path: root/Northstar.Custom/mod/scripts/vscripts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Northstar.Custom/mod/scripts/vscripts')
7 files changed, 396 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/Northstar.Custom/mod/scripts/vscripts/_disallowed_tacticals.gnut b/Northstar.Custom/mod/scripts/vscripts/_disallowed_tacticals.gnut
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b4a41931
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Northstar.Custom/mod/scripts/vscripts/_disallowed_tacticals.gnut
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+global function DisallowedTacticals_Init
+struct {
+ array<string> disallowedTacticals
+ string disallowedTacticalsStringLastVal
+ string disallowedTacticalReplacement
+} file
+void function DisallowedTacticals_Init()
+ UpdateDisallowedTacticalList()
+ AddCallback_OnPlayerRespawned( ReplacePlayerTactical )
+ AddCallback_OnPlayerGetsNewPilotLoadout( ReplacePlayerTacticalForLoadoutChange )
+void function UpdateDisallowedTacticalList()
+ string cvar = GetConVarString( "ns_disallowed_tacticals" )
+ if ( file.disallowedTacticalsStringLastVal == cvar )
+ return
+ file.disallowedTacticals = split( cvar, "," )
+ foreach ( string tactical in file.disallowedTacticals )
+ StringReplace( tactical, " ", "" )
+ file.disallowedTacticalReplacement = GetConVarString( "ns_disallowed_tactical_replacement")
+void function ReplacePlayerTactical( entity player )
+ UpdateDisallowedTacticalList()
+ if ( file.disallowedTacticals.len() == 0 )
+ return
+ array<entity> offhand = player.GetOffhandWeapons()
+ if ( file.disallowedTacticals.contains( offhand[1].GetWeaponClassName() ) )
+ {
+ player.TakeOffhandWeapon( 1 )
+ if ( file.disallowedTacticalReplacement != ""){
+ player.GiveOffhandWeapon( file.disallowedTacticalReplacement, OFFHAND_SPECIAL )
+ SendHudMessage( player, "Restricted tactical was replaced", -1, 0.4, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0.15, 3.0, 0.5 )
+ }
+ else { SendHudMessage( player, "Restricted tactical was removed", -1, 0.4, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0.15, 3.0, 0.5 ) }
+ }
+void function ReplacePlayerTacticalForLoadoutChange( entity player, PilotLoadoutDef loadout )
+ ReplacePlayerTactical( player )
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Northstar.Custom/mod/scripts/vscripts/_force_melee.gnut b/Northstar.Custom/mod/scripts/vscripts/_force_melee.gnut
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cdc14fff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Northstar.Custom/mod/scripts/vscripts/_force_melee.gnut
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+global function ForceMelee_Init
+struct {
+ string forcedMeleeWeapon
+} file
+void function ForceMelee_Init()
+ GetForcedMelee()
+ AddCallback_OnPlayerRespawned( ReplaceMelee )
+ AddCallback_OnPlayerGetsNewPilotLoadout( ReplaceMeleeForLoadoutChange )
+void function GetForcedMelee()
+ string cvar = GetConVarString( "ns_force_melee" )
+ if ( cvar == "" || cvar.len() == 0 )
+ return
+ file.forcedMeleeWeapon = cvar
+void function ReplaceMelee( entity player )
+ GetForcedMelee()
+ if ( file.forcedMeleeWeapon.len() == 0 )
+ return
+ player.TakeOffhandWeapon( 5 )
+ player.GiveOffhandWeapon( file.forcedMeleeWeapon, OFFHAND_MELEE )
+void function ReplaceMeleeForLoadoutChange( entity player, PilotLoadoutDef loadout )
+ ReplaceMelee( player )
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Northstar.Custom/mod/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/_gamemode_fastball.gnut b/Northstar.Custom/mod/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/_gamemode_fastball.gnut
index 4f764af8..f6c0968c 100644
--- a/Northstar.Custom/mod/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/_gamemode_fastball.gnut
+++ b/Northstar.Custom/mod/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/_gamemode_fastball.gnut
@@ -125,10 +125,28 @@ void function GamemodeFastball_Init()
FastballAddBuddySpawnForLevel( "mp_glitch", TEAM_IMC, < 4100, 890, 320>, < 0, 180, 0 > )
FastballAddPanelSpawnsForLevel( "mp_glitch", [
< 2703, 2170, 25 >, < 0, 0.00, 0 >,
- < -192, 129, -55 >, < 0, 90.00, 0 >,
+ < -192, 129, -250 >, < 0, 90.00, 0 >,
< -3088, -1905, 25 >, < 0, -180.00, 0 >
+ FastballAddPropForLevel("mp_glitch", $"models/containers/plastic_pallet_01.mdl", [
+ < -190, 0, -250 >, < 0, 90.00, 0 >,
+ < -190, 65, -250 >, < 0, 90.00, 0 >,
+ < -190, 130, -250 >, < 0, 90.00, 0 >,
+ < -190, 195, -250 >, < 0, 90.00, 0 >,
+ < -190, 250, -250 >, < 0, 90.00, 0 >,
+ < -125, 0, -250 >, < 0, 90.00, 0 >,
+ < -125, 65, -250 >, < 0, 90.00, 0 >,
+ < -125, 130, -250 >, < 0, 90.00, 0 >,
+ < -125, 195, -250 >, < 0, 90.00, 0 >,
+ < -125, 250, -250 >, < 0, 90.00, 0 >,
+ < -255, 0, -250 >, < 0, 90.00, 0 >,
+ < -255, 65, -250 >, < 0, 90.00, 0 >,
+ < -255, 130, -250 >, < 0, 90.00, 0 >,
+ < -255, 195, -250 >, < 0, 90.00, 0 >,
+ < -255, 250, -250 >, < 0, 90.00, 0 >
+ ] )
FastballAddBuddySpawnForLevel( "mp_relic02", TEAM_MILITIA, < 4504, -3500, 150 >, < 0, -170, 0 > )
FastballAddBuddySpawnForLevel( "mp_relic02", TEAM_IMC, < -4505, -3750, 367>, < 0, 10, 0 > )
FastballAddPanelSpawnsForLevel( "mp_relic02", [
@@ -191,6 +209,25 @@ void function FastballAddPanelSpawnsForLevel( string level, array<vector> positi
+void function FastballAddPropForLevel( string level, asset model, array<vector> positionsAndOrigins)
+ if ( GetMapName() != level )
+ return
+ for ( int i = 0; i < positionsAndOrigins.len(); i += 2 )
+ {
+ entity prop = CreateEntity( "prop_control_panel" )
+ prop.SetValueForModelKey( model )
+ prop.SetOrigin( positionsAndOrigins[ i ] )
+ prop.SetAngles( positionsAndOrigins[ i + 1 ] )
+ prop.kv.solid = SOLID_VPHYSICS
+ DispatchSpawn( prop )
+ prop.SetModel( model )
+ }
entity function CreatePanel( vector origin, vector angles )
entity panel = CreateEntity( "prop_control_panel" )
@@ -256,4 +293,4 @@ int function FastballDecideWinner()
return TEAM_IMC
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Northstar.Custom/mod/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/_gamemode_sns.gnut b/Northstar.Custom/mod/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/_gamemode_sns.gnut
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f3b7d2ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Northstar.Custom/mod/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/_gamemode_sns.gnut
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+global function SNS_Init
+struct {
+ string score_leader_highlight = "enemy_boss_bounty" // highlight effect applied to person in 1st place
+ string offhand_weapon = "mp_weapon_thermite_grenade" // offhand weapon
+ bool reset_pulse_blade_cooldown_on_pulse_blade_kill = true
+ int wme_kill_value = 10
+ int offhand_kill_value = 10
+ int reset_kill_value = 5
+ int melee_kill_value = 5
+} file
+void function SNS_Init()
+ SetShouldUseRoundWinningKillReplay( true )
+ ClassicMP_ForceDisableEpilogue( true )
+ SetLoadoutGracePeriodEnabled( false ) // prevent modifying loadouts with grace period
+ SetWeaponDropsEnabled( false )
+ Riff_ForceTitanAvailability( eTitanAvailability.Never )
+ Riff_ForceBoostAvailability( eBoostAvailability.Disabled )
+ AddCallback_OnPlayerKilled( OnPlayerKilled )
+ AddCallback_OnPlayerRespawned( OnPlayerRespawned )
+ AddCallback_GameStateEnter( eGameState.WinnerDetermined, OnWinnerDetermined )
+void function OnPlayerKilled( entity victim, entity attacker, var damageInfo )
+ if ( victim != attacker && victim.IsPlayer() && attacker.IsPlayer() && GetGameState() == eGameState.Playing )
+ {
+ SetRoundWinningKillReplayAttacker(attacker)
+ if ( DamageInfo_GetDamageSourceIdentifier( damageInfo ) == eDamageSourceId.mp_weapon_grenade_sonar || DamageInfo_GetDamageSourceIdentifier( damageInfo ) == eDamageSourceId.human_execution)
+ {
+ if (victim == GetWinningPlayer())
+ {
+ foreach ( entity otherPlayer in GetPlayerArray() )
+ {
+ if (otherPlayer == victim)
+ continue
+ Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( otherPlayer, "ServerCallback_AnnounceKillLeaderBankrupt", victim.GetEncodedEHandle(), attacker.GetEncodedEHandle() )
+ }
+ }
+ if (file.reset_pulse_blade_cooldown_on_pulse_blade_kill)
+ {
+ attacker.TakeWeaponNow( "mp_weapon_grenade_sonar" ) // resets cooldown if you kill with it
+ attacker.GiveOffhandWeapon( "mp_weapon_grenade_sonar", OFFHAND_LEFT )
+ }
+ EmitSoundOnEntityOnlyToPlayer( attacker, attacker, "UI_CTF_3P_TeamGrabFlag" )
+ bankrupt(victim, attacker)
+ AddTeamScore( attacker.GetTeam(), file.reset_kill_value )
+ attacker.AddToPlayerGameStat( PGS_ASSAULT_SCORE, file.reset_kill_value )
+ attacker.AddToPlayerGameStat( PGS_TITAN_KILLS, 1 )
+ }
+ else if ( DamageInfo_GetDamageSourceIdentifier( damageInfo ) == eDamageSourceId.melee_pilot_emptyhanded )
+ {
+ AddTeamScore( attacker.GetTeam(), file.melee_kill_value )
+ attacker.AddToPlayerGameStat( PGS_ASSAULT_SCORE, file.melee_kill_value )
+ }
+ else if ( DamageInfo_GetDamageSourceIdentifier( damageInfo ) == eDamageSourceId.mp_weapon_wingman_n )
+ {
+ AddTeamScore( attacker.GetTeam(), file.wme_kill_value )
+ attacker.AddToPlayerGameStat( PGS_ASSAULT_SCORE, file.wme_kill_value )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ AddTeamScore( attacker.GetTeam(), file.offhand_kill_value )
+ attacker.AddToPlayerGameStat( PGS_ASSAULT_SCORE, file.offhand_kill_value )
+ }
+ if (attacker == GetWinningPlayer())
+ SetHighlight( attacker )
+ }
+void function bankrupt(entity player, entity attacker) {
+ while (GameRules_GetTeamScore(player.GetTeam()) > 0) {
+ AddTeamScore( player.GetTeam(), -1 )
+ }
+ player.SetPlayerGameStat( PGS_ASSAULT_SCORE, 0)
+ Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( player , "ServerCallback_AnnounceBankrupt", attacker.GetEncodedEHandle() )
+ EmitSoundOnEntityOnlyToPlayer( player, player, "UI_InGame_MarkedForDeath_PlayerMarked" )
+void function OnWinnerDetermined()
+ SetRespawnsEnabled( false )
+ SetKillcamsEnabled( false )
+void function OnPlayerRespawned( entity player )
+ foreach ( entity weapon in player.GetMainWeapons() )
+ player.TakeWeaponNow( weapon.GetWeaponClassName() )
+ foreach ( entity weapon in player.GetOffhandWeapons() )
+ player.TakeWeaponNow( weapon.GetWeaponClassName() )
+ array<string> mods = ["sns", "pas_fast_ads", "tactical_cdr_on_kill", "pas_run_and_gun", "pas_fast_swap"]
+ player.GiveWeapon( "mp_weapon_wingman_n", mods)
+ player.GiveOffhandWeapon( "melee_pilot_emptyhanded", OFFHAND_MELEE )
+ player.GiveOffhandWeapon( file.offhand_weapon, OFFHAND_RIGHT )
+ player.GiveOffhandWeapon( "mp_weapon_grenade_sonar", OFFHAND_LEFT )
+ if (player == GetWinningPlayer())
+ SetHighlight( player )
+ thread OnPlayerRespawned_Threaded( player )
+void function OnPlayerRespawned_Threaded( entity player )
+ // bit of a hack, need to rework earnmeter code to have better support for completely disabling it
+ // rn though this just waits for earnmeter code to set the mode before we set it back
+ WaitFrame()
+ if ( IsValid( player ) )
+ PlayerEarnMeter_SetMode( player, eEarnMeterMode.DISABLED )
+entity function GetWinningPlayer()
+ entity bestplayer
+ foreach ( entity player in GetPlayerArray() ) {
+ if (bestplayer == null)
+ bestplayer = player
+ if (GameRules_GetTeamScore(player.GetTeam()) > GameRules_GetTeamScore(bestplayer.GetTeam()))
+ bestplayer = player
+ }
+ return bestplayer
+void function SetHighlight(entity player) {
+ foreach ( entity player in GetPlayerArray() )
+ Highlight_ClearEnemyHighlight(player)
+ Highlight_SetEnemyHighlight( player, file.score_leader_highlight )
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Northstar.Custom/mod/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/cl_gamemode_sns.gnut b/Northstar.Custom/mod/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/cl_gamemode_sns.gnut
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f91c4255
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Northstar.Custom/mod/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/cl_gamemode_sns.gnut
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+global function ClGameModeSNS_Init
+global function ServerCallback_AnnounceKillLeaderBankrupt
+global function ServerCallback_AnnounceBankrupt
+void function ClGameModeSNS_Init()
+ ClGameState_RegisterGameStateAsset( $"ui/gamestate_info_ffa.rpak" )
+ // add music for mode, this is copied directly from the ffa/fra music registered in cl_music.gnut
+ RegisterLevelMusicForTeam( eMusicPieceID.LEVEL_INTRO, "music_mp_freeagents_intro", TEAM_IMC )
+ RegisterLevelMusicForTeam( eMusicPieceID.LEVEL_INTRO, "music_mp_freeagents_intro", TEAM_MILITIA )
+ RegisterLevelMusicForTeam( eMusicPieceID.LEVEL_WIN, "music_mp_freeagents_outro_win", TEAM_IMC )
+ RegisterLevelMusicForTeam( eMusicPieceID.LEVEL_WIN, "music_mp_freeagents_outro_win", TEAM_MILITIA )
+ RegisterLevelMusicForTeam( eMusicPieceID.LEVEL_DRAW, "music_mp_freeagents_outro_lose", TEAM_IMC )
+ RegisterLevelMusicForTeam( eMusicPieceID.LEVEL_DRAW, "music_mp_freeagents_outro_lose", TEAM_MILITIA )
+ RegisterLevelMusicForTeam( eMusicPieceID.LEVEL_LOSS, "music_mp_freeagents_outro_lose", TEAM_IMC )
+ RegisterLevelMusicForTeam( eMusicPieceID.LEVEL_LOSS, "music_mp_freeagents_outro_lose", TEAM_MILITIA )
+ RegisterLevelMusicForTeam( eMusicPieceID.LEVEL_THREE_MINUTE, "music_mp_freeagents_almostdone", TEAM_IMC )
+ RegisterLevelMusicForTeam( eMusicPieceID.LEVEL_THREE_MINUTE, "music_mp_freeagents_almostdone", TEAM_MILITIA )
+ RegisterLevelMusicForTeam( eMusicPieceID.LEVEL_LAST_MINUTE, "music_mp_freeagents_lastminute", TEAM_IMC )
+ RegisterLevelMusicForTeam( eMusicPieceID.LEVEL_LAST_MINUTE, "music_mp_freeagents_lastminute", TEAM_MILITIA )
+ AddCallback_GameStateEnter( eGameState.Postmatch, DisplayPostMatchTop3 )
+void function ServerCallback_AnnounceKillLeaderBankrupt( int leaderEHandle, int killerEHandle )
+ entity player = GetEntityFromEncodedEHandle( leaderEHandle )
+ entity killer = GetEntityFromEncodedEHandle( killerEHandle )
+ AnnouncementData announcement = Announcement_Create( "#SNS_LEADER_BANKRUPT" )
+ Announcement_SetSubText( announcement, Localize( "#SNS_LEADER_BANKRUPT_SUB", player.GetPlayerName(), killer.GetPlayerName()))
+ Announcement_SetTitleColor( announcement, <1,1,0> )
+ Announcement_SetPurge( announcement, true )
+ Announcement_SetPriority( announcement, 200 ) //Be higher priority than Titanfall ready indicator etc
+ Announcement_SetSoundAlias( announcement, SFX_HUD_ANNOUNCE_QUICK )
+ Announcement_SetStyle( announcement, ANNOUNCEMENT_STYLE_QUICK )
+ AnnouncementFromClass( GetLocalViewPlayer(), announcement )
+void function ServerCallback_AnnounceBankrupt(int killerEHandle)
+ entity killer = GetEntityFromEncodedEHandle( killerEHandle )
+ AnnouncementData announcement = Announcement_Create( "#SNS_BANKRUPT" )
+ Announcement_SetSubText( announcement, Localize( "#SNS_BANKRUPT_SUB", killer.GetPlayerName() ))
+ Announcement_SetTitleColor( announcement, <1,0,0> )
+ Announcement_SetPurge( announcement, true )
+ Announcement_SetPriority( announcement, 200 ) //Be higher priority than Titanfall ready indicator etc
+ Announcement_SetSoundAlias( announcement, SFX_HUD_ANNOUNCE_QUICK )
+ Announcement_SetStyle( announcement, ANNOUNCEMENT_STYLE_QUICK )
+ AnnouncementFromClass( GetLocalViewPlayer(), announcement )
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Northstar.Custom/mod/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/sh_gamemode_sns.gnut b/Northstar.Custom/mod/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/sh_gamemode_sns.gnut
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b3d2c2da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Northstar.Custom/mod/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/sh_gamemode_sns.gnut
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+global array<var> consoleVars;
+global const string GAMEMODE_SNS = "sns"
+void function SNSMode_Init()
+ AddCallback_OnCustomGamemodesInit( CreateGamemodeSNS )
+ AddCallback_OnRegisteringCustomNetworkVars( SNSRegisterNetworkVars )
+void function CreateGamemodeSNS()
+ GameMode_Create( GAMEMODE_SNS )
+ GameMode_SetDesc( GAMEMODE_SNS, "#PL_sns_desc" )
+ GameMode_SetGameModeAnnouncement( GAMEMODE_SNS, "ffa_modeDesc" )
+ GameMode_SetDefaultTimeLimits( GAMEMODE_SNS, 15, 0.0 )
+ GameMode_SetColor( GAMEMODE_SNS, [147, 204, 57, 255] )
+ AddPrivateMatchMode( GAMEMODE_SNS ) // add to private lobby modes
+ GameMode_SetDefaultScoreLimits( GAMEMODE_SNS, 300, 0 )
+ #if SERVER
+ GameMode_AddServerInit( GAMEMODE_SNS, SNS_Init )
+ GameMode_AddServerInit( GAMEMODE_SNS, GamemodeFFAShared_Init )
+ GameMode_SetPilotSpawnpointsRatingFunc( GAMEMODE_SNS, RateSpawnpoints_Generic )
+ GameMode_SetTitanSpawnpointsRatingFunc( GAMEMODE_SNS, RateSpawnpoints_Generic )
+ #elseif CLIENT
+ GameMode_AddClientInit( GAMEMODE_SNS, ClGameModeSNS_Init )
+ GameMode_AddClientInit( GAMEMODE_SNS, GamemodeFFAShared_Init )
+ GameMode_AddClientInit( GAMEMODE_SNS, ClGamemodeFFA_Init )
+ #endif
+ #if !UI
+ GameMode_SetScoreCompareFunc( GAMEMODE_SNS, CompareAssaultScore )
+ GameMode_AddSharedInit( GAMEMODE_SNS, GamemodeFFA_Dialogue_Init )
+ #endif
+void function SNSRegisterNetworkVars()
+ return
+ Remote_RegisterFunction( "ServerCallback_AnnounceBankrupt" )
+ Remote_RegisterFunction( "ServerCallback_AnnounceKillLeaderBankrupt" )
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Northstar.Custom/mod/scripts/vscripts/weapons/mp_weapon_peacekraber.nut b/Northstar.Custom/mod/scripts/vscripts/weapons/mp_weapon_peacekraber.nut
index a9da541f..b910cff3 100644
--- a/Northstar.Custom/mod/scripts/vscripts/weapons/mp_weapon_peacekraber.nut
+++ b/Northstar.Custom/mod/scripts/vscripts/weapons/mp_weapon_peacekraber.nut
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ untyped
global function OnWeaponPrimaryAttack_peacekraber;
global function OnWeaponDeactivate_peacekraber
global function OnWeaponActivate_peacekraber
+global function OnWeaponOwnerChanged_weapon_peacekraber
global function OnWeaponNpcPrimaryAttack_peacekraber
@@ -47,8 +48,19 @@ void function OnWeaponActivate_peacekraber (entity weapon) {
void function OnWeaponDeactivate_peacekraber (entity weapon) {
+ if (!IsValid( weapon.GetWeaponOwner() )) return
if (!weapon.GetWeaponOwner().IsPlayer() || weapon.GetWeaponOwner() != GetLocalViewPlayer()) return;
- isWeaponActive = false;
+ isWeaponActive = false
+ #endif
+void function OnWeaponOwnerChanged_weapon_peacekraber (entity weapon, WeaponOwnerChangedParams changeParams)
+ #if CLIENT
+ if (changeParams.oldOwner == GetLocalViewPlayer())
+ {
+ isWeaponActive = false
+ }
@@ -60,7 +72,11 @@ void function CrosshairCycle() {
int chargeLevel;
float chargeFrac;
while (isWeaponActive) {
- WaitFrame()
+ if (!IsValid( clientWeapon ))
+ {
+ isWeaponActive = false
+ continue
+ }
chargeLevel = clientWeapon.GetWeaponChargeLevel();
chargeFrac = clientWeapon.GetWeaponChargeFraction();
RuiSetFloat3(rui, "teamColor", colors[chargeLevel]);
@@ -89,6 +105,7 @@ void function CrosshairCycle() {
+ WaitFrame()
@@ -159,4 +176,4 @@ function FireWeaponPlayerAndNPC( WeaponPrimaryAttackParams attackParams, bool pl
return 1
-} \ No newline at end of file