path: root/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/ai/_droppod_fireteam.gnut
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Diffstat (limited to 'Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/ai/_droppod_fireteam.gnut')
1 files changed, 246 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/ai/_droppod_fireteam.gnut b/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/ai/_droppod_fireteam.gnut
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b93631ac8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/ai/_droppod_fireteam.gnut
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+global function DropPodFireteam_Init
+global function InitFireteamDropPod
+global function ActivateFireteamDropPod
+global function DropPodActiveThink
+global function CreateDropPodDoor
+const DP_ARM_MODEL = $"models/vehicle/droppod_fireteam/droppod_fireteam_arm.mdl"
+const DP_DOOR_MODEL = $"models/vehicle/droppod_fireteam/droppod_fireteam_door.mdl"
+global enum eDropPodFlag
+struct DroppodStruct
+ entity door
+ bool openDoor = false
+ int numGuys = 0
+ int flags = 0
+ table<entity, DroppodStruct> droppodTable
+void function DropPodFireteam_Init()
+ RegisterSignal( "OpenDoor" )
+ PrecacheModel( DP_DOOR_MODEL )
+ PrecacheModel( DP_ARM_MODEL )
+void function InitFireteamDropPod( entity pod, int flags = 0 )
+ pod.NotSolid()
+ DroppodStruct droppodData
+ droppodData.flags = flags
+ droppodData.door = CreateDropPodDoor( pod )
+ file.droppodTable[ pod ] <- droppodData
+ pod.Anim_Play( "idle" )
+void function ActivateFireteamDropPod( entity pod, array<entity> guys )
+ DroppodStruct droppodData = file.droppodTable[ pod ]
+ droppodData.openDoor = true
+ pod.Signal( "OpenDoor" )
+ if ( guys.len() >= 1 )
+ {
+ SetAnim( guys[0], "drop_pod_exit_anim", "pt_dp_exit_a" )
+ SetAnim( guys[0], "drop_pod_idle_anim", "pt_dp_idle_a" )
+ }
+ if ( guys.len() >= 2 )
+ {
+ SetAnim( guys[1], "drop_pod_exit_anim", "pt_dp_exit_b" )
+ SetAnim( guys[1], "drop_pod_idle_anim", "pt_dp_idle_b" )
+ }
+ if ( guys.len() >= 3 )
+ {
+ SetAnim( guys[2], "drop_pod_exit_anim", "pt_dp_exit_c" )
+ SetAnim( guys[2], "drop_pod_idle_anim", "pt_dp_idle_c" )
+ }
+ if ( guys.len() >= 4 )
+ {
+ SetAnim( guys[3], "drop_pod_exit_anim", "pt_dp_exit_d" )
+ SetAnim( guys[3], "drop_pod_idle_anim", "pt_dp_idle_d" )
+ }
+ foreach ( guy in guys )
+ {
+ if ( IsAlive( guy ) )
+ {
+ guy.MakeVisible()
+ entity weapon = guy.GetActiveWeapon()
+ if ( IsValid( weapon ) )
+ weapon.MakeVisible()
+ thread GuyHangsInPod( guy, pod )
+ }
+ }
+ thread DropPodActiveThink( pod )
+void function DropPodActiveThink( entity pod )
+ DroppodStruct droppodData = file.droppodTable[ pod ]
+ OnThreadEnd(
+ function() : ( pod )
+ {
+ DroppodStruct droppodData = file.droppodTable[pod]
+ if ( droppodData.flags & eDropPodFlag.DISSOLVE_AFTER_DISEMBARKS )
+ CleanupFireteamPod( pod )
+ else
+ delaythread( 10 ) CleanupFireteamPod( pod )
+ }
+ )
+ pod.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ if ( DropPodDoorInGround( pod ) )
+ droppodData.door.Destroy()
+ else
+ DropPodOpenDoor( pod, droppodData.door )
+ while ( droppodData.numGuys )
+ WaitFrame()
+bool function DropPodDoorInGround( entity pod )
+ string attachment = "hatch"
+ int attachIndex = pod.LookupAttachment( attachment )
+ vector end = pod.GetAttachmentOrigin( attachIndex )
+ string originAttachment = "origin"
+ int originAttachIndex = pod.LookupAttachment( originAttachment )
+ vector start = pod.GetAttachmentOrigin( originAttachIndex )
+ TraceResults result = TraceLine( start, end, pod, TRACE_MASK_SOLID, TRACE_COLLISION_GROUP_NONE )
+ return result.fraction < 1.0
+void function CleanupFireteamPod( entity pod )
+ DroppodStruct droppodData = file.droppodTable[ pod ]
+ if ( !IsValid( pod ) )
+ return
+ if ( IsValid( droppodData.door ) )
+ droppodData.door.Dissolve( ENTITY_DISSOLVE_CORE, Vector( 0, 0, 0 ), 500 )
+ EmitSoundAtPosition( TEAM_UNASSIGNED, pod.GetOrigin(), "droppod_dissolve" )
+ delete file.droppodTable[ pod ]
+ pod.NotSolid()
+ foreach( ent in pod.e.attachedEnts )
+ {
+ ent.NotSolid()
+ }
+ pod.Dissolve( ENTITY_DISSOLVE_CORE, Vector( 0, 0, 0 ), 500 )
+entity function CreateDropPodDoor( entity pod )
+ string attachment = "hatch"
+ int attachIndex = pod.LookupAttachment( attachment )
+ vector origin = pod.GetAttachmentOrigin( attachIndex )
+ vector angles = pod.GetAttachmentAngles( attachIndex )
+ entity prop_physics = CreateEntity( "prop_physics" )
+ SetTargetName( prop_physics, "door" + UniqueString() )
+ prop_physics.SetValueForModelKey( DP_DOOR_MODEL )
+ // Start Asleep
+ // Debris - Don't collide with the player or other debris
+ // Generate output on +USE
+ prop_physics.kv.spawnflags = 261 // non solid for now
+ prop_physics.kv.fadedist = -1
+ prop_physics.kv.physdamagescale = 0.1
+ prop_physics.kv.inertiaScale = 1.0
+ prop_physics.kv.renderamt = 0
+ prop_physics.kv.rendercolor = "255 255 255"
+ DispatchSpawn( prop_physics )
+ prop_physics.SetOrigin( origin )
+ prop_physics.SetAngles( angles )
+ prop_physics.SetParent( pod, "HATCH", false )
+ prop_physics.MarkAsNonMovingAttachment()
+ return prop_physics
+void function DropPodOpenDoor( entity pod, entity door )
+ door.ClearParent()
+ door.SetVelocity( door.GetForwardVector() * 500 )
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( pod, "droppod_door_open" )
+void function GuyHangsInPod( entity guy, entity pod )
+ DroppodStruct droppodData = file.droppodTable[ pod ]
+ guy.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ guy.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ OnThreadEnd(
+ function() : ( droppodData )
+ {
+ droppodData.numGuys--
+ }
+ )
+ droppodData.numGuys++
+ string idleAnim
+ string exitAnim
+ if ( !droppodData.openDoor )
+ {
+ guy.SetEfficientMode( true )
+ guy.SetParent( pod, "ATTACH", false )
+ idleAnim = expect string( GetAnim( guy, "drop_pod_idle_anim" ) )
+ if ( guy.LookupSequence( idleAnim ) != -1 )
+ guy.Anim_ScriptedPlay( idleAnim )
+ pod.WaitSignal( "OpenDoor" )
+ guy.SetEfficientMode( false )
+ }
+ guy.SetParent( pod, "ATTACH", false )
+ exitAnim = expect string ( GetAnim( guy, "drop_pod_exit_anim" ) )
+ bool exitAnimExists = guy.LookupSequence( exitAnim ) != -1
+ if ( exitAnimExists )
+ guy.Anim_ScriptedPlay( exitAnim )
+ guy.ClearParent()
+ if ( exitAnimExists )
+ WaittillAnimDone( guy )
+ guy.Signal( "npc_deployed" )