path: root/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/ai/_ai_marvin_jobs.gnut
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/ai/_ai_marvin_jobs.gnut')
1 files changed, 600 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/ai/_ai_marvin_jobs.gnut b/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/ai/_ai_marvin_jobs.gnut
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..588b4d75e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/ai/_ai_marvin_jobs.gnut
@@ -0,0 +1,600 @@
+ ToDo:
+ -if marvin has no jobs to go to make him to back to spawn position instead of standing at last node
+global function MarvinJobs_Init
+global function MarvinJobThink
+global function GetMarvinType
+const DEBUG_MARVIN_JOBS = false
+const MAX_JOB_SEARCH_DIST_SQR = 1000 * 1000
+struct MarvinJob
+ string validMarvinType
+ entity node
+ entity user
+ string jobType
+ bool tempJob
+ float nextUsableTime = 0
+ entity barrel
+ array<MarvinJob> marvinJobs
+ table<string,void functionref( entity,MarvinJob)> jobFunctions
+} file
+// ██╗███╗ ██╗██╗████████╗
+// ██║████╗ ██║██║╚══██╔══╝
+// ██║██╔██╗ ██║██║ ██║
+// ██║██║╚██╗██║██║ ██║
+// ██║██║ ╚████║██║ ██║
+// ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═══╝╚═╝ ╚═╝
+void function MarvinJobs_Init()
+ file.jobFunctions[ "welding" ] <- SimpleJobAnims
+ file.jobFunctions[ "welding_under" ] <- SimpleJobAnims
+ file.jobFunctions[ "window" ] <- SimpleJobAnims
+ file.jobFunctions[ "fightFire" ] <- SimpleJobAnims
+ file.jobFunctions[ "barrel_pickup" ] <- MarvinPicksUpBarrel
+ file.jobFunctions[ "barrel_putdown" ] <- MarvinPutsDownBarrel
+ file.jobFunctions[ "repair_over_edge" ] <- SimpleJobAnims
+ file.jobFunctions[ "repair_above" ] <- SimpleJobAnims
+ file.jobFunctions[ "repair_under" ] <- SimpleJobAnims
+ file.jobFunctions[ "datacards" ] <- SimpleJobAnims
+ file.jobFunctions[ "drone_welding" ] <- SimpleJobAnims
+ file.jobFunctions[ "drone_inspect" ] <- SimpleJobAnims
+ RegisterSignal( "pickup_barrel" )
+ RegisterSignal( "putdown_barrel" )
+ RegisterSignal( "JobStarted" )
+ RegisterSignal( "StopDoingJobs" )
+ AddSpawnCallback( "script_marvin_job", InitMarvinJob )
+ AddCallback_EntitiesDidLoad( MarvinJobsEntitiesDidLoad )
+void function InitMarvinJob( entity node )
+ Assert( node.HasKey( "job" ) )
+ Assert( node.kv.job != "" )
+ Assert( string( node.kv.job ) in file.jobFunctions, "Marvin job node at " + node.GetOrigin() + " has unhandled job type " + string( node.kv.job ) )
+ string editorClass = GetEditorClass( node )
+ // Drop node to ground for certain types or if checked on the entity
+ if ( editorClass == "" )
+ {
+ if ( !node.HasKey( "hover" ) || node.kv.hover != "1" )
+ DropToGround( node )
+ }
+ DebugDrawAngles( node.GetOrigin(), node.GetAngles() )
+ // Create marvin job struct
+ MarvinJob marvinJob
+ marvinJob.node = node
+ marvinJob.jobType = string( node.kv.job )
+ marvinJob.tempJob = node.HasKey( "tempJob" ) && node.kv.tempJob == "1"
+ if ( marvinJob.jobType == "barrel_pickup" )
+ marvinJob.barrel = CreateBarrel( node )
+ // Set what marvin_type of NPC can use this job
+ switch ( editorClass )
+ {
+ case "script_marvin_drone_job":
+ marvinJob.validMarvinType = "marvin_type_drone"
+ break
+ default:
+ marvinJob.validMarvinType = "marvin_type_walker"
+ break
+ }
+ file.marvinJobs.append( marvinJob )
+void function MarvinJobsEntitiesDidLoad()
+ DebugMarvinJobs()
+// ████████╗██╗ ██╗██╗███╗ ██╗██╗ ██╗
+// ╚══██╔══╝██║ ██║██║████╗ ██║██║ ██╔╝
+// ██║ ███████║██║██╔██╗ ██║█████╔╝
+// ██║ ██╔══██║██║██║╚██╗██║██╔═██╗
+// ██║ ██║ ██║██║██║ ╚████║██║ ██╗
+// ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═══╝╚═╝ ╚═╝
+void function MarvinJobThink( entity marvin )
+ EndSignal( marvin, "OnDeath" )
+ EndSignal( marvin, "OnDestroy" )
+ EndSignal( marvin, "StopDoingJobs" )
+ // Wait a frame because npcs that are spawned at map load may run this function before job nodes are finished being initialized
+ WaitFrame()
+ // Get all jobs this marvin can do
+ array<MarvinJob> jobs = GetJobsForMarvin( marvin )
+ if ( jobs.len() == 0 )
+ return
+ OnThreadEnd(
+ function() : ( marvin )
+ {
+ Assert( !IsAlive( marvin ), "MarvinJobThink ended but the marvin is still alive" )
+ }
+ )
+ while ( true )
+ {
+ foreach ( MarvinJob job in jobs )
+ {
+ waitthread MarvinDoJob( marvin, job )
+ WaitFrame()
+ }
+ jobs.randomize()
+ WaitFrame()
+ }
+void function MarvinDoJob( entity marvin, MarvinJob job )
+ Assert( IsAlive( marvin ), "Marvin " + marvin + " is not alive" )
+ EndSignal( marvin, "OnFailedToPath" )
+ EndSignal( marvin, "OnDeath" )
+ // Don't do a job that's already in use or not ready to be used again
+ if ( IsValid( job.user ) || Time() < job.nextUsableTime )
+ return
+ // Don't use a barrel put down job if you can'r carrying a barrel
+ if ( job.jobType == "barrel_putdown" && !IsValid( marvin.ai.carryBarrel ) )
+ return
+ // If you're carrying a barrel, only do a barrel put down job
+ if ( IsValid( marvin.ai.carryBarrel ) && job.jobType != "barrel_putdown" )
+ return
+ OnThreadEnd(
+ function() : ( job )
+ {
+ job.user = null
+ job.nextUsableTime = Time() + JOB_NODE_COOLDOWN_TIME
+ }
+ )
+ // Default walk anim
+ MarvinDefaultMoveAnim( marvin )
+ // Node gets occupied
+ job.user = marvin
+ DebugDrawLine( marvin.GetWorldSpaceCenter(), job.node.GetOrigin(), 255, 0, 0, true, 3.0 )
+ // Run the job function
+ thread DontDisableJobOnPathFailOrDeath( marvin, job )
+ waitthread file.jobFunctions[ job.jobType ]( marvin, job )
+ if ( IsValid( marvin ) )
+ marvin.Anim_Stop()
+void function DontDisableJobOnPathFailOrDeath( entity marvin, MarvinJob job )
+ EndSignal( marvin, "JobStarted" )
+ WaitSignal( marvin, "OnFailedToPath", "OnDeath" )
+ job.nextUsableTime = Time()
+// ██╗ ██████╗ ██████╗ ███████╗██╗ ██╗███╗ ██╗ ██████╗████████╗██╗ ██████╗ ███╗ ██╗███████╗
+// ██║██╔═══██╗██╔══██╗ ██╔════╝██║ ██║████╗ ██║██╔════╝╚══██╔══╝██║██╔═══██╗████╗ ██║██╔════╝
+// ██║██║ ██║██████╔╝ █████╗ ██║ ██║██╔██╗ ██║██║ ██║ ██║██║ ██║██╔██╗ ██║███████╗
+// ██ ██║██║ ██║██╔══██╗ ██╔══╝ ██║ ██║██║╚██╗██║██║ ██║ ██║██║ ██║██║╚██╗██║╚════██║
+// ╚█████╔╝╚██████╔╝██████╔╝ ██║ ╚██████╔╝██║ ╚████║╚██████╗ ██║ ██║╚██████╔╝██║ ╚████║███████║
+// ╚════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═══╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═══╝╚══════╝
+void function SimpleJobAnims( entity marvin, MarvinJob job )
+ // Get the anims to use for the job
+ array<string> anims
+ switch ( job.jobType )
+ {
+ // Marvin jobs
+ case "welding":
+ anims.append( "mv_idle_weld" )
+ break
+ case "welding_under":
+ anims.append( "mv_weld_under" )
+ anims.append( "mv_weld_under" )
+ anims.append( "mv_weld_under_stumble" )
+ break
+ case "window":
+ anims.append( "mv_idle_wash_window_noloop" )
+ anims.append( "mv_idle_buff_window_noloop" )
+ break
+ case "fightFire":
+ anims.append( "mv_fireman_idle" )
+ anims.append( "mv_fireman_shift" )
+ break
+ case "repair_over_edge":
+ anims.append( "mv_repair_overedge" )
+ anims.append( "mv_repair_overedge" )
+ anims.append( "mv_repair_overedge_stumble" )
+ break
+ case "repair_above":
+ anims.append( "mv_repair_ship_above" )
+ break
+ case "repair_under":
+ anims.append( "mv_repair_under" )
+ anims.append( "mv_repair_under_stumble" )
+ break
+ case "datacards":
+ anims.append( "mv_job_replace_datacards" )
+ break
+ // Marvin drone jobs
+ case "drone_welding":
+ anims.append( "dw_jobs_welding_wallpanel" )
+ break
+ case "drone_inspect":
+ anims.append( "inspect1" )
+ anims.append( "inspect2" )
+ break
+ }
+ Assert( anims.len() > 0 )
+ if ( IsMarvinWalker( marvin ) )
+ waitthread MarvinRunToAnimStart( marvin, anims[0], job.node )
+ else
+ waitthread MarvinFlyToAnimStart( marvin, anims[0], job.node )
+ Signal( marvin, "JobStarted" )
+ while ( true )
+ {
+ anims.randomize()
+ foreach ( string anim in anims )
+ {
+ float animLength = marvin.GetSequenceDuration( anim ) // wait anim length because some anims may be looping so we can't wait for them to end
+ if ( IsMarvinDrone( marvin ) )
+ thread PlayAnimTeleport( marvin, anim, job.node )
+ else
+ thread PlayAnim( marvin, anim, job.node, null, 0.6 )
+ wait animLength
+ }
+ if ( job.tempJob )
+ break
+ }
+void function MarvinPicksUpBarrel( entity marvin, MarvinJob job )
+ // Don't try to pick up a barrel if there isn't one nearby
+ if ( !IsValid( job.barrel ) )
+ return
+ if ( Distance( job.node.GetOrigin(), job.barrel.GetOrigin() ) > 25 )
+ return
+ EndSignal( job.barrel, "OnDestroy" )
+ entity info_target = CreateEntity( "info_target" )
+ DispatchSpawn( info_target )
+ OnThreadEnd(
+ function () : ( info_target )
+ {
+ info_target.Destroy()
+ }
+ )
+ vector barrelFlatAngles = job.barrel.GetAngles()
+ barrelFlatAngles.x = 0
+ barrelFlatAngles.z = 0
+ info_target.SetOrigin( job.barrel.GetOrigin() )
+ info_target.SetAngles( barrelFlatAngles )
+ DropToGround( info_target )
+ if ( info_target.GetOrigin().z < -MAX_WORLD_COORD )
+ return // Fell through map
+ thread DrawAnglesForMovingEnt( info_target, 30.0 )
+ // Go to the barrel
+ MarvinRunToAnimStart( marvin, "mv_carry_barrel_pickup", info_target )
+ // Try to pick it up
+ thread PlayAnim( marvin, "mv_carry_barrel_pickup", info_target, null, 0.6 )
+ // Wait until animation should pick up the barrel
+ marvin.WaitSignal( "pickup_barrel" )
+ // Get attachment info
+ string attachment = "PROPGUN"
+ int attachIndex = marvin.LookupAttachment( attachment )
+ vector attachOrigin = marvin.GetAttachmentOrigin( attachIndex )
+ // Make sure the barrel is close when it's time to parent the barrel
+ if ( Distance( attachOrigin, job.barrel.GetOrigin() ) > 25 )
+ {
+ marvin.Anim_Stop()
+ return
+ }
+ // Marvin picks up the barrel and carries it
+ thread MarvinCarryBarrel( marvin, job.barrel )
+ marvin.WaitSignal( "OnAnimationDone" )
+void function MarvinCarryBarrel( entity marvin, entity barrel )
+ marvin.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ marvin.EndSignal( "OnDamaged" )
+ marvin.EndSignal( "putdown_barrel" )
+ OnThreadEnd(
+ function () : ( marvin, barrel )
+ {
+ if ( IsValid( barrel ) )
+ {
+ barrel.kv.solid = SOLID_VPHYSICS
+ barrel.ClearParent()
+ barrel.SetOwner( null )
+ EntFireByHandle( barrel, "wake", "", 0, null, null )
+ EntFireByHandle( barrel, "enablemotion", "", 0, null, null )
+ }
+ if ( IsAlive( marvin ) )
+ {
+ MarvinDefaultMoveAnim( marvin )
+ marvin.ClearIdleAnim()
+ marvin.ai.carryBarrel = null
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ string attachment = "PROPGUN"
+ marvin.SetMoveAnim( "mv_carry_barrel_walk" )
+ marvin.SetIdleAnim( "mv_carry_barrel_idle" )
+ barrel.SetParent( marvin, attachment, false, 0.5 )
+ barrel.SetOwner( marvin )
+ barrel.kv.solid = 0 // not solid
+ marvin.ai.carryBarrel = barrel
+ WaitSignal( marvin, "OnDestroy" )
+void function MarvinPutsDownBarrel( entity marvin, MarvinJob job )
+ Assert( IsValid( marvin.ai.carryBarrel ) )
+ // Don't place a barrel here if there is already one
+ if ( IsValid( job.barrel ) )
+ {
+ if ( Distance( job.node.GetOrigin(), job.barrel.GetOrigin() ) <= 25 )
+ return
+ }
+ EndSignal( marvin.ai.carryBarrel, "OnDestroy" )
+ marvin.SetMoveAnim( "mv_carry_barrel_walk" )
+ marvin.SetIdleAnim( "mv_carry_barrel_idle" )
+ // Walk to the put down spot
+ MarvinRunToAnimStart( marvin, "mv_carry_barrel_putdown", job.node )
+ // Put down the barrel
+ thread PlayAnim( marvin, "mv_carry_barrel_putdown", job.node, null, 0.6 )
+ // Wait for release
+ marvin.WaitSignal( "putdown_barrel" )
+ marvin.WaitSignal( "OnAnimationDone" )
+// ██╗ ██╗████████╗██╗██╗ ██╗████████╗██╗ ██╗
+// ██║ ██║╚══██╔══╝██║██║ ██║╚══██╔══╝╚██╗ ██╔╝
+// ██║ ██║ ██║ ██║██║ ██║ ██║ ╚████╔╝
+// ██║ ██║ ██║ ██║██║ ██║ ██║ ╚██╔╝
+// ╚██████╔╝ ██║ ██║███████╗██║ ██║ ██║
+// ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝
+bool function IsMarvinWalker( entity marvin )
+ return GetMarvinType( marvin ) == "marvin_type_walker"
+bool function IsMarvinDrone( entity marvin )
+ return GetMarvinType( marvin ) == "marvin_type_drone"
+string function GetMarvinType( entity npc )
+ var marvinType = npc.Dev_GetAISettingByKeyField( "marvin_type" )
+ if ( marvinType == null )
+ return "not_marvin"
+ return expect string( marvinType )
+bool function IsJobNode( entity node )
+ if ( node.GetClassName() == "script_marvin_job" )
+ return true
+ if ( GetEditorClass( node ) == "script_marvin_drone_job" )
+ return true
+ return false
+void function MarvinDefaultMoveAnim( entity marvin )
+ if ( IsMarvinWalker( marvin ) )
+ {
+ marvin.SetNPCMoveSpeedScale( 1.0 )
+ marvin.SetMoveAnim( "walk_all" )
+ }
+array<MarvinJob> function GetJobsForMarvin( entity marvin )
+ string marvinType = GetMarvinType( marvin )
+ // Get jobs this marvin links to, if any, and randomize
+ array<MarvinJob> linkedJobs
+ array<entity> linkedEnts = marvin.GetLinkEntArray()
+ foreach ( entity ent in linkedEnts )
+ {
+ if ( IsJobNode( ent ) )
+ {
+ MarvinJob linkedJob = GetMarvinJobForNode( ent )
+ Assert( IsValid( linkedJob.node ) )
+ // Error if we are linking to the wrong type of job node
+ Assert( marvinType == linkedJob.validMarvinType, "npc_marvin at " + marvin.GetOrigin() + " links to a marvin job of the wrong marvin_type" )
+ linkedJobs.append( linkedJob )
+ }
+ }
+ linkedJobs.randomize()
+ // If marvin was linked to jobs we only consider those
+ if ( marvin.HasKey( "LinkedJobsOnly" ) && marvin.kv.LinkedJobsOnly == "1" )
+ {
+ Assert( linkedJobs.len() > 0, "marvin at " + marvin.GetOrigin() + " has LinkedJobsOnly marked but does not link to any job nodes" )
+ return linkedJobs
+ }
+ // Add all jobs within valid distance and randomize
+ array<MarvinJob> jobs
+ foreach ( MarvinJob marvinJob in file.marvinJobs )
+ {
+ if ( marvinType != marvinJob.validMarvinType )
+ continue
+ // Don't re-add a job that was linked to
+ if ( linkedJobs.contains( marvinJob ) )
+ continue
+ // Teleport nodes are for special case jobs with no nav mesh do son't consider them automatically
+ if ( marvinJob.node.HasKey( "teleport" ) && marvinJob.node.kv.teleport == "1" )
+ continue
+ // Only search for jobs within a max distance
+ if ( DistanceSqr( marvinJob.node.GetOrigin(), marvin.GetOrigin() ) <= MAX_JOB_SEARCH_DIST_SQR )
+ jobs.append( marvinJob )
+ }
+ // Randomize the order so the marvin does them out of order
+ jobs.randomize()
+ // Add the linked jobs to the list, and put them at the beginning of the priority
+ foreach ( MarvinJob linkedJob in linkedJobs )
+ jobs.insert( 0, linkedJob )
+ // Debug draw jobs this marvin can take
+ {
+ foreach ( MarvinJob job in jobs )
+ {
+ if ( linkedJobs.contains( job ) )
+ DebugDrawLine( marvin.GetOrigin(), job.node.GetOrigin(), 255, 255, 0, true, 10.0 )
+ else
+ DebugDrawLine( marvin.GetOrigin(), job.node.GetOrigin(), 200, 200, 200, true, 10.0 )
+ }
+ }
+ return jobs
+void function DebugMarvinJobs()
+ while ( true )
+ {
+ foreach ( MarvinJob marvinJob in file.marvinJobs )
+ {
+ string appendText = "AVAILABLE"
+ float timeTillNextUse = marvinJob.nextUsableTime - Time()
+ if ( IsValid( marvinJob.user ) )
+ appendText = "RESERVED"
+ else if ( timeTillNextUse > 0 )
+ appendText = format( "%.1f", timeTillNextUse )
+ DebugDrawText( marvinJob.node.GetOrigin(), marvinJob.jobType + " (" + appendText + ")", true, 0.1 )
+ }
+ wait 0.05
+ }
+MarvinJob function GetMarvinJobForNode( entity node )
+ MarvinJob marvinJob
+ foreach ( MarvinJob marvinJob in file.marvinJobs )
+ {
+ if ( marvinJob.node == node )
+ return marvinJob
+ }
+ return marvinJob
+entity function CreateBarrel( entity node )
+ return CreatePropPhysics( node.GetModelName(), node.GetOrigin(), node.GetAngles() )
+void function MarvinRunToAnimStart( entity marvin, string anim, entity jobNode )
+ if ( jobNode.HasKey( "teleport" ) && jobNode.kv.teleport == "1" )
+ wait 0.1
+ else
+ RunToAnimStartPos( marvin, anim, jobNode )
+void function MarvinFlyToAnimStart( entity marvin, string anim, entity jobNode )
+ if ( jobNode.HasKey( "teleport" ) && jobNode.kv.teleport == "1" )
+ {
+ wait 0.1
+ return
+ }
+ AnimRefPoint animStartInfo = marvin.Anim_GetStartForRefPoint( anim, jobNode.GetOrigin(), jobNode.GetAngles() )
+ marvin.AssaultPoint( animStartInfo.origin )
+ marvin.AssaultSetAngles( animStartInfo.angles, true )
+ marvin.AssaultSetArrivalTolerance( 16 )
+ marvin.WaitSignal( "OnFinishedAssault" )
+} \ No newline at end of file