path: root/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/pilot/_pilot_leeching.gnut
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/pilot/_pilot_leeching.gnut')
1 files changed, 610 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/pilot/_pilot_leeching.gnut b/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/pilot/_pilot_leeching.gnut
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..596ca7118
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/pilot/_pilot_leeching.gnut
@@ -0,0 +1,610 @@
+global function PlayerLeeching_Init
+global function LeechSurroundingSpectres
+global function CodeCallback_LeechStart
+global function LeechPropagate
+global function ReleaseLeechOverflow
+global function IsBeingLeeched
+// 384 ~ 32 feet
+// 256 ~ 21.3 feet
+// 192 ~ 16 feet
+// 128 ~ 10.6 feet
+#if MP
+const int GLOBAL_LEECH_LIMIT = 100 // per team
+const int MAX_LEECHABLE = 100 // per player
+const bool PROPAGATE_ON_LEECH = true
+#elseif SP
+const int GLOBAL_LEECH_LIMIT = 8
+const int MAX_LEECHABLE = 4
+const bool PROPAGATE_ON_LEECH = false
+void function PlayerLeeching_Init()
+ #if SERVER
+ PrecacheModel( DATA_KNIFE_MODEL )
+ #endif
+void function PlayerStopLeeching( entity player, entity target )
+ Assert( target != null )
+ Assert( player.p.leechTarget == target )
+ StopLeechingProgress( player.p.leechTarget )
+ player.p.leechTarget = null
+void function CodeCallback_LeechStart( entity player, entity target )
+ thread LeechStartThread( player, target )
+void function LeechStartThread( entity player, entity target )
+ if ( !IsAlive( target ) )
+ return
+ if ( !IsAlive( player ) )
+ return
+ LeechActionInfo action = FindLeechAction( player, target )
+ if ( !action.isValid )
+ return
+ if ( player.ContextAction_IsActive()
+ || player.ContextAction_IsActive()
+ || target.ContextAction_IsActive() )
+ {
+ return
+ }
+ player.EndSignal( "ScriptAnimStop" )
+ player.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ target.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ target.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ target.EndSignal( "ScriptAnimStop" )
+ StartLeechingProgress( target, player )
+ LeechData e
+ e.playerStartOrg = player.GetOrigin()
+ e.targetStartPos = target.GetOrigin()
+ OnThreadEnd
+ (
+ function() : ( e, player, target )
+ {
+ if ( IsValid( player ) )
+ {
+ player.SetSyncedEntity( null )
+ if ( player.ContextAction_IsLeeching() )
+ player.Event_LeechEnd()
+ // reset to start position in case animation moves us at all
+ //player.SetOrigin( e.playerStartOrg )
+ player.Anim_Stop()
+ player.UnforceStand()
+ // done with first person anims
+ ClearPlayerAnimViewEntity( player )
+ DeployAndEnableWeapons( player )
+ }
+ if ( IsValid( target ) )
+ {
+ if ( !e.success )
+ {
+ if ( IsValid( player ) )
+ {
+ TryLeechAbortCallback( target, player ) //Make "failed leech" sounds play here after exiting leech animation
+ }
+ }
+ #if MP
+ target.SetUsable()
+ #endif
+ target.SetNoTarget( false )
+ target.SetNoTargetSmartAmmo( false )
+ target.Anim_Stop()
+ target.ClearParent()
+ if ( IsAlive( target ) )
+ {
+ // Note that e.targetStartPos is not guarranteed to be a safe spot since we can have moving geo in the game now
+ PutEntityInSafeSpot( target, null, null, target.GetOrigin(), target.GetOrigin() )
+ }
+ if ( target.ContextAction_IsLeeching() )
+ target.Event_LeechEnd()
+ }
+ foreach ( knife in e.knives )
+ {
+ if ( IsValid( knife ) )
+ {
+ knife.Destroy()
+ }
+ }
+ if ( IsValid( player ) && player.p.leechTarget )
+ {
+ PlayerStopLeeching( player, player.p.leechTarget )
+ }
+ if ( IsValid( e.ref ) )
+ {
+ if ( IsValid( player ) )
+ player.ClearParent()
+ if ( IsValid( target ) )
+ target.ClearParent()
+ //printt( "kill the ref" )
+ if ( IsValid( e.ref ) && !e.ref.IsPlayer() )
+ e.ref.Destroy()
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ Assert( player.p.leechTarget == null )
+ player.p.leechTarget = target
+ player.Event_LeechStart()
+ target.Event_LeechStart()
+ player.ForceStand()
+ HolsterAndDisableWeapons( player )
+ float leechTime = svGlobal.defaultPilotLeechTime
+ if ( PlayerHasPassive( player, ePassives.PAS_FAST_HACK ) )
+ leechTime *= 0.85
+ e.leechTime = leechTime
+ #if MP
+ target.UnsetUsable()
+ #endif
+ target.SetNoTarget( true )
+ target.SetNoTargetSmartAmmo( true )
+ if ( IsSpectre( target ) )
+ TellSquadmatesSpectreIsGettingLeeched( target, player )
+ waitthread PlayerLeechTargetAnimation( player, target, action, e )
+ e.leechStartTime = Time()
+ Remote_CallFunction_Replay( player, "ServerCallback_DataKnifeStartLeech", e.leechTime )
+ waitthread WaittillFinishedLeeching( player, target, e )
+ if ( e.success )
+ {
+ thread DataKnifeSuccessSounds( player )
+ DoLeech( target, player )
+ PlayerStopLeeching( player, target )
+ // this will kill a random leeched ent from within the team, exluding the current target. When it's not done elsewhere
+ ReleaseLeechOverflow( player, target )
+ //this is called when the player leeches - not when the system is leeching other spectres
+ if ( PROPAGATE_ON_LEECH && IsSpectre( target ) )
+ LeechSurroundingSpectres( target.GetOrigin(), player )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DataKnifeCanceledSounds( player )
+ Remote_CallFunction_Replay( player, "ServerCallback_DataKnifeCancelLeech" )
+ PlayerStopLeeching( player, player.p.leechTarget )
+ }
+ waitthread PlayerExitLeechingAnim( player, target, action, e )
+void function TellSquadmatesSpectreIsGettingLeeched( entity spectre, entity player )
+ string squadName = expect string( spectre.kv.squadname )
+ if ( squadName == "" )
+ return
+ array<entity> squad = GetNPCArrayBySquad( squadName )
+ squad.removebyvalue( spectre )
+ foreach ( squadMate in squad )
+ {
+ //printt( "Setting enemy of " + squadMate + " to player: " + player )
+ squadMate.SetEnemyLKP( player, player.GetOrigin() )
+ }
+void function ReleaseLeechOverflow( entity player, entity lastLeeched )
+ array<entity> teamLeechedEnts = GetTeamLeechedEnts( player.GetTeam() )
+ array<entity> leechedEnts = GetLeechedEnts( player )
+ int globalOverflow = GLOBAL_LEECH_LIMIT - teamLeechedEnts.len()
+ int playerOverflow = MAX_LEECHABLE - leechedEnts.len()
+ int overflow = minint( globalOverflow, playerOverflow )
+ if ( overflow >= 0 )
+ return
+ overflow = abs( overflow )
+ teamLeechedEnts.randomize()
+ foreach ( ent in teamLeechedEnts )
+ {
+ if ( lastLeeched == ent )
+ continue
+ entity owner = ent.GetBossPlayer()
+ Assert( owner.IsPlayer() )
+ // I think it's better to kill the overflow then have it become an enemy again.
+ ent.Die()
+ delete owner.p.leechedEnts[ ent ]
+ overflow--
+ if ( overflow == 0 )
+ break
+ }
+ Assert( overflow == 0 )
+int function GetMaxNumberOfLeechedEnts( entity player )
+ int teamLeechedCount = GetTeamLeechedEnts( player.GetTeam() ).len()
+ int leechedEntsCount = GetLeechedEnts( player ).len()
+ int teamLimit = maxint( 0, GLOBAL_LEECH_LIMIT - teamLeechedCount )
+ int maxSize = maxint( 0, MAX_LEECHABLE - leechedEntsCount )
+ maxSize = minint( teamLimit, maxSize )
+ return maxSize
+void function LeechSurroundingSpectres( vector origin, entity player )
+ array<entity> enemySpectreArray = GetNPCArrayEx( "npc_spectre", TEAM_ANY, player.GetTeam(), player.GetOrigin(), SPECTRE_LEECH_SURROUNDING_RANGE )
+ if ( !enemySpectreArray.len() )
+ return
+ // don't resize the array if we should kill the overflow instead
+ {
+ int maxSize = GetMaxNumberOfLeechedEnts( player )
+ int newSize = minint( enemySpectreArray.len(), maxSize )
+ enemySpectreArray.resize( newSize, null )
+ }
+ foreach ( spectre in enemySpectreArray )
+ {
+ thread LeechPropagate( spectre, player )
+ }
+ if ( enemySpectreArray.len() )
+ {
+ if ( PlayerHasPassive( player, ePassives.PAS_WIFI_SPECTRE ) )
+ {
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( player, "BurnCard_WiFiVirus_TurnSpectre" )
+ printt( "play BurnCard_WiFiVirus_TurnSpectre" )
+ }
+ }
+void function LeechPropagate( entity spectre, entity player )
+ if ( spectre.ContextAction_IsActive() )
+ return
+ if ( !spectre.IsInterruptable() )
+ return
+ if ( spectre.GetParent() )
+ return
+ if ( !Leech_IsLeechable( spectre ) )
+ return
+ player.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ spectre.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ spectre.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ spectre.Event_LeechStart()
+ AddAnimEvent( spectre, "leech_switchteam", DoLeechAnimEvent, player )
+ OnThreadEnd(
+ function() : ( spectre )
+ {
+ if ( IsValid( spectre ) )
+ {
+ DeleteAnimEvent( spectre, "leech_switchteam" )
+ if ( spectre.ContextAction_IsLeeching() )
+ spectre.Event_LeechEnd()
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ spectre.Anim_Stop()
+ waitthread PlayAnim( spectre, "sp_reboot" )
+ spectre.SetVelocity( Vector(0,0,0) )
+void function WaittillFinishedLeeching( entity player, entity target, LeechData e )
+ player.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ player.EndSignal( "ScriptAnimStop" )
+ target.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ if ( !player.UseButtonPressed() )
+ return
+ float waitTime = e.leechTime
+ float timePassed = Time() - e.leechStartTime
+ waitTime -= timePassed
+ if ( waitTime > 0 )
+ {
+ float startTime = Time()
+ while ( Time() < startTime + waitTime && player.UseButtonPressed() )
+ {
+ WaitFrame()
+ }
+ }
+ if ( player.UseButtonPressed() )
+ e.success = true
+bool function IsLeechTargetUsedAsAnimNode( entity target )
+ return target.AISetting_LeechAnimTag() != ""
+void function PlayerLeechTargetAnimation( entity player, entity target, LeechActionInfo action, LeechData e )
+ Assert( action.isValid )
+ vector targetStartOrg = target.GetOrigin()
+ vector targetStartAng = target.GetAngles()
+ vector initialPlayerPosition = player.GetOrigin()
+ vector initialTargetPosition = target.GetOrigin()
+ vector endOrigin = target.GetOrigin()
+ vector startOrigin = player.GetOrigin()
+ vector refVec = endOrigin - startOrigin
+ string animTag
+ FirstPersonSequenceStruct playerSequence
+ //---------------------------------------------------------
+ // Leech anims played on the leech target, or at player position?
+ //---------------------------------------------------------
+ if ( IsLeechTargetUsedAsAnimNode( target ) )
+ {
+ e.ref = CreateLeechingScriptMoverBetweenEnts( player, target )
+ animTag = target.AISetting_LeechAnimTag()
+ Assert( animTag != "" )
+ e.ref.SetOrigin( target.GetOrigin() )
+ e.ref.SetParent( target, animTag )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ e.ref = player
+ e.ref.SetOrigin( e.playerStartOrg )
+ playerSequence.playerPushable = true
+ }
+ e.ref.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Player FirstPersonSequence for the leeching
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------
+ playerSequence.blendTime = 0.25
+ playerSequence.attachment = "ref"
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Only create FirstPersonSequence for leech target if anims exist
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool haveTargetSequence = false
+ FirstPersonSequenceStruct targetSequence
+ if ( action.targetAnimation3pStart != "" )
+ {
+ targetSequence = clone playerSequence
+ haveTargetSequence = true
+ }
+ playerSequence.thirdPersonAnim = action.playerAnimation3pStart
+ playerSequence.thirdPersonAnimIdle = action.playerAnimation3pIdle
+ playerSequence.firstPersonAnim = action.playerAnimation1pStart
+ playerSequence.firstPersonAnimIdle = action.playerAnimation1pIdle
+ entity viewmodel = player.GetFirstPersonProxy()
+ if ( !HasAnimEvent( viewmodel, "PlaySound_DataKnife_Hack_Spectre_Pt1" ) )
+ AddAnimEvent( viewmodel, "PlaySound_DataKnife_Hack_Spectre_Pt1", PlaySound_DataKnife_Hack_Spectre_Pt1 )
+ if ( !HasAnimEvent( viewmodel, "PlaySound_DataKnife_Hack_Spectre_Pt2" ) )
+ AddAnimEvent( viewmodel, "PlaySound_DataKnife_Hack_Spectre_Pt2", PlaySound_DataKnife_Hack_Spectre_Pt2 )
+ if ( !HasAnimEvent( viewmodel, "PlaySound_DataKnife_Hack_Spectre_Pt3" ) )
+ AddAnimEvent( viewmodel, "PlaySound_DataKnife_Hack_Spectre_Pt3", PlaySound_DataKnife_Hack_Spectre_Pt3 )
+ if ( !HasAnimEvent( viewmodel, "PlaySound_Spectre_Servo_Heavy_Short" ) )
+ AddAnimEvent( viewmodel, "PlaySound_Spectre_Servo_Heavy_Short", PlaySound_Spectre_Servo_Heavy_Short )
+ if ( !HasAnimEvent( viewmodel, "PlaySound_DataKnife_Hack_Spectre_ArmorRattle" ) )
+ AddAnimEvent( viewmodel, "PlaySound_DataKnife_Hack_Spectre_ArmorRattle", PlaySound_DataKnife_Hack_Spectre_ArmorRattle )
+ if ( haveTargetSequence )
+ {
+ targetSequence.thirdPersonAnim = action.targetAnimation3pStart
+ targetSequence.thirdPersonAnimIdle = action.targetAnimation3pIdle
+ }
+ playerSequence.noParent = true
+ //-----------------------------------
+ // Data knife
+ //-----------------------------------
+ asset model = DATA_KNIFE_MODEL
+ string knifeTag = GetTagForDataknife( target )
+ entity thirdPersonKnife = CreatePropDynamic( model )
+ SetTargetName( thirdPersonKnife, "thirdPersonKnife" )
+ thirdPersonKnife.SetParent( player, knifeTag, false, 0.0 )
+ e.knives.append( thirdPersonKnife )
+ SetForceDrawWhileParented( target, true )
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Play leech anim sequence for player, but only for target if leech anims exist
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ player.SetSyncedEntity( target )
+ entity ref = e.ref
+ if ( haveTargetSequence )
+ thread Animate_PlayerLeechTarget( targetSequence, target, ref )
+ waitthread FirstPersonSequence( playerSequence, player, null )
+//Basically copy pasted from CreateMeleeScriptMoverBetweenEnts
+entity function CreateLeechingScriptMoverBetweenEnts( entity attacker, entity target )
+ vector endOrigin = target.GetOrigin()
+ vector startOrigin = attacker.GetOrigin()
+ vector refVec = endOrigin - startOrigin
+ vector refAng = VectorToAngles( refVec )
+ float pitch = refAng.x
+ if ( pitch > 180 )
+ pitch -= 360
+ if ( fabs( pitch ) > 35 ) //If pitch is too much, use angles from target
+ refAng = target.GetAngles() // Leech does it from behind target, so use target's angles.
+ vector refPos = endOrigin - refVec * 0.5
+ entity ref = CreateOwnedScriptMover( attacker )
+ ref.SetOrigin( refPos )
+ ref.SetAngles( refAng )
+ return ref
+void function Animate_PlayerLeechTarget( FirstPersonSequenceStruct targetSequence, entity target, entity ref )
+ ref.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ target.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ waitthread FirstPersonSequence( targetSequence, target, ref )
+void function PlayerExitLeechingAnim( entity player, entity target, LeechActionInfo action, LeechData e )
+ FirstPersonSequenceStruct playerSequence
+ playerSequence.blendTime = 0.3
+ playerSequence.attachment = "ref"
+ playerSequence.teleport = false
+ playerSequence.noParent = true
+ playerSequence.playerPushable = true
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // Target animates only if he has anims
+ //---------------------------------------
+ bool hasTargetSequence = false
+ FirstPersonSequenceStruct targetSequence
+ if ( action.targetAnimation3pEnd != "" )
+ {
+ targetSequence = clone playerSequence
+ hasTargetSequence = true
+ }
+ playerSequence.thirdPersonAnim = action.playerAnimation3pEnd
+ playerSequence.firstPersonAnim = action.playerAnimation1pEnd
+ playerSequence.snapPlayerFeetToEyes = false
+ entity ref = e.ref
+ if ( hasTargetSequence )
+ {
+ targetSequence.thirdPersonAnim = action.targetAnimation3pEnd
+ thread FirstPersonSequence( targetSequence, target, ref )
+ }
+ waitthread FirstPersonSequence( playerSequence, player, null )
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Detach from rodeo if applicable (drones, superspectres, etc)
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------
+ if ( Rodeo_IsAttached( player ) )
+ player.Signal( "RodeoOver" )
+bool function IsBeingLeeched( entity npc )
+ return npc.ai.leechInProgress
+void function PlaySound_DataKnife_Hack_Spectre_Pt1( entity playerFirstPersonProxy )
+ entity player = playerFirstPersonProxy.GetOwner()
+ if ( !IsValid( player ) )
+ return
+ EmitSoundOnEntityOnlyToPlayer( player, player, "DataKnife_Hack_Spectre_Pt1" )
+void function PlaySound_DataKnife_Hack_Spectre_Pt2( entity playerFirstPersonProxy )
+ entity player = playerFirstPersonProxy.GetOwner()
+ if ( !IsValid( player ) )
+ return
+ EmitSoundOnEntityOnlyToPlayer( player, player, "DataKnife_Hack_Spectre_Pt2" )
+void function PlaySound_DataKnife_Hack_Spectre_Pt3( entity playerFirstPersonProxy )
+ entity player = playerFirstPersonProxy.GetOwner()
+ if ( !IsValid( player ) )
+ return
+ EmitSoundOnEntityOnlyToPlayer( player, player, "DataKnife_Hack_Spectre_Pt3" )
+void function PlaySound_Spectre_Servo_Heavy_Short( entity playerFirstPersonProxy )
+ entity player = playerFirstPersonProxy.GetOwner()
+ if ( !IsValid( player ) )
+ return
+ EmitSoundOnEntityOnlyToPlayer( player, player, "Spectre.Servo.Heavy.Short" )
+void function PlaySound_DataKnife_Hack_Spectre_ArmorRattle( entity playerFirstPersonProxy )
+ entity player = playerFirstPersonProxy.GetOwner()
+ if ( !IsValid( player ) )
+ return
+ EmitSoundOnEntityOnlyToPlayer( player, player, "DataKnife_Hack_Spectre_ArmorRattle" )
+} \ No newline at end of file