path: root/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/_mapspawn.gnut
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/_mapspawn.gnut')
1 files changed, 217 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/_mapspawn.gnut b/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/_mapspawn.gnut
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3efee093e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/_mapspawn.gnut
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+// _mapspawn.nut
+// Called on newgame or transitions, BEFORE entities have been created and initialized
+global function CodeCallback_MapSpawn
+global function CodeCallback_ClientCommand
+global table _ClientCommandCallbacks = {}
+global entity _cc = null
+global entity _sc = null
+global struct spawnCallbackFuncArray
+ array<void functionref( entity )> callbackArray
+ string entityClassname
+global struct spawnCallbackFuncArray_scriptNoteworthy
+ array<void functionref( entity )> callbackArray
+ string scriptNoteworthy
+global struct spawnCallbackEditorClassFuncArray
+ array<void functionref( entity )> callbackArray
+ string entityClassname
+ string entityEditorClassname
+global typedef pilotEliminationDialogueCallbackType void functionref( int, array<entity>, int, array<entity> )
+global struct SvGlobals
+ entity worldspawn
+ array<spawnCallbackFuncArray> spawnCallbackFuncs
+ array<spawnCallbackEditorClassFuncArray> spawnCallbackEditorClassFuncs
+ array<spawnCallbackFuncArray_scriptNoteworthy> spawnCallbackFuncs_scriptNoteworthy
+ table<string, array<void functionref( entity )> > spawnCallbacks_scriptName
+ array<pilotEliminationDialogueCallbackType> pilotEliminationDialogueCallbacks
+ table<string, array<bool functionref( entity player, entity healthpack)> > onTouchHealthKitCallbacks
+ array<void functionref( entity )> onClientConnectedCallbacks
+ array<void functionref(entity)> onPlayerRespawnedCallbacks
+ array<void functionref( entity player, entity npc_titan )> onPilotBecomesTitanCallbacks
+ array<void functionref( entity player, entity npc_titan )> onTitanBecomesPilotCallbacks
+ array<void functionref( entity, entity, entity) > soulTransferFuncs
+ array<void functionref( entity titanSoul )> soulSettingsChangeFuncs
+ array<void functionref( entity titanSoul )> soulInitFuncs
+ table<string, array<void functionref( entity, var )> > damageByCallbacks
+ bool functionref( entity ) gameModeAbandonPenaltyApplies
+ bool functionref() timelimitCompleteFunc
+ bool functionref( entity ) titanAvailabilityCheck
+ bool cloakBreaksOnMelee = true //Reexamine if still needed if we have same behavior for cloak in MP/SP.
+ float defaultPilotLeechTime = 2.8
+ int winReason
+ string winReasonText
+ string lossReasonText
+ string gameWonAnnouncement
+ string gameLostAnnouncement
+ table< int, int > npcsSpawnedThisFrame_scriptManagedArray
+ float pilotRespawnDelay = 0.0
+ array<void functionref( entity, var )> soulDeathFuncs
+ table<string, void functionref(entity)> globalAnimEventCallbacks
+ array<void functionref( entity titan, TitanLoadoutDef newTitanLoadout )> onTitanGetsNewLoadoutCallbacks
+ array<void functionref( entity player, PilotLoadoutDef newTitanLoadout )> onPlayerGetsNewPilotLoadoutCallbacks
+ array<void functionref( TitanLoadoutDef newTitanLoadout )> onUpdateDerivedTitanLoadoutCallbacks
+ array<void functionref( entity player, TitanLoadoutDef newTitanLoadout )> onUpdateDerivedPlayerTitanLoadoutCallbacks
+ array<void functionref( PilotLoadoutDef newPilotLoadout )> onUpdateDerivedPilotLoadoutCallbacks
+ array<void functionref( entity victim, entity attacker, var damageInfo )> onPlayerKilledCallbacks
+ array<void functionref( entity victim, entity attacker, var damageInfo )> onNPCKilledCallbacks
+ array<void functionref( entity victim, var damageInfo )> onTitanDoomedCallbacks
+ array<void functionref( entity victim, entity attacker )> onTitanHealthSegmentLostCallbacks
+ array<void functionref( entity player )> onClientConnectingCallbacks
+ array<void functionref( entity player )> onClientDisconnectedCallbacks
+ array<void functionref( entity attacker, entity victim )> onPlayerAssistCallbacks
+ array<void functionref( entity player )> onPlayerDropsScriptedItemsCallbacks
+ array<void functionref( entity player )> onPlayerClassChangedCallbacks
+ array<void functionref( entity ship, string anim )> onWaveSpawnDropshipSpawned
+ table<string, array<void functionref( entity ent )> >onEntityChangedTeamCallbacks
+ table<string, bool functionref( entity player, array<string>args )> clientCommandCallbacks
+ array<void functionref()>[ eGameState._count_ ] gameStateEnterCallbacks
+ bool allowPointsOverLimit = false
+ bool bubbleShieldEnabled = true
+ entity levelEnt
+ //TODO: Get rid of these and use the new StartParticleEffectInWorld_ReturnEntity etc functions
+ entity fx_CP_color_enemy //Used for setting control points on FX
+ entity fx_CP_color_friendly //Used for setting control points on FX
+ entity fx_CP_color_neutral //Used for setting control points on FX
+ array<entity>[ TEAM_COUNT ] classicMPDropships
+ bool evacEnabled = false
+ void functionref( entity player ) observerFunc
+ array<void functionref()> playingThinkFuncTable
+ array<void functionref()> thirtySecondsLeftFuncTable
+ void functionref( int progress ) matchProgressAnnounceFunc
+ void functionref( entity player ) cp_VO_NagFunc
+ void functionref( entity player, entity hardpoint, float distance ) cp_VO_ApproachFunc
+ void functionref( entity touchEnt, entity hardpoint ) cp_VO_LeftTriggerWithoutCappingFunc
+ table<int, string> hardpointStringIDs
+ entity[ TEAM_COUNT ] flagSpawnPoints
+ vector distCheckTestPoint
+ void functionref() scoreEventOverrideFunc
+ array<void functionref( entity, entity )> onLeechedCustomCallbackFunc
+ bool forceSpawnAsTitan = false
+ bool forceSpawnIntoTitan = false
+ bool forceDisableTitanfalls = false
+ bool titanfallEnabled = true
+ //RoundWinningKillReplay related
+ entity roundWinningKillReplayViewEnt = null
+ entity roundWinningKillReplayVictim = null
+ int roundWinningKillReplayInflictorEHandle = -1
+ bool watchingRoundWinningKillReplay = false
+ bool forceNoFinalRoundDraws = false //Setting this to true will force a round based mode to keep playing rounds until a winner is determined. Game will not end on draw.
+ bool roundBasedTeamScore_RoundReset = true //if true, reset team scores at the start of each round.
+ bool isInPilotGracePeriod = false // if true, all players will be allowed to switch loadouts
+global SvGlobals svGlobal
+void function CodeCallback_MapSpawn() // original script entry point
+ ScriptCompilerTest()
+ LoadDiamond()
+ _cc = CreateEntity( "point_clientcommand" )
+ _sc = CreateEntity( "point_servercommand" )
+ PrecacheEntity( "env_entity_dissolver" )
+ LevelVarInit()
+ svGlobal.worldspawn = GetEnt( "worldspawn" )
+ svGlobal.worldspawn.kv.startdark = true
+ PrecacheModel( $"models/dev/editor_ref.mdl" )
+ PrecacheModel( $"models/dev/empty_model.mdl" )
+ PrecacheModel( $"models/test/brad/store_card.mdl" )
+ PrecacheModel( $"models/test/brad/store_card_angel_city.mdl" )
+ PrecacheModel( $"models/test/brad/store_card_colony.mdl" )
+ PrecacheModel( $"models/test/brad/store_card_relic.mdl" )
+ PrecacheModel( $"models/test/brad/store_card_prime_bundle.mdl" )
+ PrecacheModel( $"models/test/brad/store_titan_warpaint_bundle.mdl" )
+ PrecacheModel( $"models/test/brad/store_weapon_warpaint_bundle.mdl" )
+ PrecacheModel( $"models/test/brad/jump_start.mdl" )
+ PrecacheModel( $"models/weapons/shoulder_rocket_SRAM/ptpov_law_menu.mdl" ) // HACK
+ PrecacheModel( $"models/weapons/lstar/ptpov_lstar_menu.mdl" ) // HACK
+ PrecacheModel( $"models/weapons/softball_at/ptpov_softball_at_menu.mdl" ) // HACK
+ PrecacheModel( $"models/weapons/mastiff_stgn/ptpov_mastiff_menu.mdl" ) // HACK
+ PrecacheModel( $"models/error.mdl" ) // model used when no model is provided
+ if ( DREW_MODE == 2 ) // TEMPHACK
+ PrecacheModel( GREEN_SCREEN_MODEL )
+ printl( "Code Script: _mapspawn" )
+ // This will end up in either SP or MP
+ SPMP_MapSpawn_Init()
+var function CodeCallback_ClientCommand( entity player, array<string> args )
+ /*printl( "############################" )
+ printl( "CodeCallback_ClientCommand() before" )
+ printl( "player = " + player )
+ printl( "args:" )
+ foreach( key, value in args )
+ printl( key + " : " + value )
+ printl( "############################" )*/
+ string commandString = args.remove( 0 )
+ //TODO: Track down Why VModEnable is being called from code?
+ //Assert( commandString in svGlobal.clientCommandCallbacks )
+ if ( commandString in svGlobal.clientCommandCallbacks )
+ {
+ return svGlobal.clientCommandCallbacks[ commandString ]( player, args )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printl( "############################" )
+ printl( "CommandString: " + commandString + " was not added via AddClientCommandCallback but is being called in CodeCallback_ClientCommand" )
+ printl( "############################" )
+ return false
+ }