path: root/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/ai/_ai_mortar_titans.gnut
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Diffstat (limited to 'Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/ai/_ai_mortar_titans.gnut')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 395 deletions
diff --git a/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/ai/_ai_mortar_titans.gnut b/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/ai/_ai_mortar_titans.gnut
deleted file mode 100644
index 08598808a..000000000
--- a/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/ai/_ai_mortar_titans.gnut
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,395 +0,0 @@
-global function MortarTitanThink
-global function MortarTitans_Init
-global function MortarTitanDeathCleanup
-global function MortarMissileFiredCallback
-global function MoveToMortarPosition
-global function MortarTitanKneelToAttack
-global function MortarTitanAttack
-global function MortarTitanStopAttack
-//global function MortarAIWaitToEngage
-const float MORTAR_TITAN_ABORT_ATTACK_HEALTH_FRAC = 0.90 // will stop mortar attack if he's health gets below 90% of his current health.
-const float MORTAR_TITAN_POSITION_SEARCH_RANGE = 1024 //3072 // How far away from his spawn point a mortar titan will look for positions to mortar from.
-const float MORTAR_TITAN_ENGAGE_DELAY = 3.0 // How long before a mortar titan start to attack the generator if he's taken damage getting to his mortar position.
-const float MORTAR_TITAN_REENGAGE_DELAY = 7.0 // How long before a mortar titan goes back to attacking the generator after breaking of an attack.
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------
-function MortarTitans_Init()
- RegisterSignal( "InterruptMortarAttack" )
- RegisterSignal( "BeginMortarAttack" )
-void function MortarTitanDeathCleanup( entity titan )
- titan.EndSignal( "OnSyncedMeleeVictim" )
- titan.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- titan.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- OnThreadEnd(
- function() : ( titan )
- {
- entity animEnt = titan.ai.carryBarrel
- if ( IsValid( animEnt ) )
- animEnt.Destroy()
- if ( IsAlive( titan ) )
- {
- titan.Signal( "InterruptMortarAttack" )
- titan.Anim_Stop()
- }
- }
- )
- WaitForever()
-void function MortarMissileFiredCallback( entity missile, entity weaponOwner )
- thread MortarMissileThink( missile, weaponOwner )
-void function MortarMissileThink( entity missile, entity weaponOwner )
- Assert( IsValid( missile ) )
- missile.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- missile.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- if ( !IsValid( weaponOwner.ai.mortarTarget ) )
- return
- entity targetEnt = weaponOwner.ai.mortarTarget
- missile.DamageAliveOnly( true )
- missile.kv.lifetime = 6.0
- missile.s.mortar <- true
- vector startPos = missile.GetOrigin()
- // made a hacky way to get the mortar arc to go higher and still have it hit it's target.
- float dist = Distance( startPos, targetEnt.GetOrigin() )
- // radius tightens over time
- float radius = GraphCapped( Time() - weaponOwner.ai.spawnTime, 60.0, 180.0, 220, 100 )
- missile.SetMissileTarget( targetEnt, < RandomFloatRange( -radius, radius ), RandomFloatRange( -radius, radius ), 0 > )
- string sound = "weapon_spectremortar_projectile"
- if ( weaponOwner.IsTitan() )
- sound = "Weapon_FlightCore_Incoming_Projectile"
- EmitSoundAtPosition( weaponOwner.GetTeam(), targetEnt.GetOrigin(), sound )
- float homingSpeedMin = 10.0
- float homingSpeedMax = Graph( dist, 2500, 7000, 400, 200 )
- float estTravelTime = GraphCapped( dist, 0, 7000, 0, 5 )
- float startTime = Time()
- while( true )
- {
- float frac = min( 1, pow( ( Time() - startTime ) / estTravelTime, 2.0 ) )
- if ( frac > 1.0 )
- break
- float homingSpeed = GraphCapped( frac, 0, 1, homingSpeedMin, homingSpeedMax )
- missile.SetHomingSpeeds( homingSpeed, 0 )
- wait 0.25
- }
- missile.ClearMissileTargetPosition()
-void function MoveToMortarPosition( entity titan, vector origin, entity target )
- titan.EndSignal( "OnSyncedMeleeVictim" )
- titan.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- titan.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- titan.SetLookDistOverride( 320 )
- titan.SetHearingSensitivity( 0 )
- titan.EnableNPCMoveFlag( NPCMF_PREFER_SPRINT )
- local animEnt = titan.ai.carryBarrel
- local dir = target.GetOrigin() - origin
- local dist = dir.Norm()
- local angles = VectorToAngles( dir )
- angles.x = 0
- angles.z = 0
- float frac = TraceLineSimple( origin + < 0, 0, 32 >, origin + < 0, 0, -32 >, titan )
- if ( frac > 0 && frac < 1 )
- origin = origin + < 0, 0, 32 > - < 0, 0, 64 * frac >
- animEnt.SetOrigin( origin )
- animEnt.SetAngles( angles )
- float goalRadius = titan.GetMinGoalRadius()
- OnThreadEnd(
- function() : ( titan )
- {
- if ( !IsValid( titan ) )
- return
- local classname = titan.GetClassName()
- titan.DisableLookDistOverride()
- titan.SetHearingSensitivity( 1 )
- titan.DisableNPCMoveFlag( NPCMF_PREFER_SPRINT )
- }
- )
- local tries = 0
- while( true )
- {
- local dist = Distance( titan.GetOrigin(), origin )
- if ( dist <= goalRadius * 2 )
- break
- printt( "Mortar titan moving toward his goal", dist, tries++ )
- titan.AssaultPoint( origin )
- titan.AssaultSetGoalRadius( goalRadius )
- local result = WaitSignal( titan, "OnFinishedAssault", "OnEnterGoalRadius" )
- }
-void function MortarTitanKneelToAttack( entity titan )
- titan.EndSignal( "OnSyncedMeleeVictim" )
- titan.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- titan.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- entity animEnt = titan.ai.carryBarrel
- waitthread PlayAnim( titan, "at_mortar_stand2knee", animEnt )
-function MortarTitanAttack( entity titan, entity target )
- titan.EndSignal( "OnSyncedMeleeVictim" )
- titan.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- titan.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- titan.EndSignal( "InterruptMortarAttack" )
- OnThreadEnd(
- function() : ( titan )
- {
- if ( !IsValid( titan ) )
- return
- if ( "selectedPosition" in titan.s )
- {
- titan.s.selectedPosition.inUse = false
- delete titan.s.selectedPosition
- }
- if ( IsAlive( titan ) )
- thread MortarTitanAttackEnd( titan )
- }
- )
- titan.ai.mortarTarget = target
- entity animEnt = titan.ai.carryBarrel
- entity weapon = titan.GetActiveWeapon()
- while ( weapon.IsWeaponOffhand() )
- {
- WaitFrame()
- weapon = titan.GetActiveWeapon()
- }
- weapon.SetMods( [ "coop_mortar_titan" ] )
- while( true )
- {
- waitthread PlayAnim( titan, "at_mortar_knee", animEnt )
- }
-function MortarTitanAttackEnd( entity titan )
- titan.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- titan.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- entity animEnt = titan.ai.carryBarrel
- // remove the mortar mod, we do this so that we don't get mortar sound and fx when firing normal
- entity weapon = titan.GetActiveWeapon()
- while ( weapon.IsWeaponOffhand() )
- {
- WaitFrame()
- weapon = titan.GetActiveWeapon()
- }
- weapon.SetMods( [] )
- WaitEndFrame() // if I didn't add this PlayAnim, below, would return immediately for some unknown reason.
- if ( IsValid( animEnt ) && IsAlive( titan ) )
- waitthread PlayAnim( titan, "at_mortar_knee2stand", animEnt )
-function MortarTitanStopAttack( titan )
- titan.Signal( "InterruptMortarAttack" )
-function MortarTitanStopAttack_Internal( titan )
- titan.Signal( "InterruptMortarAttack" )
- titan.Anim_Stop()
-void function MortarAIWaitToEngage( entity titan, float timeFrame, int minDamage = 75 )
- entity soul = titan.GetTitanSoul()
- float endtime = Time() + timeFrame
- int lastHealth = titan.GetHealth() + soul.GetShieldHealth()
- float tickTime = 1.0
- while ( Time() < endtime )
- {
- wait tickTime
- int currentHealth = titan.GetHealth() + soul.GetShieldHealth()
- if ( lastHealth > ( currentHealth + minDamage ) ) // add minDamage so that we ignore low amounts of damage.
- {
- lastHealth = currentHealth
- endtime = Time() + timeFrame
- }
- }
-//Function assumes that given Titan is spawned as npc_titan_atlas_tracker_mortar. Changing the Titan's AISettings post-spawn
-//disrupts the Titan's titanfall animations and can result in the Titan landing outside the level.
-void function MortarTitanThink( entity titan, entity generator )
- titan.EndSignal( "OnSyncedMeleeVictim" )
- titan.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- titan.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- entity soul = titan.GetTitanSoul()
- soul.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- titan.ai.carryBarrel = CreateScriptRef()
- titan.TakeWeaponNow( titan.GetActiveWeapon().GetWeaponClassName() )
- titan.GiveWeapon( "mp_titanweapon_rocketeer_rocketstream" )
- titan.SetActiveWeaponByName( "mp_titanweapon_rocketeer_rocketstream" )
- titan.SetScriptName( "mortar_titan" )
- entity weapon = titan.GetActiveWeapon()
- weapon.w.missileFiredCallback = MortarMissileFiredCallback
- thread MortarTitanDeathCleanup( titan )
- WaitTillHotDropComplete( titan )
- float minEngagementDuration = 5
- StationaryAIPosition ornull mortarPosition = GetRandomStationaryPosition( titan.GetOrigin(), MORTAR_TITAN_POSITION_SEARCH_RANGE, eStationaryAIPositionTypes.MORTAR_TITAN )
- while ( mortarPosition == null )
- {
- // incase all stationary titan positions are in use wait for one to become available
- wait 5
- mortarPosition = GetRandomStationaryPosition( titan.GetOrigin(), MORTAR_TITAN_POSITION_SEARCH_RANGE, eStationaryAIPositionTypes.MORTAR_TITAN )
- }
- expect StationaryAIPosition( mortarPosition )
- ClaimStationaryAIPosition( mortarPosition )
- OnThreadEnd(
- function() : ( mortarPosition )
- {
- // release mortar position when dead
- ReleaseStationaryAIPosition( mortarPosition )
- }
- )
- float minDamage = 75 // so that the titan doesn't care about small amounts of damage.
- while( true )
- {
- vector origin = mortarPosition.origin
- float startHealth = float( titan.GetHealth() + soul.GetShieldHealth() )
- waitthread MoveToMortarPosition( titan, origin, generator )
- if ( startHealth > ( ( titan.GetHealth() + soul.GetShieldHealth() ) + minDamage ) || !titan.IsInterruptable() )
- {
- // we took damage getting to the mortar location lets wait until we stop taking damage
- waitthread MortarAIWaitToEngage( titan, MORTAR_TITAN_ENGAGE_DELAY )
- continue
- }
- waitthread MortarTitanKneelToAttack( titan )
- thread MortarTitanAttack( titan, generator )
- wait minEngagementDuration // aways mortar the target for a while before potentially breaking out
- // wait for interruption
- waitthread WaitForInteruption( titan )
- MortarTitanStopAttack_Internal( titan )
- // lets wait until we stop taking damage before going back to attacking the generator
- waitthread MortarAIWaitToEngage( titan, MORTAR_TITAN_REENGAGE_DELAY )
- }
-void function WaitForInteruption( entity titan )
- Assert( IsNewThread(), "Must be threaded off" )
- titan.EndSignal( "OnSyncedMeleeVictim" )
- titan.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- titan.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- titan.EndSignal( "InterruptMortarAttack" )
- entity soul = titan.GetTitanSoul()
- soul.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- float playerProximityDistSqr = pow( 256, 2 )
- float healthBreakOff = ( titan.GetHealth() + soul.GetShieldHealth() ) * MORTAR_TITAN_ABORT_ATTACK_HEALTH_FRAC
- while( true )
- {
- if ( IsEnemyWithinDist( titan, playerProximityDistSqr ) )
- break
- if ( ( titan.GetHealth() + soul.GetShieldHealth() ) < healthBreakOff )
- break
- wait 1
- }
-bool function IsEnemyWithinDist( entity titan, float dist )
- vector origin = titan.GetOrigin()
- array<entity> players = GetPlayerArrayOfEnemies_Alive( titan.GetTeam() )
- foreach( player in players )
- {
- if ( DistanceSqr( player.GetOrigin(), origin ) < dist )
- return true
- }
- return false
-} \ No newline at end of file