path: root/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/titan/_replacement_titans.gnut
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/titan/_replacement_titans.gnut')
1 files changed, 1183 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/titan/_replacement_titans.gnut b/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/titan/_replacement_titans.gnut
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c9d986bcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/titan/_replacement_titans.gnut
@@ -0,0 +1,1183 @@
+global function ReplacementTitans_Init
+global function EmptyTitanPlaysAnim
+global function TryReplacementTitanReadyAnnouncement
+global function IsReplacementTitanAvailable
+global function SetTitanRespawnTimer
+global function GetTitanRespawnTimer
+global function DecrementBuildTimer
+global function ReplacementTitanTimerFinished
+global function GetAttachmentAtTimeFromModel
+global function TryETATitanReadyAnnouncement
+global function TryUpdateTitanRespawnTimerForNewTitanSelection
+global function IsReplacementDropInProgress
+global function req
+global function ReplacementTitan
+global function TryAnnounceTitanfallWarningToEnemyTeam
+global function GetTitanForPlayer
+global function ShouldSetTitanRespawnTimer
+global function PauseTitanTimers
+global function PauseTitansThink
+global function IsReplacementTitanAvailableForGameState
+global function SetReplacementTitanGamemodeRules
+global function SetRequestTitanGamemodeRules
+global function CreateTitanForPlayerAndHotdrop
+struct {
+ array<int> ETATimeThresholds = [ 120, 60, 30, 15 ]
+ float ETA2MinUpperBound = 123
+ float ETA2MinLowerBound = 115
+ float ETA60sUpperBound = 63
+ float ETA60sLowerBound = 55
+ float ETA30sUpperBound = 33
+ float ETA30sLowerBound = 25
+ float ETA15sUpperBound = 18
+ float ETA15sLowerBound = 12
+ float ETAAnnouncementAllowanceTime = 6.0
+ bool buildTimerDisabled = false
+ table warpFallDebounce = {}
+ bool functionref( entity ) ReplacementTitanGamemodeRules
+ bool functionref( entity, vector ) RequestTitanGamemodeRules
+} file
+const nagInterval = 40
+global const float WARPFALL_SOUND_DELAY = 1.1
+global const float WARPFALL_FX_DELAY = 0.9
+function ReplacementTitans_Init()
+ ReplacementTitansDrop_Init()
+ RegisterSignal( "titan_impact" )
+ RegisterSignal( "SetTitanRespawnTimer" )
+ RegisterSignal( "CalledInReplacementTitan" )
+ PrecacheEffect( TURBO_WARP_FX )
+ PrecacheEffect( TURBO_WARP_COMPANY )
+ AddCallback_OnClientConnecting( ReplacementTitan_InitPlayer )
+ AddClientCommandCallback( "ClientCommand_RequestTitan", ClientCommand_RequestTitan )
+ AddSoulDeathCallback( ResetTitanReplacementAnnouncements )
+ level.maxTitansPerTeam <- 2
+ if ( file.ReplacementTitanGamemodeRules == null )
+ file.ReplacementTitanGamemodeRules = ReplacementTitanGamemodeRules_Default
+ if ( file.RequestTitanGamemodeRules == null )
+ file.RequestTitanGamemodeRules = RequestTitanGamemodeRules_Default
+ FlagInit( "LevelHasRoof" )
+void function ReplacementTitan_InitPlayer( entity player )
+ player.p.replacementTitanETATimer = GetTimeLimit_ForGameMode() * 60.0
+bool function IsReplacementTitanAvailable( player, timeBuffer = 0 )
+ expect entity( player )
+ if ( !IsReplacementTitanAvailableForGameState() )
+ return false
+ if ( player.IsTitan() )
+ return false
+ if ( IsAlive( player.GetPetTitan() ) )
+ return false
+ if ( player.isSpawning )
+ return false
+ if ( !file.ReplacementTitanGamemodeRules( player ) )
+ return false
+ switch ( Riff_TitanAvailability() )
+ {
+ case eTitanAvailability.Default:
+ if ( player.titansBuilt == 0 )
+ return true
+ else
+ break
+ default:
+ return Riff_IsTitanAvailable( player )
+ }
+ if ( player.IsBot() )
+ return true
+ return ReplacementTitanTimerFinished( player, timeBuffer )
+function IsReplacementTitanAvailableForGameState()
+ local currentGameState = GetGameState()
+ switch ( currentGameState ) //need to add a new entry in here for every new game state we make
+ {
+ case eGameState.WaitingForCustomStart:
+ case eGameState.WaitingForPlayers:
+ case eGameState.PickLoadout:
+ case eGameState.Prematch:
+ case eGameState.SwitchingSides:
+ case eGameState.Postmatch:
+ return false
+ case eGameState.Playing:
+ case eGameState.SuddenDeath:
+ return true
+ case eGameState.WinnerDetermined:
+ case eGameState.Epilogue:
+ {
+ if ( IsRoundBased() )
+ {
+ if ( !IsRoundBasedGameOver() )
+ return false
+ if ( !ShouldRunEvac() )
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+ default:
+ Assert( false, "Unknown Game State: " + currentGameState )
+ return false
+ }
+ #endif
+ return true
+void function SetReplacementTitanGamemodeRules( bool functionref( entity ) rules )
+ file.ReplacementTitanGamemodeRules = rules
+void function SetRequestTitanGamemodeRules( bool functionref( entity, vector ) rules )
+ file.RequestTitanGamemodeRules = rules
+bool function ReplacementTitanGamemodeRules_Default( entity player )
+ return true
+bool function RequestTitanGamemodeRules_Default( entity player, vector origin )
+ return true
+float function GetTitanRespawnTimer( entity player )
+ return player.GetNextTitanRespawnAvailable() - Time()
+#if SP
+void function DecrementBuildTimer( entity player, float amount )
+ if ( !player.IsTitan() )
+ return
+ // core ability in use
+ if ( TitanCoreInUse( player ) )
+ return
+ if ( !IsAlive( player ) )
+ return
+ SetTitanCoreTimer( player, GetTitanCoreTimer( player ) - amount )
+#if MP
+void function DecrementBuildTimer( entity player, float amount )
+ Assert( !TitanDamageRewardsTitanCoreTime() || !player.IsTitan() )
+ amount = ModifyBuildTimeForPlayerBonuses( player, amount )
+ bool shouldDecrementBuildTimer = true
+ if ( player.IsTitan() )
+ {
+ // core ability in use
+ if ( TitanCoreInUse( player ) )
+ return
+ if ( !IsAlive( player ) )
+ return
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //Don't decrement build time for Titan if already have Titan in map
+ if ( player.GetPetTitan() )
+ return
+ }
+ if ( player.IsTitan() )
+ {
+ SetTitanCoreTimer( player, GetTitanCoreTimer( player ) - amount )
+ }
+ else if ( shouldDecrementBuildTimer )
+ {
+ float remainingTime = GetTitanRespawnTimer( player )
+ SetTitanRespawnTimer( player, remainingTime - amount )
+ }
+float function ModifyBuildTimeForPlayerBonuses( entity player, float amount )
+ if ( PlayerHasServerFlag( player, SFLAG_FAST_BUILD2 ) )
+ amount *= 2.0
+ else if ( PlayerHasServerFlag( player, SFLAG_FAST_BUILD1 ) )
+ amount *= 1.5
+ return amount
+void function TryUpdateTitanRespawnTimerForNewTitanSelection( entity player )
+ if ( GetCurrentPlaylistVarInt( "titan_build_time_use_set_file", 0 ) == 1 )
+ {
+ if ( ShouldSetTitanRespawnTimer( player ) )
+ {
+ if ( player.GetTitanBuildTime() != GetTitanBuildTime( player ) )
+ {
+ float timeElapsed = player.GetTitanBuildTime() - ( player.GetNextTitanRespawnAvailable() - Time() )
+ ResetTitanBuildTime( player ) // update titan build time here
+ float newTime = Time() + ( player.GetTitanBuildTime() - timeElapsed )
+ player.SetNextTitanRespawnAvailable( max( 0, newTime ) )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void function SetTitanRespawnTimer( entity player, float timeDiff )
+ //printt( "SetTitanRespawnTimer with timeDiff: " + timeDiff )
+ if ( ShouldSetTitanRespawnTimer( player ) == false )
+ return
+ float newTime = Time() + timeDiff
+ player.SetNextTitanRespawnAvailable( max( Time() - 1, newTime ) )
+ thread WaitToAnnounceTitanETA( player, timeDiff )
+bool function ShouldSetTitanRespawnTimer( player )
+ if ( Riff_TitanAvailability() == eTitanAvailability.Custom )
+ return false
+ if ( Riff_TitanAvailability() == eTitanAvailability.Default )
+ return true
+ if ( player.IsTitan() )
+ return true
+ if ( IsValid( player.GetPetTitan() ) )
+ return true
+ if ( player.GetNextTitanRespawnAvailable() < 0 )
+ return false
+ return true
+function WaitToAnnounceTitanETA( entity player, timeDiff )
+ player.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ player.Signal( "SetTitanRespawnTimer" )
+ player.EndSignal( "SetTitanRespawnTimer" )
+ player.EndSignal( "CalledInReplacementTitan" )
+ player.EndSignal( "ChoseToSpawnAsTitan" )
+ if ( timeDiff > 0 )
+ wait GetTimeTillNextETAAnnouncement( player )
+ TryETATitanReadyAnnouncement( player )
+float function GetTimeTillNextETAAnnouncement( entity player )
+// if ( !IsValid( player ) )
+// return 0
+ float timeTillNextTitan = player.GetNextTitanRespawnAvailable() - Time()
+ if ( timeTillNextTitan <= 0 )
+ {
+ //printt( "Waiting 0, Titan Ready" )
+ return 0
+ }
+// if ( !( "replacementTitanETATimer" in player.s ) )
+// return 0
+ if ( timeTillNextTitan >= file.ETA2MinUpperBound && player.p.replacementTitanETATimer > 120 ) //Give some leadup time to conversation starting
+ {
+ //printt( "Waiting " + ( timeTillNextTitan - file.ETA2MinUpperBound ) + " till 2 min announcement" )
+ return timeTillNextTitan - file.ETA2MinUpperBound
+ }
+ if ( timeTillNextTitan >= file.ETA2MinLowerBound && player.p.replacementTitanETATimer > 120 )
+ {
+ //printt( "Waiting 0 till 2 min announcement" )
+ return 0 //Play 2 min ETA announcement immediately
+ }
+ if ( timeTillNextTitan >= file.ETA60sUpperBound && player.p.replacementTitanETATimer > 60 )
+ {
+ //printt( "Waiting " + ( timeTillNextTitan - file.ETA60sUpperBound ) + " till 60s announcement" )
+ return timeTillNextTitan - file.ETA60sUpperBound
+ }
+ if ( timeTillNextTitan >= file.ETA60sLowerBound && player.p.replacementTitanETATimer > 60 )
+ {
+ //printt( "Waiting 0 till 60s announcement" )
+ return 0
+ }
+ if ( timeTillNextTitan >= file.ETA30sUpperBound && player.p.replacementTitanETATimer > 30 )
+ {
+ //printt( "Waiting " + ( timeTillNextTitan - file.ETA30sUpperBound ) + " till 30s announcement" )
+ return timeTillNextTitan - file.ETA30sUpperBound
+ }
+ if ( timeTillNextTitan >= file.ETA30sLowerBound && player.p.replacementTitanETATimer > 30 )
+ {
+ //printt( "Waiting 0 till 30 announcement" )
+ return 0
+ }
+ if ( timeTillNextTitan >= file.ETA15sUpperBound && player.p.replacementTitanETATimer > 15 )
+ {
+ //printt( "Waiting " + ( timeTillNextTitan - file.ETA15sUpperBound ) + " till 15s announcement" )
+ return timeTillNextTitan - file.ETA15sUpperBound
+ }
+ if ( timeTillNextTitan >= file.ETA15sLowerBound && player.p.replacementTitanETATimer > 15 )
+ {
+ //printt( "Waiting 0 till 15s announcement" )
+ return 0
+ }
+ //printt( "Waiting " + timeTillNextTitan + " till next Titan" )
+ return timeTillNextTitan
+function TryETATitanReadyAnnouncement( entity player )
+ //printt( "TryETATitanReadyAnnouncement" )
+ if ( !IsAlive( player ) )
+ return
+ if ( GetPlayerTitanInMap( player ) )
+ return
+ if ( player.GetNextTitanRespawnAvailable() < 0 )
+ return
+ if ( GetGameState() > eGameState.SuddenDeath )
+ return
+ if ( GameTime_PlayingTime() < 5.0 )
+ return
+ local timeTillNextTitan = player.GetNextTitanRespawnAvailable() - Time()
+ //printt( "TryETATitanReadyAnnouncement timetillNextTitan: " + timeTillNextTitan )
+ if ( floor(timeTillNextTitan) <= 0 )
+ {
+ //Titan is ready, let TryReplacementTitanReadyAnnouncement take care of it
+ TryReplacementTitanReadyAnnouncement( player )
+ return
+ }
+ //This entire loop is probably too complicated now for what it's doing. Simplify next game!
+ //Loop might be pretty hard to read, a particular iteration of the loop is written in comments below
+ for ( int i = 0; i < file.ETATimeThresholds.len(); ++i )
+ {
+ if ( fabs( timeTillNextTitan - file.ETATimeThresholds[ i ] ) < file.ETAAnnouncementAllowanceTime )
+ {
+ if ( player.p.replacementTitanETATimer > file.ETATimeThresholds[ i ] )
+ {
+ if ( player.titansBuilt )
+ PlayConversationToPlayer( "TitanReplacementETA" + file.ETATimeThresholds[ i ] + "s" , player )
+ else
+ PlayConversationToPlayer( "FirstTitanETA" + file.ETATimeThresholds[ i ] + "s", player )
+ player.p.replacementTitanETATimer = float ( file.ETATimeThresholds[ i ] )
+ wait timeTillNextTitan - file.ETATimeThresholds[ i ]
+ if ( IsAlive( player ) )
+ SetTitanRespawnTimer( player, player.GetNextTitanRespawnAvailable() - Time() )
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*if ( fabs( timeTillNextTitan - 120 ) < ETAAnnouncementAllowanceTime && player.p.replacementTitanETATimer > 120 )
+ {
+ if ( player.titansBuilt )
+ PlayConversationToPlayer( "TitanReplacementETA120s", player )
+ else
+ PlayConversationToPlayer( "FirstTitanETA120s", player )
+ player.p.replacementTitanETATimer = 120
+ wait timeTillNextTitan - 120
+ SetTitanRespawnTimer( player, player.GetNextTitanRespawnAvailable() - Time() )
+ return
+ }
+ */
+function TryReplacementTitanReadyAnnouncement( entity player )
+ while( true )
+ {
+ //printt( "TryReplacementTitanReadyAnnouncementLoop" )
+ if ( !IsAlive( player ) )
+ return
+ if ( GetGameState() > eGameState.SuddenDeath )
+ return
+ if ( GetPlayerTitanInMap( player ) )
+ return
+ if ( level.nv.titanDropEnabledForTeam != TEAM_BOTH && level.nv.titanDropEnabledForTeam != player.GetTeam() )
+ return
+ if ( player.p.replacementTitanReady_lastNagTime == 0 || Time() - player.p.replacementTitanReady_lastNagTime >= nagInterval )
+ {
+ //Don't play Titan Replacement Announcements if you don't have it ready
+ switch ( Riff_TitanAvailability() )
+ {
+ case eTitanAvailability.Default:
+ break
+ default:
+ if ( !Riff_IsTitanAvailable( player ) )
+ return
+ }
+ if ( player.titansBuilt )
+ {
+ PlayConversationToPlayer( "TitanReplacementReady", player )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PlayConversationToPlayer( "FirstTitanReady", player )
+ }
+ player.p.replacementTitanReady_lastNagTime = Time()
+ }
+ wait 5.0 // Once every 5 seconds should be fine
+ }
+void function ResetTitanReplacementAnnouncements( entity soul, var damageInfo )
+ entity player = soul.GetBossPlayer()
+ if ( !IsValid( player ) )
+ return
+ player.p.replacementTitanETATimer = expect float( level.nv.gameEndTime )
+function req()
+ ReplacementTitan( GetPlayerArray()[0] )
+bool function ClientCommand_RequestTitan( entity player, array<string> args )
+ ReplacementTitan( player ) //Separate function because other functions will call ReplacementTitan
+ return true
+// This a baseline titan request function; the only things that prevent this from happening are
+// common cases; wrong gamestate, already has a titan, is currently dead, etc...
+bool function RequestTitan( entity player )
+ if ( !IsReplacementTitanAvailableForGameState() )
+ return false
+ if ( player.IsTitan() )
+ return false
+ if ( IsAlive( player.GetPetTitan() ) )
+ return false
+ if ( player.isSpawning )
+ return false
+ if ( !IsAlive( player ) )
+ return false
+ Point spawnPoint = GetTitanReplacementPoint( player, false )
+ local origin = spawnPoint.origin
+ Assert( origin )
+ //Check titanfall request against any custom gamemode rules
+ if ( !file.RequestTitanGamemodeRules( player, spawnPoint.origin ) )
+ return false
+ //if ( ShouldDoTitanfall() )
+ thread CreateTitanForPlayerAndHotdrop( player, spawnPoint )
+ //else
+ // thread ForcePilotToBecomeTitan( player )
+ return true
+bool function ReplacementTitan( entity player )
+ if ( !IsAlive( player ) )
+ {
+ printt( "ReplacementTitan", player, player.entindex(), "failed", "IsAlive( player ) was false" )
+ return false
+ }
+ if ( !IsReplacementTitanAvailable( player, 0 ) )
+ {
+ printt( "ReplacementTitan", player, player.entindex(), "failed", "IsReplacementTitanAvailable was false" )
+ return false
+ }
+ entity titan = GetPlayerTitanInMap( player )
+ if ( IsAlive( titan ) )
+ {
+ printt( "ReplacementTitan", player, player.entindex(), "failed", "GetPlayerTitanInMap was true" )
+ return false
+ }
+ if ( player in file.warpFallDebounce )
+ {
+ if ( Time() - file.warpFallDebounce[ player ] < 3.0 )
+ {
+ printt( "ReplacementTitan", player, player.entindex(), "failed", "player in file.warpFallDebounce was true" )
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ Point spawnPoint = GetTitanReplacementPoint( player, false )
+ local origin = spawnPoint.origin
+ Assert( origin )
+ #if MP
+ PIN_PlayerAbility( player, "titanfall", "titanfall", {pos = origin} )
+ #endif
+ //Check titanfall request against any custom gamemode rules
+ if ( !file.RequestTitanGamemodeRules( player, spawnPoint.origin ) )
+ return false
+ #if SP
+ thread CreateTitanForPlayerAndHotdrop( player, spawnPoint )
+ #endif
+ #if MP
+ if ( ShouldDoTitanfall() )
+ thread CreateTitanForPlayerAndHotdrop( player, spawnPoint )
+ else
+ thread ForcePilotToBecomeTitan( player )
+ #endif
+ return true
+#if MP
+void function ForcePilotToBecomeTitan( entity player )
+ float fadeTime = 0.5
+ float holdTime = 2.0
+ player.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ player.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ if ( GAMETYPE != SST )
+ {
+ PlayFactionDialogueToPlayer( "mp_titanInbound" , player )
+ #else
+ if ( player.titansBuilt )
+ PlayConversationToPlayer( "TitanReplacement", player )
+ else
+ PlayConversationToPlayer( "FirstTitanInbound", player )
+ #endif
+ }
+ player.Signal( "RodeoOver" )
+ player.Signal( "ScriptAnimStop" )
+ table<string,bool> e = {}
+ e.settingsRestored <- false
+ OnThreadEnd(
+ function() : ( player, e )
+ {
+ if ( IsValid( player ) && !e.settingsRestored )
+ {
+ Rodeo_Allow( player )
+ player.Show()
+ player.MakeVisible()
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ Rodeo_Disallow( player )
+ ScreenFadeToBlack( player, fadeTime, holdTime )
+ player.DissolveNonLethal( ENTITY_DISSOLVE_CORE, Vector( 0, 0, 0 ), 500 )
+ wait fadeTime
+ player.SetInvulnerable()
+ player.Hide()
+ wait holdTime
+ ScreenFadeFromBlack( player, 1.0, 0.5 )
+ waitthread TitanPlayerHotDropsIntoLevel( player )
+ e.settingsRestored = true
+ Rodeo_Allow( player )
+ player.Show()
+ player.MakeVisible()
+ player.ClearInvulnerable()
+bool function IsReplacementDropInProgress( entity player )
+ return expect bool( player.s.replacementDropInProgress )
+void function CreateTitanForPlayerAndHotdrop( entity player, Point spawnPoint, TitanLoadoutDef ornull overrideLoadout = null )
+ Assert( IsValid( player ) )
+ if ( player.isSpawning )
+ {
+ printt( "CreateTitanForPlayerAndHotdrop", player, player.entindex(), "failed", "player.isSpawning was true" )
+ return
+ }
+ if ( player.s.replacementDropInProgress )
+ {
+ printt( "CreateTitanForPlayerAndHotdrop", player, player.entindex(), "failed", "player.s.replacementDropInProgress was true" )
+ return
+ }
+ player.s.replacementDropInProgress = true
+ entity titanFallDisablingEntity = CreateInfoTarget()
+ OnThreadEnd(
+ function() : ( player, titanFallDisablingEntity )
+ {
+ if ( IsValid( titanFallDisablingEntity ) ) //As a fail safe. Should have been cleaned up in OnThreadEnd of CleanupTitanFallDisablingEntity
+ titanFallDisablingEntity.Destroy()
+ if ( !IsValid( player ) )
+ return
+ player.s.replacementDropInProgress = false
+ player.ClearHotDropImpactTime()
+ }
+ )
+ player.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ if ( GAMETYPE != SST )
+ {
+ PlayFactionDialogueToPlayer( "mp_titanInbound" , player )
+ #else
+ if ( player.titansBuilt )
+ PlayConversationToPlayer( "TitanReplacement", player )
+ else
+ PlayConversationToPlayer( "FirstTitanInbound", player )
+ #endif
+ }
+ vector origin = spawnPoint.origin
+ vector angles
+ if ( spawnPoint.angles != < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > )
+ angles = spawnPoint.angles
+ else
+ angles = VectorToAngles( FlattenVector( player.GetViewVector() ) * -1 ) // face the player
+ printt( "Dropping replacement titan at " + origin + " with angles " + angles )
+ UpdatePlayerStat( player, "misc_stats", "titanFalls" )
+ #endif
+ #if SERVER && MP
+ PIN_AddToPlayerCountStat( player, "titanfalls" )
+ #endif
+ if ( !level.firstTitanfall )
+ {
+ AddPlayerScore( player, "FirstTitanfall", player )
+ UpdatePlayerStat( player, "misc_stats", "titanFallsFirst" )
+ #endif
+ level.firstTitanfall = true
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ AddPlayerScore( player, "Titanfall", player )
+ }
+ player.Signal( "CalledInReplacementTitan" )
+ int playerTeam = player.GetTeam()
+ TryAnnounceTitanfallWarningToEnemyTeam( playerTeam, origin )
+ titanFallDisablingEntity.SetOrigin( origin )
+ DisableTitanfallForLifetimeOfEntityNearOrigin( titanFallDisablingEntity, origin, TITANHOTDROP_DISABLE_ENEMY_TITANFALL_RADIUS )
+ entity titan
+ string animation
+ string regularTitanfallAnim = "at_hotdrop_drop_2knee_turbo"
+ TitanLoadoutDef loadout
+ if ( overrideLoadout == null )
+ {
+ loadout = GetTitanLoadoutForPlayer( player )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ loadout = expect TitanLoadoutDef( overrideLoadout )
+ }
+ bool hasWarpfall = loadout.passive3 == "pas_warpfall"
+ if ( hasWarpfall || Flag( "LevelHasRoof" ) )
+ {
+ ClearTitanAvailable( player ) //Normally this is done when the Titan is spawned, but for warpfall the Titan isn't spawned instaneously after requesting it.
+ file.warpFallDebounce[ player ] <- Time()
+ animation = "at_hotdrop_drop_2knee_turbo_upgraded"
+ string settings = loadout.setFile
+ asset model = GetPlayerSettingsAssetForClassName( settings, "bodymodel" )
+ Attachment warpAttach = GetAttachmentAtTimeFromModel( model, animation, "offset", origin, angles, 0 )
+ entity fakeTitan = CreatePropDynamic( model )
+ float impactTime = GetHotDropImpactTime( fakeTitan, animation )
+ float diff = 0.0
+ if ( !hasWarpfall ) // this means the level requested the warpfall
+ {
+ float regularImpactTime = GetHotDropImpactTime( fakeTitan, regularTitanfallAnim ) - (WARPFALL_SOUND_DELAY + WARPFALL_FX_DELAY)
+ diff = ( regularImpactTime - impactTime )
+ impactTime = regularImpactTime
+ }
+ fakeTitan.Kill_Deprecated_UseDestroyInstead()
+ local impactStartTime = Time()
+ player.SetHotDropImpactDelay( impactTime )
+ Remote_CallFunction_Replay( player, "ServerCallback_ReplacementTitanSpawnpoint", origin.x, origin.y, origin.z, Time() + impactTime )
+ EmitDifferentSoundsAtPositionForPlayerAndWorld( "Titan_1P_Warpfall_CallIn", "Titan_3P_Warpfall_CallIn", origin, player, playerTeam )
+ wait diff
+ // "Titan_1P_Warpfall_Start" - for first person warp calls, starting right on the button press
+ // "Titan_3P_Warpfall_Start" - for any 3P other player or NPC when they call in a warp, starting right on their button press
+ EmitSoundAtPositionOnlyToPlayer( playerTeam, origin, player, "Titan_1P_Warpfall_Start" )
+ EmitSoundAtPositionExceptToPlayer( playerTeam, origin, player, "Titan_3P_Warpfall_Start" )
+ PlayFX( TURBO_WARP_FX, warpAttach.position + Vector(0,0,-104), warpAttach.angle )
+ titan = CreateAutoTitanForPlayer_FromTitanLoadout( player, loadout, origin, angles )
+ DispatchSpawn( titan )
+ thread PlayFXOnEntity( TURBO_WARP_COMPANY, titan, "offset" )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ animation = regularTitanfallAnim
+ titan = CreateAutoTitanForPlayer_FromTitanLoadout( player, loadout, origin, angles )
+ DispatchSpawn( titan )
+ float impactTime = GetHotDropImpactTime( titan, animation )
+ player.SetHotDropImpactDelay( impactTime )
+ Remote_CallFunction_Replay( player, "ServerCallback_ReplacementTitanSpawnpoint", origin.x, origin.y, origin.z, Time() + impactTime )
+ }
+ SetActiveTitanLoadoutIndex( player, GetPersistentSpawnLoadoutIndex( player, "titan" ) )
+ #if MP
+ SetActiveTitanLoadout( player )
+ #endif
+ if ( player in file.warpFallDebounce )
+ delete file.warpFallDebounce[ player ]
+ titan.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ Assert( IsAlive( titan ) )
+ // dont let AI titan get enemies while dropping. Don't do trigger checks
+ titan.SetEfficientMode( true )
+ titan.SetTouchTriggers( false )
+ titan.SetNoTarget( true )
+ titan.SetAimAssistAllowed( false )
+ thread PingMinimapDuringHotdrop( player, titan, origin )
+ thread CleanupTitanFallDisablingEntity( titanFallDisablingEntity, titan ) //needs to be here after titan is created
+ waitthread PlayersTitanHotdrops( titan, origin, angles, player, animation ) //Note that this function returns after the titan has played the landing anim, not when the titan hits the ground
+ titan.SetEfficientMode( false )
+ titan.SetTouchTriggers( true )
+ titan.SetAimAssistAllowed( true )
+ player.Signal( "titan_impact" )
+ thread TitanNPC_WaitForBubbleShield_StartAutoTitanBehavior( titan )
+void function CleanupTitanFallDisablingEntity( entity titanFallDisablingEntity, entity titan )
+ titanFallDisablingEntity.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" ) //titanFallDisablingEntity can be destroyed multiple ways
+ titan.EndSignal( "ClearDisableTitanfall" ) //This is awkward, CreateBubbleShield() and OnHotDropImpact() signals this to deestroy CleanupTitanFallDisablingEntity
+ titan.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ OnThreadEnd(
+ function() : ( titanFallDisablingEntity )
+ {
+ if( IsValid( titanFallDisablingEntity ) )
+ titanFallDisablingEntity.Destroy()
+ }
+ )
+ WaitForever()
+void function DrawReplacementTitanLocation( entity player, vector origin, float delay )
+ // have to keep resending this info because a dead player won't see it
+ player.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ float endTime = Time() + delay
+ for ( ;; )
+ {
+ if ( !IsAlive( player ) )
+ {
+ player.WaitSignal( "OnRespawned" )
+ continue
+ }
+ float remainingTime = endTime - Time()
+ if ( remainingTime <= 0 )
+ return
+ player.SetHotDropImpactDelay( remainingTime )
+ Remote_CallFunction_Replay( player, "ServerCallback_ReplacementTitanSpawnpoint", origin.x, origin.y, origin.z, Time() + remainingTime )
+ player.WaitSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ }
+void function TryAnnounceTitanfallWarningToEnemyTeam( int team, vector origin )
+ float outerDistance = innerDistance * 4.0
+ array<entity> enemies = GetPlayerArrayOfEnemies( team )
+ foreach ( entity enemyPlayer in enemies )
+ {
+ float distSqr = DistanceSqr( origin, enemyPlayer.GetOrigin() )
+ if ( distSqr > outerDistance )
+ continue
+ if ( distSqr < innerDistance )
+ Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( enemyPlayer, "ServerCallback_TitanFallWarning", true )
+ else
+ Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( enemyPlayer, "ServerCallback_TitanFallWarning", false )
+ }
+TitanSettings function GetTitanForPlayer( entity player )
+ string ornull currentTitanSettings
+ array<string> currentTitanMods
+ if ( player.IsBot() )
+ {
+ string botTitanSettings = GetConVarString( "bot_titan_settings" )
+ array<string> legalLoadouts = GetAllowedTitanSetFiles()
+ if ( legalLoadouts.contains( botTitanSettings ) )
+ currentTitanSettings = botTitanSettings
+ else
+ currentTitanSettings = legalLoadouts.getrandom()
+ }
+ if ( currentTitanSettings == null )
+ {
+ TitanLoadoutDef loadout = GetTitanLoadoutForPlayer( player )
+ currentTitanSettings = loadout.setFile
+ foreach ( mod in loadout.setFileMods )
+ {
+ currentTitanMods.append( mod )
+ }
+ }
+ if ( DebugNewTitanModels() )
+ {
+ switch ( currentTitanSettings )
+ {
+ case "titan_atlas":
+ currentTitanSettings = "titan_medium_ajax"
+ break
+ case "titan_stryder":
+ currentTitanSettings = "titan_light_locust"
+ break
+ case "titan_ogre":
+ currentTitanSettings = "titan_heavy_ogre"
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ TitanSettings titanSettings
+ titanSettings.titanSetFile = expect string( currentTitanSettings )
+ titanSettings.titanSetFileMods = currentTitanMods
+ return titanSettings
+Attachment function GetAttachmentAtTimeFromModel( asset model, string animation, string attachment, vector origin, vector angles, float time )
+ entity dummy = CreatePropDynamic( model, origin, angles )
+ Attachment start = dummy.Anim_GetAttachmentAtTime( animation, attachment, time )
+ dummy.Destroy()
+ return start
+function PingMinimapDuringHotdrop( player, titan, impactOrigin )
+ expect entity( player )
+ expect entity( titan )
+ player.EndSignal( "titan_impact" )
+ player.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ titan.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ titan.Minimap_Hide( TEAM_IMC, null )
+ titan.Minimap_Hide( TEAM_MILITIA, null )
+ OnThreadEnd(
+ function() : ( player, titan )
+ {
+ if ( !IsAlive( titan ) )
+ return
+ titan.Minimap_DisplayDefault( TEAM_IMC, null )
+ titan.Minimap_DisplayDefault( TEAM_MILITIA, null )
+ }
+ )
+ while ( true )
+ {
+ Minimap_CreatePingForPlayer( player, impactOrigin, $"vgui/HUD/threathud_titan_friendlyself", 0.5 )
+ wait 0.4
+ }
+function EmptyTitanPlaysAnim( titan )
+ local idleAnimAlias = "at_atlas_getin_idle"
+ if ( titan.HasKey( "idleAnim" ) )
+ idleAnimAlias = titan.GetValueForKey( "idleAnim" )
+ thread PlayAnim( titan, idleAnimAlias )
+function FreeSpawnpointOnEnterTitan( spawnpoint, titan )
+ titan.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ titan.EndSignal( "TitanEntered" )
+ OnThreadEnd(
+ function() : ( spawnpoint, titan )
+ {
+ Assert( IsValid( titan ) )
+ spawnpoint.e.spawnPointInUse = false
+ }
+ )
+ titan.WaitSignal( "TitanBeingEntered" )
+function DebugText( origin, text, time )
+ local endTime = Time() + time
+ while( Time() < endTime )
+ {
+ DebugDrawText( origin, text, true, 1.0 )
+ wait 1
+ }
+bool function ReplacementTitanTimerFinished( player, timeBuffer = 0 )
+ local nextTitanTime = player.GetNextTitanRespawnAvailable()
+ if ( nextTitanTime < 0 )
+ return false
+ return nextTitanTime - Time() <= timeBuffer
+ float titanTimerPauseTime = 0
+ table<entity, float> playerPauseStartTimes
+} protoFile
+void function PauseTitansThink()
+ bool titan
+ while ( true )
+ {
+ array<entity> players = GetPlayerArray()
+ bool foundTitan = false
+ foreach ( player in players )
+ {
+ if ( player.IsTitan() || IsValid( player.GetPetTitan() ) )
+ {
+ foundTitan = true
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if ( foundTitan && protoFile.titanTimerPauseTime == 0 )
+ thread PauseTitanTimers()
+ else if ( !foundTitan && protoFile.titanTimerPauseTime != 0 )
+ thread PauseTitanTimers()
+ WaitFrame()
+ }
+void function PauseTitanTimers()
+ RegisterSignal( "PauseTitanTimers" )
+ svGlobal.levelEnt.Signal( "PauseTitanTimers" )
+ svGlobal.levelEnt.EndSignal( "PauseTitanTimers" )
+ if ( protoFile.titanTimerPauseTime != 0 )
+ {
+ protoFile.playerPauseStartTimes = {}
+ protoFile.titanTimerPauseTime = 0
+ return
+ }
+ protoFile.titanTimerPauseTime = Time()
+ float lastTime = Time()
+ while ( true )
+ {
+ array<entity> players = GetPlayerArray()
+ float addTime = Time() - protoFile.titanTimerPauseTime
+ foreach ( player in players )
+ {
+ if ( player.IsTitan() )
+ {
+ if ( player in protoFile.playerPauseStartTimes )
+ delete protoFile.playerPauseStartTimes[player]
+ continue
+ }
+ if ( IsValid( player.GetPetTitan() ) )
+ {
+ if ( player in protoFile.playerPauseStartTimes )
+ delete protoFile.playerPauseStartTimes[player]
+ continue
+ }
+ if ( Time() > player.GetNextTitanRespawnAvailable() )
+ {
+ if ( player in protoFile.playerPauseStartTimes )
+ delete protoFile.playerPauseStartTimes[player]
+ continue
+ }
+ if ( !(player in protoFile.playerPauseStartTimes) )
+ {
+ protoFile.playerPauseStartTimes[player] <- player.GetNextTitanRespawnAvailable()
+ }
+ protoFile.playerPauseStartTimes[player] += Time() - lastTime
+ player.SetNextTitanRespawnAvailable( protoFile.playerPauseStartTimes[player] )
+ }
+ lastTime = Time()
+ wait 0.1
+ }
+bool function ShouldDoTitanfall()
+ if ( svGlobal.forceDisableTitanfalls )
+ return false
+ return ( GetCurrentPlaylistVarInt( "enable_titanfalls", 1 ) == 1 )
+} \ No newline at end of file