path: root/Northstar.Coop/scripts/vscripts/sp/hubs/sp_timeshift_utility.nut
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Northstar.Coop/scripts/vscripts/sp/hubs/sp_timeshift_utility.nut')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 7253 deletions
diff --git a/Northstar.Coop/scripts/vscripts/sp/hubs/sp_timeshift_utility.nut b/Northstar.Coop/scripts/vscripts/sp/hubs/sp_timeshift_utility.nut
deleted file mode 100644
index 29b2cfc3a..000000000
--- a/Northstar.Coop/scripts/vscripts/sp/hubs/sp_timeshift_utility.nut
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7253 +0,0 @@
-global function IsAudioLogPlaying
-global function SaveBoyleAudioLogs
-global function InitBoyleAudioLogs
-global function SetFlagWhenPlayerWithinRangeOfEnt
-global function DeleteUnnecessaryFlyers
-global function GetPosInOtherTimeline
-global function ObjectiveRemindUntilFlag
-global function PlayAnimThenDelete
-global function LoudspeakerThread
-global function GivePropForAnim
-global function ElectricalScreenEffects
-global function GetTimelinePosition
-global function DisableNavmeshSeperatorTargetedByEnt
-global function DropshipSpawnAndRepeat
-global function DeleteNpcWhenOutOfSight
-global function TitanTimeshiftHint
-global function CreateShakeWhileFlagSet
-global function CreateShakeTimeshift
-global function RingsLocalExplosionNormal
-global function RingsLocalExplosionBig
-global function PlayerDropLand
-global function ProwlersAmbientThink
-global function PlayerConversationStopOnFlagImmediate
-global function FlagSetDelayed
-global function FlagClearDelayed
-global function PlayerConversationStopOnFlag
-global function HideCritTimeshift
-global function TitanRackSpawnersThink
-global function TitanRackDeploy
-global function SpawnAutoSecurityGroup
-global function SpawnPristineStalkersWithDopplegangers
-global function TitanTimeshiftLoadout
-global function AndersonHologramSequence
-global function GunshipSequence
-global function GetTimeshiftPlayer
-global function GetClosestGrunt
-global function EmitSoundAtPositionHack
-global function FreezeNPC
-global function UnFreezeNPC
-global function MakeCivilian
-global function DestroyNPCOnFlag
-global function AttackPlayer
-global function HideStuff
-global function ShowStuff
-global function SwapTimelinesScripted
-global function TS_WithinPlayerFOV
-global function SetFlagWhenPlayerLookingAtEnt
-global function PlayerInRange
-global function HideWeaponsAndAmmoTillFlag
-global function DataStab
-//global function MakeSpectreOwnedByPlayer
-global function SkyboxStart
-global function TimeshiftSetObjective
-global function TimeshiftSetObjectiveSilent
-global function TimeshiftUpdateObjective
-global function SPTimeshiftUtilityInit
-global function GetSpectreDoorSwitchByDummyName
-global function DropHangingOgre
-global function DropHangingOgreOnFlag
-global function DestroyArray
-global function LaserMeshDeactivateByInstanceName
-global function LaserMeshDestroyByInstanceName
-global function LaserMeshActivateByInstanceName
-global function SetCurrentObjectivePos
-global function MoveEntityToOppositeTimePeriod
-global function HackPlayLoopEffectOnEntity
-//global function CreateSoundRefHack
-global function DeleteFireHazards
-global function DestroyFuncBrushBreakable
-//global function SpawnWallSpectreGroupWhenInRange
-global function SpawnShowcaseGroupWhenInRange
-global function RemoveBlocker
-global function RestoreBlocker
-global function TempExplosion
-global function DestroyEntByScriptName
-global function SwapTimelines
-global function WaittillSomeDudesAreDead
-global function WaittillPlayerSwitchesTimezone
-global function TimeshiftPlayerThink
-global function TimeshiftHint
-global function DestroyInstancesByScriptInstanceName
-global function HACK_DisableTurret
-global function HACK_EnableTurret
-global function GetNpcByScriptName
-global function CreateLoudspeakerEnt
-global function GiveTimeshiftAbility
-global function SetFlagWhenBreakablesDestroyed
-global function DestroyIfValid
-global function GetEntityTimelinePosition
-global function SleepingSpectreFX
-global function CleanupAI
-global function CleanupEnts
-global function CreateBestLoudspeakerEnt
-global function GiveLowAmmo
-//global function DeleteWaponsWithScriptname
-global function QuickSkit
-global function KillMyInterdimensionalBrother
-global function RingsThink
-global function SetLectureHallLineDuration
-global struct EntityLevelStruct
- bool npcMarkedForCleanup
- array< entity > flagSetEntities
- array< entity > spectreDoorPanels
- array< entity > spectreDoorTriggers,
- array< entity > spawnProps
- array< entity > spectreSpawnDoors
- array< entity > loudspeakerEnts
- vector currentObjectivePos
- vector lastGoodTimeshiftPosOvergrown
- vector lastGoodTimeshiftPosPristine
- bool isDisplayingDamageText
- float lectureHallTimeBeforePlayerInterrupts
- array<entity> npcsPresent
- array<entity> npcsPast
- entity currentObjectiveEntity
- entity titanCorpseOrg
- entity stalkerCorpseOrg
- array< entity > titanCorpsePieces
- array< entity > stalkerCorpsePieces
- array<string> deathPoses
- bool isDisplayingTimeshiftHint
- bool loudspeakerThreadRunning
- array< entity > ambientDeletableFlyers
- int[5] boyleAudioLogNumberAssignments = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
- int boyleAudioLogsCollected = 0
- bool debugAudioLogs = false
- array< entity > audioLogModels
-} file
-const TIMEZONE_DAY = 0
-const TIMEZONE_ALL = 2
-const MODEL_CIV01 = $"models/Humans/civilian/civilian_sci_v1.mdl"
-const MODEL_CIV02 = $"models/Humans/civilian/civilian_sci_v2.mdl"
-const MODEL_CIV03 = $"models/Humans/civilian/civilian_sci_v3.mdl"
-const MODEL_CIV04 = $"models/Humans/civilian/civilian_sci_v4.mdl"
-const MODEL_BUTTON = $"models/props/global_access_panel_button/global_access_panel_button_wall.mdl"
-const MODEL_BUTTON_LARGE = $"models/props/global_access_panel_button/global_access_panel_button_console.mdl"
-const IMC_CORPSE_MODEL_LMG = $"models/Humans/grunts/imc_grunt_lmg_corpse.mdl"
-const IMC_CORPSE_MODEL_RIFLE = $"models/Humans/grunts/imc_grunt_rifle_corpse.mdl"
-const IMC_CORPSE_MODEL_SHOTGUN = $"models/Humans/grunts/imc_grunt_shotgun_corpse.mdl"
-const IMC_CORPSE_MODEL_SMG = $"models/Humans/grunts/imc_grunt_smg_corpse.mdl"
-const IMC_CORPSE_MODEL_HEAVY = $"models/Humans/grunts/imc_grunt_lmg_corpse.mdl"
-const HOLOGRAM_KNIFE_MODEL = $"models/weapons/combat_knife/w_combat_knife.mdl"
-const ANDERSON_HOLOGRAM_MODEL = $"models/humans/heroes/mlt_hero_anderson.mdl"
-const ANDERSON_MODEL = $"models/humans/heroes/mlt_hero_anderson.mdl"
-const SARAH_HOLOGRAM_MODEL = $"models/humans/heroes/mlt_hero_jack.mdl"
-const ENEMY_HOLOGRAM_MODEL = $"models/humans/grunts/imc_grunt_rifle.mdl"
-const ANDERSON_PISTOL_MODEL = $"models/Weapons/b3wing/b3_wingman_ab_01.mdl"
-const HOLOGRAM_ENEMY_GUN_MODEL = $"models/Weapons/b3wing/b3_wingman_ab_01.mdl"
-const MODEL_IPAD = $"models/props/tablet/tablet.mdl"
-const MODEL_COFFEE = $"models/domestic/mug_coffee_white.mdl"
-const MARVIN_MODEL_OVERGROWN = $"models/robots/marvin/marvin_mossy.mdl"
-// FX
-const FX_DLIGHT_LIGHT_FLICKER = $"interior_Dlight_blue_MED"
-const FX_TIMESHIFT_ENTITY_MARKER = $"P_ts_entity"
-const FX_GREEN_BLINKIE = $"runway_light_green"
-const FX_FIRE_HYDRAULIC = $"P_fire_small_FULL"
-const FX_DOOR_SCANNER = $"scan_laser_beam_mdl" //scan_laser_beam_mdl_sm
-const FX_TIME_PORTAL = $"P_ts_portal"
-const FX_FIRE_MEDIUM = $"P_fire_rooftop"
-const FX_FIRE_SMALL = $"P_fire_rooftop"
-const FX_FIRE_HUGE = $"P_fire_512"
-const FX_ELECTRICITY = $"P_elec_arc_LG_1"
-//const FX_SPARKS = $"P_sparks_omni_SM_cheap" //this effect stopped working a few weeks ago and no one knows why
-const FX_SPARKS = $"xo_sparks_large_trail_cheap"
-const FX_LASER = $"P_security_laser"
-const FX_RADIATION = $"env_ground_smoke_1024"
-const FX_GENERATOR_LOOP_ACTIVE = $"P_drone_cloak_beam"
-const FX_GENERATOR_LOOP_DORMANT = $"P_elec_arc_LG_1"
-const FX_IMPACT_TABLE_TIMESHIFT = "timeshift_impact"
-const FX_HOLOGRAM_FLASH_EFFECT = $"P_ar_holopilot_flash"
-const FX_HOLOGRAM_HEX_EFFECT = $"P_ar_holopilot_hextrail"
-const FX_HOLO_SCAN_ENVIRONMENT = $"P_ar_holopulse_CP"
-const SOUND_HOLOGRAM_FLICKER = "Timeshift_Scr_AndersonHolo_FlickerIn"
-const SOUND_HYDRAULIC_EXPLOSION = "Goblin_Dropship_Explode"
-const SOUND_SCANNER_SPECTRE_DOOR = "SpectreDoorScanner" //LaserScanner.ScanSound_3P"
-const SOUND_TIME_PORTAL_LOOP = "Time_Vortex_Loop"
-const SOUND_BREAKABLE_SATCHEL_DEBRIS_MEDIUM = "Goblin_Dropship_Explode"
-const SOUND_ELECTRICITY = "electricity_loop"
-const SOUND_FIRE_MEDIUM = "amb_colony_fire_medium"
-const SOUND_FIRE_HUGE = "amb_colony_fire_medium"
-const SOUND_SPARKS = "Timeshift_Emit_Sparks" //
-const SOUND_LASER_LOOP = "Timeshift_LaserMesh_Loop"
-const SOUND_LASER_DAMAGE = "Timeshift_LaserMesh_Damage"
-const SOUND_FAN_DAMAGE = "flesh_fanblade_damage_1p"
-const SOUND_LIGHT_FLICKER = "marvin_weld_short"
-const HINT_STRING_SPECTRE_REQUIRED = "Security Personnel Required"
-const HINT_STRING_SATCHEL_REQUIRED = "Satchel Charge Required"
-const POV_MODEL_TIMESHIFT = $"models/weapons/arms/pov_mlt_hero_jack_ts.mdl"
-void function SPTimeshiftUtilityInit()
- FlyersShared_Init()
- Temp_InitTimeshiftDialogue()
- Riff_ForceSetSpawnAsTitan( eSpawnAsTitan.Never )
- Riff_ForceTitanAvailability( eTitanAvailability.Never )
- AddCallback_EntitiesDidLoad( EntitiesDidLoad )
- AddCallback_OnPlayerRespawned( PlayerSpawned )
- AddDamageCallback( "player", OnPlayerDamage_TimeShift )
- PrecacheModel( MODEL_CIV01 )
- PrecacheModel( MODEL_CIV02 )
- PrecacheModel( MODEL_CIV03 )
- PrecacheModel( MODEL_CIV04 )
- PrecacheModel( MODEL_BUTTON )
- PrecacheModel( MODEL_BUTTON_LARGE )
- PrecacheModel( MODEL_IPAD )
- PrecacheModel( MODEL_COFFEE )
- PrecacheModel( POV_MODEL_TIMESHIFT )
- PrecacheModel( IMC_CORPSE_MODEL_LMG )
- PrecacheModel( IMC_CORPSE_MODEL_SMG )
- PrecacheModel( ANDERSON_MODEL )
- PrecacheImpactEffectTable( FX_IMPACT_TABLE_TIMESHIFT )
- PrecacheParticleSystem( FX_HOLOGRAM_FLASH_EFFECT )
- PrecacheParticleSystem( FX_HOLOGRAM_HEX_EFFECT )
- PrecacheParticleSystem( FX_HOLO_SCAN_ENVIRONMENT )
- PrecacheParticleSystem( FX_DLIGHT_LIGHT_FLICKER )
- PrecacheParticleSystem( FX_FIRE_HYDRAULIC )
- PrecacheParticleSystem( FX_DOOR_SCANNER )
- PrecacheParticleSystem( FX_TIME_PORTAL )
- PrecacheParticleSystem( FX_RADIATION )
- PrecacheParticleSystem( FX_FIRE_MEDIUM )
- PrecacheParticleSystem( FX_FIRE_SMALL )
- PrecacheParticleSystem( FX_ELECTRICITY )
- PrecacheParticleSystem( FX_SPARKS )
- PrecacheParticleSystem( FX_LASER )
- PrecacheParticleSystem( FX_TIMESHIFT_ENTITY_MARKER )
- PrecacheParticleSystem( FX_GENERATOR_LOOP_ACTIVE )
- PrecacheParticleSystem( FX_GENERATOR_LOOP_DORMANT )
- PrecacheParticleSystem( FX_GREEN_BLINKIE )
- //spawn callbacks
- AddSpectreRackCallback( RackSpawnCallback )
- AddSpawnCallback( "info_target", OnSpawnedInfoTarget )
- AddSpawnCallback( "func_brush", OnSpawnedFuncBrush )
- AddSpawnCallback( "trigger_multiple", OnSpawnedTrigger)
- AddSpawnCallback( "trigger_once", OnSpawnedTrigger )
- AddSpawnCallbackEditorClass( "trigger_multiple", "trigger_quickdeath", OnSpawnedTriggerQuickdeath )
- AddSpawnCallback( "npc_turret_sentry", OnSpawnedNPC )
- AddSpawnCallback( "npc_drone", OnSpawnedNPC )
- AddSpawnCallback( "npc_soldier", OnSpawnedNPC )
- AddSpawnCallback( "npc_titan", OnSpawnedNPC )
- AddSpawnCallback( "npc_spectre", OnSpawnedNPC )
- AddSpawnCallback( "npc_stalker", OnSpawnedNPC )
- AddSpawnCallback( "npc_stalker_zombie", OnSpawnedNPC )
- AddSpawnCallback( "npc_stalker_zombie_mossy", OnSpawnedNPC )
- AddSpawnCallback( "npc_stalker_crawling_mossy", OnSpawnedNPC )
- AddSpawnCallback( "npc_prowler", OnSpawnedNPC )
- AddSpawnCallback( "npc_marvin", OnSpawnedNPC )
- AddSpawnCallback( "npc_frag_drone", OnSpawnedNPC )
- AddSpawnCallback( "npc_super_spectre", OnSpawnedNPC )
- //AddSpawnCallback( "env_fog_controller", OnSpawnedFogController )
- AddSpawnCallback( "info_spawnpoint_marvin", OnSpawnedMarvinSpawner )
- AddSpawnCallback( "prop_dynamic", OnSpawnedPropDynamic )
- AddSpawnCallback( "prop_dynamic_lightweight", OnSpawnedPropDynamic )
- AddSpawnCallbackEditorClass( "prop_dynamic", "script_switch", OnSpawnedScriptedSwitch )
- //AddSpawnCallbackEditorClass( "script_ref", "script_pickup_weapon", WeaponPickupHack )
- //death callbacks
- //AddDeathCallback( "player", TS_PlayerDeath )
- AddDeathCallback( "npc_soldier", TS_OnDeathNPC )
- AddDeathCallback( "npc_spectre", TS_OnDeathNPC )
- AddDeathCallback( "npc_prowler", TS_OnDeathNPC )
- AddDeathCallback( "npc_titan", TS_OnDeathNPC )
- AddDeathCallback( "npc_stalker", TS_OnDeathNPC )
- AddDeathCallback( "npc_marvin", TS_OnDeathNPC )
- AddCallback_OnTimeShiftAbilityUsed( OnTimeShiftAbilityUsed )
- AddCallback_OnTimeShiftTitanAbilityUsed( OnTimeShiftAbilityUsed )
- AddCallback_OnSatchelPlanted( OnSatchelPlanted )
- AddDamageCallback( "func_brush", OnDamagedFuncBrush )
- FlagInit( "AudioLogPlaying" )
- FlagInit( "ShouldPlayGlobalLoudspeker" )
- FlagInit( "ForceFlyerTakeoff" )
- FlagInit( "AndersonHologram1Playing" )
- FlagInit( "AndersonHologram2Playing" )
- FlagInit( "AndersonHologram3Playing" )
- FlagInit( "PlayerInterruptedLecture" )
- FlagInit( "AndersonHologram1Finished" )
- FlagInit( "AndersonHologram2Finished" )
- FlagInit( "AndersonHologram3Finished" )
- FlagInit( "DisplayTheDamageHint" )
- FlagInit( "RingsShouldBeSpinning" )
- FlagSet( "DisableDropships" )
- FlagInit( "PlayerHasTimeTraveledInsideBT" )
- FlagInit( "DoingCinematicTimeshift" )
- FlagInit( "TurretsNearBunkerFenceActivated" )
- FlagInit( "PlayerObtainedC4" )
- FlagInit( "PlayerHasBioCreds")
- FlagInit( "AtLeastOneBunkerTurretRestored" )
- FlagInit( "bunker_battery_teleport" )
- RegisterSignal( "BreakableDestroyed" )
- RegisterSignal( "PropSpawnerActivate" )
- RegisterSignal( "Frozen" )
- RegisterSignal( "UnFrozen" )
- RegisterSignal( "DisplayingSatchelHint" )
- RegisterSignal( "DisplayingDamageHint" )
- RegisterSignal( "PauseLasermesh" )
- RegisterSignal( "AndersonTimeshifts" )
- RegisterSignal( "AndersonEnemyShow" )
- RegisterSignal( "AndersonHideGun" )
- RegisterSignal( "AndersonEnemyShowKnife" )
- RegisterSignal( "FlyerTakeoffOverride" )
- RegisterSignal( "StopCoreEffects" )
- RegisterSignal( "AudioLogDebugDraw" )
- RegisterSignal( "StopAudioLog" )
- file.isDisplayingDamageText = false
- file.isDisplayingTimeshiftHint = false
- level.allowTimeTravel <- false
- //level.isTimeTraveling <- false
- level.timeZone <- TIMEZONE_NIGHT
- level.fogController <- null
- //level.playerSpawn <- null
- SetTimeshiftTimeOfDay_Night()
- if ( file.debugAudioLogs )
- thread AudioLogDebug()
-void function AudioLogDebug()
- while ( true )
- {
- wait 1
- printl( "*******************************************************" )
- printt( "boyleAudioLogsCollected: ", file.boyleAudioLogsCollected )
- printt( "boyleAudioLogNumberAssignments:" )
- for ( int i = 0 ; i < file.boyleAudioLogNumberAssignments.len(); i++ )
- {
- printt( i, " = ", file.boyleAudioLogNumberAssignments[ i ] )
- }
- }
-void function EntitiesDidLoad()
- array <entity> flyerSpawners = GetEntArrayByScriptName( "flyer_ambient" )
- array <entity> ambientFlyers
- entity flyer
- foreach( spawner in flyerSpawners )
- {
- flyer = CreatePerchedFlyer( spawner.GetOrigin(), spawner.GetAngles() )
- //flyer.s.health = FLYER_TIMESHIFT_HEALTH
- if ( spawner.HasKey( "script_noteworthy") )
- {
- file.ambientDeletableFlyers.append( flyer )
- }
- ambientFlyers.append( flyer )
- spawner.Destroy()
- thread FlyerAmbientThink( flyer )
- }
- array <entity> spawners = GetSpawnerArrayByClassName( "npc_prowler" )
- spawners.extend( GetSpawnerArrayByClassName( "npc_stalker" ) )
- spawners.extend( GetSpawnerArrayByClassName( "npc_stalker_zombie" ) )
- spawners.extend( GetSpawnerArrayByClassName( "npc_stalker_zombie_mossy" ) )
- spawners.extend( GetSpawnerArrayByClassName( "npc_stalker_crawling_mossy" ) )
- spawners.extend( GetSpawnerArrayByClassName( "npc_marvin" ) )
- Assert( spawners.len() > 0 )
- foreach( spawner in spawners )
- {
- if ( IsSpawner( spawner ) )
- spawner.kv.spawnflags = SF_NPC_ALLOW_SPAWN_SOLID //setting this for all spawners because the error is retarded
- }
- thread PlayerIndorsStatus()
- entity titanCorpseOrg = GetEntByScriptName( "titan_gibs_org" )
- entity stalkerCorpseOrg = GetEntByScriptName( "stalker_gibs_org" )
- Assert( IsValid( titanCorpseOrg ) )
- Assert( IsValid( stalkerCorpseOrg ) )
- thread CorpseSetup( titanCorpseOrg )
- thread CorpseSetup( stalkerCorpseOrg )
- array <string> deathPosesLocal
- deathPosesLocal.append( "pt_timeshift_deathpose_back_01" )
- deathPosesLocal.append( "pt_timeshift_deathpose_back_02" )
- deathPosesLocal.append( "pt_timeshift_deathpose_back_03" )
- deathPosesLocal.append( "pt_timeshift_deathpose_front_01" )
- file.deathPoses = deathPosesLocal
-void function DeleteUnnecessaryFlyers()
- wait 1
- foreach( flyer in file.ambientDeletableFlyers )
- {
- if ( IsValid( flyer ) )
- flyer.Destroy()
- }
-void function CorpseSetup( entity corpseOrg )
- array< entity > linkedEnts = corpseOrg.GetLinkEntArray()
- Assert( linkedEnts.len() > 0 )
- string scriptName = corpseOrg.GetScriptName()
- foreach( entity ent in linkedEnts )
- {
- ent.SetParent( corpseOrg )
- ent.Hide()
- ent.NotSolid()
- if ( scriptName == "titan_gibs_org" )
- file.titanCorpsePieces.append( ent )
- if ( scriptName == "stalker_gibs_org" )
- file.stalkerCorpsePieces.append( ent )
- }
- if ( scriptName == "titan_gibs_org" )
- file.titanCorpseOrg = corpseOrg
- else if ( scriptName == "stalker_gibs_org" )
- file.stalkerCorpseOrg = corpseOrg
- else
- Assert( 0, "Unhandled script_name: " + scriptName )
-void function TimeshiftSetObjectiveSilent( entity player, string objectiveString, vector objectivePos = < 0, 0, 0 >, entity objectiveEntity = null, silent = false )
- TimeshiftSetObjective( player, objectiveString, objectivePos, objectiveEntity, true )
-void function TimeshiftSetObjective( entity player, string objectiveString, vector objectivePos = < 0, 0, 0 >, entity objectiveEntity = null, silent = false )
- if ( objectiveEntity == null )
- {
- SetCurrentObjectivePos( objectivePos )
- if ( silent )
- Objective_SetSilent( objectiveString, objectivePos )
- else
- Objective_Set( objectiveString, objectivePos )
- file.currentObjectiveEntity = null
- }
- else
- {
- if ( silent )
- Objective_SetSilent( objectiveString, < 0, 0, 0 >, objectiveEntity )
- else
- Objective_Set( objectiveString, < 0, 0, 0 >, objectiveEntity )
- file.currentObjectiveEntity = objectiveEntity
- }
- ObjectiveCompensate( player, objectiveEntity )
-void function TimeshiftUpdateObjective( entity player, vector objectivePos, entity objectiveEntity = null )
- if ( objectiveEntity == null )
- {
- SetCurrentObjectivePos( objectivePos )
- Objective_Update( objectivePos )
- file.currentObjectiveEntity = null
- }
- else
- {
- Objective_Update( < 0, 0, 0 >, objectiveEntity )
- file.currentObjectiveEntity = objectiveEntity
- }
- ObjectiveCompensate( player, objectiveEntity )
-void function SetCurrentObjectivePos( vector pos )
- Assert( pos.z != 0 )
- file.currentObjectivePos = pos
-void function ObjectiveCompensate( entity player, entity objectiveEntity = null )
- vector newPos
- if ( !IsValid( objectiveEntity ) )
- {
- if ( GetTimelinePosition( file.currentObjectivePos ) == level.timeZone )
- newPos = file.currentObjectivePos
- else
- newPos = GetPosInOtherTimeline( file.currentObjectivePos )
- Objective_Update( newPos )
- }
- else
- {
- if ( GetEntityTimelinePosition( objectiveEntity ) == level.timeZone )
- Objective_Update( < 0, 0, 0 >, objectiveEntity )
- else
- Objective_Update( GetPosInOtherTimeline( objectiveEntity.GetOrigin() ) )
- }
-vector function GetPosInOtherTimeline( vector pos )
- int zOffset
- if ( GetTimelinePosition( pos ) == TIMEZONE_NIGHT )
- zOffset = TIME_ZOFFSET
- else
- zOffset = TIME_ZOFFSET * -1
- return Vector( pos.x, pos.y, pos.z + ( zOffset ) )
-function DamagedBreakableHydraulic( func_brush, damageInfo )
- int damageSourceID = DamageInfo_GetDamageSourceIdentifier( damageInfo )
- entity attacker = DamageInfo_GetAttacker( damageInfo )
- local damageAmount = DamageInfo_GetDamage( damageInfo )
- local entName = func_brush.GetTargetName()
- if ( damageSourceID != eDamageSourceId.mp_weapon_satchel )
- {
- Dev_PrintMessage( attacker, "#BLANK_TEXT", "#HINT_STRING_SATCHEL_REQUIRED", 3.0 )
- return
- }
- Signal( func_brush, "BreakableDestroyed" )
-void function PlayerSpawned( entity player )
- //Need to decide whether we are in past/present based on level.struct
- Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( player, "ServerCallback_TimeFlipped", TIMEZONE_NIGHT )
-void function GiveTimeshiftAbility( entity __player )
- //give it to everyone, not just the player
- foreach( entity player in GetPlayerArray() )
- {
- player.SetPlayerSettings( "pilot_solo_timeshift" )
- if ( IsValid( player.GetOffhandWeapon( OFFHAND_SPECIAL ) ) )
- player.TakeOffhandWeapon( OFFHAND_SPECIAL )
- player.GiveOffhandWeapon( "mp_ability_timeshift", 1 )
- entity viewModel = player.GetFirstPersonProxy()
- viewModel.SetSkin( 1 )
- Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( player, "ServerCallback_TimeDeviceAcquired" )
- }
- level.allowTimeTravel = true
-void function DataStab( entity player, entity ref )
- vector playerStartPos = player.GetOrigin()
- vector playerStartAng = player.GetAngles()
- vector origin = ref.GetOrigin()
- vector angles = ref.GetAngles()
- ref.SetAngles( ref.GetAngles() + Vector( 0, 0, 18 ) )
- FirstPersonSequenceStruct sequenceStart
- sequenceStart.blendTime = 1.0
- sequenceStart.attachment = "ref"
- sequenceStart.firstPersonAnim = "ptpov_data_core_leech_start"
- sequenceStart.thirdPersonAnim = "pt_core_console_leech_start"
- sequenceStart.viewConeFunction = ViewConeZero
- FirstPersonSequenceStruct sequenceMid
- sequenceMid.blendTime = 0.0
- sequenceMid.attachment = "ref"
- sequenceMid.firstPersonAnim = "ptpov_data_knife_console_leech_idle"
- sequenceMid.thirdPersonAnim = "pt_data_knife_console_leech_idle"
- sequenceMid.viewConeFunction = ViewConeTight
- FirstPersonSequenceStruct sequenceEnd
- sequenceEnd.blendTime = 0.0
- sequenceEnd.attachment = "ref"
- sequenceEnd.firstPersonAnim = "ptpov_core_scan_end"
- sequenceEnd.thirdPersonAnim = "pt_core_scan_end"
- sequenceEnd.viewConeFunction = ViewConeTight
- player.DisableWeaponWithSlowHolster()
- player.ContextAction_SetBusy()
- //player.FreezeControlsOnServer()
- //thread GiveDataknifeForDuration( player, 5 )
- //entity fpProxy = player.GetFirstPersonProxy()
- //int attachID = fpProxy.LookupAttachment( "KNIFE" )
- //entity weaponModel = CreatePropDynamic( DATA_KNIFE_MODEL )
- //weaponModel.SetParent( player.GetFirstPersonProxy(), "PROPGUN", false, 0.0 )
- entity viewModel = player.GetFirstPersonProxy()
- viewModel.Hide()
- Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( player, "ServerCallback_StopGloveGlow" )
- thread CoreHudHighlight( player )
- //delaythread ( 1 ) KnifePopOut( weaponModel )
- waitthread FirstPersonSequence( sequenceStart, player, ref )
- //EmitSoundOnEntity( player, "dataknife_loopable_beep" )
- FlagEnd( "PlayerAtLevelEnd" )
- OnThreadEnd(
- function() : ( player, viewModel )
- {
- if ( !IsValid( player ) )
- return
- player.Anim_Stop()
- player.ClearParent()
- ClearPlayerAnimViewEntity( player )
- if ( player.ContextAction_IsBusy() )
- player.ContextAction_ClearBusy()
- player.EnableWeapon()
- if ( IsValid( viewModel ) )
- viewModel.Show()
- }
- )
- thread FirstPersonSequence( sequenceMid, player, ref )
- wait 0.5
- //EmitSoundOnEntity( player, "Player.Hitbeep_headshot.Kill.Human_3P_vs_1P" )
- wait 0.5
- //EmitSoundOnEntity( player, "dataknife_ring1" )
- wait 1
- //EmitSoundOnEntity( player, "dataknife_ring2" )
- wait 1
- //EmitSoundOnEntity( player, "dataknife_ring1" )
- wait 15.5
- //EmitSoundOnEntity( player, "dataknife_complete" )
- //EmitSoundOnEntity( player, "Player.Hitbeep_headshot.Kill.Human_3P_vs_1P" )
- waitthread FirstPersonSequence( sequenceEnd, player, ref )
- //StopSoundOnEntity( player, "dataknife_loopable_beep" )
-void function CoreHudHighlight( entity player )
- entity core_dummy = GetEntByScriptName( "core_dummy" )
- //core_dummy.Show()
- //SetTeam( core_dummy, TEAM_IMC )
- //core_dummy.Highlight_ShowInside( 1.0 )
- //core_dummy.Highlight_ShowOutline( 1.0 )
- //Highlight_SetEnemyHighlight( core_dummy, "enemy_sonar" )
-function KnifePopOut( entity knife )
- knife.Anim_Play( "data_knife_console_leech_start" )
-function GiveDataknifeForDuration( entity player, float time )
- entity fpProxy = player.GetFirstPersonProxy()
- int attachID = fpProxy.LookupAttachment( "KNIFE" )
- entity weaponModel = CreatePropDynamic( DATA_KNIFE_MODEL, fpProxy.GetAttachmentOrigin( attachID ), fpProxy.GetAttachmentAngles( attachID ) )
- weaponModel.SetParent( player.GetFirstPersonProxy(), "KNIFE", false, 0.0 )
- OnThreadEnd(
- function() : ( weaponModel )
- {
- if ( IsValid( weaponModel ) )
- weaponModel.Destroy()
- }
- )
- player.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- wait time
-void function OnSpawnedInfoTarget( entity info_target )
- string entName = info_target.GetTargetName()
- string scriptName = info_target.GetScriptName()
- if ( scriptName == "loudspeaker_ent" )
- {
- file.loudspeakerEnts.append( info_target )
- info_target.kv.spawnflags = SF_INFOTARGET_ALWAYS_TRANSMIT_TO_CLIENT
- }
- if ( ( entName.find( "flagSetEntity" ) != null ) || ( entName.find( "FlagSetEntity" ) != null ) )
- {
- file.flagSetEntities.append( info_target )
- string flagToSet = info_target.GetScriptName()
- FlagInit( flagToSet )
- }
- //breakables
- /*
- if ( entName.find( "breakable" ) != null )
- thread BreakableSetup( info_target )
- */
- //generic sparks
- if ( scriptName == "sparks" )
- thread GenericSparks( info_target )
-void function OnSpawnedFuncBrush( entity func_brush )
-void function TempDoorThink( entity info_target )
- entity doorController = info_target
- vector origin = doorController.GetOrigin()
- array< entity > linkedEnts = info_target.GetLinkEntArray()
- Assert( linkedEnts.len() > 0, "Door controller at " + info_target.GetOrigin() + " has no linked ents" )
- string classname
- array< entity > doors
- foreach( entity ent in linkedEnts )
- {
- classname = ent.GetClassName()
- if ( classname == "func_brush" )
- doors.append( ent )
- }
- Assert( doors.len() > 0 )
- string entName
- foreach( door in doors )
- {
- linkedEnts = door.GetLinkEntArray()
- foreach( ent in linkedEnts )
- {
- entName = ent.GetTargetName()
- if ( entName.find( "start" ) != null )
- door.s.startEnt <- ent
- if ( entName.find( "end" ) != null )
- door.s.endEnt <- ent
- }
- Assert( IsValid( door.s.startEnt ) )
- Assert( IsValid( door.s.endEnt ) )
- entity mover = TSCreateScriptMoverLight( expect entity( door.s.startEnt ), door.s.startEnt.GetOrigin(), door.s.startEnt.GetAngles() )
- door.s.mover <- mover
- door.SetParent( mover )
- door.s.openPos <- door.s.endEnt.GetOrigin()
- }
- wait 1
- entity flagEnt = GetClosest( file.flagSetEntities, doorController.GetOrigin() )
- Assert( IsValid( flagEnt ) )
- Assert( Distance( flagEnt.GetOrigin(), doorController.GetOrigin() ) < 50, "No flag entity within 50 units of doorController at " + doorController.GetOrigin() )
- string flagToWaitFor = flagEnt.GetScriptName()
- FlagWait( flagToWaitFor )
- EmitSoundAtPosition( TEAM_UNASSIGNED, origin, "door_stop" )
- EmitSoundOnEntity( doors[ 0 ], "door_open_loop" )
- foreach( door in doors )
- door.s.mover.NonPhysicsMoveTo( door.s.openPos, 2, 0.0, 0.0 )
- wait 2
- StopSoundOnEntity( doors[ 0 ], "door_open_loop" )
- EmitSoundAtPosition( TEAM_UNASSIGNED, origin, "door_stop" )
-void function OnSpawnedFogController( entity fogController )
- if ( GetBugReproNum() != 007 )
- {
- fogController.Destroy()
- return
- }
- level.fogController = fogController
-void function OnSpawnedPropDynamic( entity propDynamic )
- int contextId = 0
- string entName = propDynamic.GetTargetName()
- string scriptName = propDynamic.GetScriptName()
- if ( scriptName == "button_overgrown_large" )
- thread ButtonOvergrownThink( propDynamic, "large" )
- if ( scriptName == "button_overgrown" )
- thread ButtonOvergrownThink( propDynamic, "small" )
- if ( scriptName == "spectre_door_spawner" )
- thread SpectreDoorSpawnerThink( propDynamic )
- if ( scriptName == "door_out_of_order" )
- thread DoorOutOfOrderThink( propDynamic )
- if ( scriptName == "light_flicker" )
- thread LightFlickerThink( propDynamic )
- //----------------------------------------------------
- // Objective highlighting needs to be done onSpawn
- //----------------------------------------------------
- if (
- ( scriptName.find( "helmet_dogtag" ) != null ) ||
- ( scriptName.find( "core_dummy" ) != null ) ||
- ( scriptName.find( "anderson_first_half" ) != null )
- )
- {
- Highlight_ClearEnemyHighlight( propDynamic )
- propDynamic.Highlight_SetFunctions( contextId, 0, true, HIGHLIGHT_OUTLINE_INTERACT_BUTTON, 1, 0, false )
- propDynamic.Highlight_SetParam( contextId, 0, HIGHLIGHT_COLOR_INTERACT )
- propDynamic.Highlight_SetCurrentContext( contextId )
- propDynamic.Highlight_ShowInside( 0 )
- propDynamic.Highlight_ShowOutline( 0 )
- Objective_InitEntity( propDynamic )
- }
- if ( scriptName == "audio_log_model" )
- {
- propDynamic.Highlight_SetFunctions( contextId, 0, true, HIGHLIGHT_OUTLINE_INTERACT_BUTTON, 1, 0, false )
- propDynamic.Highlight_SetParam( contextId, 0, HIGHLIGHT_COLOR_INTERACT )
- propDynamic.Highlight_SetCurrentContext( contextId )
- propDynamic.Highlight_ShowInside( 0 )
- propDynamic.Highlight_ShowOutline( 0 )
- thread AudioLogModelThink( propDynamic )
- }
- /*
- asset modelName = propDynamic.GetModelName()
- if (
- ( modelName == SARAH_HOLOGRAM_MODEL ) ||
- ( modelName == ANDERSON_HOLOGRAM_MODEL ) ||
- ( modelName == ENEMY_HOLOGRAM_MODEL )
- )
- {
- propDynamic.SetSkin( 1 )
- }
- */
-void function SpectreDoorSpawnerThink( entity spawnProp )
- asset modelName = spawnProp.GetModelName()
- file.spawnProps.append( spawnProp )
- entity spawnerRack
- entity spawnerSpectre
- array< entity > linkedEnts = spawnProp.GetLinkEntArray()
- Assert( linkedEnts.len() > 0 )
- string editorClassname
- string classname
- foreach( entity ent in linkedEnts )
- {
- editorClassname = GetEditorClass( ent )
- classname = ent.GetClassName()
- if ( editorClassname == "npc_spectre_rack_wall" )
- spawnerRack = ent
- if ( classname == "spawner" )
- spawnerSpectre = ent
- }
- Assert( IsValid( spawnerRack ) )
- Assert( IsValid( spawnerSpectre ) )
- entity mover
- vector origin = spawnProp.GetOrigin()
- vector angles = spawnProp.GetAngles()
- vector originOffset
- vector reverseOriginOffset
- string sound
- float doorOpenTime
- float zHeight
- entity ref = CreateEntity( "info_target" )
- ref.SetOrigin( origin )
- ref.SetAngles( angles )
- DispatchSpawn( ref )
- var doorOpenDelayTime
- float spawnDelayTime
- if ( spawnProp.HasKey( "script_delay" ) )
- doorOpenDelayTime = spawnProp.kv.script_delay
- else
- doorOpenDelayTime = 0
- mover = TSCreateScriptMoverLight( ref, origin, angles )
- spawnProp.SetParent( mover )
- switch( modelName )
- {
- case $"models/levels_terrain/sp_timeshift/door_custom_timeshift_lobby_01.mdl":
- file.spectreSpawnDoors.append( spawnProp )
- originOffset = PositionOffsetFromEnt( spawnProp, 0, 2, 0 )
- reverseOriginOffset = PositionOffsetFromEnt( spawnProp, 0, -2, 0 )
- sound = "Timeshift_Scr_StalkerPodOpen"
- doorOpenTime = 0.5
- spawnDelayTime = 0.1
- zHeight = 72
- break
- case $"models/levels_terrain/sp_timeshift/door_custom_timeshift_concourse_01.mdl":
- file.spectreSpawnDoors.append( spawnProp )
- originOffset = PositionOffsetFromEnt( spawnProp, 4, 0, 0 )
- reverseOriginOffset = PositionOffsetFromEnt( spawnProp, -4, 0, 0 )
- sound = "Timeshift_Scr_StalkerPodOpen"
- doorOpenTime = 2
- spawnDelayTime = 0.1
- zHeight = 85
- break
- case $"models/timeshift/timeshift_column_panel_09_destroyed.mdl":
- case $"models/timeshift/timeshift_column_panel_09.mdl":
- case $"models/timeshift/timeshift_column_panel_10_destroyed.mdl":
- case $"models/timeshift/timeshift_column_panel_10.mdl":
- file.spectreSpawnDoors.append( spawnProp )
- originOffset = PositionOffsetFromEnt( spawnProp, 0, 2, 0 )
- reverseOriginOffset = PositionOffsetFromEnt( spawnProp, 0, -2, 0 )
- sound = "Timeshift_Scr_StalkerPodOpen"
- doorOpenTime = 0.5
- spawnDelayTime = 0.1
- zHeight = 88
- break
- default:
- Assert( 0, "Unhandled spectre door type at " + spawnProp.GetOrigin() )
- break
- }
- while( true )
- {
- spawnProp.WaitSignal( "PropSpawnerActivate" )
- wait doorOpenDelayTime
- EmitSoundAtPosition( TEAM_UNASSIGNED, origin, sound )
- mover.NonPhysicsMoveTo( originOffset, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0 )
- wait 0.5
- mover.NonPhysicsMoveTo( spawnProp.GetOrigin() + Vector( 0, 0, zHeight ), doorOpenTime, 0.0, 0.0 )
- delaythread ( spawnDelayTime ) SpawnFromStalkerRack( spawnerRack )
- wait doorOpenTime + 3
- mover.NonPhysicsMoveTo( spawnProp.GetOrigin() + Vector( 0, 0, -zHeight ), doorOpenTime, 0.0, 0.0 )
- //EmitSoundAtPosition( TEAM_UNASSIGNED, origin, sound )
- EmitSoundOnEntity( mover, "Timeshift_Scr_StalkerPodClose" )
- wait doorOpenTime
- mover.NonPhysicsMoveTo( reverseOriginOffset, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0 )
- }
-void function DoorControlPanelSpectreDisable( entity doorSwitch )
- doorSwitch.s.enabled = false
- doorSwitch.s.hintTrigger.kv.enabled = 0
-void function DoorControlPanelSpectreEnable( entity doorSwitch )
- doorSwitch.s.enabled = true
- doorSwitch.s.hintTrigger.kv.enabled = 1
-bool function IsDoorHacking( playerSpectre )
- if ( !( "doorHacking" in playerSpectre.s ) )
- return false
- if ( playerSpectre.s.doorHacking )
- return true
- return false
-void function DoorControlPanelSpectreTryToHack( playerSpectre, entity doorSwitch )
- playerSpectre.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- if ( !( "doorHacking" in playerSpectre.s ) )
- playerSpectre.s.doorHacking <- null
- playerSpectre.s.doorHacking = true
- //playerSpectre.SetTouchTriggers( false )
- playerSpectre.DisableBehavior( "Follow" )
- playerSpectre.EnableBehavior( "Assault" )
- var animEnt = doorSwitch.s.animEnt
- animEnt.SetAngles( animEnt.GetAngles() + Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) )
- waitthread RunToAndPlayAnim( playerSpectre, "sp_casual_idle", animEnt.GetOrigin(), false, animEnt.GetAngles() )
- thread PlayAnim( playerSpectre, "sp_casual_idle", animEnt.GetOrigin(), animEnt.GetAngles() )
- bool scanSuccess = true
- waitthread DoorControlPanelSpectreScan( doorSwitch, scanSuccess )
- //if we make it this far, unlock the door
- doorSwitch.s.unlocked = true
-void function OnSpawnedTriggerQuickdeath( entity trigger )
- vector triggerOrigin = trigger.GetOrigin()
- var timelinePositionTrigger = GetTimelinePosition( triggerOrigin )
- if ( timelinePositionTrigger == TIMEZONE_FROZEN )
- return
- var timelinePositionPlayer
- trigger.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- vector playerRespawnOrigin
- var timelinePositionRespawnOrg
- entity player
- var result
- while ( IsValid( trigger) )
- {
- player = null
- result = trigger.WaitSignal( "OnTrigger" )
- if ( !IsValid( result.activator ) )
- continue
- if ( !result.activator.IsPlayer() )
- continue
- player = expect entity( result.activator )
- player.WaitSignal( "QuickDeathPlayerTeleported" )
- timelinePositionPlayer = GetEntityTimelinePosition( player )
- playerRespawnOrigin = player.GetOrigin()
- timelinePositionRespawnOrg = GetTimelinePosition( playerRespawnOrigin )
- // player respawn origin matches the timeZone he's supposed to be in
- if ( timelinePositionRespawnOrg == level.timeZone )
- continue
- player.FreezeControlsOnServer()
- if ( ( level.timeZone == TIMEZONE_NIGHT ) && ( timelinePositionRespawnOrg == TIMEZONE_DAY ) )
- {
- player.SetOrigin( playerRespawnOrigin + Vector( 0, 0, TIME_ZOFFSET * -1 ) )
- }
- else
- {
- player.SetOrigin( playerRespawnOrigin + Vector( 0, 0, TIME_ZOFFSET ) )
- }
- player.UnfreezeControlsOnServer()
- /*
- if ( timelinePositionPlayer == timelinePositionTrigger )
- continue
- if ( timelinePositionTrigger == TIMEZONE_DAY )
- player.SetOrigin( playerRespawnOrigin + Vector( 0, 0, TIME_ZOFFSET ) ) //player hit a pristine death trig but respawned in overgrown
- else
- player.SetOrigin( playerRespawnOrigin + Vector( 0, 0, ( TIME_ZOFFSET * -1 ) ) ) //player hit a overgrown death trig but respawned in pristine
- */
- }
-void function OnSpawnedTrigger( entity trigger )
- local entName = trigger.GetTargetName()
- string scriptName = trigger.GetScriptName()
- //laser mesh
- if ( scriptName == "trig_propspawner" )
- thread TriggerShowcaseSpawnInit( trigger )
- //spectre wall spawner
- //if ( scriptName.find( "trig_spectre_wall_spawner" ) != null )
- //thread TriggerSpectreWallSpawnerThink( trigger )
- //laser mesh
- if ( scriptName == "laser_mesh" )
- thread TriggerPushbackDamageThink( trigger )
- //laser mesh
- if ( scriptName == "spinning_fan" )
- thread TriggerPushbackDamageThink( trigger )
- //Dudes spawning in elevators
- if ( scriptName == "trigger_elevator_npc" )
- thread trigger_elevator_npc_think( trigger )
- /*
- if ( scriptName == "trigger_time_hint" )
- thread TriggerTimehintThink( trigger )
- */
- //Spectre activated door panel triggers
- if ( scriptName.find( "trigger_spectre_door_control" ) != null )
- file.spectreDoorTriggers.append( trigger )
- //HACK: need to switch over to script_name for these ones
- //Spectre activated door panel triggers
- if ( entName.find( "trigger_spectre_door_control" ) != null )
- file.spectreDoorTriggers.append( trigger )
- //Hazard triggers
- if ( entName.find( "trigger_hazard" ) != null )
- thread TriggerHazardThink( trigger )
-void function trigger_elevator_npc_think( entity trigger )
- trigger.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- vector soundOrigin
- entity door
- entity elevatorLightEntity
- //entity button
- string classname
- string editorClassname
- array< entity > linkedEnts = trigger.GetLinkEntArray()
- Assert( linkedEnts.len() > 0 )
- foreach( entity ent in linkedEnts )
- {
- classname = ent.GetClassName()
- editorClassname = GetEditorClass( ent )
- if ( classname == "info_target" )
- {
- elevatorLightEntity = ent
- continue
- }
- if ( editorClassname == "script_door" )
- {
- door = ent
- continue
- }
- /*if ( editorClassname == "script_switch" )
- {
- button = ent
- continue
- }
- */
- }
- Assert( IsValid( door ) )
- Assert( IsValid( elevatorLightEntity ) )
- //Assert( IsValid( button ) )
- string flagToOpenDoor = expect string( door.kv.script_flag )
- Assert( flagToOpenDoor != "" )
- soundOrigin = elevatorLightEntity.GetOrigin()
- //elevatorLightEntity.kv.spawnflags = SF_INFOTARGET_ALWAYS_TRANSMIT_TO_CLIENT
- //---------------------------------------
- // Guys spawn inside elevator, bell dings
- //---------------------------------------
- trigger.WaitSignal( "OnTrigger" )
- EmitSoundAtPosition( TEAM_UNASSIGNED, soundOrigin, "Timeshift_ElevatorBell" )
- entity fxHandle = PlayFX( FX_GREEN_BLINKIE, elevatorLightEntity.GetOrigin() )
- OnThreadEnd(
- function() : ( fxHandle )
- {
- if ( !IsValid( fxHandle) )
- return
- fxHandle.Fire( "Stop" )
- fxHandle.Fire( "DestroyImmediately" )
- }
- )
- wait 1.25
- //--------------
- // Door opens
- //--------------
- FlagSet( flagToOpenDoor )
- wait 5
-void function TriggerPushbackDamageThink( entity trigger )
- trigger.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- trigger.EndSignal( "PauseLasermesh" )
- string scriptName = trigger.GetScriptName()
- vector triggerOrigin = trigger.GetOrigin()
- vector soundOrigin = triggerOrigin
- array< entity > linkedEnts = trigger.GetLinkEntArray()
- Assert( linkedEnts.len() > 0, "Laser mesh trigger at " + trigger.GetOrigin() + " not linked to anything" )
- entity centerEnt
- entity blockerBrush
- foreach( entity ent in linkedEnts )
- {
- if ( ent.GetClassName() == "info_target" )
- centerEnt = ent
- if ( ent.GetClassName() == "func_brush" )
- blockerBrush = ent
- }
- Assert( IsValid( centerEnt ) )
- Assert( IsValid( blockerBrush ), "trigger at " + trigger.GetOrigin() + " does not link to a valid blockerbrush" )
- //In case this was deactivated and we are re-activating it now
- blockerBrush.Solid()
- vector centerEntOrigin = centerEnt.GetOrigin()
- //DebugDrawLine( topCorner, topCornerConnect, 255, 255, 0, true, 60.0 )
- //DebugDrawSphere( topCorner, 10.0, 255, 200, 0, true, 60.0 )
- //DebugDrawSphere( topCornerConnect, 10.0, 0, 255, 0, true, 60.0 )
- //DebugDrawSphere( botCorner, 10.0, 255, 200, 0, true, 60.0 )
- //DebugDrawBox( triggerOrigin, triggerMins, triggerMaxs, 255, 255, 0, 1, 60.0 )
- string soundLoop
- string soundDeactivate
- string soundDamage
- int damageID
- switch ( scriptName )
- {
- case "laser_mesh":
- //soundLoop = SOUND_LASER_LOOP //doing this on the client
- soundDamage = SOUND_LASER_DAMAGE
- damageID = eDamageSourceId.lasergrid
- break
- case "spinning_fan":
- soundDamage = SOUND_FAN_DAMAGE
- damageID = eDamageSourceId.burn
- break
- }
- int statusEffectHandle
- entity maxsCornerEnt
- //-------------------
- // setup laser mesh
- //-------------------
- if ( scriptName == "laser_mesh" )
- {
- // Get the trigger bounds
- vector triggerMins = trigger.GetBoundingMins()
- vector triggerMaxs = trigger.GetBoundingMaxs()
- vector topCorner = PositionOffsetFromEnt( trigger, triggerMaxs.x, triggerMaxs.y, triggerMaxs.z )
- vector topCornerConnect = PositionOffsetFromEnt( trigger, triggerMins.x, triggerMins.y, triggerMaxs.z )
- vector botCorner = PositionOffsetFromEnt( trigger, triggerMaxs.x, triggerMaxs.y, triggerMins.z )
- maxsCornerEnt = CreateEntity( "info_target" )
- maxsCornerEnt.SetOrigin( trigger.GetOrigin() + triggerMaxs )
- entity minsCornerEnt = CreateEntity( "info_target" )
- minsCornerEnt.SetOrigin( trigger.GetOrigin() + triggerMins )
- maxsCornerEnt.LinkToEnt( minsCornerEnt )
- maxsCornerEnt.EnableNetworkedEntityLinks()
- DispatchSpawn( maxsCornerEnt )
- DispatchSpawn( minsCornerEnt )
- statusEffectHandle = StatusEffect_AddEndless( maxsCornerEnt, eStatusEffect.laser_mesh, 1.0 )
- }
- if ( soundLoop != "" )
- thread EmitSoundAtPositionHack( TEAM_UNASSIGNED, soundOrigin, soundLoop )
- var scriptTypeMask = damageTypes.dissolve | DF_STOPS_TITAN_REGEN
- entity player
- var result
- vector playerOriginXYonly
- vector triggerOriginXYonly = Vector( centerEntOrigin.x, centerEntOrigin.y, 0 )
- vector vecToEnt
- //---------------------------
- // Cleanup when destroyed
- //---------------------------
- OnThreadEnd(
- function() : ( trigger, maxsCornerEnt, soundOrigin, blockerBrush, soundLoop, soundDeactivate, statusEffectHandle )
- {
- //------------------------------------------------
- //Don't destroy blocker brush if we are just pausing
- //------------------------------------------------
- if ( IsValid( trigger ) )
- {
- blockerBrush.NotSolid()
- blockerBrush.Hide()
- blockerBrush.MakeInvisible()
- }
- else
- blockerBrush.Destroy()
- if ( IsValid( maxsCornerEnt ) )
- StatusEffect_Stop( maxsCornerEnt, statusEffectHandle )
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Stop and destroy all sounds and particles regardless of pausing or destroying
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if ( soundLoop != "" )
- StopSoundAtPosition( soundOrigin, soundLoop )
- if ( soundDeactivate != "" )
- EmitSoundAtPosition( TEAM_UNASSIGNED, soundOrigin, soundDeactivate )
- }
- )
- //---------------------------
- // Wait to do damage
- //---------------------------
- while ( IsValid( trigger) )
- {
- player = null
- result = trigger.WaitSignal( "OnStartTouch" )
- //if ( level.isTimeTraveling )
- // continue
- if ( !IsValid( result.activator ) )
- continue
- if ( result.activator.IsNPC() )
- {
- thread LaserMeshDamageNPC( expect entity( result.activator ) )
- continue
- }
- if ( !result.activator.IsPlayer() )
- continue
- //Damage and pushback player
- player = expect entity( result.activator )
- if ( player.s.isTimeTraveling )
- continue
- player.TakeDamage( 50, svGlobal.worldspawn, svGlobal.worldspawn, { origin = player.GetOrigin(), scriptType = scriptTypeMask, damageSourceId = damageID } )
- CreateShakeRumbleOnly( player.GetOrigin(), 10, 105, 1 )
- playerOriginXYonly = player.GetOrigin()
- playerOriginXYonly = Vector( playerOriginXYonly.x, playerOriginXYonly.y, 0 )
- vecToEnt = ( playerOriginXYonly - triggerOriginXYonly )
- vecToEnt = Normalize( vecToEnt )
- printt( "vecToEnt: ", vecToEnt )
- player.SetVelocity( vecToEnt * 1000 )
- printt( "Velocity: ", vecToEnt * 1000 )
- EmitSoundOnEntity( player, soundDamage )
- //DebugDrawSphere( playerOriginXYonly, 16, 255, 0, 0, true, 3 )
- //DebugDrawSphere( triggerOriginXYonly, 16, 255, 0, 0, true, 3 )
- //SetVelocity( Normalize( triigerOrigin - playerOrigin ) * 1000 )
- }
-void function LaserMeshDamageNPC( entity npc )
- if ( !IsAlive( npc ) )
- return
- if ( npc.GetClassName() == "npc_marvin" )
- return
- if ( npc.GetClassName() == "npc_stalker" )
- return
- npc.Gib( < 0, 0, 100> )
-void function LaserMeshDeactivateByInstanceName( string instanceName )
- array< entity > triggers = GetEntArrayByScriptNameInInstance( "laser_mesh", instanceName )
- foreach( trigger in triggers )
- {
- if( IsValid( trigger ) )
- trigger.Signal( "PauseLasermesh" )
- }
-void function LaserMeshDestroyByInstanceName( string instanceName )
- array< entity > triggers = GetEntArrayByScriptNameInInstance( "laser_mesh", instanceName )
- foreach( trigger in triggers )
- {
- if( IsValid( trigger ) )
- trigger.Destroy()
- }
-void function LaserMeshActivateByInstanceName( string instanceName )
- array< entity > lasermeshTriggers = GetEntArrayByScriptNameInInstance( "laser_mesh", instanceName )
- foreach( trigger in lasermeshTriggers )
- {
- if( IsValid( trigger ) )
- thread TriggerPushbackDamageThink( trigger )
- }
-var function CreateLaserMeshBeam( startPos, endPos )
- entity cpoint = CreateEntity( "info_placement_helper" )
- cpoint.SetOrigin( endPos )
- SetTargetName( cpoint, UniqueString( "controlpoint" ) )
- DispatchSpawn( cpoint )
- entity serverEffect = CreateEntity( "info_particle_system" )
- serverEffect.SetOrigin( startPos )
- serverEffect.SetValueForEffectNameKey( FX_LASER )
- serverEffect.kv.start_active = 1
- serverEffect.SetControlPointEnt( 1, cpoint )
- DispatchSpawn( serverEffect )
- return serverEffect
-void function TriggerSpectreWallSpawnerThink( entity trigger )
- trigger.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- entity spectreSpawnDoor
- array< entity > linkedEnts = trigger.GetLinkEntArray()
- Assert( linkedEnts.len() > 0, "Trigger at " + trigger.GetOrigin() + " is not linked to any spectre spawn doors" )
- entity spectreRack
- //entity spawner
- vector hackRackOrigin
- foreach( entity ent in linkedEnts )
- {
- spectreSpawnDoor = ent
- Assert( spectreSpawnDoor.GetClassName() == "prop_dynamic" )
- spectreRack = spectreSpawnDoor.GetLinkEnt()
- Assert( IsValid( spectreRack ), "Spectre door at " + spectreSpawnDoor.GetOrigin() + " with angles: " + spectreSpawnDoor.GetAngles() + " needs to target a valid spectre rack." )
- //spawner = spectreRack.GetLinkEnt()
- //Assert( IsValid( spawner ), "spectreRack at " + spectreRack.GetOrigin() + " needs to target a valid spectre spawner." )
- //push racks back a bit so they don't clip thru doors...too difficult to do all in LevelEd...another reason we need instance_names!
- hackRackOrigin = PositionOffsetFromEnt( spectreRack, -8, 0, 0 )
- spectreRack.SetOrigin( hackRackOrigin )
- thread PropSpawnerThink( trigger, spectreSpawnDoor, spectreRack )
- }
-int function GetPlayerSatchelCount( var player )
- return 0
- /*
- int numSatchels
- local weapon = player.GetOffhandWeapon( 0 )
- if ( !IsValid( weapon ) )
- if ( weapon )
- local clipCount = player.GetWeaponAmmoMaxLoaded( weapon )
- return numSatchels
- */
-void function SwapTimelines( entity player, var timeZone )
- //needs to be threaded off since need to do a
- //WaitEndFrame()...player will take damage from random hazard triggers otherwise
- thread SwapTimelinesThread( player, timeZone )
-void function DeviceUsedInFrozenWorld( entity player )
- const float EFFECT_DURATION_TOTAL = 0.5
- const float EFFECT_DURATION_EASE_OUT = 0.5
- StatusEffect_AddTimed( player, eStatusEffect.timeshift_visual_effect, 1.0, EFFECT_DURATION_TOTAL, EFFECT_DURATION_EASE_OUT )
- //StopSoundOnEntity( player, "Timeshift_Scr_DeviceShift2Past" )
- //EmitSoundOnEntity( player, "Timeshift_Scr_DeviceShift2Present" )
- StopSoundOnEntity( player, "Timeshift_Scr_BrokenDeviceUse" )
- EmitSoundOnEntity( player, "Timeshift_Scr_BrokenDeviceUse" )
- //entity timeShiftOffhand = player.GetFirstPersonProxy()
- //timeShiftOffhand.SetSkin( 0 )
-void function SwapTimelinesThread( entity player, var timeZoneDestination )
- if ( !CanTimeShift( player ) )
- return
- player.s.isTimeTraveling = true
- // no idea why respawn did this, but removing it doesn't seem to break anything
- //entity player = GetPlayerArray()[0]
- //if ( !player )
- // return
- player.ClearTraverse()
- player.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- var skyCam
- vector playerPos = player.GetOrigin()
- vector newPlayerPos
- int timeOffset
- player.SetCloakReactEndTime( Time() )
- if ( timeZoneDestination == TIMEZONE_NIGHT )
- {
- //--------------------------
- // switch to night/overgrown
- //--------------------------
- SetGlobalNetBool( "PlayerInOvergrownTimeline", true )
- skyCam = GetEnt( "skybox_cam_night" )
- //level.timeZone = TIMEZONE_NIGHT
- player.s.timeline = TIMEZONE_NIGHT
- timeOffset = TIME_ZOFFSET * -1
- // make this not use global stuff
- //FreezeNpcs( TIMEZONE_DAY )
- if ( GetPlayersInTimeline( TIMEZONE_DAY ).len() == 0 )
- FreezeNpcs( TIMEZONE_DAY )
- player.Signal( "OnTimeFlippedTimezoneNight" )
- SetTimeshiftTimeOfDay_Night()
- if ( Flag( "PlayerPickedUpTimeshiftDevice" ) )
- SetTimeshiftArmDeviceSkin( 1 )
- if ( Flag( "HidePlayerWeaponsDuringShifts") )
- player.EnableWeapon()
- }
- else if ( timeZoneDestination == TIMEZONE_DAY )
- {
- //------------------------
- //switch to day/pristine
- //------------------------
- SetGlobalNetBool( "PlayerInOvergrownTimeline", false )
- skyCam = GetEnt( "skybox_cam_day" )
- //level.timeZone = TIMEZONE_DAY
- player.s.timeline = TIMEZONE_DAY
- timeOffset = TIME_ZOFFSET
- FreezeNpcs( TIMEZONE_NIGHT )
- // make this not use global stuff
- //FreezeNpcs( TIMEZONE_NIGHT )
- if ( GetPlayersInTimeline( TIMEZONE_NIGHT ).len() == 0 )
- FreezeNpcs( TIMEZONE_NIGHT )
- player.Signal( "OnTimeFlippedTimezoneDay" )
- SetTimeshiftTimeOfDay_Day()
- if ( Flag( "PlayerPickedUpTimeshiftDevice" ) )
- SetTimeshiftArmDeviceSkin( 0 )
- if ( Flag( "HidePlayerWeaponsDuringShifts") )
- player.DisableWeapon()
- }
- else
- SetGlobalNetBool( "PlayerInOvergrownTimeline", false )
- SatchelManagement( player, timeZoneDestination )
- if ( ( player.IsTitan() ) && ( !Flag( "PlayerHasTimeTraveledInsideBT" ) ) )
- {
- FlagSet( "PlayerHasTimeTraveledInsideBT" )
- }
- TimeshiftUntrackLockedTargets( player )
- vector positionOffset = Vector( 0, 0, timeOffset );
- newPlayerPos = playerPos + positionOffset;
- if ( PlayerPosInSolid( player, newPlayerPos ) )
- {
- if ( timeZoneDestination == TIMEZONE_DAY )
- {
- printt( "***WARNING: Destination TimeShiftPos " + newPlayerPos + " is in solid. Using file.lastGoodTimeshiftPosPristine instead" )
- //newPlayerPos = file.lastGoodTimeshiftPosPristine
- // use player script var instead
- // this won't compile if we don't manually do type safety stuff here
- var pos = player.s.lastGoodTimeshiftPosPristine
- newPlayerPos = expect vector( pos )
- }
- else if ( timeZoneDestination == TIMEZONE_NIGHT )
- {
- printt( "***WARNING: Destination TimeShiftPos " + newPlayerPos + " is in solid. Using file.lastGoodTimeshiftPosOvergrown instead" )
- //newPlayerPos = file.lastGoodTimeshiftPosOvergrown
- // use player script var instead
- // this won't compile if we don't manually do type safety stuff here
- var pos = player.s.lastGoodTimeshiftPosOvergrown
- newPlayerPos = expect vector( pos )
- }
- }
- else
- {
- //Not in solid, just use the offset
- newPlayerPos = Vector( playerPos.x, playerPos.y, playerPos.z + timeOffset )
- }
- thread SwapTimelineEffectsAndSound( player, timeZoneDestination )
- const float EFFECT_DURATION_TOTAL = 0.5
- const float EFFECT_DURATION_EASE_OUT = 0.5
- StatusEffect_AddTimed( player, eStatusEffect.timeshift_visual_effect, 1.0, EFFECT_DURATION_TOTAL, EFFECT_DURATION_EASE_OUT )
- Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( player, "ServerCallback_TimeFlipped", player.s.timeline )
- player.SetSkyCamera( skyCam )
- if ( !IsAlive( player ) )
- return
- MakeInvincible( player )
- WaitEndFrame() //player will take damage from random hazard triggers otherwise
- if ( Flag( "DoingCinematicTimeshift" ) )
- player.SetAbsOrigin( newPlayerPos )
- else
- player.SetOrigin( newPlayerPos )
- EmitAISoundWithOwner( player, SOUND_PLAYER, 0, newPlayerPos, 150, 0.2 )
- SetRapidShiftOffset( -positionOffset );
- ClearInvincible( player )
- if ( timeZoneDestination == TIMEZONE_DAY )
- GruntChatter_TryEnemyTimeShifted( player )
- ObjectiveCompensate( player, file.currentObjectiveEntity )
- player.s.isTimeTraveling = false
- //thread SonarColorCorrection( player, 0.5, null )
-void function TimeshiftUntrackLockedTargets( entity player )
- if ( !IsValid( player ) )
- return
- entity trackingWeapon
- entity offhand
- if ( !player.IsTitan() )
- return
- offhand = player.GetOffhandWeapon( OFFHAND_RIGHT )
- if ( !IsValid( offhand ) )
- return
- if ( offhand.GetWeaponClassName() == "mp_titanweapon_tracker_rockets" )
- trackingWeapon = offhand
- if ( !IsValid( trackingWeapon ) )
- return
- trackingWeapon.SmartAmmo_Clear( true, true )
- /*
- var allTargets = trackingWeapon.SmartAmmo_GetTargets()
- foreach ( target in allTargets )
- {
- if ( !IsValid( target.ent ) )
- continue
- trackingWeapon.SmartAmmo_UntrackEntity( target.ent )
- }
- */
-void function PlayerIndorsStatus()
- while( GetPlayerArray().len() == 0 )
- wait 0.1
- entity player = GetPlayerArray()[ 0 ]
- Assert( IsValid( player ) )
- player.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- if ( GetMapName() == "sp_timeshift_spoke02" )
- {
- Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( player, "ServerCallback_PlayerIndoorsChanged", 1 )
- return
- }
- Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( player, "ServerCallback_PlayerIndoorsChanged", 0 )
- while( true )
- {
- wait 0.1
- FlagWait( "player_is_indoors" )
- Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( player, "ServerCallback_PlayerIndoorsChanged", 1 )
- FlagWaitClear( "player_is_indoors" )
- Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( player, "ServerCallback_PlayerIndoorsChanged", 0 )
- }
-void function SatchelManagement( entity player, var timeZone )
- if ( !IsValid( player ) )
- return
- array<entity> traps = GetScriptManagedEntArray( player.s.activeTrapArrayId )
- foreach ( index, satchel in traps )
- {
- if ( !IsValid( satchel ) )
- continue
- if ( GetEntityTimelinePosition( satchel ) == timeZone )
- DisableSatchel( satchel, false )
- else
- DisableSatchel( satchel, true )
- }
-void function DisableSatchel( entity satchel, bool isDisabled )
- satchel.e.isDisabled = isDisabled
-bool function CanTimeShift( entity player )
- if ( Flag( "DoingCinematicTimeshift" ) )
- return true
- if ( player.GetParent() )
- {
- printl( "Can't teleport...parented")
- return false
- }
- /*
- if ( player.IsTraversing() )
- {
- printl( "Can't teleport...traversing")
- return false
- }
- */
- /*
- if ( ( player.IsTitan() ) && ( level.titanCanTimeTravel == false ) )
- {
- printl( "Can't teleport...Titan")
- return false
- }
- */
- if ( player.s.isTimeTraveling )
- return false
- return true
-function OnTimeShiftAbilityUsed( player )
- if ( level.allowTimeTravel == false )
- {
- if ( Flag( "SwappedToFrozenWorld" ) )
- thread DeviceUsedInFrozenWorld( expect entity( player ) )
- return
- }
- //if ( level.timeZone == TIMEZONE_DAY )
- if ( player.s.timeline == TIMEZONE_DAY )
- SwapTimelines( expect entity( player ), TIMEZONE_NIGHT )
- else
- SwapTimelines( expect entity( player ), TIMEZONE_DAY )
-function OnSatchelPlanted( player, collisionParams )
- expect entity( player )
- if ( !IsValid( player ) )
- return
- expect table( collisionParams )
- vector plantAngles = VectorToAngles( collisionParams.normal )
- vector plantPosition = expect vector( collisionParams.pos )
- //thread SatchelHint( player )
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- //create a duplicate satchel in the present if planted in the past
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- if ( GetTimelinePosition( plantPosition ) == TIMEZONE_NIGHT )
- return
- if ( collisionParams.hitEnt != null ) //forget it if it's attached to an AI or anything moving
- return
- //TO DO - plant a dupe satchel here
- //bool result = PlantStickyEntity( weapon, collisionParams )
-function SatchelHint( entity player )
- player.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- player.Signal( "DisplayingSatchelHint" )
- player.EndSignal( "DisplayingSatchelHint" )
- array<entity> traps
- entity playerCurrentWeapon
- string playerCurrentWeaponClassname
- bool isDisplayingHint = false
- entity closestSatchel
- entity offHandOrdinance
- while ( true )
- {
- wait 1.5
- if ( isDisplayingHint == true )
- {
- isDisplayingHint = false
- ClearOnscreenHint( player )
- }
- offHandOrdinance = player.GetOffhandWeapon( 0 )
- if ( !offHandOrdinance )
- break
- if ( offHandOrdinance.GetWeaponClassName() != "mp_weapon_satchel" )
- break
- traps = GetScriptManagedEntArray( player.s.activeTrapArrayId )
- if ( traps.len() < 1 )
- break
- playerCurrentWeapon = player.GetActiveWeapon()
- // No current weapon selected
- if ( !IsValid( playerCurrentWeapon ) )
- continue
- playerCurrentWeaponClassname = playerCurrentWeapon.GetWeaponClassName()
- //Player is equipped with the clacker, clear message
- if ( playerCurrentWeaponClassname == "mp_weapon_satchel" )
- continue
- closestSatchel = GetClosest( traps, player.GetOrigin() )
- if ( !IsValid( closestSatchel ) )
- continue
- if ( DistanceSqr( player.GetOrigin(), closestSatchel.GetOrigin() ) > ( 1024 * 1024 ) )
- continue
- //player is not equipped with the clacker, display message
- else
- {
- if ( file.isDisplayingTimeshiftHint)
- continue
- if ( file.isDisplayingDamageText )
- continue
- DisplayOnscreenHint( player, "satchel_hint_tap_twice", 3.0 )
- isDisplayingHint = true
- continue
- }
- }
- ClearOnscreenHint( player )
-bool function PlayerHasSatchels( entity player )
- if ( !IsValid( player ) )
- return false
- entity weapon = player.GetOffhandWeapon( 0 )
- if ( !IsValid( weapon ) )
- return false
- int satchelCount = player.GetWeaponAmmoMaxLoaded( weapon )
- if ( satchelCount == 0 )
- return false
- return true
-function FreezeNpcs( timeZone )
- array<entity> npcsToFreeze
- array<entity> npcsToUnFreeze
- ArrayRemoveDead( file.npcsPresent )
- ArrayRemoveDead( file.npcsPast )
- if ( timeZone == TIMEZONE_NIGHT )
- {
- npcsToFreeze = file.npcsPresent
- npcsToUnFreeze = file.npcsPast
- }
- else if ( timeZone == TIMEZONE_DAY )
- {
- npcsToFreeze = file.npcsPast
- npcsToUnFreeze = file.npcsPresent
- }
- foreach( npc in npcsToFreeze )
- FreezeNPC( npc )
- foreach( npc in npcsToUnFreeze )
- UnFreezeNPC( npc )
-function FreezeNPC( entity npc )
- if ( !IsValid( npc ) )
- return
- if ( IsFreezeProof( npc ) )
- return
- if ( IsFrozen( npc ) == true )
- return
- npc.Freeze()
- npc.Signal( "Frozen" )
- if ( !( "isFrozen" in npc.s ) )
- npc.s.isFrozen <- null
- npc.s.isFrozen = true
-function UnFreezeNPC( entity npc )
- if ( !IsValid( npc ) )
- return
- if ( IsFrozen( npc ) == false )
- return
- npc.Unfreeze()
- npc.Signal( "UnFrozen" )
- if ( !( "isFrozen" in npc.s ) )
- npc.s.isFrozen <- null
- npc.s.isFrozen = false
-function IsFrozen( npc )
- if ( !( "isFrozen" in npc.s ) )
- return false
- return npc.s.isFrozen
-bool function IsFreezeProof( entity npc )
- if ( !IsValid( npc ) )
- return false
- if ( "dontAllowFreeze" in npc.s )
- return true
- return false
-void function DontAllowFreeze( entity npc, bool state )
- if ( !IsValid( npc ) )
- return
- if ( state == true )
- {
- if ( !( "dontAllowFreeze" in npc.s ) )
- npc.s.dontAllowFreeze <- null
- npc.s.dontAllowFreeze = true
- }
- else
- {
- if ( "dontAllowFreeze" in npc.s )
- delete npc.s.dontAllowFreeze
- }
-void function OnSpawnedNPC( entity npc )
- string classname = npc.GetClassName()
- string editorClassname = GetEditorClass( npc )
- if ( editorClassname == "npc_marvin_drone" )
- return
- var timeZone = GetEntityTimelinePosition( npc )
- expect int(timeZone)
- int difficulty = GetSpDifficulty()
- if ( timeZone == TIMEZONE_NIGHT )
- file.npcsPresent.append( npc )
- else if ( timeZone == TIMEZONE_DAY )
- file.npcsPast.append( npc )
- else
- {
- //Frozen world - do nothing
- }
- //If I just spawned in the opposite time zone as the player, freeze me
- //if ( ( level.timeZone != timeZone ) && ( timeZone != TIMEZONE_FROZEN ) )
- if ( GetPlayersInTimeline( timeZone ).len() == 0 && timeZone != TIMEZONE_FROZEN )
- FreezeNPC( npc )
- if ( timeZone == TIMEZONE_FROZEN )
- return
- //Do blue afterglow if we have the device now
- if ( level.allowTimeTravel )
- thread TimeshiftAfterglowThink( npc, timeZone )
- int maxHealth = npc.GetMaxHealth()
- switch( classname )
- {
- case "npc_marvin":
- if ( timeZone == TIMEZONE_NIGHT )
- {
- npc.SetSkin( 1 ) //mossy
- }
- break
- case "npc_stalker":
- case "npc_stalker_zombie":
- case "npc_stalker_zombie_mossy":
- case "npc_stalker_crawling_mossy":
- thread StalkerThink( npc, classname )
- break
- case "npc_drone":
- break
- case "npc_turret_sentry":
- if ( difficulty < DIFFICULTY_MASTER )
- npc.kv.AccuracyMultiplier = 4
- else
- npc.kv.AccuracyMultiplier = 3
- break
- case "npc_titan":
- thread TitanEnemyThink( npc )
- break
- }
- string scriptName = npc.GetScriptName()
- //--------------------------
- // Civilians
- //--------------------------
- if ( scriptName.find( "civilian_walker_" ) != null )
- thread CivilianWalkerThink( npc )
- if ( scriptName.find( "civilian_actor_" ) != null )
- thread CivilianActorThink( npc )
-void function TitanEnemyThink( entity npc )
- if ( npc.GetTeam() != TEAM_IMC )
- return
- //npc.WaitSignal( "WeakTitanHealthInitialized" )
- //DeregisterBossTitan( npc )
- //npc.SetHealth( 100 )
- var timeZone = GetEntityTimelinePosition( npc )
- if ( timeZone == TIMEZONE_DAY )
- thread TitanEnemyThinkPristine( npc )
- else
- thread TitanEnemyThinkOvergrown( npc )
-void function TitanEnemyThinkOvergrown( npc )
- npc.WaitSignal( "WeakTitanHealthInitialized" )
- npc.TakeDamage( npc.GetMaxHealth()/2, null, null, { damageSourceId=damagedef_suicide } )
-void function TitanEnemyThinkPristine( npc )
- npc.WaitSignal( "WeakTitanHealthInitialized" )
- printt( "Titan health: ", npc.GetHealth() )
- npc.SetMaxHealth( 10000 )
- npc.SetHealth( 10000 )
-void function StalkerThink( entity npc, string classname )
- npc.SetSkin( 1 ) //mossy
- TakeAllWeapons( npc )
- if ( ( GetMapName() == "sp_hub_timeshift" ) && ( !Flag( "player_back_in_amenities_lobby") ) )
- return
- if ( ( GetMapName() == "sp_timeshift_spoke02" ) && ( !Flag( "StartAndersonHologram1" ) ) )
- return
- npc.GiveWeapon( "mp_weapon_mgl" )
- npc.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- while( true )
- {
- npc.kv.allowshoot = 0
- wait RandomFloatRange( 4, 6 )
- npc.kv.allowshoot = 1
- wait RandomFloatRange( 3, 5 )
- }
-void function TimeshiftAfterglowThink( entity npc, var timeZone )
- if( !IsValid( npc ) )
- return
- npc.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- npc.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- //don't do glows for friendlies
- int team = npc.GetTeam()
- if ( team == TEAM_MILITIA )
- return
- if ( team == TEAM_UNASSIGNED )
- return
- //don't do glow for certain scripted things
- string scriptName = npc.GetScriptName()
- if ( ( IsValid( scriptName ) ) && ( scriptName == "lab_prowlers" ) )
- return
- if ( ( IsValid( scriptName ) ) && ( scriptName == "bio_pod_body" ) )
- return
- string classname = npc.GetClassName()
- string glowSound = "Timeshift_Scr_TimeResidue_Generic"
- int zOffset
- vector fxAfterglowAdditionalOffset
- switch( classname )
- {
- case "npc_marvin":
- return
- case "npc_soldier":
- glowSound = "Timeshift_Scr_TimeResidue_Grunt"
- fxAfterglowAdditionalOffset = Vector( 0, 0, 32 )
- break
- case "npc_spectre":
- case "npc_stalker_zombie":
- case "npc_stalker_zombie_mossy":
- case "npc_stalker_crawling_mossy":
- fxAfterglowAdditionalOffset = Vector( 0, 0, 32 )
- glowSound = "Timeshift_Scr_TimeResidue_ZombieStalker"
- break
- case "npc_stalker":
- glowSound = "Timeshift_Scr_TimeResidue_Stalker"
- fxAfterglowAdditionalOffset = Vector( 0, 0, 32 )
- break
- case "npc_prowler":
- glowSound = "Timeshift_Scr_TimeResidue_Prowler"
- fxAfterglowAdditionalOffset = Vector( 0, 0, 32 )
- break
- case "npc_drone":
- glowSound = "Timeshift_Scr_TimeResidue_Drone"
- fxAfterglowAdditionalOffset = Vector( 0, 0, 0 )
- break
- case "npc_titan":
- fxAfterglowAdditionalOffset = Vector( 0, 0, 80 )
- break
- case "npc_super_spectre":
- fxAfterglowAdditionalOffset = Vector( 0, 0, 64 )
- break
- case "npc_frag_drone":
- fxAfterglowAdditionalOffset = Vector( 0, 0, 32 )
- break
- case "npc_turret_sentry":
- fxAfterglowAdditionalOffset = Vector( 0, 0, 16 )
- break
- default:
- Assert( 0, "Unhandled npc: " + classname )
- break
- }
- if ( GetEditorClass( npc ) == "npc_specialist_imc" )
- glowSound = "Timeshift_Scr_TimeResidue_Generic"
- if ( timeZone == TIMEZONE_NIGHT )
- zOffset = TIME_ZOFFSET
- else
- zOffset = TIME_ZOFFSET * -1
- vector fxAfterglowPos
- vector fxAfterglowAng
- entity fx
- while( true )
- {
- npc.WaitSignal( "Frozen" )
- fxAfterglowPos = npc.GetOrigin()
- fxAfterglowPos = fxAfterglowPos + fxAfterglowAdditionalOffset
- fxAfterglowPos = Vector( fxAfterglowPos.x, fxAfterglowPos.y, fxAfterglowPos.z + zOffset )
- fxAfterglowAng = npc.GetAngles()
- fx = PlayFX( FX_TIMESHIFT_ENTITY_MARKER, fxAfterglowPos, fxAfterglowAng )
- if ( glowSound != "" )
- EmitSoundAtPosition( TEAM_UNASSIGNED, fxAfterglowPos, glowSound )
- OnThreadEnd(
- function() : ( fx, glowSound, fxAfterglowPos )
- {
- DestroyFxIfValid( fx )
- if ( glowSound != "" )
- StopSoundAtPosition( fxAfterglowPos, glowSound )
- }
- )
- npc.WaitSignal( "UnFrozen" )
- DestroyFxIfValid( fx )
- if ( glowSound != "" )
- StopSoundAtPosition( fxAfterglowPos, glowSound )
- }
-void function DestroyFxIfValid( entity fx )
- if ( !IsValid( fx) )
- return
- fx.Fire( "Stop" )
- fx.Fire( "DestroyImmediately" )
- fx.Destroy()
-void function TS_OnDeathNPC( entity npc, var damageInfo )
- thread TS_OnDeathNPCThread( npc, damageInfo )
-void function TS_OnDeathNPCThread( entity npc, var damageInfo )
- if ( !IsValid( npc ) )
- return
- string editorClassname = GetEditorClass( npc )
- if ( GetEntityTimelinePosition( npc ) == TIMEZONE_NIGHT )
- {
- if ( editorClassname == "npc_marvin" )
- npc.SetSkin( 1 ) //bug where Marvins revert to base skin when killed
- //TryTimeshiftGibDeath( npc, damageInfo )
- //get out of here because we don't care about npcs in the present
- return
- }
- int damageType = DamageInfo_GetCustomDamageType( damageInfo )
- if ( !damageType )
- return
- printt( "explosive: " + ( damageType & DF_EXPLOSION ) )
- printt( "bullet: " + ( damageType & DF_BULLET ) )
- printt( "gib: " + ( damageType & DF_GIB ) )
- if ( damageType & DF_GIB )
- {
- return
- }
- //if ( TryTimeshiftGibDeath( npc, damageInfo ) )
- //return
- //vector deathPos = npc.GetOrigin()
- vector deathPos = npc.GetOrigin() + Vector( 0, 0, ( TIME_ZOFFSET * -1 ) )
- //vector deathPos = npc.GetOrigin()
- asset deathModel
- entity corpseOrg
- bool usesSingleDeathModel = true
- int additionalZoffset = 0
- if ( editorClassname == "" )
- editorClassname = npc.GetClassName()
- switch( editorClassname )
- {
- case "npc_prowler":
- break
- case "npc_marvin":
- break
- case "npc_stalker":
- corpseOrg = file.stalkerCorpseOrg
- usesSingleDeathModel = false
- additionalZoffset = 16
- break
- case "npc_titan_ogre_minigun":
- case "npc_titan":
- corpseOrg = file.titanCorpseOrg
- usesSingleDeathModel = false
- additionalZoffset = 64
- break
- case "npc_soldier_imc_shotgun":
- break
- case "npc_soldier_imc_rifle":
- case "npc_soldier":
- break
- case "npc_shield_captain_imc":
- break
- case "npc_soldier_imc_smg":
- break
- }
- /*
- int xAngle = 90
- if ( CoinFlip() )
- xAngle = -90
- vector deathAng = Vector( xAngle, RandomFloatRange( 0, 360 ), RandomFloatRange( 0, 360 ) )
- */
- //randomly spin the body/gib collection on it's y axis
- vector deathAng = Vector( 0, RandomFloatRange( 0, 360 ), 0 )
- if ( ( deathModel == $"" ) && ( usesSingleDeathModel ) )
- {
- printt( "Unhandled corpse type: '" + editorClassname + "'")
- return
- }
- array<entity> corpseModels
- if ( usesSingleDeathModel )
- {
- entity corpse = CreatePropDynamic( deathModel, deathPos + Vector( 0, 0, 5), deathAng, 6 ) // 0 = no collision, 2 = bounding box, 6 = use vPhysics, 8 = hitboxes only
- corpse.Hide()
- if ( deathModel == MARVIN_MODEL_OVERGROWN )
- corpse.SetSkin( 1 ) //mossy
- corpseModels.append( corpse )
- string anim = GetrandomDeathPose( deathModel )
- vector newOrg = HackGetDeltaToRef( corpse.GetOrigin(), corpse.GetAngles(), corpse, anim )
- thread PlayAnimTeleport( corpse, anim, newOrg, corpse.GetAngles() )
- }
- else
- {
- corpseOrg.SetOrigin( deathPos )
- corpseOrg.SetAngles( deathAng )
- array<entity> bodyPartArray = file.titanCorpsePieces
- if ( editorClassname == "npc_stalker" )
- bodyPartArray = file.stalkerCorpsePieces
- foreach( bodypart in bodyPartArray )
- {
- asset modelName = bodypart.GetModelName()
- vector angles = bodypart.GetAngles()
- vector origin = bodypart.GetOrigin()
- entity clonedModel = CreatePropPhysics( modelName, origin + Vector( 0, 0, 20 + additionalZoffset ), angles ) // 0 = no collision, 2 = bounding box, 6 = use vPhysics, 8 = hitboxes only
- clonedModel.Hide()
- corpseModels.append( clonedModel )
- }
- }
- waitthread WaittillPlayerSwitchesTimezone( TIMEZONE_NIGHT )
- foreach( corpse in corpseModels )
- {
- corpse.Show()
- if ( usesSingleDeathModel )
- corpse.BecomeRagdoll( Vector( 0,0,0 ), false )
- }
- array<string> idles = [ "pt_S2S_crew_A_idle",
- "pt_S2S_crew_B_idle",
- "pt_S2S_crew_C_idle",
- "pt_S2S_crew_D_idle" ]
-//HACK: need a better global way to spawn marvins using levelEd ents
-void function OnSpawnedMarvinSpawner( entity spawner )
- SpawnMarvin( spawner )
-bool function TryTimeshiftGibDeath( entity npc, var damageInfo )
- if ( !IsValid( npc ) )
- return false
- int damageSourceId = DamageInfo_GetDamageSourceIdentifier( damageInfo )
- if ( !IsValid( damageSourceId ) )
- return false
- if ( damageSourceId != eDamageSourceId.mp_weapon_satchel )
- return false
- //string editorClassname = GetEditorClass( npc )
- string classname = npc.GetClassName()
- if ( !IsValidGibTarget( classname ) )
- return false
- vector npcOrigin = npc.GetOrigin()
- vector damageOrigin = DamageInfo_GetDamagePosition( damageInfo )
- if ( !IsValid( npcOrigin ) )
- return false
- if ( !IsValid( damageOrigin ) )
- return false
- float minDist = 100
- if ( Distance( npcOrigin, damageOrigin ) > minDist )
- return false
- EmitSoundAtPosition( TEAM_ANY, npcOrigin, "death.pinkmist" )
- npc.Dissolve( ENTITY_DISSOLVE_PINKMIST, Vector( 0, 0, 0 ), 500 )
- return true
-bool function IsValidGibTarget( string classname )
- if ( classname == "npc_prowler" )
- return true
- if ( classname == "npc_soldier" )
- return true
- return false
-//HACK: need a better global way to spawn marvins using levelEd ents
-function SpawnMarvin( spawner )
- local origin = spawner.GetOrigin()
- local angles = spawner.GetAngles()
- entity npc_marvin = CreateEntity( "npc_marvin" )
- SetTargetName( npc_marvin, UniqueString( "mp_random_marvin") )
- npc_marvin.SetOrigin( origin )
- npc_marvin.SetAngles( angles )
- //npc_marvin.kv.rendercolor = "255 255 255"
- npc_marvin.kv.health = -1
- npc_marvin.kv.max_health = -1
- npc_marvin.kv.spawnflags = 516 // Fall to ground, Fade Corpse
- //npc_marvin.kv.FieldOfView = 0.5
- //npc_marvin.kv.FieldOfViewAlert = 0.2
- npc_marvin.kv.AccuracyMultiplier = 1.0
- npc_marvin.kv.physdamagescale = 1.0
- npc_marvin.kv.WeaponProficiency = eWeaponProficiency.GOOD
- npc_marvin.s.bodytype <- MARVIN_TYPE_WORKER
- npc_marvin.SetValueForModelKey( $"models/robots/marvin/marvin.mdl" )
- DispatchSpawn( npc_marvin )
- SetTeam( npc_marvin, TEAM_UNASSIGNED )
- return npc_marvin
-bool function PlayerInRange( vector pos1, vector pos2, float minRange )
- if ( Distance( pos1 , pos2 ) > minRange )
- return false
- return true
-entity function GetSpectreDoorSwitchByDummyName( string dummyName )
- entity dummy = GetEntByScriptName( dummyName )
- entity doorSwitch = GetClosest( file.spectreDoorPanels, dummy.GetOrigin() )
- Assert( IsValid( doorSwitch ) )
- Assert( Distance( doorSwitch.GetOrigin(), dummy.GetOrigin() ) < 50, "No doorSwitch within 50 units of dummy: " + dummyName )
- return doorSwitch
-void function TimeVortexThink( entity trigger )
- trigger.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- local result
- entity player
- entity fxEnt = trigger.GetLinkEnt()
- Assert( IsValid( fxEnt ), "Time vortex trig at " + trigger.GetOrigin() + " isn't linked to anything")
- var destinationTimeline = GetOppositeTimeline( GetEntityTimelinePosition( fxEnt ) )
- //----------------
- // Play looping fx
- //----------------
- entity FX = CreateEntity( "info_particle_system" )
- FX.SetValueForEffectNameKey( FX_TIME_PORTAL )
- FX.kv.start_active = 1
- FX.SetOrigin( fxEnt.GetOrigin() )
- FX.SetAngles( fxEnt.GetAngles() + Vector( 90, 0, 0 ) )
- DispatchSpawn( FX )
- EmitSoundAtPosition( TEAM_UNASSIGNED, fxEnt.GetOrigin(), SOUND_TIME_PORTAL_LOOP )
- OnThreadEnd(
- function() : ( FX, fxEnt )
- {
- StopSoundAtPosition( fxEnt.GetOrigin(), SOUND_TIME_PORTAL_LOOP )
- DestroyFxIfValid( FX )
- fxEnt.Destroy()
- }
- )
- //----------------
- // Think...
- //----------------
- while( 1 )
- {
- player = null
- wait 0.1
- result = trigger.WaitSignal( "OnTrigger" )
- if ( !IsValid( result.activator ) )
- continue
- if ( result.activator.IsTitan() )
- continue
- if ( !result.activator.IsPlayer() )
- continue
- player = expect entity( result.activator )
- player.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- thread TimeVortexSoundThread( player )
- SwapTimelines( player, destinationTimeline )
- //thread TimeShiftSwapEffect( player )
- wait 4
- EmitSoundOnEntity( player, "Pilot_Time_Vortex_Deactivate" )
- wait 1
- float fadeTime = 0.3
- float holdTime = 0
- //(player, r, g, b, a, fadeTime, fadeHold, FFADE_ flags)
- wait 0.75
- ScreenFade( player, 255, 255, 255, 254, fadeTime, holdTime, FFADE_OUT | FFADE_PURGE )
- wait 0.25
- //HACK: can't time shift if player in the middle of hacking a panel
- while ( !CanTimeShift( player ) )
- wait 0.1
- StopSoundOnEntity( player, "Pilot_Time_Vortex_Loop" )
- SwapTimelines( player, GetOppositeTimeline( destinationTimeline ) )
- wait 1
- }
-void function TimeVortexSoundThread( player )
- player.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- //need to delay 0.1 otherwise won't hear the sound when he is teleported
- wait 0.1
- EmitSoundOnEntity( player, "Pilot_Time_Vortex_Activate" )
- EmitSoundOnEntity( player, "Pilot_Time_Vortex_Loop" )
-void function SwapTimelineEffectsAndSound( entity player, timeZone )
- //---------------------------------
- // Player has wrist mounted device
- //---------------------------------
- if ( Flag( "PlayerPickedUpTimeshiftDevice" ) )
- {
- //( amplitude frequency duration
- CreateAirShake( player.GetOrigin(), 10, 50, 0.2, 10000 )
- if ( player.IsTitan() )
- {
- float fadeTime = 0.1
- float holdTime = 0.03
- ScreenFade( player, 255, 255, 255, 254, fadeTime, holdTime, FFADE_IN | FFADE_PURGE )
- CreateAirShake( player.GetOrigin(), 10, 50, 1, 20000 )
- }
- if ( timeZone == TIMEZONE_NIGHT )
- {
- //--------------------------
- // switch to night/overgrown
- //--------------------------
- StopSoundOnEntity( player, "Timeshift_Scr_DeviceShift2Past" )
- EmitSoundOnEntity( player, "Timeshift_Scr_DeviceShift2Present" )
- }
- else
- {
- //--------------------------
- // switch to day/pristine
- //--------------------------
- StopSoundOnEntity( player, "Timeshift_Scr_DeviceShift2Present" )
- EmitSoundOnEntity( player, "Timeshift_Scr_DeviceShift2Past" )
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------
- // Scripted timeshift, no device
- //---------------------------------
- else
- {
- float fadeTime = 0.1
- float holdTime = 0.05
- ScreenFade( player, 255, 255, 255, 254, fadeTime, holdTime, FFADE_IN | FFADE_PURGE )
- //--------------
- // FX
- //--------------
- EmitSoundOnEntity( player, "Timeshift_Scr_InvoluntaryShift" )
- }
- //-----------------------------------
- // Impact table on ground
- //-----------------------------------
- TraceResults results = TraceLine( player.GetOrigin() + Vector( 0, 0, 32 ), player.GetOrigin() + Vector( 0, 0, -200 ), [ player ], TRACE_MASK_NPCSOLID_BRUSHONLY | TRACE_MASK_WATER, TRACE_COLLISION_GROUP_NONE )
- if ( !results.startSolid && !results.allSolid )
- PlayImpactFXTable( GetPosInOtherTimeline( results.endPos ), player, FX_IMPACT_TABLE_TIMESHIFT )
- //-----------------------------------
- // FX for viewmodel device
- //-----------------------------------
- if ( !Flag( "PlayerPickedUpTimeshiftDevice" ) )
- return
- entity timeShiftOffhand
- //-------------------------------------
- // Skin change for cinematic device equip only
- //---------------------------------------
- if ( !Flag( "DoingCinematicTimeshift" ) )
- return
- timeShiftOffhand = player.GetFirstPersonProxy()
- if ( !IsValid( timeShiftOffhand) )
- return
- if ( timeZone == TIMEZONE_DAY )
- {
- timeShiftOffhand.SetSkin( 0 ) //orange 0
- }
- else if ( timeZone == TIMEZONE_NIGHT )
- {
- timeShiftOffhand.SetSkin( 1 ) //blue 1
- }
- //{ "hero_mil_jack_gauntlet_timeshift_skn_01"} // present amber
- //{ "hero_mil_jack_gauntlet_timeshift_skn_01_v1"} // past blue
- //{ "hero_mil_jack_gauntlet_timeshift_skn_01_v2"} // error red
- //{ "hero_mil_jack_gauntlet_timeshift_skn_01_v3"} // off
-var function GetOppositeTimeline( timeline )
- var destinationTimeline
- if ( timeline == TIMEZONE_NIGHT )
- destinationTimeline = TIMEZONE_DAY
- else
- destinationTimeline = TIMEZONE_NIGHT
- return destinationTimeline
-var function GetEntityTimelinePosition( ent )
- //What time period does this ent live in?
- local z = ent.GetOrigin().z
- if ( z < -6000 )
- else if ( z < 5300 )
- else
-var function GetTimelinePosition( vector pos )
- //What time period does this pos live in?
- local z = pos.z
- if ( z < -6000 )
- else if ( z < 5300 )
- else
-void function DebugDrawOnEnt( ent )
- expect entity( ent )
- while ( true )
- {
- DebugDrawSphere( ent.GetOrigin(), 16, 255, 255, 255, true, 0.22 )
- wait 0.2
- }
-void function WaitTillPlayerTouchesTrigger( trigger )
- local result
- while ( 1 )
- {
- result = trigger.WaitSignal( "OnStartTouch" )
- if ( !IsValid( result.activator ) )
- continue
- if ( !result.activator.IsPlayer() )
- continue
- break
- }
-function SetFlagWhenBreakablesDestroyed( string flagToSet, string scriptName, string instanceName )
- array < entity > breakableFuncBrushes = GetEntArrayByScriptNameInInstance( scriptName, instanceName )
- foreach ( funcBrush in breakableFuncBrushes )
- {
- Assert( !( "flagToSetWhenDestroyed" in funcBrush.s ), "func brush '" + scriptName + "' instanceName '" + instanceName + "' has flag: " + flagToSet)
- funcBrush.s.flagToSetWhenDestroyed <- flagToSet
- }
-void function OnDamagedFuncBrush( entity funcBrush, var damageInfo )
- //----------------------
- // Return if not player
- //----------------------
- int damageSourceID = DamageInfo_GetDamageSourceIdentifier( damageInfo )
- entity attacker = DamageInfo_GetAttacker( damageInfo )
- float damageAmount = DamageInfo_GetDamage( damageInfo )
- if ( !damageSourceID )
- return
- if ( !damageAmount )
- return
- if ( !attacker )
- return
- if ( !attacker.IsPlayer() )
- return
- //-----------------------------------
- // Do damage if correct damage type
- //-----------------------------------
- var health = funcBrush.s.health
- var breakableType = funcBrush.s.breakableType
- switch( breakableType )
- {
- DamageSatchelDebris( funcBrush, damageSourceID, damageAmount )
- break
- default:
- Assert( 0, "Unhandled breakableType ' " + breakableType + "' at " + funcBrush.GetOrigin() )
- }
- if ( funcBrush.s.health > 0 )
- return
- DestroyFuncBrushBreakable( funcBrush )
-void function DestroyFuncBrushBreakable( funcBrush )
- expect entity( funcBrush )
- if ( !IsValid( funcBrush ) )
- return
- //----------------------
- // Debris blows up
- //----------------------
- Signal( funcBrush, "BreakableDestroyed" )
- entity hintTrigger
- if ( ( "hintTrigger" in funcBrush.s ) )
- hintTrigger = expect entity( funcBrush.s.hintTrigger )
- entity fxEnt = expect entity( funcBrush.s.fxEnt )
- asset explosionFx = expect asset( funcBrush.s.fxExplode )
- var explosionSound = funcBrush.s.soundExplode
- vector origin = fxEnt.GetOrigin()
- vector angles = fxEnt.GetAngles()
- PlayFX( explosionFx, origin, angles )
- EmitSoundAtPosition( TEAM_UNASSIGNED, origin, explosionSound )
- //--------------------------------------
- // Swap out damaged/intact if applicable
- //-------------------------------------
- if ( ( "brokenState" in funcBrush.s ) && ( funcBrush.s.brokenState != null ) )
- funcBrush.s.brokenState.Show()
- //--------------------------------------
- // Delete intact version
- //-------------------------------------
- funcBrush.Destroy()
- if ( "flagToSetWhenDestroyed" in funcBrush.s )
- {
- FlagSet( expect string( funcBrush.s.flagToSetWhenDestroyed ) )
- }
- //----------------------
- // Cleanup
- //----------------------
- if ( IsValid( hintTrigger ) )
- hintTrigger.Destroy()
- fxEnt.Destroy()
-void function DamageSatchelDebris( funcBrush, damageSourceID, damageAmount )
- if ( damageSourceID != eDamageSourceId.mp_weapon_satchel )
- return
- funcBrush.s.health = funcBrush.s.health - damageAmount
-void function TriggerHazardThink( entity trigger )
- trigger.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- trigger.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- int damageAmt
- float interval
- string scriptName = trigger.GetScriptName()
- asset fx
- var sound
- local scriptTypeMask = damageTypes.dissolve | DF_STOPS_TITAN_REGEN
- if ( scriptName.find( "fireSmall" ) != null )
- scriptName = "fireSmall"
- if ( scriptName.find( "fireHuge" ) != null )
- scriptName = "fireHuge"
- if ( scriptName.find( "fireMedium" ) != null )
- scriptName = "fireMedium"
- if ( scriptName.find( "radiation" ) != null )
- scriptName = "radiation"
- string soundDamage = ""
- int damageID = eDamageSourceId.burn
- switch( scriptName )
- {
- case "electricity":
- scriptTypeMask = damageTypes.dissolve | DF_STOPS_TITAN_REGEN
- damageAmt = 25
- interval = 0.75
- soundDamage = "flesh_electrical_damage_1p"
- damageID = eDamageSourceId.electric_conduit
- break
- case "fireMedium":
- scriptTypeMask = damageTypes.dissolve | DF_STOPS_TITAN_REGEN
- damageAmt = 25
- interval = 1
- soundDamage = "flesh_fire_damage_1p"
- damageID = eDamageSourceId.burn
- break
- case "fireSmall":
- scriptTypeMask = damageTypes.dissolve | DF_STOPS_TITAN_REGEN
- damageAmt = 25
- interval = 1
- soundDamage = "flesh_fire_damage_1p"
- damageID = eDamageSourceId.burn
- break
- case "fireHuge":
- scriptTypeMask = damageTypes.dissolve | DF_STOPS_TITAN_REGEN
- damageAmt = 25
- interval = 1
- soundDamage = "flesh_fire_damage_1p"
- damageID = eDamageSourceId.burn
- break
- case "radiation":
- case "trigger_concourse_radiation":
- scriptTypeMask = damageTypes.dissolve | DF_STOPS_TITAN_REGEN
- damageAmt = 100
- interval = 1
- soundDamage = "flesh_fire_damage_1p"
- damageID = eDamageSourceId.burn
- break
- default:
- Assert( 0, "Unhandled hazard type ' " + scriptName + "' at " + trigger.GetOrigin() )
- }
- array< entity > linkedEnts = trigger.GetLinkEntArray()
- array< var > fxHandles
- //Assert( linkedEnts.len() > 0, "Hazard trigger at " + trigger.GetOrigin() + " has no linked ents to play fx on" )
- //-------------------
- // Hazard sound/FX
- //--------------------
- foreach( ent in linkedEnts )
- thread HackPlayLoopEffectOnEntity( fx, ent )
- if ( sound )
- thread EmitSoundAtPositionHack( TEAM_UNASSIGNED, trigger.GetOrigin(), sound )
- OnThreadEnd(
- function() : ( trigger, linkedEnts )
- {
- if ( IsValid( trigger ) )
- trigger.Destroy()
- foreach( ent in linkedEnts )
- {
- if ( IsValid( ent ) )
- ent.Destroy()
- }
- }
- )
- //-------------------
- // Damage player
- //--------------------
- var player
- local result
- vector origin
- while ( IsValid( trigger) )
- {
- wait 0.1
- player = null
- result = trigger.WaitSignal( "OnTrigger" )
- //if ( level.isTimeTraveling )
- // continue
- if ( !IsValid( result.activator ) )
- continue
- if ( result.activator.IsPlayer() )
- {
- player = result.activator
- if ( player.s.isTimeTraveling )
- continue
- while ( trigger.IsTouching( player ) )
- {
- player.TakeDamage( damageAmt, svGlobal.worldspawn, svGlobal.worldspawn, { origin = player.GetOrigin(), scriptType = scriptTypeMask, damageSourceId = damageID } )
- CreateShakeRumbleOnly( expect entity( player ).GetOrigin(), 10, 105, interval )
- if ( soundDamage != "" )
- EmitSoundOnEntity( player, soundDamage )
- printt( "Player taking damage: " + damageAmt )
- wait interval
- }
- }
- }
-void function EmitSoundAtPositionHack( int team, vector origin, var sound )
- //Need to delay 0.2 before playing at level start, Baker/Barb know this is a big but said will fix next game
- wait 0.2
- EmitSoundAtPosition( team, origin, sound )
-// HACK - need better way to play fx on server
-void function HackPlayLoopEffectOnEntity( asset fxName, entity ent )
- ent.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- ent.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- entity fxHandle
- float waitTime
- fxHandle = CreateEntity( "info_particle_system" )
- fxHandle.SetValueForEffectNameKey( fxName )
- fxHandle.kv.VisibilityFlags = ENTITY_VISIBLE_TO_EVERYONE
- fxHandle.kv.start_active = 1
- fxHandle.SetOrigin( ent.GetOrigin() )
- fxHandle.SetAngles( ent.GetAngles() )
- DispatchSpawn( fxHandle )
- OnThreadEnd(
- function() : ( fxHandle )
- {
- DestroyFxIfValid( fxHandle )
- }
- )
- WaitForever()
-void function DropHangingOgre( entity titan, entity player )
- thread PlayAnim( titan.s.rack, "tr_AI_titanrack_bootup_heavy" )
- PlayAnimTeleport( titan, "ht_AI_titanrack_bootup_heavy", titan.s.rack )
- wait 0.5
- Embark_Allow( player )
-void function DropHangingOgreOnFlag( entity titan, string flagToDrop, entity player )
- Assert( IsValid( titan ) )
- FlagWait( flagToDrop )
- thread DropHangingOgre( titan, player )
-void function GenericSparks( entity ent )
- vector origin = ent.GetOrigin()
- vector angles = ent.GetAngles()
- entity fxHandle
- wait ( RandomFloatRange( 0.1, 2.5 ) )
- while( IsValid( ent ) )
- {
- if ( GetBugReproNum() == 007 )
- {
- //fails silently to play fx/sound when it's an info_target
- fxHandle = PlayLoopFXOnEntity( FX_SPARKS, ent )
- EmitSoundOnEntity( ent, SOUND_SPARKS )
- }
- else
- {
- fxHandle = PlayFX( FX_SPARKS, origin, angles )
- EmitSoundAtPosition( TEAM_UNASSIGNED, origin, SOUND_SPARKS )
- }
- wait ( RandomFloatRange( 1.7, 5.2 ) )
- if ( IsValid( fxHandle ) )
- {
- DestroyFxIfValid( fxHandle )
- }
- wait ( RandomFloatRange( 0.1, 0.4 ) )
- }
-void function ZombieSpectreSpawnAndDie( entity npc )
- npc.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- wait ( RandomFloatRange( 0.2, 1.75 ) )
- npc.Die()
-void function RackSpawnCallback( entity npc, entity activator )
- string scriptName = npc.GetScriptName()
- if ( scriptName == "rusted_spectre" )
- thread ZombieSpectreSpawnAndDie( npc )
-void function DestroyArray( array entities )
- foreach( ent in entities )
- {
- if( IsValid( ent ) )
- ent.Destroy()
- }
-void function MoveEntityToOppositeTimePeriod( entity ent )
- int zOffset = TIME_ZOFFSET
- if ( GetEntityTimelinePosition( ent ) == TIMEZONE_DAY )
- zOffset = TIME_ZOFFSET * -1
- ent.SetOrigin( ent.GetOrigin() + Vector( 0, 0, TIME_ZOFFSET ) )
-void function DeleteFireHazards( string scriptName )
-array< entity > fireTriggers = GetEntArrayByScriptName( scriptName )
- entity fxEnt
- foreach( trigger in fireTriggers )
- {
- fxEnt = trigger.GetLinkEnt()
- fxEnt.Destroy()
- trigger.Destroy()
- }
-void function SpawnWallSpectreGroupWhenInRange( entity player, array< entity > propSpawners, int maxToSpawn, string flagToAbort = "", string flagToSetWhenDone = "", float delayMin = 3, float delayMax = 5, string flagToSet = "", bool requireLookAt = false )
- Assert( propSpawners.len() >= maxToSpawn, "Max to spawn( " + maxToSpawn + ") is greater than number of propSpawners (" + propSpawners.len() + ") " )
- int spectresSpawned = 0
- entity spawner
- var spawnerTimezone = GetEntityTimelinePosition( propSpawners[ 0 ] )
- while( spectresSpawned < maxToSpawn )
- {
- if ( ( flagToAbort != "") && ( Flag( flagToAbort ) ) )
- break
- // Don't spawn if player not in the same timezone
- if ( spawnerTimezone != GetEntityTimelinePosition( player ) )
- {
- wait 0.1
- continue
- }
- spawner = GetBestPropSpawnerFromGroup( propSpawners, player, requireLookAt )
- if ( !IsValid( spawner ) )
- {
- wait 0.1
- continue
- }
- spawner.Signal( "PropSpawnerActivate" )
- spectresSpawned++
- if ( ( flagToSet != "" ) && ( !Flag( flagToSet ) ) )
- FlagSet( flagToSet )
- propSpawners.fastremovebyvalue( spawner )
- if ( ( spectresSpawned == maxToSpawn ) && ( flagToSetWhenDone != "" ) )
- {
- FlagSet( flagToSetWhenDone )
- break
- }
- wait( RandomFloatRange( delayMin, delayMax ) )
- }
-void function SpawnShowcaseGroupWhenInRange( entity player, array< entity > propSpawners, int maxToSpawn, string flagToAbort = "", string flagToSetWhenDone = "", float delayMin = 3, float delayMax = 5, string flagToSet = "", bool requireLookAt = false )
- Assert( propSpawners.len() >= maxToSpawn, "Max to spawn( " + maxToSpawn + ") is greater than number of propSpawners (" + propSpawners.len() + ") " )
- int dudesSpawned = 0
- entity spawnProp
- var spawnerTimezone = GetEntityTimelinePosition( propSpawners[ 0 ] )
- while( dudesSpawned < maxToSpawn )
- {
- if ( ( flagToAbort != "") && ( Flag( flagToAbort ) ) )
- break
- // Don't spawn if player not in the same timezone
- if ( spawnerTimezone != GetEntityTimelinePosition( player ) )
- {
- wait 0.1
- continue
- }
- spawnProp = GetBestPropSpawnerFromGroup( propSpawners, player, requireLookAt )
- if ( !IsValid( spawnProp ) )
- {
- wait 0.1
- continue
- }
- if ( IsSpectreRackDoorSpawner( spawnProp ) )
- spawnProp.Signal( "PropSpawnerActivate" )
- else
- thread ShowcaseSpawn( spawnProp )
- dudesSpawned++
- if ( ( flagToSet != "" ) && ( !Flag( flagToSet ) ) )
- FlagSet( flagToSet )
- propSpawners.fastremovebyvalue( spawnProp )
- if ( ( dudesSpawned == maxToSpawn ) && ( flagToSetWhenDone != "" ) )
- {
- FlagSet( flagToSetWhenDone )
- break
- }
- wait( RandomFloatRange( delayMin, delayMax ) )
- }
- if ( FlagExists( flagToSetWhenDone ) )
- FlagSet( flagToSetWhenDone )
-entity function GetBestPropSpawnerFromGroup( array< entity > propSpawners, entity player, bool requireLookAt = false )
- entity bestSpawnerProp
- array< entity > propSpawnersOrderedClosest = ArrayClosest( propSpawners, player.GetOrigin() )
- float minDistSqr = 128 * 128
- bool doTrace = true
- float degrees = 90
- foreach( spawnerProp in propSpawnersOrderedClosest )
- {
- if ( DistanceSqr( player.GetOrigin(), spawnerProp.GetOrigin() ) < minDistSqr )
- continue
- if ( TS_WithinPlayerFOV( spawnerProp.GetOrigin() + Vector( 0, 0, 16) ) )
- {
- bestSpawnerProp = spawnerProp
- break
- }
- }
- if ( ( !IsValid( bestSpawnerProp ) ) && ( requireLookAt == false ) )
- bestSpawnerProp = GetClosest( propSpawners, player.GetOrigin() )
- return bestSpawnerProp
-// HACK: Move to utility?
-bool function TS_WithinPlayerFOV( targetPos, MinDot = 0.8 )
- expect vector( targetPos )
- entity player = GetPlayerArray()[0]
- if ( !player )
- return false
- float dot = VectorDot_PlayerToOrigin( player, targetPos )
- if ( dot < MinDot )
- return false
- return true
-void function RemoveBlocker( string scriptName )
- array <entity> blockers = GetEntArrayByScriptName( scriptName )
- Assert( blockers.len() > 0, "No blockers found with scriptName " + scriptName )
- foreach( blocker in blockers )
- {
- blocker.Hide() //Does this even do anything anymore?
- blocker.MakeInvisible()
- blocker.NotSolid()
- }
-void function RestoreBlocker( string scriptName )
- array <entity> blockers = GetEntArrayByScriptName( scriptName )
- Assert( blockers.len() > 0, "No blockers found with scriptName " + scriptName )
- foreach( blocker in blockers )
- {
- blocker.Show() //Does this even do anything anymore?
- blocker.MakeVisible()
- blocker.Solid()
- }
-void function TempExplosion( vector origin )
- CreateAirShake( origin, 10, 105, 1.25 )
-void function DestroyEntByScriptName( string scriptName )
- entity ent = GetEntByScriptName( scriptName )
- Assert( IsValid( ent ) )
- ent.Destroy()
-void function DestroyInstancesByScriptInstanceName( string scriptName, string instanceName )
- array< entity > ents = GetEntArrayByScriptNameInInstance( scriptName, instanceName )
- Assert( ents.len() > 0, "No entities with script_name/instance_name combo: " + scriptName + " / " + instanceName )
- foreach( ent in ents )
- ent.Destroy()
-void function WaittillSomeDudesAreDead( string scriptName, int numberToWaitToBeDead, string flagToSet = "" )
- array< entity > entities = GetEntArrayByScriptName( scriptName )
- Assert( entities.len() > 0 )
- array< entity > dudes
- foreach( ent in entities )
- {
- if ( ent.IsNPC() )
- dudes.append( ent )
- }
- if ( dudes.len() == 0 )
- {
- printt( "Warning: WaittillSomeDudesAreDead returning. No npcs exist for scriptName " + scriptName )
- return
- }
- Assert( dudes.len() >= numberToWaitToBeDead )
- int dudesThatHaveDied = 0
- while( dudesThatHaveDied < numberToWaitToBeDead )
- {
- wait 0.1
- foreach( dude in dudes )
- {
- if ( !IsAlive( dude ) )
- {
- dudesThatHaveDied++
- dudes.fastremovebyvalue( dude )
- }
- }
- }
- if ( flagToSet != "" )
- FlagSet( flagToSet )
-void function WaittillPlayerSwitchesTimezone( var timeZoneToWaitFor )
- if ( level.timeZone == timeZoneToWaitFor )
- return
- while( level.timeZone != timeZoneToWaitFor )
- wait 0.1
- wait 0.1
-void function TimeshiftPlayerThink( entity player )
- player.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- vector posInOtherTimeline
- vector playerOrigin
- var timeZoneCurrent
- float minDist = 32
- float minDistSqr = minDist * minDist
- vector idealPosInOvergrown
- vector idealPosInPristine
- wait 0.1
- while( true )
- {
- WaitFrame()
- playerOrigin = player.GetOrigin()
- timeZoneCurrent = GetTimelinePosition( playerOrigin )
- if ( timeZoneCurrent == TIMEZONE_FROZEN )
- return
- posInOtherTimeline = GetPosInOtherTimeline( playerOrigin )
- if ( timeZoneCurrent == TIMEZONE_NIGHT )
- {
- idealPosInOvergrown = playerOrigin
- idealPosInPristine = posInOtherTimeline
- }
- else if ( timeZoneCurrent == TIMEZONE_DAY )
- {
- idealPosInOvergrown = posInOtherTimeline
- idealPosInPristine = playerOrigin
- }
- else
- printl( "Player in frozen world, no need to run the TimeshiftPlayerThinkThread anymore" )
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- // get last good pos in current timeline (player's pos, usually)
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- if ( !PlayerPosInSolid( player, playerOrigin ) )
- {
- if ( timeZoneCurrent == TIMEZONE_NIGHT )
- //file.lastGoodTimeshiftPosOvergrown = playerOrigin
- player.s.lastGoodTimeshiftPosOvergrown = playerOrigin
- else if ( timeZoneCurrent == TIMEZONE_DAY )
- //file.lastGoodTimeshiftPosPristine = playerOrigin
- player.s.lastGoodTimeshiftPosPristine = playerOrigin
- else
- printl( "Player in frozen world, no need to run the TimeshiftPlayerThinkThread anymore" )
- }
- else
- {
- if ( GetBugReproNum() == 88 )
- printt( "Player is stuck in solid in home timeline: " + playerOrigin )
- }
- //--------------------------------------
- // get last good pos in other timeline
- //--------------------------------------
- if ( !PlayerPosInSolid( player, posInOtherTimeline ) )
- {
- if ( timeZoneCurrent == TIMEZONE_NIGHT )
- {
- //file.lastGoodTimeshiftPosPristine = posInOtherTimeline
- player.s.lastGoodTimeshiftPosPristine = posInOtherTimeline
- }
- else if ( timeZoneCurrent == TIMEZONE_DAY )
- {
- //file.lastGoodTimeshiftPosOvergrown = posInOtherTimeline
- player.s.lastGoodTimeshiftPosOvergrown = posInOtherTimeline
- }
- else
- printl( "Player in frozen world, no need to run the TimeshiftPlayerThinkThread anymore" )
- }
- else
- {
- if ( GetBugReproNum() == 88 )
- {
- printt( "******WARNING: player would be in solid in other timeline: " + posInOtherTimeline )
- thread DebugDrawBadCollisionBox( posInOtherTimeline )
- }
- }
- //-------------------------------------------
- // Assert if vectors are in the wrong timeline
- //-------------------------------------------
- //Assert ( GetTimelinePosition( file.lastGoodTimeshiftPosPristine ) == TIMEZONE_DAY, "lastGoodTimeshiftPosPristine ( " + file.lastGoodTimeshiftPosPristine + " ) is not in the proper timeZone" )
- //Assert ( GetTimelinePosition( file.lastGoodTimeshiftPosOvergrown ) == TIMEZONE_NIGHT, "lastGoodTimeshiftPosPristine ( " + file.lastGoodTimeshiftPosPristine + " ) is not in the proper timeZone" )
- Assert ( GetTimelinePosition( player.s.lastGoodTimeshiftPosPristine ) == TIMEZONE_DAY, "lastGoodTimeshiftPosPristine ( " + player.s.lastGoodTimeshiftPosPristine + " ) is not in the proper timeZone" )
- Assert ( GetTimelinePosition( player.s.lastGoodTimeshiftPosOvergrown ) == TIMEZONE_NIGHT, "lastGoodTimeshiftPosPristine ( " + player.s.lastGoodTimeshiftPosPristine + " ) is not in the proper timeZone" )
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- // Check if disparity between ideal pos and proposed is too huge
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- //if ( ( DistanceSqr( file.lastGoodTimeshiftPosOvergrown, idealPosInOvergrown ) > minDistSqr ) && ( GetBugReproNum() == 88 ) )
- if ( ( DistanceSqr( player.s.lastGoodTimeshiftPosOvergrown, idealPosInOvergrown ) > minDistSqr ) && ( GetBugReproNum() == 88 ) )
- {
- printl( "*****************WARNING:")
- //printt( "lastGoodTimeshiftPosOvergrown( " + file.lastGoodTimeshiftPosOvergrown + " > " + minDist + " from ( " + idealPosInOvergrown + ")" )
- printt( "lastGoodTimeshiftPosOvergrown( " + player.s.lastGoodTimeshiftPosOvergrown + " > " + minDist + " from ( " + idealPosInOvergrown + ")" )
- //thread DebugDrawBadTeleportBoxes( file.lastGoodTimeshiftPosOvergrown, idealPosInOvergrown )
- var pos = player.s.lastGoodTimeshiftPosOvergrown
- thread DebugDrawBadTeleportBoxes( expect vector( pos ), idealPosInOvergrown )
- }
- //if ( ( DistanceSqr( file.lastGoodTimeshiftPosPristine, idealPosInPristine ) > minDistSqr ) && ( GetBugReproNum() == 88 ) )
- if ( ( DistanceSqr( player.s.lastGoodTimeshiftPosPristine, idealPosInPristine ) > minDistSqr ) && ( GetBugReproNum() == 88 ) )
- {
- printl( "*****************WARNING:")
- //printt( "lastGoodTimeshiftPosPristine( " + file.lastGoodTimeshiftPosPristine + " > " + minDist + " from ( " + idealPosInPristine + ")" )
- printt( "lastGoodTimeshiftPosPristine( " + player.s.lastGoodTimeshiftPosPristine + " > " + minDist + " from ( " + idealPosInPristine + ")" )
- //thread DebugDrawBadTeleportBoxes( file.lastGoodTimeshiftPosPristine, idealPosInPristine )
- var pos = player.s.lastGoodTimeshiftPosPristine
- thread DebugDrawBadTeleportBoxes( expect vector( pos ), idealPosInPristine )
- }
- //Assert( DistanceSqr( file.lastGoodTimeshiftPosOvergrown, idealPosInOvergrown ) < minDistSqr, "lastGoodTimeshiftPosOvergrown( " + file.lastGoodTimeshiftPosOvergrown + " > " + minDist + " from ( " + idealPosInOvergrown + ")" )
- //Assert( DistanceSqr( file.lastGoodTimeshiftPosPristine, idealPosInPristine ) < minDistSqr, "lastGoodTimeshiftPosPristine( " + file.lastGoodTimeshiftPosPristine + " > " + minDist + " from ( " + idealPosInPristine + ")" )
- }
-void function DebugDrawBadTeleportBoxes( vector badPos, vector goodPos )
- vector boxSize1 = Vector(-16,-16,0)
- vector boxSize2 = Vector(16,16,72)
- vector zOffset = Vector( 0, 0, 36)
- while( true )
- {
- wait 0.15
- //r, g, b, a, drwTime
- DebugDrawBox( badPos, boxSize1, boxSize2, 255, 0, 0, 1, 0.15 )
- DebugDrawBox( goodPos, boxSize1, boxSize2, 0, 255, 0, 1, 0.15 )
- DebugDrawLine( badPos + zOffset, goodPos + zOffset, 255, 0, 0, true, 0.15 )
- DebugDrawText( badPos + zOffset, "Bad TimeTravel Teleports", true, 0.15 )
- }
-void function DebugDrawAudioLogNumber( entity audioLogModel, string number )
- audioLogModel.Signal( "AudioLogDebugDraw" )
- audioLogModel.EndSignal( "AudioLogDebugDraw" )
- vector pos = audioLogModel.GetOrigin()
- while( true )
- {
- wait 0.15
- DebugDrawText( pos, number, true, 0.15 )
- }
-void function DebugDrawBadCollisionBox( vector badPos )
- vector boxSize1 = Vector(-16,-16,0)
- vector boxSize2 = Vector(16,16,72)
- vector zOffset = Vector( 0, 0, 36)
- while( true )
- {
- wait 0.15
- //r, g, b, a, drwTime
- DebugDrawBox( badPos, boxSize1, boxSize2, 255, 255, 0, 1, 0.15 )
- DebugDrawText( badPos + zOffset, "Timeshift into solid", true, 0.15 )
- }
-void function OnPlayerDamage_TimeShift( entity player, var damageInfo )
- if ( level.allowTimeTravel == false )
- return
- int damageSourceID = DamageInfo_GetDamageSourceIdentifier( damageInfo )
- entity attacker = DamageInfo_GetAttacker( damageInfo )
- local damageAmount = DamageInfo_GetDamage( damageInfo )
- if ( !IsValid( attacker ) )
- return
- if ( !attacker.IsNPC() )
- return
- int playerHealth = player.GetHealth()
- int playerMaxHealth = player.GetMaxHealth()
- if ( !Flag( "DisplayTheDamageHint" ) )
- return
- //if ( playerHealth > ( playerMaxHealth - 50 ) )
- //return
- //Show damage hint if we are at 60% or lower
- printt( "Player health: ", playerHealth / playerMaxHealth.tofloat() )
- if ( playerHealth / playerMaxHealth.tofloat() <= 0.90 )
- thread DamageHintTillTimetravel( player )
-function DamageHintTillTimetravel( entity player )
- if ( file.isDisplayingDamageText )
- return
- file.isDisplayingDamageText = true
- file.isDisplayingTimeshiftHint = true
- player.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- player.Signal( "DisplayingDamageHint" )
- player.EndSignal( "DisplayingDamageHint" )
- EndSignal( player, "OnTimeFlippedTimezoneNight" )
- EndSignal( player, "OnTimeFlippedTimezoneDay" )
- OnThreadEnd(
- function() : ( player )
- {
- ClearOnscreenHint( player )
- file.isDisplayingDamageText = false
- file.isDisplayingTimeshiftHint = false
- }
- )
- thread DisplayOnscreenHint( player, "timeshift_hint_combat", 3.0 )
- wait 3
-void function TriggerTimehintThink( entity trigger )
- wait 1
- trigger.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- string flagToAbort = trigger.GetTargetName()
- Assert( IsValid( flagToAbort ) )
- if ( Flag( flagToAbort ) )
- return
- FlagEnd( flagToAbort )
- var timeZoneToShowHint = GetEntityTimelinePosition( trigger )
- local result
- entity player
- while( true )
- {
- result = trigger.WaitSignal( "OnTrigger" )
- if ( !IsValid( result.activator ) )
- continue
- if ( !result.activator.IsPlayer() )
- continue
- if ( result.activator.IsTitan() )
- continue
- player = expect entity( result.activator )
- break
- }
- thread TimeshiftHint( player, timeZoneToShowHint, flagToAbort, "#BLANK_TEXT", trigger )
-void function TimeshiftHint( entity player, var timeZoneToShowHint, string flagToAbort, string message, entity trigger = null )
- player.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- if( !IsValid( player ) )
- return
- if ( IsValid( trigger ) )
- trigger.EndSignal( "OnDestroy")
- Assert( FlagExists( flagToAbort ) )
- if ( Flag( flagToAbort ) )
- return
- FlagEnd( flagToAbort )
- //--------------------------------
- // Display in any timezone?
- //--------------------------------
- bool hintIsTimezoneSpecific = true
- if ( timeZoneToShowHint == TIMEZONE_ALL )
- hintIsTimezoneSpecific = false
- //--------------------------------`
- // Custom hint message or default?
- //--------------------------------
- string hintMessage
- if ( message != "" )
- hintMessage = message
- else
- {
- if ( timeZoneToShowHint == TIMEZONE_DAY )
- hintMessage = "timeshift_hint_present"
- else if ( timeZoneToShowHint == TIMEZONE_NIGHT )
- hintMessage = "timeshift_hint_past"
- else if ( timeZoneToShowHint == TIMEZONE_ALL )
- hintMessage = "timeshift_hint_default"
- }
- //-----------
- // Cleanup
- //-----------
- /*
- OnThreadEnd(
- function() : ( trigger )
- {
- ClearOnscreenHint( player )
- if ( IsValid( trigger ) )
- trigger.Destroy()
- }
- )
- */
- //----------------------------
- // Hint message display logic
- //----------------------------
- var hintTimezone = GetOppositeTimeline( timeZoneToShowHint )
- bool isDisplayingMsg = false
- file.isDisplayingTimeshiftHint = false
- float ticker = 0.0
- float displayTime = 5.0
- float increment = 0.25
- //---------------------------------------------
- // Don't be condescending, before displaying
- //------------------------------------------------
- wait 2
- while( true )
- {
- wait increment
- //----------------------------------------------------
- // No message if player not touching (optional) trigger
- //----------------------------------------------------
- if ( IsValid( trigger ) )
- {
- if ( !trigger.IsTouching( player ) )
- {
- ClearOnscreenHint( player )
- continue
- }
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------
- // No message if player has swapped to correct timeline
- //----------------------------------------------------
- if ( ( GetEntityTimelinePosition( player ) != timeZoneToShowHint ) && ( hintIsTimezoneSpecific ) )
- {
- ClearOnscreenHint( player )
- continue
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------
- // Clear msg and wait if we've displayed it long enough
- //----------------------------------------------------
- if ( ticker >= displayTime )
- {
- ClearOnscreenHint( player )
- isDisplayingMsg = false
- file.isDisplayingTimeshiftHint = false
- wait 5
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------
- // Increment ticker if we are already displaying message
- //----------------------------------------------------
- if ( isDisplayingMsg )
- {
- ticker = ticker + increment
- continue
- }
- //------------------------------------
- // Display the hint, reset the ticker
- //------------------------------------
- else
- {
- ticker = 0.0
- DisplayOnscreenHint( player, hintMessage, displayTime )
- isDisplayingMsg = true
- file.isDisplayingTimeshiftHint = true
- }
- }
-function HACK_DisableTurret( turret, shield = false )
- //turret.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- turret.EnableNPCFlag( NPC_IGNORE_ALL )
- turret.SetNoTarget( true )
- //turret.EnableNPCFlag( NPC_DISABLE_SENSING )
- turret.Anim_ScriptedPlay( "undeploy" )
- wait 1.0
- turret.DisableTurret()
- turret.UnsetUsable()
- turret.SetTitle( "" )
- if ( !shield )
- turret.Signal( "TurretShieldWallRelease" )
- //turret.Anim_Stop()
-function HACK_EnableTurret( turret )
- //turret.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- turret.Anim_ScriptedPlay( "deploy" )
- wait 1.0
- turret.EnableTurret()
- turret.kv.AccuracyMultiplier = 100
- //wait 1.0
- //turret.Anim_Stop()
- turret.DisableNPCFlag( NPC_IGNORE_ALL )
- turret.SetNoTarget( false )
- //turret.DisableNPCFlag( NPC_DISABLE_SENSING )
-void function OnSpawnedScriptedSwitch( entity button )
- array< entity > linkedEnts = button.GetLinkEntArray()
- array< entity > turrets
- foreach( entity ent in linkedEnts )
- {
- if ( ent.GetClassName() == "npc_turret_sentry")
- turrets.append( ent )
- }
- if ( turrets.len() > 0 )
- thread TurretButtonThink( button, turrets )
-void function TurretButtonThink( entity button, array< entity > turrets )
- foreach( turret in turrets )
- thread HACK_DisableTurret( turret )
- var player //hack: have to use "var" when waiting on a usable signal or trigger
- string flagRequired = expect string( button.kv.scr_flagRequired )
- if ( flagRequired != "" )
- FlagWait( flagRequired )
- while( true )
- {
- button.WaitSignal( "OnActivate" )
- break
- }
- if ( !Flag( "AtLeastOneBunkerTurretRestored" ) )
- FlagSet( "AtLeastOneBunkerTurretRestored" )
- string scriptName = button.GetScriptName()
- if ( ( IsValid( scriptName ) ) && ( scriptName == "button_bunker_turrets_fence" ) )
- FlagSet( "TurretsNearBunkerFenceActivated" )
- foreach( turret in turrets )
- {
- thread HACK_EnableTurret( turret )
- }
-entity function GetNpcByScriptName( string scriptName )
- array< entity > ents = GetEntArrayByScriptName( scriptName )
- array< entity > npcs
- foreach( ent in ents )
- {
- if ( ent.IsNPC() )
- npcs.append( ent )
- }
- Assert( npcs.len() > 0, "No NPCs found with script name: " + scriptName )
- Assert( npcs.len() < 2, "Multiple NPCs ( " + npcs.len() + " ) found with scriptName: " + scriptName )
- return npcs[ 0 ]
-entity function CreateLoudspeakerEnt( vector origin )
- entity loudspeakerEnt = CreateEntity( "info_target" )
- loudspeakerEnt.kv.spawnflags = SF_INFOTARGET_ALWAYS_TRANSMIT_TO_CLIENT
- DispatchSpawn( loudspeakerEnt )
- loudspeakerEnt.SetOrigin( origin )
- return loudspeakerEnt
-void function BatteryMoveSounds( entity leftBattery, entity rightBattery )
- entity soundEnt = leftBattery
- EmitSoundOnEntity( soundEnt, "timeshift_battery_conduit_stop" )
- EmitSoundOnEntity( soundEnt, "timeshift_battery_conduit_move_loop" )
- wait 1.5
- StopSoundOnEntity( soundEnt, "timeshift_battery_conduit_move_loop" )
- soundEnt = rightBattery
- EmitSoundOnEntity( soundEnt, "timeshift_battery_conduit_stop" )
-void function BrokenBatteryMoveSounds( entity leftBattery )
- FlagEnd( "bunker_move_battery" )
- entity soundEnt = leftBattery
- while( !Flag( "bunker_move_battery" ) )
- {
- OnThreadEnd(
- function() : ( soundEnt )
- {
- StopSoundOnEntity( soundEnt, "timeshift_battery_conduit_move_loop" )
- }
- )
- FlagWait( "broken_battery_moved_to_node0" )
- StopSoundOnEntity( soundEnt, "timeshift_battery_conduit_move_loop" )
- EmitSoundOnEntity( soundEnt, "timeshift_battery_conduit_stop" )
- wait 1
- EmitSoundOnEntity( soundEnt, "timeshift_battery_conduit_move_loop" )
- FlagWait( "broken_battery_moved_to_node1" )
- EmitSoundOnEntity( soundEnt, "timeshift_battery_conduit_stop" )
- FlagWait( "broken_battery_moved_to_node2" )
- EmitSoundOnEntity( soundEnt, "timeshift_battery_conduit_stop" )
- StopSoundOnEntity( soundEnt, "timeshift_battery_conduit_move_loop" )
- wait 0.75
- EmitSoundOnEntity( soundEnt, "timeshift_battery_conduit_move_loop" )
- FlagWait( "broken_battery_moved_to_node3" )
- EmitSoundOnEntity( soundEnt, "timeshift_battery_conduit_stop" )
- StopSoundOnEntity( soundEnt, "timeshift_battery_conduit_move_loop" )
- wait 0.75
- EmitSoundOnEntity( soundEnt, "timeshift_battery_conduit_move_loop" )
- }
-void function FuelPanelSounds( vector origin, string flagToStart, string flagToStop )
- FlagWait( flagToStart )
- EmitSoundAtPosition( TEAM_UNASSIGNED, origin, "door_stop" )
- EmitSoundAtPosition( TEAM_UNASSIGNED, origin, "door_open_loop" )
- FlagWait( flagToStop )
- StopSoundAtPosition( origin, "door_open_loop")
- EmitSoundAtPosition( TEAM_UNASSIGNED, origin, "door_stop" )
-void function DestroyIfValid( string scriptName )
- array< entity > ents = GetEntArrayByScriptName( scriptName )
- foreach( ent in ents )
- {
- if ( IsValid( ent ) )
- ent.Destroy()
- }
-function SkyboxStart()
- wait 1.5
- local skyCam = GetEnt( "skybox_cam_night" )
- foreach ( player in GetPlayerArray() )
- {
- player.SetSkyCamera( skyCam )
- }
-void function SleepingSpectreFX( entity spectreModel, string signalToAbort )
- spectreModel.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- spectreModel.EndSignal( signalToAbort )
- entity fxEyeSparksLeft
- entity fxEyeSparksRight
- array< entity > fxArray
- fxArray.append( fxEyeSparksLeft )
- fxArray.append( fxEyeSparksRight )
- //fxFullBodyEffect = PlayFXOnEntity( <whatever>, spectreModel, "TAG" )
- while( true )
- {
- OnThreadEnd(
- function() : ( fxArray )
- {
- foreach( fx in fxArray )
- DestroyFxIfValid( fx )
- }
- )
-// ModelFX_EnableGroup( spectreModel, "friend_lights" )
- wait( RandomFloatRange( 2, 3.75 ) )
-// ModelFX_DisableGroup( spectreModel, "friend_lights" )
- fxEyeSparksLeft = PlayFXOnEntity( FX_SPARKS, spectreModel, "vent_left_out" )
- fxEyeSparksRight = PlayFXOnEntity( FX_SPARKS, spectreModel, "vent_right_out" )
- EmitSoundOnEntity( spectreModel, SOUND_SPARKS )
- wait( RandomFloatRange( 0.2, 0.25 ) )
- fxEyeSparksLeft.Fire( "Stop" )
- fxEyeSparksLeft.Fire( "DestroyImmediately" )
- fxEyeSparksLeft.Destroy()
- fxEyeSparksRight.Fire( "Stop" )
- fxEyeSparksRight.Fire( "DestroyImmediately" )
- fxEyeSparksRight.Destroy()
- fxEyeSparksLeft = PlayFXOnEntity( FX_SPARKS, spectreModel, "vent_left_out" )
- fxEyeSparksRight = PlayFXOnEntity( FX_SPARKS, spectreModel, "vent_right_out" )
- EmitSoundOnEntity( spectreModel, SOUND_SPARKS )
- wait( RandomFloatRange( 0.3, 0.5 ) )
- fxEyeSparksLeft.Fire( "Stop" )
- fxEyeSparksLeft.Fire( "DestroyImmediately" )
- fxEyeSparksLeft.Destroy()
- fxEyeSparksRight.Fire( "Stop" )
- fxEyeSparksRight.Fire( "DestroyImmediately" )
- fxEyeSparksRight.Destroy()
- wait( RandomFloatRange( 0.1, 0.25 ) )
- }
-void function CleanupEnts( string scriptName )
- array<entity> entArray = GetEntArrayByScriptName( scriptName )
- foreach( ent in entArray )
- {
- if( IsValid( ent ) )
- ent.Destroy()
- }
-void function CleanupAI( entity player, string triggerScriptName = "", immediate = false )
- if ( !IsValid( player ) )
- return
- array<entity> npcArray = GetNPCArray()
- if ( npcArray.len() == 0 )
- return
- //--------------------------------------------------
- // Optional trigger to specify which npcs to select
- //--------------------------------------------------
- if ( triggerScriptName != "" )
- {
- entity trigger = GetEntByScriptName( triggerScriptName )
- vector triggerMins = trigger.GetBoundingMins()
- vector triggerMaxs = trigger.GetBoundingMaxs()
- bool entIsInsideTrigger
- for ( int i = npcArray.len() - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) //loop backward through array since we are removing entries
- {
- //HACK: Titans and marvins aren't registering IsTouching
- if ( ( triggerScriptName == "trigger_ai_pristine" ) && ( GetEntityTimelinePosition( npcArray[ i ] ) == TIMEZONE_DAY ) )
- {
- if ( !trigger.IsTouching( npcArray[ i ] ) )
- {
- printl( "Ent " + ( npcArray[ i ] ).GetClassName() + " at " + npcArray[ i ].GetOrigin() + " is within trigger " + triggerScriptName + " but IsTouching returns false" )
- continue
- }
- }
- if ( !trigger.IsTouching( npcArray[ i ] ) )
- {
- //Remove the npc
- npcArray.fastremove( i )
- }
- }
- }
- if ( npcArray.len() == 0 )
- return
- if ( immediate )
- {
- foreach( npc in npcArray )
- {
- if ( ( IsAlive( npc ) ) && ( npc.GetTeam() != TEAM_MILITIA ) )
- npc.Destroy()
- }
- return
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------
- // Delete all NPCs when out of sight
- //--------------------------------------------------
- while ( npcArray.len() > 0 )
- {
- ArrayRemoveDead( npcArray )
- for ( int i = npcArray.len() - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) //loop backward through array since we are removing entries
- {
- if ( npcArray[ i ].GetTeam() != TEAM_IMC )
- {
- npcArray.fastremove( i )
- continue
- }
- thread DeleteNpcWhenOutOfSight( npcArray[ i ], player )
- npcArray.fastremove( i )
- }
- wait 0.1
- }
-void function DeleteNpcWhenOutOfSight( entity npc, entity player )
- if ( !IsValid( npc ) )
- return
- if ( !IsValid( player ) )
- return
- if ( !npc.IsNPC() )
- return
- npc.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- player.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- //don't run this func twice on the same npc)
- if ( npc.l.npcMarkedForCleanup == true )
- return
- npc.l.npcMarkedForCleanup = true
- float minDistSqr = 1024 * 1024
- bool doTrace = true
- float degrees = 90
- while( IsAlive( npc ) )
- {
- WaitFrame()
- if ( DistanceSqr( player.GetOrigin(), npc.GetOrigin() ) < minDistSqr )
- continue
- if ( PlayerCanSee( player, npc, doTrace, degrees ) )
- continue
- npc.Destroy()
- break
- }
-void function TimeFlux( entity player, string triggerNameToDoFlux, string flagToAbort = "", int maxSwaps = -1, float minFluxTime = 0.75, maxFluxTime = 2 )
- if ( !IsValid( player ) )
- return
- if ( ( flagToAbort != "" ) && ( Flag( flagToAbort ) ) )
- return
- entity triggerToDoFluxIn = GetEntByScriptName( triggerNameToDoFlux )
- entity lookTarget = triggerToDoFluxIn.GetLinkEnt()
- var homeTimeZone = GetEntityTimelinePosition( triggerToDoFluxIn )
- var destTimeZone = GetOppositeTimeline( homeTimeZone )
- float fluxTime
- int swapCount = 0
- float fadeTime = 0.3
- float holdFadeTime = 0
- player.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- if ( flagToAbort != "" )
- FlagEnd( flagToAbort )
- OnThreadEnd(
- function() : ( player, homeTimeZone )
- {
- if ( !IsValid( player ) )
- return
- if ( GetEntityTimelinePosition( player ) != homeTimeZone )
- thread SwapTimelinesScripted( player, homeTimeZone )
- }
- )
- while( true )
- {
- wait RandomFloatRange( 0.2, 0.5 )
- //--------------------------------------------------
- // Player in home timezone with all requirements met
- //--------------------------------------------------
- if ( ( GetEntityTimelinePosition( player ) == homeTimeZone ) && ( TS_WithinPlayerFOV( lookTarget.GetOrigin(), 0.7 ) ) && ( triggerToDoFluxIn.IsTouching( player ) ) )
- {
- thread SwapTimelinesScripted( player, destTimeZone )
- fluxTime = RandomFloatRange( minFluxTime, maxFluxTime )
- wait fluxTime
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------
- // Player in dest timezone...swap back to home timezone
- //--------------------------------------------------
- if ( GetEntityTimelinePosition( player ) == destTimeZone )
- {
- thread SwapTimelinesScripted( player, homeTimeZone )
- fluxTime = RandomFloatRange( minFluxTime, maxFluxTime )
- wait fluxTime
- swapCount++
- }
- //---------------------------------------
- // Early out if we've done enough swaps
- //----------------------------------------
- if ( ( maxSwaps != -1 ) && ( swapCount >= maxSwaps ) )
- break
- }
-void function SwapTimelinesScripted( entity player, var timeZone )
- Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( player, "ServerCallback_ScriptedTimeshiftStart", timeZone )
- //-------------------
- // crescendo sound
- //-------------------
- if ( timeZone == TIMEZONE_DAY )
- EmitSoundOnEntity( player, "Timeshift_Scr_InvoluntaryShift2Past_Start" )
- else
- EmitSoundOnEntity( player, "Timeshift_Scr_InvoluntaryShift2Present_Start" )
- wait 0.55
- //-------------------
- // Scripted timeshift FX
- //-------------------
- //Mostly done on the client
- wait 0.8
- //( amplitude frequency duration
- CreateAirShake( player.GetOrigin(), 10, 50, 1.4, 20000 )
- wait 0.4
- //-------------------
- // Swap timelines
- //-------------------
- SwapTimelines( player, timeZone )
- //phaseshift_postfx_forceOn 1
-void function MakeSpectreOwnedByPlayer( entity spectre, entity player )
- spectre.EnableNPCFlag( NPC_IGNORE_ALL )
- spectre.SetNoTarget( true )
- //spectre.SetOwner( player )
- //spectre.SetOwnerPlayer( player )
- //spectre.SetBossPlayer( player )
- SetTeam( spectre, TEAM_MILITIA )
- spectre.SetTitle( "" )
- SetTargetName( spectre, "" )
- int followBehavior = GetDefaultNPCFollowBehavior( spectre )
- spectre.InitFollowBehavior( player, followBehavior )
- spectre.DisableBehavior( "Assault" )
- spectre.EnableBehavior( "Follow" )
-entity function CreateBestLoudspeakerEnt( entity player, var timeZone, entity existingEnt = null )
- entity soundEnt = existingEnt
- if ( existingEnt == null)
- soundEnt = CreateLoudspeakerEnt( player.GetOrigin() + Vector( 0, 0, 100 ) )
- if ( GetEntityTimelinePosition( soundEnt ) != timeZone )
- soundEnt.SetOrigin( GetPosInOtherTimeline( soundEnt.GetOrigin() ) )
- //randomize position
- vector baseOrigin = soundEnt.GetOrigin()
- soundEnt.SetOrigin( baseOrigin + Vector( RandomIntRange( 0, 150 ), RandomIntRange( 0, 150 ), 0 ) )
- return soundEnt
-void function HideWeaponsAndAmmoTillFlag( string scriptName, string flagToRestore )
- array <entity> weapons = GetWeaponArray( true )
- foreach ( weapon in weapons )
- {
- if ( ( weapon.HasKey( "script_name" ) ) && ( weapon.kv.script_name == scriptName ) )
- {
- weapon.Hide()
- weapon.MakeInvisible()
- weapon.UnsetUsable()
- thread ShowEntityOnFlag( weapon, flagToRestore )
- }
- }
-void function DeleteWaponsWithScriptname( string scriptName )
- array <entity> weapons = GetWeaponArray( true )
- foreach ( weapon in weapons )
- {
- if ( ( weapon.HasKey( "script_name" ) ) && ( weapon.kv.script_name == scriptName ) )
- weapon.Destroy()
- }
-void function ShowEntityOnFlag( entity weapon, string flagToRestore )
- FlagWait( flagToRestore )
- weapon.Show()
- weapon.MakeVisible()
- weapon.SetUsable()
-void function SetFlagWhenPlayerLookingAtEnt( entity player, string flagToSet, entity ent, entity trigger = null )
- if ( Flag( flagToSet ) )
- return
- FlagEnd( flagToSet )
- //WaitTillLookingAt( entity player, entity ent, bool doTrace, float degrees, float minDist = 0, float timeOut = 0, entity trigger = null )
- waitthread WaitTillLookingAt( player, ent, true, 45, 0, 0 )
- FlagSet( flagToSet )
-void function DoorOutOfOrderThink( entity propDynamic )
- thread PlayAnim( propDynamic, "stutter01", propDynamic.GetOrigin(), propDynamic.GetAngles() )
-entity function TSCreateScriptMoverLight( entity owner = null, origin = null, angles = null, solidType = 0 )
- if ( owner == null )
- {
- entity script_mover = CreateEntity( "script_mover_lightweight" )
- script_mover.kv.solid = solidType
- script_mover.SetValueForModelKey( $"models/dev/empty_model.mdl" )
- script_mover.kv.SpawnAsPhysicsMover = 0
- if ( origin )
- script_mover.SetOrigin( origin)
- if ( angles )
- script_mover.SetAngles( angles )
- DispatchSpawn( script_mover )
- return script_mover
- }
- entity script_mover = CreateEntity( "script_mover_lightweight" )
- script_mover.kv.solid = solidType
- script_mover.SetValueForModelKey( $"models/dev/empty_model.mdl" )
- script_mover.kv.SpawnAsPhysicsMover = 0
- script_mover.SetOrigin( owner.GetOrigin() )
- script_mover.SetAngles( owner.GetAngles() )
- DispatchSpawn( script_mover )
- script_mover.Hide()
- script_mover.SetOwner( owner )
- return script_mover
-void function GiveLowAmmo( entity player )
- //give player one clip of ammo
- int clipBulletCapacity
- int currentAmmo
- entity weapon = player.GetMainWeapons()[ 0 ]
- clipBulletCapacity = player.GetWeaponAmmoMaxLoaded( weapon )
- currentAmmo = player.GetActiveWeaponPrimaryAmmoLoaded()
- //hack - just refill the current clips if ammo is picked up
- weapon.SetWeaponPrimaryClipCount( clipBulletCapacity )
- player.SetActiveWeaponPrimaryAmmoTotal( 1 )
-void function CivilianSkitThink( entity civilian, entity player, string flagToReact = "" )
- /*
- //---------------------------------------------
- // Does civilian have props or escape nodes?
- //---------------------------------------------
- array< entity > linkedEnts = civilian.GetLinkEntArray()
- string classname
- entity escapeOrg
- entity animProp
- foreach( entity ent in linkedEnts )
- {
- classname = ent.GetClassName()
- if ( classname == "prop_dynamic" )
- animProp = ent
- if ( classname == "info_move_target" )
- escapeOrg = ent
- }
- */
-void function CivilianWalkerThink( entity civilian )
- if ( !civilian.HasKey( "script_noteworthy" ) )
- return
- string walkAnim = expect string( civilian.kv.script_noteworthy )
- Assert( IsValid( walkAnim ), "Ent at " + civilian.GetOrigin() + " needs a walk anim name in its script_noteworthy" )
- thread GivePropForAnim( civilian, walkAnim )
- /*
- entity spawner = civilian.spawner
- Assert( IsValid ( spawner ) )
- asset model = civilian.spawner.GetSpawnerModelName()
- */
- civilian.SetModel( GetRandomCivilianModel() )
- civilian.SetMoveAnim( walkAnim )
- MakeCivilian( civilian )
- array< entity > linkedEnts = civilian.GetLinkEntArray()
- string editorClassname
- entity destinationOrg
- foreach( entity ent in linkedEnts )
- {
- editorClassname = GetEditorClass( ent )
- if ( editorClassname == "info_move_target" )
- destinationOrg = ent
- }
- Assert( IsValid( destinationOrg ) )
- civilian.AssaultPoint( destinationOrg.GetOrigin() )
-void function CivilianActorThink( entity civilian )
- civilian.SetModel( GetRandomCivilianModel() )
- MakeCivilian( civilian )
-void function QuickSkit( entity player, entity skitNode, string failsafeFlagToStart = "", entity lookAtEnt = null, entity lookAtTrigger = null )
- array< entity > linkedEnts = skitNode.GetLinkEntArray()
- Assert( linkedEnts.len() > 0, "skitNode at " + skitNode.GetOrigin() + " has no linked ents")
- vector origin = skitNode.GetOrigin()
- vector angles = skitNode.GetAngles()
- skitNode.Destroy()
- bool isLooping = false
- bool showIdle = false
- bool isSpawnSkit = false
- bool isDeleteSkit = false
- string scriptName
- if ( ( skitNode.HasKey( "script_noteworthy") ) && ( skitNode.kv.script_noteworthy == "looping" ) )
- isLooping = true
- if ( ( skitNode.HasKey( "script_noteworthy") ) && ( skitNode.kv.script_noteworthy == "show_idle" ) )
- showIdle = true
- if ( ( skitNode.HasKey( "script_noteworthy") ) && ( skitNode.kv.script_noteworthy == "delete" ) )
- isDeleteSkit = true
- entity actor
- array <entity> skitActors
- bool isDoorSkit = false
- asset modelName
- foreach( entity ent in linkedEnts )
- {
- modelName = ent.GetModelName()
- if ( modelName == $"models/door/door_imc_interior_03_128_animated.mdl" )
- isDoorSkit = true
- }
- foreach( entity ent in linkedEnts )
- {
- if( IsSpawner( ent ) )
- {
- actor = ent.SpawnEntity()
- actor.kv.spawnflags = SF_NPC_ALLOW_SPAWN_SOLID
- DispatchSpawn( actor )
- isSpawnSkit = true
- actor.EnableNPCFlag( NPC_DISABLE_SENSING )
- actor.kv.alwaysAlert = 0
- actor.EnableNPCFlag( NPC_IGNORE_ALL )
- actor.SetNoTarget( true )
- }
- else
- actor = ent
- actor.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- actor.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- actor.s.anim <- expect string( actor.kv.script_noteworthy )
- Assert( IsValid( actor.s.anim ), "Ent at " + actor.GetOrigin() + " needs an anim name in its script_noteworthy" )
- Assert( actor.s.anim != "", "Ent at " + actor.GetOrigin() + " needs an anim name in its script_noteworthy" )
- if ( isDoorSkit == true )
- DontAllowFreeze( actor, true )
- if ( ( actor.GetScriptName().find( "civilian_" ) != null ) && ( isSpawnSkit == true ) )
- {
- actor.SetMoveAnim( GetRandomCivilianRunAnim() )
- MakeCivilian( actor )
- isDeleteSkit = true
- }
- if ( !isLooping )
- {
- actor.s.animIdle <- actor.s.anim + "_idle"
- thread PlayAnimTeleport( actor, actor.s.animIdle, origin, angles )
- }
- else if ( ( isLooping ) && ( actor.IsNPC() ) )
- actor.EnableNPCFlag( NPC_DISABLE_SENSING )
- if ( !showIdle )
- actor.Hide()
- skitActors.append( actor )
- }
- if ( lookAtEnt )
- waitthread WaitTillLookingAt( player, lookAtEnt, true, 30, 0, 0, lookAtTrigger, failsafeFlagToStart )
- else if ( failsafeFlagToStart != "" )
- FlagWait( failsafeFlagToStart )
- float animLength
- foreach( entity actor in skitActors )
- {
- modelName = actor.GetModelName()
- if ( modelName == $"models/door/door_imc_interior_03_128_animated.mdl" )
- {
- //actor.NotSolid()
- //actor.kv.solid = 0
- // 0 = no collision, 2 = bounding box, 6 = use vPhysics, 8 = hitboxes only
- animLength = actor.GetSequenceDuration( actor.s.anim )
- delaythread ( animLength ) DisableNavmeshSeperatorTargetedByEnt( actor )
- //ToggleNPCPathsForEntity( actor, true )
- DisableNavmeshSeperatorTargetedByEnt( actor )
- }
- actor.Show()
- if ( ( isSpawnSkit ) && ( isDeleteSkit ) )
- thread PlayAnimThenDelete( actor, expect string( actor.s.anim ), origin, angles )
- else if ( isSpawnSkit )
- {
- thread PlayAnim( actor, expect string( actor.s.anim ), origin, angles )
- animLength = actor.GetSequenceDuration( actor.s.anim )
- if ( actor.IsNPC() )
- {
- actor.DisableNPCFlag( NPC_DISABLE_SENSING )
- actor.DisableNPCFlag( NPC_IGNORE_ALL )
- actor.SetNoTarget( false )
- }
- if ( isDoorSkit == true )
- thread AllowFreezeWhenAnimDone( actor, animLength )
- }
- else if ( isLooping )
- thread PlayAnim( actor, expect string( actor.s.anim ), origin, angles )
- else
- thread PlayAnimThenDelete( actor, expect string( actor.s.anim ), origin, angles )
- }
-void function AllowFreezeWhenAnimDone( entity npc, float animLength )
- if ( !IsValid( npc ) )
- return
- npc.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- wait animLength
- DontAllowFreeze( npc, false )
-string function GetRandomCivilianRunAnim()
- array<string> anims
- //anims.append( "pt_civ_walk_swagger" )
- anims.append( "pt_civ_fleeing_run_flail" )
- anims.append( "pt_civ_fleeing_run_hunched" )
- //anims.append( "pt_civ_fleeing_run_lookback" )
- //anims.append( "pt_civ_fleeing_run_pause" )
- //anims.append( "pt_civ_fleeing_run_spin" )
- anims.randomize()
- return anims[ 0 ]
-void function MakeCivilian( entity npc )
- TakeAllWeapons( npc )
- npc.kv.alwaysAlert = 0
- npc.EnableNPCFlag( NPC_IGNORE_ALL )
- SetTeam( npc, TEAM_UNASSIGNED )
-asset function GetRandomCivilianModel()
- array<asset> models
- models.append( MODEL_CIV01 )
- models.append( MODEL_CIV02 )
- models.append( MODEL_CIV03 )
- models.append( MODEL_CIV04 )
- models.randomize()
- return models[ 0 ]
-void function PlayAnimThenDelete( entity actor, string anim, origin, angles )
- actor.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- actor.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- entity node = actor.GetLinkEnt()
- if ( ( actor.IsNPC ) && ( IsValid( node ) ) )
- actor.AssaultPoint( node.GetOrigin() )
- float animLength = actor.GetSequenceDuration( anim )
- thread PlayAnimTeleport( actor, anim, origin, angles )
- wait animLength
- if ( ( actor.IsNPC ) && ( IsValid( node ) ) )
- actor.WaitSignal( "OnFinishedAssault" )
- if ( IsValid( actor ) )
- actor.Destroy()
-void function TriggerShowcaseSpawnInit( entity trigger )
- bool requiresLookAt = false
- if ( ( trigger.HasKey( "script_noteworthy") ) && ( trigger.kv.script_noteworthy == "lookat" ) )
- requiresLookAt = true
- array< entity > linkedEnts = trigger.GetLinkEntArray()
- Assert( linkedEnts.len() > 0, "Showcase spawn trigger at " + trigger.GetOrigin() + " has no linked ents" )
- foreach( ent in linkedEnts )
- {
- Assert( ent.GetClassName() == "prop_dynamic", "Showcase spawn trigger at " + trigger.GetOrigin() + " Should only link to prop_dynamics " + ( ent.GetClassName() ) )
- thread SpawnerShowcaseSpawnerThink( trigger, ent, requiresLookAt )
- }
-void function SpawnerShowcaseSpawnerThink( entity trigger, entity spawnProp, bool requiresLookAt )
- FlagWait( "PlayerDidSpawn" )
- entity player = GetPlayerArray()[ 0 ]
- if ( !IsValid( player ) )
- return
- player.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- trigger.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- //---------------------------------------------
- // Get spawner and associated animated prop
- //---------------------------------------------
- entity spawner = spawnProp.GetLinkEnt()
- Assert( IsSpawner( spawner ), "Entity at " + spawner.GetOrigin() + " is not a spawner" )
- var spawnerKeyValues = spawner.GetSpawnEntityKeyValues()
- expect table( spawnerKeyValues )
- int spawnCount = 1
- float spawnDelayTime = 0.0
- if ( "script_delay" in spawnerKeyValues )
- spawnDelayTime = float( spawnerKeyValues.script_delay )
- if ( "spawn_count" in spawnerKeyValues ) //spawn_count not implemented yet, but will add later
- spawnCount = int( spawnerKeyValues.script_delay )
- string spawnModel = expect string( spawnerKeyValues.model )
- int npcsSpawned = 0
- //--------------------------
- // Wait for trigger to be hit
- //--------------------------
- entity npc
- while ( GetTriggerEnabled( trigger ) == false )
- wait 0.1
- while( true )
- {
- wait 0.1
- trigger.WaitSignal( "OnTrigger" )
- wait spawnDelayTime
- if ( requiresLookAt )
- {
- //player, entity, doTrace, degrees minDist, timeOut, trigger
- waitthread WaitTillLookingAt( player, spawnProp, true, 45, 0, 0, trigger )
- }
- thread ShowcaseSpawn( spawnProp )
- npcsSpawned++
- if ( npcsSpawned == spawnCount )
- break
- }
-void function ShowcaseSpawn( entity spawnProp )
- vector origin = spawnProp.GetOrigin()
- vector angles = spawnProp.GetAngles()
- string spawnAnimNPC = ""
- string spawnAnimProp = ""
- entity spawner = spawnProp.GetLinkEnt()
- Assert( IsSpawner( spawner ), "Entity at " + spawner.GetOrigin() + " is not a spawner" )
- var spawnerKeyValues = spawner.GetSpawnEntityKeyValues()
- expect table( spawnerKeyValues )
- string spawnModel = expect string( spawnerKeyValues.model ).tolower()
- switch( spawnProp.GetModelName() )
- {
- //--------------------------
- // Floor panel prop
- //--------------------------
- case $"models/props/floor_panel_animated.mdl":
- case $"models/props/floor_vent_d_animated.mdl":
- if ( spawnModel == "models/creatures/prowler/r2_prowler.mdl" )
- {
- //spawnAnimProp = "floor_timeshift_prowler_spawn_01"
- //spawnAnimNPC = "pr_timeshift_floor_spawn_01"
- spawnAnimProp = "floor_timeshift_prowler_spawn_01_long"
- spawnAnimNPC = "pr_timeshift_floor_spawn_01_long"
- }
- else if ( spawnModel == "models/robots/stalker/robot_stalker_mossy.mdl" )
- {
- if ( CoinFlip() )
- {
- //spawnAnimProp = "floor_breakout_spawn_floorpanel"
- //spawnAnimNPC = "st_breakout_spawn_floorpanel"
- spawnAnimProp = "floor_breakout_spawn_floorpanel_long"
- spawnAnimNPC = "st_breakout_spawn_floorpanel_long"
- }
- else
- {
- //spawnAnimProp = "floor_breakout_spawn_floordeath"
- //spawnAnimNPC = "st_breakout_spawn_floordeath"
- spawnAnimProp = "floor_breakout_spawn_floordeath_long"
- spawnAnimNPC = "st_breakout_spawn_floordeath_long"
- }
- }
- else
- Assert( 0, "Unhandled spawn prop: " + spawnProp.GetModelName() )
- break
- //--------------------------
- // Wall panel prop
- //--------------------------
- case $"models/props/wall_vent_animated.mdl":
- if ( spawnModel == "models/creatures/prowler/r2_prowler.mdl" )
- {
- if ( ( spawnProp.HasKey( "script_noteworthy") ) && ( spawnProp.kv.script_noteworthy == "ground_vent" ) )
- {
- //spawnAnimProp = "vent_low_timeshift_prowler_spawn_01"
- //spawnAnimNPC = "pr_timeshift_vent_low_spawn_01"
- spawnAnimProp = "vent_low_timeshift_prowler_spawn_01_long"
- spawnAnimNPC = "pr_timeshift_vent_low_spawn_01_long"
- }
- else
- {
- //spawnAnimProp = "vent_timeshift_prowler_spawn_01"
- //spawnAnimNPC = "pr_timeshift_vent_spawn_01"
- spawnAnimProp = "vent_timeshift_prowler_spawn_01_long"
- spawnAnimNPC = "pr_timeshift_vent_spawn_01_long"
- }
- }
- else if ( spawnModel == "models/robots/stalker/robot_stalker_mossy.mdl" )
- {
- //spawnAnimProp = "vent_vent_spawn_core"
- //spawnAnimNPC = "st_vent_spawn_core"
- spawnAnimProp = "vent_vent_spawn_damaged_longintro"
- spawnAnimNPC = "st_vent_spawn_damaged_longintro"
- }
- else
- {
- Assert( 0, "Unhandled spawnModel: " + spawnModel )
- }
- break
- default:
- Assert( 0, "Unhandled spawn prop: " + spawnProp.GetModelName() )
- }
- //------------------
- //Spawn the npc
- //------------------
- entity npc = spawner.SpawnEntity()
- npc.Hide()
- npc.kv.spawnflags = SF_NPC_ALLOW_SPAWN_SOLID
- DispatchSpawn( npc )
- //----------------------------------
- // Animate the spawned npc and prop
- //----------------------------------
- thread PlayAnim( npc, spawnAnimNPC, origin, angles )
- npc.Show()
- thread PlayAnim( spawnProp, spawnAnimProp, origin, angles )
-bool function IsSpectreRackDoorSpawner( entity spawnProp )
- array validModels = [
- $"models/timeshift/timeshift_column_panel_09_destroyed.mdl",
- $"models/timeshift/timeshift_column_panel_10_destroyed.mdl",
- $"models/timeshift/timeshift_column_panel_09.mdl",
- $"models/timeshift/timeshift_column_panel_10.mdl"
- ]
- if ( validModels.contains( spawnProp.GetModelName() ) )
- return true
- return false
-void function HideStuff( string scriptName )
- array <entity> stuff = GetEntArrayByScriptName( scriptName )
- foreach( thing in stuff )
- {
- thing.Hide()
- thing.MakeInvisible()
- thing.NotSolid()
- }
-void function ShowStuff( string scriptName )
- array <entity> stuff = GetEntArrayByScriptName( scriptName )
- foreach( thing in stuff )
- {
- thing.Show()
- thing.Solid()
- thing.MakeVisible()
- }
-void function AttackPlayer( entity npc )
- if ( !IsValid( npc ) )
- return
- array<entity> players = GetPlayerArray()
- if ( players.len() <= 0 )
- return
- npc.SetEnemy( players[ 0 ] )
- printt( "Attacking player..." )
-void function ChangeIMCCorpse( entity model, string corpseType )
- //disable all bodygroups
- int stateIndex = 1 // 0 = show, 1 = hide
- model.SetBodygroup( model.FindBodyGroup( "imc_corpse_rifle" ), 1 )
- model.SetBodygroup( model.FindBodyGroup( "imc_corpse_shotgun" ), 1 )
- model.SetBodygroup( model.FindBodyGroup( "imc_corpse_smg" ), 1 )
- model.SetBodygroup( model.FindBodyGroup( "imc_corpse_lmg" ), 1 )
- //enable the right one
- int bodyGroupIndex = model.FindBodyGroup( corpseType )
- stateIndex = 0 // 0 = show, 1 = hide
- model.SetBodygroup( bodyGroupIndex, stateIndex )
-void function DestroyNPCOnFlag( entity npc, string flagToDestroy )
- npc.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- FlagEnd( flagToDestroy )
- OnThreadEnd(
- function() : ( npc )
- {
- if ( IsAlive( npc ) )
- npc.Destroy()
- }
- )
- WaitForever()
-entity function GetClosestGrunt( entity player, var timeZone, string scriptName = "" )
- if ( !IsValid( player ) )
- return
- player.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- vector playerOrigin = player.GetOrigin()
- if ( level.timeZone != timeZone )
- playerOrigin = GetPosInOtherTimeline( player.GetOrigin() )
- array <entity> npcs = GetNPCArray()
- array <entity> grunts
- string classname
- foreach( npc in npcs )
- {
- if ( !IsValid( npc ) )
- continue
- if ( !npc.IsNPC() )
- continue
- if ( !IsAlive( npc ) )
- continue
- if ( ( scriptName != "" ) && ( npc.GetScriptName() != scriptName ) )
- continue
- if ( !npc.IsHuman() )
- continue
- grunts.append( npc )
- }
- ArrayRemoveDead( grunts )
- if ( grunts.len() == 0 )
- return null
- entity closestDude = GetClosest( grunts, playerOrigin )
- if ( IsValid( closestDude ) )
- return closestDude
- else
- return null
-entity function GetTimeshiftPlayer()
- array<entity> players = GetPlayerArray()
- if ( players.len() <= 0 )
- return null
- entity player = players[ 0 ]
- return player
-void function GunshipSequence( string instanceName, entity player, string nodeName, string whichSequence, string flagToStart )
- entity gunship = GetEntByScriptNameInInstance( "gunship_artifact_hauler", instanceName )
- entity artifact = GetEntByScriptNameInInstance( "artifact_cargo", instanceName )
- entity harness = GetEntByScriptNameInInstance( "artifact_cargo_containment", instanceName )
- array <entity> ropeLinks = GetEntArrayByScriptNameInInstance( "harness_rope_points", instanceName )
- foreach( ropeAttachEnt in ropeLinks )
- ropeAttachEnt.SetParent( harness )
- gunship.SetFadeDistance( 1000000 )
- artifact.SetFadeDistance( 1000000 )
- harness.SetFadeDistance( 1000000 )
- entity animEnt = GetEntByScriptName( nodeName )
- artifact.SetParent( gunship, "", true )
- harness.SetParent( gunship, "", true )
- string animIdle = ""
- string animLeave = ""
- if ( whichSequence == "rings" )
- {
- artifact.Destroy()
- animIdle = "gunship_timeshift_fly_from_rings_idle"
- animLeave = "gunship_timeshift_fly_from_rings"
- }
- else if ( whichSequence == "pad" )
- {
- animIdle = "st_AngelCity_IMC_Win_Idle"
- //EmitSoundOnEntity( gunship, "Timeshift_Scr_DropshipTowingCore_Hover" )
- //animLeave = "st_AngelCity_IMC_Win_Leave"
- }
- else
- Assert( 0, "Invalid sequence: " + whichSequence )
- entity gunshipAttachEnt = CreateScriptRef( gunship.GetOrigin(), gunship.GetAngles() )
- gunshipAttachEnt.SetParent( gunship )
- local subdivisions = 15 // 25
- local slack = 25 // 25
- wait 0.1
- if ( whichSequence == "pad" )
- animEnt.SetOrigin( animEnt.GetOrigin() + Vector( 0, 0, -400 ) )
- thread PlayAnimTeleport( gunship, animIdle, animEnt )
- wait 0.1
- if ( whichSequence == "pad" )
- {
- foreach( ropeAttachEnt in ropeLinks )
- {
- string startpointName = UniqueString( "rope_startpoint" )
- string endpointName = UniqueString( "rope_endpoint" )
- entity rope_start = CreateEntity( "move_rope" )
- SetTargetName( rope_start, startpointName )
- rope_start.kv.NextKey = endpointName
- rope_start.kv.MoveSpeed = 32
- rope_start.kv.Slack = slack
- rope_start.kv.Subdiv = subdivisions
- rope_start.kv.Width = "3"
- rope_start.kv.TextureScale = "1"
- rope_start.kv.RopeMaterial = "cable/cable.vmt"
- rope_start.kv.PositionInterpolator = 2
- rope_start.SetOrigin( gunshipAttachEnt.GetOrigin() )
- entity rope_end = CreateEntity( "keyframe_rope" )
- SetTargetName( rope_end, endpointName )
- rope_end.kv.MoveSpeed = 32
- rope_end.kv.Slack = slack
- rope_end.kv.Subdiv = subdivisions
- rope_end.kv.Width = "3"
- rope_end.kv.TextureScale = "1"
- rope_end.kv.RopeMaterial = "cable/cable.vmt"
- rope_end.SetOrigin( ropeAttachEnt.GetOrigin() )
- DispatchSpawn( rope_start )
- DispatchSpawn( rope_end )
- rope_start.SetParent( gunship )
- rope_end.SetParent( harness )
- }
- //
- }
- else
- {
- harness.Destroy()
- }
- wait 0.1
- FlagWait( flagToStart )
- if ( whichSequence == "rings" )
- {
- EmitSoundAtPosition( TEAM_UNASSIGNED, GetEntByScriptName( "lookent_rings" ).GetOrigin(), "timeshift_scr_dropshipcoreflyover_long_muffled" )
- waitthread PlayAnim( gunship, animLeave, animEnt )
- }
- else if ( whichSequence == "pad" )
- {
- int attachID = gunship.LookupAttachment( "REF" )
- vector attachOrg = gunship.GetAttachmentOrigin( attachID )
- vector attachAng = gunship.GetAttachmentAngles( attachID )
- entity mover = CreateScriptMover( attachOrg, attachAng )
- gunship.SetParent( mover, "", true )
- float duration = 30
- //StopSoundOnEntity( gunship, "Timeshift_Scr_DropshipTowingCore_Hover" )
- EmitSoundOnEntity( gunship, "Timeshift_Scr_DropshipTowingCore_Takeoff" )
- mover.NonPhysicsMoveTo( gunship.GetOrigin() + Vector( 0, 0, 3200 ), duration, 0, 0 ) //, duration*0.4, duration*0.4 )
- wait duration
- mover.Destroy()
- }
-void function AndersonHologramSequence( entity player, string nodeName, string flagToStart )
- //Double the geo, double the fun
- entity node = GetEntByScriptName( nodeName )
- entity node2 = CreateScriptRef( node.GetOrigin() + Vector( 0, 0, TIME_ZOFFSET ), node.GetAngles() )
- node2.kv.script_name = nodeName
- thread AndersonHologramSequenceThread( player, node, flagToStart )
- thread AndersonHologramSequenceThread( player, node2, flagToStart )
-void function AndersonHologramSequenceThread( entity player, entity node, string flagToStart )
- player.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- vector origin = node.GetOrigin()
- vector angles = node.GetAngles()
- entity anderson = CreatePropDynamic( ANDERSON_HOLOGRAM_MODEL, origin, angles, 0 ) // 0 = no collision
- anderson.kv.script_name = "anderson_holo"
- entity andersonWeapon = CreatePropDynamic( ANDERSON_PISTOL_MODEL, origin, angles, 0 ) // 0 = no collision
- andersonWeapon.SetSkin( 1 )
- anderson.SetSkin( 1 )
- string nodeName = node.GetScriptName()
- Assert( nodeName != "" )
- bool isOvergrownHolo = false
- if ( GetEntityTimelinePosition( node ) == TIMEZONE_NIGHT )
- isOvergrownHolo = true
- anderson.Hide()
- andersonWeapon.Hide()
- //string attachment = "PROPGUN"
- //int attachIndex = anderson.LookupAttachment( attachment )
- //vector attachOrigin = anderson.GetAttachmentOrigin( attachIndex )
- andersonWeapon.SetParent( anderson, "PROPGUN", false, 0.0 )
- string animAnderson
- string animAndersonIdle
- string animEnemy
- string animEnemyIdle
- entity andersonEnemy
- entity enemyKnife
- entity enemyGun
- string flagToSetWhenDone
- string flagToSetWhenPlaying
- switch( nodeName )
- {
- case "node_hologram_lab1":
- animAndersonIdle = "anderson_ghost_A_scene_idle"
- animAnderson = "anderson_ghost_A_scene"
- flagToSetWhenDone = "AndersonHologram1Finished"
- flagToSetWhenPlaying = "AndersonHologram1Playing"
- break
- case "node_hologram_lab2":
- animAndersonIdle = "anderson_ghost_B_scene_idle"
- animAnderson = "anderson_ghost_B_scene"
- flagToSetWhenDone = "AndersonHologram2Finished"
- flagToSetWhenPlaying = "AndersonHologram2Playing"
- break
- case "node_hologram_lab3":
- animAndersonIdle = "anderson_ghost_C_scene_idle"
- animAnderson = "anderson_ghost_C_scene"
- flagToSetWhenPlaying = "AndersonHologram3Playing"
- andersonEnemy = CreatePropDynamic( ENEMY_HOLOGRAM_MODEL, origin, angles, 0 ) // 0 = no collision
- andersonEnemy.SetSkin( 1 )
- enemyKnife = CreatePropDynamic( HOLOGRAM_KNIFE_MODEL, origin, angles, 0 ) // 0 = no collision
- enemyKnife.SetSkin( 1 )
- enemyGun = CreatePropDynamic( HOLOGRAM_ENEMY_GUN_MODEL, origin, angles, 0 ) // 0 = no collision
- enemyGun.SetSkin( 1 )
- enemyGun.SetParent( andersonEnemy, "PROPGUN", false, 0.0 )
- enemyKnife.SetParent( andersonEnemy, "KNIFE", false, 0.0 )
- andersonEnemy.Hide()
- andersonEnemy.MakeInvisible()
- enemyKnife.Hide()
- enemyKnife.MakeInvisible()
- animEnemy = "pt_ghost_C_scene"
- animEnemyIdle = "pt_ghost_C_scene_idle"
- flagToSetWhenDone = "AndersonHologram3Finished"
- thread AndersonHologram3Think( anderson, andersonWeapon )
- thread AndersonEnemyHologram3Think( andersonEnemy, enemyKnife, enemyGun )
- break
- default:
- Assert( 0, "Unhandled nodeName: " + nodeName )
- }
- if ( IsValid( andersonEnemy) )
- {
- Assert( animEnemyIdle != "" )
- thread PlayAnimTeleport( andersonEnemy, animEnemyIdle, node )
- }
- Assert( animAndersonIdle != "" )
- thread PlayAnimTeleport( anderson, animAndersonIdle, node )
- FlagWait( flagToStart )
- //only display HUD stuff once
- if ( isOvergrownHolo )
- thread DecodingLogsScreenPrint( player )
- anderson.Show()
- //spawn effects
- int attachIndex = anderson.LookupAttachment( "CHESTFOCUS" )
- StartParticleEffectOnEntity( anderson, GetParticleSystemIndex( FX_HOLOGRAM_FLASH_EFFECT ), FX_PATTACH_POINT_FOLLOW, attachIndex )
- StartParticleEffectOnEntity( anderson, GetParticleSystemIndex( FX_HOLOGRAM_HEX_EFFECT ), FX_PATTACH_POINT_FOLLOW, attachIndex )
- /*
- int scanEffectIndex = GetParticleSystemIndex( FX_HOLO_SCAN_ENVIRONMENT )
- int particleIndex = StartParticleEffectInWorldWithHandle( scanEffectIndex, anderson.GetOrigin(), <0,0,0> )
- EffectSetControlPointVector( particleIndex, 1, <2.5,50,0> )
- */
- EmitSoundOnEntity( anderson, SOUND_HOLOGRAM_FLICKER )
- wait 0.1
- anderson.Hide()
- EmitSoundOnEntity( anderson, SOUND_HOLOGRAM_FLICKER )
- wait 0.1
- anderson.Show()
- EmitSoundOnEntity( anderson, SOUND_HOLOGRAM_FLICKER )
- wait 0.1
- anderson.Hide()
- EmitSoundOnEntity( anderson, SOUND_HOLOGRAM_FLICKER )
- wait 0.1
- anderson.Show()
- EmitSoundOnEntity( anderson, SOUND_HOLOGRAM_FLICKER )
- wait 0.1
- anderson.Hide()
- EmitSoundOnEntity( anderson, SOUND_HOLOGRAM_FLICKER )
- wait 0.1
- anderson.Show()
- StartParticleEffectOnEntity( anderson, GetParticleSystemIndex( FX_HOLOGRAM_FLASH_EFFECT ), FX_PATTACH_POINT_FOLLOW, attachIndex )
- EmitSoundOnEntity( anderson, SOUND_HOLOGRAM_FLICKER )
- wait 0.1
- anderson.Hide()
- EmitSoundOnEntity( anderson, SOUND_HOLOGRAM_FLICKER )
- wait 0.25
- anderson.Show()
- EmitSoundOnEntity( anderson, SOUND_HOLOGRAM_FLICKER )
- wait 0.5
- anderson.Hide()
- EmitSoundOnEntity( anderson, SOUND_HOLOGRAM_FLICKER )
- wait 0.25
- anderson.Show()
- EmitSoundOnEntity( anderson, SOUND_HOLOGRAM_FLICKER )
- wait 0.01
- anderson.Hide()
- EmitSoundOnEntity( anderson, SOUND_HOLOGRAM_FLICKER )
- wait 0.25
- anderson.Show()
- EmitSoundOnEntity( anderson, SOUND_HOLOGRAM_FLICKER )
- wait 0.03
- anderson.Hide()
- EmitSoundOnEntity( anderson, SOUND_HOLOGRAM_FLICKER )
- wait 0.2
- anderson.Show()
- EmitSoundOnEntity( anderson, SOUND_HOLOGRAM_FLICKER )
- wait 0.3
- anderson.Hide()
- EmitSoundOnEntity( anderson, SOUND_HOLOGRAM_FLICKER )
- wait 0.2
- anderson.Show()
- EmitSoundOnEntity( anderson, SOUND_HOLOGRAM_FLICKER )
- wait 0.05
- anderson.Hide()
- EmitSoundOnEntity( anderson, SOUND_HOLOGRAM_FLICKER )
- wait 0.5
- anderson.Show()
- StartParticleEffectOnEntity( anderson, GetParticleSystemIndex( FX_HOLOGRAM_FLASH_EFFECT ), FX_PATTACH_POINT_FOLLOW, attachIndex )
- EmitSoundOnEntity( anderson, SOUND_HOLOGRAM_FLICKER )
- wait 0.1
- anderson.Hide()
- EmitSoundOnEntity( anderson, SOUND_HOLOGRAM_FLICKER )
- wait 0.2
- anderson.Show()
- EmitSoundOnEntity( anderson, SOUND_HOLOGRAM_FLICKER )
- wait 0.1
- anderson.Hide()
- EmitSoundOnEntity( anderson, SOUND_HOLOGRAM_FLICKER )
- wait 0.2
- anderson.Show()
- EmitSoundOnEntity( anderson, SOUND_HOLOGRAM_FLICKER )
- wait 0.1
- anderson.Hide()
- EmitSoundOnEntity( anderson, SOUND_HOLOGRAM_FLICKER )
- wait 0.1
- anderson.Show()
- EmitSoundOnEntity( anderson, SOUND_HOLOGRAM_FLICKER )
- wait 0.1
- anderson.Hide()
- EmitSoundOnEntity( anderson, SOUND_HOLOGRAM_FLICKER )
- wait 0.1
- anderson.Show()
- EmitSoundOnEntity( anderson, SOUND_HOLOGRAM_FLICKER )
- wait 0.1
- anderson.Hide()
- EmitSoundOnEntity( anderson, SOUND_HOLOGRAM_FLICKER )
- wait 0.1
- anderson.Show()
- EmitSoundOnEntity( anderson, SOUND_HOLOGRAM_FLICKER )
- wait 0.1
- anderson.Hide()
- EmitSoundOnEntity( anderson, SOUND_HOLOGRAM_FLICKER )
- wait 0.1
- anderson.Show()
- EmitSoundOnEntity( anderson, SOUND_HOLOGRAM_FLICKER )
- wait 0.1
- anderson.Hide()
- EmitSoundOnEntity( anderson, SOUND_HOLOGRAM_FLICKER )
- wait 0.1
- FlagSet( flagToSetWhenPlaying )
- EmitSoundOnEntity( anderson, "PathHologram_Materialized_3P" )
- //EmitSoundOnEntity( anderson, "PathHologram_Sustain_Loop_3P" )
- if ( IsValid( andersonEnemy) )
- {
- Assert( animEnemy != "" )
- thread PlayAnim( andersonEnemy, animEnemy, node )
- int attachIndexEnemy = andersonEnemy.LookupAttachment( "CHESTFOCUS" )
- StartParticleEffectOnEntity( andersonEnemy, GetParticleSystemIndex( FX_HOLOGRAM_HEX_EFFECT ), FX_PATTACH_POINT_FOLLOW, attachIndexEnemy )
- }
- anderson.Show()
- andersonWeapon.Show()
- Assert( animAnderson != "" )
- StartParticleEffectOnEntity( anderson, GetParticleSystemIndex( FX_HOLOGRAM_FLASH_EFFECT ), FX_PATTACH_POINT_FOLLOW, attachIndex )
- waitthread PlayAnim( anderson, animAnderson, node )
- vector andersonEndPos = anderson.GetAttachmentOrigin( attachIndex )
- //hologram 3 we need to manually deal with Anderson disappearing at the end...all others he can just blink out
- if ( nodeName != "node_hologram_lab3" )
- {
- EmitSoundAtPosition( TEAM_UNASSIGNED, andersonEndPos, "AndersonHologram_Deactivate" )
- PlayFX( FX_HOLOGRAM_FLASH_EFFECT, andersonEndPos )
- }
- FlagSet( flagToSetWhenDone )
- anderson.Destroy()
- if ( IsValid( andersonEnemy) )
- {
- int attachIndexEnemy = andersonEnemy.LookupAttachment( "CHESTFOCUS" )
- vector andersonEnemyEndPos = andersonEnemy.GetAttachmentOrigin( attachIndexEnemy )
- PlayFX( FX_HOLOGRAM_FLASH_EFFECT, andersonEnemyEndPos )
- andersonEnemy.Destroy()
- }
- if ( isOvergrownHolo )
- Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( player, "ServerCallback_ClearScanningHudElem" )
-void function AndersonHologram3Think( entity anderson, entity andersonGun )
- anderson.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- anderson.WaitSignal( "AndersonHideGun" )
- andersonGun.Destroy()
- anderson.WaitSignal( "AndersonTimeshifts" )
- anderson.Dissolve( ENTITY_DISSOLVE_CHAR, Vector( 0, 0, 0 ), 0 )
-void function AndersonEnemyHologram3Think( entity andersonEnemy, entity knife, entity andersonEnemyGun )
- andersonEnemy.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- andersonEnemy.WaitSignal( "AndersonEnemyShow" )
- andersonEnemy.Show()
- andersonEnemy.MakeVisible()
- andersonEnemy.WaitSignal( "AndersonEnemyShowKnife" )
- knife.Show()
- knife.MakeVisible()
-void function TitanTimeshiftLoadoutOLD( entity player )
- wait 1
- Assert( IsValid( player ) )
- entity bt = player.GetPetTitan()
- Assert( IsValid( bt ) )
- //TitanLoadoutDef loadout = bt.ai.titanSpawnLoadout
- //loadout.special = "mp_titanability_timeshift"
- entity weapon = bt.GetOffhandWeapon( OFFHAND_SPECIAL )
- bt.TakeWeapon( weapon.GetWeaponClassName() )
- //entity offhand2weapon = bt.GetOffhandWeapon( OFFHAND_ANTIRODEO )
- //bt.TakeWeapon( offhand2weapon.GetWeaponClassName() )
- bt.GiveOffhandWeapon( "mp_titanability_timeshift", OFFHAND_SPECIAL, [] )
- LockOffhandSlot( player, OFFHAND_SPECIAL )
-void function TitanTimeshiftLoadout( entity player )
- entity weapon = player.GetOffhandWeapon( OFFHAND_SPECIAL )
- if ( IsValid( weapon ) )
- {
- string weaponName = weapon.GetWeaponClassName()
- if ( weaponName == "mp_titanability_timeshift" )
- return
- player.TakeWeapon( weaponName )
- }
- player.GiveOffhandWeapon( "mp_titanability_timeshift", OFFHAND_SPECIAL, [] )
-// LockOffhandSlot( player, OFFHAND_SPECIAL )
-void function KillMyInterdimensionalBrother( entity baseNpc, entity brotherNpc = null )
- if ( !IsValid( baseNpc ) )
- return
- if ( baseNpc.IsTitan() )
- baseNpc.WaitSignal( "OnDeath" ) //may change to Doomed if not weak
- else
- baseNpc.WaitSignal( "OnDeath" )
- entity brother = brotherNpc
- if ( !IsValid( brother ) )
- return
- if ( !IsAlive( brother ) )
- return
- if ( !brother.IsNPC() )
- return
- vector origin = brother.GetOrigin()
- TakeAllWeapons( brother )
- UnFreezeNPC( brother )
- if( level.timeZone == TIMEZONE_NIGHT )
- brother.TakeDamage( brother.GetMaxHealth() + 1, null, null, { damageSourceId=damagedef_suicide } ) //Kill npc manually if player can see him
- else
- brother.Destroy() //otherwise delete as if he never existed
-void function SpawnPristineStalkersWithDopplegangers( string scriptName )
- array <entity> spawners = GetEntArrayByScriptName( scriptName )
- Assert( spawners.len() > 0 )
- foreach( spawner in spawners )
- {
- Assert( IsSpawner( spawner ) )
- entity baseStalker = spawner.SpawnEntity()
- DispatchSpawn( baseStalker )
- baseStalker.kv.alwaysAlert = 1
- entity doppleganger = CreateZombieStalkerMossy( TEAM_IMC, baseStalker.GetOrigin() + Vector( 0, 0, ( TIME_ZOFFSET * -1 ) ), baseStalker.GetAngles() )
- DispatchSpawn( doppleganger )
- SetSquad( doppleganger, "bridge_room_overgrown" )
- doppleganger.kv.alwaysAlert = 1
- thread KillMyInterdimensionalBrother( baseStalker, doppleganger )
- }
-void function SpawnAutoSecurityGroup( string scriptName )
- array <entity> spawners = GetEntArrayByScriptName( scriptName )
- Assert( spawners.len() > 0 )
- array <entity> pristineRobots
- array <entity> overgrownRobots
- foreach( spawner in spawners )
- {
- Assert( IsSpawner( spawner ) )
- entity npc = spawner.SpawnEntity()
- DispatchSpawn( npc )
- if ( GetEntityTimelinePosition( npc ) == TIMEZONE_DAY )
- pristineRobots.append( npc )
- else
- overgrownRobots.append( npc )
- }
- Assert( overgrownRobots.len() == pristineRobots.len(), "Arrays of pristine and overgrown robots are not equal: " + scriptName )
- int i = 0
- foreach( robot in pristineRobots )
- {
- thread KillMyInterdimensionalBrother( robot, overgrownRobots[ i ] )
- i++
- }
-void function TitanRackSpawnersThink( string scriptName )
- array <entity> spawners = GetEntArrayByScriptName( scriptName )
- Assert( spawners.len() > 0 )
- entity pristineTitan
- entity overgrownTitan
- foreach( spawner in spawners )
- {
- Assert( IsSpawner( spawner ) )
- array <entity> linkedEnts = spawner.GetLinkEntArray()
- entity rack
- foreach( ent in linkedEnts )
- {
- if ( ent.GetClassName() == "info_target" )
- rack = ent
- }
- Assert( IsValid( rack ) )
- entity npc = spawner.SpawnEntity()
- npc.kv.spawnflags = SF_NPC_ALLOW_SPAWN_SOLID
- DispatchSpawn( npc )
- npc.EnableNPCFlag( NPC_IGNORE_ALL )
- npc.SetNoTarget( true )
- npc.SetTitle( "" )
- npc.SetValidHealthBarTarget( false )
- DisableTitanRodeo( npc )
- HideName( npc )
- //thread PlayAnimTeleport( npc, "bt_TDay_drop_titan1", rack )
- thread PlayAnimTeleport( npc, "at_titanrack_bootup_idle", rack ) //bt_TDay_drop_titan1
- //thread PlayAnim( rack, "tr_titanrack_bootup_idle" )
- npc.s.rack <- rack
- if ( GetEntityTimelinePosition( npc ) == TIMEZONE_DAY )
- {
- pristineTitan = npc
- thread TitanRackHealthThink( pristineTitan, TIMEZONE_DAY )
- }
- else
- {
- overgrownTitan = npc
- thread TitanRackHealthThink( overgrownTitan, TIMEZONE_DAY )
- }
- }
- thread KillMyInterdimensionalBrother( pristineTitan, overgrownTitan )
-void function TitanRackHealthThink( entity titan, var timeZone )
- titan.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- if ( timeZone == TIMEZONE_DAY )
- FlagWait( "player_inside_bridge_room_pristine" )
- else
- FlagWait( "player_inside_bridge_room_overgrown" )
- titan.SetMaxHealth( 1000 )
- titan.SetHealth( 1000 )
-void function TitanRackDeploy( string scriptName, var timeZone )
- array <entity> ents = GetEntArrayByScriptName( scriptName )
- foreach( ent in ents )
- {
- if ( !IsValid( ent ) )
- continue
- if ( ent.IsNPC() )
- thread TitanRackDeployThread( ent, timeZone )
- }
-void function TitanRackDeployThread( entity titan, var timeZone )
- if( !IsValid( titan ) )
- return
- if( !IsAlive( titan ) )
- return
- titan.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- titan.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- if ( ( GetEntityTimelinePosition( titan ) == TIMEZONE_DAY ) && ( timeZone == TIMEZONE_NIGHT ) )
- return
- if ( ( GetEntityTimelinePosition( titan ) == TIMEZONE_NIGHT ) && ( timeZone == TIMEZONE_DAY ) )
- return
- float animLength = titan.GetSequenceDuration( "at_titanrack_bootup" )
- entity rack = titan.GetLinkEnt()
- Assert( IsValid( rack ) )
- thread PlayAnim( titan, "at_titanrack_bootup", rack )
- thread PlayAnim( rack, "tr_titanrack_bootup" )
- titan.SetNoTarget( false )
- wait animLength
- titan.DisableNPCFlag( NPC_IGNORE_ALL )
-void function HideCritTimeshift( entity ent )
- int bodyGroupIndex = ent.FindBodyGroup( "hitpoints" )
- if ( bodyGroupIndex == -1 )
- {
- return
- }
- ent.SetBodygroup( bodyGroupIndex, 1 )
-void function RingsThink()
- entity rings = GetEntByScriptName( "rings_pristine" )
- if ( !IsValid( rings ) )
- return
- rings.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- thread PlayAnim( rings, "idle" )
- FlagWait( "RingsShouldBeSpinning" )
- string spinAnim = "animated_slow"
- if ( Flag( "player_back_in_amenities_lobby" ) )
- spinAnim = "animated"
- //rings.Anim_Stop()
- thread PlayAnim( rings, spinAnim )
-void function PlayerConversationStopOnFlagImmediate( string name, entity player, string flagToAbort )
- Assert( flagToAbort != "" )
- waitthread PlayerConversationStopOnFlag( name, player, flagToAbort, true )
-void function PlayerConversationStopOnFlag( string name, entity player, string flagToAbort = "", bool immediate = false )
- if ( flagToAbort != "" )
- {
- if ( Flag( flagToAbort ) )
- return
- FlagEnd( flagToAbort )
- }
- OnThreadEnd(
- function() : ( player, immediate, flagToAbort )
- {
- if ( flagToAbort == "" )
- return
- if ( !IsValid( player ) )
- return
- if ( immediate == false )
- StopConversation( player )
- else if ( immediate == true )
- StopConversationNow( player )
- }
- )
- thread PlayerConversation( name, player )
- WaitSignal( player, "ConversationEnded" )
-void function FlagSetDelayed( string flagToSet, float delay )
- thread FlagSetDelayedThread( flagToSet, delay )
-void function FlagSetDelayedThread( string flagToSet, float delay )
- wait delay
- FlagSet( flagToSet )
-void function FlagClearDelayed( string flagToClear, float delay )
- thread FlagClearDelayedThread( flagToClear, delay )
-void function FlagClearDelayedThread( string flagToClear, float delay )
- wait delay
- FlagClear( flagToClear )
-void function DecodingLogsScreenPrint( entity player )
- Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( player, "ServerCallback_ShowHoloDecoding" )
-void function AudioLogModelThink( entity audioLogModel )
- wait 0.25
- file.audioLogModels.append( audioLogModel )
- audioLogModel.SetFadeDistance( 2048 )
- EmitSoundAtPosition( TEAM_UNASSIGNED, audioLogModel.GetOrigin(), "LSTAR_Reloading_Beep_low" )
- audioLogModel.Highlight_ShowInside( 1.0 )
- audioLogModel.Highlight_ShowOutline( 1.0 )
- string instanceName = audioLogModel.GetInstanceName()
- string audioLogAlias
- int logIndex
- bool isTempAudioLog = false
- bool isBoyleAudioLog = false
- int boyleAudioLogNumber = 0
- int boyleLogInstanceNumber = 0
- Assert( instanceName != "", "Audio log has no instance name: " + audioLogModel.GetOrigin() )
- if ( instanceName == "audiolog_lobby_overgrown" )
- {
- // Audio Log - Scientist 2 The trial-run of the Sculptor Core will continue as planned, but you have to get security to evacuate all Tier 1 personnel.
- // General Marder and his key team members are transferring to remote observation.
- audioLogAlias = "diag_sp_anderson_TS171_02_01_imc_scientist2"
- logIndex = 1
- }
- else if ( instanceName == "audiolog_security_overgrown" )
- {
- // Dr. Alexander Darren log fourteen point six. The intruder has some kind of advanced tech and is slaughtering our response teams.
- //Tyler in Wildlife Research said 2 teams were taken out at the elevator banks in a matter of seconds...by one guy!
- audioLogAlias = "diag_sp_anderson_TS171_01_01_imc_scientist1"
- logIndex = 2
- }
- else if ( instanceName == "audiolog_lecture_overgrown" )
- {
- bool doLongSpeechAtLectern = false
- if ( doLongSpeechAtLectern == true )
- {
- // Full ted talk, 1-28
- instanceName = "audiolog_ted_talk"
- audioLogAlias = "tedTalk01"
- logIndex = 9
- }
- else
- {
- //General Marder
- //But lest we lose sight of the bigger picture - remember those losses are ultimately
- //replaceable by the inexorable march of human civilization.
- audioLogAlias = "lectureLogA"
- logIndex = 3
- }
- }
- else if ( instanceName == "audiolog_upper_hub1_overgrown" )
- {
- //Audio log 4 This is Dr. Colby Marvin. I don't know how to explain it, but a Vanguard-Class Titan just appeared out of nowhere. The test is still underway. It will be completed.
- audioLogAlias = "diag_sp_ambScience_TS551_09_01_imc_sci"
- logIndex = 4
- }
- else if ( instanceName == "audiolog_upper_hub2_overgrown" )
- {
- //Audio log 5 Dr. Altamirano log seven point six. General Marder is gone. He's making us stay to complete the test. I don't trust this thing. The Ark is unstable.
- audioLogAlias = "diag_sp_ambScience_TS551_10_01_imc_sci"
- logIndex = 5
- }
- else if ( IsAudioLogBoyle( instanceName ) )
- {
- isBoyleAudioLog = true
- logIndex = 6
- boyleLogInstanceNumber = GetBoyleLogInstanceNumber( instanceName )
- if ( file.debugAudioLogs )
- thread DebugDrawAudioLogNumber( audioLogModel, file.boyleAudioLogNumberAssignments[ boyleLogInstanceNumber ].tostring() )
- }
- else if ( instanceName == "audiolog_humanroom" )
- {
- //Marders Log 21b - Human specimen 3 point 4. The experiments on the IMS Odyssey's colonists are underway.
- //Soon we will discover the long lasting effects the Ark has on organic matter and brain function.
- audioLogAlias = "diag_sp_audioLog_TS132_01_01_imc_genMarder"
- logIndex = 7
- }
- else if ( instanceName == "audiolog_humanroom_tower" )
- {
- //Audio log 7 Dr. Ehrenberg log eleven point four. Further research still leaves questions about the Fold Weapon and its intended purpose.
- //I don't think we're using it right and that may cause a problem. Marder thinks it's worth it. Well I'm going on record - this is a bad idea.
- audioLogAlias = "diag_sp_ambScience_TS551_12_01_imc_sci"
- logIndex = 8
- }
- else if ( instanceName == "audiolog_ted_talk" )
- {
- // Full ted talk, 1-28
- audioLogAlias = "tedTalk01"
- logIndex = 9
- }
- else
- Assert( 0, "Unhandled audio log instance name: " + instanceName )
- audioLogModel.SetUsable()
- audioLogModel.SetUsableByGroup( "pilot" )
- local playerActivator
- while( true )
- {
- playerActivator = audioLogModel.WaitSignal( "OnPlayerUse" ).player
- if ( IsValid( playerActivator ) && playerActivator.IsPlayer() )
- break
- }
- FlagSet( "AudioLogPlaying" )
- EmitSoundAtPosition( TEAM_UNASSIGNED, audioLogModel.GetOrigin(), "LSTAR_Reloading_Beep_low" )
- audioLogModel.UnsetUsable()
- audioLogModel.Highlight_HideInside( 0 )
- audioLogModel.Highlight_HideOutline( 0 )
- wait 0.5
- entity player = GetPlayerArray()[ 0 ]
- if ( !IsValid( player ) )
- return
- player.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- //Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( player, "ServerCallback_ShowHoloDecoding", logIndex )
- //wait 2
- thread StopAudioLogWhenPlayerFarAway( audioLogModel )
- audioLogModel.EndSignal( "StopAudioLog" )
- OnThreadEnd(
- function() : ( player, audioLogModel )
- {
- Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( player, "ServerCallback_ClearScanningHudElem" )
- FlagClear( "AudioLogPlaying" )
- if ( IsValid( audioLogModel ) )
- {
- audioLogModel.Signal( "StopAudioLog" )
- EmitSoundAtPosition( TEAM_UNASSIGNED, audioLogModel.GetOrigin(), "LSTAR_Reloading_Beep_low" )
- delaythread( 2 ) AudioLogModelThink( audioLogModel )
- }
- }
- )
- if ( isBoyleAudioLog )
- {
- boyleAudioLogNumber = GetBoyleLogNumber( boyleLogInstanceNumber, audioLogModel )
- file.boyleAudioLogNumberAssignments[ boyleLogInstanceNumber ] = boyleAudioLogNumber
- }
- else
- waitthread PlayTimeShiftDialogue( player, audioLogModel, audioLogAlias )
- //------------------------------------------------
- // If this is the lecture hall, play the tail lines
- //-------------------------------------------------
- if ( instanceName == "audiolog_lecture_overgrown" )
- {
- if ( !Flag( "PlayerInterruptedLecture") )
- {
- //General Marder By decisively neutralizing the Militia forces,
- //we will in fact, safeguard the existence of the human race, extending its reach and power towards a prosperous, and bright future.
- waitthread PlayTimeShiftDialogue( player, audioLogModel, "lectureLogB" )
- }
- else
- {
- entity soundDummy = CreateLoudspeakerEnt( audioLogModel.GetOrigin() )
- //General Marder By decisively neutralizing the Militia forces,
- //we will in fact, safeguard the existence of the human race, extending its reach and power towards a prosperous, and bright future.
- thread PlayTimeShiftDialogue( player, soundDummy, "lectureLogB" )
- wait file.lectureHallTimeBeforePlayerInterrupts
- //General Marder Yes, test Pilot? May I help you?
- soundDummy.Destroy()
- waitthread PlayTimeShiftDialogue( player, audioLogModel, "lectureLogC" )
- }
- }
- //------------------------------------------------
- // If this is a Boyle log, play all the aliases for the log number
- //-------------------------------------------------
- else if ( isBoyleAudioLog )
- {
- array <string> aliases
- if ( boyleAudioLogNumber == 1 )
- {
- //---------------------------------------
- // Boyle audio logs: 1
- //---------------------------------------
- //Dr. Jefferson Boyle - Log one. Looks like they went forward with the Ark test despite my warnings to postpone, but what Marder wants - Marder gets.
- aliases.append( "diag_sp_BoyleLog1_TS701_01_01_imc_boyle" )
- //I don’t know how I survived, but I did...for now. I don’t know how I survived, but I did...for now.
- aliases.append( "diag_sp_BoyleLog1_TS701_02_01_imc_boyle" )
- //I’ve tried all exits but I’m trapped; damn place is locked down good. All I have is Hope. That’s what I get for picking a lab underground... What can say? I like archaeology.
- aliases.append( "diag_sp_BoyleLog1_TS701_03_01_imc_boyle" )
- }
- else if ( boyleAudioLogNumber == 2 )
- {
- //---------------------------------------
- // Boyle audio logs: 2
- //---------------------------------------
- //Dr. Jefferson Boyle Log 2 Dr. Jefferson Boyle - Log two. I found myself a standard IMC survival kit, which provides me with enough flavorless rations to keep me alive for a few days. Dr. Jefferson Boyle. Log two. I found myself a standard IMC survival kit, which provides me with enough flavorless rations to keep me alive for a few days.
- aliases.append( "diag_sp_BoyleLog2_TS701_04_01_imc_boyle" )
- //Dr. Jefferson Boyle Log 2 I’m hoping that’s all I need otherwise I’m going to have to get creative. I hate getting creative... I’m hoping that’s all I need otherwise I’m going to have to get creative. I hate getting creative...
- aliases.append( "diag_sp_BoyleLog2_TS701_05_01_imc_boyle" )
- //Dr. Jefferson Boyle Log 2 I hate getting creative...
- //aliases.append( "diag_sp_BoyleLog2_TS701_06_01_imc_boyle" )
- }
- else if ( boyleAudioLogNumber == 3 )
- {
- //---------------------------------------
- // Boyle audio logs: 3
- //---------------------------------------
- //Dr. Jefferson Boyle Log 3 Dr. Jefferson Boyle - Log three. I had to get creative. Failed experiments on Typhon’s indigenous wildlife are unfortunately next door...in other words, I cooked a prowler. Dr. Jefferson Boyle. Log three. I had to get creative. Failed experiments on Typhon’s indigenous wildlife are unfortunately next door...in other words, I cooked a prowler.
- aliases.append( "diag_sp_BoyleLog3_TS701_07_01_imc_boyle" )
- //Dr. Jefferson Boyle Log 3 It tasted like chicken if chicken was a weird dinosaur-like creature injected with IMC meds and steroids. It tasted like chicken if chicken was a weird dinosaur-like creature injected with IMC meds and steroids.
- aliases.append( "diag_sp_BoyleLog3_TS701_08_01_imc_boyle" )
- //Dr. Jefferson Boyle Log 3 On a lighter note, I think I found a way to upload these logs to what's left of the IMC network here. Maybe someone's monitoring...here's to Hope. On a lighter note, I think I found a way to upload these logs to what's left of the IMC network here. Maybe someone's monitoring...here's to Hope.
- aliases.append( "diag_sp_BoyleLog3_TS701_09_01_imc_boyle" )
- }
- else if ( boyleAudioLogNumber == 4 )
- {
- //---------------------------------------
- // Boyle audio logs: 4
- //---------------------------------------
- //Dr. Jefferson Boyle Log 4 Dr. Jefferson Boyle - Log four. All right, my logs are on the network but unfortunately, I am out of Prowler so I'm pretty disappointed. Dr. Jefferson Boyle. Log four. All right, my logs are on the network but unfortunately, I am out of Prowler so I'm pretty disappointed.
- aliases.append( "diag_sp_BoyleLog4_TS701_10_01_imc_boyle" )
- //Dr. Jefferson Boyle Log 4 I’ve moved on to the vines and plants growing throughout this facility. I’ve moved on to the vines and plants growing throughout this facility.
- aliases.append( "diag_sp_BoyleLog4_TS701_11_01_imc_boyle" )
- //Dr. Jefferson Boyle Log 4 It’s raining non-stop so I have water, at least I think it’s water. It’s raining non-stop so I have water, at least I think it’s water.
- aliases.append( "diag_sp_BoyleLog4_TS701_12_01_imc_boyle" )
- //Dr. Jefferson Boyle Log 4 Yeah, it's water. It's definitely water....I think. Um, I gotta go run some tests... Yeah, it's water. It's definitely water...I think. Um, I got to go run some tests...
- aliases.append( "diag_sp_BoyleLog4_TS701_13_01_imc_boyle" )
- }
- else if ( boyleAudioLogNumber == 5 )
- {
- //---------------------------------------
- // Boyle audio logs: 5
- //---------------------------------------
- //Dr. Jefferson Boyle Log 5 Dr. Jefferson Boyle - Log five. Okay, good news, tests came back negative...it is water. Bad news... Literally everything else. Nothing's good. Dr. Jefferson Boyle. Log five. Okay, good news, tests came back negative...it is water. Bad news... Literally everything else. Nothing's good.
- aliases.append( "diag_sp_BoyleLog5_TS701_14_01_imc_boyle" )
- //Dr. Jefferson Boyle Log 5 I think it's time I get out of this place. I've managed to breach a hole in the wall, it leads up to the main campus. I think it's time I get out of this place. I've managed to breach a hole in the wall, it leads up to the main campus.
- aliases.append( "diag_sp_BoyleLog5_TS701_15_01_imc_boyle" )
- //Dr. Jefferson Boyle Log 5 I'm about 100 meters underground. I have no idea how long it'll take me to get to the top because I'm horrible at math, but I am an archaeologist; I've done some climbing before. I'm about 100 meters underground. I have no idea how long it'll take me to get to the top because I'm horrible at math, but I am an archaeologist; I've done some climbing before.
- aliases.append( "diag_sp_BoyleLog5_TS701_16_01_imc_boyle" )
- //Dr. Jefferson Boyle Log 5 I just don't know what I'll find when I get up there but I have no choice. Okay, I have a choice but right now, it's not to die. I just don't know what I'll find when I get up there but I have no choice. Okay, I have a choice but right now, it's not to die.
- aliases.append( "diag_sp_BoyleLog5_TS701_17_01_imc_boyle" )
- //Dr. Jefferson Boyle Log 5 So, that's it. This is my final entry. Wish me luck. So, that's it. This is my final entry. Wish me luck.
- aliases.append( "diag_sp_BoyleLog5_TS701_18_01_imc_boyle" )
- //Dr. Jefferson Boyle Log 5 See you soon, Hope. See you soon, Hope.
- aliases.append( "diag_sp_BoyleLog5_TS701_19_01_imc_boyle" )
- //Dr. Jefferson Boyle Log 5 Dr. Jefferson Boyle - Signing Off. Err.. over and out. Is that how you say it? Whatever... bye. Dr. Jefferson Boyle. Signing Off. Err.. over and out. Is that how you say it? Whatever... bye.
- aliases.append( "diag_sp_BoyleLog5_TS701_20_01_imc_boyle" )
- }
- else
- Assert( 0, "Invalid Boyle audio log number " + boyleAudioLogNumber )
- foreach( alias in aliases )
- waitthread PlayTimeShiftDialogue( player, audioLogModel, alias )
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- // If this is the full ted talk, play the whole damn thing
- //--------------------------------------------------------------
- else if ( instanceName == "audiolog_ted_talk" )
- {
- waitthread PlayTimeShiftDialogue( player, audioLogModel, "tedTalk02" )
- waitthread PlayTimeShiftDialogue( player, audioLogModel, "tedTalk03" )
- waitthread PlayTimeShiftDialogue( player, audioLogModel, "tedTalk04" )
- waitthread PlayTimeShiftDialogue( player, audioLogModel, "tedTalk05" )
- waitthread PlayTimeShiftDialogue( player, audioLogModel, "tedTalk06" )
- waitthread PlayTimeShiftDialogue( player, audioLogModel, "tedTalk07" )
- waitthread PlayTimeShiftDialogue( player, audioLogModel, "tedTalk08" )
- waitthread PlayTimeShiftDialogue( player, audioLogModel, "tedTalk09" )
- waitthread PlayTimeShiftDialogue( player, audioLogModel, "tedTalk10" )
- waitthread PlayTimeShiftDialogue( player, audioLogModel, "tedTalk11" )
- waitthread PlayTimeShiftDialogue( player, audioLogModel, "tedTalk12" )
- waitthread PlayTimeShiftDialogue( player, audioLogModel, "tedTalk13" )
- waitthread PlayTimeShiftDialogue( player, audioLogModel, "tedTalk14" )
- waitthread PlayTimeShiftDialogue( player, audioLogModel, "tedTalk15" )
- waitthread PlayTimeShiftDialogue( player, audioLogModel, "tedTalk16" )
- waitthread PlayTimeShiftDialogue( player, audioLogModel, "tedTalk17" )
- waitthread PlayTimeShiftDialogue( player, audioLogModel, "tedTalk18" )
- waitthread PlayTimeShiftDialogue( player, audioLogModel, "tedTalk19" )
- waitthread PlayTimeShiftDialogue( player, audioLogModel, "tedTalk20" )
- waitthread PlayTimeShiftDialogue( player, audioLogModel, "tedTalk21" )
- waitthread PlayTimeShiftDialogue( player, audioLogModel, "tedTalk22" )
- waitthread PlayTimeShiftDialogue( player, audioLogModel, "tedTalk23" )
- waitthread PlayTimeShiftDialogue( player, audioLogModel, "tedTalk24" )
- waitthread PlayTimeShiftDialogue( player, audioLogModel, "tedTalk25" )
- waitthread PlayTimeShiftDialogue( player, audioLogModel, "tedTalk26" )
- waitthread PlayTimeShiftDialogue( player, audioLogModel, "tedTalk27" )
- waitthread PlayTimeShiftDialogue( player, audioLogModel, "tedTalk28" )
- }
-void function StopAudioLogWhenPlayerFarAway( entity audioLogModel )
- if ( !IsValid( audioLogModel ) )
- return
- audioLogModel.EndSignal( "StopAudioLog" )
- array<entity> players = GetPlayerArray()
- if ( players.len() == 0 )
- return
- entity player = players[ 0 ]
- if ( !IsValid( player ) )
- return
- var timeZoneAudioLog = GetEntityTimelinePosition( audioLogModel )
- player.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- while( true )
- {
- wait 0.25
- if ( timeZoneAudioLog != level.timeZone ) //don't do distance check if we are in other timezone
- continue
- if ( !PlayerInRange( player.GetOrigin(), audioLogModel.GetOrigin(), DIST_TO_NOT_CARE_ABOUT_AUDIOLOGS ) )
- break
- }
- audioLogModel.Signal( "StopAudioLog" )
-bool function IsAudioLogBoyle( string instanceName )
- if ( instanceName.find( "audiolog_boyle" ) == null )
- return false
- return true
-int function GetBoyleLogInstanceNumber( string instanceName )
- int instanceNumber = -1
- if ( instanceName == "audiolog_boyle_0" )
- instanceNumber = 0
- else if ( instanceName == "audiolog_boyle_1" )
- instanceNumber = 1
- else if ( instanceName == "audiolog_boyle_2" )
- instanceNumber = 2
- else if ( instanceName == "audiolog_boyle_3" )
- instanceNumber = 3
- else if ( instanceName == "audiolog_boyle_4" )
- instanceNumber = 4
- else
- Assert( 0, "Unhandled instance name " + instanceName )
- Assert( instanceNumber > -1 )
- return instanceNumber
-int function GetBoyleLogNumber( int instanceNumber, entity audioLogModel )
- int logNumber = file.boyleAudioLogNumberAssignments[ instanceNumber ]
- if ( logNumber == 0 )
- logNumber = GetNextBoyleLogNumber( audioLogModel )
- return logNumber
-int function GetNextBoyleLogNumber( entity audioLogModel )
- int logNumber = file.boyleAudioLogsCollected + 1
- Assert( logNumber > 0 && logNumber < 6, "Boyle log at " + audioLogModel.GetOrigin() + " is trying to get assigned a number greater than 5: " + logNumber )
- file.boyleAudioLogsCollected++
- return logNumber
-void function TempAudioLogDevMsg( entity player )
- Dev_PrintMessage( player, "#BLANK_TEXT", "#AUDIOLLOG_TEMPTEXT_TIMESHIFT", 3.0 )
-void function InitBoyleAudioLogs()
- LevelTransitionStruct ornull trans = GetLevelTransitionStruct()
- if ( trans == null )
- return
- expect LevelTransitionStruct( trans )
- file.boyleAudioLogsCollected = trans.boyleAudioLogsCollected
- for ( int i = 0 ; i < file.boyleAudioLogNumberAssignments.len(); i++ )
- {
- file.boyleAudioLogNumberAssignments[ i ] = trans.boyleAudioLogNumberAssignments[ i ]
- }
-LevelTransitionStruct function SaveBoyleAudioLogs()
- LevelTransitionStruct trans
- trans.boyleAudioLogsCollected = file.boyleAudioLogsCollected
- for ( int i = 0 ; i < trans.boyleAudioLogNumberAssignments.len(); i++ )
- {
- trans.boyleAudioLogNumberAssignments[ i ] = file.boyleAudioLogNumberAssignments[ i ]
- }
- return trans
-void function SetLectureHallLineDuration( float duration )
- file. lectureHallTimeBeforePlayerInterrupts = duration
-void function ProwlersAmbientThink( entity npc )
- npc.EnableNPCFlag( NPC_IGNORE_ALL )
- npc.SetNoTarget( true )
-void function LightFlickerThink( entity lightModelOff )
- entity lightModelOn = lightModelOff.GetLinkEnt()
- Assert( IsValid( lightModelOn ), "Light model at " + lightModelOff.GetOrigin() + " needs to target a lit version of the same model" )
- lightModelOn.Hide()
- entity fx
- while( true )
- {
- wait RandomFloatRange( 0.5, 0.6 )
- lightModelOn.Show()
- lightModelOff.Hide()
- fx = PlayFXOnEntity( FX_DLIGHT_LIGHT_FLICKER, lightModelOn )
- EmitSoundOnEntity( lightModelOn, SOUND_LIGHT_FLICKER )
- wait RandomFloatRange( 0.3, 0.4 )
- lightModelOff.Show()
- lightModelOn.Hide()
- EntFireByHandle( fx, "Stop", "", 0, null, null )
- wait RandomFloatRange( 0.5, 0.6 )
- lightModelOn.Show()
- lightModelOff.Hide()
- fx = PlayFXOnEntity( FX_DLIGHT_LIGHT_FLICKER, lightModelOn )
- wait RandomFloatRange( 0.5, 0.6 )
- lightModelOff.Show()
- lightModelOn.Hide()
- EntFireByHandle( fx, "Stop", "", 0, null, null )
- wait RandomFloatRange( 0.5, 0.6 )
- lightModelOn.Show()
- lightModelOff.Hide()
- fx = PlayFXOnEntity( FX_DLIGHT_LIGHT_FLICKER, lightModelOn )
- wait RandomFloatRange( 0.01, 0.02 )
- lightModelOff.Show()
- lightModelOn.Hide()
- EntFireByHandle( fx, "Stop", "", 0, null, null )
- wait RandomFloatRange( 0.01, 0.02 )
- lightModelOn.Show()
- lightModelOff.Hide()
- fx = PlayFXOnEntity( FX_DLIGHT_LIGHT_FLICKER, lightModelOn )
- EmitSoundOnEntity( lightModelOn, SOUND_LIGHT_FLICKER )
- wait RandomFloatRange( 0.02, 0.03 )
- lightModelOff.Show()
- lightModelOn.Hide()
- EntFireByHandle( fx, "Stop", "", 0, null, null )
- wait RandomFloatRange( 1, 1.1 )
- lightModelOn.Show()
- lightModelOff.Hide()
- fx = PlayFXOnEntity( FX_DLIGHT_LIGHT_FLICKER, lightModelOn )
- wait RandomFloatRange( 0.2, 0.3 )
- lightModelOff.Show()
- lightModelOn.Hide()
- EntFireByHandle( fx, "Stop", "", 0, null, null )
- wait RandomFloatRange( 1, 1.1 )
- lightModelOn.Show()
- lightModelOff.Hide()
- fx = PlayFXOnEntity( FX_DLIGHT_LIGHT_FLICKER, lightModelOn )
- EmitSoundOnEntity( lightModelOn, SOUND_LIGHT_FLICKER )
- wait RandomFloatRange( 0.2, 0.3 )
- lightModelOff.Show()
- lightModelOn.Hide()
- EntFireByHandle( fx, "Stop", "", 0, null, null )
- wait RandomFloatRange( 0.2, 0.3 )
- lightModelOn.Show()
- lightModelOff.Hide()
- fx = PlayFXOnEntity( FX_DLIGHT_LIGHT_FLICKER, lightModelOn )
- wait RandomFloatRange( 0.01, 0.02 )
- lightModelOff.Show()
- lightModelOn.Hide()
- EntFireByHandle( fx, "Stop", "", 0, null, null )
- wait RandomFloatRange( 0.01, 0.02 )
- lightModelOn.Show()
- lightModelOff.Hide()
- fx = PlayFXOnEntity( FX_DLIGHT_LIGHT_FLICKER, lightModelOn )
- EmitSoundOnEntity( lightModelOn, SOUND_LIGHT_FLICKER )
- wait RandomFloatRange( 0.01, 0.02 )
- lightModelOff.Show()
- lightModelOn.Hide()
- EntFireByHandle( fx, "Stop", "", 0, null, null )
- wait RandomFloatRange( 0.01, 0.02 )
- lightModelOn.Show()
- lightModelOff.Hide()
- fx = PlayFXOnEntity( FX_DLIGHT_LIGHT_FLICKER, lightModelOn )
- wait RandomFloatRange( 0.02, 0.03 )
- lightModelOff.Show()
- lightModelOn.Hide()
- EntFireByHandle( fx, "Stop", "", 0, null, null )
- }
-void function PlayerDropLand( entity player, entity node, bool doBlur = false )
- entity moverNode = CreateScriptMover( node.GetOrigin(), node.GetAngles() )
- float targetZpos = node.GetOrigin().z + 16
- while( player.GetOrigin().z > targetZpos )
- WaitFrame()
- player.UnfreezeControlsOnServer()
- player.ClearInvulnerable()
- string anim3rd= "pt_timeshift_fall_land"
- string animPOV = "ptpov_timeshift_fall_land"
- player.SetAnimNearZ( 3 )
- if ( doBlur )
- Remote_CallFunction_Replay( player, "ServerCallback_FanDropBlur" )
- //PlayFPSAnimTeleportShowProxy( player, anim3rd, anim1st ref = null optionalTag, animView = null, float initialTime = 0.0 )
- waitthread PlayFPSAnimTeleportShowProxy( player, anim3rd, animPOV, moverNode, "REF", ViewConeTight )
- //wait 2
- player.ClearAnimNearZ()
- player.ClearParent()
- moverNode.Destroy()
- player.UnforceStand()
- player.Anim_Stop()
- ClearPlayerAnimViewEntity( player )
- player.ClearParent()
- player.EnableWeaponWithSlowDeploy()
-void function RingsLocalExplosionNormal( entity rings )
- if ( level.timeZone == TIMEZONE_NIGHT )
- return
- vector origin = rings.GetOrigin()
- //CreateShake( org, amplitude = 16, frequency = 150, duration = 1.5, radius = 2048 )
- thread CreateAirShake( origin, 4, 10, 1, 32000 )
-void function RingsLocalExplosionBig( entity rings )
- if ( level.timeZone == TIMEZONE_NIGHT )
- return
- vector origin = rings.GetOrigin()
- //CreateShake( vector org, float amplitude = 16, float frequency = 150, float duration = 1.5, float radius = 2048 )
- thread CreateAirShake( origin, 4, 10, 1, 32000 )
-void function CreateShakeTimeshift( float amplitude, float frequency, float duration )
- array<entity> players = GetPlayerArray()
- if ( players.len() == 0 )
- return
- entity player = players[ 0 ]
- if ( !IsValid( player ) )
- return
- CreateAirShake( player.GetOrigin(), amplitude, frequency, duration )
- //Remote_CallFunction_Replay( player, "ServerCallback_ScreenShake", amplitude, frequency, duration )
-void function CreateShakeWhileFlagSet( float amplitude, float frequency, float duration, string flagToShake, string flagToAbort )
- array<entity> players = GetPlayerArray()
- if ( players.len() == 0 )
- return
- entity player = players[ 0 ]
- if ( !IsValid( player ) )
- return
- player.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- FlagEnd( flagToAbort )
- while ( true )
- {
- wait 0.1
- if ( Flag( flagToShake ) )
- {
- CreateAirShake( player.GetOrigin(), amplitude, frequency, duration )
- //Remote_CallFunction_Replay( player, "ServerCallback_ScreenShake", amplitude, frequency, duration )
- wait duration / 4
- }
- }
-void function TitanTimeshiftHint( entity player )
- Remote_CallFunction_Replay( player, "ServerCallback_ShowTitanTimeshiftHint" )
-string function GetrandomDeathPose( asset deathModel )
- if ( deathModel == MARVIN_MODEL_OVERGROWN )
- return "mv_timeshift_death_pose_01"
- array <string> deathPosesLocal = file.deathPoses
- deathPosesLocal.randomize()
- return deathPosesLocal[ 0 ]
-void function FlyerAmbientThink( entity flyer )
- if ( GetMapName() == "sp_hub_timeshift" )
- return
- flyer.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- flyer.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- FlagWait( "ForceFlyerTakeoff" )
- flyer.Signal( "FlyerStopThink" )
- //flyer.WaitSignal( "FlyerTakeoffOverride" )
- wait RandomFloatRange( 0, 6 )
- thread FlyerTakeOff( flyer )
-void function DropshipSpawnAndRepeat( entity dropship )
- dropship.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- dropship.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- dropship.EndSignal( "OnAnimationInterrupted" )
- entity animNode = dropship.GetLinkEnt()
- Assert( IsValid( animNode ) )
- string anim = expect string( animNode.kv.leveled_animation )
- float animLength = dropship.GetSequenceDuration( anim )
- Assert( IsValid( anim ) )
- bool repeat = true
- if ( dropship.GetScriptName() == "dropships_skybridge" )
- repeat = false
- OnThreadEnd(
- function() : ( dropship )
- {
- if ( IsValid( dropship ) )
- dropship.Destroy()
- }
- )
- while( true )
- {
- wait animLength
- if ( repeat == false )
- break
- }
-void function DisableNavmeshSeperatorTargetedByEnt( entity doorModel )
- array <entity> linkedEnts = doorModel.GetLinkEntArray()
- Assert( linkedEnts.len() > 0 )
- string classname
- entity navmeshBrush
- foreach( entity ent in linkedEnts )
- {
- classname = GetEditorClass( ent )
- if ( classname == "func_brush_navmesh_separator" )
- {
- navmeshBrush = ent
- break
- }
- }
- Assert( IsValid( navmeshBrush ), "Entity at " + doorModel.GetOrigin() + " isn't targeting a func_brush_navmesh_separator" )
- //navmeshBrush.Hide()
- navmeshBrush.NotSolid()
- ToggleNPCPathsForEntity( navmeshBrush, true )
-void function ElectricalScreenEffects( entity player, string enabledFlag = "" )
- EndSignal( player, "OnDeath" )
- EndSignal( player, "StopCoreEffects" )
- OnThreadEnd(
- function() : ( player )
- {
- if ( IsValid ( player ) )
- StopSoundOnEntity( player, EMP_IMPARED_SOUND )
- }
- )
- if ( enabledFlag != "" )
- {
- if ( !Flag( enabledFlag ) )
- FlagWait( enabledFlag )
- }
- array<entity> ents = GetEntArrayByScriptName( "BeaconScreenEffect" )
- array<vector> start
- array<vector> end
- array<float> radius
- foreach( entity ent in ents )
- {
- start.append( ent.GetOrigin() )
- end.append( ent.GetLinkEnt().GetOrigin() )
- radius.append( float( ent.kv.radius ) )
- }
- bool soundPlaying
- float maxAmount
- vector p
- while( true )
- {
- maxAmount = 0
- p = player.GetOrigin()
- for ( int i = 0 ; i < ents.len() ; i++ )
- {
- float d = GetDistanceFromLineSegment( start[i], end[i], p )
- float amount = GraphCapped( d, 0.0, radius[i], 1.0, 0.0 )
- maxAmount = max( amount, maxAmount )
- }
- if ( maxAmount > 0 )
- {
- StatusEffect_AddTimed( player, eStatusEffect.emp, maxAmount, 0.25, 0.05 )
- if ( !soundPlaying )
- {
- EmitSoundOnEntity( player, EMP_IMPARED_SOUND )
- soundPlaying = true
- }
- }
- else if ( soundPlaying )
- {
- StopSoundOnEntity( player, EMP_IMPARED_SOUND )
- soundPlaying = false
- }
- wait 0.1
- }
-void function GivePropForAnim( entity npc, string anim )
- if ( !IsValid( npc ) )
- return
- string tagName
- asset model
- if ( anim == "pt_lecture_student_1_idle" )
- {
- tagName = "L_HAND"
- model = MODEL_IPAD
- }
- else if ( anim == "pt_lecture_student_2_idle" )
- {
- tagName = "R_HAND"
- model = MODEL_COFFEE
- }
- else if ( anim == "pt_lecture_student_5_idle" )
- {
- tagName = "L_HAND"
- model = MODEL_IPAD
- }
- else if ( anim == "pt_civ_walk_tablet" )
- {
- tagName = "R_HAND"
- model = MODEL_IPAD
- }
- else if ( anim == "pt_civ_walk_tablet_reading" )
- {
- tagName = "R_HAND"
- model = MODEL_IPAD
- }
- else if ( anim == "pt_civ_walk_drink" )
- {
- tagName = "R_HAND"
- model = MODEL_COFFEE
- }
- else
- return
- entity prop = CreatePropDynamic( model )
- prop.SetParent( npc, tagName, false )
-void function LoudspeakerThread( entity player )
- //if ( GetBugReproNum() != 202020 )
- //return
- if ( !IsValid( player ) )
- return
- if ( file.loudspeakerThreadRunning )
- return
- FlagSet( "ShouldPlayGlobalLoudspeker" )
- file.loudspeakerThreadRunning = true
- player.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- wait 3
- array <string> arrayLoudspeakerLines
- arrayLoudspeakerLines.append( "diag_sp_ambScience_TS551_01_01_imc_sci" )
- arrayLoudspeakerLines.append( "diag_sp_ambScience_TS551_02_01_imc_sci" )
- arrayLoudspeakerLines.append( "diag_sp_ambScience_TS551_03_01_imc_sci" )
- arrayLoudspeakerLines.append( "diag_sp_ambScience_TS551_04_01_imc_sci" )
- arrayLoudspeakerLines.append( "diag_sp_ambScience_TS551_05_01_imc_sci" )
- arrayLoudspeakerLines.append( "diag_sp_ambScience_TS551_06_01_imc_sci" )
- arrayLoudspeakerLines.append( "diag_sp_ambScience_TS551_07_01_imc_sci" )
- arrayLoudspeakerLines.append( "diag_sp_ambScience_TS551_08_01_imc_sci" )
- int numberOfLoudspeakerLines = arrayLoudspeakerLines.len() -1
- entity loudspeakerEnt = CreateBestLoudspeakerEnt( player, TIMEZONE_DAY )
- int loudspeakerLineCount = 0
- //bool playSpectreLine = false
- while( true )
- {
- waitthread WaittillPlayerSwitchesTimezone( TIMEZONE_DAY )
- if ( !Flag( "ShouldPlayGlobalLoudspeker" ) )
- {
- FlagWait( "ShouldPlayGlobalLoudspeker" )
- continue
- }
- loudspeakerEnt = CreateBestLoudspeakerEnt( player, TIMEZONE_DAY, loudspeakerEnt )
- waitthread PlayTimeShiftDialogue( player, loudspeakerEnt, "Timeshift_Scr_AnnouncementChime" )
- //if ( playSpectreLine )
- //waitthread PlayTimeShiftDialogue( player, loudspeakerEnt, "Timeshift_Scr_SpectreAnnouncement" )
- waitthread PlayTimeShiftDialogue( player, loudspeakerEnt, arrayLoudspeakerLines[ loudspeakerLineCount ] )
- loudspeakerLineCount++
- if ( loudspeakerLineCount > numberOfLoudspeakerLines )
- loudspeakerLineCount = 0
- wait RandomFloatRange( 60, 70 )
- /*
- if ( playSpectreLine == false )
- playSpectreLine = true
- else if ( playSpectreLine == true )
- playSpectreLine = false
- */
- }
-void function ButtonOvergrownThink( entity propDynamic, string whichButton )
- asset swapModelName
- entity swapModel
- if ( whichButton == "small" )
- swapModelName = MODEL_BUTTON
- else
- swapModelName = MODEL_BUTTON_LARGE
- swapModel = CreatePropDynamic( swapModelName, propDynamic.GetOrigin(), propDynamic.GetAngles() )
- while( true )
- {
- swapModel.Hide()
- propDynamic.Show()
- wait RandomFloatRange( 2, 3 )
- swapModel.Show()
- propDynamic.Hide()
- wait 0.2
- swapModel.Hide()
- propDynamic.Show()
- wait 0.1
- swapModel.Show()
- propDynamic.Hide()
- wait 0.2
- swapModel.Hide()
- propDynamic.Show()
- wait 0.05
- swapModel.Show()
- propDynamic.Hide()
- wait 0.05
- swapModel.Hide()
- propDynamic.Show()
- wait 0.05
- swapModel.Show()
- propDynamic.Hide()
- wait 0.4
- swapModel.Hide()
- propDynamic.Show()
- wait 0.1
- swapModel.Show()
- propDynamic.Hide()
- wait 0.2
- swapModel.Hide()
- propDynamic.Show()
- wait 0.05
- swapModel.Show()
- propDynamic.Hide()
- }
-entity function CreateTimeshiftCinematicFlyer( entity flyerModel, entity victim = null )
- entity newFlyer = CreateServerFlyer( flyerModel.GetOrigin(), flyerModel.GetAngles(), 100 )
- flyerModel.Destroy()
- return newFlyer
-void function ObjectiveRemindUntilFlag( string flagToAbort )
- Assert( IsNewThread(), "Must be threaded off" )
- if ( Flag( flagToAbort ) )
- return
- FlagEnd( flagToAbort )
- while( true )
- {
- wait RandomFloatRange( 45, 50 )
- if ( Flag( flagToAbort ) )
- break
- Objective_Remind()
- }
-void function SetFlagWhenPlayerWithinRangeOfEnt( entity player, entity ent, float minDist, string flagToSet )
- if ( Flag( flagToSet ) )
- return
- if ( !IsValid( ent ) )
- return
- if ( !IsValid( player ) )
- return
- FlagEnd( flagToSet )
- ent.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
- ent.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- player.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
- while( true )
- {
- wait 0.25
- if ( Distance( player.GetOrigin(), ent.GetOrigin() ) < minDist )
- {
- FlagSet( flagToSet )
- break
- }
- }
-bool function IsAudioLogPlaying( entity player )
- if ( !IsValid( player ) )
- return false
- if ( !Flag( "AudioLogPlaying" ) )
- return false
- if ( !PlayerInRangeOfAnyLaptopWhatsoever( player ) )
- return false
- return true
-bool function PlayerInRangeOfAnyLaptopWhatsoever( entity player )
- //even if an audio log is "playing", we don't care if player is more than X units away from any laptop
- foreach( model in file.audioLogModels )
- {
- if ( PlayerInRange( player.GetOrigin(), model.GetOrigin(), DIST_TO_NOT_CARE_ABOUT_AUDIOLOGS ) )
- return true
- }
- return false
-} \ No newline at end of file