker, attacker, { scriptType = DF_KILLSHOT, damageSourceId = eDamageSourceId.titan_execution } )
-void function MeleeThread_OgreVsTitan( SyncedMelee action, entity attacker, entity target )
- string attackerAnimation1p = "ogpov_melee_armrip_attacker"
- string attackerAnimation3p = "og_melee_armrip_attacker"
- string targetAnimation1p = "ogpov_melee_armrip_victim"
- string targetAnimation3p = "og_melee_armrip_victim"
- table e = {}
- e.attackerStartOrg <- attacker.GetOrigin()
- e.lostArm <- false
- e.targetStartOrg <- target.GetOrigin()
- entity ref = CreateMeleeScriptMoverBetweenEnts( attacker, target )
- FirstPersonSequenceStruct attackerSequence
- attackerSequence.blendTime = 0.25
- attackerSequence.attachment = "ref"
- FirstPersonSequenceStruct targetSequence = clone attackerSequence
- attackerSequence.thirdPersonAnim = attackerAnimation3p
- attackerSequence.firstPersonAnim = attackerAnimation1p
- if ( target.IsPlayer() )
- targetSequence.firstPersonAnim = targetAnimation1p
- targetSequence.thirdPersonAnim = targetAnimation3p
- targetSequence.blendTime = 0.25
- target.e.syncedMeleeAttacker = attacker
- DisableWeapons( attacker, [] )
- DisableWeapons( target, [] )
- // attacker.SetInvulnerable()
- target.SetInvulnerable()
- entity soul = target.GetTitanSoul()
- soul.SetInvalidHealthBarEnt( true )
- OnThreadEnd(
- function() : ( ref, attacker, target, e )
- {
- if ( IsValid( ref ) )
- {
- if ( IsValid( attacker ) )
- attacker.ClearParent()
- if ( IsValid( target ) )
- target.ClearParent()
- AssertNoPlayerChildren( ref )
- ref.Kill_Deprecated_UseDestroyInstead()
- }
- if ( IsValid( attacker ) )
- {
- attacker.UnforceStand()
- attacker.ClearParent()
- ClearPlayerAnimViewEntity( attacker )
- EnableWeapons( attacker, [] )
- attacker.PlayerMelee_ExecutionEndAttacker()
- if ( IsAlive( attacker ) )
- {
- // if we got into solid, teleport back to safe place
- PutEntityInSafeSpot( attacker, null, null, expect vector( e.attackerStartOrg ), attacker.GetOrigin() )
- }
- }
- if ( IsValid( target ) )
- {
- DeleteAnimEvent( target, "lost_arm" )
- target.e.syncedMeleeAttacker = null
- target.ClearParent()
- target.ClearInvulnerable()
- if ( target.IsPlayer() )
- {
- ClearPlayerAnimViewEntity( target )
- }
- EnableWeapons( target, [] )
- if ( !target.IsNPC() )
- target.PlayerMelee_ExecutionEndTarget()
- if ( e.lostArm && IsAlive( target ) )
- {
- target.Die( attacker, attacker, { scriptType = DF_KILLSHOT, damageSourceId = eDamageSourceId.titan_execution } )
- return
- }
- else if ( target.IsPlayer() )
- {
- PutEntityInSafeSpot( target, null, null, expect vector( e.targetStartOrg ), target.GetOrigin() )
- }
- }
- }
- )
- attacker.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- EmitDifferentSoundsOnEntityForPlayerAndWorld( "Ogre_1p_Sync_Melee", "Ogre_3p_Sync_Melee", attacker, attacker )
- AddAnimEvent( target, "lost_arm", TitanLostArm, e )
- thread FirstPersonSequence( targetSequence, target, ref )
- waitthread FirstPersonSequence( attackerSequence, attacker, ref )
-//Very similar to the above function for now, eventually won't have the 1st person component at all.
-void function TitanVsTitan_3p( SyncedMelee action, entity attacker, entity target )
- if ( !IsAlive( attacker ) )
- return
- if ( !IsAlive( target ) )
- return
- entity attackerSoul = attacker.GetTitanSoul()
- #if SP
- TitanLoadoutDef loadout = GetTitanLoadoutForCurrentMap()
- string executionRef = loadout.titanExecution
- TitanExcutionData data = file.executionData_3p[ executionRef ]
- #else
- TitanLoadoutDef loadout = attackerSoul.soul.titanLoadout // GetActiveTitanLoadout( attacker )
- string executionRef = loadout.titanExecution
- TitanExcutionData data = file.executionData_3p[ executionRef ]
- if ( data.linkedExecutions.len() > 0 )
- {
- array<string> clonedLinkedExecutions = clone data.linkedExecutions
- for ( int i = clonedLinkedExecutions.len() - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
- {
- if ( GetItemRequiresPrime( clonedLinkedExecutions[ i ] ) == true && !HasPrimeToMatchExecutionType( attacker, GetItemType( clonedLinkedExecutions[ i ] ) ) )
- clonedLinkedExecutions.remove( i )
- }
- executionRef = clonedLinkedExecutions.getrandom()
- data = file.executionData_3p[ executionRef ]
- }
- #endif
- bool shouldApplyBatteryAfterRodeo = false
- if ( SoulHasPassive( attackerSoul, ePassives.PAS_VANGUARD_COREMETER ) )
- {
- executionRef = "execution_vanguard_kit"
- data = file.executionData_3p[ executionRef ]
- shouldApplyBatteryAfterRodeo = true
- }
- string victimType = GetSoulTitanSubClass( target.GetTitanSoul() )
- table e = {}
- e.attackerStartOrg <- attacker.GetOrigin()
- e.lostArm <- false
- e.targetStartOrg <- target.GetOrigin()
- FirstPersonSequenceStruct attackerSequence
- attackerSequence.blendTime = 0.25
- attackerSequence.attachment = "ref"
- attackerSequence.thirdPersonCameraAttachments = clone data.thirdPersonCameraAttachments
- attackerSequence.thirdPersonCameraVisibilityChecks = true
- attackerSequence.viewConeFunction = ViewConeZero
- attackerSequence.noViewLerp = true
- FirstPersonSequenceStruct targetSequence = clone attackerSequence
- attackerSequence.thirdPersonAnim = data.attackerAnimation3p
- attackerSequence.firstPersonAnim = ""
- if ( target.IsPlayer() )
- targetSequence.firstPersonAnim = ""
- targetSequence.thirdPersonAnim = data.targetAnimation3p[ victimType ]
- targetSequence.thirdPersonCameraEntity = target
- target.e.syncedMeleeAttacker = attacker
- // HACK FOR SP!!!
- e.replacedPrimary <- false
- string xo16 = "mp_titanweapon_xo16_shorty"
- if ( IsSingleplayer() && attacker.IsPlayer() && data.attackerAnimation3p == "bt_synced_titan_execute_kickshoot_A" )
- {
- array<entity> weapons = attacker.GetMainWeapons()
- if ( weapons.len() > 0 )
- {
- if ( weapons[0].GetWeaponClassName() != xo16 )
- {
- e.replacedPrimary = true
- e.oldPrimary <- weapons[0].GetWeaponClassName()
- attacker.SetActiveWeaponBySlot( 0 )
- attacker.ReplaceActiveWeapon( xo16 ) //this assumes the active weapon is the weapon in slot 0 so we need to set active weapon to the one in slot 0
- }
- }
- }
- if ( !target.IsNPC() )
- HolsterViewModelAndDisableWeapons( target ) //Melee anims need to use this to stop players from firing weapons but for the weapon to still show up in the 3p anims
- else
- DisableWeapons( target, [] )
- if ( attacker.IsPlayer() )
- {
- HolsterViewModelAndDisableWeapons( attacker ) //Melee anims need to use this to stop players from firing weapons but for the weapon to still show up in the 3p anims
- }
- // attacker.SetInvulnerable()
- target.SetInvulnerable()
- entity targetViewBody
- FirstPersonSequenceStruct targetBodySequence
- entity attackerViewBody
- FirstPersonSequenceStruct attackerBodySequence
- bool titanHasPilot = target.IsPlayer()
- titanHasPilot = titanHasPilot || ( IsBossTitan( target ) )
- #endif
- if ( attacker.IsPlayer() )
- {
- Remote_CallFunction_Replay( attacker, "SCB_StopTitanCockpitSounds" )
- }
- if ( target.IsPlayer() )
- {
- Remote_CallFunction_Replay( target, "SCB_StopTitanCockpitSounds" )
- }
- if ( data.targetAnimation3pPilot[ victimType ] != "" && titanHasPilot )
- {
- if ( target.IsNPC() )
- targetViewBody = CreateNpcTitanPilotModel( target )
- else
- targetViewBody = Wallrun_CreateCopyOfPilotModel( target )
- targetViewBody.SetOrigin( target.GetOrigin() )
- targetViewBody.SetRagdollImpactFX( RAGDOLL_IMPACT_TABLE_IDX )
- targetViewBody.SetContinueAnimatingAfterRagdoll( true )
- targetBodySequence.attachment = "ref"
- targetBodySequence.teleport = true
- targetBodySequence.thirdPersonAnim = data.targetAnimation3pPilot[ victimType ]
- AddAnimEvent( targetViewBody, "pink_mist", MeleePinkMistFakeBody )
- }
- if ( data.attackerAnimation3pPilot[ victimType ] != "" && attacker.IsPlayer() )
- {
- attackerViewBody = Wallrun_CreateCopyOfPilotModel( attacker )
- attackerViewBody.SetOrigin( attacker.GetOrigin() )
- attackerViewBody.SetRagdollImpactFX( RAGDOLL_IMPACT_TABLE_IDX )
- attackerViewBody.SetContinueAnimatingAfterRagdoll( true )
- attackerBodySequence.attachment = "ref"
- attackerBodySequence.teleport = true
- attackerBodySequence.thirdPersonAnim = data.attackerAnimation3pPilot[ victimType ]
- }
- if ( !IsValid( targetViewBody ) )
- {
- attackerSequence.thirdPersonAnim = data.attackerAnimation3p_vsAutoTitan
- }
- entity soul = target.GetTitanSoul()
- soul.SetInvalidHealthBarEnt( true )
- bool isAttackerRef = false
- if ( GetConVarBool( "melee_titan_execution_attacker_can_be_ref" ) )
- {
- isAttackerRef = IsAttackerRef( null, target )
- }
- OnThreadEnd(
- function() : ( attacker, target, e, attackerViewBody, targetViewBody, shouldApplyBatteryAfterRodeo, isAttackerRef )
- {
- if ( IsValid( attacker ) )
- {
- DeleteAnimEvent( attacker, "synced_melee_enable_planting" )
- DeleteAnimEvent( attacker, "rocket_pod_fire_left" )
- DeleteAnimEvent( attacker, "rocket_pod_fire_right" )
- attacker.UnforceStand()
- attacker.ClearParent()
- ClearPlayerAnimViewEntity( attacker )
- attacker.PlayerMelee_ExecutionEndAttacker()
- ForceTitanSustainedDischargeEnd( attacker )
- DeployViewModelAndEnableWeapons( attacker ) //Melee anims need to use this to stop players from firing weapons but for the weapon to still show up in the 3p anims
- if ( IsAlive( attacker ) )
- {
- if ( !isAttackerRef && IsValid( target ) )
- {
- PutEntityInSafeSpot( attacker, target, null, target.GetOrigin(), attacker.GetOrigin() )
- }
- else
- {
- PutEntityInSafeSpot( attacker, target, null, attacker.GetOrigin(), attacker.GetOrigin() )
- }
- if ( attacker.IsTitan() )
- {
- Remote_CallFunction_Replay( attacker, "SCB_PlayTitanCockpitSounds" )
- Rodeo_GiveExecutingTitanABattery( attacker )
- #else
- if ( shouldApplyBatteryAfterRodeo )
- Rodeo_GiveExecutingTitanABattery( attacker )
- #endif
- }
- if ( IsSingleplayer() )
- {
- if ( e.replacedPrimary )
- {
- attacker.ReplaceActiveWeapon( e.oldPrimary )
- }
- }
- else
- {
- attacker.Anim_Stop() // if you are fighting an NPC, then they can get destroyed early the moment they explode. But sometimes, your animation isn't done playing yet so you can't move
- }
- }
- }
- if ( IsValid( target ) )
- {
- DeleteAnimEvent( target, "melee_killed_ragdoll" )
- DeleteAnimEvent( target, "execution_battery_show" )
- DeleteAnimEvent( target, "execution_battery_hide" )
- if ( HasAnimEvent( target, "rider_rodeo_over" ) )
- DeleteAnimEvent( target, "rider_rodeo_over" )
- target.e.syncedMeleeAttacker = null
- target.ClearParent()
- target.ClearInvulnerable()
- if ( target.IsPlayer() )
- {
- ClearPlayerAnimViewEntity( target )
- DeployViewModelAndEnableWeapons( target ) //Melee anims need to use this to stop players from firing weapons but for the weapon to still show up in the 3p anims
- }
- if ( !target.IsNPC() && target.ContextAction_IsMeleeExecution() )
- target.PlayerMelee_ExecutionEndTarget()
- if ( IsAlive( target ) ) //Should have no need to PlayTitanCockpitSounds for target because the target is going to die
- {
- target.Die( attacker, attacker, { scriptType = DF_KILLSHOT, damageSourceId = eDamageSourceId.titan_execution } )
- }
- else if ( target.IsPlayer() )
- {
- if ( isAttackerRef && IsValid( attacker ) )
- {
- PutEntityInSafeSpot( target, attacker, null, attacker.GetOrigin(), target.GetOrigin() )
- }
- else
- {
- PutEntityInSafeSpot( target, attacker, null, target.GetOrigin(), target.GetOrigin() )
- }
- }
- }
- if ( IsValid( attackerViewBody ) )
- {
- //DeleteAnimEvent( attackerViewBody, "rodeo_battery_rip" )
- DeleteAnimEvent( attackerViewBody, "execution_battery_pilot" )
- DeleteAnimEvent( attackerViewBody, "execution_battery_pilot_jump_jets" )
- attackerViewBody.Hide()
- attackerViewBody.Destroy()
- }
- if ( IsValid( targetViewBody ) )
- {
- targetViewBody.Hide()
- targetViewBody.Destroy()
- }
- }
- )
- attacker.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- entity bossPlayer = target.GetBossPlayer()
- if ( IsValid( bossPlayer ) ) //Executing an auto-Titan, when the pilot disconnects it destroys the auto-titan creating weird circumstances.
- bossPlayer.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- target.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- if ( isAttackerRef )
- {
- thread ClearParentOnDeathOrDestroy( target, attacker )
- }
- else
- {
- thread ClearParentOnDeathOrDestroy( attacker, target )
- }
- EmitDifferentSoundsOnEntityForPlayerAndWorld( data.sound_1p, data.sound_3p, attacker, attacker )
- AddAnimEvent( target, "rider_rodeo_over", ForceTitanRodeoToEnd )
- AddAnimEvent( target, "melee_killed_ragdoll", PredatorMeleeKilledRagdoll )
- AddAnimEvent( attacker, "synced_melee_enable_planting", EnablePlantingOnEntity )
- AddAnimEvent( attacker, "rocket_pod_fire_left", Northstar_Rocket_Pod_Left, target )
- AddAnimEvent( attacker, "rocket_pod_fire_right", Northstar_Rocket_Pod_Right, target )
- AddAnimEvent( target, "execution_battery_show", Execution_ShowBattery )
- AddAnimEvent( target, "execution_battery_hide", Execution_HideBattery )
- if ( attackerViewBody != null )
- {
- AddAnimEvent( attackerViewBody, "execution_battery_pilot", Execution_GivePilotBattery )
- AddAnimEvent( attackerViewBody, "execution_battery_pilot_jump_jets", Execution_BatteryStealJumpJets )
- }
- if ( isAttackerRef )
- {
- attackerSequence.enablePlanting = true
- attackerSequence.playerPushable = true
- targetSequence.useAnimatedRefAttachment = true
- }
- else
- {
- targetSequence.enablePlanting = true
- targetSequence.playerPushable = true
- attackerSequence.useAnimatedRefAttachment = true
- }
- array<entity> ignoreEnts = [ attacker, target ]
- vector refAngles = GetRefAnglesBetweenEnts( attacker, target )
- if ( !attacker.IsOnGround() )
- {
- refAngles = <0,refAngles.y,0>
- }
- vector fwd = AnglesToForward( refAngles )
- fwd *= -1
- vector targetAngles = VectorToAngles( fwd )
- if ( !target.IsNPC() )
- {
- targetAngles.x = 0
- target.SetAngles( targetAngles )
- }
- target.SetAngles( targetAngles )
- if ( attackerViewBody != null )
- {
- attackerBodySequence.useAnimatedRefAttachment = true
- thread FirstPersonSequence( attackerBodySequence, attackerViewBody, attacker )
- }
- if ( targetViewBody != null )
- {
- targetBodySequence.useAnimatedRefAttachment = true
- thread FirstPersonSequence( targetBodySequence, targetViewBody, target )
- }
- if ( isAttackerRef )
- {
- thread FirstPersonSequence( attackerSequence, attacker )
- waitthread FirstPersonSequence( targetSequence, target, attacker )
- }
- else
- {
- thread FirstPersonSequence( targetSequence, target )
- waitthread FirstPersonSequence( attackerSequence, attacker, target )
- }
-void function Execution_ShowBattery( entity titan )
- entity titanSoul = titan.GetTitanSoul()
- if ( !IsValid( titanSoul ) ) //Out of bounds
- return
- string titanType = GetSoulTitanSubClass( titanSoul )
- entity batteryContainer = titanSoul.soul.batteryContainer
- Assert( IsValid( titanSoul.soul.batteryContainer ), " need to find the repro for this" )
- if ( !IsValid( titanSoul.soul.batteryContainer ) )
- return
- batteryContainer.Anim_Play( GetAnimFromAlias( titanType, "hatch_rodeo_up_idle" ) )
-void function Execution_HideBattery( entity titan )
- entity titanSoul = titan.GetTitanSoul()
- if ( !IsValid( titanSoul ) ) //Out of bounds
- return
- string titanType = GetSoulTitanSubClass( titanSoul )
- entity batteryContainer = titanSoul.soul.batteryContainer
- Assert( IsValid( titanSoul.soul.batteryContainer ), " need to find the repro for this" )
- if ( !IsValid( titanSoul.soul.batteryContainer ) )
- return
- batteryContainer.Anim_Play( GetAnimFromAlias( titanType, "hatch_rodeo_down_idle" ) )
- EmitSoundOnEntity( batteryContainer, GetAudioFromAlias( titanType, "rodeo_battery_steal_3p" ) )
-void function Execution_GivePilotBattery( entity fakePilotModel )
- entity tempBattery3p = CreatePropDynamic( RODEO_BATTERY_MODEL_FOR_RODEO_ANIMS )
- tempBattery3p.SetParent( fakePilotModel, "R_HAND", false, 0.0 )
- tempBattery3p.RemoveFromSpatialPartition()
- tempBattery3p.Show()
- Battery_StartFX( tempBattery3p )
-void function Execution_BatteryStealJumpJets( entity fakePilotModel )
- int attachmentIndex = fakePilotModel.LookupAttachment( "vent_left" )
- int fxIndex = GetParticleSystemIndex( TEAM_JUMPJET_DBL )
- StartParticleEffectOnEntity( fakePilotModel, fxIndex, FX_PATTACH_POINT_FOLLOW, attachmentIndex )
- attachmentIndex = fakePilotModel.LookupAttachment( "vent_right" )
- StartParticleEffectOnEntity( fakePilotModel, fxIndex, FX_PATTACH_POINT_FOLLOW, attachmentIndex )
-void function RodeoBatteryRemoval( entity pilot )
- entity titan = GetTitanBeingRodeoed( pilot )
- if ( !IsValid( titan ) )
- return
- entity soul = titan.GetTitanSoul()
- string titanType = GetSoulTitanSubClass( soul )
- soul.SetLastRodeoHitTime( Time() )
- RodeoBatteryPackRemovalDamage( pilot, titan, soul )
- if ( !PlayerHasBattery( pilot ) )
- {
- AddPlayerScore( pilot, "PilotBatteryStolen" )
- entity battery = Rodeo_CreateBatteryPack( titan )
- Rodeo_PilotPicksUpBattery( pilot, battery )
- thread BatteryThiefHighlight( pilot )
- if ( titan.IsPlayer() )
- {
- EmitSoundOnEntityOnlyToPlayer( titan, titan, TITAN_GOT_BATTERY_RIPPED_SOUND ) //Consider playing this in world once we get sounds that aren't just notification beeps
- }
- }
- vector direction = CalculateDirectionToThrowOffBatteryThief( pilot, titan )
- ThrowRiderOff( pilot, titan, direction ) //This signals RodeoOver
-void function ClearParentOnDeathOrDestroy( entity clearParentEntity, entity onDeathOrDestroyEntity )
- Assert( IsValid( clearParentEntity ) )
- Assert( IsAlive( clearParentEntity ) )
- Assert( IsValid( onDeathOrDestroyEntity ) )
- Assert( IsAlive( onDeathOrDestroyEntity ) )
- OnThreadEnd(
- function() : ( clearParentEntity, onDeathOrDestroyEntity )
- {
- if ( IsValid( clearParentEntity ) )
- {
- clearParentEntity.ClearParent()
- if ( IsValid( onDeathOrDestroyEntity ) )
- {
- PutEntityInSafeSpot( clearParentEntity, onDeathOrDestroyEntity, null, onDeathOrDestroyEntity.GetOrigin(), clearParentEntity.GetOrigin() )
- }
- }
- }
- )
- onDeathOrDestroyEntity.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- onDeathOrDestroyEntity.WaitSignal( "OnDestroy" )
-void function PredatorMeleeKilledRagdoll( entity titan )
- titan.e.forceRagdollDeath = true
-void function MeleePinkMistFakeBody( entity target )
- target.Dissolve( ENTITY_DISSOLVE_PINKMIST, < 0, 0, 0 >, 0 )
-void function TitanLostArm( entity titan )
- table e = expect table( GetOptionalAnimEventVar( titan, "lost_arm" ) )
- e.lostArm = true
-void function MeleeKilledRagdoll( entity titan )
- entity attacker = expect entity( GetOptionalAnimEventVar( titan, "melee_killed_ragdoll" ) )
- if ( !IsValid( attacker ) )
- return
- titan.Die( attacker, attacker, { scriptType = DF_MELEE, damageSourceId = eDamageSourceId.titan_execution } )
- titan.SetContinueAnimatingAfterRagdoll( true )
- titan.BecomeRagdoll( < 0, 0, 0 >, false )
-void function OnNPCTitanDeath( entity titan, var damageInfo ) //Debug function, for bug 129802
- PrintFunc()
-void function OnNPCTitanSignalDeath( entity titan ) //Debug function, for bug 129802
- PrintFunc()
- titan.WaitSignal( "OnDeath" )
- printt( "titan : " + titan + " recieved OnDeath Signal in OnNPCTitanSignalDeath" )
-void function Northstar_Rocket_Pod_Left( entity guy )
- entity victim = expect entity( GetOptionalAnimEventVar( guy, "rocket_pod_fire_left" ) )
- Rocket_Pod( guy, "muzzle_flash", victim )
-void function Northstar_Rocket_Pod_Right( entity guy )
- entity victim = expect entity( GetOptionalAnimEventVar( guy, "rocket_pod_fire_right" ) )
- Rocket_Pod( guy, "muzzle_flash2", victim )
-void function Rocket_Pod( entity guy, string tag, entity victim )
- entity oldOffhandWeapon = guy.GetOffhandWeapon( 0 )
- guy.TakeOffhandWeapon( 0 )
- guy.GiveOffhandWeapon( "mp_titanweapon_salvo_rockets", 0, [ "northstar_prime_execution" ] )
- entity newOffhandWeapon = guy.GetOffhandWeapon( 0 )
- int attachID = guy.LookupAttachment( tag )
- vector angles = guy.GetAttachmentAngles( attachID )
- WeaponPrimaryAttackParams params
- params.pos = guy.GetAttachmentOrigin( attachID )
- params.dir = AnglesToForward( angles )
- if ( IsAlive( victim ) && victim.IsTitan() )
- {
- vector victimTagPos = victim.GetAttachmentOrigin( victim.LookupAttachment( "CHESTFOCUS" ) ) + RandomVec( 30 )
- params.dir = Normalize( victimTagPos - params.pos )
- StartParticleEffectInWorld(GetParticleSystemIndex( $"P_muzzleflash_predator" ), params.pos, VectorToAngles( params.dir ) )
- }
- // DebugDrawSphere(params.pos, 10, 255,0,0, true, 1.0 )
- // DebugDrawLine( params.pos, params.pos + params.dir*200, 255,0,0, true, 1.0 )
- thread OnWeaponPrimaryAttack_titanweapon_salvo_rockets( newOffhandWeapon, params )
- guy.TakeOffhandWeapon( 0 )
- if ( oldOffhandWeapon )
- guy.GiveOffhandWeapon( oldOffhandWeapon.GetWeaponClassName(), 0, oldOffhandWeapon.GetMods() )
-} \ No newline at end of file