path: root/Northstar.Client/mod/scripts/vscripts/ui/ui_vscript.gnut
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Northstar.Client/mod/scripts/vscripts/ui/ui_vscript.gnut')
1 files changed, 352 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Northstar.Client/mod/scripts/vscripts/ui/ui_vscript.gnut b/Northstar.Client/mod/scripts/vscripts/ui/ui_vscript.gnut
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..63535bec7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Northstar.Client/mod/scripts/vscripts/ui/ui_vscript.gnut
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+// Events for handlers
+global function UICodeCallback_UIInit
+global function UICodeCallback_ControllerModeChanged
+global function UICodeCallback_OnVideoOver
+global function AddUICallback_OnLevelInit
+global struct TabDef
+ var panel
+ string title
+global struct InputDef
+ int input
+ string gamepadLabel
+ var vguiElem
+ string mouseLabel
+ bool functionref() conditionCheckFunc
+ bool lastConditionCheckResult
+ void functionref( var ) activateFunc
+ void functionref( InputDef ) updateFunc
+global struct DialogButtonData
+ string label
+ void functionref() activateFunc
+ string focusMessage
+ bool startFocused
+global struct DialogFooterData
+ string label
+ void functionref() activateFunc
+global struct DialogMessageRuiData
+ string message = ""
+ vector style1Color = <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>
+ vector style2Color = <0.5, 0.5, 0.5>
+ vector style3Color = <0.5, 0.5, 0.5>
+ float style1FontScale = 1.0
+ float style2FontScale = 1.0
+ float style3FontScale = 1.0
+global struct DialogData
+ var menu
+ string header
+ string message
+ DialogMessageRuiData &ruiMessage
+ array messageColor = [161, 161, 161, 255]
+ asset image
+ asset rightImage = $""
+ bool forceChoice = false
+ bool noChoice = false
+ bool noChoiceWithNavigateBack = false
+ bool showSpinner = false
+ bool showPCBackButton = false
+ float inputDisableTime = 0
+ table<int,bool> coloredButton
+ bool darkenBackground = false
+ bool useFullMessageHeight = false
+ array<DialogButtonData> buttonData
+ array<DialogFooterData> footerData
+global struct MenuDef
+ void functionref() initFunc
+ void functionref() openFunc
+ void functionref() closeFunc
+ void functionref() showFunc // TODO: Needs hooking up
+ void functionref() hideFunc // TODO: Needs hooking up
+ void functionref() thinkFunc
+ void functionref() navBackFunc
+ void functionref() tabChangedFunc
+ void functionref() inputModeChangedFunc
+ void functionref() entitlementsChangedFunc
+ array<InputDef> footerData
+ table<int, void functionref( var )> registeredInput
+ bool hasTabs = false
+ array<TabDef> tabsData
+ int tabIndex = 0
+ bool isDialog = false
+ DialogData& dialogData
+ bool isDynamicHeight = false
+ bool isPVEMenu = false
+ var lastFocus // Only used for restoring submenu focus so far
+global struct PanelDef
+ void functionref() initFunc
+ void functionref() showFunc
+ void functionref() hideFunc
+ string tabTitle = "Default"
+ array<InputDef> footerData
+ table<int, void functionref( var )> registeredInput
+ var defaultFocus
+global struct PieChartEntry
+ string displayName
+ float numValue
+ array<int> color = [127, 127, 127, 255]
+ float fracValue = 0.0
+global struct PieChartData
+ array<PieChartEntry> entries
+ array<int> labelColor = [46, 49, 51, 255]
+ bool timeBased = false
+ float sum = 0.0
+global struct UIGlobals
+ table menus = {}
+ array allMenus = []
+ array<var> menuStack
+ string loadingLevel = ""
+ string loadedLevel = ""
+ string previousLevel = ""
+ string previousPlaylist = ""
+ var activeMenu = null
+ bool lastMenuNavDirection = MENU_NAV_FORWARD
+ bool lobbyFromLoadingScreen = false
+ bool eventHandlersAdded = false
+ bool loadoutsInitialized = false
+ bool itemsInitialized = false
+ bool matchmaking = false
+ var dialogCloseCallback = null
+ table signalDummy = {}
+ float dialogInputEnableTime = 0.0
+ bool lobbyMenusLeftOpen = false
+ bool playingMusic = false
+ var mainMenuFocus = null
+ int announcementVersionSeen = -1
+ var lastCategoryFocus = null
+ int pilotSpawnLoadoutIndex = -1
+ int titanSpawnLoadoutIndex = -1
+ bool updatePilotSpawnLoadout = false
+ bool updateTitanSpawnLoadout = false
+ string editingLoadoutType = "pilot"
+ string editingLoadoutProperty = ""
+ int editingLoadoutIndex = -1
+ string editingItemRef = ""
+ int editingItemType = -1
+ var editingSubitemRef = null
+ int editingSubitemType = -1
+ var editingParentItemRef = null
+ int editingWeaponCategory = -1
+ int entitlementId = -1
+ string testStoreWeaponRef // TODO: Remove when done testing
+ bool EOGAutoAdvance = true
+ bool EOGOpenInLobby = false
+ string EOGChallengeFilter = ""
+ var eogCoopFocusedButton = null
+ var eogCoopSelectedButton = null
+ var eogScoreboardFocusedButton = null
+ bool eogNavigationButtonsRegistered = false
+ table<string, var> ui_ChallengeProgress = {}
+ int decalScrollState = 0
+ bool isLobby
+ var ConfirmMenuMessage
+ var ConfirmMenuErrorCode
+ array<DialogButtonData> dialogButtonData
+ bool updatingLobbyUI = false
+ array buttonConfigs
+ array stickConfigs
+ var playlistList
+ table< string, array > eog_challengesToShow
+ table< string, array > eog_unlocks
+ bool videoSettingsChanged = false
+ bool playingVideo = false
+ bool playingCredits = false
+ bool mapSupportsMenuModels = false
+ bool mapSupportsMenuModelsUpdated = false
+ bool interpolateCameraMoves = true
+ int activePresentationType = ePresentationType.INACTIVE
+ bool rotateCharacterInputRegistered = false
+ table<var,MenuDef> menuData
+ table<string, int> intVars
+ table<string, bool> boolVars
+ table<string, var> varVars
+ table<string, array<void functionref()> > varChangeFuncs
+ array<void functionref()> onLevelInitCallbacks
+ bool tabButtonsRegistered = false
+ table panels = {}
+ array<var> allPanels
+ table<var,PanelDef> panelData
+ bool sp_showAlternateMissionLog = false
+ int launching = eLaunching.FALSE
+ bool triedNucleusRegistration = false
+ int consoleSettingMenu = eConsoleSettingsMenu.FALSE
+ bool updateCachedNewItems = true
+ var menuToOpenFromPromoButton = null
+ bool isLoading = false
+global UIGlobals uiGlobal
+global const MAINMENU_MUSIC_DELAY = 4.0
+void function UICodeCallback_UIInit()
+ ScriptCompilerTest()
+ ShUtilityAll_Init()
+ LevelVarInit()
+ VPKNotifyFile( "media/intro_captions.txt" )
+ UtilityUI_Init()
+ Settings_Init() // UI script doesn't need everything in this, reorganize
+ GameModes_Init()
+ UIVars_Init()
+ PassivesShared_Init()
+ ChallengesShared_Init()
+ ChallengesContent_Init()
+ XP_Init()
+ MenuLobby_Init()
+ MenuPrivateMatch_Init()
+ MenuGamepadLayout_Init()
+ MenuChallenges_Init()
+ MenuEOG_Init()
+ MenuUtility_Init()
+ MenuAdvocateLetter_Init()
+ MenuCredits_Init()
+ MenuMapSelect_Init()
+ RegisterSignal( "LevelShutdown" )
+ RegisterSignal( "CleanupInGameMenus" )
+ RegisterSignal( "OnCloseLobbyMenu" )
+ RegisterSignal( "OnCancelConnect" )
+ RegisterSignal( "PlayVideoEnded" )
+ RegisterSignal( "ActiveMenuChanged" )
+ RegisterSignal( "LevelFinishedLoading")
+ RegisterSignal( "OpenErrorDialog" )
+ RegisterSignal( "BoughtItem" )
+ thread UpdateClientMenuOpenState()
+ InitGamepadConfigs()
+ Store_Init()
+ InitMenus()
+ if ( !IsSingleplayer() )
+ thread UpdateCachedLoadouts() // Needs to wait for persistent data to ready
+void function UICodeCallback_ControllerModeChanged( bool controllerModeEnabled )
+ //printt( "CONTROLLER! " + controllerModeEnabled + ", " + IsControllerModeActive() )
+ if ( uiGlobal.activeMenu == null )
+ return
+ if ( uiGlobal.menuData[ uiGlobal.activeMenu ].inputModeChangedFunc != null )
+ thread uiGlobal.menuData[ uiGlobal.activeMenu ].inputModeChangedFunc()
+ UpdateFooterOptions()
+ if ( IsDialog( uiGlobal.activeMenu ) )
+ UpdateDialogFooterVisibility( uiGlobal.activeMenu, controllerModeEnabled )
+void function UICodeCallback_OnVideoOver()
+ SetIntroViewed( true )
+ Signal( uiGlobal.signalDummy, "PlayVideoEnded" )
+void function UpdateClientMenuOpenState()
+ for ( ;; )
+ {
+ WaitSignal( uiGlobal.signalDummy, "ActiveMenuChanged" )
+ if ( IsMultiplayer() && !IsLobby() )
+ {
+ int newState = 0
+ if ( IsDialogOnlyActiveMenu() )
+ newState = 2
+ else if ( uiGlobal.activeMenu != null)
+ newState = 1
+ RunMenuClientFunction( "SetMenuOpenState", newState )
+ }
+ }
+void function AddUICallback_OnLevelInit( void functionref() callbackFunc )
+ Assert( !( uiGlobal.onLevelInitCallbacks.contains( callbackFunc ) ), "Already added " + string( callbackFunc ) + " with AddUICallback_OnLevelInit" )
+ uiGlobal.onLevelInitCallbacks.append( callbackFunc )