path: root/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/ai/_ai_utility.gnut
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/ai/_ai_utility.gnut')
1 files changed, 558 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/ai/_ai_utility.gnut b/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/ai/_ai_utility.gnut
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..67c686003
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/ai/_ai_utility.gnut
@@ -0,0 +1,558 @@
+function AiUtility_Init()
+ RegisterSignal( "OnNewOwner" )
+ RegisterSignal( "squadInCombat" )
+ RegisterSignal( "OnEndFollow" )
+ RegisterSignal( "OnStunned" )
+// Cloaks npc forever (to be used by anim events)
+function NpcCloakOn( npc )
+ //SetCloakDuration( fade in, duration, fade out )
+ npc.SetCloakDuration( 2.0, -1, 0 )
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( npc, CLOAKED_DRONE_CLOAK_LOOP_SFX )
+ npc.Minimap_Hide( TEAM_IMC, null )
+ npc.Minimap_Hide( TEAM_MILITIA, null )
+// De-cloaks npc
+function NpcCloakOff( npc)
+ npc.SetCloakDuration( 0, 0, 1.5 )
+ StopSoundOnEntity( npc, CLOAKED_DRONE_CLOAK_LOOP_SFX )
+ npc.Minimap_AlwaysShow( TEAM_IMC, null )
+ npc.Minimap_AlwaysShow( TEAM_MILITIA, null )
+int function GetDefaultNPCFollowBehavior( npc )
+ switch ( npc.GetAIClass() )
+ {
+ return AIF_GUNSHIP
+ case AIC_TITAN:
+ }
+void function DieOnPlayerDisconnect( entity npc, entity player )
+ Assert( IsNewThread(), "Must be threaded off" )
+ Assert( npc.IsNPC() )
+ Assert( player.IsPlayer() )
+ Assert( IsAlive( npc ) )
+ Assert( npc.GetBossPlayer() == player )
+ Assert( !IsDisconnected( player ) )
+ npc.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ player.WaitSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ // my boss quit the server!
+ if ( IsAlive( npc ) && npc.GetBossPlayer() == player )
+ npc.Die()
+void function NPCFollowsPlayer( entity npc, entity leader )
+ Assert( IsAlive( npc ) )
+ Assert( leader.IsPlayer() )
+ npc.SetBossPlayer( leader )
+ // team
+ SetTeam( npc, leader.GetTeam() )
+ if ( IsSpectre( npc ) )
+ {
+ string squadName = GetPlayerSpectreSquadName( leader )
+ SetSquad( npc, squadName )
+ }
+ thread DieOnPlayerDisconnect( npc, leader )
+ #if SP
+ Highlight_SetFriendlyHighlight( npc, "friendly_ai" )
+ #else
+ Highlight_SetOwnedHighlight( npc, "friendly_ai" )
+ #endif
+ NpcFollowsEntity( npc, leader )
+void function NPCFollowsNPC( entity npc, entity leader )
+ Assert( IsAlive( npc ) )
+ Assert( IsAlive( leader ) )
+ Assert( leader.IsNPC() )
+ // team
+ SetTeam( npc, leader.GetTeam() )
+ // squad
+ string squadNameOwner = expect string( leader.Get( "squadname" ) )
+ if ( squadNameOwner != "" && leader.GetClassName() == npc.GetClassName() )
+ SetSquad( npc, squadNameOwner )
+ NpcFollowsEntity( npc, leader )
+void function NpcFollowsEntity( entity npc, entity leader )
+ // stop scripted things
+ if ( IsMultiplayer() )
+ npc.Signal( "StopHardpointBehavior" )
+ if ( leader.IsPlayer() && leader.p.followPlayerOverride != null )
+ {
+ leader.p.followPlayerOverride( npc, leader )
+ return
+ }
+ // follow!
+ int followBehavior = GetDefaultNPCFollowBehavior( npc )
+ npc.InitFollowBehavior( leader, followBehavior )
+ npc.DisableBehavior( "Assault" )
+ npc.EnableBehavior( "Follow" )
+bool function HasEnemyWithinDist( entity npc, float dist )
+ float distSq = dist * dist
+ array<entity> enemies
+ entity closestEnemy = npc.GetClosestEnemy()
+ if ( closestEnemy )
+ enemies.append( closestEnemy )
+ entity currentEnemy = npc.GetEnemy()
+ if ( currentEnemy && currentEnemy != closestEnemy )
+ enemies.append( currentEnemy )
+ if ( !enemies.len() )
+ return false
+ vector origin = npc.GetOrigin()
+ foreach ( enemy in enemies )
+ {
+ if ( DistanceSqr( origin, enemy.GetOrigin() ) < distSq )
+ return true
+ }
+ return false
+SpawnPointFP function FindSpawnPointForNpcCallin( entity npc, asset model, string anim )
+ float yaw = npc.EyeAngles().y
+ vector npcView = AnglesToForward( npc.EyeAngles() )
+ FlightPath flightPath = GetAnalysisForModel( model, anim )
+ CallinData drop
+ InitCallinData( drop )
+ SetCallinStyle( drop, eDropStyle.NEAREST_YAW_FALLBACK )
+ SetCallinOwnerEyePos( drop, npc.EyePosition() )
+ drop.dist = 800
+ drop.origin = npc.GetOrigin() + npcView * 250
+ drop.yaw = yaw
+ vector angles = Vector( 0, yaw, 0 )
+ SpawnPointFP spawnPoint = GetSpawnPointForStyle( flightPath, drop )
+ if ( spawnPoint.valid )
+ return spawnPoint
+ //if it didn't find one where he was looking - try near him
+ drop.origin = npc.GetOrigin()
+ spawnPoint = GetSpawnPointForStyle( flightPath, drop )
+ return spawnPoint
+function WaitForSquadInCombat( squad )
+ local master = {}
+ //when the thread ends, let child threads now
+ OnThreadEnd(
+ function() : ( master )
+ {
+ Signal( master, "OnDestroy" )
+ }
+ )
+ // this internal function keeps track of each guy
+ local combatTracker =
+ function( guy, master )
+ {
+ expect entity( guy )
+ expect entity( master )
+ EndSignal( master, "OnDestroy" )
+ EndSignal( guy, "OnDeath", "OnDestroy" )
+ if ( !IsAlive( guy ) )
+ return
+ while ( guy.GetNPCState() != "combat" )
+ guy.WaitSignal( "OnStateChange" )
+ Signal( master, "squadInCombat" )
+ }
+ foreach ( guy in squad )
+ {
+ thread combatTracker( guy, master )
+ }
+ WaitSignal( master, "squadInCombat" )
+function WaitForNpcInCombat( npc )
+ while ( npc.GetNPCState() != "combat" )
+ npc.WaitSignal( "OnStateChange" )
+int function GetNpcHullType( entity npc )
+ string aiSettings = npc.GetAISettingsName()
+ return int ( Dev_GetAISettingByKeyField_Global( aiSettings, "HullType" ) )
+// "SPAWN AI" DEV MENU Fuctions
+const float CROSSHAIR_VERT_OFFSET = 32
+vector function GetPlayerCrosshairOriginRaw( entity player )
+ vector angles = player.EyeAngles()
+ vector forward = AnglesToForward( angles )
+ vector origin = player.EyePosition()
+ vector start = origin
+ vector end = origin + forward * 50000
+ TraceResults result = TraceLine( start, end )
+ vector crosshairOrigin = result.endPos
+ return crosshairOrigin
+vector function GetPlayerCrosshairOrigin( entity player )
+ return (GetPlayerCrosshairOriginRaw( player ) + Vector( 0, 0, CROSSHAIR_VERT_OFFSET ))
+void function DEV_SpawnBTAtCrosshair( bool hotdrop = false )
+ DisablePrecacheErrors()
+ wait 0.2
+ entity player = GetPlayerArray()[ 0 ]
+ entity pet_titan = player.GetPetTitan()
+ if ( IsValid(pet_titan) )
+ pet_titan.Destroy()
+ vector origin = GetPlayerCrosshairOrigin( player )
+ vector angles = Vector( 0, 0, 0 )
+ TitanLoadoutDef loadout = GetTitanLoadoutForCurrentMap()
+ entity npc = CreateAutoTitanForPlayer_FromTitanLoadout( player, loadout, origin, angles )
+ SetSpawnOption_AISettings( npc, "npc_titan_buddy" )
+ DispatchSpawn( npc )
+ SetPlayerPetTitan( player, npc )
+ if ( hotdrop )
+ thread NPCTitanHotdrops( npc, false )
+void function DEV_SpawnAllNPCsWithTeam( int team )
+ printt( "script thread DEV_SpawnAllNPCsWithTeam( " + team + " )" )
+ Assert( IsNewThread(), "Must be threaded off due to precache issues" )
+ bool restoreHostThreadMode = GetConVarInt( "host_thread_mode" ) != 0
+ if ( restoreHostThreadMode )
+ {
+ DisablePrecacheErrors()
+ wait 0.5
+ }
+ entity player = GetPlayerArray()[ 0 ]
+ vector origin = GetPlayerCrosshairOrigin( player )
+ array<string> aiSettings = GetAllNPCSettings()
+ foreach ( settings in aiSettings )
+ {
+ vector angles = < 0, RandomFloat( 360 ), 0 >
+ entity npc = CreateNPCFromAISettings( settings, team, origin, angles )
+ DispatchSpawn( npc )
+ }
+ if ( restoreHostThreadMode )
+ {
+ wait 0.2
+ RestorePrecacheErrors()
+ }
+void function DEV_SpawnNPCWithWeaponAtCrosshair( string baseClass, string aiSettings, int team, string weaponName = "" )
+ printt( "script thread DEV_SpawnNPCWithWeaponAtCrosshair( \"" + baseClass + "\", \"" + aiSettings + "\", " + team + ", \"" + weaponName + "\")" )
+ Assert( IsNewThread(), "Must be threaded off due to precache issues" )
+ bool restoreHostThreadMode = GetConVarInt( "host_thread_mode" ) != 0
+ entity npc = DEV_SpawnNPCWithWeaponAtCrosshairStart( restoreHostThreadMode, baseClass, aiSettings, team, weaponName )
+ DispatchSpawn( npc )
+ DEV_SpawnNPCWithWeaponAtCrosshairEnd( restoreHostThreadMode )
+void function DEV_SpawnMercTitanAtCrosshair( string mercName )
+ printt( "script thread DEV_SpawnMercTitanAtCrosshair( \"" + mercName + "\")" )
+ Assert( IsNewThread(), "Must be threaded off due to precache issues" )
+ TitanLoadoutDef ornull loadout = GetTitanLoadoutForBossCharacter( mercName )
+ if ( loadout == null )
+ return
+ expect TitanLoadoutDef( loadout )
+ string baseClass = "npc_titan"
+ string aiSettings = GetNPCSettingsFileForTitanPlayerSetFile( loadout.setFile )
+ bool restoreHostThreadMode = GetConVarInt( "host_thread_mode" ) != 0
+ entity npc = DEV_SpawnNPCWithWeaponAtCrosshairStart( restoreHostThreadMode, baseClass, aiSettings, TEAM_IMC )
+ SetSpawnOption_NPCTitan( npc, TITAN_MERC )
+ SetSpawnOption_TitanLoadout( npc, loadout )
+ npc.ai.bossTitanPlayIntro = false
+ DispatchSpawn( npc )
+ DEV_SpawnNPCWithWeaponAtCrosshairEnd( restoreHostThreadMode )
+void function DEV_SpawnWeaponAtCrosshair( string weaponName )
+ printt( "script thread DEV_SpawnWeaponAtCrosshair( \"" + weaponName + "\")" )
+ Assert( IsNewThread(), "Must be threaded off due to precache issues" )
+ entity player = GetPlayerArray()[ 0 ]
+ if ( !IsValid( player ) )
+ return
+ vector origin = GetPlayerCrosshairOrigin( player )
+ vector angles = Vector( 0, 0, 0 )
+ entity weapon = CreateWeaponEntityByNameWithPhysics( weaponName, origin, angles )
+#if SP
+ bool isTitanWeapon = weaponName.find( "mp_titanweapon_" ) != null
+ if ( isTitanWeapon )
+ thread TitanLoadoutWaitsForPickup( weapon, SPTitanLoadoutPickup )
+string function GetAISettingsFromPlayerSetFile( string playerSetfile )
+ TitanLoadoutDef ornull loadout = GetTitanLoadoutForColumn( "setFile", playerSetfile )
+ Assert( loadout != null, "Couldn't find loadout with set file " + playerSetfile )
+ expect TitanLoadoutDef( loadout )
+ return expect string( Dev_GetPlayerSettingByKeyField_Global( playerSetfile, GetAISettingsStringForMode() ) )
+void function DEV_SpawnBossTitanAtCrosshair( string playerSetfile )
+ string aiSettings = GetAISettingsFromPlayerSetFile( playerSetfile )
+ printt( "script thread DEV_SpawnBossTitanAtCrosshair( \"" + aiSettings + "\")" )
+ Assert( IsNewThread(), "Must be threaded off due to precache issues" )
+ string baseClass = "npc_titan"
+ bool restoreHostThreadMode = GetConVarInt( "host_thread_mode" ) != 0
+ entity npc = DEV_SpawnNPCWithWeaponAtCrosshairStart( restoreHostThreadMode, baseClass, aiSettings, TEAM_IMC )
+ SetSpawnOption_NPCTitan( npc, TITAN_BOSS )
+// SetSpawnOption_TitanLoadout( npc, loadout )
+ string builtInLoadout = expect string( Dev_GetAISettingByKeyField_Global( aiSettings, "npc_titan_player_settings" ) )
+// SetTitanSettings( npc.ai.titanSettings, builtInLoadout )
+ npc.ai.titanSpawnLoadout.setFile = builtInLoadout
+ OverwriteLoadoutWithDefaultsForSetFile( npc.ai.titanSpawnLoadout ) // get the entire loadout, including defensive and tactical
+ DispatchSpawn( npc )
+ DEV_SpawnNPCWithWeaponAtCrosshairEnd( restoreHostThreadMode )
+entity function DEV_SpawnNPCWithWeaponAtCrosshairStart( bool restoreHostThreadMode, string baseClass, string aiSettings, int team, string weaponName = "" )
+ if ( restoreHostThreadMode )
+ {
+ DisablePrecacheErrors()
+ wait 0.5
+ }
+ float time = Time()
+ for ( ;; )
+ {
+ if ( Time() > time )
+ break
+ WaitFrame()
+ }
+ entity player = GetPlayerArray()[ 0 ]
+ if ( !IsValid( player ) )
+ return
+ vector origin = GetPlayerCrosshairOrigin( player )
+ vector angles = Vector( 0, 0, 0 )
+ entity npc = CreateNPC( baseClass, team, origin, angles )
+ if ( IsTurret( npc ) )
+ npc.kv.origin -= Vector( 0, 0, CROSSHAIR_VERT_OFFSET )
+ SetSpawnOption_AISettings( npc, aiSettings )
+ if ( npc.GetClassName() == "npc_soldier" || npc.GetClassName() == "npc_spectre" )
+ npc.kv.squadname = "crosshairSpawnSquad_team_" + team + "_" + baseClass + "_" + aiSettings
+ if ( weaponName != "" )
+ SetSpawnOption_Weapon( npc, weaponName )
+ if ( npc.GetClassName() == "npc_titan" )
+ {
+ string builtInLoadout = expect string( Dev_GetAISettingByKeyField_Global( aiSettings, "npc_titan_player_settings" ) )
+ SetTitanSettings( npc.ai.titanSettings, builtInLoadout )
+ npc.ai.titanSpawnLoadout.setFile = builtInLoadout
+ OverwriteLoadoutWithDefaultsForSetFile( npc.ai.titanSpawnLoadout ) // get the entire loadout, including defensive and tactical
+ }
+ return npc
+void function DEV_SpawnNPCWithWeaponAtCrosshairEnd( bool restoreHostThreadMode )
+ if ( restoreHostThreadMode )
+ {
+ wait 0.2
+ RestorePrecacheErrors()
+ }
+function SetAISettingsWrapper( entity npc, string settings )
+ npc.SetAISettings( settings )
+ Assert( settings.find( npc.GetClassName() ) == 0, "NPC classname " + npc.GetClassName() + " not found in " + settings )
+ if ( IsSingleplayer() )
+ {
+ FixupTitle( npc )
+ }
+bool function WithinEngagementRange( entity npc, vector origin )
+ entity weapon = npc.GetActiveWeapon()
+ if ( weapon == null )
+ return false
+ float dist = Distance( npc.GetOrigin(), origin )
+ if ( dist < weapon.GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField( "npc_min_engage_range" ) )
+ return false
+ return dist <= weapon.GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField( "npc_max_engage_range" )
+function DEV_AITitanDuel()
+ thread DEV_AITitanDuelThread()
+entity function DEV_AITitanDuelSpawn( entity player, int team, vector origin, vector angles, aiSetting )
+ entity titan = CreateNPC( "npc_titan", team, origin, angles )
+ SetSpawnOption_AISettings( titan, aiSetting )
+ DispatchSpawn( titan )
+ vector ornull clampedPos = NavMesh_ClampPointForAI( origin, titan )
+ if ( clampedPos != null )
+ {
+ titan.SetOrigin( expect vector( clampedPos ) )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ array<entity> spawnpoints = SpawnPoints_GetTitan()
+ if ( spawnpoints.len() )
+ {
+ entity spawnpoint = GetClosest( spawnpoints, origin )
+ titan.SetOrigin( spawnpoint.GetOrigin() )
+ }
+ }
+ return titan
+function DEV_AITitanDuelThread()
+ DisablePrecacheErrors()
+ wait 0.5
+ array<string> aiSettings = GetAllowedTitanAISettings()
+ aiSettings.randomize()
+ entity player = GetPlayerArray()[ 0 ]
+ entity imcTitan = null
+ entity militiaTitan = null
+ int currentSetting = 0
+ while ( 1 )
+ {
+ if ( !IsValid( imcTitan ) )
+ {
+ vector origin = GetPlayerCrosshairOrigin( player ) + < -300, -300, 0 >
+ vector angles = Vector( 0, 0, 0 )
+ imcTitan = DEV_AITitanDuelSpawn( player, TEAM_IMC, origin, angles, aiSettings[currentSetting] )
+ currentSetting = (currentSetting + 1) % aiSettings.len()
+ if ( IsValid( militiaTitan ) )
+ {
+ imcTitan.SetEnemyLKP( militiaTitan, militiaTitan.GetOrigin() )
+ militiaTitan.SetEnemyLKP( imcTitan, imcTitan.GetOrigin() )
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !IsValid( militiaTitan ) )
+ {
+ vector origin = GetPlayerCrosshairOrigin( player ) + < 300, 300, 0 >
+ vector angles = Vector( 0, 180, 0 )
+ militiaTitan = DEV_AITitanDuelSpawn( player, TEAM_MILITIA, origin, angles, aiSettings[currentSetting] )
+ currentSetting = (currentSetting + 1) % aiSettings.len()
+ if ( IsValid( imcTitan ) )
+ {
+ militiaTitan.SetEnemyLKP( imcTitan, imcTitan.GetOrigin() )
+ imcTitan.SetEnemyLKP( militiaTitan, militiaTitan.GetOrigin() )
+ }
+ }
+ wait 2
+ }