path: root/Northstar.Custom/mod
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Northstar.Custom/mod')
3 files changed, 73 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/Northstar.Custom/mod/resource/northstar_custom_french.txt b/Northstar.Custom/mod/resource/northstar_custom_french.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8ecafc4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Northstar.Custom/mod/resource/northstar_custom_french.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+ "Language" "french"
+ "Tokens"
+ {
+ "PL_sbox" "Bac à sable"
+ "PL_sbox_lobby" "Lobby: Bac à sable"
+ "PL_sbox_desc" "GMod, mais en pire..."
+ "PL_sbox_abbr" "SBOX"
+ "GAMEMODE_SBOX" "Bac à sable"
+ "PL_gg" "Gun game"
+ "PL_gg_lobby" "Lobby: Gun game"
+ "PL_gg_desc" "Tuez un pilote avec chaque arme pour gagner."
+ "PL_gg_abbr" "GG"
+ "GAMEMODE_GG" "Gun game"
+ "PL_tt" "Titan tag"
+ "PL_tt_lobby" "Lobby: Titan tag"
+ "PL_tt_desc" "Gagnez des points lorsque vous êtes dans votre titan. Détruisez un titan pour obtenir le vôtre."
+ "PL_tt_abbr" "TT"
+ "GAMEMODE_TT" "Titan tag"
+ "PL_inf" "Infection"
+ "PL_inf_lobby" "Lobby: Infection"
+ "PL_inf_desc" "Les pilotes survivants deviennent infectés lorsque tués."
+ "PL_inf_abbr" "INF"
+ "GAMEMODE_INF" "Infection"
+ "INFECTION_YOU_ARE_INFECTED" "Vous avez été infecté !"
+ "INFECTION_KILL_SURVIVORS" "Contaminez tous les survivants restants."
+ "INFECTION_FIRST_INFECTED" "%s1 est le premier infecté."
+ "INFECTION_LAST_SURVIVOR" "%s1 est le dernier survivant !"
+ "INFECTION_KILL_LAST_SURVIVOR" "Contaminez-le avant que le temps ne soit écoulé !"
+ "INFECTION_YOU_ARE_LAST_SURVIVOR" "Vous êtes le dernier survivant !"
+ // these are defined in r1_english but titan war is a shit name so i'm changing it to another one that was referenced in development
+ "GAMEMODE_fw" "Guerre pour la Frontière"
+ "PL_fw" "Guerre pour la Frontière"
+ "PL_fw_lobby" "Lobby: Guerre pour la Frontière"
+ "PL_fw_desc" "Détruisez le collecteur ennemi et protégez le vôtre."
+ "PL_fw_abbr" "FW"
+ "GAMEMODE_kr" "Course aux frags"
+ "PL_kr" "Course aux frags"
+ "PL_kr_lobby" "Lobby: Course aux frags"
+ "PL_kr_desc" "Capturez le drapeau pour devenir le prédateur. Faites des victimes pour établir un nouveau record de frags. Le pilote ayant le plus de frags à la fin de la partie l'emporte."
+ "PL_kr_abbr" "KR"
+ "SCOREBOARD_KR_RECORD" "Record de frags"
+ "KR_NEW_RACER" "%s1 est le nouveau prédateur"
+ "KR_YOU_ARE_NEW_RACER" "Vous êtes le prédateur"
+ "KR_YOU_SET_NEW_RECORD" "Etablissez un nouveau record de frags !"
+ "KR_FLAG_INCOMING" "Drapeau en cours de réapparition"
+ "KR_COLLECT_FLAG" "Capturez-le pour devenir le prédateur !"
+ "KR_ENEMY_KILLRACE_OVER" "La course de %s1 est terminée"
+ "KR_YOUR_KILLRACE_OVER" "Votre course est terminée"
+ "KR_YOUR_KILLRACE_SCORE" "Vous avez obtenu %s1 frags."
+ "GAMEMODE_fastball" "Fastball"
+ "PL_fastball" "Fastball"
+ "PL_fastball_lobby" "Lobby: Fastball"
+ "PL_fastball_desc" "Mort permanente. Piratez les panneaux de contrôle pour gagner la manche et faire réapparaître vos équipiers."
+ "PL_fastball_abbr" "FB"
+ "FASTBALL_PANEL_CAPTURED" "%s1 a piraté le panneau de contrôle %s2 !"
+ "SCOREBOARD_FASTBALL_HACKS" "Panneaux de contrôle capturés."
+ "GAMEMODE_ctf_comp" "Capture de drapeau - Compétition"
+ }
diff --git a/Northstar.Custom/mod/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/_gamemode_hs.gnut b/Northstar.Custom/mod/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/_gamemode_hs.gnut
index ed245152..4fb45a74 100644
--- a/Northstar.Custom/mod/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/_gamemode_hs.gnut
+++ b/Northstar.Custom/mod/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/_gamemode_hs.gnut
@@ -184,8 +184,8 @@ void function PlayHintSoundsForHider( entity player )
while ( true )
- wait 1.0
- EmitSoundOnEntity( player, "weapon_chargerifle_fire_3p" )
+ wait 60.0
+ EmitSoundOnEntityToTeamExceptPlayer( player, "weapon_chargerifle_fire_3p", HIDEANDSEEK_TEAM_SEEKER, null )
diff --git a/Northstar.Custom/mod/scripts/vscripts/sh_3psequence_to_1p_hacks.gnut b/Northstar.Custom/mod/scripts/vscripts/sh_3psequence_to_1p_hacks.gnut
index 3d7e65aa..abfd269a 100644
--- a/Northstar.Custom/mod/scripts/vscripts/sh_3psequence_to_1p_hacks.gnut
+++ b/Northstar.Custom/mod/scripts/vscripts/sh_3psequence_to_1p_hacks.gnut
@@ -148,7 +148,8 @@ void function CleanupForced1PSequenceAfterAnimDone( FirstPersonSequenceStruct se
OnThreadEnd( function() : ( cleanupData )
- CleanupForced1PSequence( cleanupData )
+ if ( IsValid( cleanupData.player ) )
+ CleanupForced1PSequence( cleanupData )
FirstPersonSequence( sequence, player, other )