path: root/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/_control_panel.gnut
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/_control_panel.gnut')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 727 deletions
diff --git a/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/_control_panel.gnut b/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/_control_panel.gnut
deleted file mode 100644
index f9d7a4ff8..000000000
--- a/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/_control_panel.gnut
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,727 +0,0 @@
-global function ControlPanel_Init
-global function InitControlPanelUseFuncTable
-global function AddControlPanelUseFuncTable
-global function SetControlPanelPrompts
-global function SetPanelUsableToEnemies
-global function PanelFlipsToPlayerTeamAndUsableByEnemies
-global function GetAllControlPanels
-global function CaptureAllAvailableControlPanels
-global function GetPanelUseEnts
-global function PlayIncomingFX
-global function SetControlPanelUseFunc
-global function ClearControlPanelUseFuncs
-const INCOMING_SPAWN_FX = $"P_ar_titan_droppoint"
- array<entity> controlPanels
-} file
-// Control Panels
-function ControlPanel_Init()
- PrecacheModel( $"models/communication/terminal_usable_imc_01.mdl" )
- PrecacheParticleSystem( INCOMING_SPAWN_FX )
- //PrecacheMaterial( $"vgui/hud/control_panel/console_disabled/console_disabled" )
- //PrecacheMaterial( $"vgui/hud/control_panel/console_f_deploy/console_f_deploy" )
- //PrecacheMaterial( $"vgui/hud/control_panel/console_f_search/console_f_search" )
- //PrecacheMaterial( $"vgui/hud/control_panel/console_f_active/console_f_active" )
- //PrecacheMaterial( $"vgui/hud/control_panel/console_f_repair/console_f_repair" )
- //PrecacheMaterial( $"vgui/hud/control_panel/console_e_deploy/console_e_deploy" )
- //PrecacheMaterial( $"vgui/hud/control_panel/console_e_search/console_e_search" )
- //PrecacheMaterial( $"vgui/hud/control_panel/console_e_active/console_e_active" )
- //PrecacheMaterial( $"vgui/hud/control_panel/console_e_repair/console_e_repair" )
- AddSpawnCallback( "prop_control_panel", OnPanelSpawn )
- RegisterSignal( "PanelReprogrammed" )
- RegisterSignal( "PanelReprogram_Success" )
- RegisterSignal( "OnContinousUseStopped" )
-function GameModeRemovePanel( ent )
- local keepUndefined
- string gameMode = GameRules_GetGameMode()
- switch ( gameMode )
- {
- // if we are in this game mode, then don't keep undefined panels
- default:
- keepUndefined = true
- break
- }
- local gamemodeKey = "gamemode_" + gameMode
- if ( ent.HasKey( gamemodeKey ) && ent.kv[gamemodeKey] == "1" )
- {
- // the key exists and it's true so keep it
- return
- }
- if ( !ent.HasKey( gamemodeKey ) && keepUndefined )
- {
- // the key doesn't exist but keepUndefined is true so still keep it
- return
- }
- ent.Destroy()
-void function OnPanelSpawn( entity panel )
- Assert( panel.GetModelName() == $"models/communication/terminal_usable_imc_01.mdl" )
- thread OnPanelSpawn_Internal( panel )
-void function OnPanelSpawn_Internal( entity panel )
- panel.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- GameModeRemovePanel( panel )
- panel.s.useFuncArray <- []
- Assert( IsValid( panel ), "Invalid panel " + panel )
- panel.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- file.controlPanels.append( panel )
- thread PanelUpdateUsability( panel )
- panel.useFunction = ControlPanel_CanUseFunction
- panel.s.leechTimeNormal <- 3.0
- panel.s.leechTimeFast <- 1.1
- panel.kv.forceVisibleInPhaseShift = true
- panel.s.onPlayerFinishesUsing_func <- null
- panel.s.hackedOnce <- false
- //Used in Frontier Mode for knowing if NPCs are hacking the panel.
- panel.s.hackingEntity <- null
- panel.s.remoteTurret <- null
- panel.s.remoteTurretStartFunc <- null
- int contextId = 0
- panel.Highlight_SetFunctions( contextId, 0, true, HIGHLIGHT_OUTLINE_INTERACT_BUTTON, 1, 0, false )
- panel.Highlight_SetParam( contextId, 0, HIGHLIGHT_COLOR_INTERACT )
- panel.Highlight_SetCurrentContext( contextId )
- panel.Highlight_ShowInside( 0.0 )
- panel.Highlight_ShowOutline( 0.0 )
- #endif
- string flag
- if ( panel.HasKey( "scr_flag_set" ) )
- {
- string editorVal = expect string( panel.kv.scr_flag_set )
- if ( editorVal != "" )
- {
- flag = editorVal
- FlagInit( flag )
- }
- }
- string hackFlag
- if ( panel.HasKey( "scr_flag_hack_started" ) )
- {
- string editorVal = expect string( panel.kv.scr_flag_hack_started )
- if ( editorVal != "" )
- {
- hackFlag = editorVal
- FlagInit( hackFlag )
- }
- }
- bool toggleFlag = false
- if ( panel.HasKey( "toggleFlagWhenHacked" ) )
- toggleFlag = panel.kv.toggleFlagWhenHacked == "1"
- bool singleUse = false
- if ( panel.HasKey( "singleUse" ) )
- singleUse = panel.kv.singleUse.tointeger() > 0
- string requiredFlag = ""
- if ( panel.HasKey( "scr_flagRequired" ) && panel.GetValueForKey( "scr_flagRequired" ) != "" )
- requiredFlag = panel.GetValueForKey( "scr_flagRequired" )
- for ( ;; )
- {
- var player = panel.WaitSignal( "OnPlayerUse" ).player
- Assert( player.IsPlayer() )
- expect entity( player )
- if ( !IsAlive( player ) || player.IsTitan() )
- continue
- // Panel might be disabled with a flag, so don't allow a hack. We don't disable usability though, because we want use prompts still, with custom hint text
- if ( (requiredFlag != "") && !Flag( requiredFlag ) )
- continue
- // already a user?
- if ( IsAlive( panel.GetBossPlayer() ) )
- continue
- if ( !panel.useFunction( player, panel ) )
- {
- //play buzzer sound
- //EmitSoundOnEntity( panel, "Operator.Ability_offline" )
- wait 1
- continue
- }
- waitthread PlayerUsesControlPanel( player, panel, flag, toggleFlag, hackFlag )
- if ( singleUse && (panel.s.hackedOnce == true) )
- break
- }
- // control panel no longer usable
- panel.UnsetUsable()
- panel.SetUsePrompts( "", "" )
- panel.Highlight_HideInside( 1.0 )
- panel.Highlight_HideOutline( 1.0 )
- #endif
-void function PanelUpdateUsability( entity panel )
- panel.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- //Default, set it usable by everyone
- panel.SetUsableByGroup( "pilot" )
- if ( !panel.HasKey( "scr_flagRequired" ) )
- return
- string flag = panel.GetValueForKey( "scr_flagRequired" )
- if ( flag == "" )
- return
- FlagInit( flag )
- string disabledUsePrompt = ""
- if ( panel.HasKey( "disabledHintString" ) )
- disabledUsePrompt = panel.GetValueForKey( "disabledHintString" )
- while(true)
- {
- panel.SetUsePrompts( disabledUsePrompt, disabledUsePrompt )
- FlagWait( flag )
- FlagWaitClear( flag )
- }
-void function PlayIncomingFX( vector origin, int teamNum )
- wait 1.50
- EmitSoundAtPosition( teamNum, origin, "Titan_1P_Warpfall_Start" )
- local colorVec = Vector( 0, 255, 0 )
- entity cpoint = CreateEntity( "info_placement_helper" )
- SetTargetName( cpoint, UniqueString( "pickup_controlpoint" ) )
- DispatchSpawn( cpoint )
- cpoint.SetOrigin( colorVec )
- entity glowFX = PlayFXWithControlPoint( INCOMING_SPAWN_FX, origin, cpoint, -1, null, null, C_PLAYFX_LOOP )
- OnThreadEnd(
- function() : ( glowFX, cpoint )
- {
- if ( IsValid( glowFX ) )
- glowFX.Destroy()
- if ( IsValid( cpoint ) )
- cpoint.Destroy()
- }
- )
- wait 1.25
-void function PlayerUsesControlPanel( entity player, entity panel, string flag, bool toggleFlag, string hackFlag )
- thread PlayerProgramsControlPanel( panel, player, hackFlag )
- local result = panel.WaitSignal( "PanelReprogrammed" )
- if ( result.success )
- {
- local panelEHandle = IsValid( panel ) ? panel.GetEncodedEHandle() : null
- array<entity> players = GetPlayerArray()
- foreach( player in players )
- {
- Remote_CallFunction_Replay( player, "ServerCallback_ControlPanelRefresh", panelEHandle )
- }
- RunPanelUseFunctions( panel, player )
- panel.Signal( "PanelReprogram_Success" )
- if ( flag != "" )
- {
- if ( toggleFlag && Flag( flag ) )
- FlagClear( flag )
- else
- {
- FlagSet( flag )
- }
- }
- panel.s.hackedOnce = true
- }
- else
- {
- //play buzzer sound
- //EmitSoundOnEntity( panel, "Operator.Ability_offline" )
- WaitFrame() // arbitrary delay so that you can't restart the leech instantly after failing
- if ( hackFlag != "" )
- FlagClear( hackFlag )
- }
-function RunPanelUseFunctions( panel, player )
- if ( panel.s.useFuncArray.len() <= 0 )
- return
- foreach ( useFuncTable in clone panel.s.useFuncArray )
- {
- if ( useFuncTable.useEnt == null )
- useFuncTable.useFunc( panel, player )
- else
- useFuncTable.useFunc( panel, player, useFuncTable.useEnt )
- }
-function SetControlPanelUseFunc( panel, func, ent = null )
- local Table = InitControlPanelUseFuncTable()
- Table.useFunc <- func
- Table.useEnt <- ent
- AddControlPanelUseFuncTable( panel, Table )
-function ClearControlPanelUseFuncs( panel )
- panel.s.useFuncArray.clear()
-void function PlayerProgramsControlPanel( entity panel, entity player, string hackFlag )
- Assert( IsAlive( player ) )
- // need to wait here so that the panel script can start waiting for the PanelReprogrammed signal.
- WaitFrame()
- local action =
- {
- playerAnimation1pStart = "ptpov_data_knife_console_leech_start"
- playerAnimation1pIdle = "ptpov_data_knife_console_leech_idle"
- playerAnimation1pEnd = "ptpov_data_knife_console_leech_end"
- playerAnimation3pStart = "pt_data_knife_console_leech_start"
- playerAnimation3pIdle = "pt_data_knife_console_leech_idle"
- playerAnimation3pEnd = "pt_data_knife_console_leech_end"
- panelAnimation3pStart = "tm_data_knife_console_leech_start"
- panelAnimation3pIdle = "tm_data_knife_console_leech_idle"
- panelAnimation3pEnd = "tm_data_knife_console_leech_end"
- direction = Vector( -1, 0, 0 )
- }
- panel.Highlight_HideInside( 1.0 )
- panel.Highlight_HideOutline( 1.0 )
- #endif
- local e = {}
- e.success <- false
- e.knives <- []
- e.panelUsableValueToRestore <- panel.GetUsableValue()
- e.startOrigin <- player.GetOrigin()
- panel.SetBossPlayer( player )
- panel.SetUsableValue( USABLE_BY_OWNER )
- e.setIntruder <- false
- e.finishedPanelOpen <- false
- e.animViewLerpoutTime <- 0.3
- e.doRequireUseButtonHeld <- true
- player.ForceStand()
- HolsterAndDisableWeapons( player ) //Do here instead of after doRequireUseButtonHeld check since DisableOffhandWeapons() is counter based, i.e. a call to DisableOffhandWeapons() must be matched with a call to EnableOffhandWeapons()
- //
- if ( panel.s.remoteTurret )
- {
- action.playerAnimation1pStart = "ptpov_data_knife_console_leech_remoteturret_start"
- action.playerAnimation3pStart = "pt_data_knife_console_leech_remoteturret_start"
- action.panelAnimation3pStart = "tm_data_knife_console_leech_remoteturret_start"
- e.animViewLerpoutTime = 0.0
- e.doRequireUseButtonHeld = false
- panel.SetUsePrompts( "", "" )
- }
- player.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- player.EndSignal( "ScriptAnimStop" )
- OnThreadEnd
- (
- function() : ( e, player, panel )
- {
- if ( e.setIntruder )
- level.nv.panelIntruder = null
- if ( IsValid( player ) )
- {
- player.ClearAnimNearZ()
- player.ClearParent()
- // stop any running first person sequences
- player.Anim_Stop()
- if ( IsAlive( player ) )
- PutEntityInSafeSpot( player, panel, null, expect vector( e.startOrigin ), player.GetOrigin() )
- // done with first person anims
- ClearPlayerAnimViewEntity( player, expect float( e.animViewLerpoutTime ) )
- DeployAndEnableWeapons( player )
- player.UnforceStand()
- if ( player.ContextAction_IsLeeching() )
- player.Event_LeechEnd()
- }
- if ( IsValid( panel ) )
- {
- // stop any running first person sequences
- panel.Anim_Stop()
- panel.Anim_Play( "ref" ) // close the hatch
- // reset default usability
- if ( !panel.s.remoteTurret || !e.finishedPanelOpen )
- {
- panel.ClearBossPlayer()
- panel.SetUsableValue( e.panelUsableValueToRestore )
- }
- if ( !e.success )
- {
- panel.Highlight_ShowInside( 1.0 )
- panel.Highlight_ShowOutline( 1.0 )
- #endif
- panel.Signal( "PanelReprogrammed", { success = e.success } )
- #if MP
- local turret = GetMegaTurretLinkedToPanel( panel ) //CHIN: Control panels shouldn't need to know about turrets
- if ( IsValid( turret ) && IsTurret( turret ) )
- {
- local usableValue = MegaTurretUsabilityFunc( turret, panel )
- panel.SetUsableByGroup( usableValue )
- SetUsePromptForPanel( panel, turret )
- }
- else
- {
- // Turret got destoyed while hacking.
- // Usability state has been set by ReleaseTurret( ... ) in ai_turret.nut
- // Changing it to the previous usable value would put us in a bad state.
- // we should change how this works for R2
- //
- // HACK remove s.scriptedPanel when these are refactored
- if ( "scriptedPanel" in panel.s )
- panel.SetUsableValue( e.panelUsableValueToRestore )
- }
- #endif
- #if SP
- if ( "scriptedPanel" in panel.s )
- panel.SetUsableValue( e.panelUsableValueToRestore )
- #endif
- }
- if ( panel.s.remoteTurret && e.finishedPanelOpen )
- thread panel.s.remoteTurretStartFunc( panel, player, e.panelUsableValueToRestore )
- if ( panel.s.onPlayerFinishesUsing_func )
- thread panel.s.onPlayerFinishesUsing_func( panel, player, e.success )
- }
- foreach ( knife in e.knives )
- {
- if ( IsValid( knife ) )
- knife.Destroy()
- }
- }
- )
- if ( e.doRequireUseButtonHeld && !player.UseButtonPressed() )
- return // it's possible to get here and no longer be holding the use button. If that is the case lets not continue.
- if ( player.ContextAction_IsActive() )
- return
- if ( player.IsPhaseShifted() )
- return
- player.SetAnimNearZ( 1 )
- player.Event_LeechStart()
- local leechTime = panel.s.leechTimeNormal
- if ( PlayerHasPassive( player, ePassives.PAS_FAST_HACK ) )
- leechTime = panel.s.leechTimeFast
- local totalTime = leechTime + player.GetSequenceDuration( action.playerAnimation3pStart )
- thread TrackContinuousUse( player, totalTime, e.doRequireUseButtonHeld )
- waitthread ControlPanelFlipAnimation( panel, player, action, e )
- if ( e.doRequireUseButtonHeld && !player.UseButtonPressed() )
- return // we might have returned from the flip anim because we released the use button.
- if ( hackFlag != "" )
- FlagSet( hackFlag )
- e.finishedPanelOpen = true
- if ( panel.s.remoteTurret )
- {
- // Called on thread end above.
- return
- }
- Remote_CallFunction_Replay( player, "ServerCallback_DataKnifeStartLeech", leechTime )
- waitthread WaitForEndLeechOrStoppedUse( player, leechTime, e, panel )
- if ( e.success )
- {
- thread DataKnifeSuccessSounds( player )
- }
- else
- {
- DataKnifeCanceledSounds( player )
- Remote_CallFunction_Replay( player, "ServerCallback_DataKnifeCancelLeech" )
- }
- waitthread ControlPanelFlipExitAnimation( player, panel, action, e )
-function WaitForEndLeechOrStoppedUse( player, leechTime, e, panel )
- player.EndSignal( "OnContinousUseStopped" )
- wait leechTime
- e.success = true
- panel.Signal( "PanelReprogrammed", { success = e.success } )
-function ControlPanelFlipAnimation( entity panel, entity player, action, e )
-// OnThreadEnd
-// (
-// function() : ( panel )
-// {
-// if ( IsValid( panel ) )
-// DeleteAnimEvent( panel, "knife_popout" )
-// }
-// )
- player.EndSignal( "OnContinousUseStopped" )
- FirstPersonSequenceStruct playerSequence
- playerSequence.attachment = "ref"
- playerSequence.thirdPersonAnim = expect string ( action.playerAnimation3pStart )
- playerSequence.thirdPersonAnimIdle = expect string ( action.playerAnimation3pIdle )
- playerSequence.firstPersonAnim = expect string ( action.playerAnimation1pStart )
- playerSequence.firstPersonAnimIdle = expect string ( action.playerAnimation1pIdle )
- if ( IntroPreviewOn() )
- playerSequence.viewConeFunction = ControlPanelFlipViewCone
- FirstPersonSequenceStruct panelSequence
- panelSequence.thirdPersonAnim = expect string ( action.panelAnimation3pStart )
- panelSequence.thirdPersonAnimIdle = expect string ( action.panelAnimation3pIdle )
- asset model = DATA_KNIFE_MODEL
- entity knife = CreatePropDynamic( model )
- SetTargetName( knife, "dataKnife" )
- knife.SetParent( player, "PROPGUN", false, 0.0 )
- e.knives.append( knife )
- thread PanelFirstPersonSequence( panelSequence, panel, player )
- waitthread FirstPersonSequence( playerSequence, player, panel )
-void function ControlPanelFlipViewCone( entity player )
- player.PlayerCone_FromAnim()
- player.PlayerCone_SetMinYaw( -80 )
- player.PlayerCone_SetMaxYaw( 80 )
- player.PlayerCone_SetMinPitch( -80 )
- player.PlayerCone_SetMaxPitch( 10 )
-function PanelFirstPersonSequence( FirstPersonSequenceStruct panelSequence, entity panel, entity player )
- player.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- panel.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- waitthread FirstPersonSequence( panelSequence, panel )
-function ControlPanelFlipExitAnimation( entity player, entity panel, action, e )
- FirstPersonSequenceStruct playerSequence
- playerSequence.blendTime = 0.0
- playerSequence.attachment = "ref"
- playerSequence.teleport = true
- FirstPersonSequenceStruct panelSequence
- panelSequence.blendTime = 0.0
- playerSequence.thirdPersonAnim = expect string ( action.playerAnimation3pEnd )
- playerSequence.firstPersonAnim = expect string ( action.playerAnimation1pEnd )
- panelSequence.thirdPersonAnim = expect string ( action.panelAnimation3pEnd )
- thread FirstPersonSequence( panelSequence, panel )
- waitthread FirstPersonSequence( playerSequence, player, panel )
-function TrackContinuousUse( player, leechTime, doRequireUseButtonHeld )
- player.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- player.EndSignal( "ScriptAnimStop" )
- local result = {}
- result.success <- false
- OnThreadEnd
- (
- function() : ( player, result )
- {
- if ( !result.success )
- {
- player.Signal( "OnContinousUseStopped" )
- }
- }
- )
- float startTime = Time()
- while ( Time() < startTime + leechTime && (!doRequireUseButtonHeld || player.UseButtonPressed()) && !player.IsPhaseShifted() )
- WaitFrame()
- if ( !doRequireUseButtonHeld || player.UseButtonPressed() )
- result.success = true
-function InitControlPanelUseFuncTable()
- local Table = {}
- Table.useEnt <- null
- Table.useFunc <- null
- return Table
-function AddControlPanelUseFuncTable( panel, Table )
- // a table that contains
- //1. a function to be called when the control panel is used
- //2. an entity that the function refers to, e.g. the turret to be created
- panel.s.useFuncArray.append( Table )
-function SetControlPanelPrompts( ent, func )
- ent.s.prompts <- func( ent )
-function SetPanelUsableToEnemies( panel )
- if ( panel.GetTeam() == TEAM_IMC || panel.GetTeam() == TEAM_MILITIA )
- {
- panel.SetUsableByGroup( "enemies pilot" )
- return
- }
- //Not on either player team, just set usable to everyone
- panel.SetUsableByGroup( "pilot" )
-function PanelFlipsToPlayerTeamAndUsableByEnemies( panel, entity player )
- expect entity( panel )
- SetTeam( panel, player.GetTeam() )
- SetPanelUsableToEnemies( panel )
-function GetPanelUseEnts( panel )
- local useEntsArray = []
- foreach( useFuncTable in panel.s.useFuncArray )
- {
- if ( useFuncTable.useEnt )
- useEntsArray.append( useFuncTable.useEnt )
- }
- return useEntsArray
-array<entity> function GetAllControlPanels()
- //Defensively remove control panels that are invalid.
- //This is because we can have control panels in levels for some game modes
- //but not in others, e.g. refuel mode vs tdm
- ArrayRemoveInvalid( file.controlPanels )
- return file.controlPanels
-function CaptureAllAvailableControlPanels( player )
- array<entity> panels = GetAllControlPanels()
- foreach ( panel in panels )
- {
- printt( "panel team " + panel.GetTeam() )
- RunPanelUseFunctions( panel, player )
- }