path: root/Northstar.Custom/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/_gamemode_fastball_intro.gnut
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Northstar.Custom/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/_gamemode_fastball_intro.gnut')
1 files changed, 208 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Northstar.Custom/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/_gamemode_fastball_intro.gnut b/Northstar.Custom/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/_gamemode_fastball_intro.gnut
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6a1d0bbdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Northstar.Custom/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/_gamemode_fastball_intro.gnut
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+global function GamemodeFastballIntroSetup
+global function FastballAddBuddySpawnForLevel
+struct {
+ float introStartTime
+ table< int, Point > buddySpawns
+ entity militiaBuddy
+ entity imcBuddy
+ table<entity, bool> playersHoldingJump
+} file
+void function GamemodeFastballIntroSetup()
+ RegisterSignal( "fastball_start_throw" )
+ RegisterSignal( "fastball_release" )
+ AddCallback_GameStateEnter( eGameState.Prematch, OnPrematchStart )
+ AddCallback_OnClientConnected( AddPlayerToFastballIntro )
+void function FastballAddBuddySpawnForLevel( string level, int team, vector origin, vector angles )
+ if ( GetMapName() != level )
+ return
+ Point spawnPoint
+ spawnPoint.origin = origin
+ spawnPoint.angles = angles
+ file.buddySpawns[ team ] <- spawnPoint
+void function OnPrematchStart()
+ ClassicMP_OnIntroStarted()
+ file.introStartTime = Time()
+ file.playersHoldingJump = {} // clear it
+ Point militiaBuddySpawn
+ Point imcBuddySpawn
+ // figure out positions if there's none manually specified
+ if ( file.buddySpawns.len() == 0 )
+ {
+ array<entity> militiaSpawns
+ array<entity> imcSpawns
+ foreach ( entity spawnpoint in GetEntArrayByClass_Expensive( "info_spawnpoint_titan_start" ) )
+ {
+ // trace from top to bottom
+ float result = TraceHullSimple( spawnpoint.GetOrigin() + < 0, 0, 250 >, spawnpoint.GetOrigin(), < -200, -200, 0 >, < 200, 200, 400 >, null )
+ // don't need to trace much, as long as it's over 0 that means it fits
+ // cases where it's over 0 but less than 1 are usually caused by terrain
+ if ( result > 0 )
+ {
+ if ( spawnpoint.GetTeam() == TEAM_MILITIA )
+ militiaSpawns.append( spawnpoint )
+ else
+ imcSpawns.append( spawnpoint )
+ }
+ }
+ entity milititaSpawnEnt = militiaSpawns[ RandomInt( militiaSpawns.len() ) ]
+ militiaBuddySpawn.origin = milititaSpawnEnt.GetOrigin()
+ militiaBuddySpawn.angles = milititaSpawnEnt.GetAngles()
+ entity imcSpawnEnt = imcSpawns[ RandomInt( imcSpawns.len() ) ]
+ imcBuddySpawn.origin = imcSpawnEnt.GetOrigin()
+ imcBuddySpawn.angles = imcSpawnEnt.GetAngles()
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ militiaBuddySpawn = file.buddySpawns[ TEAM_MILITIA ]
+ imcBuddySpawn = file.buddySpawns[ TEAM_IMC ]
+ }
+ file.militiaBuddy = CreatePropDynamic( $"models/titans/buddy/titan_buddy.mdl" )
+ file.militiaBuddy.SetOrigin( militiaBuddySpawn.origin )
+ file.militiaBuddy.SetAngles( militiaBuddySpawn.angles )
+ thread AnimateBuddy( file.militiaBuddy )
+ file.imcBuddy = CreatePropDynamic( $"models/titans/buddy/titan_buddy.mdl" )
+ file.imcBuddy.SetOrigin( imcBuddySpawn.origin )
+ file.imcBuddy.SetAngles( imcBuddySpawn.angles )
+ thread AnimateBuddy( file.imcBuddy )
+ foreach ( entity player in GetPlayerArray() )
+ thread FastballPlayer( player )
+void function AnimateBuddy( entity buddy )
+ print( "buddy spawn at " + buddy.GetOrigin() + " " + buddy.GetAngles() )
+ thread PlayAnim( buddy, "bt_beacon_fastball_throw_end" )
+ // play dialogue at the right time
+ buddy.WaitSignal( "fastball_start_throw" )
+ float diagDuration = EmitSoundOnEntity( buddy, "diag_sp_spoke1_BE117_04_01_mcor_bt" ) // trust me
+ StartParticleEffectOnEntity( buddy, GetParticleSystemIndex( $"P_BT_eye_SM" ), FX_PATTACH_POINT_FOLLOW, buddy.LookupAttachment( "EYEGLOW" ) )
+ wait diagDuration
+ if ( GetGameState() != eGameState.Playing )
+ ClassicMP_OnIntroFinished()
+ buddy.WaitSignal( "fastball_release" )
+ wait 5.0
+ buddy.Destroy()
+void function AddPlayerToFastballIntro( entity player )
+ if ( GetGameState() == eGameState.Prematch )
+ thread FastballPlayer( player )
+void function FastballPlayer( entity player )
+ player.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ player.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ OnThreadEnd( function() : ( player )
+ {
+ RemoveCinematicFlag( player, CE_FLAG_CLASSIC_MP_SPAWNING )
+ player.ClearParent()
+ ClearPlayerAnimViewEntity( player )
+ player.DeployWeapon()
+ player.PlayerCone_Disable()
+ RemoveButtonPressedPlayerInputCallback( player, IN_JUMP, PlayerHoldingJumpInIntro )
+ RemoveButtonReleasedPlayerInputCallback( player, IN_JUMP, PlayerNoLongerHoldingJumpInIntro )
+ })
+ FirstPersonSequenceStruct throwSequence
+ throwSequence.attachment = "REF"
+ throwSequence.useAnimatedRefAttachment = true
+ throwSequence.hideProxy = true
+ throwSequence.viewConeFunction = ViewConeFastball // this seemingly does not trigger for some reason
+ throwSequence.firstPersonAnim = "ptpov_beacon_fastball_throw_end"
+ // mp models seemingly have no 3p animation for this
+ throwSequence.firstPersonBlendOutTime = 0.0
+ throwSequence.teleport = true
+ throwSequence.setInitialTime = Time() - file.introStartTime
+ // get our buddy
+ entity buddy
+ if ( player.GetTeam() == TEAM_MILITIA )
+ buddy = file.militiaBuddy
+ else
+ buddy = file.imcBuddy
+ // respawn the player
+ player.SetOrigin( buddy.GetOrigin() )
+ player.RespawnPlayer( null )
+ player.Hide()
+ player.HolsterWeapon()
+ // hide hud, fade screen out from black
+ AddCinematicFlag( player, CE_FLAG_CLASSIC_MP_SPAWNING )
+ ScreenFadeFromBlack( player, 0.5, 0.5 )
+ // start fp sequence
+ thread FirstPersonSequence( throwSequence, player, buddy )
+ // manually do this because i can't get viewconefastball to work
+ player.PlayerCone_FromAnim()
+ player.PlayerCone_SetMinYaw( -50 )
+ player.PlayerCone_SetMaxYaw( 25 )
+ player.PlayerCone_SetMinPitch( -15 )
+ player.PlayerCone_SetMaxPitch( 15 )
+ buddy.WaitSignal( "fastball_start_throw" )
+ // lock in their final angles at this point
+ vector throwVel = AnglesToForward( player.EyeAngles() ) * 950
+ throwVel.z = 675.0
+ // allow players to gain extra height by holding jump after this point too
+ AddButtonPressedPlayerInputCallback( player, IN_JUMP, PlayerHoldingJumpInIntro )
+ AddButtonReleasedPlayerInputCallback( player, IN_JUMP, PlayerNoLongerHoldingJumpInIntro )
+ // wait for it to finish
+ buddy.WaitSignal( "fastball_release" )
+ if ( player in file.playersHoldingJump && file.playersHoldingJump[ player ] )
+ throwVel.z = 850.0
+ // have to correct this manually here since due to no 3p animation our position isn't set right during this sequence
+ player.SetOrigin( buddy.GetAttachmentOrigin( buddy.LookupAttachment( "FASTBALL_R" ) ) )
+ player.Show()
+ player.SetVelocity( throwVel )
+ TryGameModeAnnouncement( player )
+void function PlayerHoldingJumpInIntro( entity player )
+ file.playersHoldingJump[ player ] <- true
+void function PlayerNoLongerHoldingJumpInIntro( entity player )
+ file.playersHoldingJump[ player ] <- false
+} \ No newline at end of file