path: root/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/_auto_precache.gnut
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/_auto_precache.gnut')
1 files changed, 771 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/_auto_precache.gnut b/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/_auto_precache.gnut
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..75c7873ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/_auto_precache.gnut
@@ -0,0 +1,771 @@
+#if DEV
+global function AutoPrecache_Init
+global function SetAutoPrecacheVersion
+global function MarkNPCForAutoPrecache
+global function AP_NPCSpawnerFound
+global function AP_PrecacheWeapon
+global function AP_PrecacheModel
+global struct AutoPrecacheList
+ array<string> weapons
+ table<string,int> weaponCount
+ table<string,array<entity> > npcSpawners
+ table<asset,string> autoPrecacheScript
+ array<asset> models
+ int autoPrecacheVersion
+ array<string> forceAutoPrecacheAiSettings
+ table<string,int> autoPrecacheFound_weapons
+ table<asset,bool> autoPrecacheFound_models
+ table<string,int> autoPrecacheFound_npcs
+} file
+void function AutoPrecache_Init()
+ thread VerifyAutoPrecaches()
+ AddCallback_OnClientConnecting( AutoPrecache_OnPlayerConnect )
+void function AutoPrecache_OnPlayerConnect( entity player )
+ if ( Dev_CommandLineHasParm( "-autoprecache_all" ) )
+ {
+ switch ( GetMapName() )
+ {
+ case "sp_training":
+ ClientCommand( player, "map sp_crashsite" )
+ return
+ case "sp_crashsite":
+ ClientCommand( player, "map sp_sewers1" )
+ return
+ case "sp_sewers1":
+ ClientCommand( player, "map sp_boomtown" )
+ return
+ case "sp_boomtown":
+ ClientCommand( player, "map sp_boomtown_end" )
+ return
+ case "sp_boomtown_end":
+ ClientCommand( player, "map sp_boomtown_start" )
+ return
+ case "sp_boomtown_start":
+ ClientCommand( player, "map sp_hub_timeshift" )
+ return
+ case "sp_hub_timeshift":
+ ClientCommand( player, "map sp_timeshift_spoke02" )
+ return
+ case "sp_timeshift_spoke02":
+ ClientCommand( player, "map sp_beacon" )
+ return
+ case "sp_beacon":
+ ClientCommand( player, "map sp_beacon_spoke0" )
+ return
+ case "sp_beacon_spoke0":
+ ClientCommand( player, "map sp_tday" )
+ return
+ case "sp_tday":
+ ClientCommand( player, "map sp_s2s" )
+ return
+ case "sp_s2s":
+ ClientCommand( player, "map sp_skyway_v1" )
+ return
+ case "sp_skyway_v1":
+ ClientCommand( player, "map mp_grave" )
+ return
+ case "mp_grave":
+ ClientCommand( player, "quit" )
+ return
+ default:
+ ClientCommand( player, "map sp_training" )
+ return
+ }
+ }
+void function VerifyAutoPrecaches()
+ WaitEndFrame()
+ if ( !IsTestMap() )
+ Autoprecache_Verify()
+void function Autoprecache_Verify()
+ AutoPrecacheList autoPrecacheList = GenerateAutoPrecacheListForLevel()
+ if ( AutoPrecacheUpToDate( autoPrecacheList ) )
+ return
+ if ( !Dev_CommandLineHasParm( "-autoprecache_all" ) && !Dev_CommandLineHasParm( "-autoprecache" ) )
+ {
+ // dont really want mp generating auto precache if one map has an npc randomly placed in it, or an mp dedi going rogue
+ CodeWarning( "Entities have changed. Re-export auto precache script or run game with -autoprecache." )
+ return
+ }
+ ExportAutoPrecacheList( autoPrecacheList )
+ if ( Dev_CommandLineHasParm( "-autoprecache" ) )
+ {
+ Dev_CommandLineRemoveParm( "-autoprecache" )
+ ServerCommand( "reload" )
+ return
+ }
+ LevelTransitionStruct ornull trans = GetLevelTransitionStruct()
+ if ( trans != null )
+ {
+ expect LevelTransitionStruct( trans )
+ ChangeLevel( GetMapName(), trans )
+ return
+ }
+ LevelTransitionStruct trans2
+ ChangeLevel( GetMapName(), trans2 )
+bool function IsTitanAISettings( string aiSettings )
+ return Dev_GetAISettingByKeyField_Global( aiSettings, "aiclass" ) == "titan"
+void function AddAutoPrecacheWeapon( AutoPrecacheList autoPrecacheList, string weapon )
+ if ( weapon == "" )
+ return
+ autoPrecacheList.weapons.append( weapon )
+void function FillAISettingsPrecaches( string aiSettings, AutoPrecacheList autoPrecacheList )
+ if ( Dev_GetAISettingByKeyField_Global( aiSettings, "ForceAutoPrecacheDefaultWeapon" ) == 1 )
+ {
+ string weapon = expect string( Dev_GetAISettingByKeyField_Global( aiSettings, "DefaultWeapon" ) )
+ Assert( weapon != "", "Expected a weapon because ForceAutoPrecacheDefaultWeapon 1" )
+ AddAutoPrecacheWeapon( autoPrecacheList, weapon )
+ }
+ var grenadeWeapon = Dev_GetAISettingByKeyField_Global( aiSettings, "GrenadeWeaponName" )
+ if ( grenadeWeapon != "" )
+ {
+ expect string( grenadeWeapon )
+ AddAutoPrecacheWeapon( autoPrecacheList, grenadeWeapon )
+ }
+ var AdditionalScriptWeapon = Dev_GetAISettingByKeyField_Global( aiSettings, "AdditionalScriptWeapon" )
+ if ( AdditionalScriptWeapon != null )
+ {
+ expect string( AdditionalScriptWeapon )
+ AddAutoPrecacheWeapon( autoPrecacheList, AdditionalScriptWeapon )
+ }
+ var AdditionalAISettings = Dev_GetAISettingByKeyField_Global( aiSettings, "AdditionalAISettings" )
+ if ( AdditionalAISettings != null )
+ {
+ expect string( AdditionalAISettings )
+ FillAISettingsPrecaches( AdditionalAISettings, autoPrecacheList )
+ }
+ for ( int i = 0;; i++ )
+ {
+ asset gibModel = Dev_GetAISettingAssetByKeyField_Global( aiSettings, "GibModel" + i )
+ if ( gibModel == $"" )
+ break
+ autoPrecacheList.models.append( gibModel )
+ }
+ if ( IsTitanAISettings( aiSettings ) )
+ {
+ var titanSettings = Dev_GetAISettingByKeyField_Global( aiSettings, "npc_titan_player_settings" )
+ // is it a titan?
+ Assert( titanSettings != null, "No npc_titan_player_settings field in titan settings " + titanSettings )
+ // titans get their model from player model
+ expect string( titanSettings )
+ TitanLoadoutDef ornull titanLoadout = GetTitanLoadoutForColumn( "setFile", titanSettings )
+ if ( titanLoadout == null )
+ return
+ expect TitanLoadoutDef( titanLoadout )
+ AddTitanLoadoutToAutoPrecache( titanLoadout, autoPrecacheList )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // non-titan npcs get their model from their set file
+ string baseClass = expect string( Dev_GetAISettingByKeyField_Global( aiSettings, "BaseClass" ) )
+ array<string> keys = [ "DefaultModelName", "DefaultModelName_IMC", "DefaultModelName_MIL" ]
+ foreach ( key in keys )
+ {
+ var model = Dev_GetAISettingAssetByKeyField_Global( aiSettings, key )
+ if ( model == null )
+ continue
+ if ( model == $"" )
+ continue
+ expect asset( model )
+ autoPrecacheList.models.append( model )
+ }
+ }
+void function AddTitanLoadoutToAutoPrecache( TitanLoadoutDef titanLoadout, AutoPrecacheList autoPrecacheList )
+ array<string> weapons = GetWeaponsFromTitanLoadout( titanLoadout )
+ foreach ( weapon in weapons )
+ {
+ AddAutoPrecacheWeapon( autoPrecacheList, weapon )
+ }
+ #if MP
+ //Precache both the prime and non-prime versions
+ string primeSetFile
+ string nonPrimeSetFile
+ string titanClass = titanLoadout.titanClass
+ Assert( titanClass != "" )
+ nonPrimeSetFile = GetSetFileForTitanClassAndPrimeStatus( titanClass, false )
+ AddTitanSetFileToAutoPrecache( nonPrimeSetFile, autoPrecacheList )
+ if( TitanClassHasPrimeTitan( titanClass ) )
+ {
+ primeSetFile = GetSetFileForTitanClassAndPrimeStatus( titanClass, true )
+ AddTitanSetFileToAutoPrecache( primeSetFile, autoPrecacheList )
+ }
+ #elseif SP
+ string nonPrimeSetFile = titanLoadout.setFile
+ //printt( "nonPrimeSetFile: " + nonPrimeSetFile )
+ AddTitanSetFileToAutoPrecache( nonPrimeSetFile, autoPrecacheList )
+ #endif
+void function AddTitanSetFileToAutoPrecache( string setFile, AutoPrecacheList autoPrecacheList )
+ asset model = GetPlayerSettingsAssetForClassName( setFile, "bodymodel" )
+ autoPrecacheList.models.append( model )
+ autoPrecacheList.models.extend( GetModelsFromSetFile_3rdPerson( setFile ) )
+ asset hatchmodel = Dev_GetPlayerSettingAssetByKeyField_Global( setFile, "hatchmodel" )
+ if ( hatchmodel != $"" )
+ {
+ autoPrecacheList.models.append( hatchmodel )
+ }
+ AddAutoPrecacheScript( autoPrecacheList, setFile )
+ #if MP
+ autoPrecacheList.models.extend( GetModelsFromSetFile( setFile ) )
+ #endif
+void function MarkNPCForAutoPrecache( string aiSettings )
+ Assert( !file.forceAutoPrecacheAiSettings.contains( aiSettings ), "Already marked " + aiSettings + " for auto precache" )
+ file.forceAutoPrecacheAiSettings.append( aiSettings )
+bool function AutoPrecacheUpToDate( AutoPrecacheList autoPrecacheList )
+ foreach ( weapon in autoPrecacheList.weapons )
+ {
+ if ( !( weapon in file.autoPrecacheFound_weapons ) )
+ {
+ CodeWarning( "Auto Precache Failed: Weapon " + weapon + " not found." )
+ return false
+ }
+ if ( file.autoPrecacheFound_weapons[ weapon ] != autoPrecacheList.weaponCount[ weapon ] )
+ {
+ CodeWarning( "Auto Precache Failed: Weapon " + weapon + " count changed from " + file.autoPrecacheFound_weapons[ weapon ] + " to " + autoPrecacheList.weaponCount[ weapon ] )
+ return false
+ }
+ if ( !WeaponIsPrecached( weapon ) )
+ {
+ CodeWarning( "Auto Precache Failed: Weapon " + weapon + " is not precached." )
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ foreach ( model in autoPrecacheList.models )
+ {
+ if ( !( model in file.autoPrecacheFound_models ) )
+ {
+ CodeWarning( "Auto Precache Failed: Model " + model + " not found." )
+ return false
+ }
+ if ( !ModelIsPrecached( model ) )
+ {
+ CodeWarning( "Auto Precache Failed: Model " + model + " is not precached." )
+ return false
+ }
+ //TODO: I think this is correct but it would make SP's autoprecache stuff need to get updated. Not worth the risk for R2.
+ /*if ( file.autoPrecacheFound_models.len() != autoPrecacheList.models.len() )
+ {
+ CodeWarning( "Auto Precache Failed: autoPrecacheFound_models.len() is not the same as autoPrecacheList.models.len()" )
+ return false
+ }*/
+ }
+ foreach ( settings, spawners in autoPrecacheList.npcSpawners )
+ {
+ if ( !( settings in file.autoPrecacheFound_npcs ) )
+ {
+ CodeWarning( "Auto Precache Failed: NPC " + settings + " not found." )
+ return false
+ }
+ if ( file.autoPrecacheFound_npcs[ settings ] != spawners.len() )
+ {
+ CodeWarning( "Auto Precache Failed: NPC spawner " + settings + " count changed from " + file.autoPrecacheFound_npcs[ settings ] + " to " + spawners.len() )
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ // verify up to date autoprecache
+ return file.autoPrecacheVersion == AUTO_PRECACHE_VERSION
+void function SetAutoPrecacheVersion( int ver )
+ file.autoPrecacheVersion = ver
+void function FillFromNPCSettings( array<string> npcAiSettings, AutoPrecacheList autoPrecacheList )
+ table<string,bool> filledAiSettings
+ foreach ( aiSettings in file.forceAutoPrecacheAiSettings )
+ {
+ FillAISettingsPrecaches( aiSettings, autoPrecacheList )
+ filledAiSettings[ aiSettings ] <- true
+ }
+ // precache weapons from the AI
+ foreach ( aiSettings in npcAiSettings )
+ {
+ // any of these spawned in the level?
+ string baseClass = expect string( Dev_GetAISettingByKeyField_Global( aiSettings, "BaseClass" ) )
+ array<entity> spawners = GetSpawnerArrayByClassName( baseClass )
+ bool titanSettings = IsTitanAISettings( aiSettings )
+ foreach ( spawner in spawners )
+ {
+ // this may be set on the entity in leveled
+ table kvs = spawner.GetSpawnEntityKeyValues()
+ string leveledAISettings
+ if ( "leveled_aisettings" in kvs )
+ {
+ leveledAISettings = expect string( kvs.leveled_aisettings )
+ }
+ // this finds all spawners with the same baseclass, so only check the spawners that match ai settings.
+ if ( leveledAISettings == "" )
+ {
+ if ( baseClass != aiSettings )
+ continue
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( leveledAISettings != aiSettings )
+ continue
+ }
+ if ( !( aiSettings in filledAiSettings ) )
+ {
+ // found a spawner with these leveled AI settings
+ FillAISettingsPrecaches( aiSettings, autoPrecacheList )
+ filledAiSettings[ aiSettings ] <- true
+ }
+ if ( !( aiSettings in autoPrecacheList.npcSpawners ) )
+ autoPrecacheList.npcSpawners[ aiSettings ] <- []
+ autoPrecacheList.npcSpawners[ aiSettings ].append( spawner )
+ if ( "script_drone_type" in kvs )
+ {
+ string script_drone_type = expect string( kvs.script_drone_type )
+ if ( !( script_drone_type in filledAiSettings ) )
+ {
+ filledAiSettings[ script_drone_type ] <- true
+ FillAISettingsPrecaches( script_drone_type, autoPrecacheList )
+ }
+ }
+ if ( "additionalequipment" in kvs )
+ {
+ string additionalequipment = expect string( kvs.additionalequipment )
+ if ( LegalWeaponString( additionalequipment ) && additionalequipment.find( "auto_" ) != 0 )
+ {
+ AddAutoPrecacheWeapon( autoPrecacheList, additionalequipment )
+ }
+ }
+ if ( "grenadeWeaponName" in kvs )
+ {
+ string grenadeWeaponName = expect string( kvs.grenadeWeaponName )
+ if ( LegalWeaponString( grenadeWeaponName ) )
+ {
+ AddAutoPrecacheWeapon( autoPrecacheList, grenadeWeaponName )
+ }
+ }
+ if ( titanSettings )
+ {
+ int titanType = int( expect string( kvs.TitanType ) )
+ string leveledTitanLoadout = expect string( kvs.leveled_titan_loadout )
+ TitanLoadoutDef loadout = GetTitanLoadoutFromPlayerSetFile( leveledTitanLoadout )
+ array<string> weapons = GetWeaponsFromTitanLoadout( loadout )
+ foreach ( weapon in weapons )
+ {
+ AddAutoPrecacheWeapon( autoPrecacheList, weapon )
+ }
+ #if SP
+ if ( titanType == TITAN_MERC )
+ {
+ // we have a boss!
+ string titanSettings = expect string( Dev_GetAISettingByKeyField_Global( aiSettings, "npc_titan_player_settings" ) )
+ string bossName = GetMercCharacterForSetFile( titanSettings )
+ BossTitanData bossTitanData = GetBossTitanData( bossName )
+ autoPrecacheList.models.append( bossTitanData.characterModel )
+ }
+ #endif
+ }
+ }
+ }
+AutoPrecacheList function GenerateAutoPrecacheListForLevel()
+ AutoPrecacheList autoPrecacheList
+ FillFromNPCSettings( GetAllNPCSettings(), autoPrecacheList )
+ array<string> deprecatedNPCs = GetAllDeprecatedNPCSettings()
+ FillFromNPCSettings( deprecatedNPCs, autoPrecacheList )
+ foreach ( aiSettings in deprecatedNPCs )
+ {
+ if ( !( aiSettings in autoPrecacheList.npcSpawners ) )
+ continue
+ foreach ( spawner in autoPrecacheList.npcSpawners[ aiSettings ] )
+ {
+ CodeWarning( "Found deprecated NPC " + aiSettings + " at " + spawner.GetSpawnEntityKeyValues().origin )
+ }
+ }
+ foreach ( npc in GetNPCArray() )
+ {
+ if ( !IsValid( npc ) )
+ continue
+ string weapon = expect string( npc.kv.additionalequipment )
+ if ( LegalWeaponString( weapon ) )
+ AddAutoPrecacheWeapon( autoPrecacheList, weapon )
+// string weapon = npc.AISetting_GetDefaultWeapon()
+// if ( LegalWeaponString( weapon ) )
+// weapons.append( weapon )
+ if ( npc.HasKey( "grenadeWeaponName" ) )
+ {
+ string grenadeWeaponName = expect string( npc.kv.grenadeWeaponName )
+ if ( LegalWeaponString( grenadeWeaponName ) )
+ {
+ AddAutoPrecacheWeapon( autoPrecacheList, grenadeWeaponName )
+ }
+ }
+ string grenadeWeapon = npc.AISetting_GetGrenadeWeapon()
+ if ( grenadeWeapon != "" )
+ AddAutoPrecacheWeapon( autoPrecacheList, grenadeWeapon )
+ var AdditionalScriptWeapon = npc.Dev_GetAISettingByKeyField( "AdditionalScriptWeapon" )
+ if ( AdditionalScriptWeapon != null )
+ {
+ expect string( AdditionalScriptWeapon )
+ AddAutoPrecacheWeapon( autoPrecacheList, AdditionalScriptWeapon )
+ }
+ }
+ #if SP
+ LeveledScriptedWeapons leveledScriptedWeapons = GetAllLeveledScriptWeapons()
+ foreach ( weaponClass, _ in leveledScriptedWeapons.foundScriptWeapons )
+ {
+ AddAutoPrecacheWeapon( autoPrecacheList, weaponClass )
+ }
+ array<string> weapons
+ weapons = GetNPCDefaultWeapons()
+ foreach ( weapon in weapons )
+ {
+ AddAutoPrecacheWeapon( autoPrecacheList, weapon )
+ }
+ PilotLoadoutDef loadout = GetPilotLoadoutForCurrentMapSP()
+ weapons = GetWeaponsFromPilotLoadout( loadout )
+ foreach ( weapon in weapons )
+ {
+ AddAutoPrecacheWeapon( autoPrecacheList, weapon )
+ }
+ autoPrecacheList.models.extend( GetModelsFromSetFile( loadout.setFile ) )
+ AddAutoPrecacheScript( autoPrecacheList, loadout.setFile )
+ TitanLoadoutDef titanLoadout = GetTitanLoadoutForCurrentMap()
+ autoPrecacheList.models.extend( GetModelsFromSetFile( titanLoadout.setFile ) )
+ AddAutoPrecacheScript( autoPrecacheList, titanLoadout.setFile )
+ #endif
+ #if MP
+ array<string> pilotTypes = GetAllItemRefsOfType( eItemTypes.PILOT_SUIT )
+ foreach ( suit in pilotTypes )
+ {
+ string suitMale = GetSuitAndGenderBasedSetFile( suit, "race_human_male" )
+ autoPrecacheList.models.extend( GetModelsFromSetFile( suitMale ) )
+ AddAutoPrecacheScript( autoPrecacheList, suitMale )
+ string suitFemale = GetSuitAndGenderBasedSetFile( suit, "race_human_female" )
+ autoPrecacheList.models.extend( GetModelsFromSetFile( suitFemale ) )
+ AddAutoPrecacheScript( autoPrecacheList, suitFemale )
+ }
+ #endif
+ array<TitanLoadoutDef> titanLoadouts = GetAllowedTitanLoadouts()
+ foreach ( loadout in titanLoadouts )
+ {
+ #if MP
+ // in sp we dont want all the extra cockpit models and whatnot
+ AddTitanLoadoutToAutoPrecache( loadout, autoPrecacheList )
+ #endif
+ #if SP
+ // in sp it would be good to get away from giving all weapons on all levels
+ weapons = GetWeaponsFromTitanLoadout( loadout )
+ foreach ( weapon in weapons )
+ {
+ AddAutoPrecacheWeapon( autoPrecacheList, weapon )
+ }
+ #endif
+ }
+ AutoPrecache_InitFlightpathShared( autoPrecacheList )
+ autoPrecacheList.weapons.sort( SortStringAlphabetize )
+ table<string,int> weaponCount
+ foreach ( weapon in autoPrecacheList.weapons )
+ {
+ if ( !( weapon in weaponCount ) )
+ weaponCount[ weapon ] <- 0
+ weaponCount[ weapon ]++
+ }
+ autoPrecacheList.weaponCount = weaponCount
+ RemoveDupesFromSorted_String( autoPrecacheList.weapons )
+ autoPrecacheList.models.sort( SortAssetAlphabetize )
+ RemoveDupesFromSorted_Asset( autoPrecacheList.models )
+ return autoPrecacheList
+void function AddAutoPrecacheScript( AutoPrecacheList autoPrecacheList, string settings )
+ var autoprecache = Dev_GetPlayerSettingByKeyField_Global( settings, "autoprecache_script" )
+ if ( autoprecache == null )
+ return
+ expect string( autoprecache )
+ Assert( autoprecache != "" )
+ asset bodyModel = GetPlayerSettingsAssetForClassName( settings, "bodymodel" )
+ autoPrecacheList.autoPrecacheScript[ bodyModel ] <- autoprecache
+void function AP_NPCSpawnerFound( string settings, int count )
+ file.autoPrecacheFound_npcs[ settings ] <- count
+void function AP_PrecacheWeapon( string weapon, int count )
+ file.autoPrecacheFound_weapons[ weapon ] <- count
+ PrecacheWeapon( weapon )
+void function AP_PrecacheModel( asset model )
+ file.autoPrecacheFound_models[ model ] <- true
+ PrecacheModel( model )
+void function ExportAutoPrecacheList( AutoPrecacheList autoPrecacheList )
+ string mapName
+ #if SP
+ mapName = GetMapName().toupper()
+ #endif
+ #if MP
+ mapName = "MP"
+ #endif
+ // Write function open
+ DevTextBufferClear()
+ // Write verification call
+ DevTextBufferWrite( "global function " + mapName + "_AutoPrecache\n\n" )
+ DevTextBufferWrite( "void function " + mapName + "_AutoPrecache()\n" )
+ DevTextBufferWrite( "{\n" )
+ DevTextBufferWrite( "#if DEV\n" )
+ DevTextBufferWrite( " #if SERVER\n" )
+ DevTextBufferWrite( " SetAutoPrecacheVersion( " + AUTO_PRECACHE_VERSION + " )\n" )
+ DevTextBufferWrite( " // NPC spawners found:\n" )
+ array<string> spawnerNames
+ foreach ( aiSettings, spawnerArray in autoPrecacheList.npcSpawners )
+ {
+ spawnerNames.append( aiSettings )
+ }
+ spawnerNames.sort( SortStringAlphabetize )
+ foreach ( aiSettings in spawnerNames )
+ {
+ array<entity> spawnerArray = autoPrecacheList.npcSpawners[ aiSettings ]
+ DevTextBufferWrite( " AP_NPCSpawnerFound( \"" + aiSettings + "\", " + spawnerArray.len() + " )\n" )
+ }
+ DevTextBufferWrite( " #endif\n" )
+ DevTextBufferWrite( "\n" )
+ foreach ( weapon in autoPrecacheList.weapons )
+ {
+ int count = autoPrecacheList.weaponCount[ weapon ]
+ DevTextBufferWrite( " AP_PrecacheWeapon( \"" + weapon + "\", " + count + " )\n" )
+ }
+ foreach ( model in autoPrecacheList.models )
+ {
+ DevTextBufferWrite( " AP_PrecacheModel( " + model + " )\n" )
+ }
+ DevTextBufferWrite( "#endif\n\n" )
+ DevTextBufferWrite( "#if !DEV\n" )
+ DevTextBufferWrite( "\n" )
+ foreach ( weapon in autoPrecacheList.weapons )
+ {
+ int count = autoPrecacheList.weaponCount[ weapon ]
+ DevTextBufferWrite( " PrecacheWeapon( \"" + weapon + "\" )\n" )
+ }
+ foreach ( model in autoPrecacheList.models )
+ {
+ DevTextBufferWrite( " PrecacheModel( " + model + " )\n" )
+ }
+ DevTextBufferWrite( "#endif\n\n" )
+ DevTextBufferWrite( "#if CLIENT\n" )
+ array<string>[4] titanModelAssets
+ foreach ( model, script in autoPrecacheList.autoPrecacheScript )
+ {
+ switch ( script )
+ {
+ case "atlas":
+ titanModelAssets[ 0 ].append( " ClTitanAtlas_Init( " + model + " )\n" )
+ break
+ case "ogre":
+ titanModelAssets[ 1 ].append( " ClTitanOgre_Init( " + model + " )\n" )
+ break
+ case "stryder":
+ titanModelAssets[ 2 ].append( " ClTitanStryder_Init( " + model + " )\n" )
+ break
+ case "buddy":
+ titanModelAssets[ 2 ].append( " ClTitanBuddy_Init( " + model + " )\n" )
+ break
+ default:
+ Assert( 0, "Unknown autoprecache_script key " + script )
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ foreach( arrayOfAsset in titanModelAssets ) //Sort output so exported precache file can be diffed easily
+ {
+ arrayOfAsset.sort( SortStringAlphabetize )
+ foreach( assetElement in arrayOfAsset )
+ {
+ DevTextBufferWrite( assetElement )
+ }
+ }
+ DevTextBufferWrite( "#endif\n" )
+ // Write function close
+ DevTextBufferWrite( "}\n\n" )
+ #if SP
+ string filename = "scripts/vscripts/sp/autoprecache/" + mapName + "_autoprecache.nut"
+ #endif
+ #if MP
+ string filename = "scripts/vscripts/mp/" + mapName + "_autoprecache.nut"
+ #endif
+ DevP4Checkout( filename )
+ DevTextBufferDumpToFile( filename )
+ DevP4Add( filename )
+ printt( "Wrote " + filename )
+#endif \ No newline at end of file