path: root/Northstar.Client/scripts/vscripts/ui/ui_utility.gnut
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Northstar.Client/scripts/vscripts/ui/ui_utility.gnut')
1 files changed, 634 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Northstar.Client/scripts/vscripts/ui/ui_utility.gnut b/Northstar.Client/scripts/vscripts/ui/ui_utility.gnut
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..02d77795a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Northstar.Client/scripts/vscripts/ui/ui_utility.gnut
@@ -0,0 +1,634 @@
+global const NUM_EOG_CHALLENGE_BOXES = 6
+global const WEBBROWSER_FLAG_NONE = 0
+global const WEBBROWSER_FLAG_MUTEGAME = 0x0001
+function UtilityUI_Init()
+ level.getPersistentVarWrapper <- class
+ {
+ function GetPersistentVar( variable )
+ {
+ // This looks up the code function GetPersistentVar
+ return GetPersistentVar( variable )
+ }
+ function GetPersistentVarAsInt( string variable )
+ {
+ return GetPersistentVarAsInt( variable )
+ }
+ }
+int[2] function GetScreenSize()
+ var screenSize = Hud_GetSize( GetMenu( "MainMenu" ) )
+ int[2] returnSize
+ returnSize[0] = expect int( screenSize[0] )
+ returnSize[1] = expect int( screenSize[1] )
+ return returnSize
+float[2] function GetContentScaleFactor( var menu )
+ local screenSize = menu.GetSize()
+ float screenSizeX = expect int( screenSize[0] ).tofloat()
+ float screenSizeY = expect int( screenSize[1] ).tofloat()
+ float aspectRatio = screenSizeX / screenSizeY
+ float[2] scaleFactor
+ scaleFactor[0] = screenSizeX / ( 1080.0 * aspectRatio )
+ scaleFactor[1] = screenSizeY / 1080.0
+ return scaleFactor
+float function ContentScaledX( int val )
+ return (val * GetContentScaleFactor( GetMenu( "MainMenu" ) )[0])
+float function ContentScaledY( int val )
+ return (val * GetContentScaleFactor( GetMenu( "MainMenu" ) )[1])
+int function ContentScaledXAsInt( int val )
+ float fVal = val * GetContentScaleFactor( GetMenu( "MainMenu" ) )[0]
+ return int( fVal + 0.5 )
+int function ContentScaledYAsInt( int val )
+ float fVal = val * GetContentScaleFactor( GetMenu( "MainMenu" ) )[1]
+ return int( fVal + 0.5 )
+// Returns string or null
+function GetLobbyTeamImage( int team )
+ Assert( IsConnected() )
+ if ( !GetLobbyTeamsShowAsBalanced() )
+ return null
+ if ( GetLobbyTypeScript() == eLobbyType.MATCH || GetLobbyTypeScript() == eLobbyType.PRIVATE_MATCH )
+ return GetTeamImage( team )
+ return null
+// Returns string or null
+function GetLobbyTeamName( int team )
+ Assert( IsConnected() )
+ if ( !GetLobbyTeamsShowAsBalanced() )
+ return null
+ if ( GetLobbyTypeScript() == eLobbyType.MATCH || GetLobbyTypeScript() == eLobbyType.PRIVATE_MATCH )
+ return GetTeamName( team )
+ return null
+asset function GetTeamImage( int team )
+ Assert( team == TEAM_IMC || team == TEAM_MILITIA )
+ if ( team == TEAM_IMC )
+ return $"ui/scoreboard_imc_logo"
+ return $"ui/scoreboard_mcorp_logo"
+function RefreshPersistentFunc( func )
+ for ( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ )
+ {
+ // cause who knows when persistent data changes
+ delaythread( i * 0.1 ) RunFuncWithConnectedCheck( func )
+ }
+function RunFuncWithConnectedCheck( func )
+ if ( !IsConnected() )
+ return
+ func()
+string function GetActiveLevel()
+ // The level load callbacks overlap with the level init/shutdown callbacks, so we track each one separately.
+ if ( uiGlobal.loadedLevel != "" )
+ return uiGlobal.loadedLevel
+ return uiGlobal.loadingLevel
+function HandleLockedMenuItem( menu, button, hideTip = false )
+ /*array<var> elements = GetElementsByClassname( menu, "HideWhenLocked" )
+ var buttonTooltip = Hud_GetChild( menu, "ButtonTooltip" )
+ //var buttonTooltip = GetElementsByClassname( menu, "ButtonTooltip" )[0]
+ var toolTipLabel = Hud_GetChild( buttonTooltip, "Label" )
+ entity player = GetUIPlayer()
+ if ( player == null )
+ return
+ if ( "ref" in button.s && button.s.ref != null && IsItemLocked( player, expect string( button.s.ref ) ) && !hideTip )
+ {
+ foreach( elem in elements )
+ Hud_Hide( elem )
+ Hud_SetText( toolTipLabel, "#UNLOCKED_AT_LEVEL", g_unlocks[ expect string( button.s.ref ) ].unlockLevel, "" )
+ local buttonPos = Hud_GetAbsPos( button )
+ local buttonHeight = Hud_GetHeight( button )
+ local tooltipHeight = Hud_GetHeight( buttonTooltip )
+ local yOffset = ( tooltipHeight - buttonHeight ) / 2.0
+ Hud_SetPos( buttonTooltip, buttonPos[0] + Hud_GetWidth( button ) * 0.9, buttonPos[1] - yOffset )
+ Hud_Show( buttonTooltip )
+ return true
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ foreach( elem in elements )
+ Hud_Show( elem )
+ Hud_Hide( buttonTooltip )
+ }
+ return false*/
+// No way to test a named element exists so this is a workaround
+var function GetSingleElementByClassname( var menu, string classname )
+ array<var> elems = GetElementsByClassname( menu, classname )
+ if ( elems.len() )
+ {
+ Assert( elems.len() == 1 )
+ return elems[0]
+ }
+ return null
+array function GetElementsByClassnameForMenus( string classname, array menus )
+ array elements = []
+ foreach ( menu in menus )
+ elements.extend( GetElementsByClassname( menu, classname ) )
+ return elements
+function WaitFrameOrUntilLevelLoaded()
+ WaitFrame()
+ while ( uiGlobal.loadedLevel == "" )
+ WaitFrame()
+bool function IsPlayerAlone()
+ int myTeam = GetTeam()
+ if ( GetTeamSize( myTeam ) <= 1 )
+ return true
+ return false
+bool function PartyHasMembers()
+ if ( GetPartySize() > 1 )
+ return true
+ return false
+bool function AmIPartyMember()
+ return ( PartyHasMembers() && !AmIPartyLeader() )
+string function GetGameModeDisplayName( string mode )
+ string displayName = GetGamemodeVarOrUseValue( mode, "name", (mode in GAMETYPE_TEXT) ? GAMETYPE_TEXT[mode] : "" )
+ // modification to support playlists too
+ if ( displayName == "" )
+ return GetPlaylistVarOrUseValue( mode, "name", "" )
+ return displayName
+string function GetGameModeDisplayDesc( string mode ) //TODO: Make this support attack/defend descriptions
+ string displayDesc = GetGamemodeVarOrUseValue( mode, "description", (mode in GAMETYPE_DESC) ? GAMETYPE_DESC[mode] : "" )
+ // modification to support playlists too
+ if ( displayDesc == "" )
+ {
+ displayDesc = Localize( GetPlaylistVarOrUseValue( mode, "description", "" ) )
+ if ( displayDesc.find( "^" ) != null )
+ displayDesc = displayDesc.slice( 0, displayDesc.find( "^" ) )
+ }
+ return displayDesc
+string function GetGameModeDisplayHint( string mode ) //TODO: Make this support attack/defend descriptions
+ string displayDesc = GetGamemodeVarOrUseValue( mode, "hint", GetGameModeDisplayDesc( mode ) )
+ return displayDesc
+asset function GetGameModeDisplayImage( string mode )
+ return GAMETYPE_ICON[ mode ]
+array<int> function ColorStringToArray( string colorString )
+ array<string> tokens = split( colorString, " " )
+ Assert( tokens.len() >= 3 && tokens.len() <= 4 )
+ array<int> colorArray
+ foreach ( token in tokens )
+ colorArray.append( int( token ) )
+ return colorArray
+array<int> function GetGameModeDisplayColor( string mode )
+ array<int> displayColor = ColorStringToArray( GetGamemodeVarOrUseValue( mode, "color", "" ) )
+ if ( displayColor.len() == 0 )
+ displayColor = GameMode_GetColor( mode )
+ return displayColor
+float function GetCurrentPlaylistVarFloat( val, useVal )
+ expect string( val )
+ expect float( useVal )
+ local result = GetCurrentPlaylistVarOrUseValue( val, useVal )
+ if ( result == null )
+ return 0.0
+ return float( result )
+// ???: player not used
+bool function PlayerProgressionAllowed( player = null )
+ if ( IsPrivateMatch() )
+ return false
+ return true
+entity function GetUIPlayer()
+ if ( !IsFullyConnected() )
+ return null
+ return GetLocalClientPlayer()
+int function GetLobbyTypeScript()
+ if ( GetLobbyType() == "game" )
+ {
+ if ( IsPrivateMatch() )
+ return eLobbyType.PRIVATE_MATCH
+ else
+ return eLobbyType.MATCH
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( AmIPartyLeader() )
+ {
+ if ( IsPlayerAlone() ) // TODO: This function was changed to only check your team size, not the true player count, so you'll probably now have access to some menus you shouldn't be able to.
+ return eLobbyType.SOLO
+ else
+ return eLobbyType.PARTY_LEADER
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return eLobbyType.PARTY_MEMBER
+ }
+ }
+ unreachable
+function AddMenu( blockName, asset resourceFile, void functionref() initFunc = null, string displayName = "" )
+ local menu = CreateMenu( "menu_" + blockName, resourceFile )
+ uiGlobal.menus[blockName] <- menu
+ menu.SetHudName( blockName )
+ if ( displayName != "" )
+ menu.SetDisplayName( displayName )
+ else
+ menu.SetDisplayName( blockName )
+ uiGlobal.allMenus.append( menu )
+ MenuDef defaultMenuData
+ uiGlobal.menuData[ menu ] <- defaultMenuData
+ if ( initFunc != null )
+ uiGlobal.menuData[ menu ].initFunc = initFunc
+ return menu
+function AddMenu_WithCreateFunc( blockName, asset resourceFile, void functionref() initFunc, createMenuFunc )
+ local menu = createMenuFunc( "menu_" + blockName, resourceFile )
+ uiGlobal.menus[blockName] <- menu
+ menu.SetHudName( blockName )
+ uiGlobal.allMenus.append( menu )
+ MenuDef defaultMenuData
+ uiGlobal.menuData[ menu ] <- defaultMenuData
+ if ( initFunc != null )
+ uiGlobal.menuData[ menu ].initFunc = initFunc
+ return menu
+function AddPanel( var menu, string panelName, void functionref() initFunc = null )
+ //printt( "AddPanel called, panelName:", panelName )
+ var panel = Hud_GetChild( menu, panelName )
+ uiGlobal.panels[ panelName ] <- panel
+ uiGlobal.allPanels.append( panel )
+ PanelDef defaultPanelData
+ uiGlobal.panelData[ panel ] <- defaultPanelData
+ if ( initFunc != null )
+ uiGlobal.panelData[ panel ].initFunc = initFunc
+ return panel
+function AddSubmenu( blockName, asset resourceFile, void functionref() initFunc = null )
+ local menu = CreateMenu( "menu_" + blockName, resourceFile )
+ uiGlobal.menus[blockName] <- menu
+ menu.SetHudName( blockName )
+ menu.SetType( "submenu" )
+ menu.s.newFocusRef <- null
+ uiGlobal.allMenus.append( menu )
+ MenuDef defaultMenuData
+ uiGlobal.menuData[ menu ] <- defaultMenuData
+ if ( initFunc != null )
+ uiGlobal.menuData[ menu ].initFunc = initFunc
+ return menu
+function ClearButton( button )
+ Hud_SetText( button, "" )
+ Hud_SetEnabled( button, false )
+ Hud_SetLocked( button, false )
+ Hud_SetNew( button, false )
+ Hud_SetSelected( button, false )
+void function HudElem_SetText( var hudelem, string text )
+ hudelem.SetText( text )
+void function SetButtonRuiText( var elem, string text )
+ var rui = Hud_GetRui( elem )
+ RuiSetString( rui, "buttonText", text )
+void function SetLabelRuiText( var elem, string text )
+ var rui = Hud_GetRui( elem )
+ RuiSetString( rui, "labelText", text )
+void function SetNamedRuiText( var elem, string name, string text )
+ var rui = Hud_GetRui( elem )
+ RuiSetString( rui, name, text )
+void function SetNamedRuiBool( var elem, string name, bool state )
+ var rui = Hud_GetRui( elem )
+ RuiSetBool( rui, name, state )
+void function SetNamedRuiImage( var elem, string name, asset assetName )
+ var rui = Hud_GetRui( elem )
+ RuiSetImage( rui, name, assetName )
+// Should be using Hud_GetChild() instead of this
+var function GetMenuChild( var elem, string name )
+ return elem.GetChild( name )
+bool function IsWeaponButton( var button )
+ array<var> weaponButtons = GetElementsByClassname( GetParentMenu( button ), "WeaponSelectClass" )
+ foreach ( weaponButton in weaponButtons )
+ {
+ if ( button == weaponButton )
+ return true
+ }
+ return false
+void function SetPanelTabTitle( var panel, string title )
+ uiGlobal.panelData[ panel ].tabTitle = title
+string function GetPanelTabTitle( var panel )
+ return uiGlobal.panelData[ panel ].tabTitle
+void function ScriptCallback_UnlockAchievement( int achievementID )
+ Assert( achievementID > 0 && achievementID < achievements.MAX_ACHIVEMENTS, "Tried to unlock achievement with invalid enum value" )
+ #if DEV
+ string ref
+ foreach( string _ref, int val in achievements )
+ {
+ if ( val != achievementID )
+ continue
+ ref = _ref
+ break
+ }
+ printt( "#############################################" )
+ printt( "UNLOCKED ACHIEVEMENT:", ref, "(" + achievementID + ")" )
+ printt( "#############################################" )
+ #endif //DEV
+ if ( Script_IsRunningTrialVersion() )
+ {
+ printt( "Achievements not awarded in trial version" )
+ return
+ }
+ Plat_UnlockAchievementByID( achievementID )
+void function TryUnlockCollectiblesAchievement()
+ int totalLionsCollectedForGame = GetTotalLionsCollected()
+ if ( totalLionsCollectedForGame >= GetTotalLionsInGame() )
+ ScriptCallback_UnlockAchievement( achievements.COLLECTIBLES_3 )
+ if ( totalLionsCollectedForGame >= ACHIEVEMENT_COLLECTIBLES_2_COUNT )
+ ScriptCallback_UnlockAchievement( achievements.COLLECTIBLES_2 )
+ if ( totalLionsCollectedForGame >= ACHIEVEMENT_COLLECTIBLES_1_COUNT )
+ ScriptCallback_UnlockAchievement( achievements.COLLECTIBLES_1 )
+void function TryUnlockCompletedGameAchievements()
+ if ( Script_IsRunningTrialVersion() )
+ return
+ var dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/sp_levels.rpak" )
+ int numRows = GetDatatableRowCount( dataTable )
+ // Check Completed All Levels Achievement
+ int normalCompleted = 0
+ int hardCompleted = 0
+ int masterCompleted = 0
+ for ( int i=0; i<numRows; i++ )
+ {
+ int levelNum = GetDataTableInt( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "levelNum" ) )
+ // always count training as master completed
+ if ( GetCompletedDifficultyForBSPNum( i, "sp_missionMasterCompletion" ) || levelNum == 0 )
+ masterCompleted++
+ if ( GetCompletedDifficultyForBSPNum( i, "sp_missionHardCompletion" ) || levelNum == 0 )
+ hardCompleted++
+ if ( GetCompletedDifficultyForBSPNum( i, "sp_missionNormalCompletion" ) || levelNum == 0 )
+ normalCompleted++
+ }
+ if ( normalCompleted >= numRows )
+ ScriptCallback_UnlockAchievement( achievements.COMPLETE_NORMAL )
+ if ( hardCompleted >= numRows )
+ ScriptCallback_UnlockAchievement( achievements.COMPLETE_HARD )
+ if ( masterCompleted >= numRows )
+ ScriptCallback_UnlockAchievement( achievements.COMPLETE_MASTER )
+void function PopUpOriginOverlayDisabledDialog()
+ DialogData dialogData
+ dialogData.header = "#ORIGIN_OVERLAY_DISABLED"
+ AddDialogButton( dialogData, "#OK" )
+ OpenDialog( dialogData )
+void function PrintPartyData()
+ Party partyData = GetParty()
+ printt( "PARTY DATA:" )
+ if ( partyData.numSlots == 0 )
+ {
+ printt( " INVALID, numSlots: 0" )
+ return
+ }
+ printt( " partyType: ", partyData.partyType )
+ printt( " playlistName: ", partyData.playlistName )
+ printt( " originatorName: ", partyData.originatorName )
+ printt( " originatorUID: ", partyData.originatorUID )
+ printt( " numSlots: ", partyData.numSlots )
+ printt( " numClaimedSlots:", partyData.numClaimedSlots )
+ printt( " numFreeSlots: ", partyData.numFreeSlots )
+ printt( " timeLeft: ", partyData.timeLeft )
+ printt( " amIInThis: ", partyData.amIInThis )
+ printt( " amILeader: ", partyData.amILeader )
+ printt( " searching: ", partyData.searching )
+ print( " members: " )
+ foreach ( index, member in partyData.members )
+ {
+ if ( index != 0 )
+ print( " " )
+ printt( member.name, "uid:", member.uid, "callsignIdx:", member.callsignIdx, "skillMu:", member.skillMu )
+ }
+void function PlayVideoFullScreen( string video, bool showCaptions = false )
+ PlayVideo( video, 0, 0, 0, 0, showCaptions )
+void function PlayVideoUsingPanelRect( string video, var panel )
+ int xPos = Hud_GetX( panel )
+ int yPos = Hud_GetY( panel )
+ int width = Hud_GetWidth( panel )
+ int height = Hud_GetHeight( panel )
+ PlayVideo( video, xPos, yPos, width, height, false )
+void function Hud_SetNavUp( var buttonFrom, var buttonTo )
+ buttonFrom.SetNavUp( buttonTo )
+void function Hud_SetNavDown( var buttonFrom, var buttonTo )
+ buttonFrom.SetNavDown( buttonTo )
+} \ No newline at end of file